=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_24 |storemode=property |title=Sustainable IT Business in the Making: An Exploratory Case Study |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_24.pdf |volume=Vol-2382 |authors=Elina Eriksson,Julia Creutz,Hanna Hasselqvist |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ict4s/ErikssonCH19 }} ==Sustainable IT Business in the Making: An Exploratory Case Study== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_24.pdf
                   Sustainable IT Business in the Making
                                                An exploratory case study

                                      Elina Eriksson1, Julia Creutz2, Hanna Hasselqvist1

                      1School of EECS                                                       2Cybercom Group

            KTH Royal Institute of Technology                                               Stockholm, Sweden
                  Stockholm, Sweden                                                    julia.creutz@cybercom.com
             elina@kth.se, hannaha@kth.se

   Abstract— Businesses have historically had a negative impact     the physical, digital and biological worlds across all disciplines,
on the environment by contributing to pollution, the increase of    economies and industries [13], bring a lot of possibilities but
greenhouse emissions, neglection of responsible waste disposal,     also responsibilities for sustainable development. Businesses
and deforestation among other things. In this paper we present      need to take these, and other, factors into consideration and
an exploratory case study of an IT consultancy firm and their
perspective and work with sustainable development. As a consul-
                                                                    create strategies for developing and managing sustainable
tancy firm, the company does not provide services directly to end   products and services.
users, but rather help clients in their business efforts. The aim       In this paper we present an exploratory case study of an IT
with this project has been to explore how sustainability concerns   consultancy firm and their perspective and work on sustainable
can be integrated into the work processes of an IT consultancy      development. As a consultancy firm, the company does not
firm, exploring both opportunities and challenges.                  provide services directly to end users, but rather help clients in
   Index Terms—Digital Sustainability, green ICT, Net Positive,     their business efforts. The aim with this project has been to
Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainable Business, ICT for        explore how sustainability concerns can be integrated into the
                                                                    work processes of an IT consultancy firm, exploring both op-
                                                                    portunities and challenges. The work has been delimited to the
                        I. INTRODUCTION                             early phases of projects, when the IT consultancy firm gives
    Historically, businesses have had, and continue to have, a      clients advice on digital strategies and business development.
negative impact on the environment. Pollution, the increase of      The research question for this paper is hence: what can be the
greenhouse emissions, neglection of responsible waste dispos-       challenges and opportunities when working with sustainability
al, deforestation and much more, are consequences of unsus-         as an IT consultancy firm in the early phases of a business of-
tainable business [1, 2, 3, 4]. The demise of the environment is,   fer?
and has been for years, an increasingly important issue. Focus          As the IT consultancy firm have been working with inte-
on Sustainable Development have been underway for a long            grating sustainability in their business for some time, part of
time, and already in 1987, the World Commission on Environ-         the result will cover the processes they have in place. The result
ment and Development published Our Common Future where              will also cover how they have worked with SDGs and the Net
they defined the term sustainable development “[as] meeting         Positive approach. One major finding concerns not the formal
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of        processes, but the prevalence of an underlying ‘tech-culture’
future generations to meet their own needs” [5]. However,           that might undermine some of the sustainability efforts.
there are still major issues facing humanity - and businesses
need to be included in creating a better world.                                   II. THEORY AND RELATED RESEARCH
    There are several research areas investigating sustainability
                                                                    A. ICT and Sustainability
and technology; Information Communication Technologies for
Sustainability, Sustainable Human Computer Interaction, Sus-            Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) of-
tainable Software Engineering, Sustainable Business, and Sus-       fer numerous of opportunities to address sustainability in socie-
tainability Assessment are a few examples [6, 7, 8, 9, 10].         ty. These include, but are not limited to, digitalisation and de-
These are all relevant for IT companies that try to drive sus-      materialization, increased energy efficiency and travel substitu-
tainable business. Recent research in Sustainability Assess-        tion [14]. Although these solutions offer contributions to sus-
ment, for example, aim to identify problems that affect compa-      tainability and sustainable development, there are negative side
nies that are trying to generate more sustainable solutions for     effects of ICT as well. Development of ICT products and sys-
technology, and to propose solutions to these problems [11,         tems, the use of the technology, and the poorly managed recy-
12]. Information Communication Technologies, being a part of        cling and disposal of these products and systems are some ex-
the Fourth Industrial Revolution where new technologies fuse        amples [15, 16, 17, 18, 2, 19]. All this further exacerbated by
the ICT sector being driven by a Cornucopian feedback cycle          to BST 1.0: broadening the business concern to include sus-
[20], stimulating a seemingly endless infrastructural growth (c.f    tainability when economically feasible, from BST 1.0 to BST
Promethean discourse [21]). Sierszsecki, Mikkonen and Stef-          2.0: expanding the value created (to include triple bottom line),
fens define two different concepts within ICT and green soft-        and from BST 2.0 to BST 3.0 changing the perspective, starting
ware; Greening ICT and Greening through ICT [14]. In the first       with the sustainability issues in the world and then building the
one, Greening ICT, the focus is on ICT itself, and lowering its      business around these. This can be compared with the Mann-
energy consumption. Greening through ICT on the other hand,          Bate maturity scale (Mann Bates, also used in evaluating ICT
focus on decreasing energy consumption of systems that ICT           for Sustainability (ICT4S) research [28]) for HCI research, that
monitor or control. Hilty and Aebischer make similar definition      also proposes a larger shift in perspective in their 5th and most
in that they call for action “1. To stop the growth of ICT’s own     engaged stage.
