December 2018 Ethical Problems and Legal Issues in Development and Usage Autonomous Adversaries in Cyber Domain Muhammad Mudassar YAMIN 1 , and Basel KATT Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Abstract. An autonomous adversaries in cyber domain are new type of adversaries present in a cyber security exercise. Traditionally, adversaries in cyber security ex- ercises are human who perform the roles of attackers and defenders. However, this is changing with time and autonomous adversaries are starting to appear in the cy- ber domain. The aim of this survey paper is to provide an overview of autonomous adversaries in cyber domain, furthermore ethical problems and legal issues related with the development and the usage of autonomous adversaries in cyber domain will be discussed. Keywords. Autonomous adversaries, cyber domain, ethics problems, legal issues 1. Introduction A cyber security exercise, is an exercise that is designed to evaluate the performance of cyber attackers an and defenders in a given scenario. The cyber security exercise life cy- cle contains planning, dry run, execution, evaluation and repetitions. We identified that the cyber security exercise life cycle is quite inefficient [1] [2] and found out that one way to remove these inefficiencies can be achieved by autonomous execution of adver- saries present in a cyber security exercise. However, before the development of such au- tonomous adversaries we want to identify the type of ethical problems and legal issues posed by such research. In order to understand the ethical problems and legal issues associated with autonomous adversaries, first, we need to understand the types of au- tonomous systems. We identified three types [3] of autonomous system in the literature, details of which are given below: • Supervised Autonomous Systems Autonomous systems that operate under the supervision of a human, the system is depended on human decision making for changing mission requirements. This system works in an human in the loop manner. 1 Corresponding Author: Muhammad Mudassar Yamin, Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Gjovik 2815, Norway; E-mail: December 2018 • Monitored Autonomous Systems Autonomous systems that operate independently, however there actions are being monitored by humans. Humans intervene when they find that the actions of the autonomous system are undesirable. This type of system works in a human on the loop manner. • Fully Autonomous Systems Autonomous systems that operate independently without human interference. Their decision making is based upon predefined rule set up by humans. This type of system works in human out of the loop manner We want to develop the autonomous cyber adversaries just for educational purposes, however, we understand the potential malicious capabilities the proposed technology of- fers. Therefore, in this work we conducted a brief survey in order to answer the following legal and ethical question posed by such research activity. • To identify current status of autonomous cyber adversaries’ usage and develop- ment. • To identify the legal status in development and usage of autonomous cyber adver- saries. • To identify the ethical guidelines in development and usage of autonomous cyber adversaries. • To identify civil liabilities and unintended consequences caused by development and usage of autonomous cyber adversaries. We used autonomous cyber weapon as a synonym for autonomous cyber adversary as the literature offered more material on autonomous cyber weapon, however it should be noted that a weapon can be used for offence as well as defence, thus, creating an adver- sarial environment. The rest of the paper is structured as follows. We first share the re- lated work related to autonomous weapon systems. Then, we highlight the methodology which we use for the brief survey. After that we discuss the current status of autonomous adversary and the ethical and legal issues identified in the literature. finally we analyze the identified findings to answer the above stated questions and conclude the article. 2. Related Work During the survey no related work focusing on our research topic was identified. Yet we identified a multitude of survey articles related to ethical and legal issues and challenges in cyber warfare and autonomous unmanned vehicles which are closely related to our research topic. Robinson et al. [4] in 2015 discussed ethical and legal issues in usage of autonomous cyber weapons in cyber warfare from a technical prospective. According to him, automating cyber offensive and defensive capability is a likely possibility for na- tion states. He highlighted the research from Caton et al. [5] according to which ”au- tomated cyber weapons remove human decision making and could turn a bad situation into a catastrophic one”. However, the problems which will arise by autonomous cyber weapons need to be tackle by a multidisciplinary research efforts from different doamins like laws, ethics and computer science. Schuller et al. [6] in 2015 discussed the development and usage of autonomous weapons’ systems with respect to international humanitarian laws. According to the au- December 2018 thors ”Autonomous weapon systems (AWS) are the most militarily significant yet legally elusive challenge to international humanitarian law (IHL) since the proliferation of cy- ber operations”. Authors argued that the artificial intelligence and learning capabilities of these systems are quite different compare to traditional weapon systems. This creates new legal requirements for governing the development and usage of such system. Au- thors further elaborated that the commonalities of traditional and