=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2380/paper_98 |storemode=property |title=TOBB-ETU at CLEF 2019: Prioritizing Claims Based on Check-Worthiness |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_98.pdf |volume=Vol-2380 |authors=Bahadir Altun,Mucahid Kutlu |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/clef/AltunK19 }} ==TOBB-ETU at CLEF 2019: Prioritizing Claims Based on Check-Worthiness== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2380/paper_98.pdf
 TOBB-ETU at CLEF 2019: Prioritizing Claims
        Based on Check-Worthiness

                       Bahadir Altun and Mucahid Kutlu

         TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey
                       {ialtun, m.kutlu}@etu.edu.tr

      Abstract. In recent years, we witnessed an incredible amount of mis-
      information spread over the Internet. However, it is extremely time con-
      suming to analyze the veracity of every claim made on the Internet. Thus,
      we urgently need automated systems that can prioritize claims based
      on their check-worthiness, helping fact-checkers to focus on important
      claims. In this paper, we present our hybrid approach which combines
      rule-based and supervised methods for CLEF-2019 Check That! Lab’s
      Check-Worthiness task. Our primary model ranked 9th based on MAP,
      and 6th based on R-P, P@5, and P@20 metrics in the official evaluation
      of primary submissions.

Keywords: Fact-Checking · Check-Worthiness · Learning-to-Rank

1   Introduction

With the fast developing information retrieval (IR) technologies and social media
platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, it is very easy to reach any kind of
information we are looking for and share it with other people. Therefore, any
information can be popular worldwide by the incredible sharing behavior of the
Internet users. As a worrisome finding, a recent study [7] reports that false news
spread eight times faster than true news.
    Obviously, false news can have many undesired consequences and be very
harmful for our daily life. Many researchers and journalists are trying to mini-
mize the spread of misinformation and its negative impacts. For example, fact-
checking websites, such as Snopes1 , investigate the veracity of claims spread
on the Internet and publish their findings. However, these valuable efforts are
not enough to effectively combat the false news because fact-checking is a very
time-consuming task, taking around one day for a single claim [6].
    Considering the vast amount of claims spread on the Internet on a daily basis
and high cost of fact-checking, there is an urgent need to develop systems that
  Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-
  mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). CLEF 2019, 9-12 Septem-
  ber 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
Algorithm 1 Claim Ranking Algorithm
1: Input: Training Data TrD
2: Input: Test Data TD
3: FT rD = extract f eatures(T rD)
4: model = train M ART (FT rD )
5: FT D = extract f eatures(T D)
6: ranked claims = test(model, FT D )
7: ranked claims = apply rules(ranked claims, RU LES)
8: return ranked claims

assist fact-checkers to focus on the important claims instead of spending their
precious time for less important claims.
    In this paper, we present our method for CLEF-2019 Check That Lab!’s[3]
Check Worthiness task[1]. We use a hybrid approach in which claims are ranked
using a supervised method and then reranked based on hand-crafted rules. In
particular, we use MART [5] learning-to-rank algorithm to rank the claims.
Features we investigate include topical category of claims, named entities, part-
of-speech tags, bigrams, and speakers of the claims. We also develop rules to
detect the statements that are not likely to be a claim, and put those statements
at the very end of our ranked lists. Our primary model ranked 9th based on
MAP, and 6th based on R-P, P@5, and P@20 metrics in the official evaluation
of primary submissions.

2     Proposed Approach
We propose a hybrid approach which uses both rule-based and supervised meth-
ods to rank claims based on their check-worthiness. Now we explain our approach
in detail.

2.1   Hybrid Approach
We first rank claims using a supervised method and then rerank the claims us-
ing a rule-based method. Algorithm 1 shows the steps in our proposed hybrid
approach. For the supervised ranking phase, we investigated logistic regression
(LR) and various learning-to-rank (L2R) algorithms including MART [5], Rank-
Boost [4], and RankNet[2]. In our not-reported initial experiments, we observed
that MART outperforms other L2R methods. Thus, we focus on only MART
and LR in developing our primary and contrastive systems.
    In the training dataset, we observed that many sentences contain phrases that
are not likely to be a part of a check-worthy claim such as thanks. In addition,
speaker of many statements are defined as system and these statements contain
non-claim phrases such as applause indicating the actions of the audience during
the debate. Thus, in rule-based reranking phase, inspired from [9], we set score
of a sentence to the minimum score if it contains any of the thanks, thank you,
welcome, and goodbye phrases, or 2) its speaker is system.
2.2   Features

The features we use can be categorized into five categories: 1) Named entities,
2) part-of-speech tags, 3) topical category, 4) bigrams, and 5) speakers. Now we
explain our features used in our supervised methods.

