=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2387/20190050 |storemode=property |title=The Main Barriers and Drivers of the Digital Transformation of Ukraine Business Structures |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2387/20190050.pdf |volume=Vol-2387 |authors=Iryna Strutynska,Lesia Dmytrotsa,Halyna Kozbur |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/StrutynskaDK19 }} ==The Main Barriers and Drivers of the Digital Transformation of Ukraine Business Structures== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2387/20190050.pdf
        The Main Barriers and Drivers of the Digital
       Transformation of Ukraine Business Structures

                   Iryna Strutynska, Lesia Dmytrotsa, Halyna Kozbur

          Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
      {ringtons999, dmytrotsa.lesya, kozbur.galina}@ gmail.com

       Abstract. The global economy has undergone changes over the past ten years
       to such an extent and at a rate as never before. The European Union literally
       digitizes its economy, anticipating an increase in the global impact of cutting-
       edge technologies and increasing profits from e-commerce, data exchange and
       services. The realities of the global world dictate precisely the following condi-
       tions for the modernization of economies and the creation of clear rules of a
       new era of innovation. Adapting and transforming business through digital
       technology is a major challenge in meeting world market challenges. Infor-
       mation technology enables any company to change its own business model to
       differentiate itself from the entire world market. Digital transformation itself is
       an imperative for the innovative development of business structures. In view of
       the relevance of this issue, the article considers the main barriers and drivers of
       the transformation of the "data economy" in Ukraine. The external and internal
       prerequisites and challenges of digital transformation of domestic business
       structures are analyzed. The main tasks of the integration of our country into the
       Single Digital Market of the EU (according to the Digital Agenda of Ukraine
       2020) are outlined and the results of their implementation are analyzed.

       Keywords: Digital transformation, Single Digital Market, Digital Agenda of
       Ukraine 2020, Industry 4.0, digital technologies.

1      Introduction

Digital technologies have become the basis for creating new products, values, proper-
ties and, accordingly, they lay the foundations for obtaining competitive advantages in
most markets. Nowadays, there is a "digital transition" from a kind of "analog" sys-
tems and processes of industrial economy and information society to the "digital"
economy and "digital" society. Such a transformation leads to the emergence of new,
unique systems and processes that make up their new value entity (e.g. Uber, Airbnb,
digital banking, etc.). Most of the usual citizens’ activities are prone to digital trans-
   Domestic business structures have tremendous potential in the direction of digital
transformation, companies are open to everything new, entrepreneurs are looking for
new business opportunities. Small and medium-sized businesses are of particular
interest. Adapting to market challenges and building a competitive business model in
these companies is much faster than in giant ones that are considered to be leaders in
the industry, as it is a matter of survival in market conditions.
   Digital transformation is the transformation of business through the review of a
business strategy or digital strategy, models, operations, products, marketing ap-
proach, goals, etc., through the use of digital technologies [1].
   Transformation is always about opportunities, challenges and problems. That is
why, when planning digital transformation, organizations must take into account all
the barriers and challenges they will face. Such radical transformations require from
people to have new knowledge, skills and effective adaptation.
   The problem of the development of digital economy and the transformational pro-
cesses taking place in a society under the influence of digitization was considered by
many foreign authors: Douglas Carl Engelbart, Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider, Rich-
ard Lipsey, Joseph Stiglitz, etc. Reasonable ideas for digitalization of economy were
expressed by Western journalists and practitioners – Walter Isaacson, Jimmy Wales,
Bill Gates, Saul J. Berman, Edward Giesen. Among the domestic scientists, the prob-
lem was being addressed by Vyshnevs'kyy O.S., Lyashenko V.I., Karcheva G.T.,
Kolydenko S.V., Kraus N.M., Ogorodnya D.V., Fishchuk T.N., Tushkanov I.M.,
Rudenko M.V.
   The objective of this article is to reveal the content and attempt to structure the
main external and internal prerequisites and challenges for the digital transformation
of domestic business structures, to identify the main tasks of integration into a single
digital market of the EU (according to the Digital Program of Ukraine 2020) and to
analyze the results of their implementation.

