=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_28 |storemode=property |title=A Low Carbon Kubernetes Scheduler |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_28.pdf |volume=Vol-2382 |authors=Aled James,Daniel Schien |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ict4s/JamesS19 }} ==A Low Carbon Kubernetes Scheduler== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_28.pdf
                     A Low Carbon Kubernetes Scheduler
                                  Aled James                                                 Daniel Schien
                         Email: aledjms@gmail.com                                     University of Bristol, UK
                                                                                  Email: Daniel.Schien@bristol.ac.uk

   Abstract—A major source of global greenhouse gas emissions                renewable (‘green’) energy as well as fossil fuel or nuclear
is the burning of fossil fuels for the generation of electricity.            based energy sources (‘brown energy’) in order to compensate
The portion of electricity generated from fossil fuel varies across          for the intermittent nature of renewable energy generation. So-
regions, and within a region with demand for electricity and the
availability of renewable energy sources. Cloud providers operate            lar photovoltaic (PV) power production primarily depends on
data centres in locations around the planet. And certain kind of             the amount of solar irradiation (insolation) reaching the solar
server computation can tolerate migrating between data centres.              panel; however, that irradiation is not uniformly distributed
   In this paper we describe the design and implementation of                over time [7]. In addition to the rotation of the earth, weather
a low carbon scheduling policy for the open-source Kubernetes                and intermittend clouds block the Sun’s rays and thus influence
container orchestrator. We apply this scheduler in a form of
demand side management by migrating consumption of electric                  solar power generation output.
energy to countries with the lowest carbon intensity of electricity.            Intermittency of availability of renewable energy sources is
   The primary contributions of this text are (i) the scheduler’s            one of the factors driving demand side management (DSM) in
design, which provides a generic model for optimising workload               the electric grid where consumers of electric grid alter their
placement in regions with the lowest carbon intensity (ii) an                energy consumption patterns. In the area of energy systems
evaluation of its performance in a case study with a major
public cloud provider (iii) an implementation of a demand side               management, demand side management (contrasts with supply
management solution that consumes electricity where, instead of              side interventions) refers to any initiatives (technical interven-
when, grid carbon intensity is lowest.                                       tions, pricing models and monetary incentives) that affect how
   Index Terms—Kubernetes; green computing; DSM; Demand                      and when electricity is being required by consumers. While
Side Management; renewable energy; grid carbon intensity                     much of the research on DSM focusses on domestic energy
                                                                             consumption there has also been work investigating DSM by
                         I. I NTRODUCTION
                                                                             cloud data centres.
   Cloud datacentres typically comprise tens to thousands of                    An important form of DSM is load shifting, whereby
interconnected servers and consumes a substantial amount of                  load on the electric grid (i.e. demand for electric energy) is
electrical energy [1]. [2] estimates that by 2030 datacentres                rescheduled to a time of day during which the energy demand
will use anywhere between 3% and 13%1 of global electricity.                 can be more easily met by renewable resources [8]. Fig. 1
All major cloud computing companies acknowledge the need                     provides a basic visualisation of the load shape objective of
to run their datacentres as efficiently as possible in order to              Load Shifting Demand Side Management.
address economic and environmental concerns, and recognise                      In this paper we describe the proof of concept design
that ICT consumes an increasing amount of energy. As an                      and implementation of a low carbon scheduling policy for
example for a response, Google Cloud Platform runs its                       the open-source Kubernetes container orchestrator that can
datacentres entirely on renewable energy since the end of                    provide DSM for cloud data centres. The scheduler selects
2017 [3], while Microsoft have announced that their global                   compute nodes based on the real-time carbon intensity of
operations have been carbon neutral since 2012 [4]. Not all                  the electric grid in the region they are in. Real-time APIs
cloud providers have been able to make such an extensive                     that report grid carbon intensity is available for an increasing
commitment; Oracle Cloud, for example, is currently 100%                     number of regions; but not exhaustively around the planet.
carbon neutral in Europe, but not in other regions [5]. Much                 In order to effectively demonstrate the schedulers ability to
of the aforementioned companies’ claims come with the caveat                 perform global load balancing we evaluate the scheduler based
that their carbon emissions are not zero, but are offset by                  on its ability to the metric of solar irradiation.
financial instruments which invest in future renewable energy                   The text is organised as follows. In the next section we
generation or carbon capture; these future reductions are then               look at existing work related to energy consumption of cloud
netted off against the current year’s greenhouse gas emissions               computing. In section III we derive the design of the scheduler
[6].                                                                         – the implementation of which is detailed in section IV. In
   As the availability of renewable energy at a particular                   section V we evaluate the implementation before we conclude
location is inherently variable, the electricity in the local grid           in section VI.
