=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_32 |storemode=property |title=The Interplay between Usability, Sustainability and Green Aspects: A Design Case Study from a Developing Country |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_32.pdf |volume=Vol-2382 |authors=Shola Oyedeji,Bilal Naqvi,Birgit Penzenstadler,Mikhail O. Adisa,Mariam Abdulkareem,Ahmed Seffah |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ict4s/OyedejiNPAAS19 }} ==The Interplay between Usability, Sustainability and Green Aspects: A Design Case Study from a Developing Country== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_32.pdf
   The Interplay between Usability, Sustainability and
     Green Aspects: A Design Case Study from a
                  Developing Country
                        Shola Oyedeji                                                         Mikhail O. Adisa
            LUT School of Engineering (LENS)                                          IT Service Management Consultant
           Lappeenranta University of Technology                                               Abuja, Nigeria
                  Lappeenranta, Finland                                                    olamikhx@gmail.com
                                                                                           Mariam Abdulkareem
                         Bilal Naqvi                                               LUT School of Energy Systems (LES)
            LUT School of Engineering (LENS)                                       Lappeenranta University of Technology
           Lappeenranta University of Technology                                           Lappeenranta, Finland
                  Lappeenranta, Finland                                                 mariam.abdulkareem@lut.fi

                    Birgit Penzenstadler
    Department of Computer Engineering and Computer
     Science, California State University Long Beach                                            Ahmed Seffah
                    Long Beach, USA
                                                                                     Green UX Design Thinking Associates
           LUT School of Engineering (LENS)
                                                                                               Paris, France
         Lappeenranta University of Technology
                  Lappeenranta, Finland

   Abstract— Sustainability and Green ICT are concepts that are
usually not engineered into the design and development of ICT                                  I. INTRODUCTION
systems especially in the developing countries. This paper focuses         Nigeria, a country with a dense population of over 190 mil-
on an interactive system, the Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
                                                                       lion people [1] [2], has 53% of her populace with active bank
in Nigeria. Current research concerning ATMs does not consider
sustainability and green requirements in the design loop such as
                                                                       accounts who make use of the Automated Teller Machine
how green awareness in design can help support, for example, the       (ATM) [3]. According to the World Factbook (2018), the de-
reduction of energy consumption and paper wastage while reduc-         mographic distribution of Nigerians aged between 55-64 years
ing the environmental impact resulting from human computer             is 3.97% and those aged 65 years and above is 3.13% repre-
interaction. This paper considers the specific case of senior citi-    senting a total of 7.1%, while the population within the age
zens accompanied with the general problems of adoption, and            bracket of 15-54 years is 50.35% of the current total population
mastering of the ATM technology, while highlighting the inter-         of over 190 million [2][4]. Based on these facts, it can be con-
play between usability, green aspects and sustainability of inter-     strued that the country represents a wide number of ATM users
active services. The case study was carried out over a period of
two months, using observations, interviews and time experiments
to support the findings. Key findings include: (1) poor ATM de-            ATMs were introduced originally to allow financial institu-
sign affects usability and sustainability due to paper wastage as      tions to render transactional services to their clients without
the consequence of redundant menu, (2) energy wastage is the           directly interacting with bank representatives or tellers [5]. Be-
consequence of multiple iterations during withdrawals, visibility      sides, banks in Nigeria have adopted the use of ATMs and
of the status of systems, menu labels, and inconsistency and, (3)      strongly encourage their clients to use ATMs for ease of trans-
poor feedback, learnability and memorability, efficiency as well       actions because Nigeria has yet to become a fully cashless
as aesthetics and user satisfaction resulted in a quest for a better   society [6]. There is an on-going campaign to ease financial
ATM design in Nigeria.                                                 transactions through a ‘cashless policy’ and the ATM is ex-
   Index Terms— Sustainability, Green awareness, Automated
                                                                       pected to play a major role in that by encouraging more usage
Teller Machine, ICT, Usability, User experience, Interactive
system                                                                 and decongesting the banking halls. ATMs deployed in Nigeria
                                                                       provide cross-bank and cross-account services as well as per-
                                                                       sonal services. They are aimed at improving service delivery
and diversifying financial services including but not limited to        these issues have been quite challenging due to inadequate in-
cash deposits, withdrawals, funds transfer, bill payments and           frastructure [9] [10] such as paper recycling facilities and effi-
mobile airtime top-up [7]. Veritably, ATMs are prone to many            cient waste management facilities.
