=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2386/paper2 |storemode=property |title=Parallel Method of Neural Network Synthesis Based on a Modified Genetic Algorithm Application |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2386/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-2386 |authors=Serhii Leoshchenko,Andrii Oliinyk,Stepan Skrupsky,Sergey Subbotin,Tetiana Zaiko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/momlet/LeoshchenkoOSSZ19 }} ==Parallel Method of Neural Network Synthesis Based on a Modified Genetic Algorithm Application== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2386/paper2.pdf
Parallel Method of Neural Network Synthesis Based on a
        Modified Genetic Algorithm Application

    Serhii Leoshchenko1[0000-0001-5099-5518], Andrii Oliinyk2[0000-0002-6740-6078], Stepan
 Skrupsky3[0000-0002-9437-9095], Sergey Subbotin4[0000-0001-5814-8268] and Tetiana Zaiko5[0000-

      Dept. of Software Tools, National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”, Zaporizhzhia
                                       69063, Ukraine
  Dept. of Computer Systems and networks, Dept. of Software Tools, National University “Za-
                    porizhzhia Polytechnic”, Zaporizhzhia 69063, Ukraine
             1                                   2
               sergleo.zntu@gmail.com, olejnikaa@gmail.com,
               3                              4
                sskrupsky@gmail.com, subbotin@zntu.edu.ua,

           Abstract. In our days, the using of neural network technologies is relevant in
           solving applied problems in various fields of science and industry. Such tasks
           successfully solved by artificial neural networks include: forecasting, classifica-
           tion, as well as diagnostics and detection of pre-emergency situations at hazard-
           ous industrial facilities. However, one of the main problems of neural networks
           implementation is their synthesis: the choosing of topology and setting of the
           weights (training process). This paper describes a parallel method of neural
           network synthesis based on a modified genetic algorithm.

           Keywords: neural networks, synthesis, sequential, parallel, genetic method.

1          Introduction

One of the most promising areas of application of artificial neural networks (ANN) is
industry and industrial applications. In this area, there is a noticeable trend of transi-
tion to production modules with a high level of automation, which requires an in-
crease in the number of intelligent self-regulating and self-adjusting machines. How-
ever, production processes are characterized by a large variety of dynamically inter-
acting features, which complicates the creation of adequate analytical models. Mod-
ern production is constantly becoming more complicated. This slows down the intro-
duction of new technological solutions. In addition, in some cases, successful analyti-
cal mathematical models show failure due to lack of computing power [1]. In this
regard, there is a growing interest in alternative approaches to modeling of production
processes using ANN, providing opportunities to create models that work in real time
with small errors, capable of learning more in the process of using. The advantages of
ANN make their use attractive for tasks such as:
─ prediction and forecasting;
─ planning;
─ quality management;
─ manipulators and robotics control;
─ production safety: fault detection and emergency prevention;
─ process control: optimization of production processes; monitoring and visualiza-
  tion of dispatching information.

Today, ANN-based forecasting is most fully implemented in finance and the econo-
my. In industry, neural networks can be useful, for example, when creating a model of
enterprise risk management [2], planning the production cycle [3]. Modeling and op-
timization of production is characterized by high complexity, a large number of varia-
bles and constants that are not defined for all possible systems. Traditional analytical
models can often be constructed only with considerable simplification, and they are
mostly evaluative. While ANN is trained on the basis of real or numerical experiment
data [4].
   Due to the increasing complexity and heterogeneity of modern information and
communication systems, traditional measures to ensure their functioning are increas-
ingly untenable. One of the promising directions of solving practical problems in the
field of information technology is the study of the possibilities of using ANN.
   Analysis of the relevant literature showed that in the information environment neu-
ral networks have proven themselves in the following areas:

─ network management and optimization;
─ information security of communication networks;
─ recognition of input information;
─ information processing and search.

ANN successfully solves an important task in the field of telecommunications – find-
ing the optimal path of traffic between nodes. Two features are taken into account:
first, the solution must be adaptive, i.e. take into account the current state of the com-
munication network and the presence of bad sections, and secondly, the optimal solu-
tion must be found in real time. In addition to flow routing control, neural networks
are used to obtain effective solutions in the design of telecommunication networks [5],
[6], [4].
   However, the using of ANN technologies for solving practical problems is associ-
ated with many difficulties. One of the dominant problems in the application of ANNs
models is the unknown architecture of the projected neural network and its degree of
complexity, which will be sufficient for the reliability of the result [7–9].