that datacentres draw from typically is generated from both
                                                                                       II. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK
  Support for this research was generously provided by Microsoft Azure
  1 The study’s authors acknowledge that the worst-case scenario of 13% is     In their taxonomy of DSM techniques [9] list four main
‘exorbitant’, but ‘not totally unrealistic’                                  approaches: (a) energy efficiency, (b) time of use, (c) demand
                                                                           conventional power generation methods are required to meet
                                                                           demand during the downward (during sunrise) and upward
                                                                           (during sunset) sloping sections of the curve.
Electricity consumption

                                                                              GreenSlot, proposed by Goiri et al. [12], is a scheduler
                                                                           which predicts the amount of solar energy that will be available
                                                                           in the near future, and schedules the workload to maximise
                                                                           green energy consumption while meeting the deadlines speci-
                                                                           fied by the job submitter. Greenslot, however, operates within a
                                                                           datacentre rather than between distributed datacentres, as we
                                                                           propose. Additionally, the system was implemented for two
                                                                           specific schedulers (SLURM and the MapReduce scheduler
                                                                           of Hadoop); not for Kubernetes. GreenSlot increased green
                                                                           energy usage by 19-21% by delaying jobs so that they are
                             Time of day
                                                                           executed during periods of high green energy production or
                                                                           low brown energy prices [13].
                                                                              GreenWorks is a framework that was proposed by Li et
Fig. 1. Demand Side Managment (DSM) strategy - Load Shifting. The ‘duck
curve’ of solar power generation can be observed, with energy generation   al. [14] for datacentres powered by hybrid renewable energy
peaking in the middle of the day                                           systems. The framework considers the timing behaviours and
                                  [8]                                      capacity constraints of different energy sources that are avail-
                                                                           able to a singular datacentre and makes optimal decisions
response and (d) spinning reserve. Time of use refers to                   based on the energy mix available at any time.
scheduling energy consumption outside of peak times. De-                      Wang et al. [15], consider a mix of green and brown
mand response refers to reduction of electricity demand either             energy sources, and use the following formula to implement
via direct control of devices by the electric utility provider             a k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) based algorithm to forecast
or using electricty tariffs in order to create incentives for              the solar energy level generation for the next day and make
consumers to alter their behaviour. Spinning reserve refers to             VM placement decisions accordingly.Additionally, their model
the capability of some energy consuming devices to reduce                  is renewable-energy aware and considers the energy cost of
their power consumption in response to changes to the grid                 datacentre cooling [15].
frequency that results from load in the grid. Among these four                As highlighted by Brancucci et al. [11], Goiri et al. [13], Li
categories, energy efficiency measures are most desirable as               et al. [14] and Wang et al. [15], several solar power forecasting
they result in long term reductions of energy consumption and              technologies currently exist and are continuously improving,
thus cost.                                                                 with modelling efforts accelerating thanks to advancements in
                                                                           machine learning techniques. Antonanzas et al. also consider
A. Energy-efficient cloud computing                                        very short term forecasting, denoted as intra-hour or ‘now-
   Greater datacentre energy efficiency may be achieved                    casting’ [7]. All these works consider scheduling with regard
through a number of different methods. Some of these, com-                 to renewable energy sources, but do so with consideration to
piled by Zakarya and Gillam [10], are outlined on Fig.2. Some              singular datacentres rather than taking a more global view,
of these methods will be further explored in relation to cloud             and deal with a mix of renewable and non-renewable energy
computing in the proceeding section. The research outlined                 sources rather than variable renewable energy sources exclu-
in this project chiefly pertains to the ‘load balancing’ and               sively [15].
‘renewables’ rows listed in Fig.2.                                            The Low Carbon Scheduler on the other hand considers
                                                                           carbon intensity across regions as scaling up and down of a
B. Green datacentres and renewable energy                                  large number of containers can be done in a matter of seconds.
