=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2384/paper14 |storemode=property |title=Using Programmed Instruction to Help Students Engage with eTextbook Content |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2384/paper14.pdf |volume=Vol-2384 |authors=Mostafa Mohammed,Susan Rodger,Clifford Shaffer |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aied/MohammedRS19 }} ==Using Programmed Instruction to Help Students Engage with eTextbook Content== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2384/paper14.pdf
Using Programmed Instruction to Help Students
       Engage with eTextbook Content?

Mostafa Mohammed1[0000−0002−0652−2817] , Susan Rodger2[0000−0002−2524−7718] ,
              and Clifford A. Shaffer3[0000−0003−0001−0295]
                       Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
                        and Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
                    Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA
                       Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

        Abstract. The material taught in a Formal languages course is mathe-
        matical in nature and requires students to practice proofs and algorithms
        to understand the content. Traditional Formal Languages textbooks are
        heavy on prose, and homework typically consists of solving many pa-
        per exercises. Students need to read a significant amount of text and
        do practice problems by hand to achieve understanding. Electronic text-
        books have many useful methods to display the content to students.
        However, unless carefully designed, students abuse these methods to earn
        grades without studying the content carefully. Inspired by the principles
        of the Programmed Instruction (PI) teaching method, we seek to develop
        a new Formal Languages eTextbook capable of conveying Formal Lan-
        guages concepts more intuitively. The PI approach has students read a
        little, ideally a sentence or a paragraph, and then answer a question or
        complete an exercise related to that information. Based on the question
        response, students are permitted to continue on to other frames of in-
        formation, or must retry to solve the exercise. Our goal is to present all
        algorithms using algorithm visualizations and to produce auto-graded
        exercises to let students demonstrate understanding. To evaluate the
        pedagogical effectiveness of our new eTextbook, we plan to conduct time
        and performance evaluations across three offerings of the course CS4114
        Formal Languages and Automata at Virginia Tech. The time spent by
        students looking at instructional content with text and visualizations
        will be compared with time spent using PI frames to determine levels of
        student engagement.

        Keywords: Formal Languages · eTextbook · Programmed Instruction ·
        Auto-graded exercises · Frames.

    We gratefully acknowledge the support of NSF through grants DUE-1139861, IIS-
    1258571, DUE-1432008, and DUE-1431667.
2      Mohammed, et al.

1   Introduction
In this paper, we discuss how to help students in a Formal Languages course to
better engage, understand, and practice the course content. We do this through
new implementations of an old pedagogy called Programmed Instruction. We
argue for why this is superior for the type of material taught in Formal Languages
than is used in traditional textbooks.
    In 1953, BF Skinner went to his daughter’s school to ask about her progress [10].
There he noticed these flaws in the traditional teaching methods. a) Instructors
give little attention to individual students in class, b) textbooks provide no imme-
diate evaluation of student solutions, and c) not all students have the same prior
knowledge, thus some of them are not prepared to acquire knowledge from the
textbook. These observations led Skinner to think about developing a new teach-
ing technique, which resulted in the Programmed Instruction (PI) machine [15].
The PI machine works by presenting a small piece of information (a sentence or
short paragraph, called a frame) to the student. The student then must answer
a question about the given frame. If the student successfully answers the ques-
tion, he/she is allowed access to the next frame. Failing to solve the question
will prevent the student from moving forward to the next frame until they come
up with the correct solution. The PI system acts as a personal tutor to the stu-
dent. The PI approach gives students immediate evaluation for each response.
Therefore, students will have motivation to solve each frame question correctly
to move forward to further frames. Skinner [15] claimed that students would be
able to learn twice as much with the same time and effort as compared to the
traditional teaching method. Skinner’s PI machine itself is not as important to
us as the PI approach.
    PI and similar teaching machines were once leading areas of research and
development. Much of this research was conducted during the 1950s and died
out in the early 1970s. During this period, PI research revolved around ad-
dressing instructional effectiveness, learner pacing, reinforcement strategies, and
long-term effects [13]. Although there was considerable interest in PI due to Skin-
ners Teaching Machines and Technology of Teaching [16], PI was superseded by
Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI), and the Keller Plan in the 1970s [10, 8].
    The Personalized System of Instruction (PSI, or Keller Plan) became widely
used during the 1970s and 1980s [8]. Under the Keller Plan, students work on the
given materials at their own pace. Students can study the modules at any time
and as much as they want without the need to wait for the instructor to explain
the topic. Instructors then can focus on students that struggle with the material.
In the Keller Plan, the instructor’s role is minimized. Instructors should decide
what content students have to master, guide students through their studying,
and give tests and exams to students. Class time under the Keller Plan is just
a place for students to study their materials and take tests. Students who feel
that they have mastered a given module are free to ask the proctor (a Teaching
Assistant) for a test. If the student passes the test, he/she can start to study
the next module. Otherwise, the student has to restudy the module and take
another test.
                                   Programmed Instruction and eTextbooks         3

