=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2386/paper25 |storemode=property |title=Open Online Training Courses for Engineering Purpose |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2386/paper25.pdf |volume=Vol-2386 |authors=Ihor Baran,Natalіya Kunanets,Halyna Matsiuk,Mykola Mytnyk,Khristina Shunevich,Yuriy Skorenkyy,Volodymyr Yaskilka |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/momlet/BaranKMMSSY19 }} ==Open Online Training Courses for Engineering Purpose== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2386/paper25.pdf
    Open online training courses for engineering purpose

Ihor Baran1[0000-0002-8153-2476], Natalіya Kunanets2 [0000-0003-3007-246], Halyna Matsiuk1 [0000-
                 , Mykola Mytnyk1[0000-0003-3743-6310], Khristina Shunevich2 [0000-0003-3007-
          , Yuriy Skorenkyy1[0000-0002-4809-9025] , Volodymyr Yaskilka1[0000-0001-9143-5584]
               Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
                       Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

       Abstract. The application of tools for development of the open online courses
       and promising ways of use of free access resources to improve the technologies
       and electronic means of online training in national universities are analyzed.

       Key words: online courses, information technology, learning and teaching sup-
       port materials of higher education in engineering fields.

1        Introduction

Information technologies are deeply integrated into all spheres of economy and public
life. Modern youth, brought up under conditions of domination of electronic commu-
nication means, gives preference to the virtual space not only for communication, but
for information retrieval and education as well. Spatial and economic barriers disap-
pear due to the emergence of free educational resources such as Open CourseWare [1]
deposited in the public domain. Educational space of the information society is in-
creasingly globalizing [2] and generating the need for the information technology use,
including online learning. In 2008, the term “Massive Online Open Courses”
(MOOC) was coined for the first time for the course “Connectivism and Connective
Knowledge”, which has been attended simultaneously by several thousands of online
listeners. The current state of online learning is characterized by the presence of mul-
ti-million audience of participants in extensive open online courses [3], as the result
of the wide adoption of revolutionary web technologies. Those who are eager to ac-
quire knowledge can virtually attend lectures delivered by leading professors from the
world’s best universities, Harvard, MIT or Stanford [4], with no need for visa or
tuition fee, travel and accommodation expences. Certainly, education has become a
global phenomenon due to the open educational resources offered by the best univer-
sities in the world for free. For Ukrainian higher technical education institutions, this
not only sets a competitive environment, but first and foremost creates extremely rich
opportunities to improve their own teaching materials and techniques as well as stim-
ulate student’s independent learning.
   Quality assurance in education is one of the fundamental principles of the Europe-
an Higher Education Area (EHEA), creation of which is commonly referred to as the
Bologna Process [5]. Setting aside numerous misconceptions about the principles of
activity and reforms of the European educational systems, which unfortunately ac-
company the educational reform in Ukraine, we would like to focus our attention on
the principles and practical aspects of massive online open courses that can funda-
mentally change the educational services market [2, 3] and become significant factors
in improving the national system of higher education. For practical needs of the
Ukrainian academic community, the unique opportunity to upgrade the knowledge
base, compare our training courses with the world standards and improve teaching
methods is the most important. In the academic environment, the idea that open
courses threaten the existence of traditional universities and traditional educational
programs is popular. We consider that openness the vital necessity for both science
and education. Taking into account the requirements of international legislation con-
cerning copyright, the teachers of national educational institutions can sufficiently
enrich the training courses and improve their competitiveness by using plethora of the
freely available educational materials. Encouraging the students to acquire knowledge
by means of open courses in their specialty, a new type of motivation and the barrier
between the post-Soviet countries and European Union can be eliminated.