    Named Entities: Claims about people and institutions are likely to be
check-worthy because people and institutions can be negatively affected by those
claims. In addition, a check-worthy claim should be also verifiable. The location
information, numerical values in claims are easy to verify because they provide
unambiguous information. Therefore, detecting whether a statement is about a
person or an institution, and existence of numerical values, location, and date
information might be good indicators for check-worthy claims. Thus, we identify
the named entities using Stanford Named Entity Tagger2 which tags entities
such as person, location, organization, money, date, time and percentage. We
use a binary vector of size 7 representing the presence of each named entity type

    Part-of-speech (POS) Tags: Sentences without informative words are less
likely to be check-worthy. POS tags of words might help us to detect the amount
of information in a sentence. For instance, a sentence without any noun such as
”That is great!” does not contain any information that can be fact-checked.
Thus, we detect POS tags in the statements using Stanford POS toolkit3 . For
this set of features, we again use a binary feature vector of size 36 in which
each feature represents existence or absence of a particular POS tag in the cor-
responding statement.

    Topical Category: Topic of a claim might be an effective indicator for
check-worthy claims [8]. For instance, a claim about celebrities might be less
check-worthy than a claim about economics or wars. Therefore, we detect cat-
egories of statements using IBM-Watson’s Natural Language Understanding
Tool4 . This categorization classifies every statement into topics such as finance,
law, government, and politics, where each topic could be branched up to two
levels of subtopics. We only use the main topic and their immediate subtopics,
yielding 298 features in total. The topics are represented as binary features as
we do for named entities and POS tags.

    Bigram: Instead of using a large list of bigrams, we use a limited but pow-
erful set of bigrams. In this set of features, we use bigrams that appear at least
N times only in check-worthy or only in not check-worthy claims in the training
set. We set N to 50 empirically based on our initial (not-reported) experiments,
yielding 47 features. Some of these bigrams are ”All right”, ”I know”, and ”go

    Speaker List: A claim’s check worthiness may depend on the person who
makes it. Claims of influential people are more important than claims of ran-
dom people. In addition, some people might make check-worthy claims more
frequently than others. For instance, in the training dataset, we found that
3.8% of Donald Trump’s statements and 2.6% of Hilary Clinton’s statements
are labeled as check-worthy, showing that Donald Trump is more likely to make
check-worthy claims than Hilary Clinton. Therefore, we use the 33 speakers ap-
pearing in the training data as binary features.

3     Experimental Results

In this section, we present experimental results on both training and test data
using different sets of features and machine learning algorithms.
    The training and test datasets contain 19 and 7 files at varying lengths,
respectively, where each file corresponds to transcription of a debate for the US
2016 presidential election. We perform 19-fold cross validation on the training
data where each fold is a separate debate, and calculate mean average precision
(MAP). We use Ranklib5 library in our L2R approach and Scikit toolkit6 for LR.
We set the number of trees and the number of leaves parameters of MART to
50, and 2, respectively based on our initial experiments with different parameter
configurations. We use default parameters for LR.
    We first investigate the impact of each feature group using LR and MART. In
particular, for each feature group we use all other features to build the model and
observe how the performance would change without the corresponding feature
group. Table 1 shows MAP scores for various feature sets.

        Table 1. MAP Scores using k-Fold Cross Validation on Training Data

                      Features                MART     LR
                     All                      0.2193 0.2198
                     All - {Named Entities}   0.1897 0.2197
                     All - {POS tags}         0.2132 0.1967
                     All - {Topical Category} 0.1965 0.2116
                     All - {Bigrams}          0.2193 0.2083
                     All - {Speaker List}     0.2196 0.2094

   From the results in Table 1, we can see that features have different impacts
on the performance of MART and LR. Not using named entities and topical
category features cause around 2.96%, and 2.28% decrease in the performance
of MART, respectively. However, for LR, POS tags seem the most effective fea-
tures while named entities and topical categories have very small impact on the
performance. Nevertheless, we achieve the best results when we use LR with all
features (0.2198) while LR with All-{Named Entities}, MART with All-{Speaker
List}, and MART with all features have also similar results.
    For our primary submission, we selected MART algorithm with all features
except speaker list. This is because its performance is very close to our best
performing model and it does not use any speaker list which makes it more
debate-independent model. For our contrastive-1 and contrastive-2 submissions,
we elected MART and LR using all features.
    For the evaluation on test data, we train our selected models with all training
data. Table 2 presents official performance scores of all our submissions based
on various evaluation metrics. 12 groups submitted 25 runs in total. Our primary
submission ranked 9th among primary models based on MAP which is the official
evaluation metric of the task. Our primary submission is also ranked 6th based
on R-P, P@5, and P@20 metrics, among primary models.