usability problems such as interface design, unusual fonts and              As a result, these paper wastes end up incinerated thereby
navigation menus, which may generate paper waste resulting              causing air pollution, which, given that this usually happens in
from incessant receipt printing. Day to day practices revealed          the form of mixed trash incineration, poses a serious health
that large heaps of paper wastes are generated from the ATMs            hazard to the local population. In addition to inadequate infra-
by users’ transactions. Besides, it was observed that many of           structure, there is a lack of social and environmental awareness
these receipts fill up trashcans and the litter is strewn all over      among the citizens and general users of the ATMs. As a result,
the base of the ATMs.                                                   a social and environmental awareness program is required on
    Most banks in Nigeria have a policy of limiting withdrawal          the need to reduce waste (energy and paper waste) for both the
amount per transaction on their ATMs. In addition, more than            customers and the banking institutions. This includes recogniz-
three transactions at the ATM of a different bank attract charg-        ing the need for social and environmental sustainability which
es of N65.00 ($0.17). As a result, many of the ATMs across the          brings the country closer to achieving the United Nations sus-
country are set to a maximum withdrawal of N10,000 ($28) per            tainable development goals (SDGs) [11]. The following re-
transaction, which leads to more money for the banks (through           search questions addressed in this paper were formulated con-
charges) especially from Fridays to Sundays. Thereby, forcing           sidering the aforementioned issues of ATM:
customers to spend more time at the ATMs. For instance, a                     What are the usability concerns that senior citizens
customer withdrawing N100,000 (One hundred thousand naira)                        face when using an ATM?
will have to make the transaction 10 times instead of twice or                How can green requirements and sustainability as-
thrice at a maximum. Thus, having to pay withdrawal charges                       pects be incorporated into ATM services design?
after the third withdrawal. This type of design is flawed and                 What are the relationships between the factors affect-
viewed by the customers as unfriendly and time-wasting espe-                      ing usability, green requirements and sustainability
cially to the senior citizens considering the long queues at most                 aspects of an interactive system such as an ATM?
of the ATMs due to the increased amount of time spent to per-                 What are the factors responsible for long queues at
form a large withdrawal. This practice is gradually affecting the                 most ATMs in Nigeria?
so-called ‘cashless policy’ as evident in declining usage by the
                                                                              Can ATMs serve as a means of sustainability and
customers. This shows the lack of (social) sustainability con-
                                                                                  Green awareness?
sideration – where social sustainability can encourage positive
                                                                              What are the sustainability issues of current ATM de-
contributions towards a user community’s well-being and satis-
                                                                                  sign in Nigeria?
faction [8]. Figure 1 summarizes the causes and issues of poor
                                                                            The next section provides background information. Section
ATM design in Nigeria.
                                                                        III presents current problems of ATM design in Nigeria. Sec-
                                                                        tion IV describes the research design. Section V presents the
                                                                        results. Section VI provides a summary of findings. Section VII
                                                                        explains the design analysis. Section VIII covers discussion
                                                                        and Section IX concludes the paper.
                                                                                                II. BACKGROUND
                                                                            The development of an interactive system such as the ATM
                                                                        should be user-centered. Some of the works from the HCI
                                                                        community on social sustainability (usability and loneliness)
                                                                        [12] are examples of how important user centeredness is in the
                                                                        design of ICT systems looking at the case of ATMs. Integrating
                                                                        social sustainability requirements into design can help improve
                                                                        user experience during interaction with any software interface
                                                                        which has a potential to induce sustainable behavior. Lack of a
                                                                        proper guide for designers on how sustainability can be trans-
                                                                        lated into interface design for the system has hindered the abil-
Fig 1. Fishbone Diagram of ATM Design and Usability Issues in Nigeria   ity to have sustainability considered during systems design.
                                                                        Kem-Laurin [13] identified this challenge and proposed the
    Apart from the flaws in the interactive ATM design indicat-
                                                                        use of a Sustainability User Experience Framework to assist
ed from Figure 1, which may result in social problems, the
                                                                        software designers.
amount of paper generated from incessant receipt printing gives
                                                                            HCI plays a major role in creating green user awareness
rise to environmental problems. The lack of proper initiatives
                                                                        through eco-feedback which is based on the work of Froehlich
to tackle the problem of paper waste generated from ATMs and
                                                                        et al. [14] as a way of showing users their positive and negative
other sectors of the economy with paper waste in Nigeria has
                                                                        habits, which in this context refers to printing receipts during
led to increased environmental issues in the country. Solving
                                                                        the use of ATMs. Another role of HCI is to also provide a solu-
tion to the problem of obsolescence by considering interactions      systems are designed, developed and applied badly without
between the device and its owner, the user experience and how        sustainability consideration, it will have adverse effect such as
these two factors can affect the length of ownership for that        abnormal increase in energy usage, accelerate climate change,
device, its usage and finally disposal [15]. This will provide       worsen inequality for those who do not have access and in-
insightful solutions on the design of end user devices. Howev-       crease pollution and resource use. The Global impact of ICT on
er, there is less research in the field of sustainable HCI on the    CO2 emissions is 2% and accountable for approximately 8% of
application of sustainability by using a design framework into       the European Union’s (EU) electricity consumption [27].
