=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_34 |storemode=property |title=Exploring Future Skills Shortage in the Transition to Localised and Low-Carbon Energy Systems |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_34.pdf |volume=Vol-2382 |authors=Yael Zekaria,Ruzanna Chitchyan |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ict4s/ZekariaC19 }} ==Exploring Future Skills Shortage in the Transition to Localised and Low-Carbon Energy Systems== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2382/ICT4S2019_paper_34.pdf
   Exploring Future Skills Shortage in the Transition
    to Localised and Low-Carbon Energy Systems
                                Yael Zekaria                                                 Ruzanna Chitchyan

                   Department of Computer Science                                     Department of Computer Science
                          University of Bristol                                             University of Bristol
                              Bristol, UK                                                       Bristol, UK
                  Email: yz14091@bristol.ac.uk                                          ORCiD: 0000-0001-6293-3445
                                                                                  Email: r.chitchyan@bristol.ac.uk

   Abstract—As the climate change pressures mount, the need to                 in 2015 to supply energy from mainly renewable sources
transition to clean (non-fossil fuel based) energy systems becomes             [6]. Robin Hood Energy has saved at least £200 a year
ever more apparent. Such a transition requires availability of                 for over 100,000 customers and has also seen successes in
trained workers to install and control the new energy systems,
as well as skilled governance and regulation to guide such a major             supplying energy outside of Nottingham through partnering
societal change. This paper takes the first steps to explore the               with local brands, such as Angelic Energy in Islington. Other
issues related to said skills and training provision, using group              examples of successful local energy communities include the
discussions with the UK’s energy researchers and practitioners. It             Bethesda hydro-powered project in Wales [7], the Orkney
reports on the areas of currently perceived skills gaps, and argues            island’s energy self-sufficiency in Scotland [8], or the PV for
for the need to research on the future skills shortage prediction
and training provision. This work aims to prevent such shortages               Schools programme that supplies solar energy generation to
from arising in order to facilitate a successful transition to clean           UK schools [9], saving energy bills, carbon emissions, and
energy systems.                                                                promoting environment-related education in schools.
   Index Terms—energy systems transition; skills gap; skills                      Yet, all these are relatively small, disconnected projects.
shortage, skills training, low-carbon energy system.                           In order for the transition to be adopted on a national scale,
                                                                               resources must be in place that provide the necessary skills,
                          I. I NTRODUCTION                                     knowledge and most importantly, the societal will to im-
   Global energy demand has grown steadily at around 2.4%                      plement this change. Transition to a nation-wide low-carbon
per year since 1850, nearly all of which has been obtained                     energy system is not simply about installing some PV or
from fossil fuels. Unsurprisingly, energy generation and distri-               wind generation, but it is about the whole-scale change of the
bution is one of the highest greenhouse gas emitting sectors in                energy generation, distribution, and use practices: integration
the developed countries (e.g., 3rd in the UK, after industry and               of all renewable sources (to address their generally intermittent
transport). Faced with the problems of climate change, most                    availability i.e. there is no solar generation during the nights);
countries have set targets to decarbonise their energy systems                 ability to regulate demand (e.g. switching off non-critical
[1], [2]. Realisation of such plans will require substitution of               appliances when generation is low, and scheduling energy
fossil fuel-based energy sources with renewable alternatives.                  use tasks when generation is high, e.g., [10]); willingness to
Yet, the energy system underpins and is tightly intertwined                    regulate and set policies that foster engagement of all user
with all other sectors of economy and areas of social life:                    groups with the energy generation and consumption issues;
from high-tech industrial production processes to agriculture;                 enabling and mandating the transition of the incumbent large
from home heating to transportation. Changing energy systems                   energy companies to new business models centred around
implies changing the very core of the modern societal life [3].                clean energy sources, etc. All of this requires new kinds of skills
   The transition to low-carbon and localised energy systems                   from the employees, new kinds of jobs from the employers, and
is already under way. The relevant technologies1 have been                     new kinds of education and training for all.
developed and continue to be improved; government initiatives                     With appropriate methods, the journey to a more sustainable
provide funding to research and support the transition [4],                    future can have great potential for the job market. Although
[5]; and several groups have led the way with successful                       it is critical that the appropriate training of skills is in place
decentralised and community energy projects. One such ex-                      in order to avoid long lead times and a widening gap between
ample is Robin Hood Energy set up by Nottingham council                        the demand and supply of the necessary labour.