footprint 2. To find ways to apply ICT as an enabler in order to
                                                                     C. Sustainable Development Goals
reduce the footprint of production and consumption by society”
[22, p. 4]. This is an important division, because in 2015 the           The Sustainable Development Goals [29] were ratified in
ICT sector itself is estimated to have constituted 3.6% of the       September 2015 and include 17 goals and 169 sub targets. The
world’s annual energy consumption and 1.4% of the green-             Sustainable Development Goals Compass is a tool aiming to
house gas emissions [23], whilst ICT is estimated to have a          aid companies to align their strategies and measure and manage
much larger potential in reducing energy consumption and             their contributions to the goals by following five steps [30].
greenhouse gas emissions in other sectors [24, 25]. In the rest      The first step, “understanding the SDGs”, allows companies to
of the paper we will refer to these concepts as Sustainability in    explore the Sustainable Development Goals; what they are,
ICT and Sustainability through ICT to encompass all the poten-       their history, and the possibilities arising when working with
tial sustainability aspects ICT have impact on.                      them from a business perspective. The second step, “defining
                                                                     priorities”, enables companies to outline what their priorities
B. Sustainable Business                                              could be using three actions: (1) Map the value chain to identi-
    Today there seem to be a disconnection between sustaina-         fy impact areas, (2) select indicators and collect data, and (3)
ble business and sustainable development. Firstly, there is a        define priorities. Since not all 17 Sustainable Development
gap between academia and practice which needs to be ad-              Goals might be relevant to a company, this step help companies
dressed [9]. Secondly, a lot of businesses take on a positive        see where they can have the greatest impact. The third step,
stance towards sustainability with the notion that it benefits       “setting goals”, is based on the outcomes from the previous
their company, but there is a lack of actual change on a global      one. It is about specifying goals that are measurable and time-
level [26]. One reason is the discrepancy between large global       bound. This is done by (1) defining a scope of goals and select
problems and considerations of sustainable business on a low         key performance indicators, (2) define baseline and select goal
organisational level within companies [27]. Dyllick and Muff         type, (3) setting level of ambition, and (4) announce the com-
[26] have in their paper sought to clarify the meaning of sus-       pany’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals.
tainable business and the different potential levels are presented   The fourth step will help companies with how to integrate the
in a business sustainability typology, see Fig. 1.                   Sustainable Development Goals in their business strategies.
                                                                     This is done through describing how they can (1) anchor the
                                                                     goals within the business, how to (2) embed sustainability
                                                                     across all functions, and (3) engage in partnerships. The fifth
                                                                     and final step of the Sustainable Development Goals compass
                                                                     manages how to continuously report and communicate pro-
                                                                     gress, which will deepen companies’ understanding of their
                                                                     stakeholders’ needs.
                                                                     D. Net Positive
                                                                         The Net Positive project aims to make businesses to go
                                                                     from ‘doing less harm’ to a more positive approach to do ‘more
                                                                     good’ overall [31]. The Net Positive project has established 12
                                                                     principles that would characterise the Net Positive approach.
                                                                     To aid companies in establishing a Net Positive mindset in their
Fig. 1. The Meaning of Sustainable Business, from [26]               organisation, the project has released two guiding documents;
                                                                     Communicating Net Positive [32], and Measuring Net Positive
    The typology differentiates between Business-as-usual and        [11]. In Measuring Net Positive, companies can read about how
Business Sustainability. A company engaging in what is called        to measure their positive impact, through principles, required
business-as-usual (BAU) have mainly economic concerns, fo-           management steps and best practice on how to measure (some)
cus on creating shareholder value, and have an inside-out or-        material impacts. In Communicating Net Positive, companies
ganisational perspective. Business Sustainability (BST) is de-       can access complementary examples of how to take action to
fined in three levels: 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. In summary, there are      be Net Positive, as well as learn how the framework relates to
three key shifts that are identified in this typology; from BAU      other sustainability practices and terminology. To become Net
Positive, businesses need to go beyond doing less harm or be-                                    IV. RESULTS
coming Net Zero or Carbon Neutral; it is aiming to have a re-               In this section results from the interviews will be presented.