   Solar power generation is characterised by variability and              Nonetheless, these works provide an understanding of green
uncertainty. Business decisions considering where best to                  computing at the WSC level, knowledge of which can under-
install photovoltaic (PV) arrays rely on historical solar irra-            stand the trade-offs that are to be made in a geographically
diation data, which measure the solar energy that reaches the              distributed scheduler.
earth’s surface over a long-term period. This usable energy
varies according to latitude, elevation, season, and climate.              C. Geographically distributed green datacentres
The value of more short-term, namely day-ahead, solar power                   Reasoning that it is cheaper to transmit data over large dis-
forecasting is discussed in Brancucci et al.’s 2017 paper [11],            tances than it is to transmit power, one of the first papers that
and indicates that such forecasting can lead to a reduction in             suggested locating data centres near renewable energy sources
overall solar energy generation costs. The paper discusses the             was written in 2008 by Hopper and Rice [16]. As grids and
‘duck curve’, in which solar power generation is observed to               datacentres are located in multiple regions that span the globe,
be highest during the middle of the day, and can account for               each is powered by different mixes of both green and brown
a greater share of electrical power generation; however, more              energy sources. Routing more user requests to the region
                                               Fig. 2. Current approaches to datacentres energy efficiency [10]
   Technique                              Explanation                             Benefits                        Shortcomings
   Virtualisation                         Dynamically provision re-               Efficient energy saving         Widely used, VM live mi-
                                          sources                                                                 gration affects network per-
   Server consolidation and               Reduces active servers by               Increases the utilisation ra-   Consequences from failure
   encapsulating application              consolidating the workload              tio of servers, reduce SLA      of    single    consolidated
                                          of multiple servers                     violation ratio                 server
   DCP (Dynamic Capacity                  Adjust the available re-                More energy-efficient           Involves cost of switching
   Planning)                              sources tocurrent demand                                                resources on/off; could vio-
                                                                                                                  late customers’ SLAs
   Load Balancing                         Balance     the    workload             Equal utilisation               Challenging to implement
                                          among different servers to                                              in a heterogeneous platform
                                          level out average utilisation
   Scheduling and VMs place-              Place VMs onto a suit-                  Server and communication        Planning and live migration
   ment                                   able (most energy-efficient)            system energy-efficient         SLA violation
   Live migrations                        Migrate VMs from over-                  Less energy consumption         Service level of running ap-
                                          utilised & under-utilised to                                            plication affected
                                          more efficient servers
   Renewables                             Migrate VMs to servers op-              More energy efficient and       Renewables are intermittent
                                          erated by renewable energy              economical                      & involve migrations that
                                          sources                                                                 cost extra energy

which is powered by cheaper production technology not only                        the scheduler considers local air temperature when making
helps to save energy, but, according to Zakarya and Gillam                        placement decisions (see section IV-A).
[10], offer at least three further benefits: (i) renewable energy                    ‘Green geographic load balancing’ was also used in a
in oversupply allows for energy to be fed back to the electricity                 paper by Islam et al. [24]; however, this was with the aim
grid; (ii) a high supply of renewables decreases demand for                       of rationing water consumption in datacentres rather than
non-renewable sources from the electricity grid; (iii) lessened                   reducing carbon emissions. This is especially important during
reliance on renewable energy storage reduces the costs of                         periods of drought, as experienced in California in recent
management and replenishment of storage mechanisms, such                          years. Their algorithm, WATCH (WATer-constrained workload
as batteries, and extends the life of these mechanisms.                           sCHeduling in data centers), dynamically dispatches workload
   Rahman et al. survey geographic load balancing of data                         across geographically distributed datacentres based on water
centre workload [17]. Geographic load balancing for carbon                        availability. While this work does not directly relate to our
reduction in the past has typically used request routing to direct                proposed scheduler, the paper nonetheless demonstrates the
demand relative to carbon intensity of electricity. Among                         feasibility of implementing a green scheduler, remembering
them, [18] propose a traffic engineering framework, while [19]                    that ‘green’ is a term that can be applied to minimising
propose a conceptual model based on Simulated Annealing                           consumption of natural resources in addition to encouraging
optimisation. Here, we go beyond the model and propose                            renewable energy usage.
a solution on the level of the infrastructure orchestration                          In 2012, Van Heddeghem et al. concluded that while
provided by Kubernetes.                                                           deploying additional datacentres can help in reducing total
   Berl et al. [20] outlines how a geographically-distributed                     carbon footprint, substantial reductions could be achieved
workload allocation system could work, and proposed moving                        when datacentres with nominal capacity well below maximum
workload between datacentres if necessary in order to improve                     capacity redistribute workload to sites based on the availability
energy efficiency. The paper focuses not on scheduling in                         of renewable energy [25]. The authors take a probabilistic
accordance with low carbon electricity, but advocates allo-                       approach to chosing target data centres as opposed to our use
cating work to cooler datacentres2 . A 2014 Paper by Zhang,                       of real-time API based on reported actual generation data.