                                                                                  This paper explores the skills shortages that the transition
  1 To name a few: PV panels, wind turbines, tidal and wave energy stations,
                                                                               to a clean-energy society is likely to face. Section II reviews
anaerobic digestion systems and bore holes for heat storage, batteries and
hydro turbines, electric vehicles and peer-to-peer energy trading platforms,   insight from existing literature concerning the causes of a skills
smart controllable appliances for demand response, etc.                        shortage, how they arise and how they can be tackled. These
issues will be addressed in terms of what they mean for the          latter reinforced by the lack of understanding of the system as
energy market, the labour market as well as for policy and           a whole: how multiple energy generation methods can work
social change. To relate the findings from the literature to the     together and complement each other, the role of legal experts
current state of practice, we carried out several small group-       and policy makers in steering the path to change, the im-
based discussions which are outlined in Section III. Here            plementation of effective and relevant training and education
we present the emerging topics from these group discussions          programmes and how all of these factors come together. The
between interdisciplinary experts on energy systems. Section         key risks to the sector, as a result of talent shortages, include
IV concludes this paper with a summary of our findings and           decreased efficiency, loss of business and reduced productivity.
a plan of how they will be used in deriving a skills training        These consequences will trigger a negative feedback loop
curriculum and skills shortage assessment model.                     since it is likely that there will be less incentive to work
                                                                     in the renewable energy industry if it is a failing one. The
                      II. BACKGROUND
                                                                     top three methods to attract the right talent, agreed amongst
   In this section we review literature relating to the definition   hiring managers and professionals, include better training,
of skill shortages and how they can be tackled from three            clearer career progression and increased remuneration and
viewpoints:                                                          benefits packages. However, remuneration was one of the
   1) energy systems;                                                least common reasons for choosing to work in this sector.
   2) labour market;                                                 A possible explanation could be that the majority of the
   3) policy and social change.                                      workforce in the renewable industry are between the ages of
   It is relevant to consider this issue from a top-down,            25-34. The concern for the climate is more apparent among
economic approach (labour market) as well as bottom-up,              the younger employees who may enter the sector as they wish
industry-specific angle (the energy system). Furthermore, since      to take action against global warming rather than for gaining
our lives are centred around energy, we conclude this section        “job perks”.
with a discussion of the societal impacts of a skill shortage in        A novel solution to deal with skills shortages has been
the transition to a low-carbon economy.                              implemented by Business in the Community through the Ban
                                                                     the Box campaign [14]. By engaging with employers on
Background from the Energy Sector                                    specific programmes, the 20% of the UK workforce with
   The lack of required skills has been reported as the biggest      criminal convictions can be given the support and training to
challenge facing the global renewable energy sector [11]. The        close the skills gap.
demand for necessary skills and further training is applicable          Over the past decade we have seen a rise in automation
for new graduates of non-specialised STEM courses, those             which can be argued to have a positive effect on decreasing the
with relevant skills from other sectors as well as those already     skills shortage. Whilst it is true that automation has put many
working in renewable energy in the case that their organisation      out of work, with the right systems in place, automation can
develops through digitisation or updated technology. There-          allow members of the workforce to engage in less repetitive
fore, it can be said that the onus to fill the skills gap is as      tasks and transfer their talent to more technical areas of their
much on employers as it is on external education and training        company.