storative approach to natural and social capital.                       This includes the company’s relation to sustainability in gen-
                            III. METHOD                                 eral, how the company work with sustainability in their strate-
                                                                        gic advice services, and the process the company is aiming for,
     To explore how sustainability concerns can be integrated           and the opportunities and difficulties with being an IT consul-
into the work processes of an IT consultancy firm, one of the           tancy firm attempting to work with sustainability offers.
authors carried out meetings and interviews at a Nordic IT con-
sultancy. The company has about 1300 employees and offers               A. Early Engagement in Sustainability
services in all stages of the development of digital systems:               The IT consultancy firm was founded in 1995, and they fo-
creation of digital strategies, idea and prototype generation,          cus on business to business sales. One respondent argued that
system implementation, testing, and management. For this                sustainability has been there since the start, although it was not
study, the focus was on early stages of projects where the con-         perhaps identified as sustainability as such. Rather the focus
sultancy firm provides clients with advice on digital strategies        was on human resources and human rights, what perhaps could
and business development. This part of the process was chosen           be coined as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and envi-
since it may be difficult to include sustainability concerns at         ronmental issues (although less specified). In 2010 they
later stages of projects if they are not accounted for already in a     launched their first sustainability report and notably they were
strategic stage.                                                        one of the first consultancy firms in Sweden to do so. Follow-
     Initially, three meetings with the company’s head of strate-       ing this, the company has had several internal dialogues about
gic advice services were conducted to get an overview of the            how to further improve their sustainability work. This led, for
processes used when providing this type of service – either             example, to one of the owners suggesting that they should start
when the company is approached by a client or when the com-             looking at what kind of external impact they could have on
pany approaches a client to sell its services. To gain a deeper         sustainability issues, rather than only focusing on their internal
understanding of how sustainability is, or could be, integrated         impact. After this, the company started evaluating what kind of
into the work processes, semi-structured interviews were con-           environmental impact they might have, and what kind of posi-
ducted with six people working with digital sustainability in           tive sustainability effects they could deliver through their cus-
relation to the company’s advice services (see Table I for de-          tomers.
tails). The interviews were carried out in person, except from              Today, the company put a lot of effort in using the Sustain-
the interview with R3 which was carried out over Skype, and             able Development Goals and Net Positive in their projects.
all interviews were audio recorded.                                     They make an effort to work with an outside-in perspective,
     The interview transcripts were analysed with a focus on            which is to say a perspective that focus on need rather than
identifying opportunities and challenges for integrating sustain-       product. Namely, the proposed value propositions and business
ability concern into strategic digitalization and business devel-       plan innovations that the IT consultancy firm offer to their cli-
opment processes. Furthermore, the company’s processes were             ents are based on the knowledge of their client’s marketplace.
mapped in relation to current sustainability efforts and sugges-        The greatest asset to this perspective is the customers, and the
tions for how the company could continue refining their pro-            ability to differentiate between what the clients make and what
cesses were developed.                                                  the client’s customers actually need.
                                                                            Early on (even before the SDGs were launched) the IT con-
                  TABLE I. INTERVIEW RESPONDENTS                        sultancy firm formulated what sustainability effects they might
                                                                        contribute to through their services to their customers, namely
     Respondent                        Role description                 Energy savings, Dematerialization, As-a-service, Decreased
                                                                        Resource Use, Safety and Other, which are further described in
R1                   Head of sustainability
                                                                        Table II.
R2                   Head of the company’s strategic advice services

R3                   Employee working with strategic advice services

R4                   Former employee who worked with strategic advice

R5                   Independent consultant supporting the company in
                     developing a process for digital sustainability

R6                   Employee at the company’s sales department
                                                                                 client’s products/services and their work within sustainability.
                                                                                 They focus on information that they might not have been able
         TABLE II. THE IT CONSULTANCY’S SERVICES AND THEIR                       to find out by themselves.
                            SUSTAINABILITY EFFECTS
                                                                                     During the second Internal phase they try to further analyse
                                                                                 the client’s needs and possibilities, also with the Sustainable
    Sustainability effect                            What?
