=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_33 |storemode=property |title=Validation Study of a Framework for Sustainable Software System Design and Development |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_33.pdf |volume=Vol-2382 |authors=Shola Oyedeji,Birgit Penzenstadler,Mikhail O. Adisa,Annika Wolff |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ict4s/OyedejiPAW19 }} ==Validation Study of a Framework for Sustainable Software System Design and Development== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_33.pdf
      Validation Study of a Framework for Sustainable
        Software System Design and Development
                                                                                            Birgit Penzenstadler
                       Shola Oyedeji
                                                                      Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science,
        LUT School of Engineering Science (LENS)
                                                                               California State University Long Beach
                    LUT University                                                         Long Beach, USA
                 Lappeenranta, Finland                                           LUT School of Engineering (LENS)
                                                                                            LUT University
                                                                                         Lappeenranta, Finland
                     Mikhail .O. Adisa                                              birgit.penzenstadler@csulb.edu
              IT Service Management Consultant
                        IT Solutions                                                           Annika Wolf
                       Abuja, Nigeria
                                                                               LUT School of Engineering Science (LENS)
                   olamikhx@gmail.com                                                      LUT University
                                                                                        Lappeenranta, Finland

  Abstract—Sustainability in software design is an evolving area      Though there is no direct mention of software sustainability in
that requires more practical guidance on how software engineers       the 17 SDGs, software as a catalyst for all sectors of the econ-
and businesses could innovate and design software systems that        omy [7] serves as a key element for the implementation and
consider sustainability as a guiding principle for supporting a       actualization of those SDGs. According to the 2016 mobile
sustainable environment, reducing the negative impact of ICT
                                                                      industry impact report [8], the United Nations Sustainable De-
and at the same time promoting software system design for sus-
tainability. This paper presents our early results for validating a   velopment Goals provide the opportunity for engagement to
Framework for Sustainability of Software System Design                address the most pressing global challenges, but they cannot be
(FSSSD) based on the Software Sustainability Design Catalogue         realized without the business community. The report stresses
(SSDC). The SSDC exemplifies the use of Karlskrona Manifesto          the need for companies to implement the SDGs, working with
principles for sustainability design and how to promote sustaina-     governments and the international community to expand con-
bility design principles for software systems.                        nectivity, lower barriers to access, and build a future of dignity
   Index Terms—Sustainable design, sustainability, software           and opportunity, where no one is left behind and ensure that
sustainability, information and communication technology,             tools and applications are developed with vulnerable communi-
Karlskrona manifesto, Sustainability design principles
                                                                      ties in mind [8].
                                                                          Sustainable development is also driving software innova-
                         I. INTRODUCTION                              tions for creating new opportunities of cutting costs, adding
    Sustainability is receiving a wide range of research from         value and for gaining competitive advantage [9]. García-Berna
different sectors. Currently, there is not enough research results    et al. [10] points out the practices applied by practitioners in
with guidelines and frameworks to support software designers          companies for sustainability and the need for standards as a
and companies on how to design and develop software with              way of seeking more sustainable software businesses. The im-
sustainability at the core [1]. One of the main problems for          portance of sustainability as a driving force for companies is
sustainability in software design is that for software designers      further highlighted in these reports: Sustainability Nears a Tip-
there are few existing tools that wrap core principles of sustain-    ping Point [11]; Ericsson energy and carbon report [12]; Mi-
ability together which can support effective software sustaina-       crosoft 2015 Citizenship Report [13]. In summary, software is
bility design and development [2]. For companies, the chal-           a core of all human activities today and a major facilitator in
lenge is that there is little understanding of how sustainability     the way humans produce and use products and services [14].
can be understood by software and requirements engineering            The way software is designed and the requirements to ensure
professionals to facilitate sustainability design as an established   sustainability in software design are factors that are challenging
part of the software development process within companies             for software designers, requirement engineers and companies
[3][4][5].                                                            [15].
    The sustainable development goals (SDGs) [6] in 2015 got              The Karlskrona Manifesto for Sustainability Design
signed by more than 190 world leaders, this shows the im-             (KMSD) [16] was initiated as a starting point for tackling this
portance of sustainability today in all aspects of our lives.         challenges in software engineering. Based on these KMSD
principles and the Software Sustainability Design Catalogue             The challenges covered in this background section motivate
(SSDC) [1], the Framework for Sustainability of Software Sys-       the application of FSSSD to two case studies in order to show
tem Design (FSSSD) was created [1]. This paper presents the         and suggest how to better support sustainability in software
first results of applying the Framework for Sustainability of       design and development.
Software System Design (FSSSD) [1].
    The next section covers related research work. Section III              III. STUDY DESIGN FOR FRAMEWORK VALIDATION
presents the study design. Section IV covers the first case study     This section describes the Framework for Sustainability of
and section V details the second case study. Discussion is in       Software System Design (FSSSD) and the rationale behind
section VI and concluding remarks in section VII.                   choosing the two case studies used in the research.
                        II. BACKGROUND
    Software development practices and processes that are
widely used in industry for software design and development
lack in addressing sustainability [17]. There is currently no
single point of reference for researchers and practitioners where
the sustainability measures are gathered and exemplified [26].
The issue of lack of understanding on how to effectively and
efficiently integrate the different sustainability dimensions
(economic, social, individual, environmental and technical)         Figure 1. Framework for Sustainability of Software System Design (FSSSD)
[18] into software design, development and wider engineering        [1]
processes [9] [19] has hindered the adoption of sustainability in
                                                                       The FSSSD (Figure 1) was created to assist developers to
software development.
                                                                    incorporate sustainability goals and requirements during soft-
    There have been different research efforts suggesting the
                                                                    ware system design and development covering the software
need to further research on how sustainability can be supported
                                                                    development life-cycle (SDLC) phases. For the purpose of bet-
in software requirements and design stages for all the different
                                                                    ter understanding, the FSSSD (Figure 1) is transformed into
sustainability dimensions [20] [21] [22]. Further research also
                                                                    tabular form (Table 1) [1].
shows sustainability requires multidimensional and interdisci-
plinary approach [3][7][23][24][25] in order to fully achieve
                                                                      TABLE I. FRAMEWORK FOR SUSTAINABILITY OF SOFTWARE SYSTEM
sustainability in software design, development and measure-                                      DESIGN (FSSSD) [1]
                                                                    SDLC phases        Sustainability       Sustainability         Indicators
    From the requirements engineering phase, sustainability has     and      KMSD      goals                concepts, Meth-
