=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2386/paper11 |storemode=property |title=Strategy for the Study of Interregional Economic and Social Exchange Based on Foresight and Cognitive Modeling Methodologies |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2386/paper11.pdf |volume=Vol-2386 |authors=N. D. Pankratova,G.V.Gorelova,V.A.Pankratov |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/momlet/PankratovaGP19 }} ==Strategy for the Study of Interregional Economic and Social Exchange Based on Foresight and Cognitive Modeling Methodologies== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2386/paper11.pdf
     Strategy for the Study of Interregional Economic and
      Social Exchange Based on Foresight and Cognitive
                    Modeling Methodologies

            N. D. Pankratova1 [0000-0002-6372-5813], G.V.Gorelova2 [0000-0001-6637-6586],
                            V.A.Pankratov 3 [0000-0002-8264-5835]
       Institute for Applied System Analysis, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine
      Engineering and Technology Academy of the Southern Federal University, “ITA SFEDU”
                                         Russia, Taganrog
       Institute for Applied System Analysis, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine

         Abstract. The proposed strategy for the study of interregional economic and
         social exchange is based on the simultaneous application of foresight and
         cognitive modeling methodologies. The foresight methodology is applied at the
         first stage of complex system modeling and the obtained results are used as
         input data for the cognitive modeling stage. A toolkit for the construction a
         cognitive map with a convenient and simple user interface is developed. The
         computational algorithm and software modules provide verification of the
         structural stability, stability at the initial value and perturbation. In the process
         of cognitive modeling, the creation of possible scenarios for the development of
         the system under the influence of various control and perturbation influences is
         carried out. It gives the possibility to determine the conditions for advancement
         for the system of interregional economic relations aimed at improving the
         quality of life of the population in the considered regions.

         Keywords: Foresight, Cognitive modeling, Interregional exchange, Toolkit,
         Stability, Impulse modeling, Scenarios.

1        Introduction

The experience of the leading countries of the world shows that the success in the
social and economic activities of the state under current conditions of globalization of
the world economy is largely ensured by the high rates of innovative development of
scientific, technical, manufacturing and technological potentials and high levels of
competitiveness of national high-tech products on the world market. The study of the
social and economic activity of the state requires a systematic approach, an
understanding of the complexity of the systems, the regulation of which needs
scientific planning and forecasting [1].
   In many countries, primarily to develop a long-term vision of the innovative
development of the industry, science and technology as the main components of the
state’s economy, the methodology of foresight is used. On its basis, a systematic
process of “identification” of key future technologies (critical technologies,
alternative scenarios) is carried out to help representatives of the highest governing
bodies of the economic sphere of the state, industries or individual institutions and
companies to form the most effective science and technology policy and plan its
development. The governments of all countries are gradually forced to “engage” in
the process of foresight, because the successful use of the achievements of science
and technology increasingly depends on the creation of effective links between
business, innovation, scientific and educational institutions and the branches of the
government responsible for the development of a society.
   A cognitive modeling methodology is used to build scenarios for the desired
future. Cognitive modeling technologies that belong to the class of simulation
modeling are designed to understand, explain, and describe a complex system, and
determine possible ways to manage situations in a complex system in order to
transition from the initial state to the desired one, based on cognitive modeling. At the
same time, in cognitive modeling, as in any simulation modeling, a subjectivity takes
place when providing initial data on the subject area considered in the process of
determining the vertices of the graph, the subjectivity in determining the arcs of the
graph, reflecting the causal relationships between the vertices, in the inclusion of
weights and functions arcs of the graph. In order to mitigate subjectivity, it is
proposed to use the foresight methodology at the first stage and to use the obtained
results as the initial data at the cognitive modeling stage.
   The purpose of this paper is to develop, using the methods of foresight and
cognitive modeling, the system of interconnection of interregional relations elements
(entities, concepts) in the form of a cognitive map imitating the mechanism of
interregional economic and social integration. In the process of cognitive modeling,
the goal is to construct the possible scenarios for the development of the system under
the influence of various control and perturbation influences and determine the
conditions for improving the system of interregional economic relations aimed at
improving the quality of life of the population in the considered regions.