                                                                                 Development Goals and Net Positive in mind. This time around
Energy savings                     The IT consultancy firm’s client, the         they have more information about the client’s products and/or
                                   client’s customer, or the end user can        services than during the previous internal step. They might also
                                   decrease their energy use.                    have gained greater insight into what the client might want or
Dematerialization                  Physical materials or products are
                                   digitized/digitalized, or the same level of
                                                                                     This then leads to an Offer, which includes a process of
                                   functionality can be delivered with less or   workshops in collaboration with their client, as well as data
                                   no material.                                  gathering from their client’s customers. The implementation of
                                                                                 the offering usually contains three separate workshops. The
As-a-service                       From product to service for the IT            first workshop covers inspiration and innovation, aligned with
                                   consultancy’s client, or client’s customer.
                                                                                 the client’s business. The second workshop is about business
Decreased resource use             Less or no use of non-renewable resources     model innovation, and the last workshop as about tying it all
                                                                                 together by refining, reworking, and defining ideas and solu-
Safety                             Safer digital   spaces and/or increased       tions. The idea is that the Sustainable Development Goals and
                                   security                                      Net Positive should be integrated during all the workshops.
                                                                                 However, in the interviews it became clear that the above de-
Other product       or   service   Development beyond the above, that            scribed general approach are in practice performed differently
development                        contributes to the Sustainable Development    within the Strategic Advice Services. During the interviews,
                                   Goals and sustainable development.
                                                                                 two different particular approaches were identified.
                                                                                    1) Approach 1
    The IT Consultancy firm is committed to continue working                         One of the approaches used for the Strategic Advice Ser-
with sustainability. One external aim is to become more proac-                   vices’ digital sustainability offer were described by one of the
tive in their sales work which hopefully would enable them to                    respondents as the double diamond. A summary of how it is
contribute to greater changes within sustainable development.                    used in conjunction with Net Positive and the SDGs is dis-
To reach this aim, the IT consultancy firm has developed a                       played in Fig. 3.
digital sustainability offer within its strategic advice services
B. Strategic Advice Services
    Strategic advice services, where the IT consultancy firm
first meet their clients is the first phase where the company can
help their clients with digital sustainability. A simplified over-
view of their general approach is displayed in Fig. 2.

 Fig. 2. Overview of the general approach used in Strategic Advice Services
                                                                                   Fig. 3. Approach 1, the Double Diamond as described in the interviews
    The initial Internal stage begin with research of the current
client in order to gather an understanding of what they offer,                        The double diamonds approach is common in design, and
what their products or services are, and how they profile them-                  the employee at the IT consultancy firm who use it argued that
selves regarding sustainability. They also attempt to find possi-                it is because of his/her background within industrial design that
ble synergies, and do a trend analysis which involves looking at                 it is used.
what other companies in the same industry or with similar                             "I think that it’s probably because I’m so strongly influ-
products/services do. Other than this, they create a possible                    enced by having a background in industrial design that I am
value proposition where they do a Sustainable Development                        drawn to this double diamond model, but I think even in non-
Goals inventory, and analyse the possibly relevant indicators                    designy projects, it translates really well. You start somewhere
for their client.                                                                and you don’t know what the problem is so you have to ex-
    After this, they move on to the second phase, External,                      plore, you have to go broad and you have to maybe look for
which includes meeting with the client and getting their inter-                  details, maybe you don’t know exactly what the problem is
est. In addition, they collect additional information about their                don’t know exactly what you’re looking for and then you start
to design it to a more specific case [...] there’s always an itera-   Goals and Net Positive is to be considered during phase two,
tion between diverging, opening up, and converging, making            three, and four.
things more specific." (R3)
     As can be seen in the quote R3 argues that the double dia-
mond is relevant in all kinds of projects. Fig. 3 shows that the
Sustainable Development Goals are assessed during the phase
Discover. The questions asked during that step is “which Sus-                     Fig. 4. Approach 2 as described in the interviews.