different design practices [16]. Spagnolli et al.’s [17] work on          The pathway to a sustainable society is unclear since sus-
application of eco-feedback has shown a positive result for          tainability means different things to different people [28]. Peo-
changing user behaviour towards sustainability. However, the         ple’s different lifestyles, values and practices also affect how
major challenge for eco-feedback is the pattern and manner in        sustainability is treated [29]. However, with proper design in-
which information is presented to the users. If the presentation     spired by sustainability and green requirements, ICT can re-
from eco-feedback is not well structured, it can hinder the abil-    duce the impact of other sectors by up to 16% [30]. Further-
ity to promote green awareness based on user interaction [18].       more, one of the major problems for software designers is that
Information from eco-feedback must be designed and tailored          even with a systems approach, there are few existing tools that
to educate and encourage users to change their habits and be-        wrap core principles of sustainability together[31]. Also, there
come greener. An example of such an eco-feedback can be              are only few studies and suggestions about ‘what’ aspects of
seen from Quintal et al. [19] who provide user engagement            sustainability to measure and ‘how’ to do it with regards to ICT
through art inspired tangible eco-feedback that engages users        [32] that can be applied to the case of ATM.
emotionally.                                                              Adoption of green requirements for the design and devel-
    Sustainability is not yet the core of HCI as a design disci-     opment of ATMs has the potential to educate users during sys-
pline according to Fallman [20]. However, there are strong           tem interaction. Oyedeji et al. [33] propose to incorporate sus-
supporters of sustainability in the HCI field, as seen in the work   tainability and green requirements into the requirements gather-
of Eli Blevis [21] where it was indicated that sustainability        ing process using the sustainable business goal metric approach
should be the core of HCI with the methods and reasoning be-         (S-BGQM). Such requirements can lead to the addition of
hind the design and development of interactive systems. This         green and sustainable criteria in the evaluation of user inter-
challenge has hindered the ability for designers of the interac-     face. The work of Jeffries et al. [34], Stary et al. [35] and Wen-
tive system to evaluate the consequential positive and negative      ham et al. [36] for user interface evaluation shows sustainabil-
effects of different choices which can either improve users’         ity or green requirements are not included as a criterion used in
green awareness or increase their negative habit as indicated by     any of the techniques for user interface (UI) evaluation. Park et
Nicolas Makelberge [22]. A practical example is that the cur-        al. [37] also proposed the use of the structured methodology for
rent ATM design in Nigeria, based on observation and interac-        the evaluation of UI designs through usability criteria and
tions with bank staff, shows that a single ATM generates up to       measure with a process consisting of two phases: prescreening
five big rolls of receipts on a weekly average. However, most        phase (expert judgment-based approach) and the evaluation
of these receipts end up in the trashcan. This is in addition to     phase (user-based approach). The proposed model has no crite-
the papers automatically printed as a ledger for the ATM cus-        ria or measures though relating to sustainability and greenness.
todians (Bank) for every transaction performed on the machine.            Kem-Laurin’s book “User Experience in the Age of Sus-
    According to Bonanni et al. [23], sustainable HCI has a          tainability” [13] highlights some of the design issues in the
huge potential to facilitate and support the design and devel-       modern-day design of user experience with consideration of
opment of new interface design that can increase sustainability      sustainability. Kem-Laurin proposed the use of a sustainability
awareness among users. This awareness can motivate positive          user experience framework as a way to guide designers during
environmental impact through green awareness because user            design and development of systems with a set of questions. The
interactions with these new interfaces can lead to new habits        framework contains a product life cycle, user-centered data,
due to informed decisions on how a user’s action can affect the      and list of methodologies that can be applied during design.
