=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2386/paper6 |storemode=property |title=Optimization Model of Structurally Functional SelfOrganization of Multi-Radio Multi-Channel MeshNetworks Using Hypergraphs |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2386/paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-2386 |authors=Serhii Harkusha,Oleksandr Lemeshko,Maryna Yevdokymenko,Oleksandra Yeremenko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/momlet/HarkushaLYY19 }} ==Optimization Model of Structurally Functional SelfOrganization of Multi-Radio Multi-Channel MeshNetworks Using Hypergraphs== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2386/paper6.pdf
     Optimization Model of Structurally Functional Self-
     Organization of Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Mesh-
               Networks Using Hypergraphs

            Serhii Harkusha1[0000-0002-6186-8351], Oleksandr Lemeshko2[0000-0002-0609-6520],
                          Maryna Yevdokymenko3[0000-0002-7391-3068],
                           Oleksandra Yeremenko4[0000-0003-3721-8188]
           Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Poltava, 3, Koval St., Ukraine
        Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv, 14 Nauky Ave., Ukraine
     1sergiy.garkusha@gmail.com, 2oleksandr.lemeshko.ua@ieee.org,
3maryna.yevdokymenko@ieee.org, 4oleksandra.yeremenko.ua@ieee.org

            Abstract. A mathematical model with use hypergraph representation for the op-
            timization of multi-radio multi-channel mesh networks of standard IEEE 802.11
            is proposed. Thanks to the use of hypergraphs, it was possible not only to ana-
            lyze in detail the configurations of the mesh network together with all its ele-
            ments, but also to distribute non-overlapping frequency channels when solving
            the routing problem. Thus, using the hypergraph representation of the mesh
            network, the problem of distributing non-overlapping frequency channels and
            streaming routing was consistently solved.

            Keywords: Optimization, Hypergraphs, Multi-radio multi-channel mesh-
            network, Flow routing model, Non-overlapping frequency channels

1           Introduction

Currently ongoing protocol upgrading in the IEEE 802.11 family of standards is
aimed at improving the performance of Wireless Local Access Networks (WLAN).
At the same time, active efforts are being made to develop and implement a new
IEEE 802.11a standard for constructing WLANs. A significant increase in the per-
formance of IEEE 802.11ac networks is achieved due to the use of wider channels,
improved modulation efficiency (the method of transmitting data bits by radio-
frequency waves) and multi-user connections (Multi-User MIMO).
   Along with the introduction of new standards in WLAN technology, performance
improvements can be achieved using multi-hop wireless mesh networks (WMN) of
the IEEE 802.11 standard [1]. The highest result with increasing the performance of a
wireless network (up to 2-3 times) can be achieved using Multi-Radio Multi-Channel
Wireless Mesh Networks (MR MC WMN) [2-4], which implies implementation of
both one and several radio interfaces on each mesh station adjusted to different non-
overlapping frequency channels (FCs). The high claimed capabilities of the MR MC
WMN of the IEEE 802.11 standard are provided, on the one hand, by efficient solu-
tions to the problem of the allocation of non-overlapping FCs, and on the other hand,
they impose rigid requirements on the effectiveness of network resource management
tools and, in particular, on traffic management and routing protocols.
   Analysis of known solutions for the allocation of non-overlapping FCs [4-12] and
routing [13], it is established that they are all based on using the graphical image of
WMN, while not ensuring adequate consideration of their features due to the for-
mation of the mesh network domain structure. Thus, when simulation MR MC WMN,
must use existing, more effective methods of topological representation of a mesh
network [14]. To solve the problems of allocation of non-overlapping FCs and routing
in MR MC WMN, the approach based on the hypergraph image of the mesh network
has proved itself [15, 16].
   Within the framework of a hypergraph image, there is a possibility of MR MC
WMN mathematical description from the point of view of solving the distribution
problem of non-overlapping frequency channels [17, 19] (structural self-organization)
and the routing problem [19] (functional self-organization) using a hypergraph image
of the mesh network. It should be noted that these tasks of structural and functional
self-organization of MR MC WMN using models [17-19] are solved separately at the
data link and network layers of the OSI model, while not ensuring their consistency.
However, a rather large source of WMN performance lies in increasing the level of
consistency in solving the distribution problems of non-overlapping FCs and routing,
which can only be achieved by using a unified mathematical description. Therefore,
the actual task is to develop a model of structurally functional self-organization of
multi-radio multi-channel mesh-networks using hypergraphs that provide consistent
solutions for the allocation of non-overlapping frequency channels and routing.