Shao et al. [22] estimated that 30 to 50% of a datacentre’s                          EcoPower is a system designed to perform eco-aware
energy consumption comprises ‘cooling energy’. Oro and                            power management and load scheduling for geographically
Salom came to a figure of 40% in 2015 [23]. For this reason                       distributed green cloud datacentres [26]. While the paper
   2 Facebook published some details of their datacentres in Sweden, which
                                                                                  concludes that wind-dominant, solar-complementary strategy
highlighted their efforts to locate their datacentres in colder climes in order   is superior for the integration of renewable energy sources into
to minimise datacentre cooling costs [21]                                         cloud datacentres’ infrastructure, the Low Carbon Scheduler
 Country        Microsoft [29]   Google [30]   Amazon [31]   Oracle [32]
 Australia      x                x                           x           report the volume of electricity input to the grid in regular in-
 Belgium                         x                                    tervals to the organisations operating the grid (for example the
 Brazil         x                x             x             x        National Grid in the UK). Increasingly, this production data is
 Canada         x                x             x
 China          x                              x                      made available in real-time via APIs. For the European Union
 Denmark                         x                                    such an API is provided by the European Network of Trans-
 Finland                         x                                    mission System Operators for Electricity (www.entsoe.eu) and
 France         x                              x
 Germany        x                x             x             x        for the UK this is the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service
 India          x                x             x                      (www.elexon.co.uk). These APIs typically provide the retrieval
 Ireland        x                              x                      of the production volumes and thus allow to calculate the
 Japan          x                              x             x
 Korea          x                              x                      carbon intensity in real-time [33]. Our low carbon scheduler
 Malaysia       x                                                     collects the carbon intensity from the available APIs and ranks
 Netherlands                     x                           x        them to identify the region with lowest carbon intensity.
 Norway         x
 Singapore                       x                                                                  III. D ESIGN
 South Africa   x
 Sweden                                        x                         Kubernetes has been adopted and adapted for the purpose
 Switzerland    x
 Taiwan         x
                                                                      of scheduling workload around the globe. While section III-C
 UAE            x                                                     outlines the design decisions made in order to enable a low
 UK             x                x             x             x        carbon scheduling policy, a brief overview of Kubernetes and
 US-CA          x                x             x             x
 US-East        x                x             x             x
                                                                      the role of scheduling within Kubernetes is provided first.
 US-central     x                x             x             x
                                                                      A. Kubernetes and container orchestration
                                                                         Kubernetes, initially developed by Google and open-sourced
provides a proof-of-concept demonstrating how to reduce               in 2015, is based on the company’s experience of running
carbon intensity in cloud computing. Also, the Low Carbon             containers internally on Google’s own WSCs using its pro-
Scheduler focuses on Kubernetes workloads, which is not the           prietary Borg system [34]. The source code for Kubernetes
case with EcoPower. Calculating energy usage is also widely           was released in July 2015, and has grown to have more pull
explored in the work of Khosravi et al. [27] on geographically        requests and issue comments than any of the 54 million other
distributed cloud datacentres.                                        projects on GitHub [35]. Kubernetes was later donated to
   Hasan et al. discuss green cloud computing from a business         the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, part of the Linux
cloud user’s perspective: companies may choose to specify             Foundation.
a requirement for green energy usage in their Service Level              The user provides the Kubernetes master3 with the desired
Agreements (SLAs) with cloud computing providers [28]. In             cluster configuration, typically in YAML format. Once the de-
the paper they extend the Cloud Service Level Agreement               sired state has been declared to the master, Kubernetes initiates
(CSLA) language in order to incorporate two new threshold             a reconciliation process to match the desired state of the cluster
parameters that ensure that more environmentally sustainable          with the current, actual, state. Once the desired cluster state
policies are adhered to. The incentivisation of the Low Carbon        has been achieved, the Kubernetes controllers are in an active
Scheduler is discussed in section IV                                  reconciliation process, i.e. they monitor for changes made to
                                                                      either the desired state (through user input) or the current state
D. Geographically distributed cloud datacentres                       (through node or netwok failures, for example), and ensures
                                                                      that if a change is detected, the Kubernetes controllers carries
  The largest public Cloud providers operate data centres             out the required operations to match the cluster’s current state
around the planet. Table II-D lists the countries as of April         with its desired state [36].
