=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2385/paper8 |storemode=property |title=Modelling Norm Types and their Inter-relationships in EU Directives |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2385/paper8.pdf |volume=Vol-2385 |authors=Ilaria Angela Amantea,Luigi Di Caro,Llio Humphreys,Rohan Nanda,Emilio Sulis |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icail/AmanteaCHNS19 }} ==Modelling Norm Types and their Inter-relationships in EU Directives== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2385/paper8.pdf
         Modelling Norm Types and their Inter-relationships in EU
              Ilaria Angela Amantea, Luigi Di Caro, Llio Humphreys, Rohan Nanda and Emilio Sulis
                                                                  University of Torino
                                                                     Torino, Italy

ABSTRACT                                                                                 This research is concerned with normative provisions and recitals
EU directives are deliberately imprecise to allow Member States to                    in EU directives. While recitals lack the prescriptive status of nor-
fulfill the objectives in their own way. It follows that deontic norms                mative provisions proper (their main purpose being to provide the
in EU directives cannot be properly understood without considera-                     wider context), they have been shown to yield some influence on
tion of the motivation behind those norms, as well as consideration                   the interpretation of normative provisions. The research questions
of how other provisions, or even other laws, may affect the scope                     of this paper are therefore:
or effectiveness of the norm in question. This paper seeks to model                      (1) What kind of norms are present in normative provisions and
norm types and their inter-relationships. We envisage that this                              recitals?
preliminary analysis may help to develop an automated system to                          (2) What kind of links are there between norms, be they norma-
find norms that are related in different ways in order to help legal                         tive provisions or recitals?
professionals interpret laws for specific cases.
                                                                                         Section 2 describes the challenges of legal reasoning, European
KEYWORDS                                                                              law in the global context, and the nature of EU directives. Section
                                                                                      3 introduces our classification of norm types and section 4 our
Natural language processing, Law, Machine learning, Recitals, Eu-
                                                                                      classification of link types. Section 5 provides issues for discussion,
ropean legislation, purposive interpretation, cosine similarity
                                                                                      and section 6 outlines preliminary ideas for automated classification.
                                                                                      Section 7 describes related work, and section 8 ends the paper with
1    INTRODUCTION                                                                     conclusions and future work.
Norms are not “legal flowers without stem or root” [39], page 27. A
normative provision almost always has to be read in the context
                                                                                      2 BACKGROUND
of other norms. Generally, the law has a holistic character (cf. [43]
and [19] among others) which emerges from a network of legal                          2.1 The Nature of Legal Reasoning
documents. This means that at times the meaning of legal norms                        The problem of vagueness pertains to all human reasoning, not
emerges not from single parts of a normative provision but from a                     just legal interpretation. As Sainsbury [41], page 324, explains:
wider legislative corpus. Indeed, it is arguable that the context is                  ‘Vagueness gives rise to borderline cases. Think, for example, of
even wider including parliamentary debates, legal common practice,                    a colour spectrum. There are clear cases of red and clear cases of
and doctrinal interpretation. As such, legal interpretation takes                     orange, and in between there are borderline cases: shades which
much effort, and can be helped by automated efforts to find such                      we don’t feel inclined to classify either as red or as orange.’
links.                                                                                    Travis [47], pages 171-172, shows how context can influence the
   Less researched perhaps are important links between normative                      meaning of even a simple question such as whether a leaf is green:
provisions in the same piece of legislation. Our manual analysis of                   ‘Suppose a Japanese maple leaf, turned brown, was painted green
a lengthy European Union (EU) directive revealed not only very                        for a decoration. In sorting leaves by colour, one might truly call
different kinds of norms, but also different kinds of relationships                   this one green. In describing leaves to help identify their species, it
between norms. While EU directives have particular characteris-                       might, for all the paint, be false to call it that. ’
tics (outlined in the next section), the general point remains that                       In the legal context the most famous example of such phenomena
understanding of particular normative provisions can be greatly                       is the vehicle in the park scenario outlined by Hart [20], page 607:
enhanced by reading them in conjunction with those norms that                         ‘A legal rule forbids you to take a vehicle into a public park. Plainly
influence them in some way. Needless to say, not all normative                        this forbids an automobile, but what about bicycles, roller skates,
provisions are of such relevance, and our research goal is therefore                  toy automobiles? What about airplanes?...We may call the problems
to help legal researchers find those provisions by semi-automated                     which arise outside the hard core of penumbral instances “problems
means. It is hoped some of the insights in this paper about the                       of the penumbra”...If a penumbra of uncertainty must surround all
nature of norm types and relation between them will pave the way                      legal rules, then their application to specific cases in the penumbral
to automated detection of different kinds of norms and relations.                     area cannot be a matter of logical deduction, and so deductive
In: Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Automated Semantic Analysis of Information   reasoning, which for generations has been cherished as the very
in Legal Text (ASAIL 2019), June 21, 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada.                      perfection of human reasoning, cannot serve as a model for what
© 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Copying permitted for private and       judges, or indeed what anyone, should do.’
academic purposes.
