=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_16 |storemode=property |title=Energy Consumption of Data Centers Worldwide - How will the Internet become Green? |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_16.pdf |volume=Vol-2382 |authors=Ralph Hintemann,Simon Hinterholzer |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ict4s/HintemannH19 }} ==Energy Consumption of Data Centers Worldwide - How will the Internet become Green?== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_16.pdf
         Energy consumption of data centers worldwide
                                         How will the Internet become green?

                Ralph Hintemann (Author)                                              Simon Hinterholzer (Author)
                     Borderstep Institute                                                   Borderstep Institute
                       Berlin, Germany                                                        Berlin, Germany
                  hintemann@borderstep.de                                               hinterholzer@borderstep.de

   Abstract— The increasing digitalization of the economy and so-         Against this background, the present contribution addresses
ciety is leading to a dynamic increase in the amount of data that     the following questions:
is processed and stored in data centers. Some scientific studies          • How did the energy consumption of data centers and
assume that this growth will also lead to a significant increase in
                                                                               their individual components develop in Germany be-
the energy consumption of data centers worldwide. This article
deals with the questions of whether and to what extent the energy              tween 2010 and 2017?
consumption of data centers have increased in the past and what           • What are the results of different studies on the devel-
future developments can be expected. In addition, future chal-                 opment of the energy consumption of data centers in a
lenges to sustainable data center operation will be analyzed. The              global comparison?
article deals in particular with the topics of improving the energy       • Which current trends influence the energy consump-
efficiency of IT hardware and software, the use of regenerative                tion of data centers?
electricity for the operation of data centers, and the use of waste
heat from data centers.                                                   • How can the energy consumption of data centers de-
   Index Terms— Data centers, energy consumption, waste heat,                  velop up to the year 2030? What forecasts are likely?
regenerative electricity, Bitcoin mining, energy efficiency, IT           • What are the particular challenges for energy-efficient
hard- and software                                                             operation of data centers in the future?

                             I. INTRODUCTION                              The analyses and results presented in this article were pro-
                                                                      duced as part of the project TEMPRO – "Total Energy Man-
    Video streaming, social media, big data, Bitcoin, artificial
                                                                      agement for professional data centers." TEMPRO is supported
intelligence, and digitalization of business processes and pro-
                                                                      through the 6th Energy Research Programme of the German
duction flows – these and other trends are leading to more and
                                                                      Federal Government.
more data being stored and processed in data centers. Data cen-
ter capacity is growing dynamically. The IT company Cisco                                        II. METHODOLOGY
assumes in its analyses that the worldwide computing capaci-
ties of data centers measured in workloads and computer in-               This paper deals with the energy requirements of data cen-
stances will more than double between 2016 and 2021 (2.3              ters, presenting the findings from various international studies
fold), the data storage capacities in the data centers will even      and comparing them with the authors’ own calculations. The
grow by a factor of almost 4 to 2.6 ZB in the same period [1].        calculations are carried out with the help of an extensive struc-
    Whether this significant growth in computing and storage          tural model of the data center landscape in Germany which was
                                                                      developed at the Borderstep Institute and is updated annually.
capacity will also be accompanied by an increase in energy
consumption can hardly be predicted from today's perspective.         In this model data centers are defined as all enclosed spatial
                                                                      units such as server cabinets, server rooms, building parts, or
However, most available analyses assume a more or less signif-
                                                                      entire buildings in which at least three physical servers are in-
icant increase in energy consumption [2]–[14]. Yet the range of
                                                                      stalled. The energy requirements of stand-alone servers are also
forecasts is very wide. While Andrae/Edler, for example, pre-
                                                                      calculated. The development of the data center capacities is
dict a 15-fold increase in the energy consumption of data cen-
                                                                      calculated in particular on the basis of the IT equipment (serv-
ters worldwide between 2010 and 2030 [3], Shehabi et al.
                                                                      ers, storage, networks) in the data centers. The various size
found that the energy consumption of data centers in the USA
                                                                      classes of the data centers in Germany are described in the
has stabilized in recent years due to increasing energy efficien-
                                                                      model in terms of their equipment with different server types,
cy [4]. For more than 10 years, the authors themselves have
                                                                      storage systems, and network infrastructures. The model also
been analyzing the development of the energy consumption of
                                                                      takes into account the age structure of the servers and the ener-
data centers with the help of a comprehensive structural model
                                                                      gy requirements of the different server types in different oper-
of data centers in Germany [9], [14]–[25]. For Germany, an
                                                                      ating states. In addition, the data center infrastructures such as
increase of 25% in the energy consumption of data centers in
the period from 2010 to 2017 has been calculated [27].
air conditioning, power supply, UPS, etc. are modeled for dif-
ferent size and redundancy classes.