    Formal Languages is a core course in Computer Science Theory. It often in-
cludes topics on computability theory, complexity theory, state machines, and
Turing machines. Formal Languages topics are applied in a number of real-
world applications like compiler architectures and pattern matching. However,
the material is mathematical and theoretical, requiring students to practice many
difficult skills. The course uses a lot of models such as finite automata, push-
down automata, and Turing machines. There are algorithms associated with each
model that students must learn to apply. Currently, many books and instructors
use simulators to help students understand the models and apply the associ-
ated algorithms. One state-of-the-art simulator is the Java Formal Languages
and Automata Package (JFLAP) [6]. JFLAP simulates most of the models that
are used in Formal Languages courses, so it helps students by allowing them to
watch different models, apply algorithms on these models, or test the behavior
of these models with different input strings. For example, a Finite State Ma-
chine simulator can help a student to understand which strings are accepted and
which strings are rejected by the machine. This way, JFLAP increases student
engagement and interaction with the course content [14].
    We observe that often students read Formal Languages proofs and get noth-
ing from them, yet continue on with their reading by skipping this material.
We want to design an educational system that challenges students to engage at
every step in the course. We seek to help students form a better understanding
of the concepts taught in Formal Languages by forcing students to demonstrate
their understanding at small increments. We do this by adopting PI principles.
We seek to create an eTextbook will be made up of small frames. Each one in-
cludes a challenge question or problem that must be completed before they can
continue to the next frame. We hypothesize that following this approach will
increase student engagement, which will lead to a better understanding of the
course content.
    The OpenDSA project [4] provides infrastructure and content to build eText-
books for different topics in computer science like Data Structures and Algo-
rithms, Computational Thinking, or Formal Languages. OpenDSA eTextbooks
are enhanced with embedded artifacts such as visualizations, exercises with au-
tomated assessment, and slideshows to improve understanding [9]. OpenDSA al-
lows instructors to create instances of complete interactive eTextbooks that inte-
grate interactive artifacts with the textual content. OpenDSA contains slideshows
produced using the JSAV (JavaScript Algorithm Visualization) library [7].
    In the rest of this paper, we present our design and prototype implementation
and evaluation plans for a new eTextbook to teach Formal Languages using
the PI technique. The heart of the implementation is a modified form of JSAV
slideshows built on the frames concept. A student will see a series of slides
(the frames). Frames will add a constraint on the “next” button that normally
appears in the slideshows. Students will not be able to click on the “next” button
until they satisfy a pre-determined criterion for each frame, such as selecting the
correct answer or applying a specific algorithm step on a given model.
4       Mohammed, et al.

     By implementing the new eTextbook, we believe that students will gain a
better intuition about Formal Languages content, which is hard to grasp when
relying merely on textual discussion and static figures. Heavy use of interactive
visualizations, as inspired by JFLAP, combined with the PI pedagogy of ask-
ing frequent questions, will increase student interaction, engagement, and prac-
tice with course content. Also, the eTextbook will keep track of students’ click
streams, scores, problem attempts, and time spent on each frame. These data
will be used to improve the system, and to prove (or disprove) the effectiveness
of the system in teaching Formal Languages.
     Evaluating the pedagogical effectiveness of the new eTextbook is a challenge.
It is a challenging task to measure student learning gains, especially if this gain is
a result of technological interventions [3]. In this study, we will build our system
over three phases: (1) traditional text prose, (2) prose with visualization and
auto-assessed exercises, and (3) the PI-based eTextbook with frames. At each
phase, we compare its effectiveness with the previous phases.
     We also seek to create guidelines for other researchers who might seek to
use PI principles to create other eTextbooks. The CS community knows how
to design and implement eTextbooks, but has little experience with PI teaching
techniques. Accordingly, a clear set of guidelines should be developed to motivate
more work in developing this type of eTextbook.