autonomous weapon systems can be governed under the same laws, however, the principles upon which the law is applied on traditional and autonomous weapon system will be quite different. Lucas et al. [7] in 2014 discussed the legal and ethical precepts of emerging mil- itary technologies. The emerging military technologies include autonomous weapons. The researchers answered eleven precepts on the development and usage of autonomous weapons systems. • Mission Legality Conducting a mission with a autonomous weapon should be justifiable by inter- national law. • Unnecessary Risk If conducting mission with autonomous weapon reduces the risk to human life, then autonomous weapon should be preferred. • Moral Asymmetry of Adversaries There is no law which dictates confrontation with a technologically equivalent adversary. • Greatest Proportional Compliance Use of autonomous system should be complaint with international law in distin- guishing between a combatant and non combatant. • Arkin Test The autonomous system complements the human agent performing or replace the human agent • Non-Delegation of Authority and Accountability The action of autonomous system should be instructed by human agent who is responsible for consequences • Due Care The autonomous system should be designed and developed under justifiable eth- ical guide lines and moral principles • Product Liability The developer of the autonomous system should be liable for unintended conse- quences of there product usages • Criminal Negligence The autonomous system should be designed to overcome the effects of negligence in operations • Bench-marking The autonomous system should be tested against a set of defined standards. • Orientation and Legal Compliance The human agent interacting with autonomous agent should know the safety, legal and compliance issues related to its operations. researchers concluded that in case of a conflict where usage of traditional weapons are justifiable by law, the justification will extend to not just traditional weapons but cyber December 2018 weapons as well. In comparison to traditional weapons, cyber weapons provides a non lethal force enhancement capability which limits collateral damage. If the results of both cyber weapon and traditional weapons are equivalent the the usage of cyber weapons in obligatory. 3. Methodology To identify relevant literature for the survey, keyword based search is used. We started with ”autonomous cyber weapons”, ”autonomous cyber weapons” with ”ethics” and ”autonomous cyber weapons” with ”laws”. We searched these keywords in academic databases like IEEE and ACM [8] to identify initial literature for the survey. After the initial collection of literature, we realized that the topics fall into interdisciplinary filed of study. Therefore we used Google scholar to relevant literature for relevant disciplines like defence and law. Although we identified many relevant material during the research we only used indexed research articles. We performed the collection of literature with keyword based search, however, repeating the same process will not yield the same re- sults [9]. Therefore we are including the inclusion and exclusion criteria of research ar- ticles, to reduce the variation of results in literature searching. 3.1. Inclusion Criteria We set the following inclusion criteria to for the survey: • Articles written in English • Articles directly related to autonomous cyber weapons. • Articles that addresses ethical or legal, issues and challenges in usage of au- tonomous cyber weapons. 3.2. Exclusion Criteria Due to large amount of identified literature we set the following exclusion criteria: • Articles that mentions autonomous cyber weapons but are not directly related to them. • Conference abstracts, book reviews, conference info, discussion, editorials, mini reviews, news and short communications. 3.3. Quality of Articles The collected articles were evaluated against our defined criteria five quality assurance matrices. Points are allocated on a scale of one to five where five is considered as the highest value. The articles which scored the most on our defined criteria are given prior- ity. The criteria which we used is given below: • Reputation of publication channel, publication channels which are well known and recognized by academia scored higher in our criteria. • Citation of article, articles with more citations given higher score in our criteria. • Relevance of article content related to survey topic December 2018 • Publication date of articles, recently published articles received higher score com- pare to older articles. • Number of references used to build the arguments in the article, articles scored higher with more references 4. Autonomous Cyber Adversaries In this section we present the unclassified autonomous cyber adversaries that we identi- fied in the literature. We identified two types of autonomous adversaries, one performs offensive cyber security operation, while the other performs defensive cyber security operation. Details of both are given below: 4.1. Offensive Autonomous Cyber Adversaries • SC2RAM [10] SC2RAM (Simulated Cognitive Cyber Red-team Attacker Model) is developed to mimic the red team execution steps in a cyber security-exercise. It combines the cognitive capabilities of humans with the efficiency and reproduce-ability of a computer program. It can perform DoS (Denial-of-Service) attack on a given network. It is still at prototyping stage and is deployed at Michigan cyber-range and being used for testing and training purposes. • SVED [11] SVED (Scanning, Vulnerabilities, Exploits and Detection) utilizes freely avail- able exploit tools such as metasploit and nmap and automate their operations to execute red team activities autonomously in a cyber security exercise. SVED is deployed at CRATE cyber range and used for testing and training purposes. • Stuxnet [12] Stuxnet was the most advance cyber weapon ever used in a military engagement. It is a piece of malware, that once injected in the target autonomously spread and compromise the whole network. It was designed to physically destroy the as- signed military target by exploiting vulnerability in cyber physical infrastructure. 