=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2384/paper10 |storemode=property |title=Student Modeling with Automatic Knowledge Component Extraction for Adaptive Textbooks |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2384/paper10.pdf |volume=Vol-2384 |authors=Khushboo Thaker,Peter Brusilovsky,Daqing He |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aied/ThakerBH19 }} ==Student Modeling with Automatic Knowledge Component Extraction for Adaptive Textbooks== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2384/paper10.pdf
 Student Modeling with Automatic Knowledge
 Component Extraction for Adaptive Textbooks

           Khushboo Thaker1 , Peter Brusilovsky1 , and Daqing He1

                  University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA , USA

      Abstract. Online textbooks have become a significant component of
      online and blended learning environments. Taking this medium one step
      further, Adaptive online Textbooks (AoT) recommend the most rele-
      vant pages and practice activities based on students current knowledge
      state. AoT use student interaction data to infer the current state of
      student knowledge through student modeling (SM). The knowledge is
      inferred on knowledge components (KCs) associated with textbook ma-
      terial (sections/pages, practice activities, and quizzes). However, most
      of these techniques rely on expert annotated knowledge components. A
      challenge of student modeling in the context of adaptive textbooks is
      that traditional student models are constructed based on performance
      data (question answers or problem solving) Student interaction with on-
      line textbooks, however, produces large volume of student reading data,
      but a very limited amount of question-answering data. This leads to
      the requirement of annotating reading materials (textbook sections and
      paragraphs) with related Kcs. However, given large number of textbook
      sections it becomes impractical and time consuming to annotate these
      large components with Kcs in practice. To bridge this gap between prac-
      tical and theoretical SM models in AoTs, we have proposed the use of
      automatic KC extraction to annotate textbook sections with KCs. This
      can help us to utilize current student models for AoT.

      Keywords: Student Modeling · Automatic Concept Extraction · Adap-
      tive Textbooks.

1   Introduction
AoTs are one of the oldest technologies of personalized web-based learning [23].
Present popularity and easy accessibility of electronic textbooks makes this tech-
nology more attractive than ever. State-of-the-art AoTs recommend adaptive
content using simple content similarity and learners page visit patterns [10,
12]. Recently SM based approaches on student reading behavior have been pro-
posed to make these models more sophisticated by incorporating students current
knowledge state for adaptation [11, 22, 21]. In conventional SM frameworks [16,
6], student knowledge state is measured on the level of individual KCs (domain
skills or concepts). The primary goal of KC-level knowledge modeling is to pro-
vide effective learning and reduce the total time spent on skill acquisition by
2      K. Thaker et al.

offering adaptive feedback, guiding the student to the most appropriate learning
content. To provide adaptive feedback, the system keeps track of students’ activ-
ities such as student reading time and performance on practice activities. These
user interactions are later used by SM systems to distill student knowledge and
predict student behavior on possible reading trajectories.
    State-of-the-art SM systems require every material (textbook sections/pages,
practice activities, and quizzes) to be annotated with an independent set of KCs.
Traditionally, subject experts index every section of a digital textbook with a
set of domain concepts [6]. Expert-based concept indexing was acceptable in
the early days of the web when the volume of digital textbooks and online ed-
ucational content was low, but it does not scale to abundant digital content.
Recently, student models for AoT have tried to annotate these KCs automati-
cally [11], using text mining and text extraction approaches. However, automatic
KC extraction techniques output noisy as well as correlated KCs [20], breaking
the independent KC assumption of existing SM and degrading their performance.
This has leads to a gap between theory and practice, and most of the AoT in
practice do not incorporate students’ skill statistics [10, 12].
    To make this process more efficient in this work we tried to incorporate
automatic KC extraction techniques, to obtain better representative KCs and
further evaluated them for SM in AoTs.

2     Related Work

2.1   Student Modeling in ITS

Approaches in student modeling in ITS could be classified into two major groups:
Logistic Regression models and Knowledge Tracing models [17]. Logistic regres-
sion models are motivated by the power law of learning [15], which states that
probability of applying a skill correctly decreases by a power function. These
models utilize student observation logs as the inputs, and try to predict stu-
dent performance with a learning activity based on KCs (skills) associated with
the activity. One of the earlier models in this group is known as Additive Factor
Model (AFM) [5], which computes the odds of a student’s success on a particular
question based on the number of previous attempts. Performance Factor Analy-
sis [16] improves AFM by separately modeling the student’s previous successes
and failures on a particular skill.
    Knowledge Tracing (KT) model was introduced in 1995 by Corbett and An-
derson [6]. KT uses Hidden Markov Models (HMM) to represent student knowl-
edge as binary latent variables. Each latent variable represents student knowl-
edge of a particular KC, which could be either known or unknown. The observed
variable is the performance of student at a given step, which is measured as a
binary variable representing the correctness of a step or an answer (correct or
not correct). KT directly represents KC-level knowledge estimation and allows
dynamic knowledge update at each student learning opportunity.
                                  Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length        3

   In this work, we would like to utilize both regression based models for au-
tomatic concept extraction (ACE). We would leave it for future work to extend
these models for KT framework.

