=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_3 |storemode=property |title=The Climate Effect of Digitalization in Production and Consumption in OECD Countries |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_3.pdf |volume=Vol-2382 |authors=Steffen Lange,Tom Kopp |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ict4s/LangeK19 }} ==The Climate Effect of Digitalization in Production and Consumption in OECD Countries== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_3.pdf
             The Climate Effect of Digitalization in
             Production and Consumption in OECD
                                          Thomas Kopp1 and Steffen Lange2
                  The University of Göttingen, Platz der Göttinger 7, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
             Institute for Ecological Economy Research, Potsdamer Str. 105, 10785 Berlin, Germany

Abstract—How does increasing digitalization affect the           Department of Trade and Industry claims that digital-
environment? A number of studies predict that digital-           ization improves an economy’s ecological sustainabil-
ization will ultimately reduce environmental degradation         ity by increasing resource and energy use efficiencies
but seem to overestimate the emission-reducing effects of
digitalization through increases in resource efficiency, while   (E NERGIE, 2015). According to the Association of Ger-
underestimating substantial rebound effects and negative         man Engineers, digitalization may result in increases
environmental impact of the construction and maintenance         in resource efficiency of up to 25% (R ESSOURCENEF -
of complex digital infrastructures. Additionally, the envi-      FIZIENZ, 2017). And the ’Global e-Sustainability Initia-
ronmental benefits of decreasing consumption of one-time         tive’, an international network of IT companies, argues
usage goods may be outweighed by the environmental costs
of the production of ICTs and the increasing use of digital      that digitalization has the potential to decrease global
technologies.                                                    carbon emissions by an impressive 20% (G E SI and
                                                                 ACCENTURE, 2015).
This paper analyzes the relationship between degrees of
countries’ level of digitalization and environmental indica-     Looking closer at these studies reveals that such pre-
tors by use of a panel data set of 37 economies. It is the       dictions are founded upon weak empirical bases. Some
first paper to differentiate between emissions associated
                                                                 publications simply postulate the likely potential of digi-
with a country’s production and those connected to a
country’s consumption, accounting for emissions related          talization to decrease environmental pressures with little
to exports and imports. The level of digitalization in           subsequent quantitative analysis (F ORSCHUNG, 2014;
production is approximated by companies’ investments             B UNDESREGIERUNG, 2014; W ISSENSCHAFT, 2013).
in digital technologies. The chosen indicator to measure         Others, while based on more concrete empirical cal-
consumers’ proclivity to digital technologies is online shop-
                                                                 culations, nevertheless overestimate positive effects and
ping behaviour. We address the problem of changes in
unobserved heterogeneity by using the recently developed         underestimate negative ones (G E SI and ACCENTURE,
Group Fixed Effects estimator.                                   2015), for a discussion see H ILTY and B IESER (2017).
Results indicate that the beneficial environmental effects       The scientific literature on the environmental effects of
of digitalization on reducing climate gas emissions slightly     ICT usually differentiates between effects on different
outweigh the undesired environmental effects, both in pro-       levels. Most taxonomies have in common that they
duction and consumption. Ultimately, we find that increases
in digitalization have a net positive effect on the natural      include first higher order effects (RØPKE, 2012; H ORNER
environment.                                                     et al., 2016a; P OHL et al., 2019). The definition of first
                                                                 order effects is similar throughout the literature. It entails
Keywords: ecological footprint, digitalization, environ-         the energy, resource use and emissions associated with
mental throughput, industry 4.0.                                 the production life cycle. This entails the production, use
                                                                 phase and disposal of ICT.
                    I. I NTRODUCTION                             However, the entire environmental effects of ICT in-
                                                                 volve additional mechanisms (A RVESEN et al., 2011;
There is a widely-held consensus among politicians and           H AKANSSON and F INNVEDEN, 2015). Such higher order
economists that increases in digitalization will have a          effects are manifold. Which effects are incorporated
net-positive effect on the environment. The German               into the analysis and how they are systemized varies
II Literature review

