=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2386/paper9 |storemode=property |title=Using the K-means Method for Diagnosing Cancer Stage Using the Pandas Library |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2386/paper9.pdf |volume=Vol-2386 |authors=Ievgen Meniailov,Kseniia Bazilevych,Kirill Fedulov,Sergey Goranina,Dmytro Chumachenko |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/momlet/MeniailovBFGC19 }} ==Using the K-means Method for Diagnosing Cancer Stage Using the Pandas Library== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2386/paper9.pdf
Using the K-means Method for Diagnosing Cancer Stage
              Using the Pandas Library

Ievgen Meniailov[0000-0002-9440-8378], Kseniia Bazilevych[0000-0001-5332-9545],
 Kirill Fedulov[0000-0001-9619-0299], Sergey Goranina[0000-0001-8988-3935],
                         Dmytro Chumachenko[0000-0003-2623-3294]
National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Chkalova str., 17, Kharkiv, 61070,
               j.menyailov@khai.edu, k.bazilevych@khai.edu,
             fedulov.kirill172@gmail.com, sgoranin@gmail.com,

       Abstract. The characteristics of the patients have a great influence on the de-
       termination of the probability of the stage of cancer. To determine the signifi-
       cant factors for assessing the degree of influence, statistical methods of data
       analysis are most often used. Recently, however, Data Mining methods have
       become widely used in medicine, which, with large amounts of information and
       complex relationships, can provide more accurate estimates, especially with a
       large number of similar characteristics. This paper discusses the problem of
       clustering data to determine the stages of cancer of patients with similar charac-
       teristics. To solve the problem, the k-means method with normalization was
       used, and the Python language and the Pandas library were chosen to implement
       the algorithm. The developed software module allows the visualization of the
       algorithm. This system also supports downloading and uploading data service
       according to safety requirements of data.

       Keywords. K-means; data mining; cluster analysis; differential diagnosis.

1      Introduction

In various areas of human activity (economics, finance, medicine, business, geology,
chemistry, etc.), every day there is a need to solve the problems of analysis, prediction
and diagnosis, identify hidden dependencies and support optimal decision-making.
Due to the rapid growth in the volume of information, the development of technolo-
gies for its collection, storage and organization in databases and data warehouses,
accurate methods for analyzing information and modeling the objects under study
often lag behind the needs of real life. It requires universal and reliable approaches
suitable for processing information from various fields, including solving problems
that may arise in the near future. The technologies and approaches of the mathemati-
cal theory of recognition and classification can be used as a similar basis.
   Indeed, these approaches use as a source of information only sets of descriptions of
objects, objects, situations or processes (sample of precedents), with each individual
observation-precedent being recorded as a vector of values of its individual attribute
properties. Samples of feature descriptions are the simplest standardized representa-
tions of primary source data that arise in various subject areas in the process of col-
lecting information of the same type and which can be used to solve the following
─ recognition (classification, diagnostics) of situations, phenomena, objects or pro-
  cesses with justification of decisions [1-4];
─ prediction of situations, phenomena, processes or states by sampling dynamic data
─ cluster analysis [8,9] and data structure research [10,11];
─ identification of essential features and finding the simplest descriptions;
─ finding empirical patterns of various types;
─ construction of analytical descriptions of sets (classes) of objects;
─ finding non-standard or critical cases;
─ formation of reference descriptions of images.
Diagnostics plays an important role in medicine, and diagnosis requires a great deal of
skill, knowledge and intuition from a doctor.
   The accuracy of the diagnosis and the speed with which it can be made depend on
very many factors: on the patient's condition, on the available data on the symptoms
of the disease and the results of laboratory tests, as well as on the total amount of
medical information about the observation of such symptoms in various diseases,
qualifications of the doctor himself [12, 13].
   A timely and accurate diagnosis at an early stage often facilitates the choice of
treatment method and significantly increases the probability of recovery of the patient
   The development of software systems for analyzing data and forecasting prece-
dents is actively carried out in leading foreign countries.
    First of all, these are statistical data processing and visualization packages (SPSS,
which are based on the methods of various sections of mathematical statistics - testing
statistical hypotheses, regression analysis, variance analysis, time series analysis, etc.
    The use of statistical software products has become a standard and effective tool
for data analysis, and, above all, the initial stage of research, when the values of vari-
ous averaged indicators are found, the statistical reliability of various hypotheses is
checked, and regression dependencies are found.
   However, statistical approaches have significant drawbacks. They make it possible
to estimate (under certain conditions) the statistical reliability of the value of the pre-
dicted parameter, hypothesis or dependence, however the methods for calculating
predicted values, hypothesizing or finding dependencies themselves have obvious
limitations [16].
    First of all, the values averaged over the sample are found, which can be a fairly
rough idea of the parameters being analyzed or predicted. Any statistical model uses
the concepts of "random events", "distribution functions of random variables", etc.,
while the relationship between the various parameters of the objects, situations or
phenomena under investigation are deterministic.
   The very use of statistical methods implies the presence of a certain number of ob-
servations for the validity of the final result, especially for accurate diagnosis. At the
same time, the problem of processing and analyzing information obtained in the
course of the medical activity of a medical institution is currently one of the most