been considered as a non-functional requirement [26][27][28],       principles                              ods and Tools
and Roher et al. [29] suggests the use of sustainability require-   Phase 1.           Design      for      biomimicry, sus-       Carbon footprint,
ment patterns (SRPs) as a way to guide software requirements        Project Defini-    sustainable          tainable business      material      foot-
                                                                    tion,              efficiency,          canvas                 print, end of life
engineers in eliciting sustainability requirements in the re-                          reusability                                 footprint.
                                                                    P1, P2 and P3
quirements engineering process. However, there is a lack of         Phase 2.           Increase sus-        Helix of sustaina-     Total number of
examples to show how these are applied in the industry.             User Require-      tainability          bility.                sustainability
    Researchers from the Human Computer Interaction (HCI)           ments    Defini-   awareness                                   requirements,
community believe sustainable HCI can facilitate and support        tion,              among users.                                priority assign to
                                                                    P2                                                             sustainability
sustainability in the design and development of new interfaces                                                                     requirements.
to promote sustainability awareness [30]. Froehlich et al. [31]     Phase 3.           Design        for    Cradle to cradle,      Total number of
show eco feedback can serve as a key way of promoting sus-          System      Re-    efficiency,          Goal model.            system       goals
tainability awareness among users of software systems. One          quirements         sustainability                              relating to sus-
                                                                    Definition,        awareness and                               tainability     di-
key example of an eco-feedback application [32] shows a posi-       P4, and P5         interoperability.                           mensions.
tive result in persuading and changing users habit towards sus-     Phase 4.           Design        for    Life-cycle sustain-    Number of first-,
tainability. Successful application of eco feedback is when in-     Analysis    and    reuse and effi-      ability assessment,    second-        and
formation has been tailored to encourage users towards sustain-     Design,            ciency, locali-      social return on       third-order im-
ability through user emotional engagement [33] [34].                P2, P4, P6 and     zation, interop-     investment, sus-       pacts of system
                                                                    P8                 erability            tainability analysis   identified.
    Some of the design issues in design of sustainability for                                               radar chart
better user experience of software systems are highlighted by       Phase 5.           Design         for   Biomimicry, cra-       Number of cod-
Kem-Laurin [35]. Kem-Laurin propose the use of sustainability       Development,       reuse, design        dle to cradle          ing       choices
user experience framework as a way to guide designers to miti-      P2 and P4          for      module                             influenced      by
                                                                                       replicability,                              sustainability,
gate these problems. The challenge according to Eli Blevis [36]                        design         for                          number of fea-
and Fallman [37] is that sustainability is not yet a core part of                      efficiency,                                 tures (functions)
HCI. This has hindered the ability of designers to properly                            sustainability                              added to systems
evaluate design choices for software systems especially with                           awareness,                                  to inform users
                                                                                       efficiency,                                 about sustaina-
the different sustainability dimensions.                                               design for easy                             bility    through
                  service     and                           functions       like   tions are done manually from each branch and those applica-
                  maintenance                               eco feedback.          tions are sent via courier service to the head office. This usually
Phase 6.          Design for easy    Cradle to cradle,      How much in-
Integration and   assembly and       sustainability         formation from
                                                                                   causes the following problems:
Testing,          disassembly,       analysis       radar   sustainability             1. Zonal managers don’t have direct access to know the
P2 and P4         design       for   chart,    life-cycle   analysis      chart              status of applications submitted through them and
                  durability         sustainability         was used during                  have to directly place phone calls to the Head office to
                                     assessment             integration and
                                                            testing such as                  know the application status.
                                                            the number of              2. Customer service staff are unable to know why an ap-
                                                            systems       func-              plication is pending, unless they contact the benefit
                                                            tions        tested              department.
                                                            against sustaina-
                                                            bility concerns            3. Time consumption, as all status updates are through
                                                            such as the first-               customer service at the head office alone.
                                                            order (immedi-             4. Files can go missing in transit because application
                                                            ate)       impact,
                                                                                             files are handled manually.
                                                            possible second-
                                                            order (enabling)           5. Double application and too much physical involve-
                                                            and      potential               ment because of follow up in person
                                                            third         order        The company intended to develop a new pension benefit
                                                            (structural) im-
                                                            pacts of the
                                                                                   application tracker application for these key stakeholders, the
                                                            system                 benefit department, the customer service unit, the zonal manag-
Phase 7.          Design for easy    Biomimicry, cra-       The        priority    ers and the clients with the aim of:
Implementation,   use, design to     dle to cradle          assign to sustain-             1. Identifying ways of improving the pension benefit
P5 and P7         induce      con-                          ability by devel-
                                                                                                application process and enhance communication.
                  scious sustain-                           opers and the
                  ability aware-                            system        own-             2. Designing and implementing a web-based solution
                  ness, design to                           ers/users during                    that will ensure effective and efficient benefit pro-
                  educate users                             after implemen-                     cessing for users.
                  about sustaina-                           tation
                  bility, design
                                                                                       The below Figure 2 is the first Use case diagram for the ap-
                  for easy recy-                                                   plication.
Phase 8.          Proper design      Life-cycle sustain-    Number of im-
Sustainment/      for serviceabil-   ability assessment,    provements     to
Maintenance,      ity, design for    sustainability         system based on
P9                easy replace-      analysis       radar   sustainability
                  ment of code       chart, cradle to       requirements
                  modules, de-       cradle.                either from us-
                  sign for contin-                          ers’ feedback or
                  uous user en-                             developers.
                  through     sus-