    The challenge of creating green awareness by incorporating          III. CHALLENGES OF CURRENT ATM DESIGN IN NIGERIA
sustainability into the design of interactive systems such as            Information available from the Nigerian Inter-Bank Settle-
ATMs is one of the root problems for designing better ICT            ments System reveals that, as of June 2017, the total number of
systems with sustainability and green requirements. Design           ATMs deployed in the Country stood at 17,712 (a figure ex-
based solutions can help improve ICT energy efficiency, pro-         pected to have further risen to about 18,000 currently). Total
mote a low carbon economy and reduce the carbon footprint of         Transaction volume from January to June 2017 was 336.77
ICT systems [24]. However, the challenge of integrating sus-         Million and total transaction value (in Naira) from January to
tainability into ICT is because of the pervasive nature of cur-      June 2017 was 3.05 Trillion [38], [39].
rent ICT systems and its advancement in power, performance               Previous researches have shown that ATMs in the banking
and affordability. This can be improved through proper analy-        industry have contributed immensely to customer satisfaction
sis of the first, second and third order effects of ICT systems      through reliability and accessibility of services, privacy, con-
design [25]. Based on the research Madden et al. [26], if ICT        venience, user-friendly services, which have improved satisfac-
tion significantly as noted by Al-Hawari and Ward, Mwaikali            supplementary information about each participant’s personal
[40], [41]. However, recent findings revealed that the current         characteristics and environment. It is important to state that
design of ATMs in Nigeria is flawed with many usability prob-          sustainability dimensions are considered from the following
lems, as a result, making it very frustrating and disappointing to     perspectives in the study design:
use [42]. A formerly attractive solution is fast becoming unac-              Economic: This is about maintaining a cost-effective
ceptable and does not reflect the progress expected in the de-                   design solution for ATM design while reducing cost.
sign of such an interactive system. Thus, requiring an urgent                Social: Covers the sustainability in terms of relational
need for improvement. Notable among these are poor network                       ties and trust among a community of users of ATMs.
quality, card locking [41], reflective display screen, redundant             Individual: Refers to the ability of each user to com-
menus, inadequate profiling of card linked to account, small                     plete their task successfully with ease regardless of
withdrawal limit, inadequate feedback, repeated receipts print-                  their age (old or young).
ed for each transaction, machine breakdown, ATMs running                     Environment: Focus on how to reduce paper waste,
out of cash, insufficient number of ATMs in the metropolis,                      encourage recycling and create awareness among us-
and delay in the dispensation of cash [42].                                      ers for climate issues that can generate enough con-
    In addition to the aforementioned problems, specific issues                  sciousness in users on how their actions and inactions
faced by adults aged 55 – 64; and senior citizens aged 65+ are                   affect natural resources through paper receipt wastage,
another major grey area. Akinnuwesi et al. [43] stress that the                  pollution, and energy consumptions.
addition of multi-lingual and multi-denomination features to                 Technical: Develop sound and easy to use solutions
the current ATM design is capable of enhancing the functional-                   for ATM design which can be deployed easily and
ities and robustness of the machine. Thus, providing services to                 maintained as requirements evolve.
users with less stress. Apart from elders, some users of ATM in
                                                                            Table 1 defines the roles and responsibility of each author
Nigeria are also rural dwellers (who understand their local lan-
                                                                            in the study. The authors initials are used in Table 1 in the
guage only – majorly Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba), having a ma-
                                                                            following order: Shola Oyedeji (SO), Mikhail O. Adisa
chine that speaks their language will raise acceptability and
                                                                            (MA), Bilal Naqvi (BN), Mariam Abdulkareem (MA),
users’ satisfaction among such a minority group. The lack of
                                                                            Birgit Penzenstadler (BP) and Ahmed Seffah (AS).
localization in the usability of ATMs in the cities and especial-
ly in rural towns usually leads to an increase in printed receipts
                                                                                          TABLE I. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITY
for each transaction by users which ends up as litter.
                                                                       Description                   SO    MA    BN    MA     BP    AS
                      IV. RESEARCH DESIGN                              Identify primary research     *     *
                                                                       Define hypothesis             *     *
    The research was conducted using observation methods and
                                                                       Design interview questions    *     *     *     *
interviews. It was conducted in Abuja, the Federal Capital Ter-        Background study              *     *     *     *
ritory (FCT), with a population of 2.44 million [4]. The major         Review interview questions                                   *
reason for choosing FCT as the sample population is because
                                                                       Study evaluation                                       *     *
of its strategic importance, and it has at least a branch of all the
                                                                       First internal validation                                    *
banks in Nigeria and therefore provides the opportunity to cov-
er as many banks as possible. ATM usage habits were observed           Second Internal validation                             *
across the FCT over a period of two months, focusing on all            Write paper                   *     *     *     *      *
categories of ATM users. The exercise covered all banks across         Review paper                                           *     *
the metropolis. Participants were selected by actually visiting
random ATM points within the city, and after a brief introduc-                                      V. RESULTS
tion, some declined to be interviewed while others were excited           The results of the study are categorized into demography,
that they have the opportunity to discuss challenges faced with        Frequency of ATM usage, Ease of Use, Sustainability and
the current design and also take part in the questionnaire. There      Green consideration.