2       Hypergraph Image of Multi-Radio Multi-Channel
Within the hypergraph image, as it has been shown in [17, 18], MR MC WMN is
associated with a hypergraph H  I , J ; R  , where I is the set of vertices; J is a set of
edges; R is a predicate determining the adjacency of stations with stable transmission
                               
ranges (TRs). I  ni , i  1, N , where ni is the element of the set I modeling the
MR MC WMN mesh stations; N is their total number in the mesh network.
               
J  z j , j  1, Z , where z j is the element of the set J modeling the stable transmis-
sion range; Z is their total number in MR MC WMN. The predicate R being the
incidentor of the hypergraph determines whether the i th station belongs to the stable
transmission range. Therefore, in the case, if the i th mesh station involved in shaping
of the j th stable transmission range, then the predicate R  ni ,z j   1 ,
else R  ni ,z j   0 . Thus, the specification of MR MC WMN can be produced using a
hypergraph H  I , J ; R  composed of a pair of vertex I  ni , i  1, N                 and edges
J  z j , j  1, Z    sets together with a binary predicate R  R  n , z  defined for all
                                                                            i   j

ni  I and z j  J [14-16].

3        Model of Multi-Radio Multi-Channel                                     WMN            Non-
         Overlapping FCs Allocation

Based on the hypergraph image of MR MC WMN (Fig.1 and Fig.2), the initial data
for the problem of the allocation of non-overlapping FCs solved using the mathemati-
cal model [17-20] are presented as:

                     
1. I  ni , i  1, N is a set of mesh-stations where N is their total number in the
                     
2. T  kt , t  1, K is a set of non-overlapping FCs where k t is an element of the set
    T modelling the t th non-overlapping FCs; K is their total number depending on
   the used standard of wireless communication. (according to standard of
   IEEE 802.11b/g technology only 3 or 4 non-overlapping FCs is available, in IEEE
   802.11а – 12 FCs, and in IEEE 802.11ac is up to 19 non-overlapping FCs);
                      
3. J  z j , j  1, Z is a set of stable transmission ranges, where Z is the total num-
   ber of stable transmission ranges in the mesh network;
4. N ( z j )  N H ( z j )   ni  I / R(ni , z j )  is station size of the j th stable transmis-
    sion range of the mesh-network, that is the number of mesh stations included into
    the j th TR;
5. mn*i is an integer parameter characterizing the minimum required number of in-
    cluded MRs at the i th mesh station. In other words, a station is considered to be
    working if it has one radio interface enabled, thus, parameter m  1 ; mni is a  *


    number of MRs supported on the i th mesh station is equal from 1 to 3. So, mesh-
    station can work simultaneously on one, two or three radio interfaces, due to its
    technical characteristics.
               Fig. 1. An example of a possible configuration of a mesh network

                                                                              n8             n9
                         n1                         n4
                                              n5                                   n10                        z3
                              n2                                                                    n11

                                         n7                                        n12

                              n23                  n22        n20                                             n14
                   n25                                                               n17

                                                              n21                                       n16
                                                                             n19           n18

             Fig. 2. Hypergraph representation of MR MC WMN, shown in Fig. 1

Within the framework of the hypergraph image, it is possible to uniquely formalize
the rules for the formation of the matrix of stable transmission ranges (TR) introduced
in [17-20] using the hypergraph incidence matrix H

                                                   AH   a z j ,n ,                                              (1)

                 1, if ith station is included into the jth TR, i.e. R(ni ,z j )  1;
where az j ,ni  
                 0, otherwise, i.e. R(ni ,z j )  0.
Given the expression (1), the TR-matrix is rectangular, the number of rows of which
corresponds to the number of stable transmission ranges J , and the number of col-
umns corresponds to the total number of mesh stations I in the network.
   In the framework of the model, in the process of solving the problem of distribu-
tion FCs among mesh stations of the network, it is necessary to ensure computation of
the Boolean control variable,

                                                  xni , kt  0,1 ( i  1, N ; t  1, K ),                   (2)

                          1, if the tth FC on the ith mesh station is allocated only to one of the MRs;
where xn , k  
                          0, otherwise.
         i       t

the result of xni , kt  0,1 solving the problem of the allocation of non-overlapping
FCs should be the partitioning of the mesh network and of each stable transmission
range into connected collision domains, in which the stations operate on the same FC.