2        Analysis of the online training platforms

Learning materials, the overwhelming majority of which are open, and the accumulat-
ed statistics (the number of participants of a typical massive online open course is 10
thousand to 100 thousand people) are resources, the importance of which can not be
overestimated as far as improvement of the education quality by means of the intro-
duction of new teaching technologies is concerned. Due to the possibility of attracting
significant material and human resources, use of the leading world universities’
achievements, unprecedented opportunities to collect statistical data for educational
content improvement, correction of educational methods and policies, the operating
platforms were developed and open access to extremely valuable training resources
was provided. These tools, including lecture demonstrations, visualization and simu-
lation tools, technologies for communication with students, teaching methods, can be
successfully integrated [6] into e-learning courses, provided by Ukrainian universities
on the basis of ATutor and Moodle online platforms.
    Mastering the online course by a student is assured by a complex of educational
means, ranging from watching the video-tutorials and reading additional learning
material to the formative assessment in the form of tests or essays and participation in
forums, where the important issues are disscussed. Some courses provide a rigid
schedule for watching videos and taking tests (these, particularly, includes courses on
edx.org, coursera.org, iversity.org platforms) the deviation from which does not con-
tribute to the successful course mastering, others (like p2pu.org, udacity.com,
openuped.eu) provide the opportunity to arrange the learning schedule individually
(learning at own pace). Clear determination of training goals, list of competences
acquired by the learner after successful course completion, requirements for its initial
training and estimate of the time needed for completion of tasks are now compulsory
for online courses. As a rule, the registration for the course involves the obligation not
to break certain ethics principles (honor code), not to cheat on or share solutions.
   The use of video clips and video workshops (Figure 1) posted on the open access
servers (e.g., youtube.com or vimeo.com) becames more and more extensive. This
allows the students to revise the instructor’s explanation several times whenever con-
venient to them or if needed at the following teaching stages.

   Fig.1. Use of videoconference on edx.org platform in the course of Massachusetts Institute
of Technology "8.01x Classical Mechanics" (on the left) and on ATutor platform in the course
of TNTU "Physics: online preparatory course" (on the right)

A significant number of educational platforms provide free access to educational
courses and educational content (textbooks, virtual simulators, and educational ver-
sions of computer programs), but access to them on general grounds is limited. This
allows the students of national universities to join the lecturers from the leading uni-
versities as well as the lecturers to improve their qualifications by incorporation of
new scientific and methodological achievements of foreign educational institutions.
   In the context of reduction in the number of credits allocated for fundamental
courses the use of massive open online courses resources can become an effective
element of information support for courses taught at the university. At the same time,
the problem of implementation of the academic achievements assessment tools which
should be adequately informative, authentic and provide correcting function, is one of
the most important [2].

3        Online courses in TNTU

Testing systems (TS) of e-learning courses being an important component of teaching
and methodological support have been already used at Ternopil Ivan Puluj National
Technical University for several years [6]. The optimal use of TS is their combination
with traditional, well-developed and approved control methods. Fast processing of
results and possibility of simultaneous knowledge testing of a large number of stu-
dents, release of the teacher from the monotonous work of checking examination and
test papers are considered to be electronic TS advantages. It should be noted that TS
of massive online courses in the field of natural sciences and mathematics necessarily
include a set of various complexity tasks with componentwise solutions checks in the
form of tests with open response automatically checked even in analytical form (see
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 ).

  Fig.2. Problem with automated solution check in analytical form on the platform of Rice
University “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering”course
It is impossible to overestimate the importance of introduction the visualization tools
into online course (Figure 4), which allow the student while experimenting individu-
ally with phenomenon or device to "feel" it on their own, and to develop scientific
intuition, as well as simulators of technical installations and electrical circuits (Fig. 5).
These tools considerably increase the motivation for independent work and the pro-
fundity of the material learnt.
   Fig.3. Problem with automated stagewise solution check in Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology „8.02x Electricity and Magnetism” на edx.org course
The use of social networks ("social networking") for educational purposes has both
positive and negative consequences. Negative ones include the danger of scattering
the student's attention to irrelevant things, impossibility of complete control of the
learning environment and avoiding the penetration of advertising, intolerant and pro-
vocative materials. Positive ones are the development of skills for professional coop-
eration, professional discussion, even the creation of professional network (see Figure
6). The greatest benefit from forums in open online courses is that the student can find
support and advice or gain additional motivation by providing such support to others
at any time. The latter encourages the students to study the course material even deep-
er than it is stated in the curriculum. The experience of using TS shows that
knowledge acquiring due to online learning provides an opportunity to enjoy learning,
which is a powerful motivation for self-education over a lifetime.
   Fig.4. Visualization of the dipole electric field in Massachusetts Institute of Technology
„8.02x Electricity and Magnetism” на edx.org course