2      Review of the Literature

In semi-structured problems, which include the tasks of an interregional socio-
economic integration, it is impossible to apply the traditional mathematical approach
to the analysis of the development of complex solutions. For the complex non-
formalized systems simulation a cognitive approach based on cognitive aspects is
used. These aspects include the processes of perception, thinking, cognition,
explanation and understanding. A schematic, generalized description of the picture of
the world is depicted as a cognitive map. Technologies of cognitive modeling of
complex systems have actively being developed since the middle of the 20th century,
including in [2,3] and then, in the same vein, in [4]. Certain theoretical foundations of
these works are in [5-9].
   Involving foresight methods in the first stage of simulation allows using expert
assessment procedures to identify critical technologies and construct alternatives of
scenarios with quantitative values of characteristics. With this goal, in the process of
implementing the procedure for forming alternatives of scenarios in solving problems
of foresight, there is a need to involve expert assessment methods, among which are
the most frequently used methods of hierarchy analysis, Delphi, cross-analysis and
morphological analysis, methods of SWOT, TOPSIS, VIKOR [1,10]. To substantiate
the implementation of a particular scenario and develop other possible development
scenarios, cognitive modeling of complex systems is involved, which allows to build
causal relationships based on theoretical knowledge and practical experience, to
understand and analyze the behavior of a complex system for a strategic perspective
with a large number of interconnections and interdependencies and to offer a
scientifically based strategy for the priority scenario implementation [4].
   The use of foresight and cognitive modeling is an innovative tool for studying the
structure, behavior of complex systems, and achieving the desired development

3      Setting the Task of Modeling Interregional Economic and
       Social Integration

To implement the actions presented in the diagram in Fig. 1, it is necessary to give
some explanations of the complex systems cognitive modeling. Cognitive modeling
of complex systems [4] means the phased solution of interrelated problems: taking
into account the uncertainty of various nature and multi-factor risks, building a
cognitive model (map), studying the model’s paths and cycles, determining its
resistance to perturbations and structural stability, topological analysis of the model,
scenario modeling based on the implementation of impulse processes for alternative
scenarios and various control and perturbation influences, choice of scenarios and
decision making.
   The mathematical form of a cognitive map is usually expressed by the sign
                                                                                      of
oriented graph [4] with a set of vertices V  vi  , i  1, 2,..., k and set E  eij
positive (eij ) and negative (eij ) relationships between them i, j  1, 2,..., k :

                                      G  V,E .                                         (1)

For creation of a specific cognitive map of interregional economic and social
integration, it is necessary to take into account the following facts:
   - general economic, social and natural indicators of the studied regions are
      interdependent, affect the efficiency of interregional economic relations, but not
      all of them can be quantified, there are indicators (qualitative) that can be set
      only verbally or in the form of fuzzy data;
   - commodity circulation is a determining factor of the success for interregional
      economic relations, the sectoral structure of interregional commodity exchange
      significantly influences interregional economic integration;
   - the level of transport communication between the regions and its infrastructure,
      as well as the level of development of communication and the dynamics of
      import-export products significantly affect the efficiency of inter-regional
      economic integration;
   - the development of interregional economic relations takes place in conditions of
      both internal and external competition, in the conditions of the current social
      and political situation in the regions.
   In a cognitive study of the problems of the system of inter-regional economic and
social integration, one can apply the technique of developing a sequence of cognitive
maps to reflect various aspects of inter-regional relations that clarify each other. In
this paper, a generalized cognitive map will be presented in which the region is not
specified, and the model reflects only concepts (tops) – factors affecting the
effectiveness of interregional socio-economic integration for any region. At the same
time, the initial values for cognitive modeling are the results obtained using foresight
methods [1,10].