3.1    Conditions of Constraints for Solving the Problem of the Allocation
       of Non-Overlapping FCs

When calculating the desired variables xni , kt in each separately considered j th stable
transmission range, it is important to observe a number of important conditions of
   1. The condition of including the i th mesh station in the network:

                                                       t 1 ni , kt
                                                                       mn*i ( i  1, N ),                    (3)

where 1  mn*i  mni , tK1 xni , kt is the number of FCs distributed to the interfaces of a

single mesh station.
   2. The condition for distributing a number of FCs that does not exceed the number
of its MRs to the i th mesh station:

                                                       t 1 ni , kt
                                                                       mni ( i  1, N ).                     (4)

  3. The condition of two mesh stations cooperation (within the same stable trans-
mission range) in not more than one FC is:
         t 1

                     xni , kt            
                                 xns , kt  1 ( i, s  1, N ; R(ni , z j )  R(ns , z j )  1 ; z  1, Z ),   (5)

which is introduced from unwanted structural redundancy.
  4. The condition that any mesh station works with at least one mesh station of its
TR on the frequency channel it uses:

                     xni , kt  sN1 xns , kt ( R(ni , z j )  R(ns , z j )  1 ; j  1, Z ; t  1, K ),

                                   s i
where sN1 xns , k t is the number of the mesh station in the j th stable transmission range

          s i

(without consideration of the mesh network analyzed), which operates on the t th FC.
   5. The connectivity condition of the mesh network (collision domains) in each sta-
ble transmission range:
                            K N
                                

                           t 1 i 1 ni , k t
                                                       N H ( z j )  K  1  b ( j  1, Z ; R (ni , z j )  1 ),                                      (7)

              K  N , if K  INT  N m  / 2 ;
provided b                       ni 1 ni                                                    

             0, otherwise.
                                                                           
The expression INT iN1 mni  / 2 in the restriction condition (7) determines the max-

imum number of non-overlapping FCs that can be worked in the RI of the mesh sta-
   Fulfillment of the condition (7) ensures that the number of used FCs in the j th
stable transmission range can be distributed among the RIs of mesh stations included
in its structure.
   6. The condition for the absence of the effect of a “hidden station”, i.e. a mesh sta-
tion that belongs simultaneously to several stable transmission ranges should not op-
erate on the same FC with mesh stations of different stable TRs:

                                                az j , ni azq , ni xni , kt R ( n , z ) 1 xns , kt R ( n , z ) 1 xnr , kt  0 ,
                                                                                                              

                                                                                      s       q            r       q
                                                                                 R ( ns , z j )  0   R ( nr , z j )  0

provided i  1, N ; t  1, K ; j, q  1, Z ; j  q ; i  s  r .
   7. The condition for operation of one of the sets of mesh stations located at the
overlapping of several stable transmission ranges and using at least two FCs with
mesh stations of different stable TRs:
                                    N
                                                              N
                                                                                 N
                                                                                                           N                 
                                                                                                                                  
 a z j ,ni a zq ,ni xni ,kt xni ,kh   a z j ,ns xns ,kt   a z j ,ns xns ,kh   a zq ,nr xnr ,kt   a zq ,nr xnr ,kh   0;
                                       s 1                  s 1                  r 1                  r 1                                      (9)
 a z j ,ns a zq ,ns  0;
 a z j ,nr a zq ,nr  0;

provided t , h  1, K ; t  h ; j  q ; i  s  r . For example, fulfilling the condition
az j , ns azq , ns  0 means that the s th station is not at the overlap between the j th and
 q th stable transmission ranges.
    8. The operation condition for at least one of the many mesh stations located with
the overlap of several stable TRs on more than one FC:
                  K N
                      

                 t 1 i 1      a a z j , ni     zq , ni              
                                                                xni , kt  iN1 az j , ni azq ,ni  1