Published at http://ceur-ws.org                                                           These problems are well-known and have been alluded to in the
                                                                                      AI & Law community: ‘The law is normally represented in natural,
ASAIL 2019, June 21, 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada Ilaria Angela Amantea, Luigi Di Caro, Llio Humphreys, Rohan Nanda and Emilio Sulis

albeit technical, language: the language of statutes and cases. These    within the international community. There are actors that do not
sources of law are not the law itself, but one possible representation   truly have an international legal personality, but are involved and
of the law. It is clear that these documents are not themselves the      participate in such activities, including NGOs and multinational
law from the fact, that we must first interpret statutes and cases       companies. The first represents public interests of the universal
to get at the law which they represent, and from the fact that           civil society, while the second represents productive interests of
reasonable persons can disagree as to just what the law is, although     the current economic-financial system [10].
there is rarely disagreement as to what, words make up the statute           International law leaves great liberty to states in their choice
or case in question. It is the meaning of the statute or case which is   of implementation, being interested only in that the objectives are
the law, not the text of the document itself.’ [17], page 2.             achieved. This principle is not dissimilar to treaties of the European
   The degree of interpretation required is dependent on the na-         Union. Notwithstanding much similarity to international law, Euro-
ture of the legal document itself. Some technical legal instruments,     pean Union law has certain characteristics that render it unique. In
such as medical clinical guidelines, are very precise, such that it is   particular: "[t]o exercise the Union’s competences, the institutions
possible to identify the hierarchy of norms and model them with          shall adopt regulations, directives, decisions, recommendations and
defeasible logic [37]. We argue that a different approach is required    opinions. A regulation shall have general application. It shall be
for legislation such as EU directives, which are more contextual and     binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
abstract. One issue, as mentioned above, is that the determination       A directive shall be binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon
of whether a normative provision applies to a particular case is         each Member State to which it is addressed, but shall leave to the na-
rendered difficult when the norm is less precise. The other issue is     tional authorities the choice of form and methods. A decision shall
that the handling of conflicting legal principles is different to the    be binding in its entirety. A decision which specifies those to whom
handling of normative rules. Rather than one principle winning           it is addressed shall be binding only on them. Recommendations
to the exclusion of the other, more often conflicting principles are     and opinions shall have no binding force"1 .
‘balanced’ to ensure that aspects of both principles are respected           The limits of EU competences are governed by the principles
in a way that is proportional and fair. The demarcation between          of conferral2 : "the Union shall act only within the limits of the
principles and rules is a point of contention, with some experts         competences conferred upon it by the Member States in the Treaties
arguing that it is a continuous spectrum [14].                           to attain the objectives set out therein. Competences not conferred
                                                                         upon the Union in the Treaties remain with the Member States"3 .
                                                                             The use of Union competences is governed by the principles of:
2.2    The Nature of European Law in the Global
       Context                                                                • subsidiarity: "in areas which do not fall within its exclu-
                                                                                sive competence, the Union shall act only if and in so far as
The phenomenon of globalisation has put into question the inter-
                                                                                the objectives of the proposed action cannot be sufficiently
state structure of the international community. The global dimen-
                                                                                achieved by the Member States [...] but can rather [...] be bet-
sion of some phenomena (for example climate change, underde-
                                                                                ter achieved at Union level"4 . Moreover, "when the Treaties
velopment, immigration, terrorism, nuclear proliferation, financial
                                                                                confer on the Union a competence shared with the Member
transfers, information technology, human rights etc) have shown
                                                                                States in a specific area, the Union and the Member States
the inadequacy of an international community founded upon the
                                                                                may legislate and adopt legally binding acts in that area.
independence and sovereignty of states. They require international
                                                                                The Member States shall exercise their competence to the
rules and institutions due to their transnational character. Tradi-
                                                                                extent that the Union has not exercised its competence. The
tionally, international law governs relations between independent
                                                                                Member States shall again exercise their competence to the
states, The norms that bind states originate from their free will in
                                                                                extent that the Union has decided to cease exercising its
treaties or custom. The development of international law tends to
                                                                                competence"5 .
reduce state autonomy. In certain matters, such as human rights,
                                                                              • proportionality: "the content and form of Union action shall
environmental protection, financial crime and terrorism, interna-
                                                                                not exceed what is necessary to achieve the objectives of the
tional law binds national law. There has been a movement from
                                                                                Treaties"6 .
international commercial relations from direct inter-state mech-
anisms (above all the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)               The primary characteristic that distinguishes the European Union
towards a system of international economic relations in the sphere       from other international organisations is that member states have
of specific international organisations bestowed with normative,         relinquished some sovereign powers to the European Union.
penal and judicial powers. For example, the evolution of GATT               It follows other interesting phenomena. First, the European
into the World Trade Organisation, as well as other international        Union has the competence to conclude agreements with third states
institutions such as the World Bank created to resolve controversies
in the world of investment. Unlike states, international organisa-
                                                                         1 Article 288 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)
tions are not given general competence, but are governed by the          2 Article 5.1 Treaty on European Union (TEU).
principle of specialisation and limited powers to pursue common          3 Underline bot in the Article 4.1 and in the Article 5.2 of TEU.

interests attributed by the states. Not all organisations have a legal   4 Articles 5.1 and 5.3 of TEU. See also Article 4.1 of TEU and Article 352 of TFEU
                                                                         5 Article 2.2 TFEU. We want to underline that the concept of subsidiarity also exist
personality. To this end, they must a) be given sufficient autonomy,
                                                                         in some Member States government, but with a meaning more similar to division of
also organisational, distinct from that of member states b) have a       competences e.g. see Article 118 of the Italian Constitution.
well-defined mission with corresponding competence and status            6 Articles 5.1 and 5.4 of TEU.