                Table 2. Official Results for our Submitted Models

 Model              MAP RR R-P P@1 P@3 P@5 P@10 P@20 P@50
 MART w/ All-       .0884 .2028 .1150 .0000 .0952 .1429 .1286 .1357 .0829
{Speaker List}
 MART w/ All        .0898   .2013 .1150 .0000 .1429 .1143 .1286 .1429 .0829
(Contr. -1)
  LR w/ All         .0913 .3427 .1007 .1429 .1429 .1143 .0714        .1214   .0829
(Contr. -2)

4   Qualitative Analysis
In this section, we take a deeper look into our results and conduct a qualitative
analysis. We manually investigate the top 10 claims in our primary system’s
output in each test file. Table 3 shows a sample of claims with their labels and
ranks in our system’s output.
    Comparing Row 1 and 2, while both of the statements are about the change
in unemployment, one of them is labeled as check-worthy while the other one
is not. We also observe a similar issue in statements shown in Row 3 and 4
where both statements are about the amount of trade and use similar words
with similar sentence structure but their labels are different. This might be due
to many reasons. First, check-worthy claims can be subjective, making the task
even more challenging. Second, we might need background information about the
  Table 3. A sample of statements and their ranks in our primary system’s output

Row Speaker Statement                           Label Rank Debate
1  Trump    And Hispanic American unem-           1     2
                                                          20180131 state union
            ployment has also reached the
            lowest levels in history.
2  Trump    Unemployment claims have hit          0     3
            a 45-year low.
3  Trump    They do $531 billion with us.         1     9
                                                          20181015 60 min
4  Trump    We do $100 billion with them.         0    10
5  Christie He’s lost $4,000 in the last seven    0     3 20160129 7 gop
            years in his income because of
            this administration.
6  Trump    But they had to pay over a bil-       0     1
                                                          trump emergency
            lion dollars.
7  Trump    I mean, were taking in billions       0     2
            and billions of dollars in tariffs
            from China.
8  Rubio    But you still have hundreds of        0     9
                                                          20160311 12 gop
            billions of dollars of deficit that
            you’re going to have to make up.
9  Trump    And we have a $505 billion trade      1    10
            deficit right now.

claims because a claim which has been already discussed among people is more
check-worthy than the one which is not discussed by anyone. The requirement
of background information suggests that context the claim made and external
resources such as web pages, social media posts about the claim can be useful
to detect check-worthiness of claims.
    Regarding the claims in Row 5 and 6, the statements contain verifiable claims
and their topic is about economics which can be considered as an important
topic. In addition, the statement in Row 5 has also an explicit accusation regard-
ing to an administration. However, they are both labeled as not check-worthy.
These samples provide further evidence that detecting check-worthiness of a
claim requires utilizing external resources and its context instead of just using
the claim itself.
    Regarding the claims in Row 7, 8, and 9, we can see that all three claims are
about trade but only claim in Row 9 is labeled as check-worthy. This might be
because the amount of money mentioned in Row 7 and 8 are not exact numbers,
making them hard to verify. On the other hand, the claim in Row 9 mentions an
exact number about the trade deficit. While our features take account whether
a claim has a numerical value or not, this suggest that we have to handle special
cases where numbers are not exact.
5    Conclusion

In this paper, we described our methods for CLEF-2019 Check That! Lab’s
Check-Worthiness task and discuss results conducting a qualitative analysis. We
proposed a hybrid approach which combines rule-based and supervised meth-
ods together. We first rank claims using MART algorithm, and then change
the scores of some statements based on our hand-crafted rules. We investigated
various features including topical category, POS tags, named entities, bigrams,
and speakers of claims. Our primary model ranked 9th based on MAP, and 6th
based on R-P, P@5, and P@20 metrics, among primary models. In our qualita-
tive analysis we discussed that detecting check-worthiness is a subjective task
and linguistic analysis of claims are not enough, requiring utilization of other
resources to capture the background information about claims.
    In the future, we plan to investigate linguistic features to capture the con-
textual information about the claims, and develop more effective hand-crafted

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