institutions.                                                           In summary, factors that should be taken into account in the
   A suggested solution for educators would be to create             skills shortage assessment model to be developed include the
tailored courses. However, there is less need for specialist         view of consumers, employees, employers and educators on
education programmes in renewable energy. Existing STEM              the areas where training is necessary, including both technical
subjects provide the necessary foundation for professional           skills training and policy-related education. This knowledge
work in this sector [12]. It would be more favourable to have        will help in preparing for the changing technological land-
several low-carbon related modules within a higher education         scape, as well as in directing the action of policy makers in
course to provide students with the awareness and insight of         requesting funding or regulation in specific areas. Contribu-
the benefits of alternative, cleaner energy systems.                 tions to a skills training curriculum aimed at preventing the
   The most recent Global Talent Index Report (GETI) [13]            looming skills shortages for energy systems transitions, should
carried out by 17,000 respondents from 162 countries has             include both general and tailored STEM courses and project
shown that although there is an obvious skills shortage, the         leadership for the proliferation of the low-carbon and localised
most worrying issue for the renewable energy sector is, in           energy systems.
fact, the political landscape. A lack of subsidies is of huge
concern to the renewable industry, significantly more so than to     Background from the Labour Market
the conventional and better established non-renewable sectors.          In economic theory, a skills gap is regarded as a disequi-
However, the skills shortage is a looming crisis that many           librium phenomena between the skills available by workers
are also worried about: 60% of respondents believe there is          and those demanded of them by employers. Such a gap is
only 5 years to act before it hits. So what talent is lacking?       a common cause of structural unemployment. The Oxford
The discipline of Engineering was reported to be in highest          dictionary of Economics [15] defines structural unemployment
need (50%) and project leadership following with 25%. The            as unemployment due to a lack among unemployed workers
of necessary skills which can occur as a result of changes in                 This results in workers becoming displaced since their occu-
demand leading to the decline of industries which previously                  pations cease to exist as well as new jobs being introduced
provided jobs. Furthermore, structural unemployment cannot                    causing a shortage of workers with appropriate skill sets and
be cured by simply increasing demand or cutting wages but                     to some extent, an overlap between the two.
rather, it requires major investment in education and training                   The shocks in economic activity that can lead to structural
or subsidies to support the migration of jobs to depressed                    unemployment in the area of low-carbon and localised energy
areas. In other words, there must be a boost in the supply                    systems can arise from three main drivers:
of labour. It is important to note that structural unemployment
                                                                                • Firstly, as industries become more energy efficient and
focuses on those who are unemployed and are out of work
                                                                                  less polluting, the demand for occupations such as drilling
as a result of a shift in the economy and it relates less so
                                                                                  engineers decreases whereas there is an increase in the
to those who have the relevant skills but are employed by
                                                                                  demand for others, such as solar panel technicians. In
other institutions. Therefore, its application is not a perfect
                                                                                  some cases the occupations are relatively transferable. For
match to our case since, under the traditional interpretation of
                                                                                  example, an individual working on oil or gas drilling sites
structural unemployment, people who have suitable skills to
                                                                                  will be able to transition to the geothermal industry which
be employed in the low-carbon energy sector may simply be
                                                                                  relies on similar methods for heat extraction. The change
working in other industries. Nevertheless, this area of labour
                                                                                  in market behaviour can also be encouraged by consumer
economics provides a starting point for our analysis of skills
                                                                                  habits, for instance, through mass pressure for greener
gap understanding and modelling.
                                                                                  energy which in turn causes the industry to adapt in order
   An example of structural unemployment was seen in the
                                                                                  to meet the demands of their customer base.
coal mining industry when employment fell by nearly 80%
                                                                                • Secondly, entirely new occupations can emerge as a
between 1980 and 1990 as a result of a change in governmental
                                                                                  result of developments in technology. Occupations are
policy along with the growing unrest in the industry. The
                                                                                  also limited by this factor since a technology may not
scale of the coal mining industry decay is shown in Figure
                                                                                  be available in a certain country or relocation to an area
1. Many of the miners did not have the skills or experience
                                                                                  where the occupation is vacant may not be a feasible
that would transfer to other sectors. Given that the majority
of the population of mining towns were inevitably miners, the
                                                                                • Thirdly, the introduction of regulation and environmental
changes put excessive pressure on the unemployed miners to
                                                                                  policy can force the industry to alter its structure. For
relocate geographically as well as occupationally to find work.
