=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2384/paper05 |storemode=property |title=An Overview of Recent Developments in Intelligent e-Textbooks and Reading Analytics |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2384/paper05.pdf |volume=Vol-2384 |authors=David Boulanger,Vivekanandan Kumar |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aied/BoulangerK19 }} ==An Overview of Recent Developments in Intelligent e-Textbooks and Reading Analytics== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2384/paper05.pdf
    An Overview of Recent Developments in Intelligent e-
            Textbooks and Reading Analytics

                      David Boulanger1 and Vivekanandan Kumar1
                   1 Athabasca University, Edmonton AB T5J 3S8, Canada


       Abstract. This paper synthesizes recent developments in intelligent textbooks
       over the last five years and identifies potential research areas of interest to the
       AIED community. It characterizes traits that make a textbook intelligent. It dis-
       cusses hot spots in the AIED community such as a) the prediction of academic
       performance based on students’ reading behaviors, b) the assessment of learner
       skills based on their reading behaviors, and c) the automatic extraction of con-
       cepts taught in textbooks and their interdependencies (e.g., prerequisite, outcome,
       currency). It highlights key components of adaptivity that lead to full-fledged
       personalization and advocates the need for intelligent adaptivity as a trade-off
       between personalized provision of reading/learning materials and development
       and measurement of self-regulatory traits and grit. It concludes with a proposal
       to embed observational research methods as part of intelligent e-textbooks to au-
       tomatically and continually infer causality between reading habits, reading activ-
       ities, subject-matter competences, and metacognitive competences.

       Keywords: review, analytics, adaptivity, reading, textbook, artificial intelli-
       gence, observational data.

1      Introduction

For centuries, textbooks have been the best that technology could offer to extend the
teaching experience beyond the mere presence of the human teacher. With the latest
development in interactive technologies such as virtual and augmented reality, artificial
intelligence (AI) techniques such as deep learning, ubiquitous data sensors through the
Internet of Things, big data analytics, and the pervasiveness of mobile devices, the very
concept of a textbook demands a reexamination. This paper reviews recent literature
and exposes research initiatives in the field of reading analytics and intelligent e-text-
books. It first delineates the data that are currently captured about the reading process.
It informs the reader about the datasets that have driven new advances in reading ana-
lytics. Based on the literature, it then describes a knowledge map of the entities involved
in making a textbook smart. It discusses the prominent role adaptivity plays in the con-
text of such intelligent textbooks and highlights the components of adaptivity that have
not yet been addressed as part of the utopian augmented reading experience. Finally,
throughout this paper and especially in a section at the end, directions for future work
are provided to help newcomers in the field discover the areas that remain

underexplored or unexplored, contributing to accelerate the progress and adoption of
intelligent textbooks.

2      Data Types

Traditionally, intelligent e-textbooks collect the following pieces of data: the timeline
when a reader goes to next/previous page, jumps to another page/section/chapter/doc-
ument, bookmarks a page, highlights/underlines/marks some text including the color
selected, tags a page as “not understood” [2] or marks/underlines unknown words [18],
adds memo/annotation/comment/note, zooms in/out, opens/launches and exits the e-
reader application, and searches for keywords (including search jumps).
   Some reading actions, such as scrolling/swiping vs. clicking on the next page button,
zooming in/out vs. tapping, and portrait vs. landscape viewing mode, are dependent on
the type of device (smartphones, tablets, computers, e-readers) used. Some data types
are also dependent on the interactive objects embedded within the e-textbook such as
links clicked, parameters input when running sample code, etc. According to [9], inter-
activity may be viewed as a continuum where at one extreme the e-textbook is identical
to a static printed text, while at the other end the e-textbook may embed interactive
activities, 3D models, videos, etc.
   Collected metadata also include the type of device used and its IP address, the type
and version of the web browser/reading tool, the student/reader ID, timestamp of the
reading event, and the online status, that is, whether the reading device was connected
or not to the Internet when the reading event was generated. Failsafe data collection
mechanisms have been developed to support both offline and online reading, storing
reading-related actions locally during offline reading episodes and sending those data
to backend servers when Internet connectivity becomes available [6,12,20,21]. These
data and metadata have been encoded according to the xAPI specification in order to
share and exchange them with other learning analytics systems [2].
   Other data can be collected externally to the e-textbook such as eye gazes (e.g., num-
bers of fixations, saccades, and blinks; distances of eye movements; and coordinates of
eye gazes) through an eye tracker, the reader’s body language/posture through a cam-
era, and whether the reader is reading aloud through a microphone. However, these
sensors are intrusive and may introduce further ethical issues by capturing data not re-
lated to the reading experience itself. Nevertheless, no matter the reading device used
by the learner, the same set of data types can be collected, such as the amount of time
spent reading a specific page, reading speed, engagement level, level of attention, the
last textbook pages read during a semester, etc.
   In the near future, through deep learning and other artificial intelligence techniques,
one can expect mechanisms to infer the segments of a page that are currently visible to
the student, changes performed on these visible segments, the zoom level or the font
size, and the text passages annotated by the student and the spatiotemporal sequence of
those annotations. These inferences enable one to predict, the word, phrase, or sentence
that the student is currently reading or paying attention to, and the level of comprehen-
sion sensed during reading without the use of hardware devices such as eye trackers.