    The approach applied in the selection of each case study
was to choose two different case studies where one case study
has the ultimate goal of sustainability from the beginning and
the other case study uses the framework to improve an existing
    The goal is to see what difference will occur from these two
different case studies in different application context. The first
case study - about a pension benefit tracker application - does                                Fig 2. Use Case diagram pension benefit tracker
not have sustainability as the central core and the second case
study - about an energy usage display for university staff and                         Figure 2 shows the use case diagram of the system for pen-
students - is motivated by sustainability.                                         sion benefit tracker application after initial analysis. Figure 3
                                                                                   presents the process model of the pension benefit application
       IV. CASE STUDY ONE: PENSION BENEFIT TRACKER                                 after a second analysis, factoring in all the aforementioned
                             APPLICATION                                           problems without using FSSSD. Figure 3 shows that sustaina-
The pension benefit tracker is an application from a pension                       bility was not the core of this case study, based on the process
company in Nigeria that wants to track pension benefit applica-                    model, as stakeholders are just interested in solving the prob-
tions submitted by clients from all over the company’s branch-                     lems stated in the case study.
es in different states of Nigeria. Currently, the pension applica-                 Table 2 presents the details for applying FSSSD to the pension
                                                                                   benefit tracker application (case study one). The documentation
for this case study using FSSSD covers the project initiation,
user requirements and system requirements phases only (see
Table 2) because that is the current development stage of the