                                                                                  example, policies may be put in place that ban certain
                                                                                  materials or processes with negative environmental im-
                                                                                  pacts [18]. All of these factors are geographically specific
                                                                                  and will be taken into account when developing a model
                                                                                  for assessing a skills shortage with the constraint of
                                                                                 Over time, the labour market adjusts to equilibrium com-
                                                                              monly through increasing wages to attract skilled workers from
                                                                              other firms or from unemployment. Alternatively, training can
                                                                              be provided to increase the supply of skilled workers, yet the
                                                                              length of a training course may cause long lead times and it
                                                                              is also necessary to incentivise individuals into enrolling in
                                                                              the training programmes in the first place. One way to speed
                                                                              up this process is for companies to offer apprenticeships and
Fig. 1. Number of people employed in the coal mining industry in the United   teach workers the skills or training ‘on-the-job’.
Kingdom from 1920 to 2017 (in 1,000s). Figure obtained from [16].
                                                                                 Furthermore, a transparent labour market with available in-
   The solutions introduced by the UK government to regen-                    formation to technological innovators, firms and educators is a
erate the areas of ex-coal mining industries included funding                 fundamental criterion of an efficient market. This transparency
to support upcoming small businesses, investments from large                  will minimise the time taken for information to flow about new
automotive and technology companies who built sites in the                    opportunities from firms to the educators who will provide
affected areas and provision of higher education courses with                 future workers with the suitable skills [19]. According to the
strong connections to manufacturing and IT industries [17].                   GETI [20], when asking hiring managers in the renewable
   Structural unemployment is typically long-term unemploy-                   energy industry how employers can overcome the skills gap,
ment as a result of ‘shocks’ that the economy needs to take                   45% believed this could be done through partnering with
time to adjust to. We expect that in our transitional scenario,               colleges and education boards. Yet, it is worth noting that
structural unemployment is both about decarbonisation and the                 this part of the GETI survey was a closed set of answers and
decline of the fossil fuel industry as well as the adoption and               although multiple answers could be selected, the options did
development of low-carbon and decentralised energy options.                   not include a choice of closing the skills gap via is input from
policy makers, which, as noted before is a key influence area                way we think about it. We consider the ‘mindset transition’
to be considered.                                                            to be a skill shortage in the green energy industry in the
   From bans on harmful products to the introduction of a                    same way that there is a shortage of engineering skills in this
carbon tax, the government has an extraordinarily influential                sector. Whilst it is crucial that the right policies are put in
power in promoting a smooth transition to low carbon and                     place to secure enough investment in skills development, the
more localised energy systems through legislative prohibitions               attitudes towards the benefits of low-carbon energy alternatives
as well as by providing both incentives and disincentives. This              need to be addressed: firstly to ensure people are willing to
is clearly shown in Figure 2 that illustrates the success of                 work in the industry, secondly, that they are willing to accept
encouraging installations of solar panels through the introduc-              relevant policy and regulations, and finally, to encourage
tion of the Feed-in Tariff in 2010. The growth in the number                 participation of end users (including end user companies) both
of installations post April 2016 could partly reflect the rush               as consumers, investors and producers (where possible) in
to set up projects before further reductions in subsidies take               one’s local energy system. The investment in skills training
effect. Nonetheless, this example of a positive incentive for                and the attitude of the society towards low-carbon energy go
participation in cleaner production methods should be learnt                 hand in hand. For instance, according to the Solar Energy
from to support the transition.                                              Society of Canada, one of the reasons why solar thermal got a
                                                                             bad reputation there was due to unqualified workers installing
                                                                             systems that did not work properly [22], as skills in that sector
                                                                             were amiss and available installation engineers did not want
                                                                             to or could not afford to invest in training.
                                                                                Societal change is often brought about by leaders who
                                                                             believe that they can influence policy. Activism of this kind
                                                                             can take the form of strikes, protests or civil disobedience.