3      Datasets on Reading

Table 1 lists the datasets of reading interactions found in recent literature generated by
readers’ interactions with intelligent textbooks. The number of events by dataset ranges
from 65 to 2.8 million, generated by between 9 and 2993 readers, and collected during
reading episodes ranging approximately from 30 minutes to one year. The reading ex-
periences occurred in textbook, lecture, research publication, and magazine settings. It
is, nevertheless, remarkable that none of these datasets is available to the research com-
munity, which calls for the delivery of one or more open benchmark datasets to propel
research advances in reading analytics and to allow researchers to replicate results and
measure progress in the field.

                         Table 1. List of datasets on reading behaviors.

 # of events      # of      Reading       Domain                   Software         Type of
                  readers   episode                                                 reading

 [18] 2,812,727   2993      Semester      (43 courses)             BookLooper       Lecture

 [8] 567,193      71        Semester      Human Computer In-       Reading Circle   Textbook,
                                          teraction, Information                    research
                                          Retrieval                                 publica-
                                                                                    tion, etc.

 [15] 129,451     233       Semester      (11 courses)             CourseSmart      Textbook

 [12] 75,748      274       Semester      Social Sciences, Busi- -                  Textbook
                                          ness, Education

 [2] 65,755       108       Semester      (2 courses)              BookRoll         Lecture

 [6] 10,994       -         ~1 year       (110 different maga-     Viewerplus +     Magazine
                                          zine issues)             APP-BI

 [13] 10,188      289       Semester      Interactive Systems      AnnotatED+,      Textbook
                                          Design                   Reading Circle

 [20] ~7200       66        Semester      Research Methods         -                Textbook

 [30] 1370        17        1.5 hours     Educational Technol-     DITeL            Journal
                                          ogy                                       article

 [27] 65          9         30 minutes    Introductory Biology     -                Textbook

4      Smart e-Textbook Features

Fig. 1 demonstrates a knowledge map of the key entities, orientations of research, the
most popular features of intelligent textbooks, and techniques leveraged and assessed
to implement those features. As always in the broader field of learning analytics, eve-
rything is about the learner and his/her learning process and starts with the student