4      Creating a Cognitive Model of Interregional Economic and
       Social Integration
We first construct one of the cognitive G maps, in which we reflect the dependence
of interregional exchange on the identified factors of interregional economic and
social integration. In the process of developing a cognitive map to support the process
of structuring an expert’s knowledge in a specific subject area, the capabilities of the
CMSS toolkit [11] with a convenient and simple user interface are used. The
computational algorithm and software modules provide for the verification of
structural stability, stability by the initial value and by perturbation. To determine
structural stability, the criterion for the absence of pair cycles is used. To determine
the stability by the initial value and with the disturbance, the Lyapunov criterion is
used. The system is stable by the initial values if max | i | 1 and by the perturbation
if max | i | 1 where | i | are the eigenvalues of the connectivity matrix.
   When analyzing a cognitive map, the procedure for obtaining the structural
stability is performed by selecting pair and unpaired cycles. The pair cycle (positive
feedback) has a positive product of the signs of all its arcs, unpaired (negative
feedback) has negative. The pair cycle is the simplest model of the structural
instability, since any initial change of a parameter at any of its vertices leads to an
unlimited increase in the module of the parameters of the cycle's vertices. Any change
in the parameter of any vertex of an odd cycle only leads to an oscillation of the
parameters of the vertices.
   We illustrate the construction of the initial cognitive map on the example of the
study of inter-regional economic and social exchange. Vertices and their purpose are
shown in Table 1.
 Table 1. Vertices of the G1 cognitive map “Factors of inter-regional economic integration”.

 Code                  The name of the vertex                         Vertex Assignment

 V1                    Gross Regional Product                         basic
 V2                    Interregional Economic Integration             target
 V3                    Socio-economic indicators                      basic
 V4                    Commodity turnover                             indicative
 V5                    Transport Level                                managed
 V6                    Level of communication                         managed
 V7                    Risks                                          perturbing
 V8                    Level of production base                       basic
 V9                    Federal and regional regulatory systems        manager
 V10                   Geographical position                          basic
 V11                   Rivalry                                        perturbing

The cognitive map is a parametric weighted sign digraph which is presented in Fig. 1.

                                      G, X , W ,                                        (2)

where G  V , E , X are vertex parameters, W                are arc weights, which are
determined during the study.
    The possibilities of presenting a cognitive map in the CMSS software system is
illustrated with fig. 1. These are colored vertices and arcs; the image of the vertex
with a larger or smaller circle corresponds to the weight (“significance”,
“importance”, “parameter value”) of the vertex; selection of the vertex frame; the
image of arcs of different thickness, they can be solid (positive arc weight “+”) or
dash-dotted (negative arc weight “–”). It is also possible to: name and encode a vertex
(for example, V 2 . Interregional economic integration), depict arcs (relations)
between vertices, their sign and weight ij (for example, the arc e54 between V 5
and V 4 has a “+” sign that is represented as solid line, and weight 54  4 ; the arc
 e74 has a weight of 74  3 and the sign “–”, which is depicted by a dash-dotted
line), the attention is concentrated on it and it is painted in red color. It is possible to
call the action (relation, influence) between the corresponding vertices, for example,
V 8 (level of the production base) “affects” V 4 (turnover). The choice of the name of
the vertices and arcs is carried out by an expert in coordination with the purpose of
the study. Note that presented in Fig. 1 numbers, colors, sizes are for illustrative
purposes only.
    Mappings of vertices and arcs along with their parameters and with the ability to
make changes to this grid are shown in fig. 2.
    All the described possibilities of the CMSS toolkit help the researcher (expert) to
Fig.1. Cognitive map G “Interregional economic and social integration”.