2           Review of the Literature

In a number of works [10–26] was presented different algorithms to perform the
ANNs training stage. The most common the Backpropagation method (BP), which
allows you to adjust the weight of multi-layer complex ANNs using training sets. On
the recommendation of E. Baum and D. Hassler [27, 28], the volume of the training set
is directly proportional to the number of all ANN weights and inversely proportional
to the proportion of erroneous decisions in the operation of the trained network [13,
   It should be noted that the BP method was one of the first methods for ANNs train-
ing. Most of all brings trouble indefinitely long learning process. In complex tasks, it
can take days or even weeks to train a network, and it may not train at all. The cause
may be one of the following [10, 15, 16].
   It should also be noted the possibility of retraining the network, which is rather the
result of erroneous design of its topology. With too many neurons, the property of the
network to generalize information is lost. The training set will be examined by the
network, but any other sets, even very similar ones, may be misclassified.
   The Backpropagation through time (BPTT) method has become a continuation,
which is why it is faster. Moreover, it solves some of the problems of its predecessor.
However, the BPTT experiences difficulties with local optima. In recurrent neural
networks (RNN), the local optimum is a much more significant problem than in feed-
forward neural networks. Recurrent connections in such ANNs tends to create chaotic
reactions in the error surface, resulting in local optima appearing frequently. Also in
the blocks of RNN, when the error value propagates back from the output, the error is
trapped in the part of the block. This is referred to as the “error carousel”, which con-
stantly feeds the error back to each of the valves until they become trained to cut off
this value. Thus, regular back propagation is effective when training an RNN unit to
memorize values for very long durations [17, 18].
   The main difference between genetic programming and genetic algorithms is that
each individual in the population now encodes not the numerical characteristics that
provide the optimality of the problem, but some solution to the problem. The term
solution here refers to the configuration of the neural network.
   Genetic algorithms have quite a significant list of advantages.

─ Scalability. Genetic algorithms can be easily adapted for parallel and multicores
  programming, so that due to the peculiarities of this approach, the corresponding
  overhead costs are significantly reduced.
─ Universality. Genetic algorithms do not require any information about the response
  surface, they work with almost any tasks.
─ Genetic algorithms may be used for tasks in which the value of the fitness function
  changes over time or depends on various changing factors.
─ Even in cases where existing techniques work well, interesting results can be
  achieved by combining them with genetic algorithms, using them as a complement
  to proven methods.
─ Gaps existing on the response surface have little effect on the full efficiency of
  optimization, which also allows to further expand their use.

    Thus, taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages of genetic algo-
rithms, it is possible to obtain a sufficiently universal system for solving the necessary
problems [29] and, in particular, for optimization of the neural network.
3        Sequential Modified Genetic Method of Recurrent Neural
         Networks Synthesis

In the method, which is proposed to find a solution using a population of neural net-
works: P  NN1 , NN 2 ,...,NN n  , that is, each individual is a separate ANN
 Indi  NN i [18–21]. During initialization population divided into two halves, the
genes g Indi  g1 , g 2 ,...,g n of the first half of the individuals is randomly assigned
g Indi  g1  Rand, g 2  Rand,..., g n  Rand . Genes of the second half of the popu-
lation    are   defined    as    the   inversion    of    genes    of    the    first   half
g Indi  g1  Rand, g 2  Rand,..., g n  Rand . This allows for a uniform distribution
of single and zero bits in the population to minimize the probability of early conver-
gence of the method ( p  min ) [30-34].
   After initialization, all individuals have coded networks in their genes with-out
hidden neurons (Nh), and all input neurons (Ni) are connected to each output neuron
(No). That is, at first, all the presented ANNs differ only in the weights of the inter-
neuron connection wi. In the process of evaluation, based on the genetic information
of the individual under consideration, a neural network is first built, and then its per-
formance is checked, which determines the fitness function ( f fitness ) of the individu-
al. After evaluation, all individuals are sorted in order of reduced fitness, and a more
successful half of the sorted population is allowed to cross, with the best individual
immediately moving to the next generation. In the process of reproduction, each indi-
vidual is crossed with a randomly selected individual from among those selected for
crossing. The resulting two descend-ants are added to the new generation
 G  P` Ind1 , Ind 2 ,..., Ind n  . Once a new generation is formed the mutation operator
starts working. However, it is important to note that the selection of the truncation
significantly reduces the diversity within the population, leading to an early conver-
gence of the algorithm, so the probability of mutation is chosen to be rather large(
 p mut  15-25%) [35].
    If the best individual in the population does not change for a certain number of
generations (by default, it is proposed to set this number at eight), this individual is
forcibly removed, and a new best individual is randomly selected from the queue.
This makes it possible to realize the exit from the areas of local minima due to the
relief of the objective function, as well as a large degree of convergence of individuals
in one generation.