throughout the literature. Some of these effects tend to      macroeconomic shocks parallel to digitalization makes
have positive and some to have negative environmental         it even more complicated to measure each of the three
consequences. A recent list of effects includes substi-       mechanisms as along with the overall effect of digi-
tution effects, optimization effects, beneficial effects,     talization. Indeed, it is difficult to clearly separate the
direct rebound effects, indirect rebound effects, induction   environmental effects caused by digitalization from those
effects, sustainable lifestyles and practices, transforma-    effects caused by other key factors, like the continuing
tional rebound effects, induction effects and systemic        globalization of world trade, economic policies aimed at
transformation and structural economic change (P OHL          climate change and environmental threats, urbanization,
et al., 2019). Several authors do not further categorize      and population growth, among others.
these higher order effects (B ÖRJESSON R IVERA et al.,
                                                              Due to these challenges in measuring the environmental
2014; P OHL et al., 2019). However, there exist also
                                                              effects of digitalization directly, an alternative method
several categorizations amongst the higher order effects.
                                                              – complementary to the existing ones in the literature
B ERKHOUT and H ERTIN (2004) differentiate between
                                                              – is to compare economies within the same historic
indirect and systemic effects and H ORNER et al. (2016a)
                                                              setting through a differences in differences approach.
between application and systemic effects. Many authors
                                                              Do economies experiencing faster digitalization increase
differentiate between two levels of higher order effects
                                                              or decrease their environmental throughput compared to
(i.e., second and third order). This categorization has
                                                              economies with slower digitalization over the same time
first been introduced by B ERKHOUT and H ERTIN (2001).
H ILTY and A EBISCHER (2015) see the life cycle effects
of production, use and disposal at the first order level,     Nearly no studies exist on the macro level to allow for
referring to them as direct effects. At the second order,     capturing both negative and positive effects of digital-
so-called enabling effects include process optimization,      ization on biosphere use with an explicit differentiation
media substitution, and externalization of control. Me-       between production and consumption effects. One of few
dia substitution means that with increased digitalization     existing studies providing such evidence is S CHULTE
information is distributed through new forms of media,        et al. (2016), who assess the effects of increasing ICT use
for example replacing books by tablets or Kindles, or re-     on energy consumption in production through a cross-
placing audio playback devices with streaming services.       country panel data analysis. Our approach adds to the
Externalization of control captures all processes that are    existing body of knowledge by explicitly differentiating
out of the hands of consumers or businesses using a           between the environmental effects of increasing digital-
specific technology, such as the need to regularly acquire    ization caused by production and consumption.
new hardware due to software update cycles. Third
order effects are labelled systemic effects and encompass                    II. L ITERATURE REVIEW
rebound effects, emerging risks and transition towards
sustainable patterns of production and consumption.           The life-cycle impacts of ICT use have been subject to a
                                                              number of investigations. The production and application
Accurately measuring the effect of digitalization on
                                                              of ICTs themselves require a substantial input of raw
the environment using these different classifications of
                                                              materials and energy. However, existing studies on the
effects is a challenging task (H EIJUNGS et al., 2009;
                                                              natural resource costs associated with the production and
F INKBEINER et al., 2014; M ILLER and K EOLEIAN,
                                                              employment of ICTs are limited.
2015). It would be possible to investigate the life-cycle
impacts, as well as the productivity increases, on a          According to a recent study by M ALMODIN et al. (2018),
microeconomic scale by estimating changes in environ-         the use of ICTs accounts for 0,5% of global material
mental productivity for the production of specific goods      use. However, these numbers vary highly concerning the
and services, or by measuring the energy and resources        specific material being considered. Indeed, ICT accounts
used to produce and use ICTs. However, even this is           for 80-90% of depletion of certain materials, such as
a difficult task (H ILTY, 2015). Estimating the effect of     indium, gallium and germanium. Several studies have
digitalization on labor productivity and economic growth      investigated ICT’s effects on the demand for energy.
is even more difficult, as various other factors come         A NDRAE (2015) estimate that the use of ICTs accounted
into play. Digitalization takes place within a certain        for 8% of global energy use in 2010 and expect this share
historic situation of the world economy. The fact that        to rise strongly in the coming years. VAN H EDDEGHEM
economies undergo a multitude of transformations and          et al. (2014) estimate that the share of global energy