tainable Development Goals are relevant?”, “how is the work
we do today related to any goals?”, “and which goals are for us
(the client) possible to look at in the future?”. At this point an    C. SDGs and Net Positive
impact assessment is also made. To do that, the question                   When Strategic advice services assess which Sustainable
“where do we (the client) want to have an impact as a compa-          Development Goals are relevant to a project they start by ex-
ny?” attempts to be answered. The first step is rather broad, and     ploring the overview of the 17 goals. When they identify one or
it is during step two, Define, that more specific ideas and solu-     several relevant goals for a project, the second step is to look
tions may form. When this narrowing down has been accom-              further into the goals by assessing their sub targets. The sub
plished, the outcome should be one or a couple of ide-                targets are presented both during the potential value proposition
as/solutions. These can then be assessed from a Net Positive          and later in their sustainability report. Two respondents ex-
approach in the third step, Develop. An important question at         pressed that the presence of or relation to the goals can some-
that point is “is the ideas/solutions actually contributing to        times feel vague, and that there is room for improvement and
something good, or are they only focused on not doing any             development in this area:
harm?”. In the last step, Deliver and End solution, respondent             ”The SDGs, it’s still a bit vague exactly what we should do
R3 expressed that the IT consultancy firm have work to do             with them, how are we to address them and I believe that if we
regarding measuring a project’s impacts, as in the following          can get those two [SDG and Net Positive] together in a syner-
quote:                                                                gy, then I think that is the best way forward.” (R1)
     "When you come to your final solution, I think it’s gonna be          As of now, Net Positive is integrated in the IT consultancy
a lot more about doing actual measurements, and I think that’s        firm’s digital sustainability in such a way that they talk about
one of the areas where [the IT consultancy firm] maybe has…           environmental opportunities rather than obligations. They sug-
more space to develop, that we haven’t really done a lot of as I      gest an approach where digitalisation might help their client to
would see, fact-based impact assessments. [describes a par-           contribute to the environment and to society, rather than only
ticular case with sustainability goals but not indicators of suc-     minimizing their negative impact. One respondent stated that it
cess] I can sort of see the intent behind that, but I think for…      is rare to do this within consultancy firms, and that the IT con-
for this process to be [...] credible, later people are going to      sultancy firm aim to embrace the possibility to actively con-
ask those questions like ‘how did it actually work? was it actu-      tribute to a positive development within digitalisation. What
ally more sustainable’, and if you cannot prove that you’re           the same respondent also expressed, was that it is still a rather
probably gonna set it off as a… as a green-washing thing or as        new approach and therefore not widely accepted in different
a marketing, or whatever." (R3)                                       industries as in the following quote:
     Respondent R3 argued that if they were to use the last stage          “The drawback with Net Positive is that it isn’t used that
to set indicators for goals and measurement, it would be easier       much, and there aren’t that many that who understands it, and
to make fact-based assessments of their impacts.                      it is a bit difficult to actually, or not a little, it’s actually quite
   2) Approach 2                                                      hard to measure it” (R1)
     Another approach that emerged during the interviews is                Hence it is difficult to measure the impact or success, which
displayed in Fig. 4. The first step in the approach is Finding        makes it more difficult to prove that the IT consultancy firm’s
synergies between the IT consultancy firm and its client. It is a     actions actually make a difference.
sort of evaluation of what the IT consultancy firm can offer
their client through collaboration. Step two, Research, includes      D. Consultancy and tech culture
research about the client and their business, their prod-                 Being a consultancy firm makes it possible for the IT Con-
ucts/services, what they do within sustainability, and their cur-     sultancy to affect companies cross-industry and this does bring
rent partnerships. The aim is to know as much about their client      both difficulties and opportunities to the fore. Three respond-
as they can to suggest relevant development. After this, a trend      ents stated that they as an IT consultancy firm are used to fast
analysis is conducted. This is a benchmark of what other com-         changes, and one respondent said that they have the possibility
panies or organisations in the client’s industry are doing, what      to connect disruptive technical opportunities to business oppor-
technical developments and trends might be relevant, and what         tunities. The same respondent also expressed that some diffi-
is being, and can be done, in the said industry regarding sus-        culties may be that consultancies are often considered to only
tainability. After these three steps, the information gathered        be interested in selling their services, that is making profit,
makes it possible for the IT consultancy firm to create a value       which makes it important to be confident in their sustainability
proposition for their client. The Sustainable Development             focused offer and be able to present the customer value of
                                                                      working with sustainability. This respondent also stated that
“there is a ‘tech-culture’ that focuses on efficiency within exist-         “So, I think it looks really promising but for me, personally,
ing systems among many of those who work with IT” (R5),                it needs to become more concrete, like going through it like in
which can be an issue when trying to accomplish a Net Positive         a specific case, one or two times before you can actually… I
approach. Another respondent mentioned that there are engi-            feel like right now it’s hard to judge like, ‘oh this is missing
neers at the company that do not see the purpose of digital sus-       and that is missing’ because I haven’t experienced it.” (R3)
tainability and state that they are an IT firm that should focus            The respondent did however continue to argue that it looks
on tech, as exemplified in the following quote:                        really promising, but that it needs to become more concrete.