2019.                                                                    Kubernetes can make use of GPUs4 and has also been
                                                                      ported to run on ARM architecture5 . Kubernetes has to a large
E. Real-time carbon intensity                                         extent won the container orchestration war [41], [42]. This,
   Electricity in national electric grids is generated from a         coupled with Kubernetes’s support for extendability and plug-
variable mix of alternative sources. The carbon intensity of          ins makes Kubernetes the most suitable for which to develop a
the electricity provided by the grid anywhere in the world            global scheduler and bring about the widest adoption, thereby
is a measure of the amount of greenhouse gas released into            producing the greatest impact on carbon emission reduction.
the atmosphere from the combustion of fossil fuels for the               3 Through CLI/GUI/API
generation of electricty. The carbon intensity is calculated as          4 Used extensively for Machine Learning and other GPU-intensive tasks
the sum of the carbon intensity of the various energy sources         such as graphics rendering - NVIDIA have released a container for use
weighted by the relative production volumes per energy source         with GPUs [37]. Microsoft has made use of Kubernetes for running deep
(i.e. fuel type). The dominant types of fossil fuel used for          learning models [38]. Kubernetes has also been used with great success for
                                                                      bioinformatic analysis [39]
electricity generation are gas and coal. Significant generation          5 Which uses substantially less power than the CPUs of traditional server
sites (excluding, for example, domestic solar PV installations)       and desktop computers [40]
    Term        Definition                                                 scheduling rules are called Priorities; these are scheduling
    Pod         The atomic unit of a Kubernetes cluster; a                 rules that rank the remaining nodes according to preferences8 .
                group of one or more containers with shared                A scheduling policy is a particular combination of predicates
                storage/network, and a specification for how               and priorities.
                to run the containers nested within the pod                   The scheduler specifically
    Master      Provides the cluster’s control plane. Master                  • (a) looks for Pods that aren’t assigned to a node (unbound
                components make global decisions about the                      Pods),
                cluster (for example, scheduling), and detect-                • (b) examines the state of the cluster (cached in memory),
                ing and responding to cluster events, such as                 • (c) picks a node that has free space and meets other
                restarting stopped pods.                                        constraints
           Fig. 3. Kubernetes architecture and basic terminology              • (d) binds that Pod to a node. If multiple nodes are
                                   [43]                                         assigned the same priority, a node is chosen at random
   As outlined on Fig. 3, the Kubernetes master performs a                 C. Extending the Kubernetes scheduler
number of roles, among them scheduling. Kubernetes allows
                                                                              The official Kubernetes documentation describes three pos-
for schedulers to run in parallel, meaning that the scheduler
                                                                           sible ways of extending the default scheduler (kube-scheduler)
will not need to re-implement the pre-existing, and sophisti-
                                                                           [48]: (i) adding these rules to the scheduler source code and
cated, bin-packing strategies present in Kubernetes. It need
                                                                           recompiling, (ii) implementing one’s own scheduler process
only apply a scheduling layer to compliment the existing
                                                                           that runs instead of, or alongside kube-scheduler, or (iii)
capabilities proffered by Kubernetes.
                                                                           implementing a scheduler extender.
B. Scheduling in Kubernetes
                                                                           D. Air temperature and solar irradiance
   Kubernetes builds on work that was done at Google for
managing its internal cluster, called Borg [34], and later on                 As described in the literature review in section II-C, the lo-
a project called Omega6 [45]. Facebook is believed to use a                cal air temperature surrounding a datacentre affects the amount
similar service called Tupperware [34]. Google’s publication               of energy needed for cooling; air temperatureis therefore a
of ‘Large-scale Cluster Management at Google with Borg’ [34]               relevant consideration when the scheduler selects the most
proved to be seminal, and is counted as the key publication                suitable datacentre for workload allocation. In the scheduler’s
on which Kubernetes is based. A number of features and                     design, two datacentres with similarly-carbon intense grid
concepts from Borg have been brought forward to Kubernetes,                electricity are further ranked by temperature, with the cooler
including API Servers, Pods, IP-per-Pod, Services, Labels                  location prioritised for the (re)allocation of the specified
[34]. The Omega paper also provides a useful description                   workload.
of scheduler interference [45], whereby multiple schedulers
may attempt to claim the same resource simultaneously. The                 E. Carbon emission model
Omega paper explains that two approaches can be used to                       In this subsection we describe a brief conceptual model of
mitigate this: a pessimistic approach which ensures that a                 the carbon emissions associated to computation and migration
particular resource is only made available to one scheduler                of work.