III Methodology

consumption due to a certain subset of ICTs (communi-                          and consumers have more income to spend on other
cation networks, personal computers, and data centres)                         goods and services. This implies that the energy and
grew from 3.9% to 4.6% in 2012 alone. These numbers                            natural resources saved through increased productivity
certainly show that such direct effects of ICTs must be                        can be used for other productive purposes, either to
considered when estimating whether growing levels of                           produce more of the same goods and services or to
digitalization serve to increase or decrease environmental                     produce additional other goods and services. Many au-
throughput over time.                                                          thors have found evidence for rebound effects in different
                                                                               areas of the digital economy, including C OROAMA et al.
Many examples of increases in environmental produc-
                                                                               (2012), M OKHTARIAN (2009), and A RNFALK et al.
tivity through increased ICT use have been observed.
                                                                               (2016) for virtual meetings and video conferencing, and
More efficient movement of robots can decrease their
                                                                               B ÖRJESSON R IVERA et al. (2014a) for production of
energy use in manufacturing.1 In one of the first studies
                                                                               ICT hardware. Another example is in the increasing
on the subject, L ENNARTSON and B ENGTSSON (2016)
                                                                               efficiency of processing units. The so called “Koomey’s
find that improvements in robotic movement efficiency
                                                                               law” states that the energy efficiency of processing units
are associated with a decrease in energy consumption of
                                                                               doubles every 1.5 years (KOOMEY et al., 2011). If the
up to 40%. C OROAMA et al. (2012) find that replacing
                                                                               amount of processing units would stay the same, energy
in-person business meetings with virtual conferences
                                                                               use by such units would decrease along a logarithmic
could decrease the carbon footprint of such meetings by
                                                                               pattern with a half-life of 1.5 years, quickly approaching
37% - 50%. Electronic invoicing can decrease energy
                                                                               very low levels. But at the same time, the amount of
use compared with traditional invoicing methods and
                                                                               computations of the processing units produced and used
switching to online newspapers and magazines rather
                                                                               grows over time. The bottom line is that the growth in the
than consuming conventional print publications can have
                                                                               number of processing units is higher than the rate of in-
a substantial and far-reaching positive environmental
                                                                               crease in productivity. This impressive growth can at least
impacts as well (M OBERG et al., 2010). Various studies
                                                                               partly be explained by technological developments. The
have investigated the environmental effects of online
                                                                               newer, more efficient units allow for media substitution,
vs. offline retailing at the micro level (H ORNER et al.,
                                                                               resulting in more aggregate use. For example, with the
2016b; M ANGIARACINA et al., 2015; L OON et al., 2015).
                                                                               larger and more energy-intensive processing units in the
Which one is more efficient depends on various factors
                                                                               1990s, it was simply not feasible to invent a functional
such as population density and the specific conditions
of delivery, implying that online shopping can actually
be more environmentally harmful than traditional retail.                       In summary, the existing research suggests that digi-
The same is true for media substitution regarding online                       talization has the potential to increase environmental
video streaming compared to renting DVDs (S HEHABI                             productivity in many economic areas. But even if this
et al., 2014).                                                                 holds true, the production and maintenance of a digital
                                                                               infrastructure (first order effects) and potential rebound
In addition, rebound effects can also be observed. In
                                                                               and other higher order effects could outweigh the benefits
a nutshell, rebound effects refer to the phenomenon
                                                                               described by the first mechanism, possibly leading to
where an increase in production efficiency leads to a
                                                                               an increase in total environmental throughput after all.
lowering of consumer prices. This, in turn, leads to
                                                                               Only by an aggregated analysis that takes all mechanisms
higher demand, resulting in an expansion of total pro-
                                                                               into account can we investigate whether digitalization
duction. The corresponding increase in natural resource
                                                                               increases or decreases environmental throughput.
use may overcompensate the ecological efficiency gains,
leading to a net-increase of biosphere use (B ERKHOUT
et al., 2000). An overview of the literature on rebound                                          III. M ETHODOLOGY
effects in regards to ICT usage is provided by G OSSART
(2014). If digitalization helps to increase energy and                         A. Estimation method
resource productivities, the costs for energy and other
resources decrease. Economically speaking, this means                          This analysis relies on the recently introduced Group
that the production function shifts downwards, a new                           Fixed Effects (GFE) estimator. It was developed by B ON -
                                                                               HOMME and M ANRESA (2015) and has been used by
equilibrium of lower price and higher quantity is reached,
                                                                               few studies so far (G RUNEWALD et al., 2017; KOPP and
  1 Note that this refers to robot steerage, not the introduction of robots.   D ORN, 2018). Its development has been motivated by