    “This is a way to think, that we should use this fantastic de-          Overall, three of the respondents expressed that they liked
velopment [digital sustainability] in a positive way so that we        the entirety of SPRING and idea behind it, and that its presence
bring value to the society, it does appeal to many of our em-          itself urges the sustainability work at IT consultancy firm for-
ployees and especially the younger ones, but then there are of         ward. However, two respondents said that the process is too
course people who think it is only mumbo jumbo kind of, and            complicated, and need to be simplified or further explained as
then I think they have not really understood it, and that is           in the following quote:
something I sometimes meet within the company.” (R1)                        ”So, I think the whole idea behind it is great, but on the
    This might indicate that there are some ‘tech-culture’ mem-        other hand, I don’t believe they have succeeded in making it
bers at the IT consultancy firm a well. This respondent also           simple and understandable, I think there’s much left to be done
pursued the issue with lack of data. Often, because they are a         there.” (R4)
consultancy firm, they don’t have access to all the data that               Another aspect that two respondents highlighted was that
relates to a product or service that they contribute to. It could      distributing the SPRING process and its purpose outside of
be because they sometimes are not involved in an entire pro-           strategic advice services has not succeeded fully as exemplified
ject, only parts of it, or that they don’t have access to data about   by R2:
how a product or service is used. This then makes it harder for             ”We have not really succeeded in anchoring this with eve-
them to address the right issues, or going deep enough into            ryone else at [the IT consultancy firm] […]there are some very
issues.                                                                good thoughts behind this and we talk about it, but there isn’t
                                                                       always a match perhaps on how we view things, and we might
E. Formalizing a process - SPRING
                                                                       need to revise the SPRING document compared to today, and
    Just before the interview study presented in this paper was        the process, in order to do it more clear” (R2)
done, the IT consultancy firm had started to formulate a new                Moreover, two respondents expressed that the customer
more formalized process for their strategic advice services. The       value is not clear enough, and need to be further developed to a
process, called Digital Sustainability - Global Sustainability as      more tangible value.
a Driver for Innovation and Growth, also referred to as                     ”Well, sometimes it is hard to explain to them, the value of
SPRING, was finished during the winter of 2017/2018 in the             it. It is like, when we come to them and talk about digitalization
form of a white paper [33]. This white paper contains a descrip-       and sustainability and such, then it can be as if they are on a
tion of a process the strategic advice services are expected to        totally different level, and we have to start to, like, lift the dis-
use when providing a digital sustainability offer to a client. The     cussion a bit before we can even start to talk about this pro-
whole process has at the writing of this paper, been piloted in        cess.” (R6)
one project. An overview of the process is displayed in Fig. 5.             Other than this, there was one respondent who argued that
                                                                       the process is not too difficult, but that it needs to be imple-
                                                                       mented into the strategic advice service processes.

                                                                                                V. DISCUSSION
                                                                            This paper has reported results from an exploratory case
                                                                       study of an IT consultancy firm, with the aim to explore how
                                                                       sustainability concerns can be integrated into the work process-
                                                                       es, and the opportunities and challenges of doing so.
                                                                            The IT consultancy firm in this study has worked with CSR
                                                                       and sustainability for a long time, and communicate widely
                                                                       their sustainability engagement. Compared to many other com-
          Fig. 5. An Overview of the SPRING process from [14]          panies in the industry, they have a high profile as a sustainabil-
                                                                       ity engaged company, and have the reporting track record to
    Three of the respondents (R2, R4, and R5), have been in-
                                                                       back it up. As a consultancy firm, they have the possibility to
volved with the creation of the SPRING process. These three
                                                                       work with clients cross-industry, and hence have a high poten-
respondents, as well as respondent R3, were all involved in the
                                                                       tial to use ICT as an enabler to reduce impact in other sectors
pilot project at some stage. Respondent R3 expressed that the
                                                                       [22] or in other words to work with Sustainability through ICT,
process seemed interesting when reading about it, but since
                                                                       reaching larger impact than just greening their own internal
he/she was only part of one stage of the pilot project it was not
                                                                       ICT use. Furthermore, the top-down management approach,
enough to understand it fully, as in this quote:
                                                                       with a highly engaged owners and top managers, strengthen the
ongoing work of introducing more sustainability focus in their        However, since the interviews indicated that measuring impact
work processes. Although, there are a few challenges facing the       is somewhat lacking today, there is room for improvement. It
company.                                                              might not always be possible to measure all projects quantita-
                                                                      tively, but by setting indicators and goals early on in a project
A. Unclear process
                                                                      they will have the possibility to communicate what kind of
    The sustainability work has evolved over the years, and           change or impact that their projects are striving for. That could
new metrics, frameworks and ideas have been added to the              be a way of making their contributions more credible [30]. By
earlier efforts. An example of this is the SDGs, that have been       refining or applying the above discussed steps, the process of
added on top of the Sustainability Effects presented in Table II.     creating and communicating technical solutions within the digi-
Furthermore, the Net Positive approach has also been added to         tal sustainability offer would be improved.