at a time, and an optimistic approach, which detects conflicts                Carbon emissions that result from the consumption of
and undoes one or more of the conflicting claims [45]. Our                 electric energy can be calculated as the product of the electric
design, as it operates at a higher level of abstraction, assures           energy E and the carbon intensity of electricity I, thus E · I.
that Kubernetes continues to deal with bin-packing at the node             Compute work drives the consumption of electric energy
level, while the scheduler performs global-level scheduling                EC (energy compute in data centres and networks mainly
between datacentres.                                                       in three ways. Most importantly, electric energy is required
   The default scheduling algorithm used by Kubernetes is                  for servers during the runtime t of the computation. The
succinctly explained in a README file in the source code:                  power consumption P is a function of the varying utilisation
      There are two steps before a destination node of a                   of compute resources
                                                                                          R        (e.g. CPU, memory, IO) over time.
      Pod is chosen. The first step is filtering all the nodes             Thus, EC = P (u(t))dt. Secondly, electric energy is also
      and the second is ranking the remaining nodes to                     consumed during transmission over the network of any data
      find a best fit for the Pod. [46]                                    (input to or results of computation), labeled EN (energy
   The scheduler evaluates all the nodes in the cluster based              network). This energy consumption is proportional to the
on a number of rules, known as Predicates; these are schedul-              volume of data transferred [49]. Finally, there is a ramp-up
ing rules that filter out unqualified nodes7 . Another set of              overhead from deploying the Kubernetes service in the target
                                                                           location ER.
 6 Kubernetes is in fact claimed to be in many ways superior to Borg and
Omega [44]                                                                   8 Among the most commonly used are ImageLocalityPriority, Balance-
 7 PodFitsResources, PodFitsPorts, MatchNodeSelector etc.                  dResourceAllocation, LeastRequestedPriority
  Carbon emissions can be reduced by migrating a Kubernetes       the APIs of the Azure platform. The introduction of additional
deployment if                                                     public clouds is straight forward as described in IV-B.
         ECA IA > ECB IB + ERB + ENAB IAB                            1
                                                                     The scheduler receives the carbon intensity values for all
with ECA , ECB the compute energy in data centre A and B,         viable datacentre regions. Once the results have been received,
IA , IB the carbon intensities in regions of data centre A and    the scheduler ranks the locations. By default this ranking
B, ERB the energy consumed for deploying the Kubernetes           occurs in accordance carbon intensity and air temperature, but
service, ENAB the energy consumed for transporting all            can be modified, as demonstrated later.
required data from A to B and IAB the average carbon                 Having determined the most suitable (i.e. ‘greenest’) dat-
intensity in the network route from A to B [50].                  acentre location, the program sends a request to the cloud
   In this model we assume PUE is similar between data centre     Kubernetes or IaaS management API to provision a Resource
A and B. Among these variables, the carbon intensities are        Group at that datacentre, then verifies that this was successful.
known to a Cloud customer via the carbon intensity APIs.          Upon confirming the success of Resource Group creation a
Cloud providers, i.e. data centre operators will also be able     request to provision a Kubernetes cluster is sent. Typically,
to determine any differences between ECA and ECB , ERB .          a new cluster takes around 10 minutes to provision and for
Cloud operators would also know if PUE (power utilisation         the credentials to be agreed upon9 , and often an additional
efficiency) differs between two locations. PUE factors can        minute or two for all of Kubernetes’s internal components to
simply be added as coefficients to either side of the relation.   be in a ‘Ready’ status. In order to wait for this to happen,
   In our evaluation we present a concrete service for which      the scheduler polls the cluster at regular intervals10 for the
very little data has to be transported during migration of the    status of its components. Once the cluster is in ‘Ready’ state
Kubernet deployment, and that thus can be optimised from          the specified Deployment is executed. After all resources have
the perspective of the Cloud customer, in other words, based      been created the Scheduler deletes the Resource Group in the
on knowledge of IA and IB alone, assuming that the runtime        region that was just determined to be less suitable11 . This
energy consumption for identical computation in two locations     design ensures that the next cluster is fully up and deployed
A and B is similar, thus ECA ≈ ECB .                              before pulling down the previous cluster, ensuring that the
F. Pseudo-code                                                    deployment is running continuously. It also addresses the issue
                                                                  of what would happen if such a scheduler were widely used,
Algorithm 1 The Low Carbon Kubernetes Scheduler                   and if a large number of users were demanding resources from
Require: kubectl                                                  the same datacentre: if the datacentre were overburdened with
Require: cloudproviderCLI                                         requests, it would simply return a message to indicate that
  P = (x, y)                                                      the deployment cannot be placed, allowing the workload to
  ID                                                              continue as normal in the previous region.