4.2. Defensive Autonomous Cyber Adversaries • Intelligent Autonomous Agents for Cyber Defense [13] Researchers at United State army research laboratory proposed a model of an in- telligent autonomous cyber defender. According to the proposed model the agent should be able to understand the environment in which it is operating. The agent should be able to identify malicious and non malicious changes in the environ- ment and should autonomously act upon malicious change. The agent should be able to manage trust relationship with other operating agents and humans through a communication medium. Finally, the agent need to asses its performance and make necessary changes in its operating behavior to improve the performance for achieving the set objectives. • Immuno-Inspired Autonomic System for Cyber Defense [14] A human immune system inspired automatic cyber defense model, that change systems security settings based upon evolving threats. The system is conceptu- December 2018 alized to be fully autonomous in nature and able to with stand current and new cyber attacks by adapting to the security challenges posed by evolving threats. • VIAssist [15] A cyber security defender assistant that collects and visualizes data related to cy- ber security events. It automates the cognitive function required to analyze cyber security event data and presents the processed information to human defender to make final decision on the cyber security event. Autonomous cyber adversaries are similar autonomous physical weapons, however they operates on the junction of cyber physical space. The action in cyber space have conse- quences in physical space, therefore we consider the existing ethical problem and legal issues for autonomous weapons systems to map it with autonomous cyber adversaries. 5. Ethical Problems What is ethically acceptable for the usage of autonomous cyber adversaries? Which prin- cipals govern the morality in development of autonomous cyber adversaries? We ana- lyzed ongoing research to answer these questions. We first describe the ethical founda- tion of using autonomous weapons systems. After that we analyze the military impact of such systems. Finally we focus on there effects of cyber operations. International organization and research institutes have put significant efforts in de- termining the ethical foundation of development and usage of autonomous weapon sys- tems. One such effort is led by joint efforts of Human Rights Watch (HRW), International Human Rights Council (IHRC), and Harvard Law School. Since November 2012, these efforts produced three detailed reports regarding the threats presented by ”autonomous weapons systems”. They characterize it as completely autonomous weapons with human out of the loop that ”have the capacity to identify and engage with their target without sig- nificant human intervention. Their first report, Losing Humanity: The Case against Killer Robots(November 2012) [16] forms a case for the likelihood of autonomous weapon systems getting to be reality within 20 to 30 years also as an earnestness for their sug- gestion for suitable national and worldwide measures to forbid the advancement, devel- opment, and usage of completely autonomous weapons. The second report Shaking the Foundations, The Human Rights Implications of Killer Robots(May 2014) [17] stresses the moral ideas of human dignity and respect of human life. There report concludes that, fully autonomous weapon systems would not respect human life and dignity. The failure to maintain this basic guideline of human rights brings up genuine concern about the possibility of enabling a autonomous weapons to take a human life. The third and latest report, Mind the Gap: The Lack of Accountability for Killer Robots [18] (April 2015) concludes that the developers and operators of autonomous weapons system that breaks the laws should be held accountable for their actions. The 2014 NATO Allied Command Transformation report on utilization of au- tonomous weapon system [5] discussed the moral issues of using autonomous weapon in the military. They concluded that the use of autonomous weapons system provides a unique opportunity to reduce risk to human life by not putting a human being in line of fire. It boost the moral of the fighting force by providing disposable alternative resources to conduct risky operations. Furthermore, autonomous weapons systems doesn’t suffers from the psychological stress caused by critical military tasks. Although some of these December 2018 weapons do not kill directly humans, they can attack infrastructures that in a longer term can, indirectly, cause great human damage and sufferings. Stuxnet [12] is the perfect example of a autonomous cyber weapon usage. Stuxnet was designed to destroy the uranium enrichment centrifuges of Iranian nuclear plants. Achieving this feat physically would have required deployment military personals in hostile territory. This could put human life in danger. However, with Stuxnet this feat is achieved without firing a single bullet. Stuxnet was the first known usage of a cyber physical weapons, it performed its intended mission, however, during its execution it also affected multiple civilian targets which raise the requirements for ethical conduct of such weapons under international law which. Similarly when cyber weapons are leaked they were used by adversaries and cyber criminals for monitory gains [21]. 