Modelling Norm Types and their Inter-relationships in EU Directives                             ASAIL 2019, June 21, 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada

or international organisations, where such competences have been           We are cognizant that the ECJ has assumed both positions 3 and
expressly given, or if they are acting within their limits.                4 in its judicature in cases 24/6212 and C-162/9713 The proportion
   Secondly, according to the "principle of sincere cooperation, the       of recitals in directives has increased over the years. Kierkegaard
Union and the Member States shall [...] take any appropriate mea-          alleges [23] that “recitals are used by the Member States to insert
sure, general or particular, to ensure fulfilment of the obligations       normative provisions which they have failed to get into the text,
arising out of the Treaties or resulting from the acts of the institu-     and by the Commission to dump normative provisions which they
tions of the Union [...] and refrain from any measure which could          do not want to prolong debate and disagreement on”. From all this
jeopardise the attainment of the Union’s objectives"7 . The increas-       we can conclude that recitals cannot be ignored, but their influence
ing trend towards harmonisation of EU law has put the European             is uncertain.
Court of Justice as the supreme arbiter of European law, and na-
tional judges are required to interpret their own laws in accordance       3     CLASSIFICATION OF NORM TYPES
with European law, even when there is apparent conflict between            There are different kinds of norms with different functions (they
those laws8 . The European Court can "review the legality of acts of       serve different purposes), and these different types are found in
bodies, offices or agencies. It shall for this purpose have jurisdiction   both normative provisions and recitals. Our categorisation is purely
in actions brought by a Member State, the European Parliament,             semantic and is intended to be generalizable to all directives. In
the Council or the Commission on grounds of lack of competence,            particular, we have found that the structural aspects (e.g. type of
infringement of an essential procedural requirement, infringement          modal verb used) are not a definitive indication. In this work, we
of the Treaties or of any rule of law relating to their application, or    have found 5 different types of norms: objective, constitutive, de-
misuse of powers."9 . Furthermore, another particular characteristic       ontic, scope and meta-norms (procedural and contextual). All the
of the EU is that "[a]ny natural or legal person may [...] institute       examples provided come from a lengthy directive which we have
proceedings against an act addressed to that person or which is of         analysed in some detail: Directive 2004/23/EC of the European Par-
direct and individual concern to them", and more important "and            liament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on setting standards
against a regulatory act which is of direct concern to them and does       of quality and safety for the donation, procurement, testing, pro-
not entail implementing measures"10 . "If the action is well founded,      cessing, preservation, storage and distribution of human tissues
the Court of Justice of the European Union shall declare the act           and cells.
concerned to be void"11 . It means that the Court has the power
to "delete" some national law, and with it, delete also the future,        Objective
present, and even past effects that law, as if that law never existed.
2.3      The Nature of European Directives                                          Outlines the purpose behind the directive as a whole,
                                                                                    or some parts of it, and the wider social and legal
Our focus in this paper is on European directives, which as men-
                                                                                    context. Sometimes the objective is lofty and is a gen-
tioned above, are prescriptive but sufficiently general to allow mem-
                                                                                    eral principle for the existence of the directive. Other
ber states to articulate their own detailed norms and procedures as
                                                                                    times the objective may be a more specific sub-goal.
they prefer in order to achieve the goal of the directive. Being by
nature goal-oriented, directives are particularly given to principle-          Example 1:
based (balance) rather than defeasible reasoning. Almost half of                    ARTICLE 1: This Directive lays down standards of
the text of directives consists of recitals, which are intended to be               quality and safety for human tissues and cells in-
explanatory and do not have the same status as normative provi-                     tended for human applications, in order to ensure
sions. There are different doctrinal positions [24] on the relationship             a high level of protection of human health.
between recitals and normative provisions:
    (1) recitals have no effect;
    (2) recitals are dominant over normative provisions;                       Definition:
    (3) recitals have an equal position in relation to normative pro-               Official definitions of directive-specific technical con-
        visions;                                                                    cepts. Legislative constitutive norms are usually gen-
    (4) recitals encompass a subordinate position towards normative                 eral descriptions, but also not uncommon are defini-
        provisions.                                                                 tions by example, which allow extension by analogy,
                                                                                    as well as definitions that explicitly include or exclude
                                                                                    certain items from counting as the legal concept in

                                                                           12 Position 3: Case 24/62, F.R.G. v. Comm’n of the Eur. Econ. Cmty., 1963 E.C.R., para-
7 Article 4.3 of TEU.
                                                                           graph 18, retrieved at
8 See Articles 258 to 260 of TFEU.
9 Article 263, pararaphs 1 and 2 of TFEU.                                  13 Position 4: Case C-162/97, Nilsson et al, paragraph 54, 1998, E.C.R. I-07477, available
10 Article 263, paragraph 4 of TFEU.
11 Article 264 of TFEU                                                     http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:61997J0162:EN:NOT
ASAIL 2019, June 21, 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada Ilaria Angela Amantea, Luigi Di Caro, Llio Humphreys, Rohan Nanda and Emilio Sulis

  Example 2:                                                                 Procedural refers to step-by-step processes for imple-
                                                                             menting law e.g. get signatures, agreement from the
        ARTICLE 3: For the purposes of this Directive: (a)
                                                                             Committee, further signatures.