  greenestregion =                                                   AKS (Azure Container Service) [sic] - Managed Kuber-
  for all P do                                                    netes.. AKS reduces the complexity and operational overhead
    get carbon intensity                                          of managing a Kubernetes cluster; however, this is only
    for all P do                                                  currently offered in three regions 12 . Also unable to scale down
       if ID = 0 then                                             to zero pods13
       end if
                                                                  A. Incentivisation
       sort by carbon intensity
       if I[loc0] u I[loc0] then                                     In the first instance, the Low Carbon Scheduler will be
          for all P do                                            appealing organisations aiming to increase the sustainability
             sortbyairtemp                                        of their compute jobs. It could also play a role in ensuring that
          end for                                                 such green SLAs are adhered to by allowing some companies
          return topregion                                        to opt in to a greener scheduling policy. One such proposal
       else                                                       for the Low Carbon Kubernetes Scheduler could be allowing
          return topregion                                        the deployer of cloud resources to declare their deployment as
       end if                                                     ‘latency-insensitive’, which would permit cloud operators to
    end for
  end for                                                           9 Using the host’s public SSH key, or a user-specified public SSH key

  wait30mins                                                        10 in our implementation, every 20 seconds
                                                                     11 Deleting the cluster alone won’t necessarily remove the cluster’s child
                                                                  resources. Ideally, in all areas that cannot generate renewable energy, CPU
                    IV. I MPLEMENTATION                           cycles of any kind (including those made by the Kubernetes master) would
                                                                  be zero. This would be unnecessarily costly and energy-inefficient.
   In this section we describe the current implementation of         12 As of March 2018: centralus, eastus, westeurope [51]

the design. At present the implementation is compatible with         13 CLI says it must be 1 or greater [52]
schedule that workload in a manner that optimises demand-                         B. The Heliotropic Scheduler
side decarbonisation14 .                                                             The list of least carbon intense countries only contains
B. Extensibility                                                                  countries in central Europe locations. In our evaluation of
                                                                                  the Kubernetes extension and its ability for globally distribut-
   The software has been written to allow for easy extensibility.                 ing deployments we have chosen to optimise placement to
Further metrics can be introduced to the code in order to                         regions with the greatest degree of solar irradiance, termed
influence the datacentre scheduling decisions. The software’s                     a Heliotropic Scheduler. Solar irradiance varies more widely
plugin package contains variables and suggested function                          than carbon intensity across global regions.
declarations that would allow practically any kind of metric                         This scheduler is termed ‘heliotropic’ in order to differenti-
to be passed to it, similar to the way that the Kubernetes                        ate it from a ‘follow-the-sun’ application management policy
scheduler does. It would be possible, for example, to introduce                   as mentioned in the documentation to the cloud framework
consideration of live cloud-region pricing data posted on                         Apache Brooklyn [54] [55] and in academic work [56]. While
AzurePrice.net. Extensibility of the scheduler is important                       ‘follow-the-sun’ relates to meeting customer demand around
in order to allow new metrics to be introduced to influence                       the world by placing staff and resources in proximity to those
scheduling decisions. Some metrics, for example, are simply                       locations (thereby making them available to clients at a lower
not available to the public15 , but would be useful for the                       latency and at a suitable time of day), a ‘heliotropic’ policy
implementation of a carbon-aware scheduling policy [53].                          goes to where sunlight, and by extension solar irradiance, is
   In order to facilitate extensibility of cloud providers beyond                    1) Live solar irradiance data: As the scheduler reacts
Azure, the source code strives to ensure that vendor-specific                     to changes in insolation in near real time, a good source
commands are kept to their own packages. Azure-specific                           of live weather data is crucial for its correct functioning.