                                            Fig 3. New Process Model for Pension Application after second analysis

                                                     TABLE II. APPLICATION OF FSSSD IN CASE STUDY ONE
      SDLC Phases and Karlskrona Manifesto Prin-             Sustainability Goals               Sustainability Con-      Indicators /Measure / Metric
      ciples                                                                                    cepts, Methods and

      Phase 1. Project Definition                            Design for:                        Motivated by the         1. How many state branches can
      Provide end users with easy to use interface for       Easy integration,                  cradle to cradle         easily integrate the systems with
      tracking pension payment, ensure each module           Reusability,                       approach ensuring        less Backlog Management Index
      for tracking can be updated to include new             Developers work satisfaction,      that the pension         (BMI)?
      branches,                                              Maintainability,                   tracker application is   2. What is the number of reports
      Provide flexibility such as bulk and single up-        Energy efficiency                  design and devel-        from IT staff about how to im-
      load, ensure easy integration with other existing                                         oped in a way that it    prove system energy efficiency?
      pension systems, present report of system usage                                           can be reused for
      to track energy consumption in a way to educate                                           future pension relat-    3. How satisfied are the devel-
      users about sustainability, add bug reports                                               ed purposes and          opers with the development of
                                                                                                easily integrated        the application
                                                                                                with other bigger
                                                                                                pension system
                                                                                                within the company
      Phase 2. User Requirements Definition                  Reduce development         cost,   Sustainability re-       How efficient is benefit depart-
      1. Provide tracking of pension benefit payment         increase efficiency                quirement Template       ment able to track new pension
      application from request submission to payment                                                                     benefit applications and send
      2. Status notification should be sent to users after                                                               notification successfully
      each stage of the pension benefit application
      Phase 3. System Requirements Definition                Design for efficiency, sustain-    Social and individu-     1. How satisfied are users with
      1. The pension tracker application should be           ability awareness                  al dimension of          visual problem with the magni-
      accessible online via web at any branch                                                   sustainability           fying display?
      2. The application should have ability to enable
      Managers, pensioners and other stakeholders                                                                        2. Do users use the option of
      check application status                                                                                           email notification and does it
      3. Provide automatic status communication and                                                                      reduce company cost for sending
      notification at each stage of benefit application                                                                  SMS?
      4. Allow bulk or single file upload                                                                                3. How many positive responses
      5. Provide SMS authorization from managers in                                                                      came from users base on the
      benefit department                                                                                                 “Save the planet, Reduce envi-
      6. Send SMS notification to applicants                                                                             ronmental waste” tag message?
      7. Send Incomplete documentation notification to
       benefit department staff                                                                                         4. How many initiatives were
       8. Provide email notification as an option for all                                                               suggested from IT department
       users                                                                                                            base on the system energy re-
       9. Provide option of different display to magnify                                                                port?
       fonts for users with visual problems
       10. Provide option to preview pension applica-
       tion and save electronically
       11. Add a tag message below each notification
       “Save the planet, Reduce environmental waste”
       12. Provide energy report for system usage
                                                                                         5.     An energy report that enables developers to improve
    After application of the FSSSD with the sustainability de-                                  efficiency (system requirement 12 in Table 2).
sign catalogue (SSDC), see Table 2, the IT department made
some changes to the system requirements such as addition of                           V. CASE STUDY TWO: ENERGY USAGE AND CARBON EMISSION
the following system requirements in Table 2, SDLC phase 3:                                   DISPLAY FOR UNIVERSITY STAFF AND STUDENTS
    1. Email notification option instead of only SMS func-                               This is a university setting project to raise the awareness of
         tion as seen in Figure 3 in which only SMS is shown                         the public (university staff and students) about energy usage
         (system requirement 8 in Table 2).                                          and the carbon emissions through activities in the university.
    2. Provide option of different display to magnify fonts                          The project requires a web application interface which will
         for users with visual problems especially older staff                       display the energy usage and carbon emission. The goal is to let
         (system requirement 9 in Table 2).                                          the public know more about the electricity consumption of each
    3. Provide option to preview pension application and                             building in the university and understand the relation between
         save electronically instead of printing and filling lo-                     the electricity consumption and carbon emission (CO2).
         cally to reduce cost, paper waste and energy usage                          Using the FSSSD, the involved students and their supervisors
         (system requirement 10 in Table 2)                                          documented the project to show how sustainability was consid-
    4. Add a tag message below each notification “Save the                           ered in the project (see Table 3). Figure 4 shows the interface
         planet, and reduce environmental waste” to raise sus-                       design for the project and Figure 5 covers an overview of the
         tainability awareness among staff and clients (system                       sustainability business canvas for the project.
         requirement 11 in Table 2).