    The following sources in particular were used for the calcu-
    • Study “Entwicklung des IKT-bedingten Strombedarfs
         in Deutschland“ (Development of ICT-related electrici-
         ty consumption in Germany) by Fraunhofer IZM and
         Borderstep on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Eco-
         nomics and Energy [26],
    • Current and publicly available results of studies on the
         development of the data center market from various
         analyses [16], [17], [28]–[35],
    • Data from the market research institute Techconsult on
         market development for servers, storage, and network                         Fig. 1. Energy consumption of servers and data centers in Germany in the
         components (eanalyzer) [36]–[38],                                                               years 2010 to 2017 (Source: Borderstep)
    • Data from the market research institutes IDC and EITO
                                                                                      Significant further improvements in the efficiency of data
         on market development for servers, storage, and net-
                                                                                  center infrastructures can be expected in the future. Newly built
         works in Germany and Europe [39], [40],
                                                                                  larger data centers today often realize PUE values of 1.3 and
    • Scientific literature and manufacturer information on
                                                                                  lower [27], [33].3
         the development of energy consumption for servers,
                                                                                      Growth in the data center market is driven primarily by the
         storage, and network products, and for advanced effi-
                                                                                  cloud market (Figure 2). Large international cloud providers in
         ciency technologies for data centers.
                                                                                  particular are currently building up resources in Germany and
                                                                                  are thus meeting the requirements of German companies to
   A detailed description of the model has already been pro-
                                                                                  enable the storage and processing of their data in Germany.
vided in various publications. [9], [15], [25], [26], [41].                       International cloud companies often use the support of coloca-
          III. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENERGY CONSUMPTION OF                           tion providers, thereby driving the colocation market at the
                     DATA CENTERS IN GERMANY                                      same time. The share of colocation data centers in the IT area
                                                                                  of all data centers in Germany again increased significantly in
     Using the structural model of data centers presented above,                  2017 and will be 32% in 2017 [27].
it was calculated that despite a significant improvement in the
energy efficiency of data centers, their energy consumption in
Germany increased by 25% between 2010 and 2017 (Figure 1).
The increase was mainly due to an increase in the number and
performance of IT components in the data centers. In 2017,
around 2.37 million servers were in operation in Germany,
18% more than in 2010. The number of data centers equipped
with IT hardware for data storage and network technology also
increased significantly – the number of hard disks in Germany
more than doubled between 2010 and 2017. As a result of this
increase, the power consumption of IT components in data cen-
ters rose from 5.8 billion kWh in 2010 to 7.9 billion kWh in
2017. In contrast, the electricity consumption of the data center
infrastructure rose only slightly due to the measures imple-
mented to increase energy efficiency: from 4.7 billion kWh in
2010 to 5.3 billion kWh in 2017. The average PUE1 value of                        Fig. 2. Development of the IT area of data centers in Germany with the share
                                                                                          of cloud data centers in the years 2010 to 2017 and forecast to 2020
data centers in Germany fell from 1.98 to 1.752 between 2010                                                      (Source: Borderstep)
and 2017. This corresponds to an average increase in data cen-
ter infrastructure efficiency of 13% [27].                                           From a regional perspective, the greater Frankfurt area and
                                                                                  thus the federal state of Hesse in particular are benefiting from

1                                                                                 3     The PUE is an indicator often used to assess the energy efficiency of data
    The Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) value indicates the ratio of the
    total energy consumption of a year to the annual energy consumption of              centre infrastructures. The advantage of PUE is that it is easy to deter-
    the IT department of the data center.                                               mine. However, the interdependencies between the energy demand of IT
2   The stand-alone servers, which are normally operated without their own              and the energy demand of the entire data center are very complex. If, for
    air conditioning, are not included in the calculation of these values. Tak-         example, the energy consumption of IT is reduced, the PUE can worsen,
    ing stand-alone servers into account, the average PUE value in Germany              even though the total energy consumption of the data center decreases
    improved from 1.82 in 2010 to 1.58 in 2017.                                         significantly.
the growth of the data center market. This applies in particular                     At the beginning of 2019, Andrae published an update of its
to the colocation data center segment [34]. In 2017, there was a                calculations and forecasts, which deviates significantly from
total IT area of 550,000 m2 in the data centers in Hesse,                       the values from 2015. For the year 2030, "only" an increase in
250,000 m2 of which was in colocation data centers. As a re-                    the energy demand of data centers worldwide to 1,929 billion
sult, the capacities in the colocation data centers – measured by               kWh/a is expected. For the year 2018 it assumes 211 billion
the IT space in Hesse between 2010 and 2017 – have increased                    kWh/a - in contrast to 539 billion kWh/a in the estimate from
by 60% (Figure 3). In terms of the available IT connection re-                  the year 2015 [45].