2.2   Adaptive Online Textbooks

The research on adaptive textbooks has been motivated by the increasing popu-
larity of World Wide Web (WWW) and the opportunity to use this platform for
learning. The hypertext nature of early WWW made an online hypertext-based
textbook a natural media for learning while the increased diversity of Web users
stressed the need for adaptation. The first generation of adaptive textbooks [3,
7, 10, 12] focused on tracing student reading behavior to guide students to most
relevant pages using adaptive navigation support [3, 7, 10, 23] or recommenda-
tion [12]. These types of personalization were based on a sophisticated knowledge
modeling: each textbook page was associated with a set of concepts presented
on the page as well as concepts required to understand the page [3, 7]. On the
other hand, SM was relatively simple: these systems treated each visit to a page
as a contribution to learning all presented concepts.
    A significant trend of modern online textbooks is the increased inclusion of
interactive content “beyond text”. While the attempts to integrate online reading
with problem solving have been made in the early days of online textbooks [23],
it was a rare exception. Modern textbooks, however, routinely integrate a variety
of “smart content” such as visualizations, problems, and videos. In this context,
the ability to integrate data about student work with all these components and
use it for a better-quality SM becomes a challenge for modern online textbooks.

2.3    Reading for Adaptive Textbooks

Reading is a cognitive process whereby the reader builds a situation model of
text to comprehend[13] the text. Several computational models are being studied
to understand reading behavior[13, ?], which try to infer readers comprehension.
A recent trend in student modeling research is to incorporate student reading
behavior [11, 22, 8] to incorporate student comprehension. Eagle et al. [8] were
among the first to incorporate student reading rate in a knowledge tracing model.
Their study depicted the positive effect of integrating students’ reading rate to
provide individualization. Huang et al. [11] also modeled student reading behav-
ior using a knowledge tracing model for online adaptive textbooks, by learning
students skimming and reading behavior. Across these efforts, the key idea is to
provide content adaptation based on the student’s knowledge state. The model
has a strict assumption that students’ reading rate is positively correlated with
their performance. However, this assumption does not hold for all students [1].
Thaker et al. [22] addressed this limitation by integrating both practice activities
and reading interactions to deal with students’ noisy reading behavior. Further-
more, recently, Carvalho et al. [4] investigated the effect of attempting optional
reading exercises in MOOCs. Their study suggested that attempting optional
4        K. Thaker et al.

reading activities helps to boost students’ performance and learning[4]. In a
recent study Thaker et. al. incorporated student reading behavior in regression
based models [16, 5] to model student activity performance [21]. The model again
relied on expert annotated concepts both for reading text and practice activities.
Our attempt in this work is to try different possibilities of ACE and analyze the
possibility of using them as KCs.

3     Automatic Concept Extraction
Concept-based textbook indexing was introduced by early projects focused on
adaptive textbooks [10, 24]. In these systems every section of a digital textbook
was associated with a set of domain concepts (called outcomes) that are present
in that section. This concept-level indexing of educational content was used
to model student progress and to recommend sections to read. However, these
methods depend on manual concept identification, which is performed by domain
experts. For ACE, we explored phrase based extraction techniques and tried to
incorporate them to Student Models. These methods were evaluated against gold
concept dataset which was annotated with experts. In this section we will discuss
the techniques used for ACE

3.1    Term-based (TFIDF)
We started with a simple approach based on words importance in a reading
unit. Here, we applied the traditional TF*IDF (Term Frequency - Inverse Docu-
ment Frequency) approach[19]. For each textbook section (reading unit) top-N
TF*IDF-weighed words were extracted and considered as KCs for that section.
Note that before TF*IDF weighting and KC extraction, each document is to-
kenized by stop-word removal, excluding non-letter symbols (e.g. punctuation
marks and digits) and finally stemmed by Porter stemmer [18].