        SDLC Phases and Karlskrona Manifes-             Sustainability Goals          Sustainability Concepts,      Indicators /Measure
        to Principles                                                                 Methods and Tools

        Phase 1. Project Definition                     Design for sustainability     Sustainable Business Can-     1. What is the impact of the project
                                                        awareness, efficiency,        vas was used to breakdown     on promoting sustainability aware-
        Raise awareness from the public (universi-      reusability, easy integra-    the project goals and scope   ness within the university?
        ty staff and students) about energy usage       tion,                         into environment, society,    2. How many users participate in
        and the carbon emissions through activities                                   economy, process, value       the weekly sustainability challenge?
        in the university.                              maintainability and           and people in order to have
                                                                                      better clarity on the sus-    3. What are the new initiatives from
                                                        energy efficiency                                           departments towards sustainability
                                                                                      tainability goals of the
                                                                                      project and derive basic      based on the application usage?
                                                                                      benchmarks for evaluating
                                                                                      the project at the end.
        Phase 2. User Requirements Definition           Increase sustainability       Sustainability requirement    1. Can users see information about
                                                        awareness through ener-       template ( template that      energy usage and carbon emission?
        1. Provide information on energy usage          gy usage and carbon           shows the sustainability
        within the university                           emission information to       analysis of the five dimen-   2. How effective is the weekly
                                                        users                         sions and the three orders    sustainability challenge?
        2. Show the carbon emission
                                                                                      of effects from the design    3. How many users participate in
        3. Allow weekly sustainability challenge                                      catalogue ) [1]               the weekly sustainability challenge?
        and show winners
                                                                                                                    4. Do users share their experience
        4. Section for user community to connect                                                                    via social media portal?
        and discuss
        5. Provide feature to share things to social
        Phase 3. System Requirements Definition         Design for sustainability     Environmental, Social and     1. Can users understand the energy
                                                        awareness, maintainabil-      individual dimension of       and carbon emission information
        1. Information about energy usage and           ity and                       sustainability                presented?
        carbon emission should be available via
        the central display screen and web portal       energy efficiency                                           2. How easy can users join the
2. The application should translate the                                                                         weekly challenge?
carbon emission data base on energy usage
into meaningful information for better user                                                                     3. Does the application to form
understanding such as distance between                                                                          community of different sustainabil-
Lappeenranta and other cities                                                                                   ity goals?

3. The web interface should allow users                                                                         4. Can users successfully share
participate in the weekly challenge                                                                             their weekly challenge on Facebook
                                                                                                                and Twitter?
4. Users are able to share their weekly
challenge results via Facebook and Twit-                                                                        5. Does the API allow easy infor-
ter.                                                                                                            mation access?