were 500 participants.                                                        A. Demography: Age range was from 15-24, 25-34,
    Observation method [44] was first used in data collection                      35-44, 45-54, 55 and above. Out of the 500 partic-
from different ATM points within Abuja. This is to eliminate                       ipants, senior citizens aged 55 and above covers
any bias in order to find truly the cause of usability and sus-                    slightly above half, while the rest is somewhat
tainability problems of ATMs. Participant and non-participant                      evenly distributed among aged 15 – 54 respective-
observation was applied during the data collection to increase                     ly. At the same time, the highest responses came
the participant sample size.                                                       from the female participants at 59.3%. In addition,
    Since the information from the observation is not able to                      a little above half of the participants had up to de-
provide insights such as participants’ background details, opin-                   gree level of education and one-fourth had a post-
ions, what features to improve and personal preferences in us-                     graduate degree. Overall, one-third of the partici-
ing the ATMs, a second method of short personal interviews                         pants earned over N200,000 (approx. $550) and
[45] was conducted to understand the personal usability and                        approximately one-fifth earned less than $140, re-
sustainability problems of each user. This also provides some                      spectively.
          B. Frequency of usage: Two-third of the participants
             had two or more ATM cards linked to their ac-
             counts, with approximately half of them claiming
             to have used their cards in the last one week.
             While one quarter claimed to have used theirs
             about three or more weeks ago.
          C. Ease of use: 15.56% of the participants claimed
             that it took them less than 2 minutes to complete a
             N40,000 ($100) transaction, while 36.5% claimed                Fig. 4. Frequency of queue at ATM
             to have achieved the same within 4 minutes,
             19.2% took 6 minutes. However, 28.7% were able
             to achieve theirs in more than 6 minutes (Figure
             2). This can be attributed to the limitation on the
             maximum amount of cash that can be withdrawn
             per each transaction from ATM.

                                                                            Fig. 5. Percentage of user satisfaction with current ATM design and usability

                                                                                Over 60% of users are dissatisfied with current ATM de-
                                                                            sign and usability and less than 20% are satisfied (Figure 5).
                                                                            Some of the issues for this level of dissatisfaction can be linked
                                                                            to withdrawal limit of 10,000 per transaction from most banks,
Fig. 2. The amount of time required to complete withdrawal transaction of   long queues, security feature of re-entering ATM pin after each
40,000 naira ($100)                                                         transaction. And over 50% of the users required one level of
                                                                            assistance to complete their transaction (Figure 6) mainly be-
                                                                            cause of screen resolution and language. Additionally, more
                                                                            than 80% preferred to have a multi-lingual interface to ease
                                                                            their transactions (Figure 7).

Fig. 3. Percentage of 40,000 naira ($100) withdrawal at once

    In the same vein, 62% of the participants claimed to have
never been able to withdrawal N40,000 ($100) at once before                     Fig. 6. Percentage of users that required assistance for ATM Transaction
and only 8% claimed to have being able to do same before
(Figure 3). The ability to withdrawal N40,000 ($100) appealed
to more than 70% of participants, while 17% of them opted for
N20,000 and just 10% agreed with the status quo of N10,000
single withdrawals. This shows the problem of the ATM policy
from most banks that reduce maximum cash withdrawal to
10,000 naira per transaction. It explains one of the major rea-
sons for why most people spend more time in queue at most
ATMs as seen in responses from Figure 4.

                                                                                Fig. 7. Users response to Multi-lingual feature in ATM
          D. Sustainability and Green Consideration: More                                VI. SUMMARY OF ATM USABILITY, GREEN AND
             than half of the participants (61.5%) were used to                           SUSTAINABILITY DESIGN ISSUES IN NIGERIA
             frequently printing receipts after their ATM trans-                     Our findings reveal that many of the problems encountered
             actions (Figure 8) and are unaware of the negative                  by users of ATMs in Nigeria can be eliminated if the users’
             impact of such on the environment (Figure 9).                       expectation meets the design goal with consideration of envi-
                                                                                 ronmental, social and individual sustainability. As different
                                                                                 technologies are invented to better the life of users, usability
                                                                                 and users’ engagement studies should be periodically carried
                                                                                 out to understand their challenges and how best to reduce am-
                                                                                 biguity without having a negative impact on the environment.