        “cells” means individual human cells or a collection of
        human cells when not bound by any form of connec-                Example 5:
        tive tissue; (b) [...]                                               ARTICLE 10.3: Member States and the Commission
                                                                             shall establish a network linking the national tissue
Deontic                                                                      establishment registers.

  Definition:                                                        While the above example is a procedure particular to the subject-
                                                                     matter of the directive, there are also other procedural norms that
        Specifies types of behaviour to be expected or per-          occur in practically all directives, and are part of the law-making
        mitted. Deontic norms have been further classified as        process.
        permission, obligation, prohibition etc (see [21] for an
        elaborate study), but this level of detail is not required       Example 6:
        for our purposes.                                                    ARTICLE 26.1: Member States shall send the Com-
  Example 3:                                                                 mission, before 7 April 2009 and every three years
                                                                             thereafter, a report on the activities undertaken in
        ARTICLE 7.7: Member States shall, upon the request                   relation to the provisions of this Directive, includ-
        of another Member State or the Commission, provide                   ing an account of the measures taken in relation to
        information on the results of inspections and control                inspection and control.
        measures carried out in relation to the requirements
        of this Directive.                                           Meta-norms: Contextual

                                                                             Contextualisation is about time, space, addressee and
  Definition:                                                                hierarchy of norms.
                                                                         Example 7:
        Outlines the extent of applicability or non-applicability
        of norms (or entire legislation) in the context of other             ARTICLE 32: This Directive shall enter into force on
        norms (or other legislation) with which they may oth-                the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the
        erwise conflict. Scope also concerns norms that spec-                European Union.
        ify the areas of competence in different jurisdictions,
        in this case the EU and member states.                       4    CLASSIFICATION OF LINK TYPES
  Example 4:                                                         Norms are related to one another in many different ways. Below
                                                                     we provide definitions with examples from the above-mentioned
        RECITAL 11: This Directive does not cover research           Directive 2004/23/EC, and are mainly focused on links between
        using human tissues and cells, such as when used for         normative provisions and recitals. Where not all parts of the recital
        purposes other than application to the human body,           or (sub)article are connected, the underlined sections highlight the
        e.g. in vitro research or in animal models. Only those       related parts of the text.
        cells and tissues that in clinical trials are applied to
        the human body should comply with the quality and            Conceptually Similar
        safety standards laid down in this Directive.
Meta-norms                                                                   There is content within the provisions that are about
                                                                             the same subject-matter and may use similar or dif-
   Meta-norms are norms about norms. Laws do not only pertain                ferent wording to say more or less the same thing.
to certain behaviours but also (1) the way in which the norms            Example 8 (using same wording):
are produced, (2) the way in which they are applied and (3) the
way in which upon violation a sanction is imposed. The distinction           ARTICLE 2.1: This Directive shall apply to the donation,
between norms and meta-norms is that the first concerns behaviour,           procurement, testing, processing, preservation, storage
the second concerns other norms or the production or application             and distribution of human tissues and cells intended
of other norms [15]. We distinguish between two kinds of meta-               for human applications and of manufactured prod-
norms:                                                                       ucts derived from human tissues and cells intended
                                                                             for human applications. Where such manufactured
Meta-norms: Procedural                                                       products are covered by other directives, this Direc-
                                                                             tive shall apply only to donation, procurement and
  Definition:                                                                testing.
Modelling Norm Types and their Inter-relationships in EU Directives                   ASAIL 2019, June 21, 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada

      RECITAL 13: The donation, procurement, testing,                       body, so that it is as similar as possible to its original
      processing, preservation, storage and distribution of                 anatomical shape.
      human tissues and cells intended for human applications
                                                                      In this case Article 3 contains definitions of many domain-specific
      should comply with high standards of quality and
                                                                      terms in Recital 16, so there is a Constitutive link between these
      safety in order to ensure a high level of health protec-
      tion in the Community. This Directive should estab-
      lish standards for each one of the steps in the human           Motivation
      tissues and cells application process.
  Example 9 (using different wording):
                                                                            A link between a deontic norm and the motivation
      ARTICLE 5.1: Member States shall ensure that tissue and               behind it. The provisions have the same goal but dif-
      cell procurement and testing are carried out by persons               ferent levels of granularity. Sometimes the motivation
      with appropriate training and experience and that they                is lofty and is a general principle for the existence of
      take place in conditions accredited, designated, autho-               the directive, alternatively the motivation may be a
      rised or licensed for that purpose by the competent                   core value of human rights or a fundamental principle
      authority or authorities.                                             of European Treaties. Other times the motivation may
      RECITAL 27: Personnel directly involved in the dona-                  be a more specific sub-goal.
      tion, procurement, testing, processing, preservation,             Example 11:
      storage and distribution of human tissues and cells                   ARTICLE 16.3: Tissue establishments shall take all
      should be appropriately qualified and provided with                   necessary measures to ensure that the quality system
      timely and relevant training. The provisions laid down                includes at least the following documentation:
      in this Directive as regards training should be applica-              – standard operating procedures,
      ble without prejudice to existing Community legisla-                  – guidelines,
      tion on the recognition of professional qualifications.               – training and reference manuals,
                                                                            – reporting forms,
Constitutive                                                                – donor records,
                                                                            – information on the final destination of tissues or
  Definition:                                                                 cells.