5. The application should allow users form
community of interest for different sus-
tainability goals.
6. Provide API to allow for easy integra-
tion with other applications
Phase 4. Analysis and Design                        Design for sustainability   Sustainability analysis         1. What is the potential percentage
                                                    awareness, reuse, effi-     radar chart was used for        of energy usage reduction in the
1. Identify the first, second and third order       ciency and localization     the sustainability analysis     university?
impact of the application on user energy                                        to show the he first, second
usage and sustainability awareness                                              and third (immediate,           2. What is the level of user aware-
                                                                                enabling, and structural)       ness overtime about energy usage
2. Find areas to improve the application                                                                        and carbon emission?
implementation base on the different sus-                                       impacts of the application.
tainability dimensions especially environ-                                                                      3. What is the impact of the user
ment, social and technical dimensions                                                                           community for users’ motivation
                                                                                                                towards sustainability within the
Phase 5. Development                                Design for sustainability   Cradle to cradle concept        1. What is the defect density of the
                                                    awareness, efficiency,      influence the development       application?
                                                    reuse, design for module    to develop each module in
                                                    replicability, design for   the application in a way        2. What is the energy efficiency of
                                                    easy service and mainte-    that support evolution as       the application?
                                                    nance                       user requirements changes       3. How many modules relating to
                                                                                over time and ensuring          sustainability awareness was suc-
                                                                                sustainability is the core of   cessfully developed?
                                                                                all development
                                                                                                                4. Can users successfully use the
                                                                                                                application for all application func-
                                                                                                                tions such as join a community,
                                                                                                                participate and share weekly sus-
                                                                                                                tainability results, understand dis-
                                                                                                                played energy usage and carbon
                                                                                                                emission information?

                                                Fig 4.Sustainability awareness via energy usage interface
                                         Fig 5. Sustainable Business Canvas for Case Study Two [38]

                                                                            Case study two provides a different use of FSSSD as sus-
                        VI. DISCUSSION                                  tainability is the core of the application design. As noted in [33]
    For the project initiation in the first case study, normally        [34], with better tailored information through eco feedback,
project managers will only evaluate projects by considering             user habits can change positively towards sustainability over
whether the software system meets all user requirements after           time. The second case study (see Table 3, Figures 4 and 5)
development and testing as a yardstick for satisfying all project       shows the presentation of energy usage data converted into
requirements. The application of FSSSD in case study one (Ta-           carbon emission. With the use of FSSSD as guide, the applica-
ble 2) shows that indicators used for evaluating the project up         tion in case study two was designed in a way that the carbon
to the current development stage included the level of develop-         emission information was displayed in order to educate users
er satisfaction (individual dimension of sustainability) and the        about their energy consumption habits in each department. The
number of IT staff reporting on how to improve the system               system presented the percentage of carbon emission in form of
energy efficiency (environment and technical dimension). This           distance between one city to another with the goal to provide
confirms a new perspective towards software project evaluation          better understanding for the public about the impact of their
with sustainability dimensions now considered by stakeholders           energy consumption on the environment.
in case study one. The use of FSSSD also led to new system                  Feedback and comments (Table 4) from stakeholders in
requirements (Table 2) with the potential to improve the system         case study one and two indicates that developers and engineers
efficiency and consideration of sustainability based on the sys-        complained there are few industry case studies for software
tem context.                                                            development that shows how sustainability was applied. The
    Based on the initial response from stakeholders in case             second challenge was in motivating software requirements en-
study one, it indicates that as a company their major interest          gineers and designers to incorporate the use of the new sustain-
was to check if FSSSD - as guide in the application of sustain-         ability artifacts for sustainability in requirements and software
ability in software system design and development - would               development because most of them are used to the old ways of
save them cost and improve staff productivity. The use of de-           developing software systems and therefore require extensive
velopers satisfaction for the pension benefit tracker is one ex-        discussion on the usage of the artifacts in FSSSD.
ample because the company believes if there is means of                     In general, the early feedback and comments (Table 4) from
checking staff satisfaction, it could offer a means of improving        case study one and two shows that the Framework for Sustain-
working conditions which will in turn improve productivity              ability of Software System Design (FSSSD) provides guidance
over time. This will help them reduce the cost of operations            and support for sustainability in software design requirements
and improve profit margin.                                              and development. The tools, methods and concepts provided as
sample in the framework helped in providing new insights into                      stakeholders to rethink their software project with sustainability
how sustainability can be incorporated into software project                       as a means of developing a better product that is cost effective
design and development especially the Sustainable Business                         over a long time and supports good corporate social responsi-
Canvas, Goal model, Sustainability Requirement Template,                           bility. Table 4 summarizes the feedback on the usage of FSSSD
Biomimicry, Cradle to cradle concept and Sustainability Anal-                      from the case studies.
ysis Radar Chat diagram. In addition, FSSSD also persuades