interacting with a textbook or a reading resource. The reading resource is encapsulated
within a specific format such as PDF or EPUB and ultimately should include web
pages, Word documents, discussion threads, in other words, everything that the student
may read, no matter its form. These reading resources are then hosted by a learning
resource repository or learning management system and accessed through a reading
software application (e.g., Adobe Reader, Kindle, etc.). Readers consume and interact
with these reading resources through hardware such as a computer, tablet, or
smartphone, potentially enhanced by supplemental equipment such as augmented real-
ity (AR) headsets or eye tracking devices.
    Turning a reading resource such as a textbook into a smart one requires at a minimum
the following two sources of data: 1) the transactional data resulting from the student’s
interactions with the reading tool and its features, and 2) the breaking down of the read-
ing resource’s contents into a knowledge map of prerequisite and outcome knowledge
components. Hence, as pointed out in Section 2, Fig. 1 delineates what the research
community collectively tracks about device-dependent student interactions with a read-
ing application. These raw data are stored and then transformed to derive more useful
pieces of information or metrics, ideally in real time to provide real-time feedback to
teachers/students. For example, the reading time is computed by [13] to determine
whether a student has learned or still has to learn a given knowledge component by
looking at the amount of time he/she spent reading/skimming the related pages, sec-
tions, or chapters of the textbook, measuring also the knowledge level of the student on
the underlying concept. The authors employ two techniques: the Knowledge Tracing
model and linear regression analysis. To scale their approach and reduce the manual
effort needed to extract knowledge components from textbook contents, [13] uses bag-
of-words models and latent semantic analysis.
    The raw interaction data, in addition to the inferred variables (e.g., reading speed,
reading session, etc.), when arranged as a sequence, constitute the reading behavior of
the learner. Data about the reading behavior are also collected from self-reported sur-
veys or questionnaires and compared against the quantitative measurements taken from
the actual observations of the reading process to estimate the gap in the reader’s per-
ception of the reality [21]. Furthermore, meaningful reading patterns are extracted
through progressive sequential analysis (lag-sequential analysis) by determining the
probability that a type of action is followed by another. For example, after having high-
lighted a part of the text, [30] found that the likeliest action that the reader is going to
do is another highlighting operation.
    The bottom of Fig. 1 lists features associated with intelligent textbooks. Among the
most cited features are a) the prediction of the student performance or the automated
detection of students at risk of dropping out, b) the real-time enhancements to the learn-
ing materials based on annotations1 from the readers, c) the provision of teacher anno-
tations within the textbooks to indicate concepts or sections that are particularly im-
portant and to provide clarifications or further resources on sections that are especially
difficult for students to understand, and d) readers’ level of interest and competence in

1 [9,29] define the term ‘annotation’ as follows: an explicit expression of knowledge that is at-

    tached to a document to reveal the conceptual meanings of an annotator’s implicit thoughts.

Fig. 1. Knowledge map (left part) of the various entities involved in intelligent textbooks.

Fig. 1. Knowledge map (right part) of the various entities involved in intelligent textbooks.

the topics/concepts taught in the textbook and their level of interest in making usage of
the various annotation and smart features of the textbook.
   Other features of interest include a) automated assessment of the difficulty level of
a concept, a requirement to prompt teachers to publish annotations within the textbook
to address that difficulty; b) automatic correction of the student’s answers to the text-
book questions and problems and the underlying solving processes; c) provision of
formative feedback fed by the automated assessment of the student’s knowledge and
competence of the curriculum’s learning outcomes; d) recommendation of sections ex-
plaining concepts that are ready to be learned given the current cognitive profile of the
student; e) identification and recommendation of effective and suboptimal learning
strategies; f) assessment of the self-regulated learning of the learners; and g) a lecture
supporting system that informs teachers in real time of the lecture’s sections requiring
more attention and whether students are following the teacher’s explanation [24]. In-
terestingly, the prediction of student performance has led researchers to measure and
investigate the impact of intermediary variables such as level of engagement2 and gam-
ing behavior3, using both unsupervised (e.g., clustering) and supervised (e.g., binary
classification, blocked linear regression) machine learning techniques. Fig. 1 also lists
various techniques leveraged to power these smart textbook features as well as methods
for effective feature selection and measurement of model performance (accuracy).
   Intelligent digital textbooks are envisioned to be interactive, collaborative, adaptive,
and as embedding visuals (e.g., video, sketch, animation, diagram) [22]. In order to turn
a textbook into a collaborative tool, previous research works such as [27] integrated a
question and answer forum within the textbook, displaying only those discussion
threads related to the page being read by the student and allowing the students to create
new questions, vote on provided answers, and tag question contents. On the other side,
the interactivity of textbooks is key to the development of reading analytics and to aug-
ment students’ reading experiences through a variety of AI-generated insights. More
data types can be collected through interactive components, reflecting on the students’
reading behaviors and producing more personalized formative feedback within the e-
textbooks when and where it is most needed. There is a trend, however, to view intelli-
gent digital textbooks as learning platforms in their own right by incorporating compo-
nents of the broader learning process such as problems to solve, multiple-choice and
open-ended questions, customizable examples (with different sets of parameters), etc.
This paper suggests that the discriminatory characteristic of intelligent textbooks or
reading analytics should be related to its scope, that is, it should focus on measuring
and optimizing reading episodes of students and assist them in their decision-making
process related to reading to improve reading’s effectiveness on the overall learning
process. The authors of this paper also advocate the need to understand further the role
of reading within the overall learning process by analyzing data streams coming from
heterogeneous learning activities [26] (e.g., search, video, listening, discussion, project,