      The constitutive link is where one provision provides                 RECITAL 1: The transplantation of human tissues and
      a definition of domain-specific terms contained in                    cells is a strongly expanding field of medicine offering
      another provision. Often, directives contain a glossary               great opportunities for the treatment of as yet incur-
      of terms in one specific Article.                                     able diseases. The quality and safety of these substances
  Example 10:                                                               should be ensured, particularly in order to prevent the
                                                                            transmission of diseases.
      ARTICLE 3: For the purposes of this Directive:
      (a) ‘cells’ means individual human cells or a collection              RECITAL 15: It is necessary to increase confidence
      of human cells when not bound by any form of con-                     among the Member States in the quality and safety of
      nective tissue;                                                       donated tissues and cells, in the health protection of
      (b) ‘tissue’ means all constituent parts of the human                 living donors and respect for deceased donors and in
      body formed by cells;                                                 the safety of the application process.
      (c) ‘donor’ means every human source, whether living
      or deceased, of human cells or tissues;                         Impact
      (d) ‘donation’ means donating human tissues or cells
      intended for human applications; [...]                            Definition:
      (f) ‘procurement’ means a process by which tissue or                  A provision may affect the scope or effectiveness of
      cells are made available; [...]                                       another provision, or add additional requirements.
      (p) ‘allogeneic use’ means cells or tissues removed                   This may be because the norm requires some kind of
      from one person and applied to another; [...]                         synchronisation with another procedure in another
                                                                            norm, or because two norms have conflicting goals.
      RECITAL 16 Tissues and cells used for allogeneic ther-
                                                                            The content may be granularity independent.
      apeutic purposes can be procured from both living
      and deceased donors. In order to ensure that the health           Example 12 (conflicting goals):
      status of a living donor is not affected by the donation,             ARTICLE 8.1: Member States shall ensure that all tis-
      a prior medical examination should be required. The                   sues and cells procured, processed, stored or distributed
      dignity of the deceased donor should be respected,                    on their territory can be traced from the donor to the
      notably through the reconstruction of the donor’s                     recipient and vice versa. This traceability shall also apply
ASAIL 2019, June 21, 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada Ilaria Angela Amantea, Luigi Di Caro, Llio Humphreys, Rohan Nanda and Emilio Sulis

       to all relevant data relating to products and materials                transmit information about serious adverse events and
       coming into contact with these tissues and cells.                      reactions which may influence the quality and safety of
      RECITAL 23: All necessary measures need to be taken                     tissues and cells and which may be attributed to the
      in order to provide prospective donors of tissues and                   procurement, testing, processing, storage and
      cells with assurances regarding the confidentiality of any              distribution of tissues and cells, as well as any serious
      health related information provided to the authorised                   adverse reaction observed during or after clinical
      personnel, the results of tests on their donations, as                  application which may be linked to the quality and
      well as any future traceability of their donation.                      safety of tissues and cells.
                                                                              RECITAL 25: An accreditation system for tissue estab-
We can reason that traceability is a sub-goal of health protection,           lishments and a system for notification of adverse events and
and that confidential information is a sub-goal of respecting the
                                                                              reactions linked to the procurement, testing, processing,
dignity of the individual, and that both these higher goals are sub-
                                                                              preservation, storage and distribution of human tissues and
goals of maintaining the well-being of persons. However, there is a
                                                                              cells should be established in the Member States.
potential risk of conflict between these sub-goals e.g. traceability
can be achieved without anonymity. As such, it is useful to link        In this example, Article 11.3 is indirectly structurally linked to
such norms to any norms that impose restrictions or additional          Recital 25 because Article 11.3 refers to Article 11.1, which is Con-
requirements.                                                           ceptually Similar to Recital 25.
  Example 13 (enforcement):                                             Via Other Law
     ARTICLE 6.3: The tissue establishment shall not under-
     take any substantial changes to its activities without               Definition:
     the prior written approval of the competent authority
                                                                              When an article mentions another legal source. Ap-
     or authorities.
                                                                              plies only if reading this source is required in order to
     RECITAL 26: Member States should organise inspections                    understand the provision or recital. This is a structural
     and control measures, to be carried out by officials                     link, and not a semantic link.
     representing the competent authority, to ensure that                 Example 15:
     tissue establishments comply with the provisions of this
                                                                              ARTICLE 13.1 The procurement of human tissues or
     Directive. Member States should ensure that the offi-
                                                                              cells shall be authorised only after all mandatory con-
     cials involved in inspections and control measures are
                                                                              sent or authorisation requirements in force in the
     appropriately qualified and receive adequate training.
                                                                              Member State concerned have been met.
     RECITAL 30: In order to increase the effective imple-
                                                                              RECITAL 22: This Directive respects the fundamen-
     mentation of the provisions adopted in accordance
                                                                              tal rights and observes the principles reflected in the
     with this Directive, it is appropriate to provide for
                                                                              Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
     penalties to be applied by Member States.
                                                                              (1) and takes into account as appropriate the Conven-
The impact of Recitals 26 and 30 on Article 6.3 is to render the norm         tion for the protection of human rights and dignity
enforceable via monitoring and penalties.                                     of the human being with regard to the application of
                                                                              biology and medicine: Convention on human rights
Indirect Internal                                                             and biomedicine. Neither the Charter nor the Con-
                                                                              vention makes express provision for harmonisation
  Definition:                                                                 or prevents Member States from introducing more
      An indirect internal link is a structural (not semantic)                stringent requirements in their legislation.
      link that exists purely because of an internal reference
      to a (sub)article. An indirect structural link between            In the above example, the fundamental rights and dignity of the
      Recital X and (Sub)article Y depends on the existence             human being mentioned in Recital 22 is the motivation behind the
      of a primary semantic link between Recital X and                  requirement for consent for the procurement of human tissues and
      another (sub)article that is cited by (Sub)article Y.             cells in Article 13.1.