the mix, without removing, or aligning this with what was there          2) Clarifying Net Positive
earlier.                                                                   The Net Positive approach is still rather new and not widely
    Considering the six main sustainability effects that the IT       adopted in industry, which can be considered both an ad-
consultancy firm contribute to (Table II), it is not clear which      vantage and a disadvantage. It can communicate that the IT
effects are prioritized or to which effects most effort is put in     consultancy firm is at the forefront of sustainable business
to. As an example, the energy saving effect lies within the           work leading to being approached by sustainability engaged
scope of sustainable ICT. Dematerialization and as a service is       companies and organizations, at the same time as it to some
more aligned with sustainability through ICT, which has a             might seem complex and unproven. Another drawback is that
greater potential of affecting the environment than sustainabil-      measuring the impacts of a Net Positive approach is not neces-
ity in ICT [14]. None of the respondents acknowledged these           sarily easy. Good practice for measuring is still developing, and
two perspectives of ICT and sustainability, and it has not been       there are guidelines in Measuring Net Positive [11] that could
displayed as a parameter or indicator during any of the process-      be helpful.
es for their digital sustainability offer. Adding this parameter to        In the interviews it became clear that the IT consultancy
their processes might make it possible for the IT consultancy         firm had not communicated to their employees how to set indi-
firm to consciously focus more on sustainability through ICT          cators for measuring Net Positive impact. The measurement
projects.                                                             does not necessarily have to be quantitative, and cannot always
    The strategic advice service is today carried out with an aim     be presented in such a way either. A few basic questions for
of considering both SDGs and Net Positive, but the interviews         increased transparency for companies when reporting Net Posi-
showed that this was approached differently by different people       tive are the following: What has changed? What was the base-
(as in the reported approach 1 and 2). The more formalized            line? Has the problem shifted elsewhere (rebound and dis-
SPRING process has been developed, but not widely tested and          placement)? How long will the benefit continue into the future
spread in the whole organization. The interviews also showed          before it is replaced (drop-off/future benefits)? [11]. Using
that although the SPRING process is detailed, it is still not con-    these indicators when creating and evaluating a technical solu-
crete enough. There is a need to clarify and break down the           tion that the IT consultancy firm has provided to a client would
different steps, and the connection to both SDGs and Net Posi-        improve the credibility of the product/service.
tive, better.                                                              Another aspect to consider is wherein which area a compa-
   1) Clarifying the Sustainable Development Goals                    ny, or a project in the IT consultancy firm’s case, should focus.
    To increase the credibility of the assessment process used        There are five of these areas presented in Measuring Net Posi-
within strategic advice services, it could be beneficial to use the   tive; carbon (including energy), water, social, material use (in-
Sustainable Development Goals Compass [30]. There are five            cluding forestry and waste), and ecological (including agricul-
steps, where step one, that includes understanding the business       ture and biodiversity) [11]. The relevance of these areas will
opportunities and challenges, is already accomplished by the          depend on what kind of projects the IT consultancy firm en-
current process. Step two (defining priorities) could be applied      gages in, and should be implemented and considered as impact
to any project that the IT consultancy firm is involved in. This      measurement points during the strategic advice service pro-
step involves mapping the value chain to identify impact areas,       cesses. This can increase credibility, both with clients and the
select indicators and collect data, and thereafter define to which    general public.
goals a company will have the greatest impact. The third step
involves setting goals, that are measurable and time-bound.           B. Data as a challenge and opportunity
This is also a step that could aid the IT consultancy firm in de-         One challenge to the IT consultancy firm (and any consul-
veloping their work with the Sustainable Development Goals            tancy) in their digitalisation and sustainability work, is the lack
further. Furthermore, by adding the indicators connected to this      of data access. Even if the IT consultancy firm aims to contrib-
step, it should be easier to communicate impacts. The fourth          ute to sustainability effects such as energy savings and products
step, integrating the goals within the organisation, is something     or services with a positive effect on the environment, how will
that the IT consultancy already attempts to do. The fifth and         they be able to prove this if they do not have long term access
final step is about reporting and communicating progress. This        to their clients’ data? Although it is not possible to measure
is also done by the IT consultancy firm to some extent, by link-      everything quantitatively, there are still possibilities to indicate
ing projects to specific goals in their sustainability report.        positive changes. An area where the IT consultancy firm could
engage in, is business to business data sharing with other com-       D. Future work
panies. This would correspond to changing the rules as argued             This study has been an exploratory case study, based on in-
by Dyllick and Muff [26] Today, it is most common that busi-          terviews with respondents within the IT consultancy firm
ness to business data is shared and re-used within the same           working with sustainability. As such, the results are applicable
sector, and the most common data to be shared is that which is        in other settings, but perhaps not yet generalizable. A natural
generated by internal IT business systems and Internet of             extension to this work would be to not only focus on internal
Things [13]. According to [13] the concept of business to busi-       respondents, but to also interview clients of the IT consultancy
ness data sharing is not yet commonly understood. The study           firm. Furthermore, the focus has been on the early stages of
claims that companies that engage in this kind of data sharing        strategic advice services, and the work can be extended by
are not giving away complete datasets or lose “data ownership”        looking at later phases of the process.