2 [3,15] define “engagement” as the amount of physical and psychological energy that the student

   devotes to the academic experience.
3 [4,8] define “gaming behavior” as the attempt to succeed in an educational environment by

   exploiting properties of the system rather than by learning the material and trying to use that
   knowledge to answer correctly.

etc.) in addition to the more elementary data on reading and quiz performance
[13,23,26]. For instance, should students start reading before practicing or should they
start practicing and read only when necessary (e.g., start coding a program and read the
related concepts as they are needed)? This would have the advantage of supporting both
the learning by doing and informal learning paradigms.

5      Adaptivity

True adaptivity in online education consists of four components: 1) content model, stu-
dent model, instructional model, and the adaptive engine [25]. The content model es-
sentially captures all the knowledge components (viz., topics, concepts, competences)
of a learning domain and the interdependencies (prerequisite relationships) among
them. For example, the Knowledge Space Theory [10] leverages combinatorics to
model the knowledge space of a learning domain and to identify the knowledge state
of a learner in a pool of thousands if not millions of different knowledge states, and this
using only a couple of dozens of well-picked assessment questions. This modeling tech-
nique enables the tracking of students’ learning paths, with precision, as the students
navigate through knowledge states.
   Fig. 2 (left) shows the precedence diagram of a knowledge space of 10 topics (Topic
A to Topic J), with Topic A being a prerequisite to Topics B, C, and D. This results in
a knowledge structure (right of Fig. 2) of 40 distinct knowledge states encapsulating
possible learning paths that a student can take toward success. The student model en-
capsulates the cognitive and metacognitive traits of the learner in addition to many other
characteristics such as demographics, socio-economic status, learning style, and learn-
ing preferences.
   Student modeling is mainly concerned with measuring, assessing, and collecting in-
formation about these characteristics. The instructional model constantly compares the
student model and the content model to identify any gap in the student’s knowledge
and recommend learning resources to fill in that gap, be it another learning activity to
consolidate the same concept/topic being learned or which new concept the learner is
ready to learn to progress in an optimal learning path toward the most desirable
knowledge state. The instructional model is also responsible for the timely delivery of
learning resources and “how to present that content to the learner” [25], that is, which
representation (textual vs. graphical; which learning object among those having a
graphical representation, for example; collaborative vs. individualized; animation vs.
3D exploration) of the knowledge to be learned should be presented to the learner since
each concept can be explained differently. Finally, the adaptive engine applies the rules
of adaptivity fed by information coming from the content, student, and instructional
models and assigns priorities to the learning objects, delivering to the student the learn-
ing object with the highest priority.
   The literature highlights the prominence of adaptivity as a feature of intelligent text-
books. However, previous research has mainly focused on content modeling and stu-
dent modeling, that is, the manual and automatic extraction of the key concepts of text-
books’ contents as well as the assessment of the students’ knowledge level of these

concepts by analyzing their reading behaviors and quiz performance. Hence, no re-
search has yet reached full maturity in regard to the four components of adaptivity,
laying only the foundation for the delivery of adaptive reading contents to the students.
   The instructional model and adaptive engine have received little attention, especially
in regard with finding the proper trade-off between full-fledged adaptivity and person-
alization and development of self-regulatory traits in students, in other words, providing
opportunities for both system-driven and user-driven consumption of reading materials
[28]. For example, students could be left on their own to search for the proper resources
as part of the strategy they have set to reach their goals. The frequency and points in
time of using reading as a learning strategy and the actual contents of the resources they
pick to learn will showcase their cognitive and metacognitive profiles, invaluable in-
sights that will further improve adaptivity in intelligent textbooks.