  Example 14:                                                           Procedural
      ARTICLE 11.3: The responsible person referred to in
      Article 17 shall ensure that the competent authority or             Definition:
      authorities is or are notified of any serious adverse events            Involving routine bureaucratic procedures of some
      and reactions referred to in paragraph 1 and is or are                  precision. The procedures referred to here are only
      provided with a report analysing the cause and the                      descriptions of what the Commission, other EU body,
      ensuing outcome.                                                        or Member State, have undertaken to do to render the
      ARTICLE 11.1: Member States shall ensure that there                     directive effective. They are not norms in the deontic
      is a system in place to report, investigate, register and               sense. Procedural links do not pertain to norms about
Modelling Norm Types and their Inter-relationships in EU Directives                       ASAIL 2019, June 21, 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada

      what lower bodies within Member States are required                        affect quality and safety and shall ensure that they
      to do, which are still deontic norms, in the sense that                    are carried out under controlled conditions. Tissue
      they impose an obligation.                                                 establishments shall ensure that the equipment used,
   Example 16:                                                                   the working environment and process design, valida-
      ARTICLE 29.1: The Commission shall be assisted by a                        tion and control conditions are in compliance with
      Committee.                                                                 the requirements referred to in Article 28(h).
      RECITAL 34: The measures necessary for the imple-                          ARTICLE 20.3: Tissue establishments shall include
      mentation of this Directive should be adopted in accor-                    in their standard operating procedures special provi-
      dance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June                         sions for the handling of tissues and cells to be dis-
      1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of                        carded, in order to prevent the contamination of other
      implementing powers conferred on the Commission.                           tissues or cells, the processing environment or per-
The procedural link exists to distinguish between deontic norms                  ARTICLE 21.1: Tissue establishments shall ensure that
and descriptions of procedures that render the law effective. How-               all procedures associated with the storage of tissues
ever, the linked sub-articles and recitals can have different levels of          and cells are documented in the standard operating
granularity.                                                                     procedures and that the storage conditions comply
Contextual                                                                       with the requirements referred to in Article 28(h).

                                                                          5   DISCUSSION
       Contextualising the applicability of all norms involved            Our classification of norm types and link types was data-driven and
       in the directive in terms of time, jurisdiction, addressee         based on line-by-line coding with an open mind, as espoused by
       and position in the hierarchy of norms.                            grounded theory[11, 12], followed by comparison and alignment
       The following are the contextual meta-norms that                   with theories in the literature. The analysis was carried out by
       should be linked to other articles and recitals of Di-             researchers with a background in law, computer science and legal
       rective 2004/23/EC.                                                informatics. While the categories below were agreed by all to be
                                                                          evident in the data, the attribution of individual provisions to a
   Example 17:
                                                                          particular category was more problematic. As such, our future work
       ARTICLE 32 (time): This Directive shall enter into                 will involve annotation of a corpus of directives by a larger group of
       force on the day of its publication in the Official Jour-          annotators in order to properly elicit the distribution of categories,
       nal of the European Union.                                         evaluate inter-annotation agreement and, where necessary, refine
       ARTICLE 33 (addressees): This Directive is addressed               the categories. In this preliminary work, we articulate below some
       to the Member States.                                              of the theoretical questions that require further analysis.
       RECITAL 31 (jurisdiction): Since the objective of this                In this work, we have used the term deontic norm to describe
       Directive, namely to set high standards of quality and             what we originally called detailed technical norms and to distin-
       safety for human tissues and cells throughout the                  guish them from objectives. In some legal traditions, e.g. Italian,
       Community, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the                  detailed norms also may include norms that are not strictly deontic.
       Member States and can therefore, by reason of scale                Further work is required to explore the correct classification of
       and effects, be better achieved at Community level,                these norms.
       the Community may adopt measures in accordance                        The observant reader will have noticed that granularity is treated
       with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article           in different ways for different classes. Relevant sections in Concep-
       5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of               tually Similar links are on the same level of granularity. On the
       proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Direc-           other hand, a Motivation link features different levels of granu-
       tive does not go beyond what is necessary in order to              larity, although the difference in granularity may be big or small.
       achieve that objective.                                            For Impact, Procedural and Contextual, the level of granularity is
                                                                          inconsequential. Is this difference justifiable? Should there be sub-
Norm Group                                                                categories beyond the classes identified in this work e.g. a ’general
                                                                          principle’ versus ’immediate goal’ type of Motivation? Or does the
   Definition:                                                            granularity issue indicate that there is something fundamentally
       A link between norms that are connected due to be-                 problematic about the classes as they are? More work is required
       ing part of the same general requirement. The links                to explore this issue.
       between the norms may be conjunction, disjunction
       or sequence. Such norms may be paragraphs of the                   6   INSIGHTS FOR AUTOMATED
       same article, or may occur in different provisions.                    IDENTIFICATION
   Example 18:                                                            The automated identification of norm types is a task which lends
       ARTICLE 20.1: Tissue establishments shall include in               itself to well-known supervised classification techniques, such as
       their standard operating procedures all processes that             SVM, Bayes, decision trees, and most recently neural networks [26].