III Methodology

problems with conventional panel fixed-effect analysis,                         B. Identification strategy
which implicitly assumes unobserved heterogeneity be-
tween countries to stay constant over time. To tackle this                      The effects of digitalization can be decomposed into
issue, in the first stage the GFE assembles all countries                       those effects related to the production of goods and
into groups, according to the changes in the observables.                       those related to the consumption of goods. The former
In the second stage the panel estimation is exercised,                          includes increased technical efficiency due to the use of
supplemented by dummy variables for each of the groups                          ICT in production processes, while the latter refers to
instead of individual country effects. The GFE also                             changing consumption patterns, such as the switch from
solves the problem of low degrees of freedom in fixed-                          conventional analogous and offline practices to digital
effect panel estimations, which require a big number of                         and potentially online ones. To allow for a differentiation
dummy variables (one dummy per section, e.g. country).                          between the effects of these two areas we approach
Since the GFE bundles all countries within a relatively                         the question from two sides, first from the production
small number of groups (all literature reviewed that                            perspective and then from the consumption perspective.
employs the GFE estimator relies on less than ten groups
(B ONHOMME and M ANRESA, 2015; G RUNEWALD et al.,                               To measure production-side effects, we measure all re-
2017; KOPP and D ORN, 2018)), the number of covariates                          sources that are used in one country’s industrial pro-
decreases strongly.                                                             duction and investigate how deeply resource use in that
                                                                                country is affected by the country’s level of industrial
Four control variables are included, following
                                                                                digitalization. This level of digitalization is captured by
G RUNEWALD et al. (2017) and KOPP and D ORN
                                                                                the total yearly investments of all firms in information
(2018): the share of the population living in urban areas,
                                                                                and communication technology. Environmental through-
as well as the shares of the GDP being generated in
                                                                                put is proxied by each country’s CO2 emissions.
the agriculture, the manufacturing, and service sectors,
respectively. This leads to the following equation to                           The analysis on the consumption side considers all
be estimated, for both production and consumption                               resources used during the production of the goods con-
analyses:                                                                       sumed in one certain country (even if produced abroad)
                                                                                and associates them with a measure of digitalization on
             ln CO2 = ln Digi + ln GDP                                          the consumer side in one country. Defining an aggregate

                     + ln GDP Digi + X                                          measure to account for all aspects of digitalization on the
                                4                                         (1)   consumer side is complicated, as it encompasses several
                           + GF E + c + ";  i
                                                                                dimensions. This means, generally speaking, that new or
                               i=1                                              additional products and services are consumed that were
                                                                                not previously imagined to complement or substitute
where CO2 stands for climate gas emissions and Digi                             existing ones. This also includes the purchasing process
for the level of digitalization.2 GDP denotes each                              itself, which is involved in every purchasing act, and
country’s GDP. GDP Digi is a cross term capturing                               might therefore serve as an effective proxy for the
interaction effects between GDP and the measure of                              consumers’ openness to new technology and willingness
digitalization on the outcome variable.3 X is the vector                        to use them. This paper therefore proxies digitalization
of control variables (x1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 ) and the vector of                     on the consumption side by the share of individuals who
the respective coefficients (1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ). GF Ei stands                  ordered consumer articles online during the last three
for the coefficients of the GFE-groups, of which one is                         months.4 The environmental throughput caused by the
omitted from the estimation due to collinearity. c is a                         consumption of goods in a country is proxied by the
constant and " an error term. The dependent and the                             sub-index CO2 emissions of the ecological footprint. The
key explaining variables are described in the following                         critical difference between the two measures of biosphere
sections.                                                                       use is that the former captures the CO2 emissions pro-
                                                                                duced within the countries while the latter also accounts
   2 The identification of the digitalization effect is laid out in the next
                                                                                for emissions imported and exported through trade.
   3 This allows for the possibility that the effect of one of the variables
depends on the state of the other, i.e. that digitalization may affect            4 As this decision is controversial some critical reflections and ideas
biosphere use in richer countries systematically different than it does         on alternatives to this measure are provided in the “Outlook” section
in less well-off countries.                                                     IV-C.