 Role             SDLC Phase           Positive                                                   Challenges

 CTO              Project Definition   1. The SSDC was good way to understand the differ-         1. Very difficult to understand how to apply some of the
                                       ent aspect of sustainability for different kind of soft-   sustainability concepts because its new to me and my team
                                       ware system. The SSDC made it possible for me and
                                       my team to know more about sustainability in soft-         2. We have a challenge to find concrete examples online to
                                       ware development with those guidelines provided for        see how sustainability was applied to software project defini-
                                       each software system.                                      tion especially in industry

                                       2. The FSSSD provides new insight for sustainability       3. It was challenging to give my staff additional task of read-
                                       in software project with consideration of sustainabil-     ing the Framework manual to understand how to apply it
                                       ity principles
                                       3. Combination of the SSDC and FSSSD provides an
                                       avenue to consider our software impacts and see how
                                       we can minimise it.
                                       4. FSSSD introduces new methods for evaluating our
                                       applications especially the environmental and indi-
                                       vidual dimensions of sustainability
                                       5. The Sustainable Business Canvas brings in a total-
                                       ly new factors into software project definition with
                                       sustainability concepts and dimensions as guide
 Software         User requirement     1. The sustainability requirement template was use-        It was difficult at first to understand how to explain the dif-
 developer,       definition           ful as guide during requirement gathering because it       ferent dimensions of sustainability to key stakeholders (us-
 Project coor-                         provides us with means of discussing sustainability        ers) during discussion gathering requirements on how to
 dinator                               with users and categorising user requirements base         improve the existing system
                                       on sustainability dimensions
 System ana-      System Require-      1. I was able to learn new things about how sustaina-      1. The only issue is lack of examples to show how sustaina-
 lyst, software   ments Definition     bility can influence gathering system requirements         bility has been used in different software requirements elici-
 developer                             and identifying new system requirements using the          tation at the beginning when using FSSSD but after couple of
                                       FSSSD                                                      meetings discussing about sustainability with the research
                                                                                                  guy things became clearer.
                                       2. The goal model diagram is really a good tool to
                                       breakdown sustainability goals base on requirements        2. Some of the research especially about sustainability in
                                       into business, usage and system goal.                      system requirements I saw on google from some researchers
                                                                                                  are too complex to apply
                                       3. The goal model diagram made it easy to explain,
                                       discuss and improve the project goals and system
                                       requirements using the business, usage and system
                                       goal diagram.
 System ana-      Analysis and         1. The sustainability goals and suggested tools from       Brainstorming on how to connect the first, second and third
 lyst, Pro-       Design               FSSSD was a good starting point to guide us during         order impact in each of the sustainability dimensions was not
 grammers,                             the analysis and design phase.                             easy because each of us have different views on what is the
 Software                                                                                         right thing to put but eventually we looked at some of the
 developer                             2. The sustainability analysis radar chat was a new        examples provided by the researcher guy in using FSSSD.
                                       interesting tool because it shows some new require-
                                       ments to add after brainstorming on each of the first,
                                       second and third impacts

                                                                                   core of the general development methodology in companies.
                          VII. CONCLUSION                                          Sustainability as a main principle and value provides a compet-
    Software design and development in the real world is con-                      itive advantage for companies and software designers
tinuously changing with the adoption of new software devel-                        /developers but the major challenge is the lack of understand-
opment methods and paradigms, such as agile, to reduce the                         ing on how to institutionalize sustainability in software design
development time from different SDLC phases and shortened                          and development projects.
time to market. However, sustainability is currently not at the
    This paper summarizes our early results on applying the                   at: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-
Framework for the Sustainability of Software System Design                    development-goals/ Accessed on 28-12-2018,” no.
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                                                                              4th International Workshop on Measurement and Metrics
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                                                                              for Green and Sustainable Software Systems co-located with
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                                                                              12th International Symposium on Empirical Software
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Alexandre Devinez for their work in the Living Lab at LUT                     Karlskrona Manifesto,” Proc. - Int. Conf. Softw. Eng., vol. 2,
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