ASAIL 2019, June 21, 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada Ilaria Angela Amantea, Luigi Di Caro, Llio Humphreys, Rohan Nanda and Emilio Sulis

    The automated classification of links types, on the other hand,        Dutch legislation respectively. In the first paper, provisions are
requires closer scrutiny. The input is two different texts and the         classified as definitions, attributing competence, constitutive, inter-
output is the relation between them. Much literature on relevance,         pretative, instituting, prescriptive, procedural, sanctioning, material
particularly in information retrieval, assume that relevance corre-        link (derogation or extension, amending link (abrogation, substitu-
lates with similarity. However, our analysis shows that norms are          tion), temporal link (prorogation, suspension). The second paper
related in different ways. Our intuition is that different techniques      finds core rules, procedures for citizens, procedures for civil ser-
are required to identify those links, and we intend to experiment          vants, rule management and definitions in the body of law, with
with lexical-syntactic, knowledge-based and corpus-based tech-             introduction, conclusion and appendices completing the model of
niques. Lexical-syntactic techniques are based on the words in the         legislative text. Although there are similarities in the categorisation,
input data. They include edit distance [8], pattern-based [5], N-          there are also differences due to the nature of the legislation being
grams and Longest Common Subsequence [25]. Thesaurus-based                 modelled. EU law is particular for having less definite, more goal-
approaches [31, 38] rely on background knowledge. Corpus-based             based and principle-based norms both in the recitals and provisions.
techniques include word embeddings, such as Word2Vec [32] or               We would point out a couple of key differences in the classification.
GloVe [36], and topic modeling [30, 50]. We envisage the follow-           Tiscornia and Turchi [46] define constitutive norms more broadly
ing techniques for each link type: word embeddings and topic               than us to include also power-conferring norms. De Maat [13]’s
modelling for Conceptually Similar links (since the similar texts          categorisation includes procedural norms also for the addressees
need not necessarily contain the same wordings), pattern-based             of norms, whereas our procedural norms describe the procedures
approaches for Constitutive links, thesaurus-based approaches for          undertaken by institutions of the EU to implement and maintain EU
Motivation links (in order to capture information of different speci-      legislation. Another important factor is in the motivation for clas-
ficity), topic modeling for Impact, pattern-based for Indirect Internal    sifying the norms. The classification of Tiscornia and Turchi [46]
links, pattern-based for Via Other Law links, pattern-based for Pro-       and De Maat [13] serve to model the content of norms. Our classifi-
cedural links in combination with a set of trigger words, n-grams          cation of norms may help in determining the relatedness between
and longest common subsequence for Contextual links, and word              norms.
embeddings for Norm Group links.                                              The automated classification of norms have also been explored
    We believe that an eventual support system should take a greedy        by Biagioli et al [16] and Waltl et al [51, 53]. The first used Sup-
approach to selecting a low threshold for relevance. A high recall,        port Vector Machines, while the second found similar performance
low precision system means that users have to put up with the pre-         by local linear approximations and a manually crafted rule-based
sentation of irrelevant data, but this is still less work than manually    approach.
looking at all possibilities. On the other hand, a high precision, low        Important theoretical analysis on contextualisation has been
recall system, means that users may be confident in the validity           conducted in the development of annotation standards for mod-
of the classification, but then have to go through all possibilities       elling legislation. The temporal dimension is modelled in Legal
to find others missed by the system. While a greedy approach is,           Knowledge Interchange Format (LKIF) [35] by ascribing to each
generally speaking, the most pragmatic approach to designing user          norm blocks of information covering time of entry into force, time
support systems, there is a danger of information overload ren-            of efficacy and time of application. Akoma Ntoso [6] has a multi-
dering the support system frustrating to use. The classic solution         layered approach to modelling laws with the text layer continuing
to this problem is to rank the results. However, the issue of how          the original legal text, the structure layer providing a hierarchi-
to rank the links is not simple for this work. Sections which are          cal representation of the parts present in the text layer, and the
identical in meaning do not offer new information, and therefore           metadata layer associating the first two layers with ontological
may not be the most valuable to a legal researcher. Then, there are        information to allow advanced reasoning using logic frameworks,
recitals providing general principles that motivate various norms.         and allowing for multiple interpretations of norms by different ac-
Are these so generic that they can be safely ignored? Only per-            tors. Akoma Ntoso also incorporates the Functional Requirements
haps to those who are already familiar with the directive under            for Bibliographic Record (FRBR) model [42] to identify different
consideration. Otherwise, even general principles can on occasion          versions of the same work. The importance of contextualisation is
help disambiguate unclear provisions if one plausible interpretation       well-explained in [4], page 152: ’[P]rovisions, rules, applications of
would clearly go against the purpose of the entire directive. Perhaps      rules, references to text, and references to physical entities. All of
the key to creating a user-friendly system is careful interface design     these entities exist and change in time; their histories interact in
that enables users to select the information they want. For instance,      complicated ways...[A] rule has parameters which can vary over
they could filter out certain classes of links. Or they could choose       time, such as its status (e.g., strict, defeasible, defeater), its validity
whether to e.g. display Motivation links in order of Most Specific or      (e.g., repealed, annulled, suspended), and its jurisdiction (e.g., only
Most General, Conceptually Similar links in order of Most Similar          in EU, only in US). In addition, a rule has temporal aspects such as
or Most Dissimilar etc.                                                    internal constituency of the action, the time of assertion of the rule,
                                                                           the efficacy, enforcement, and so on.’ As such LegalRuleML anno-
                                                                           tates each rule with its defeasibility status, temporality, jurisdiction
7   RELATED WORK                                                           and authorial tracking.
On the classification of norms, the papers of Tiscornia and Turchi [46],      On the classification of links between norms, we refer again to
and de Maat [13] are notable for developing their classification           Tiscornia and Turchi [46], who also define links between norms.