2      Rationale and Purpose of the Research

It should also be noted that the methodology of using mathematical classification
methods in medical diagnostics tasks is not yet sufficiently developed, there is no
methodical justification for using classification algorithms, especially regarding the
study of cluster structure and its identification, a number of issues of evaluation and
interpretation of the diagnoses remain unresolved.
    All this greatly hinders the widespread implementation of the results of solving
classification problems in the practice of medical institutions and at the same time
makes the study of this problem relevant [17].
   To date, the creation and maintenance of modern computerized database of patient
characteristics, the course of diseases, laboratory tests and treatment is not a task that
is difficult for specialists in the information sphere. The problem is the lack of an
effective information technology for processing and analyzing data that would enable
the medical analyst to identify hidden patterns and interrelationships of various fac-
tors in medical data, which ultimately would increase the effectiveness of treatment
by choosing the intensity of therapy adequate to the state of the patient’s body on the
basis of the identified risk factors [18-19].
   To solve these problems, it is proposed to apply mathematical modeling as well as
appropriate software supporting libraries for data analysis that are suitable for pro-
cessing large volumes of data at high speed. To solve this problem, Python was cho-
sen, which has a number of convenient libraries of machine learning and scientific
calculations: Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Scikit-Learn, which allow you to quickly build
working models in the field of Data Science. Such an approach to diagnosing tasks
can satisfy the need for flexibility, scalability, speed, speed up response to changes,
and optimize the data processing processes that need to be used in medical practice.
   The purpose of the study is to analyze the statistical dependence between the varia-
bles that determine the condition of patients; determination of the patient's belonging
to a certain class (oncological disease stage) on the basis of data of registered state
   Object of study: the process of diagnosing the state of elements of dynamic sys-
tems. Subject of research: mathematical models and methods for solving problems of
statistical data analysis and classification of states of elements of dynamic systems.
   The main goal of cluster analysis is to find groups of similar objects in a data sam-
ple. These groups are conveniently called clusters. There is no generally accepted or
simply useful definition of the term "cluster", and many researchers believe that it is
too late or there is no need to try to find such a definition. Despite the lack of defini-
tion, it is clear that clusters have some properties, the most important of which are
density, dispersion, size, shape, and separability.
   Cluster methods form seven main families:
─ hierarchical agglomerative methods;
─ iterative grouping methods;
─ methods for finding modal density values;
─ factor methods;
─ condensation methods;
─ methods using graph theory.
These families correspond to different approaches to creating groups, and applying
different methods to the same data can lead to very different results. In specific
branches of science, certain families of methods may be particularly useful [20].

3      Experiments and Results of the Modeling

To solve the problem of analyzing the statistical dependence between the variables
that determine the state of the patients, the k-means method was chosen. Consider the
stages of solving the problem:
   First, a preliminary division of the sample of objects into groups is carried out. The
k most distant points are selected and the objects are distributed into groups as sets of
objects for which one of the selected points is the nearest. The proximity function is
calculated by the user-specified metric.
   Then iterative optimization of the penalty functional is carried out - the sum of the
intraclass variations by the formula (1):

                                    J  Jp ,                                          (1)
                                         p 1