                                                                                     The study outcome revealed that most ATM interfaces in
                                                                                 the country are not user-friendly. The fonts are either too tiny
                                                                                 or the interface screen used by some banks is reflective and not
                                                                                 friendly to the eyes (in this case, the customers have to adjust
                                                                                 and squint their eyes to see properly). No consideration of so-
                                                                                 cial and individual sustainability. Customers have to select
          Fig. 8. Percentage for printing receipt after each transaction
                                                                                 account type out of three options (Savings, Current and Credit)
                                                                                 even when the card is linked to only one account number. Lack
                                                                                 of feedback about the unavailability of cash to dispense, as
                                                                                 customers had to insert and perform all the withdrawal steps
                                                                                 before getting to know that the ATM cannot dispense cash
                                                                                 (Time wastage). Most of these banks usually limit withdrawals
                                                                                 to a maximum of N10,000 per withdrawal as discussed in the
                                                                                 introduction and, thus, consuming more electrical and mechan-
                                                                                 ical energy to dispense larger sums (energy waste).
                                                                                     Another major observation is the amount of paper generat-
Fig. 9. Level of users’ awareness about impact of printed receipts on environ-
                                                                                 ed as receipts, as most users often drop the said receipt right at
ment                                                                             the base of the ATMs. A typical ATM in the capital territory
    In addition, more than half of the participants suggested that               generated up to five rolls of receipt paper per week, most of
the banks should burn the receipts left in the trash can by the                  which ended up as waste. Expanding this sample to another
customers, while 10% are for recycling and 30% are for send-                     part of the country will reveal heavy loads of paper wastage.
ing the said receipts to a trash collector for proper disposal                   This shows lack of concern for environmental sustainability.
(Figure 10). Almost half of the participants also claimed to                     Table 2 summarizes all the design issues faced by different user
understand the meaning of sustainability, while 48.9% claimed                    groups along with the affected dimensions of sustainability.
they don't know the meaning, and less than 10% preferred not
to respond to the question (Figure 11). Overall, 97% are aware                          TABLE II. DESIGN ISSUES IN CURRENT ATM IN NIGERIA
of climate change according to the responses.                                      No   Design Issues                   Target Users     Sustainability
                                                                                   1.   Font/Screen Resolution          Elders/ Senior   Individual,
                                                                                                                        Citizens         Social
                                                                                   2.   Reflective display screen       All users        Technical
                                                                                   3.   Redundant menu (repeated-       Users with a     Technical, Envi-
                                                                                        ly select account type)         single account   ronment
                                                                                   4.   Automatic receipt printing      ATM Owner,       Technical, Envi-
                                                                                        after a ‘fund transfer trans-   All users        ronment
                                                                                   5.   No choice of language           All users        Individual,
    Fig. 10. Level of users’ awareness about air pollution and recycling                selection                                        Social
                                                                                   6.   Withdrawal limit of             All users,       Technical, Envi-
                                                                                        N10,000                         ATM owners       ronment
                                                                                   7.   No choice of currency notes     All users        Technical
                                                                                   8.   Incessant network failure       All users,       Technical, Indi-
                                                                                        without corresponding           ATM owners       vidual, Envi-
                                                                                        feedback from interface                          ronment
                                                                                   9.   Feedback on card                All users        Technical, Indi-
                                                                                        jam/capture                                      vidual, Social
                                                                                   10   No display of account bal-      All users,       Technical, Envi-
    Fig. 11. Percentage of sustainability awareness among users                         ance after the transaction      ATM owners       ronment
     The design issues summarized in Table 2 and results from                                                  avoid errors during transactions especially during
section five show the need to rethink the design of ATMs in                                                    currency/multi-lingual selection and when deciding to
                                                                                                               print or not to print receipts
Nigeria in order to promote sustainability and reduce business                           Recognition rather    Make objects and options visible for users, options of
costs. To fix the identified issues, analysis how usability heu-                         than recall           green and sustainability must be clear enough to avoid
ristics can help improve the current interface design influenced                                               making users recalling information from one part to
by the framework for sustainability of software system design                                                  another.
                                                                                         Flexibility and       The user interface should be designed to suit all
[46] was carried out. The framework shows the need, during                               efficiency of use     categories of users. All unnecessary steps towards user
system design, to incorporate sustainability goals such as de-                                                 goal during usage should be avoided. (e.g. asking user
sign for sustainable efficiency, reusability, increased sustaina-                                              to select account type when the card is linked to just
bility awareness among users, design for reuse, and localiza-                                                  one account which just increases the number of steps
                                                                                                               in the transaction and increase energy used)
tion. It suggests using sustainability concepts such as cradle to                        Aesthetic and         Information on the screen should be precise to make
cradle, biomimicry, life cycle sustainability assessment, social                         minimalist design     users locate information easily. This will ensure users
return on investment, and sustainability awareness diagrams.                                                   are aware of their actions during each transaction and a
     The ten usability heuristics for user interface design by                                                 structured information would help create green
                                                                                                               awareness. (Avoid using a reflective screen that affects
Jakob Neilsen [47][48] were adapted for sustainability. Table 3                                                visibility of menus)
highlights the details of the green and sustainable guidelines                           Help users            Error message should be in simple and plain language
based on Jakob Neilsen heuristics [48] used as a guide for the                           recognize,            to express the problem and suggest solution. (e.g.