2    The PI Approach
According to [10], there is no single approach to building PI materials. However,
by studying PI systems, we can find that there are some commonalities. From
these commonalities, researchers have extracted a process that can be followed
to build a PI system.
 1. Specification of Content and Objectives. The first step is to determine the
    content that will be taught using the PI system. This includes defining
    the terminal behavior and course objectives, in other words, the intended
    outcomes of the system, and planning the assessment items and evaluation
 2. Learner Analysis. This involves collecting data about students who will learn
    from the system: demography, pre-existing knowledge of the given topic, or
    other learner characteristics.
 3. Behavior Analysis. The system designer designs materials in a way that
    makes students enter a sequence of responses, where each response creates
    the stimulus for the next response. The selection of concepts is based on the
    needs, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses of students.
 4. Selection of a programming paradigm: There are two common types of se-
    quencing in PI, Linear Sequencing (Extrinsic) and Branching Sequencing
    (Intrinsic). The choice between these two paradigms is made based on ear-
    lier steps in the PI process. If there is a high variance in abilities of students,
    then branching will be appropriate because it enables students with high
    abilities to skip frames. This means that the PI system will skip some frames
                                   Programmed Instruction and eTextbooks          5

   for the student based on his earlier responses to the given questions. Accord-
   ing to [11], there are no significant differences found in the effectiveness of
   learning between intrinsic and extrinsic CAI designs.
5. Sequence of Content: After determining the programming paradigm, the
   PI system designers should determine the sequence of frames. There is no
   standard sequencing for the frames, but there is research to suggest some
   possible approaches.
     – A typical PI sequence consists of an introduction, diagnostic section, the-
        ory section, teaching, testing section, practice section, and finally review
        or summary to reinforce the concepts addressed.
     – Pragmatic approach. The frame is based on the logical sequence of the
        material. The PI materials must simply address all necessary information
        and components.
     – RULES and EXAMPLES (RULEG) system [2]. This approach is useful
        when the material consists of rules and examples. Thus, the sequence
        will present a rule followed by an example to practice the rule.
     – EGRUL approach [12]. This is the reverse of the RULEG approach. In
        EGRUL, the frames will be a variety of examples, and these examples
        will guide the student to synthesize the rule.
     – Conversational chaining [1]. In this approach, there is no programmed
        feedback. After the learner responds to a frame, he/she is given the
        solution in the following frame.
     – Mathetics (Backward Chaining) [5]. The learner begins with a frame that
        has a piece of information, for example, a minimized Deterministic Finite
        Automaton. The following frames will let the student work backward
        through the process that led to that piece of information, step by step
        (the algorithm steps that minimized the original Deterministic Finite
6. Frame Composition. Programmed instruction frames should contain these
   essential components.
     – The information that the student should learn.
     – Incentive to obtain the targeted response. In other words, the frame
        should contain a question that leads the student to grasp the information.
     – Response that lets the student indicate that they have gained the desired
     – Other materials that make the frame readable and understandable, like
   Another important frame component is the method that is used to present
   the information to the student (the prompt). The prompt plus some of the
   previously acquired learning will make students able to answer the questions
   in the frames correctly. Prompts can be formal or thematic [17].
   (a) A formal prompt provides the targeted response to students. Thus it is
        used to introduce new concepts, like defining a model and its compo-
   (b) Thematic prompts use pictures, grammatical rules, or any other supple-
        mentary data to guide students toward the production and application
6      Mohammed, et al.

       of the frame’s targeted response. Like showing a model to the student to
       apply an algorithm step on it.
   Another critical design consideration for frames is the question type. Ques-
   tions are necessary and help students to acquire the intended learning out-
   comes. Many different types of questions can be used in frames like multiple
   choice, true or false, and labeling, name a few.
7. Evaluation and Revision. The final step is to evaluate the programmed prod-
   uct and revise it. The primary source of evaluation is learner feedback on the
   product. But learners are unable to judge some factors, like possible errors
   in content, accuracy, appropriateness, and relevance. Thus there should be
   external reviewers (field experts) to review the initial product.