   Fig.5. Tools for construction and analysis of electrical circuits in Massachusetts Institute of
Technology „6.002x Circuits and Electronics” на edx.org course

  Fig.6. Example of topic discussion beyond the curriculum frame at Columbia University
„MOS Transistors” forum course on coursera.org platform.
An interesting methodological approach used while organizing the training process on
the coursera.org platform is the peer grading of the students works according to the
criteria specified by the instructor. Such practical aspect makes it possible to increase
the level of student responsibility and gives them additional opportunity to learn from
their colleagues (Figure 7).

   Fig.7. Students peer grading of École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne „Mécanique I”
course on coursera.org platform
Taking into account the need for constant development of training methods and
means over a year the Department of Physics in TNTU is carrying out the experiment
focused on the use of elements of massive open online courses "Nanotechnology: the
basics", "Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering" on Coursera platform and "Circuits
and Electronics" on the edX platform as additional training resources for courses in
physics and electronics. Since the effectiveness of introducing innovations in educa-
tion is to be estimated only on the basis of analysis of a sufficient amount of objective
data, such as learning outcomes (for example, statistics on the academic achievements
monitoring), the experiment carried out in TNTU can not be considered as the basis
for detailed conclusions or recommendations, in contrast to the results of mass open
online courses use, where statistical data are beneficial for thorough analysis [3, 7].
  However, based on the results of the first observations, it can be stated that the in-
troduction of external online courses elements increases motivation and makes dis-
cussion in the classroom more lively and qualified, although it creates certain polari-
zation within the student group, dividing them into active and passive participants in
educational activities. For both the lecturer and the student, a wide range of open
online courses extends the possibility horizons. Particular, the students who have
successfully completed several online courses on computer networks are much better
trained for the programs offered by the CISCO Networking Academy functioning at
TNTU or other similar training programs.

4        Conclusions and procpects for further investigations

In order to meet the requirements of the European Higher Education Area, curricula
for specialists training in engineering specialties should be constantly updated and
improved, taking into account the requirements of modern labor market. One of the
most advanced elements of online courses is listeners’ knowledge assessment system
[7]. It is generally acknowledged that, despite certain disadvantages, means of auto-
mated knowledge assessment have the advantages of fast and unbiased assessment of
a large number of students. Multi-level tests based on practical tasks are used to as-
sess the acquired knowledge after mastering certain courses in physics, mathematics
and engineering subjects. Testing tools of ATutor management system used by our
universities are not so flexible as coursera.org and edX.org platforms. However, the
platform created at the university has a number of advantages, since, with the support
of the staff of Online Learning Institute, it is appropriately modified at the university
level. The flexibility of the academic achievements test system has been improved [6]
by combining three components: external propaedeutic tests from specially selected
open online course, ATutor local testing platform, and traditional written tests (the
only ones that involves personal communication between the student and the lectur-
er). In such a way, benefits of different approaches are strengthening mutually. Co-
ordinated use of internal and external educational tools can be considered the certain
stage of integration [8] of the national educational system and global educational area.
   It should be also noticed that massive open online courses offered by universities
in the United States and Europe are able to accelerate the cultural adaptation process
for dual diploma students, developing their ability to adapt to new conditions and
requirements, involving them into intensive intercultural communication.

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