IV Results, discussion, and outlook

C. Data                                                                   and exported. Since the database provides the EF in the
                                                                          form of “global hectares”, it was converted back to CO2
On the production side the key explanatory variable,                      emissions, based on average sequestration capacity of
the digitalization in a country’s production, is the sum                  forests, which is the measure used to construct the EF in
of all investments made by all companies into ICT                         the first place. The control variables are the same as for
infrastructure and software that is used for more than                    the production side. Descriptive statistics of all variables
one year. This variable is provided by the OECD (2017).                   entering the consumption side regression are provided
The dependent variable is CO2 emissions generated                         in Table (II). The values diverge slightly from the ones
by all production processes carried out in one country,                   provided in table (I); because – due to different data
proxying the environmentally detrimental output caused                    availabilities – the countries included in the analysis vary
by production. This variable, as well as the controls, were               slightly.
taken from the World Development Indicators, provided
by the World Bank. Descriptive statistics of all variables                TABLE II: Summary statistics of all variables entering
entering the production side regression are provided in                   the consumption side regression.
Table (I).
                                                                                                     mean      sd         min     max
TABLE I: Summary statistics of all variables entering                           lnEFP                 5.77    1.36        2.43    7.88
                                                                                lnOnlineShopping     -1.57   0.85        -3.91   -0.33
the production side regression.                                                 lnGDP                22.00    1.52       18.03   24.39
                                                                                Urban                72.62   12.84       49.69   97.82
                             mean         sd     min     max                    Manu                 13.72    4.48        4.08   24.83
          ln CO2              6.56       1.33    4.65    9.96                   Agri                  2.36    1.68        0.25    9.03
          lnICTinvest         2.73       0.39    1.03    3.48                   Serv                 62.75    7.03       42.92   78.31
          lnGDP              23.10       1.20   21.03   26.04
          Urban              77.56       7.58   57.92   88.91
                                                                                                  177 observations
          Manu               17.52       4.15    9.06   27.80
          Agri                2.95       2.08    0.55   11.68
          Serv               61.39       6.05   44.60   76.38             The consumption side is estimated as follows:
                            318 observations
                                                                           ln CO2C = C ln OnlineShopping + C ln GDP
So on the production side the following model is esti-
                                                                                    + C ln GDP OnlineShopping

                                                                                            X GF E + c + " ;
                                                                                    + C XC                          (3)
  ln CO2P = P ln ICTInvest + P ln GDP                                                   +              i     C       C
                    X GF E + c + " ;
           + P ln GDP ICTInvest + P XP
                        4                                           (2)
                                                                          where subscript C indicates the consumption side coef-
                +                    i      P     P                       ficients.
                                                                          The countries entering the analysis, their descriptives
where subscript P indicates the production side coeffi-                   and group assignments are displayed in Table (V) in
cients.                                                                   the appendix. For the production side, the panel covers
On the consumption side the key explanatory variable is                   the years 1990-2009 and for the consumption side 2008-
the share of people who used the internet to purchase                     2014. The number of observations per group is displayed
goods or services during the last three months. The                       in Table (IV) in the appendix.
data were provided by EuroStat, the statistics service
of the European Commission (E URO S TAT, 2018). We                              IV. R ESULTS , DISCUSSION , AND OUTLOOK
generated the dependant variable based on the carbon
sub-index of the ecological footprint (EF), provided by                   A. Results
the Ecological Footprint Network (L IN et al., 2016).
Unlike other accounts of emissions the EF captures not                    Results of both regressions are displayed in table (III).
only the ones produced in one country, but also accounts                  The inclusion of the interaction terms impedes a straight-
for the ecological backpack carried by all goods imported                 forward interpretation by simply observing the estimated

IV Results, discussion, and outlook

coefficients. To facilitate an intuitive interpretation, fig-   Fig. 1: Effects of lnICT-Investments and lnGDP on CO2 emissions
                                                                produced within the country.
ures (1) and (2) visualize the effect of digitalization
within the range of the GDP and digitalization levels
in the data in the form of heatmaps.

              TABLE III: Regression results.
                                     (1)           (2)
      VARIABLES                 ln   CO2      ln   EF P

      lnICTinvest               -3.835***
      lnGDP ICTinvest           0.171***
      lnOnlineShopping                        -2.055***
      lnGDP OnlineShopping                    0.0826***
      lnGDP                      1.577***        -0.190
                               (0.000139)       (0.706)
      lnGDP2                    -0.0195**      0.0247**
                                 (0.0456)      (0.0331)         The shading indicates the size of the EF of the respective measure.
      Urban                    0.0290***     0.00841***         The dots represent the distribution of lnICT-investments and ln GDP
                                    (0)       (0.00283)         of all countries in our sample.
      Manu                       0.00705*     0.0412***
                                 (0.0888)     (4.63e-06)
      Agri                     0.0669***       0.157***
                                                                Fig. 2: Effects of lnOnline-Shopping and lnGDP on CO2 emissions
                                    (0)       (4.83e-08)
                                                                (including imported emissions).
      Serv                     -0.0231***       0.00433
                                (2.88e-09)      (0.549)
      Assignment1               -0.438***      0.742***
                                    (0)       (3.61e-09)
      Assignment2                0.448***      0.879***
                                    (0)            (0)
      Assignment3                0.734***      0.801***
                                    (0)            (0)
      Assignment4                0.253***      0.424***
                                    (0)       (1.64e-05)
      "                         -21.12***        -4.855
                                (6.41e-06)      (0.395)