3     Designing a Formal Languages eTextbook

3.1   Project Design

We are building our eTextbook within the OpenDSA eTextbook system in three
phases. In the first phase, during Spring 2018, we used standard course materials
to teach the Formal Languages course. While the “textbook” content was de-
livered through OpenDSA, it was largely text-based prose. We created thirteen
(paper-based) homework assignments, two midterm exams, and a final exam. To
construct the control data, we collected all student results from the homework
assignments and exams.
    In Spring 2019, (and planned for Fall 2019) students use the Phase 2 eText-
book. This builds on the existing OpenDSA eTextbook materials from Spring
2018 to include many visualizations for the various algorithms. We are adding
to our collection of online exercises, and are gradually converting JFLAP to an
integrated equivalent within OpenDSA (that we refer to as OpenFLAP). We
also kept the same paper homework assignments and exam questions, collecting
grades from them to use as a direct comparison with the Spring 2018 cohort
from Phase 1.
    The third phase eTextbook is planned to be available in Spring 2020. By then
we hope to have converted the textbook content to be delivered as PI frames.
The eTextbook will consist of a set of modules. Each module will be a set of
frames. We will use the same homework and exams as in Phases 1 and 2.
    By collecting meaningful data from these three phases, we can compare the
impact of each phase on knowledge gain. For instance, we can compare Phase
1 and Phase 2 data to study the impact of evolving visualizations from prose.
Comparing Phase 1 and Phase 3 outcomes lets us study the effectiveness of a
PI eTextbook on student gains. Comparing Phase 2 and Phase 3 allows us to
assess the relative impact of visualizations versus PI frames.
    Another type of data we can collect is the student engagement with the
course materials. In Phase 2 and Phase 3, we can record the time spent by
students to finish each slideshow. In Phase 3, we can record more information
like the number of attempts to solve each frame-related question, and the time
                                   Programmed Instruction and eTextbooks          7

spent by students to solve each question. These data will constitute the time
evaluation. Based on the results of time evaluation, we can conclude whether
using PI materials lead to an increase in student engagement and interaction
with the course content or not.
    During our phases, different instructors, teaching assistants, and students
will be involved, which may affect the quality of our results. For example, the
instructor of the course in Phase 1 is different from the instructor for Phase 2.
We expect the Phase 2 and Phase 3 instructors to be the same. The teaching
assistants will be different for each instance of the course. These differences will
affect some factors in the study, such as course presentation and explanation,
homework, and exam grading.
    To decrease the effects of variability, we are taking the following steps.
 – We created a unified rubric for all homework given to the students in Phase
   1. Therefore, different Teaching Assistants will use the same rubric to grade
   students answers for homework throughout all phases. This way we will
   limit the variability due to different Teaching Assistants. In Phase 3, we will
   implement a number of these exercises in the form of auto-assessed exercises.
 – We use the same midterm and final exams throughout all phases of the
   project. Using the same exams will maintain grading consistency using a
   unified rubric. In this way, we will limit the effect of different graders that
   may yield to different grades on similar answers.

3.2   The Frames framework
We have created a JavaScript framework to support PI materials delivery. Frames
are visually similar to existing JSAV slideshows. OpenDSA uses reStructured-
Text (RST) as its content authoring system. The Sphinx compiler combines
RST files with JavaScript visualizations to form HTML pages that make up the
OpenDSA modules. Adding frames to book modules will be similar for content
authors to adding slideshows.
    We implemented the required functions to gain control over the “next slide”
button to enforce students to study the frame and satisfy the criterion that
will allow them to move forward. Design changes give students a different look-
and-feel to separate them from traditional slideshows. We have completed the
support infrastructure, and are starting to write the actual PI materials needed
for Phase 3. Figures 1 and 2 show PI-Frames examples.

3.3   Building the Programmed Instruction eTextbook
The eTextbook constitutes the main artifact for this project. It consists of a
set of modules, each module consisting of a series of framesets. Each frameset
presents visualizations to help the students understand a Formal Languages
model, and the underlying algorithms that are applied to these models. While
we have completed development of the Frames framework and the bulk of the
Phase 2 book, this does not mean that the Phase 3 book will be implemented
easily. We will face some challenges to complete the Phase 3 materials.
8         Mohammed, et al.

Fig. 1. An example PI-Frame with a question. Note that the “next” button is hidden
until the student solves the question.