sources, capacities even increased by 100%. [34].                                    A publication by Belkhir and Elmeligi [14] also assumes a
                                                                                very significant increase in the energy requirements of data
                                                                                centers. Based on a calculation by Vereecken et al. [46], they
                                                                                assume a worldwide energy demand for data centres of 275
                                                                                billion kWh/a in 2009 and anticipate an annual growth rate of
                                                                                10% by 2020. This growth rate was determined by the market
                                                                                research company Technavio [47]. This results in an energy
                                                                                demand of 659 billion kWh/a for data centers worldwide in
                                                                                     Malmodin/Lunden calculate worldwide energy consump-
                                                                                tion of data centers to be 240 billion kWh in 2015 [44]; accord-
                                                                                ing to van Heddegdem et al. no less than 270 billion kWh were
                                                                                needed in 2012 [48]. Bitterlin assumes that data centers world-
                                                                                wide required 416 billion kWh of energy in 2015 [12].
Fig. 3. Development of data center capacities (IT area in m2) in Hesse in the        According to a Borderstep Institute estimate, worldwide
          years 2010 to 2017 and forecast to 2020 (Source: Borderstep)          energy consumption of server data centers increased by about
                                                                                30% to 287 billion kWh between 2010 and 2015 [9]. This in-
     Despite the dynamic development in the data center market                  crease accelerated once again in the last two years. A current
in Germany, it is possible that it will become less important in                TEMPRO project estimate concludes that between 2015 and
international comparison as a data center location. Especially in               2017 the energy consumption of data centers worldwide in-
the rapidly growing segment of hyperscale data centers, which                   creased by approx. 20% to 350 billion kWh (Figure 4). Increas-
are very large, significantly more capacity is being built                      ing digitalization and the sometimes very high energy demand
worldwide, also elsewhere in Europe, for example, the Nether-                   of new applications such as Bitcoin mining were identified as
lands, Ireland and Scandinavia. [33], [34].                                     reasons for this accelerated growth in energy consumption [27].
     Operators of hyperscale data centers shy away from Ger-                    Even though there is little reliable information on the energy
many as a business location primarily because of the high elec-                 consumption of Bitcoin mining to date, it can be assumed that
tricity costs and the sometimes lengthy approval processes. The                 the worldwide annual energy consumption of this application
increasing shortage of skilled personnel for data centers in                    increased by more than 30 billion kWh between the beginning
Germany is also becoming an increasingly disadvantageous                        of 2017 and the end of 2018 [6], [49].
location factor [33]. Rapidly growing applications such as
Bitcoin mining [6] cannot be operated in Germany at break-
even due to the high electricity prices.
                      EUROPE AND WORLDWIDE
    Several scientific studies examine the energy consumption
of data centers. In the following, the results of selected and
well-known studies are briefly presented and compared.
    The results of a 2015 paper by Andrae/Edler [3] have
achieved a relatively high level of attention in the discussion
about the energy consumption of data centers [13], [14], [42]–
[44]. This is certainly due to the fact that Andrae/Edler forecast
a strong increase in energy consumption. In the "expected"
scenario, according to their calculations, the energy consump-                    Fig. 4. Energy consumption of servers and data centers worldwide in the
tion of data centers worldwide will increase by a factor of 15                                      years 2010 to 2017 (Source: Borderstep)
from approx. 200 billion kWh/a in 2010 to almost 3,000 billion
kWh/a by 2030. Even in the "best" scenario, an increase by a                       The different assessments of the development of the energy
factor of almost 6 to 1,337 billion kWh/a is calculated. In the                 consumption of data centers are also reflected in regional anal-
"worst" scenario, the energy consumption of data centers will                   yses. For the USA, Shehabi et al. calculated that the energy
increase by a factor of 40 to 7,933 billion kWh by 2030 [3].                    consumption of data centers has hardly increased since 2010;
they calculate energy consumption of 70 billion kWh in 2014,                        V. DISCUSSION: HOW WILL THE ENERGY
compared to approx. 67 billion kWh in 2010. The small in-                       CONSUMPTION OF DATA CENTERS DEVELOP IN THE
crease in the USA is due to a general improvement in the ener-                                   FUTURE?
gy efficiency of IT systems and infrastructure with lower PUE            As the results presented in the previous section show, there
values. In addition, there has been a significant shift in compu-    are great uncertainties in determining the energy consumption
ting power to particularly efficient hyperscale data centers with    of data centers worldwide even for the current point in time.