4        Parallel Genetic Modified Method for the Synthesis of
         Recurrent Neural Networks

Considering the features of the proposed modified genetic method for RNN synthesis,
its parallel form can be represented as in Fig. 1. All stages of the method can be di-
vided into 3 stages, separated by points of barrier synchronization. At the first stage,
the main core initializes the population P, and adjusts the initial parameters of the
method, namely: the stopping criterion, the population size, the criterion for adaptive
selection of mutations. Next, the distribution of equal parts of the population (sub-
populations) and initial parameters to the cores of the computer system is performed.
Initialization of the initial population cannot be carried out in parallel on the cores of
the system, because the generated independent populations intersect thus increasing
the search for solutions. The second stage of the proposed method is performed in
parallel by the cores of the system. All cores perform the same sequence of operations
on their initial population. After the barrier synchronization, the main core receives
the best solutions from the other cores and checks the stopping criterion. If it is, then
the next generation (G) is formed. Otherwise, after changing the initial parameters,
allowing the cores of the system getting the other solutions, return to the distribution
of the initial parameters to the cores on the system is performed. And then the cores
perform parallel calculations according to the second stage of the method.
   The proposed parallel method for RNN synthesis can be applied both on MIMD-
systems [36] (clusters and supercomputers) and on SIMD (for example, graphics pro-
cessors programmed with CUDA technology).

5      Experiments

   The following hardware and software have been used for experimental verification
of the proposed parallel genetic method for RNN synthesis [37]:

1. cluster of Pukhov Institute for Modeling in Energy Engineering National Academy
   of Sciences of Ukraine (IPME), Kyiv: processors Intel Xeon 5405, RAM – 4×2 GB
   DDR-2 for each node, communication environment InfiniBand 20Gb/s, middle-
   ware Torque and OMPI. MPI and Java threads programming models;
2. the computing system of the Department of software tools of Zaporizhzhya nation-
   al technical university (ZNTU), Zaporizhzhya: Xeon processor E5-2660 v4 (14
   cores), RAM 4x16 GB DDR4, the programming model of Java threads.
3. Nvidia GTX 960 graphics processor (GPU) with 1024 cores, which are pro-
   grammed using CUDA technology.

During testing, the main task is to track the speed of the proposed method, quality and
stability. Since synthesized RNN can be further used as diagnostic models for medical
diagnosis, testing should be carried out on the relevant test data.
   Data for testing were taken from the open repository – UC Irvine Machine Learn-
ing Repository. Data sample was used: public botnet datasets [38], particularly for the
IoT. This dataset addresses the lack of public botnet datasets, especially for the IoT. It
suggests real traffic data, gathered from 9 commercial IoT devices authentically in-
fected by Mirai and BASHLITE. Originally aimed at distinguishing between benign
and Malicious traffic data by means of anomaly detection techniques. However, as the
malicious data can be divided into 10 attacks carried by 2 botnets, the dataset can also
be used for multi-class classification: 10 classes of attacks, plus 1 class of 'benign'.
Table 1 shows the main characteristics of the data sample.
1                                               Population initialization
                                                P={NN1, NN2,…, NNn}

                                               Setting initial parameters

                                 NN1                 NN2                          NNn

    Assignment of the genes                    Assignment of the genes                  Assignment of the genes
        of a population                             of a population
                                                                            ...              of a population
        gind={g1, g2,...gn}                        gind={g1, g2,...gn}                      gind={g1, g2,...gn}

     Setting the value of the                   Setting the value of the                 Setting the value of the
        weights of neural                          weights of neural        ...             weights of neural
          connections wi                             connections wi                           connections wi

       Evaluation of genetic                      Evaluation of genetic                    Evaluation of genetic
    information of individuals                 information of individuals   ...         information of individuals
                Indi                                       Indi                                     Indi

        Choosing the best                          Choosing the best        ...             Choosing the best
           individual                                 individual                               individual

    Sorting of the individuals                 Sorting of the individuals   ...         Sorting of the individuals