informed by legal philosophy, while being tested on Italian and            Their links are by logical implication - a norm of one class, such as
Modelling Norm Types and their Inter-relationships in EU Directives                                ASAIL 2019, June 21, 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada

prohibition, will of necessity be linked to a norm of another class,         importance of digital information for legal professionals - lawyers
such as sanction. Our classification of link types are generally more        easily spend up to fifteen hours per week on search, most of it in
semantic and probabilistic.                                                  electronic resources although the abandonment of paper does not
   An important work on normative similarity is that of Lau [29].            always seem to be a voluntary choice - the gap between LIR systems
Provisions are tagged with the stems of noun phrases, legislative def-       and user needs is still big’. This is because ’retrieval engineering is
initions or glossaries from reference books. The similarity analysis         focused too exclusively on algorithmic relevance, but it has been
core takes as an input the parsed regulations and associated fea-            proven sufficiently that without domain specific adaptations every
tures, and produces a list of the most similar pairs of provisions. The      search engine will disappoint legal users’ (ibid, page 84). While there
most similar research to this paper in terms of its subject-matter is        are several projects that seek to find linked legal data from different
that of Humphreys et al [22], which explored the feasibility of semi-        sources, such as EUCases [9] and the LATC project (Linked Open
automated mapping between normative provisions and recitals.                 Data Around-The-Clock)15 , in this article we chiefly looked at the
However, the focus of that paper was deontic norms and the links             relationship between norms within the same piece of legislation.
explored were only Conceptually Similar. The work of Nanda et
al [34] is concerned with finding norms from national legislation            8     CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK
that implement norms from EU directives. This thorough research              This paper sought to model norm types and their inter-relationships
investigates a variety of similarity algorithms suited for short text,       in EU directives. Recitals and provisions were categorised and the
including a unifying text similarity measure (USM) which incorpo-            links between them were also categorised. We started from the
rates methods for matching common words, common sequences of                 presumption of the hyper-textuality and high-level nature of EU
words and approximate string matching. While informative for our             directives, which are deliberately imprecise to allow Member States
purposes, research on automated mechanisms for finding similar               to fulfil the objectives in their own way. It follows that deontic
norms is only part of our agenda, since we seek to extend the notion         norms in EU directives cannot be properly understood without
of relatedness, and will require different approaches for different          consideration of the motivation behind those norms, as well as con-
types of links.                                                              sideration of how other provisions, or even other laws, may affect
   On the nature of relations between norms, there is a wealth of            the scope or effectiveness of the norm in question. Our analysis
theoretical research on conflicts between norms [2] and defeasibility        includes the impact of meta-norms that render the norms effective
(summarised in [37]). The main features of formal approaches to              and determine when the provisions are valid and in which context
defeasibility are:                                                           (time, space, jurisdiction).
     • arguments that are satisfied with certain criteria;                      The nature of EU directives means that modelling the inter-
     • counter-arguments that serve to attack or undercut other              relationship between norms with defeasible logic cannot be un-
        arguments;                                                           dertaken with certainty. This does not mean AI & Law cannot be
     • the non-monotonic nature of legal reasoning, where conclu-            useful. Rather, we propose a different approach: to find automated
        sions can be revised with the addition of new information.           means to find norms that are related in different ways in order to
Such analyses can be used to build a formal legal reasoning expert           help legal professionals interpret laws for specific cases.
system such as that of Sergot et al [44] and Lam & Governatori [27].            Our future work will involve the creation of a gold standard to
Some attention has been paid to contrary-to-duty obligations i.e. a          help build a system to semi-automatically classify norms and their
conditional obligation arising in response to a violation of another         inter-relationships. Legal corpora have been created for a variety of
obligation, particularly for compliance management [18]. The use of          different purposes including classifying norm types and extracting
automated systems in legal settings has gained credibility with the          norm elements ([7] and [49]), ontology learning (e.g. [45]) and
rise of AI in general. Even robotic judges are becoming acceptable           question and answering [33]. There is no specific legal corpora
for limited domains in Estonia14 . However, there are certain kinds          on norm types beyond deontic norms and the linking of related
of laws that are simply too abstract or dependent on other laws to           provisions as far as we know.
be modelled in this way with certainty.                                         Our preliminary analysis suggests that different algorithms are
   There is also a wealth of literature on the discovery and classifi-       required to identify different types of norms and their inter-
cation of citations in legislation[1, 3, 28, 40, 52]. This work is chiefly   relationships. Our future work will involve experimentation to dis-
concerned with structural references between norms of the same               cover which algorithms are most appropriate for each case. More-
and different legislation, and we will look closely at the techniques        over, we envisage that a semi-automated classification of norm
used with respect to Indirect Structural and Via Other Law links.            types and links may enable the end-user in a support system to
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references, and implicit references, Waltl et al [52] also refer to          reducing the problem of information overload.
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