penetrate deeper into the problem of research, varying the number of vertices and
arcs, their name, color, size, weight. This ensures the realization of the cognitive
abilities of a person, his logical and figurative thinking, reducing the risk of the
“human factor” in modeling a complex system. After developing a cognitive model it
is necessary to analyze its properties.
   Perturbation stability analysis. The results of calculations of the roots of the
characteristic equation of the adjacency matrix of the graph G are showed in Fig. 3.
Since in this case the maximal root modulus is i  1, 6754  1 , the system G is
stable neither to the disturbance, nor to the initial value. This indicates that the
slightest deviations at the vertices lead the system out of the steady state. Making a
decision about how “good” / “bad” it is in this case requires the further analysis and
refinement of the model.
   Analysis of cognitive map cycles. The analysis of cognitive map cycles allows to
make a judgment of the structural stability of the system. In Fig.4, for clarity, one of
15 cycles (positive) of model G is highlighted. The model has 12 cycles of positive
(amplifying) and 3 negative (stabilizing) feedback. Since there is an odd number of
negative cycles, this indicates the structural stability of the system.
Fig.2. Mappings of vertices with their parameters and with the ability to make changes to this
grid (fragment).

Fig.3. The results of calculations of the roots of the characteristic equation of the cognitive map
Fig.4. Cycles of the cognitive map G .

5      Creation of Scenarios for the Development of Interregional
       Economic and Social Integration

The creation of scenarios is based on impulse modeling of the development of situ
ions on the cognitive map [11]. Before starting a pulse simulation, it is necessary to
think out a computational experiment plan, determining which vertex or set of them
should be affected by the impulse qi . With the help of the CMSS software system it
is possible to make positive or negative effects (of any size, normalized) both at all
vertices and in their combinations of two, three, etc. Thus, in the experiment, we have
a set of effects Q  qi  . Each such impact (combination of effects) generates a
scenario of the development of situations. The script scenario the question: “What
will happen if ...?”. We present several results of pulse simulations.
Scenario № 1. Let the trade develop intensively               q4  1 ; action vector
Q  q1  0; ... q4  1; ... q11  0 (Fig.5).
   The presentation of the results of a pulse simulation according to scenario №1 is
divided into two groups of graphs in order not to overload the drawing and to
facilitate the perception and analysis of the results. Graphs of impulse processes at 7
and 10 cycles of the simulation are given. The choice of the number of modeling steps
for presenting the results depends on the expert (researcher), the software system
allows you to simulate any number of steps.
   As can be seen from Fig.5, the assumed possibility of the development of
commodity turnover between regions leads to trends in the development of situations
that can be considered positive for the system in the initial steps of modeling. But the
tendency of increasing oscillations in the system due to the impulsive instability of the
system (   1 ) is undesirable.

Fig.5. Scenario № 1.

Scenario №2. Let the risks increase in the system, q7  1 ; impact vector
Q  q1  0; ... q7  1; ... q11  0 (Fig.6).
   As can be seen from Fig. 6, the growth of risks leads to a negative development of
situations in the system, which does not contradict the “common sense” and may
indirectly serve as a judgment about the compliance of the cognitive map with the
simulated system of interregional economic and social exchanging.
Fig.6. Scenario №2.

Scenario № 3. Let the system deteriorate socio-economic indicators q3  1 ;
Q  q1  0; ... q3  1; ... q11  0 (Fig.7). As it can be seen from Fig. 7, scenario №3
can be considered pessimistic.

Fig.7. Scenario №3.
Scenario № 4. Let the risks increase in the system q7  1 , but the federal and
regional regulatory systems act “positively”, q9  1 and begin to increase the level
of       the       production       base        q8  1 q8;      impact        vector
Q  q1  0; ... q7  1; q8  1; q9  1; ... q11  0 (Fig.8).
   Scenario number 4 can be considered the most optimistic compared with the
previous ones. But to select the best scenario for the development of situations it is
necessary to carry out further modeling using proposed strategy of an interregional
economic and social integration.

Fig.8. Scenario №4.

6      Conclusion

The results of cognitive modeling illustrate the initial stages of time-consuming
research into the system of the regional interregional economic and social integration.
In this case, it is necessary to carry out further modeling, not only considering other
possible development scenarios, but also refining and expanding the cognitive model,
realizing the principle of operation on a sequence of models. It is necessary, using the
methods of foresight, to propose alternative scenarios, compare them with the
simulated scenarios on the cognitive model, in order to develop a strategy for the
effective development of the interregional socio-economic integration for specific
regions. This article outlines the path to such research.
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