     Сrossing of individuals                    Сrossing of individuals     ...          Сrossing of individuals

       Choosing new best                          Choosing new best         ...            Choosing new best
          individual                                 individual                               individual

                                                Synchronization of the
                                                best individuals in the

        Changing initial                           The stop criterion is
          parameters                                     reached


                                                  Formation of a new
                                                   generation G=P’

                   Fig. 1. Parallel genetic method for RNN synthesis
              Table 1. Main characteristics of the datasets for IoT botnet attacks

Criterion                 Characteristic        Criterion                   Characteristic
Data Set Characteristics  Multivariate,         Number of Instances         7062606
Attribute Characteristics Real                  Number of Attributes        115

6      The Results Analysis

In the Fig. 2 and 3 are graphs of the execution time (in minutes) of the proposed
method on computer systems, which depends on the number of cores involved. It can
be seen from the graphs that the proposed method has an acceptable degree of paral-
lelism and is effectively performed on both MIMD and SIMD systems. This way, the
IPME cluster was able to reduce the method execution time from 1565 minutes (on
one core) to an acceptable 147 minutes on 16 cores. On the ZNTU the computing
system, the method execution time was reduced from 1268 minutes on a single core to
110 minutes on 16 cores. The differences in the performance of the systems are due to
their architectural features: in the cluster cores are connected by means of the Infini-
Band communicator, and in the multi-core computer they are located on a single chip,
which explains the smaller impact of overhead (transfers and synchronizations). In
addition, the processor in multi-core computer supports Turbo Boost technology [39],
making the time of the method execution on the single core much less than the execu-
tion time on the core of the cluster that does not support this technology.
On a GPU with 960 cores involved, the execution time was 326.4 minutes, which can
be adequately compared with the four cores of an IPME cluster or a ZNTU computing

Fig. 2. Dependence the execution time of the proposed method to the number of involved cores
of IPME cluster and ZNTU the computing system
Fig. 3. Dependence the execution time of the proposed method to the number of GPU cores

The speedup graphics of calculations on a cluster IPME, ZNTU computing system
and the GPU are shown in Fig. 4 and 5.

 Fig. 4. The speedup graphics of calculations on a cluster IPME and ZNTU computing system

Fig. 5. The speedup graphics of calculations on a GPU

From the figures it is noticeable that the acceleration, though not linear, but approach-
es to linear. This is explained by the fact that communication overhead of the pro-
posed method execution on computer systems is relatively small (Fig. 6, 7), and the
number of parallel operations significantly exceeds the number of serial operations
and synchronizations. In communication overhead, is understood the ratio of the time
spent by the system for transfers and synchronization among cores to the time of tar-
get calculations on a given number of cores.
The graph of efficiency of computer systems IPME and ZNTU is presented in Fig. 8.
It shows that the using of even 16 cores of computer systems for the implementation
of the proposed method retains the efficiency at a relatively acceptable level and indi-
cates the potential, if necessary and possibly, to use even more cores.

Fig. 6. Communication overhead performing the proposed method to the number of cores in-
volved of IPME cluster and ZNTU the computing system

Fig. 7. Communication overhead performing the proposed method to the number of GPU cores

Fig. 8. The efficiency graph of IPME and ZNTU computing systems when executing the pro-
posed method
Thus, the proposed method is well parallelized on modern computer architectures,
which can significantly reduce the task: generate the models for future medical diag-
nosis execution time.

7      Conclusion

The problem of finding the optimal method of synthesis of ANN requires a compre-
hensive approach [40-43]. Existing methods of ANNs training are well tested [10-26],
but they have a number of nuances and disadvantages. The paper proposes a mecha-
nism for the use a modified genetic algorithm for its subsequent application in the
synthesis of ANNs [44-51].
   A model of parallel genetic method of RNS synthesis is proposed, which in com-
parison with the sequential implementation significantly speed up the synthesis pro-
cess. In the developed model is proposed to parallelize the most resource-intensive
operations: the generation of RNS populations, the calculation of genetic information
about individuals, which can significantly accelerate the process of finding the best
solution in the synthesis of networks.
 Based on the analysis of the experimental results, it can be argued about the good
work of the proposed method. However, to reduce iterativity and improve accuracy, it
should be continued to work towards parallelization of calculations.

    The work was performed as part of the project “Methods and means of decision-
making for data processing in intellectual recognition systems” (number of state regis-
tration 0117U003920) of Zaporizhzhia National Technical University.

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