                                                                             One movement, Extinction Rebellion, urges policy-makers to
                                                                             take climate change more seriously by causing non-violent
                                                                             disruptions such as blocking bridges [23]. Participants include
                                                                             academics and scientists from across the globe and they have
                                                                             been successful in making their voices heard and raising
                                                                             awareness for the lack of governmental action through gaining
                                                                             media attention. However, policies to aid decarbonisation can
                                                                             also create disruption and unrest, as recently seen with the
                                                                             ‘gilets jaunes’ in France. When president, Emmanuel Macron
                                                                             proposed a rise in the tax of diesel and petrol without any sub-
                                                                             sidies for the alternative cleaner, electric vehicles, protesters
Fig. 2. Quarterly breakdown of number of installations and total installed   took to the streets in violent clashes with the police [24]. This
capacity accredited under the Feed-in Tariff. Figure obtained from [21]      is comparable to a disregard of a just transition that must be
   The background research into the effects of an energy                     avoided in the journey to a greener society. Just as workers
transition for the labour market demonstrates that we can                    employed in the non-renewable sectors must be given the
learn from previous periods of structural unemployment in                    opportunity to learn new skills, consumers need to be provided
developing models for skills shortages prediction and preven-                with alternatives before enforcing change.
tion. For example, the measurement of how many skills are                       Other leaders who can encourage the mindset transition are
transferable from jobs in industries that are declining could                the large corporations such as Google, Apple and Facebook
provide an indication of how investment should be injected                   who are all in a race to operate on 100% renewable energy
back into geographically affected areas, i.e. which companies                in their worldwide facilities [25]. Industry, being the biggest
should be encouraged to open their doors to those affected                   contributor of greenhouse gases, has to pay the price for
by structural unemployment, and which should invest into                     these emissions. As well as operating in a low-carbon manner,
development of new business opportunities. Furthermore, to                   businesses that benefit from high profits should invest in
make the labour market more transparent, the firms creating                  education programmes that will in turn reward their reputation
technologies should be motivated to state the occupations and                and help to provide an adequately skilled workforce within
skills that will be required to maintain and operate the new                 their companies and in the wider industry.
products and services. In this way a relevant skills training                   The inclusion of the ‘mindset transition’ into the skills
curriculum can be devised and kept up to date with emerging                  assessment model is a real challenge. One way to address this
technologies.                                                                is through input from surveys carried out by energy consumers.
                                                                             Questions in such a survey could enquire what drives or deters
Background from Policy and Social Movements                                  consumers from using low-carbon energy methods. Once the
   The transition to low-carbon and localised energy systems                 reasons behind the lack of willingness to transition are discov-
is as much a change in the way we use our energy as it is the                ered, these reasons (where relevant) could also be addressed
through the skills training curriculum, or information sharing        In a similar vain to the shortage of system integration, a
campaigns and/or regulations. Informational and educational        shortage of skills in conducting whole systems retrofitting
resources could also be made available to consumers through        was reported. Adapting existing buildings or systems is a
their energy providers.                                            challenging task and ever more difficult to achieve whilst
                                                                   simultaneously constructing efficient and low carbon new
                      III. P ILOT S TUDY                           builds. The lack of action in this area is partly down to little
   As part of the UK Engineering and Science Council funded        investment or available funds since retrofitting is a large and
project (EnergyREV), 34 researchers and practitioners of in-       expensive venture. Furthermore, there is low value awarded to
terdisciplinary topics within energy systems were invited to       refurbishing a perfectly functional building when the will to
take part in small group discussions to help us understand the     decarbonise is not a priority and the capital to complete such
current state of the skills gap with regards to the localised      a project is not readily available. Other factors that contribute
renewables-based energy systems in the UK. Five groups,            to this shortage are a traditional vision about buildings and a
consisting of 4 to 7 persons were formed (through random           lack of understanding about the relationship between all parts
allocation of the participants). The groups were set 3 questions   of the energy system.
to address:                                                           One suggested metric to measure the shortage of skills
   In the transition to localised and low-carbon energy systems,   in this context is by comparing the gap between sales and
   1) What examples of skills shortages have you come              certificates. With this information it is possible to to determine
       across?                                                     approximately how many installations are associated with each
   2) What factors do you think cause these skills shortages?      certified worker. Consequently, one can assess whether the
   3) How can we measure such skills shortages?                    output per worker is a realistic quantity or if it is likely
                                                                   that installers are working overtime to compensate for the
   The groups recorded their answers as they discussed the
                                                                   lack of skills in this area. We must also bear in mind the
questions, and the resulting findings were collated after the
                                                                   possibility that non-certified individuals are carrying out part
workshop. These are presented in Table I and discussed in the
                                                                   of this workload.
remainder of this section.