      Observations                  318         177
      R2                           0.989       0.957
                      pval in parentheses
                *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

B. Discussion
                                                                The shading indicates the size of the EF of the respective measure.
                                                                The dots represent the distribution of ln Online Shopping and
Figure (1) shows that the effects of digitalization in          ln GDP of all countries in our sample.
production on emissions depend on the level of GDP
in a given country. In the lower quartile of the GDP
distribution, increasing levels of digitalization lead to
a reduction in environmental throughput, while for the          For both production and consumption, the effects of
upper quartile the opposite is true. At the sample mean         digitalization on environmental throughput appear to
the effect is more ambiguous.                                   be relatively small compared with the effects of GDP.
                                                                Nevertheless, the effect may still be substantial. To fully
On the consumption side (Figure 2) the effects appear           understand the marginal effects, we differentiate the
clearer: digitalization leads to a reduction in environmen-     parametrized equations with respect to their respective
tal throughput. However, the effect grows weaker as GDP         measurements of digitalization, ICT investments, and
increases.                                                      online shopping behaviour.


Differentiating equation (1) with respect to Digi yields                            V. C ONCLUSION

                                                                To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this paper is one of
       @ ln CO2               1                                 the first to analyze the impact of increased digitalization
                = Digi 1 +          GDP                         on environmental throughput at the macroeconomic level.
        @Digi              GDP Digi                       (4)
                   +                                            It is the first paper that differentiates between consump-
                =                                               tion and production side effects. We make use of a unique
                  Digi                                          dataset linking national CO2 emissions to digitalization
On the production side, equation (4) yields -0.22 at the        in production and net CO2 levels after trading to data
sample mean. At this point in the data, an increase in ICT      on digitalization levels in consumption. To answer the
investments by 10% (that is, by 1.65) would decrease            research questions, we apply the newly developed Group
ln CO2 by 0.3664. This amounts to 5.6% of all CO2               Effects estimator.
emissions caused in production, ceteris paribus.                The results of this study provide the first evidence of
The computation is the same on the demand side. At              its kind that the CO2 -decreasing benefit of digitalization
the sample mean, an increase in Online Shopping by              might outweigh its environmental costs. Indeed, there
10% would decrease ln CO2 caused through a country’s            is evidence that the net effect of digitalization on CO2
consumption by 3.4%, ceteris paribus.                           emissions and environmental throughput are in fact pos-
                                                                itive. However, supplemental research is required to test
C. Outlook                                                      the robustness of these results against a wider range of
                                                                digitalization measures on the consumption side.
The global effects of digitalization are widespread and
far-reaching in scope, encompassing multiple industries                             B IBLIOGRAPHY
and sectors (H ILTY et al., 2014; W ILLIAMS, 2011;
B ÖRJESSON R IVERA et al., 2014b). This work specif-           A NDRAE, Anders S G (2015). “Method based on market
ically focuses upon two aspects central to digitalisation.        changes for improvement of comparative attributional
On the production side, we focus on the life cycle                life cycle assessments”. en. In: The International Jour-
impacts reflected through the ever-increasing use of              nal of Life Cycle Assessment 20.2, pp. 263–275. ISSN:
digital hardware, proxied by firms’ ICT investments. On           0948-3349, 1614-7502.
the consumption side, digitalization manifests itself in a
                                                                A RNFALK, Peter, Ulf P ILEROT, Per S CHILLANDER, and
general proclivity and openness of consumers towards
                                                                  Pontus G R ÖNVALL (2016). “Green IT in practice: vir-
digitalization (second and third order effects), which
                                                                  tual meetings in Swedish public agencies”. In: Journal
can be measured effectively through online shopping
                                                                  of Cleaner Production. Advancing Sustainable Solu-
                                                                  tions: An Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Research
However, one potential caveat of this study that must be          Agenda 123, pp. 101–112. ISSN: 0959-6526.
taken into account is the potentially questionable validity
                                                                A RVESEN, Anders, Ryan M. B RIGHT, and Edgar G.
of online shopping behaviour as a proxy for consumer
                                                                  H ERTWICH (2011). “Considering only first-order ef-
openness towards digital services. To account for this
                                                                  fects? How simplifications lead to unrealistic technol-
potential weakness, the next step is to expand upon the
                                                                  ogy optimism in climate change mitigation”. en. In:
study by testing our results for robustness by adding more
                                                                  Energy Policy 39.11, pp. 7448–7454. ISSN: 03014215.
dimensions on the consumer side, in order to provide a
more complete picture of consumer-side digitalization.          B ERKHOUT, Frans and Julia H ERTIN (2001). Impacts of
This can be achieved by executing our existing analysis           Information and Communication Technologies on En-
with an index composed of data on more second-order               vironmental Sustainability: speculations and evidence.
effects, including media substitution, process optimiza-          report to the OECD. Tech. rep.
tion, and externalization of control. These can include
                                                                – (2004). “De-materialising and re-materialising: digital
data on internet penetration rates, average internet speed,
                                                                  technologies and the environment”. en. In: Futures
share of Netflix subscriptions vs. DVD rentals, quantity
                                                                  36.8, pp. 903–920. ISSN: 00163287.
of decentralised energy systems/smart grids, sales of
Amazon Kindles, inter alia. These data would then need
to be normalized and aggregated to an index.