proposed new ATM design.                                                                 diagnose, and         information on Card Capture Resolution should be
                                                                                         recover from errors   visible when such error occurs)
                                                                                         Help and              There should an easy help function to guide and assist
    TABLE III. GREEN AND SUSTAINABILITY HEURISTICS GUIDELINES                            documentation         users whenever needed. This can also be a good
                        (BASED ON NIELSEN HEURISTICS)
                                                                                                               avenue to propagate green awareness.
Name                                           Description
Visibility of system     The interface should not be reflective, so as to enhance                  VII. DESIGN ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION
status                   readability. Green awareness should be made visible
                         from the UI through appropriate warnings within
                                                                                             This paper is proposing a redesign of the current ATMs in
                         reasonable time.                                                Nigeria that will address all the aforementioned issues in Table
Match between            The system should use phrases and terms that users are          2 and use the guidelines from Table 3 as a solution path. The
system and the real      familiar with to pass the message of green awareness            redesign will target all demographics including the Nigerian
world                    in a natural and logical order. This is supported with a        elderly citizens (who complained mostly about the readability
                         multi-lingual option (to address the need of those that
                         speak mainly native language)                                   of fonts, reflective display screen, time to perform single with-
User control and         When users make the mistake of selecting to print               drawal, and redundant menu), improve human-to-machine in-
freedom                  receipt and wants to cancel, there should be a clear            teraction, encourage re-use and promote a greener and safer
                         way for users to undo the action without difficulty             environment. With the current ATM usage statistics in Nigeria,
                         (without going through an extended dialogue)
Consistency and          All screens should have consistency in order not to             the technology could also serve as a focal point for the Green
standards                confuse user, for example green awareness campaign              Awareness Campaign. Table 4 summarizes the solutions and
                         message should be consistent in all transaction screen.         the first, second, and third order impacts [49] [50] of these de-
Error prevention         The user interface should be designed in a way to               sign changes.

Issues             Target       Sustainability      Solution/             First order         Second order         Third order Impact           Opportunities
                   Users        Dimension           Expectation           Impact              Impact
Font/Screen        Elders/      Individual,         Profile user by       Improve             Increase usage by    Reduce the amount of         Acceptability,
Resolution         Senior       Social              age and increase      usability by        senior citizens      time spent on making         improve usability
                   Citizens                         font size             older users                              each ATM transaction         for elders
                                                                          and those                                which in turn will reduce
                                                                          with vision                              the amount of energy
                                                                          problem                                  used
Automatic          ATM          Technical,          Allow the user        Reduce              Reduce the           Create awareness among       Improve user
receipt            Owner,       Environment         decide if printing    amount of           amount of paper      user about sustainability,   behavior
printing after     All users                        is necessary after    printed             waste, Reduce        reduce the amount of         positively towards
a ‘fund                                             fund transfer,        receipts            energy usage         trees used in producing      the environment
transfer                                            show green                                overtime with less   papers, educate users in     and the bank
transaction’                                        campaign                                  receipt printing     the long run to use          expenses on paper
                                                    message to                                                     resources judiciously in     for printing
                                                    discourage                                                     their personal life          receipts
                                                    wasteful printing
Lack of            ATM          Individual,         Green awareness       Dissuade            Prompt user to       Increase sustainability      Improve usability,
option to          owners,      Social              campaign by           users from          stop monthly,        and green awareness,         reduce energy
track each         All users                        tracking monthly      printing on all     quarterly and        create a society of          usage which in
printed                                             printing habit with   transactions        yearly paper         educated users about         turn reduce bank
receipt for                                         message               from ATM            summary of           sustainability and impact    energy bill
transactions                                        influenced from                           account              on environment
                                                biomimicry                            transaction
Reflective      All users     Technical         Non-reflective        Improve         Reduce time on        Improve user satisfaction   Positive feedback
display                                         display screen        usability       performing                                        from user and
screen                                                                                transactions                                      increase in
Redundant       Users         Technical,        Automatic             Reduce time     Reduce energy         Improve usability, user     Save time,
menu            with a        Environment       account type          to complete     usage                 satisfaction, reduce        conserve energy,
(repeatedly     single                          identifier            transaction                           queue thereby prompting     Improve usability
select          account                                                                                     quick transaction
account type)
