Good AI & Law Bart VERHEIJ Bernoulli Institute of Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen AI's successes are these days so prominent that—if we believe reports in the news—the times seem near that machines perform better at any human task than humans themselves. At the same time the prominent AI technique of neural networks—today typically called deep learning—is often considered to lead to black box results, hindering transparency, explainability and responsibility, values that are central in the domain of law. So in that specific sense, the distance between neural network AI and the needs of the law is vast. In this talk, it is claimed that for good AI & Law we need an AI that can provide good answers to our questions, has good reasons for them and makes good choices. It is argued that the path towards good AI & Law requires the integration of data-driven and knowledge-based AI, and that argumentation as it occurs in the law can show the way to such integration. Reference Verheij, B. (2018). Arguments for Good Artificial Intelligence. Groningen: University of Groningen.