                                                                      Another shortage mentioned in the workshop was that of
Discussions of Preliminary Findings                                whole systems understanding, the architects to design them
                                                                   and analysts to assess their performance. Analytic skills on
   Although the groups worked independently from each other,
                                                                   carbon saving and efficiency is something we are seeing more
several ideas overlapped and there was a clear emphasis on the
                                                                   of in smart systems which provide the resulting information
need for a combination of top-down and bottom-up solutions.
                                                                   on carbon savings and efficiency to end-users. However, the
   Firstly, there was a noted shortage of multi-vector energy      performance of buildings in terms of their efficiency calculated
systems and interoperable technology. As many renewable            through measures such as BREEAM analysis could be useful
generation methods are intermittent by relying on natural          in clarifying whether a building operates on the level it claims
cycles, it is necessary to complement methods of generation        to or was designed to. Cross-certification in this respect can
with others to provide a secure energy supply. The integration     imply whether there is a high enough quality of skills to
of systems will be specific to different regions since not all     provide the low-carbon solutions that are aimed to be achieved.
localities will have access to every form of energy generation        It is evident that there is a shortage of policy makers
and some forms are more efficient than others in certain areas.    and legal experts with specific knowledge of low-carbon
Most importantly, different forms of generation must be com-       and localised energy systems. The lack of government action
patible when combined in the same system. Interoperability         could be due to the lack of conclusive data which provides the
can appear in a number of ways:                                    evidence that the supply of energy will be secure when gener-
   • Consumer interoperability - difficulty in switching energy    ated on smaller scales or by alternative methods off the trusted
      service providers,                                           National Grid. Although some successes have been reported by
   • Data interoperability - data sharing and combined analy-      several energy communities and projects, they are viewed as
      sis of data from different platforms,                        piece meal, often reported in non-comparable ways. Aggregat-
   • Device interoperability - compatibility of equipment          ing and integrating the data required for demonstration of such
      bought to monitor or manage energy usage,                    successes across many projects is a key part of the research
   Contributing factors that relate to these issues include a      carried out by members of the EnergyRev Consortium. The
lack of standards, a lack of appreciation of the commercial        factors contributing to the shortage of legal experts could again
value of tackling the skills shortage as well as silo training     be due to a lack of whole-systems understanding as well as
and thinking. A standardised set of requirements to ensure         a low will and acknowledgement of the urgency of working
interoperability would be an effective solution if enforced as a   to support the transition. A suggested way to measure skills
regulation. Additionally, a standard in education and training     gap in this area is by looking at the vacancy rates of related
programmes would provide a bigger systems understanding            jobs; how long the positions are vacant for as well as how
rather than focusing on individual topics. This would also aid     many vacancies there are as a ratio of total legal experts for
in reducing silo approaches to the industry.                       example.
                                                                    TABLE I
                                                C OLLATED INPUT FROM DISCUSSION - BASED WORKSHOP.

  Skills Shortage Examples                           Contributing Factors                                       Measurement Methods
  • Multi-vector qualified installers                • Lack of accreditation                                    • Number of qualified installers com-
  • Minimum standards for installers                 • Lack of standards                                        pared with the size of the market or
  • Interoperable technology                         • Lack of tripadvisor-style ratings                        compared with the number of busi-
                                                     • Current lack of demand for local energy                  nesses offering the service
                                                     • Lack of appreciation of commercial value in tackling
                                                     the skill shortage
                                                     • Lack of trusted advice
                                                     • Lack of expertise about wider benefits (ecological and
  • Local energy system architects                   • Lack of training infrastructure                          • Number of people trained in specific
  • Communication liaison                            • Lack of thought about what is needed                     programs
  • Energy focused ICT/ cyber                        • Lack of investment                                       • Number of installations etc.