                             Jp         
                                    T p xi T p
                                                 (x i , y p ) 2 ,

where,yp is center of pth group T p , to which the object is referred x i . J p equal to
the mean square of the distance from the objects assigned to the p-th group to its cen-
ter (intraclass spread). At each iteration grouping is selected Tp, object x i and group-
ing Tq such that when transferring the object x i from Tp into Tq functional J de-
creases by the maximum value.
   The process is completed when no subsequent transfer reduces the functionality (a
local minimum is obtained) or the maximum number of iterations specified by the
user is reached.
   The resulting groupings of objects Tp , p=1,2,…,k, are considered the desired clus-
   As it is known, cluster analysis works best on a set of normalized vectors, there-
fore, rationing is necessary before starting clustering. To do this, we use this formula

                                        X  X min
                               X*                   ,                              (2)
                                       X max  X min

where X * is new value of cell, X min is minimum value of vector, X max is maxi-
mum value of vector. This formula lays out the values f all vectors in the range from 0
to 1 inclusive. For the work required to normalize the data in the interval [-3; 3], for
this it is necessary to change the formula (3):

                                              X  X min
                     X *  (| a |  | b |)                  | a |,                 (3)
                                             X max  X min

where a is left spacing limit, b is right spacing limit.

   This algorithm was implemented using the Pandas library and its functions for
working with data sets. As an input, a data set was used with information about pa-
tients with prostate cancer at different stages of the disease (data provided by the
Kharkiv Regional Oncology Center). A complete list of parameters can be seen in

                              Table – Full list of parameters

Parameter name                       Description                      Data type
ID                       points                                       string
Age                      years                                        count
KarnovskyScale           points                                       100-40
VASVASScale              points                                       0-10
UrinationCount           times                                        count
Number of urgency        times                                        count
Nighturination           times                                        count
Strangury                present or not                               0/1
Parameter name                      Description                   Data type
OZM                       present or not                         0/1
HZM                       present or not                         0/1
Residualurine             times                                  count
Bilateral-Inflam          present or not                         0/1
ProstateVolume            sm^3/mm                                1/2/3
PSA                       ng/ml                                  float
Hemoglobin                gr/l                                   integer
ESR                       mm/hour                                integer
Leukocytes                10^9/l                                 float
Lymphocytes               %                                      count
SpecificGravity           gr/ml^3                                integer
Eritrotsyty               instances in sight                     count

LeukocytesUrine           instances in sight                     count

Lymphadenopathy           present or not                         0/1
Bones                     present or not                         0/1
Vertebrates               points                                 integer
G                         points                                 1/2/3
Glisson                   points                                 1-10

In Fig. 1, you can see a part of the data on patients with prostate cancer imported from
the data set; a more detailed definition of the characteristics (data columns) is present-
ed in Table.

Fig. 1. Imported data
The result of the normalization of the imported data can be seen in Fig. 2. As men-
tioned above, this is required to obtain the most accurate results.

Fig. 2. Normalized data

It can be seen that after normalization, the data is indeed in the interval [-3; 3]. In Fig.
3, you can see the scatter plot of normalized data.

Fig. 3. Scatter plot of normalized data

The first iteration of the k-means method randomly selects k points from the data
column. In Fig. 4, you can see the result of selecting centers.

Fig. 4. Mass centers at the first iteration
As you can see, the number of points is 4 because initially 4 clusters were indicated (k
= 6). In Fig. 5, these centers of mass are represented as green stars (*).

Fig. 5. Scatter plot of normalized data with mass centers

After picking K random points as cluster centers called centroids, algorithm assigns
each xi to nearest cluster by calculating its distance to each centroid, then it finds new
cluster center by taking the average of the assigned points and repeats this steps until
none of the cluster assignments change.
   The final result of the algorithm can be seen in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. The end result of the algorithm
4      Conclusion

The study analyzed the statistical dependence between the variables that determine
the condition of patients. It is shown how it is possible to determine the patient’s be-
longing to a certain class on the basis of statistical data - registered state variables.
   The developed software solution, based on the Python Pandas library, makes it
possible to classify on the basis of training samples, which ensures a high percentage
of recognition, as well as to identify the precedent belonging to one of several clus-
   It should be noted that the described approach is universal and can be used not only
for biomedical systems, but also technical, economic, etc.

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