6. Legal Issues What is legally acceptable for the usage of autonomous cyber adversaries? Which laws governs the development of autonomous cyber adversaries? We analyzed ongoing re- search to answers these questions. We first analyzed the international laws available to govern the development of autonomous cyber adversaries. Secondly we analyzed United nations assessment on proliferation and development of autonomous cyber adversaries. Finally, we focus on the human factor in usage and control of autonomous adversaries. Autonomous weapons creates a moral asymmetry between the two adversaries and according to Lucas [7] there is no requirement of fairness or technological equality in carrying out justified international armed conflict or lawful domestic security operations. He argued that International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) is fighting a vastly tech- nologically inferior adversary in Afghanistan, which is acceptable by international law. The technological superiority provide distinct advantages over the potential adversaries which resulted in proliferation advance weapons capabilities. This led to development of autonomous weapons for physical and cyber space. United Nation member states that signed Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) a treaty for eliminating munitions that are considered as inhuman, are working on to assessment of the threats and dangers posed by autonomous weapons sys- tems [19]. In their most recent Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) meeting in Aug 2018 Geneva, all members agreed that humans should always retain the control of au- tonomous weapon systems. However they failed to reach an agreement for the achieve- ment of this objective. They agreed on further discussion on this topic in next GGE meeting in 2019. Autonomous decision of engagement with a target will pose significant legal con- cerns. In SC2RAM [10] the cognitive decision making ability of an attacker is mapped in to a computer program, which makes independent decision in achieving the target set by a human. The implications of those decisions need to be considered before the usage of such autonomous weapon. This technology is currently being used only for testing and training purposes however this technology has the potential to be used in actual cyber engagements if required. Red Cross in there 2016 report on autonomous weapons [20] discussed the autonomy of weapons systems in lethal engagement of targets. According to Red Cross such technology is not deployed yet in theater of war but the technology is certainly not out of the reach. December 2018 7. Analysis 7.1. Current Status Details of current status of autonomous cyber adversaries are shared in section 4. Cur- rently, offensive autonomous cyber adversaries are being rapidly developed, and used for training, testing and exploitation purposes. On the other hand, most of the research for defensive autonomous adversaries is at designing stage. Most of the current research is funded by milliliters around the world for the achievement of technological edge over their human adversaries 7.2. Legal Status Development and usage of autonomous cyber adversaries are currently in a legal gray area. There is currently no law exists that explicitly prohibits the development and usage of such technologies [19]. International efforts are being carried out to reach a consensus on regularizing the proliferation of such weapons, however, no common ground on this issue is achieved yet [19] [4]. 7.3. Ethical Guideline Autonomous cyber weapons provide unique opportunity in reducing human suffering by achieving the desired military objective in a non lethal way [5]. However, such weapons decrease the threshold of a conflict between adversaries [13]. Therefore, the usages should be governed by ethical and moral guidelines where commonalities with other weapons systems exists [6]. Human dignity and respect of human life should be given up-most priority while using such technologies [17]. 7.4. Civil Liabilities and Unintended Consequences Autonomous weapons system developers are responsible for unintended consequences of the autonomous system functionality and the autonomous weapon system user is re- sponsible for criminal negligence [7]. The consensus of international community estab- lished that the decision making of a autonomous system should always be governed by human [19]. 8. Conclusion From the above analysis it can be concluded that there is no legal restriction in develop- ment of autonomous adversaries. However, the developers of such systems are liable for any intended consequence of such technologies. Similarly user are of such technologies are liable for any kind of criminal negligence in there operation. International consensus is already established that any kind of fully autonomous weapon system with human out of the loop is not acceptable. However, a philosophical question is still open for further research: Do we wants to develop autonomous machine slaves that blindly follows hu- man orders or do we want to develop autonomous machine that question the ethics and morality of human orders ? December 2018 References [1] Vykopal, Jan, et al. ”Lessons learned from complex hands-on defence exercises in a cyber range.” Fron- tiers in Education Conference (FIE). IEEE, 2017. [2] Uckan Frnman, B., Koraeus, M., and Backman, S. (2015). 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