commands are contained in the azacs16 package. Other de-                          Following a review of seven live weather APIs [57], Weath-
velopers may then easily add functionality to the scheduler by                    erbit.io was chosen as it was the sole simulatenous provider
introducing new packages for each cloud vendor. Additionally,                     of three metrics necessary for the Heliotropic Scheduler: air
once AKS17 is supported in a greater number of regions, it                        temperature, windspeed, and live insolation data. This latter,
would be a trivial task to customise the source code to use                       crucial measurement was derived from a metric called DHI,
AKS instead of (or in addition to) ACS.                                           or ‘Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance’. DHI signifies the amount
   It would have been possible to configure the scheduler to                      of radiation received on a horizontal surface that does not
pull the deployment specification YAML from the running                           arrive on a direct path from the sun, but has been scattered
cluster, and pass this configuration onto the next region, but                    by molecules and particles in the atmosphere [58]; it roughly
storing the file in a GitHub ‘gist’ that the scheduler is aware                   corresponds to Watts generated per square metre 18 [59]. The
of makes use of the practice in cloud computing known as                          veracity of the insolation data provided by Weatherbit.io could
‘infrastructure as code’. This relates to managing and provi-                     be verified by comparison with equivalent data from other
sioning resources using definition files, rather than physical                    Weather API providers.
hardware configuration. This makes builds more reproducable
and allows for version control systems to be used to track                        C. BOINC
files and reverse a non-functioning declaration to a previous,                       We evaluate our implementation of the Heliotropic Sched-
working state. The scheduler can be easily configured to                          uler by running BOINC19 jobs on Kubernetes. BOINC (Berke-
specify either a URL pointing to a raw YAML or JSON file,                         ley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) is a soft-
or to specify a locally-stored deployment configuration.                          ware platform for volunteer computing that allows users
                            V. E VALUATION                                        to contribute computational capacity from their home PCs
                                                                                  (usually when the computer is idle) towards scientific re-
A. Carbon Ranks                                                                   search [60]. Among the most widely supported projects are
   We recorded the carbon intensities for the countries that                      Einstein@Home, SETI@home and IBM World Community
the major cloud providers operate data centres in (see II-D)                      Grid20 .
between 18.2.2019 13:00 UTC and 21.4.2019 9:00 UTC. We                               While any number of programs could have been chosen or
then ranked all countries by the carbon intensity of their                        written to carry out compute workload on the heliotropically-
electricity in 30 minute intervals. Among the total set of 30                     scheduled cluster, BOINC was chosen, along with the IBM
minute values Switzerland had the lowest carbon intensity                         Community Grid project, so that the project might contribute
(ranked first) in 0.57% of the 30 minute intervals, Norway                        to scientific research rather than perform an arbitrary ‘number-
0.31%, France 0.11% and Sweden in 0.01%.                                          crunching’ task of our own design. The BOINC client down-
  14 Conceivably at a fractionally lower cost in order to incentivise its usage     18 Subsequent investigations into the Weatherbit API revealed that additional
  15 Such as each datacentre’s green/brown energy mix and how much energy         solar insolation metrics (DNI and GHI) were provided, but undocumented on
storage capacity is at each location                                              the Weatherbit website
   16 Azure ACS (Azure Container Service)                                           19 rhymes with ‘oink’
   17 Azure’s managed Kubernetes service                                            20 As of January 2, 2018, 37 BOINC projects are active [61]
loads raw data, processes them and then uploads the results
back to the project servers before requesting additional work
[62]. Choosing BOINC as the cluster workload therefore offers
the advantage of there being no strong requirement for either
low latency or persistent storage.
   A paper for further research regarding volunteer computing
(specifically BOINC) in the cloud, by Montes, Añel et al. [63],
demonstrates the suitability of BOINC for cloud computing
in certain circumstances21 . This project’s work on BOINC
[64], including a Dockerfile and publically available image,
are available on Docker Hub22 .
D. Results of evaluatory experiments
   Pages 8 to 9 show empirical results of the Heliotropic
Scheduler placing workload in Microsoft Azure datacentres
across the globe. Each column of graphs shows the varying
DHI, the deployment location for the BOINC cluster over
time together with a map of the datacentre locations. The first
two tests show how the scheduler correctly identified the most
suitable region based on insolation and allocated work to those
regions as desired in the design specifications. Fig. 4 shows
that the deployment was raised in australiaeast, in accordance
with DHI, and remained there for the duration of the test.
   Fig. 5 shows that the deployment was raised in westeurope,
in accordance with DHI, before scheduling itself heliotropi-
cally to eastus, and later centralus.
   Fig. 6 demonstrates the scheduler’s extensibility. With a
minimal amount of configuration, the scheduler operated on
a follow-the-wind model. As wind power continues to be
generated at night, a greater number of datacentres are in
contention to be the most suitable. For this reason a number                                              Fig. 4. Test 0 (DHI)
of redeployments occur over the test’s time period. Depending
on the nature of the work, datacentre migration might include
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