Fig. 2. Precedence diagram on the left and resulting knowledge structure on the right.

6      Directions for Future Work

In compliance with the open data initiative, benchmark datasets on both reading activ-
ities and heterogeneous learning activities should be available to accelerate the devel-
opment of intelligent textbooks. For example, due to the absence of such datasets or
their small size in other cases, it is noticeable that the latest deep learning techniques
have not yet been experimented. Moreover, the analysis of the reading process should
be made in the broader frame of the learning process by not only analyzing what

happens during the reading process but also how the student uses reading as a learning
strategy when working toward a learning outcome, taking into account the cognitive
and metacognitive traits of the student as s/he resorts to reading strategies.
   In parallel to developing smart features for textbooks, researchers have also investi-
gated the impact of e-textbooks with a focus on the medium (paper vs. screen) [9] and
more recently the effectiveness of each individual smart feature (e.g., annotations, in-
teractive animations, annotated code examples, collaborative Q&A) on student perfor-
mance and motivation [9,15,19,27]. For example, [12] assessed the impact of the time
of adoption of mark-up features with both digital and printed textbooks on course
grades. Reference [9] investigated the effect of teacher annotations on student learning
as measured by multiple-choice and open-ended questions. Others investigated the
learning processes and engagement of students interacting with digital textbooks on
mobile devices and proposed a framework for learning with digital resources to help
students transition from using mobile devices for personal use to effective learning [5].
References [14,23] have analyzed the relationship between cognitive states and eye
movements and the relations between eye gaze patterns and building of correct graph-
ical causal maps and overall student performance.
   Learning analytics has been construed as “an ethics-bound, semi-autonomous, and
trust-enabled human-AI fusion that measures and advances knowledge boundaries in
human learning” [16]. This paper hence proposes an experimental design that will turn
e-textbooks and learning analytics systems into a research platform that will collect and
share observational data among interested parties in education. The proposed experi-
mental design performs causal inferencing based on the Potential-Outcomes frame-
work. It defines the sources of bias and handles these sources of bias by iteratively
measuring the level of data imbalance within the observational reading/learning da-
tasets and pruning or weighing those data points introducing most data imbalance
within these datasets using techniques such as matching and Inverse Probability Treat-
ment Weighting (IPTW) until trustable levels of data balance and generalizability are
reached [7,16]. This framework assesses the effect size of a reading/learning-related
treatment variable on an outcome variable and performs sensitivity tests to estimate the
presence of unobserved confounding factors in the analysis. By automating this pro-
cess, educational stakeholders will be notified when further reading episodes need to
be collected to improve the power of conclusions, when to collect data about new
groups of the student population to improve generalizability, or when previously unan-
swered research questions offer new answers based on the available data. Integrating
this research platform with intelligent textbooks will provide the mechanisms to con-
duct meta-analyses by networking research endeavors and connecting evidences to-
gether, which will empower the educational community with insights on the reading
behavior and learning process observable from learning episodes.
   Intelligent textbooks can be extended beyond the traditional digital book to include
printed textbooks incorporating diverse interactive components discussed in this paper
through augmented reality headsets. Augmented reality observations, along with em-
bedded eye-tracking devices, can capture a rich collection of interaction and physiolog-
ical data to advance research on optimal reading behaviors and on the effectiveness of
merging state-of-the-art technology with traditional media.

   Another area of future work is the development of intelligent adaptivity, where the
sequencing and presentation of reading and learning contents will be balanced to nur-
ture students’ self-regulatory traits. The level of adaptation should be adjusted to chal-
lenge students with good self-regulatory practices and to develop grit. Recommenda-
tions from intelligent textbooks should not only target which pages or topics to read
next but also target optimal reading behaviors, for example, increasing/decreasing read-
ing speed depending on the level of difficulty of a text passage or reading twice or more
times a certain section given the student's knowledge and difficulty level of the concepts
to be learned, based on, say, the reading behaviors of previously successful students.

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