rights, but they allow third-parties to get involved with the pro-        One thing that often lacks in sustainability work and initia-
cess. The third-party might be involved as intermediaries or as       tives in practice is how to make actions and results tangible
enablers. Both technical and legal skills are of significant im-      enough. This is something that needs to be further investigated
portance if engaging in business to business data sharing [32],       and explored. There is a need for longer studies that focus on
but if the IT consultancy firm were to establish that kind of         specific projects from the start to finish, and even further than
competence this could be a way of accessing more data.                that. A possible obstacle with this is that actual environmental
C. Tech-culture and maturity                                          impacts may not be apparent until years after a product or ser-
                                                                      vice has been implemented. One way of approaching this could
    Despite the high engagement of management, and despite
                                                                      be to investigate both short- and long-term impacts. Another
sustainability being on the agenda within the company for a
                                                                      aspect that should be explored further is how to agree on meas-
long time, there is still issues in spreading this focus within the
                                                                      urements cross-industry, or at least within same industry.
organization. In the interviews it was mentioned that the
                                                                      Without a generally accepted and adopted language and meas-
SPRING process had not spread through the organization, and
                                                                      urement indicators it is difficult to compare different results.
that there are still employees that do not understand the value
                                                                      Hopefully, further work with business to business data sharing
of working with the SDGs and Net Positive. Furthermore, there
                                                                      might contribute to general measurement indicators being
were respondents that alluded to a ‘tech-culture’, within the
company as well as in the industry in general, which prioritizes
technological development above sustainability concerns,                                    VI. CONCLUSIONS
which can be compared to the Cornucopian paradigm described
                                                                          The aim of this paper has been to explore how sustainabil-
by Preist et al. [20]. Addressing this tech-culture might be the
                                                                      ity concerns can be integrated into the work processes of IT
biggest challenge for the IT consultancy firm, since the sustain-
                                                                      consultancy firm, exploring both opportunities and challenges.
ability processes, goals and aims otherwise may be circum-
                                                                      As such, the IT consultancy firm in the study has already been
vented in the daily practice. This could be compared to the fo-
                                                                      integrating sustainability in its processes, and is underway to
cus on computational thinking pervasive in computing educa-
                                                                      further integrate it. There are opportunities in using the SDGs
tion and practice [34], which delimits the focus of computing to
                                                                      and Net Positive to drive their strategic advice services, alt-
only address solvable problems without considering widened
                                                                      hough more clarifications are needed, as well as more work to
system boundaries. Besides this being a problem adherent to IT
                                                                      spread the process within the organization. A potential threat to
companies, or tech industry, it is also a strong discourse in so-
                                                                      this work is a tech-culture, both within the company and within
ciety in general [21]. In the light of maturity models and the
                                                                      the industry, which may resist sustainability work. Further-
Business Sustainability Typology, the highest level is when an
                                                                      more, lack of data and measurement might undermine the sus-
organization has gone through a shift in perspective - placing
                                                                      tainability focus effort pushed by the IT consultancy firm, in
the societal and environmental concerns at the forefront instead
                                                                      general, there is a need for more fact-based assessments of sus-
of profit. Or as argued by Dyllick and Muff, “[...] only a shift in
                                                                      tainability effects.
organizational perspective, from inside-out to outside-in, will
allow a company to develop strategies and the business models                            ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
needed to make relevant contribution to overcome societal and
planetary challenge, thereby contributing to the common good”            This paper is based on a Master of Science thesis report
[26, p. 168]. In such a shift, a majority of the employees must       [35]. A warm thanks is extended to everyone involved in the
be engaged. To some degree, there are already high aims from          work at the IT Consultancy Firm. A sincere thanks is also ex-
the top management to shift the company towards having so-            tended to the anonymous reviewers who gave constructive
cietal and environmental concerns as a top priority. But being a      comments on an earlier version of this paper.
(profit-dependant) company within a larger economical struc-                                    REFERENCES
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