3.2    Noun Phrase Chunking(TFIDF-NP)
In this approach, we use a two-step automatic indexing of textbook sections
with concepts. The first step generates a list of candidate concepts by applying
noun phrase chunking[14]. The assumption here is all the concepts will occur as
noun phrases in the text. Next the candidate noun phrases are ranked based on
their TF-IDF score[19] and then top N high scoring noun phrase are selected
as concepts representing the document. We will refer to this concept extraction
methods as TFIDF-NP.

3.3    Wikipedia1 based filtering(Wiki-NP)
In this approach, we use a two-step automatic indexing of textbook sections
with concepts. The first step is similar to TFIDF-NP and generates a list of
                                 Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length      5

candidate concepts by applying noun phrase chunking[14]. The next step filters
these noun-phrase using a Wikipedia page names. Here the assumption is that
concepts/topics taught in the page will have a corresponding Wikipedia page.

3.4   Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)

Term-based similarity, is not able to capture the semantic relations in the text.
To test proposed models against semantic representation baseline we considered
using LDA. This paper implements the vanilla version of LDA as proposed by
Blei et al. [2]. LDA is a unsupervised approach which models each text unit as
distribution over ’k’ latent topics. LDA was trained on all the textbook sections
of the course. The value of k = 200 (number of topics), which performed best
among the models trained on k = 10, 20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 topics. Trained
LDA was used to annotate each textbook section as well as practice activities
with corresponding LDA topic.

4     Experiments

4.1   System and Dataset

The dataset used for the experiment is collected from online reading platform
Reading Circle [9] in Spring 2016. This system was used for graduate level course
on Information Retrieval at University in North America. The system provides
an active reading environment to the student where they read the assigned text-
books material to prepare for the next class. To keep students motivated to use
the system for reading, the system provides feedback about students reading
progress as well as average class reading progress. Each section of the assigned
textbook reading is followed by a quiz with several questions, which allow stu-
dents to assess how well they learned the content. There is no restriction on the
number of attempts to the questions, Reading Circle logs each and every at-
tempt made by the student. The final dataset contains 22,536 interactions from
22 students (see more details in Table 1).

                           Table 1. Dataset Statistics

                Number of documents (sections)               394
                Number of questions                          158
                Number of students                            22
                Median per student of reading time (minutes) 104
                Average per student questions attempted      126
                Median Reading Speed (words per minutes)     773
                Percentage of skimming Activities           33%
                Percentage of reading Activities            67%
6       K. Thaker et al.

4.2   Reading Data Pre-processing
The reading logs are noisy. A student can open a course content, start reading
and then leave for some personal work, as the system will remain open until time
out, this will generate a log that suggests the student was reading that content.
Similarly, students might open the page and immediately try the activities or
open another page. To handle this noise, we took calculated reading speed for
each page and adjusted the records which were beyond the student reading limit.
The general student reading speed was considered between 400 to 800 words per
minute (wpm). To calculate reading speed we divided the number of words on
the page by the minutes student spend on the page.

4.3   Model details
To incorporate students reading behaviour we used the existing Comprehensive
Factor Analysis CFM model [21].CFM is an extension of PFA, with the addition
of student reading activities as a predictor of student’s success in the step. The
model assumes that students skill mastery improves with the opportunities the
student have to read materials associated with the skill. One reading opportu-
nity is a duration for which a student has the text page opened. Thus reading
opportunity starts when the student visits a particular page and it ends when
the student starts performing practice activities on that page or leaves the page
to visit another page. The Below equation defines CFM model.
                     pij            X            X
 CFM-RO: ln                = αi +       βk Qkj +     Qkj (µk Sik + ρk Fik + ζk ROik )
                   1 − pij
                                     k            k
where, i is a student, j is a step. k is a Skill. αi is a coefficient associated with
student i (regression intercept) and represents the proficiency of student i. Q
is a Qmatrix and Qkj is Qmatrix cell associated with item j and Skill k. βk
represents the difficulty of skill k. Sik and Fik as number of success and failure
attempts respectively of student i on skill k. ζk is the coefficient which measures
the learning rate of a skill from reading opportunities and ROik is the number
of reading opportunity student i has on skill k.

4.4   Conclusion
In this paper we proposed few possible solutions to extract KCs automatically
given a large text. We have also formulated a possible way to evalute these
KC extraction techniques for student performance prediction task. In future, we
would like to discuss the results we obtained and more exploratory analysis to
understand different methods proposed

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