                                                                                                                      ( j, q  1, Z ; j  q ),       (10)
where tK1 iN1 az j , ni azq , ni xni , kt
                          

                                                 is the number of included RIs at the mesh stations that are
at the overlap between the j th and q th zones of stable transmission ranges;

i 1   a   z j , ni   azq , ni     is the number of mesh stations located at the overlap between the j th
and q th stable transmission ranges.
   Fulfillment of the condition (10) together with (7)-(9) guarantees that the number
of included RIs taking into account the number of mesh stations and the non-
overlapping FCs supported in wireless communication technology will ensure the
coherence of the multi-channel mesh network.
   When choosing the optimality criterion, it is necessary, for example, to minimize
the interference level, to increase the connectivity of the mesh network and to elimi-
nate the effect of the "hidden" station [13] in order to solve the problem of the alloca-
tion of non-overlapping FCs. In [20], an approach was proposed to increase the over-
all performance of a wireless mesh network based on minimizing the sum of quadratic
forms from the number of stations forming the collision domains within a particular
                                                    min zZ1 kK1  nN1 xn, k dn, z 
                                                                     


taking into account the restriction conditions (2)-(10). The use of this criterion will
allow to get rid of redundancy when solving the problem of distributing a FC in a
multi-radio multi-channel mesh network. The indicated redundancy is expressed in
the distributing of the FC for the RI of mesh stations in the network, which might not
be used. Using this optimization criterion allows minimizing the number of stations in
the collision domains thereby reducing the level of interference and the probability of
the collisions themselves [20].
   An example of a mesh network resulting from the solution of the problem of allo-
cation of non-overlapping FCs using a model (2)-(11) is shown in Fig. 3, and its hy-
pergraph image is given in Fig. 4.
      Fig. 3. An example of MR MC WMN based on the use of five non-overlapping FCs

The configuration of MR MC WMN consists of five stable transmission ranges
( Z  5 ), formed by twenty-five mesh stations ( N  25 ). The indicated configuration
of the mesh network corresponds to the hypergraph H  I , J ; R  shown in Fig. 4 with a
set   of    vertices            I  n1 , n2 ,           , n25  ,      a    set        of        stable        transmission       rang-
es J  z1 , z2 ,         ,z5  and a predicate R ni ,z j                    determining whether a certain station
belongs to one of the stable TRs.

                                   n3                                                             d5
                                                    n4                                   n8                   n10
                                      d2                    d3          n6
                    d1                                                             d4
                           n2                                                                                       n11
                                                          n7                                  n9         d6
                                        d12                                                                                 d7
                                n25                                                                                          n13
                    n23                       n22                                                      n15
                                                          n20                n17
                d13                     d11
                           n24                                                                                        n14
                                                                                                   n16         d8
                                               n21          n18
                                                                      d10                    d9

                Fig. 4. The hypergraph image of MR MC WMN as shown in Fig. 3

Thus, the hypergraph image MR MC WMN obtained as a result of solving the distri-
bution problem of non-overlapping FCs has allowed describing in more complete and
detailed form possible configurations of the whole mesh network in general, as well
as of its individual elements represented as vertices and edges of the hypergraph. In
addition, the mesh network partitioning into collision domains obtained as a result of
solving the distribution problem of non-overlapping FCs can be used as a basis for
solving the routing problem. However, when solving the routing problem, it becomes
necessary to take into account not only the structural, but also the functional charac-
teristics of the multi-radio multi-channel mesh network. Therefore, there is a need to
formalize the routing task in MR MC WMN presented as a hypergraph.

4      Conclusion

The model of structural and functional self-organization with the consistent solution
of the distribution problems of non-overlapping frequency channels and flow routing
in MR MC WMN of the IEEE 802.11 standard using hypergraphs is proposed. If in
the solutions given above the problem of the allocation of non-overlapping FCs has
been oriented to obtaining a connected and balanced by the bandwidths of the mesh
network structure, in the framework of the proposed model, the solution of these tasks
is subject to a single common goal: to improve the end-to-end quality of service in
terms of performance due to the coordinated use of network resources of multi-radio
multi-channel mesh-networks, which has been especially manifested with an increase
in the degree of overlap between the stable transmission ranges, the number of radio
interfaces on mesh stations and the number of supported non-overlapping frequency
channels in the network.


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