    – Converting all textual descriptions into framesets. We need to think about
      converting each topic in the course to be in the form of frames. Each frame
      has a small piece of information and an appropriate question based on that
      given information. This conversion can be direct in some topics, for instance
      describing an algorithm, but it also can be hard for other topics.
    – Framesets length. We need to develop the framesets to be of moderate length.
      We do not want to make students feel tired from completing a frameset that
      is too long.
    – PI design decisions. There are some design decisions we have to take to
      produce the book. For instance, we must decide whether the framesets will
      be sequential or not. In each decision, there are pros and cons.
    – Collecting data from student usage for the new book. We need to collect
      appropriate data related to student time and attempts on each frame. These
      data will help us to identify the impact of our system on student engagement.
    – Define a mechanism to help struggling students. Based on the principals of
      the PI teaching technique, students cannot move forward from the current
      frame until they successfully satisfy the associated frame criterion. Of course,
      we do not want a student to be stuck on any frame for too long. We need
      students to try again by rereading the frame or previous frames. However,
      what if the student can not satisfy the criterion? Or what if there is a bug that
      makes it impossible to move forward by “correctly” answering the question?
      We need to find a mechanism that can help the students to go forward by
      giving the student the appropriate hints and guidance that will make the
      student try to satisfy the criterion again with a successful solution. These
      hints and guidelines will be frame specific and must be implemented in a
      way that ensures that the student understands the information in order to go
      forward. Alternatively, there may be value in providing a bypass mechanism,
      but this needs to be done in a way that will avoid abuse.
                                   Programmed Instruction and eTextbooks         9

     Fig. 2. Example PI-Frame after the student solves the question correctly.

4   Auto-graded Exercises
Our project includes creating auto-graded exercises. In the original Phase 1
course offering, we gave thirteen homework assignments to students. Many of
these exercises can be converted from paper exercises to auto-assessed exercises.
Doing that will help us save the time needed to grade these exercises, will stan-
dardize the grading policies for Phase 2 and Phase 3 homework assignments, and
encourage other Formal Languages instructors to use our book. This is one of the
value-added features that we can gain by converting JFLAP to its OpenFLAP
version, and thereby take advantage of the exercise frameworks and expertise
available from the OpenDSA project.
    However, we will not be able to convert all questions to auto-graded profi-
ciency exercises. The main reason is that many of the most valuable questions
are mathematical in nature, requiring students to do things like write proofs.
So while we know how to automate grading of exercises that involve construct-
ing machines or showing the behavior of an algorithm, and we certainly can
automate questions that can be cast as multiple choice or other common ques-
tion formats, many important parts of the assessment process will have to be
performed by human graders.
    Fortunately many interesting questions can be auto-graded. We expect that
many questions will be of the nature where students must create a finite state
or other type of machine, similar to writing a program to solve a particular
problem. Just as when writing a program, that can be auto-graded using test
cases, we can auto-grade student machines by running test cases on them. To
help instructors build such “proficiency” exercises, we created a web page, with
an example in Figure 3. This guides the developer when designing the exercise.
The exercise generator allows the developer to easily include “unit” test cases
that will determine the correctness of the student’s answer. The generator will
produce an HTML page that can be embedded inside an OpenDSA module.
10     Mohammed, et al.

The main benefit from this generator is that instructors can easily generate
any number of exercises to their students without thinking about the grading
burden. When necessary, these exercises can easily be modified, so developers
can improve their exercises. Students will be able to test their understanding of
the content by trying these exercises.

                                           Fig. 4. Example of an auto-graded exercise
                                           inside a PI-Frame.

Fig. 3. The exercise generator web-page.

    Auto-graded exercises can be integrated inside PI-Frames. Students use the
framesets to understand the frame content, and prove their understanding by
solving the frame question. Instructors can add auto-graded exercises in a frame.
Figure 4 shows an auto-graded exercise that is displayed inside a PI-Frame.

5    Conclusions

OpenDSA provides infrastructure and materials to support courses in a wide va-
riety of Computer Science-related topics. Traditionally, OpenDSA uses slideshows
to explain and visualize Data Structures and Algorithms content. OpenDSA al-
lows students to demonstrate knowledge of an algorithm by completing inter-
active exercises. However, static presentation of abstract, math-heavy material
can be easily abused or skipped by students who quickly click through or skip
the slides, or otherwise ignore the content. In general, static presentation is not
an effective way for students to learn demanding material such as is presented
in a Formal Languages course. In this paper we proposed to use Programmed
Instruction (PI) pedagogy. PI is based on frames, small units of text along with
a question or exercise that the student must answer before continuing to the
next frame. We have implemented a frame-based system, and are collecting data
to analyze the effectiveness of this approach.
                                    Programmed Instruction and eTextbooks          11

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