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                    VI. A PPENDIX

         TABLE IV: Observations per group.

                 N production   N consumption
             1        52              41
             2        73             152
             3        46              35
             4       117              77
             5        75              52

VI Appendix

                                   TABLE V: Mean values of key variables.

                       CO2     ICTinvest   assignment prod.   EF      OnlineShopping   assignment cons.   GDP
       Australia       1367    18.54       4                  1838                                        1.3e+10
       Austria         289     11.32       2                  391     0.36             2                  5.5e+09
       Belgium         399                                    544     0.30             2                  7.1e+09
       Bulgaria        197                                    267     0.10             5                  9.0e+08
       Canada          2318    16.75       2                  3126                                        2.5e+10
       Croatia         91                                     120     0.13             4                  1.0e+09
       Czechrepublic   526                                    728     0.17             3                  3.8e+09
       Denmark         232     20.51       5                  306     0.57             4                  4.5e+09
       Estonia         82                                     106     0.17             1                  3.6e+08
       Finland         282     11.09       4                  268     0.41             1                  3.6e+09
       France          1513    15.49       5                  1963    0.39             2                  3.4e+10
       Greece          312                                    423     0.13             4                  4.0e+09
       Hungary         210                                    273     0.20             3                  2.6e+09
       Ireland         187     10.15       3                  247     0.34             4                  3.3e+09
       Italy           1829    12.48       2                  2359    0.11             2                  3.2e+10
       Japan           4973    13.27       5                  6403                                        8.1e+10
       Latvia          31                                     42      0.14             5                  4.0e+08
       Lithuania       62                                     79      0.11             5                  6.8e+08
       Luxembourg      37                                     49      0.51             2                  7.0e+08
       Malta           10                                     13      0.32             5                  1.3e+08
       Montenegro      10                                     13      0.04                                6.8e+07
       Netherlands     694                                    880     0.52             2                  1.2e+10
       Newzealand      130     20.56       4                  160                                         1.7e+09
       Norway          279                                    292     0.55             1                  8.4e+09
       Poland          1478                                   1948    0.20             2                  8.8e+09
       Portugal        201                                    276     0.12             3                  3.5e+09
       Romania         461                                    626     0.04             4                  3.6e+09
       Serbia          243                                    324     0.03                                7.6e+08
       Slovakia        168                                    237     0.23             2                  1.7e+09
       Slovenia        71                                     101     0.19             2                  8.4e+08
       Southkorea      1996    11.17       3                  2641                                        1.2e+10
       Spain           1282    13.78       4                  1680    0.20             3                  2.0e+10
       Sweden          241     22.65       1                  322     0.52             5                  6.6e+09
       Switzerland     163     16.66       1                  229     0.62                                7.2e+09
       Turkey          1554                                   2061    0.05             4                  1.6e+10
       Unitedkingdom   2076    23.58       4                  2669    0.63             2                  3.1e+10
       Unitedstates    20518   29.54       2                  26680                                       1.8e+11
                Blank spots in the table refer to non-observed values in the respective dataset.