Withdrawal      All users,    Technical,        Increase limit to     Reduce time     Improve user          Increase the amount of      Improve usability,
limit of        ATM           Environment       *40 of currency       to complete     satisfaction          transaction                 Save time
N10,000         owners                          note (N40,000 for     cash            because of shorter
                                                N 1,000 and N         withdrawal      time to withdraw
                                                20,000 for N 500)     transaction     cash
No choice of    All users     Technical         Display currency      Increase time   Increase              Increase satisfaction       Improve
currency                                        note available and    for             acceptability                                     acceptability and
notes                                           allow the user to     transaction                                                       usability
selection                                       choose either         due to added
                                                N1,000 or N500        menu for
Incessant and   All users,    Technical,        Automatically         Reduce time     Reduce energy         Increase satisfaction       Promote cashless
un-inform       ATM           Individual,       display network       wastage         usage by ensuring                                 policy with more
network         owners        Environment       error on the screen                   user doesn’t have                                 users willing to do
/ATM failure                                    before user insert                    to start a                                        other transactions
                                                their card                            transaction to see                                (pay school fees,
                                                                                      the ATM has                                       utility bill, fund
                                                                                      problem or unable                                 transfer) via ATM
                                                                                      to dispense cash
Feedback on     All users     Technical,        Display               Make users      Reduce bank           Improve satisfaction        Improve
Card                          Individual,       appropriate steps     less worried    queue for Jammed                                  Interactivity and
Jam/capture                   Social            for resolution        because of      / Retained card in                                usability
                                                                      informed        bank premises
                                                                      based on
No display of   All users,    Technical,        Automatic display     Reduce time     Reduce paper          Reduce energy usage         Improve
account         ATM           Environment       of account balance    used for        waste because         and paper receipt           satisfaction as
balance after   owners                          after the final       transaction     user don’t have to    printing                    user does not need
the final                                       transaction                           select option of                                  to re-enter PIN to
transaction                                                                           print receipt after                               view account
                                                                                      transaction                                       balance

                                                                                      Furthermore, with regards to sustainability, it is surprising
                             VIII. DISCUSSION                                     that 43.3% of the participants were aware of sustainability and
    The study has shown some of the problems and challenges                       97.8% claimed to have heard of climate change, yet 60.3%
of ATM users in Nigeria. Based on the results from the obser-                     (Figure 10) of the participants suggested that the trashed re-
vation and interviews, the frequency of ATM card usage and                        ceipts should be burnt while only 9.6% suggested recycling.
the number of ATM cards owned by participants shows that                          Burning in itself will lead to environmental pollution which is
ATM usage is high in Nigeria, and as a developing country                         hazardous to human health. In addition, over 60% of partici-
where cashless policy is still in its infancy, ATMs serve as a                    pants who always printed receipts at the end of each transaction
major source of making transactions. One of the biggest chal-                     are not aware that the trashed receipts have a negative impact
lenges in the current ATM design is the lack of consideration                     on the environment. This is because usually most receipts end
for the older age groups (individual and social sustainability).                  up in a landfill, where they will be burnt, or conversely, they
This has also impacted negatively on the environment because                      are thrown into the drainage thereby causing blockage.
a majority of the participants spend more time trying to com-                         It is therefore important to look at ways of improving sus-
plete smaller transactions due to small fonts, reflective display                 tainability and green awareness among ATM users in a devel-
screen, network failure and card jams which in turn lead to                       oping country like Nigeria in order to promote social, individu-
frequent incessant queues. Almost three-quarter of the study                      al and environmental sustainability. The first step will be pre-
participants claimed to have experienced long queues during                       senting the result of these findings to some of the banks where
their transaction with two-thirds among them experiencing a                       the observations and interviews were conducted to explain the
long queue very frequently. Only one-tenth claimed to have                        advantage and benefits of incorporating sustainability and
never experienced a long queue.                                                   green requirements into ATM design. Table 4 can serve as a
                                                                                  way of presenting the first, second and third order impacts with
opportunities that can be derived from re-thinking the design of                   user experience design help to design software prod-
current ATMs. The second step will be creating sustainability                      ucts that are sustainability-centric?
and green awareness for example:                                                  Perform a larger observational study and describe the
    1. Add a tag message “Track your commitment to a greener                       experiences and feelings of users about the sustaina-
environment, do no print receipt except if necessary” on all                       bility of interactive system. How do people interact
screen during ATM transactions                                                     with systems while being more aware of their impacts
    2. On the screen to print receipt, display of a tag message                    on the environment?
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