PUE values below 1.2 [4], [10].                                      Forecasts beyond 2020 are even more difficult due to the un-
    If one compares the development of the energy consump-           clear development of technologies and the extent to which data
tion of the data centers in the USA calculated by Shehabi et al.     centers and the services they provide will be used in the future
with the development in Germany calculated by Borderstep, it         [4], [10]. In particular, the possible end of the efficiency ad-
is striking that energy consumption in Germany seems to in-          vances made to date, and thus the end of Moore's Law, could
crease significantly more strongly, although the increases in the    lead to a significant increase in energy consumption in the fu-
server inventories are comparable. The basic structure of            ture. Andrae/Edler, for example, have modeled an end to
Shehabi et al.'s model is comparable to that of the Borderstep       Moore's Law in their calculations by 2022 and thus also an end
Institute. Therefore, it was possible to carry out a detailed com-   to the significant increases in data center efficiency [3]. This is
parison of the different model parameters. The differences in        a major reason for the very significant increase in energy con-
the developments can essentially be attributed to two factors.       sumption in their scenarios. It can be discussed if and when
On the one hand, there are hardly any hyperscale data centers        Moores Law will end. It is clear that technical development is
in Germany – therefore, computing power has hardly shifted to        approaching the physical limits of conventional CMOS silicon
this particularly efficient type of data center. Secondly, the as-   technology. The structures currently consist of only a few
sumptions in the models differ with regard to the average de-        atomic layers. Leading companies such as Intel and AMD ex-
velopment of the maximum power consumption of a server at            pect Moore's law to come to an end around 2023 [50]. Howev-
full load. While Shehabi et al. assume that maximum power            er, alternative materials and 3D architectures will presumably
consumption is constant [4], the Borderstep model assumes an         contribute to further increases in performance and reliability
increase in maximum power consumption due to a significant           despite the small structures. An abrupt end to improvements in
increase in the average amount of RAMs and multiprocessor            the energy efficiency of computing operations is unlikely.
systems. These assumptions are also confirmed for Europe by              Assuming a continuation of Moore's Law, the Andrae/Edler
other studies [7], [11]. Whether the differences in the model        model yields much more moderate increases. Another reason
assumptions are justified by the real differences in the USA and     for the significant increases in energy consumption in the mod-
Europe or Germany is yet to be verified by further investiga-        el is the assumption that the performance of data centers is de-
tions.                                                               termined by the IT traffic between the user and the data center.
    The results of various studies on the energy consumption of      According to Cisco forecasts, this increases by 23% annually
data centers in Europe are relatively similar. The Ecodesign         [3], [51]. If the assumption of increasing data center perfor-
Preparatory Study on Enterprise Servers and Data Equipment           mance is modified in such a way that the number of workloads
determines energy consumption of 78 billion kWh for data             and compute instances is chosen as the measure, the calculated
centers in Europe by 2015 [11]. Prakash et al. calculate energy      increase in energy consumption in the model would be lower.
consumption of 52 billion kWh for 2011 and forecast an in-           According to Cisco, the number of workloads and compute
crease to 70 billion kWh by 2020 [7]. According to estimates         instances is currently growing at an average annual rate of
by Borderstep, energy consumption of data centers in Western         18.6% [1].
Europe also rose significantly between 2010 and 2017. Based              To illustrate the differences between the different analyses,
on data on the development of workloads and server numbers           figure 5 shows various forecasts of the energy consumption of
in data centers of the IT company Cisco [30], [31], the authors      data centers worldwide through 2030. Studies have been se-
assume that energy consumption has increased from 56 billion         lected which allow the presentation of the development up to
kWh in 2010 by a good 30% to 73 billion kWh in 2017 [27].            the year 2030. Beside the investigations of Andrae/Edler [3],
    In summary, the various studies on the development of the        Andrae [45] and Belkhir/Elmeligi [14] a “best case” is present-
energy consumption of data centers do not provide a uniform          ed. This development would occur using the Andrae/Edler
picture. While some studies, e.g. Andrae/Edler, assume a very        model if Moore's Law continued and moderate growth rates in
strong increase, other studies assume low to moderate growth         data center performance were assumed. Furthermore, according
in the last ten years.                                               to Borderstep's calculations, the trend in the development of the
    However, the energy efficiency of the data center infra-         worldwide energy consumption of data centers between 2010
structure and thus the PUE values have improved significantly        and 2017 will continue through 2030.
in recent years, and the share of IT components in the energy
consumption of the data centers has thus increased.