  • Whole systems understanding                      • Lack of systems thinking in education                    • Number of school children engaged
  • Installation, operations & maintenance           • Diversity of systems                                     in related activities
  • Multi-vector systems                             • Lack of appropriate/static regulation
                                                     • No clear local energy project owner (not BAU)
                                                     • Poor incentives (low salaries and attractiveness)
                                                     • Unclear career path
                                                     • Broken apprenticeship schemes
  • Certified installation skills                    • Employer-driven certification/ skills                    • Cross certification of existing data
  • Energy efficient buildings                       • Regulation change                                        • Gap between sales and certificates
  • System performance skills (analytics of effi-                                                               • Shift in installations and projections
  ciency or carbon saving)                                                                                      • Job guidance
  • Whole building retrofit of skills based on                                                                  • Job roles
  outcome measures not models
  • Transferable skills                              • Policy driven peaks and troughs in market due to         • Job satisfaction
  • Apprenticeships                                  funding stopping and starting                              • Job adverts/ job skill surveys (ONS)
  • Retrofit                                         • Lack of awareness of the benefits of renewable energy    - single and multi skill
  • QA                                               when choosing career                                       • Salaries in sectors
  • Further education                                • Visibility                                               • Educational courses
  • Professional development                         • Size of job market                                       • Post course surveys
  • System integration                               • Traditional vision of building refurbishment             • Professional membership figures
  • Lack of legal skills                             • Need to be multi-skilled or be knowledgeable about       • Installation rates
                                                     whole building retrofit
                                                     • Job perks - salary
                                                     • Lack of willingness to change
  • Evaluating social phenomenon                     • Not valued
  • Interdisciplinary technical skills e.g. energy   • Silo training/thinking
  & digital                                          • Cost of training
  • System integration                               • Responsibility
  • Diversity                                        • Prejudice
  • Local government                                 • Traditional mindset
  • Geography                                        • Incumbency
  • Engagement
  • Management

   Final key shortages learned from the workshop were the                     not been learnt from the review of existing literature such as
lack of individuals with transferable and interdisciplinary                   the lack of skills relating to whole system retrofitting and the
skills as well as appropriate further education, namely in                    lack of accreditation of relevant skills. These findings, along
STEM subjects, project management or more specific courses.                   with those from the previously presented literature review, will
Financial, IT, cyber and installation skills were amongst the                 be incorporated into our ongoing research on developing a
highlighted skills in shortage. Reported factors contributing to              skills assessment model. These findings include, for instance,
their low supply include poor incentives, such as remuneration                cross certification and skill surveys to be completed by em-
or other job perks, expensive courses to gain the qualification               ployers (which skills are difficult to source in job vacancies)
and a lack of investment in education. Metrics to quantify                    and graduates (perceptions of working in low-carbon and
this include the number of people out of the entire workforce                 localised industry and reasons for and against). Furthermore,
with the required qualifications, enrolled in relevant training               it is important to have an understanding of the economic
programmes as well as the aforementioned length of vacancy                    and social impacts resulting from a given skill shortage as
advertisements.                                                               well as those factors driving the shortage. Since there is no
                                                                              single measure that can fully represent a skills imbalance,
  The preliminary workshop raised interesting points from a                   a selection of metrics should be used as well as including
range of backgrounds. Several issues that were voiced had
indicators relating to the given area where the shortage exists                   [5] Ofgem,       “Non-domestic       rhi,”    2011.      [Online].   Available:
and their specific economic or social impacts. Geographically-                        https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/environmental-programmes/non-domestic-
dependent factors, such as local regulations and availability of                  [6] D.     Hellier,    “Robin     hood      energy:    Nottingham     launches
resources, provide useful information in assessing a lack of                          not-for-profit     power      firm,”     2015.      [Online].    Available:
skills and the potential causes for a given locality. Additionally,                   https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/sep/07/robin-hood-
as a skills training curriculum is to be developed to support                     [7] E.      Local,     “Cyd      ynni,”      2016.     [Online].     Available:
prevention of skills shortages from arising, we used the                              http://www.energylocal.co.uk/cyd-ynni/
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