                                                                               tral role in the future [18]. Innovative new solutions must be
                                                                               implemented here. This applies to both classic air-cooled and
                                                                               new innovative liquid-cooled IT systems. In Germany and pre-
                                                                               sumably in other countries too, however, the framework condi-
                                                                               tions must change in order to promote the use of waste heat in
                                                                               data centers. So far, electricity prices in Germany have been so
                                                                               high that the operation of heat pumps that can raise the waste
                                                                               heat level of data centers to a usable level is uneconomical.
                                                                               Often it is economically more favorable to burn oil or gas for
                                                                               heat generation instead of using existing waste heat.
                                                                                   Another future challenge for environmentally friendly data
                                                                               center operation is the supply of electricity generated largely
                                                                               from renewable sources because the supply of continuously
Fig. 5. Energy consumption of servers and data centers worldwide – forecasts   available electricity generated from hydropower or biomass is
                                    to 2030                                    limited. This means that intelligent use of fluctuating wind and
                                                                               solar power in data centers is becoming increasingly important.
    A comparison of the various forecasts shows that the possi-                Here, too, there are promising technological approaches [18],
ble future development of the energy consumption of data cen-                  [54], [55].
ters has a wide range. In the “best case” the energy consump-
tion of data centers can remain largely constant. If Moore's                                      VII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
Law ends and the performance of the data centers increases                         This paper discusses the development of the energy con-
significantly, annual energy consumption may increase to al-                   sumption of data centers, and the results of various studies are
most 3,000 billion kWh/a (Andrae/Edler 2015 "expected").                       presented. Although the various studies presented assume
Andrae 2019 and Belkhir/Elmeligi expect an energy consump-                     greater or smaller increases in energy consumption of data cen-
tion of approx. 2000 billion kWh/a for 2030. If the current de-                ters in recent years, estimates of both the absolute amount of
velopments determined by Borderstep continue, the energy                       energy consumed and the increases in energy consumption
consumption of data centers will double by 2030 compared to                    differ significantly.
today.                                                                             The forecasts for the development of future energy con-
    However, the analysis of the development makes one thing                   sumption of data centers differ even further. The article briefly
clear: energy-efficient operation of data centers will continue to             presents and discusses possible scenarios for the energy con-
be of great importance in the future. However, the challenges                  sumption of data centers worldwide through 2030, ranging
are changing. This will be discussed in the following section.                 from keeping energy consumption constant to an increase by a
                                                                               factor of 40.
                                                                                   All the uncertainty and variation of the forecasts notwith-
                                                                               standing, a further significant increase in the energy consump-
                       RENEWABLE ENERGIES
                                                                               tion of data centers seems likely. Improving energy efficiency
    As shown above, the PUE values of data centers are im-                     will therefore continue to be of great importance. The focus
proving continuously. As a result, the share of the data center                here will be more on improving the energy efficiency of IT
infrastructure in the energy consumption of data centers is be-                components in the future, as significant improvements in infra-
coming smaller. In the future, efforts to improve the energy                   structure such as cooling and uninterruptible power supply
efficiency of data centers will have to focus even more on IT                  have already been achieved in the past. Measures that do not
components. Further improvements to IT hardware, energy-                       directly affect the energy efficiency of data centers, such as the
efficient software, and efficient software deployment models                   use of waste heat and operation with (fluctuating) regenerative
such as virtualization and container technology offer opportuni-               energy, will also become increasingly important in the future.
ties for optimization. Completely new technologies such as                         With a view to the future, it can be assumed that the focus
neuromorphic processors or the use of artificial intelligence to               of sustainable data center operation will shift from the sole
improve efficiency in data centers also offer high potential                   consideration of energy requirements to other sustainability
[18].                                                                          categories. Initial approaches, e.g. for the consideration of the
    Even if all possible future improvements in the efficiency                 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, already exist
of IT components and infrastructure are taken into account:                    today [56].
almost everywhere, the electricity used in data centers is con-
verted into heat and then released into the environment – most-                                     ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ly using additional energy for ventilation and cooling. The ex-                   This contribution is a result of the project TEMPRO – Total
ample of Sweden in particular shows that it is possible to use                 Energy Management for professional data centers, which is
the waste heat from data centers under appropriate conditions                  funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and En-
[52], [53]. In view of the increasing energy consumption of                    ergy. We would like to thank all project partners and especially
data centers, the topic of waste heat utilization will play a cen-
project manager Alexandra Pehlken for their constructive and                      http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/global-warming-
excellent cooperation.                                                            data-centres-to-consume-three-times-as-much-energy-in-next-
                                                                                  decade-experts-warn-a6830086.html. [Accessed: 28-May-
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