2      Basic Prerequisites and Challenges of Digital Transformation
       of Domestic Business Structures

A. The first prerequisite of the external level which caused significant challenges for
the digital transformation of domestic business structures is "Development and transi-
tion of the world economy to the era of Industry 4.0".
   At the time when information society is being developed in various sectors of the
economy, an enormous amount of diverse data is created and accumulated. Infor-
mation flow necessary for enterprise management is constantly growing and infor-
mation is mounting up in the industry and business. If in the past the most important
factor of competitiveness and value creation for enterprises was the state of cost man-
agement and the quality of products (services), today and in the future, along with the
physical product, data gained from digital marketing and intelligent analytics will
become more and more valuable. In order to move on to a reasonable management of
business processes, optimizing the use of labor and increasing the efficiency of doing
business, Ukrainian business structures must proceed to the broadest implementation
of the Concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution ("Industry 4.0"), maximizing its
potential as soon as possible. Challenges for the digital transformation of domestic
business structures caused by external conditions are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Main External and Internal Preconditions and Challenges for the Digital Transfor-
mation of Domestic Business Structures.
                         Drivers of develop-      Challenges for domestic
        Precondi-                                                                  Effects of using the
  #                     ment (technologies,       business structures and
          tions                                                                    appropriate drivers
                               bills, etc.)              economics
                   External Preconditions and Challenges Connected with Them
                          Emergence of Big      Low level understanding of
                      Data, Business Intelli- the essence and opportunities
                                                                                       Increase profits,
                       gence (BI) and Artifi-  of using Big Data, Business
                                                                                   collect and analyze
       Transfer of         cial Intelligence   Intelligence (BI) and Artifi-
                                                                                      data in real time,
          World          ERP, СRM systems      cial Intelligence to optimize
                                                                                   increase the base of
  A     Economy                                business processes and busi-
                             BPM-systems                                          loyal customers and
       to Industry                             ness models of the organiza-
                                                                                      increase the effi-
            4.0           Digital marketing   tion. Low   or  no  digital litera-
                                                                                   ciency of operating
                                                cy of management and / or
                       Other technologies of                                               activities
                                                staff. The need to increase
                       Industries 3.0 and 4.0          digital literacy
                                                                                     The emergence of
                                                                                   new business mod-
                                                  The lack of awareness of
                                                                                   els and correspond-
                                                  most of the medium and
                                                                                      ing digital infra-
          Digital                              small businesses with mod-
                                                                                   structure, increased
       Agenda for       Digital Single Market   ern tools and digital trans-
                                                                                  competition, growth
  B       Europe                Strategy        formation capabilities. Ob-
                                                                                       in the quality of
           2020                                stacles when entering exter-
                                                                                  goods / services, the
                                                 nal markets. Necessity of
                                                                                   possibility of enter-
                                               digital information business
                                                                                    ing the business to
                                                                                       foreign markets
                   Internal Preconditions and Challenges Connected with Them
                          Independent local
                           launch of digital      The lack of awareness of         The rapid growth of
                        transformation in IT      most of the medium and           business efficiency
                      companies, individual      small businesses with the          using digital tech-
         ment of
  C                    agrobusinesses, busi-      potential and benefits of       nologies, encourages
                       ness structures (with-   digital transformation. Ne-           rivals to quickly
                         out corresponding    cessity of digital information         implement digital
                        infrastructure in the              business                     technologies.
                                                                                     The emergence of
                                                                                   new business mod-
                                                 The need for digital trans-
                         Developed in 2016                                         els and correspond-
                                                formation in all spheres of
                        and approved by the                                           ing digital infra-
          Digital                               business, the most compre-
                      government in January                                        structure, increased
       Agenda for                                hensive coverage and fast
  D                       2018, the Digital                                       competition, growth
        Ukraine –                             access to the global network,
                      Agenda Ukraine-2020                                              in the quality of
           2020                               the creation of a training and
                       action plan on digital                                     goods / services, the
                                                 advisory network for staff
                            transformation                                         possibility of enter-
                                                                                    ing the business to
                                                                                       foreign markets

The economy of Ukraine is at the stage of completing the third digital revolution (In-
dustry 3.0). Its characteristic features are the development of information and com-
munication technologies, automation and rotation of production processes, digitaliza-
tion of all spheres of activity of business structures (see Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. The stages of the development of economies in the world and in Ukraine Source:
adapted by authors on the basis of [2].

In 2016 associations of companies in the sphere of information technologies and in-
dustrial automation which created the "Industry 4.0 in Ukraine", were formed in
Ukraine. However, the interpretation of the definitions of "Industry 4.0" caused a
wave of misunderstandings in Ukrainian society. In the global sense, Industry 4.0 is
the penetration of new technologies and their impact on the entire economy and the
social sphere: smart homes and cities, agriculture, energy, infrastructure, finance,
public administration, health, education and more. Thus, the term "industry" is used in
its broadest sense as "field, realm" and is relevant to any field of management. In
other words, technology generates changes in various spheres of human activity, and
these changes give rise to a new stage in the development of society as a whole. In
contrast, the Ukrainian business community interpreted the term "industrial" in its
narrow meaning as industrial production which is not.
   That is why the term "Industry 4.0" in its broad sense has been used in this research
and the impact of Industry 4.0 technologies on the digital transformation of small and
medium enterprises (SMEs) of Ukraine has been analyzed.
   The features of Industry 4.0 are fully automated production with real-time control,
with the ability to react to external conditions [3]. Cyber-physical systems create vir-
tual copies of objects of the physical world, control physical processes and take de-
centralized decisions. They are able to integrate into one network, interact in real
time, self-adjust and self-learn. An important role is played by Internet technologies
that provide communication between staff and machines.
   The rapid development of digital technologies, their implementation and applica-
tion, on the one hand, is a serious challenge. On the other hand, this promises new
opportunities, powerful advantages for business. Undeniably, nowadays in Ukraine
there is a large-scale digitization of all branches of the economy and basic spheres of
life, strengthening of investments in the development of digital infrastructure, innova-
tions and modern technologies. Because digital technology reduces barriers to enter-
ing new markets, it allows you to automate a huge amount of mechanical work, up-
grade equipment and to optimize management processes and business processes.
    The introduction of the digital economy in Ukraine "globalizes" small and medi-
um-sized businesses, opening up new prospects for development. Ukrainian compa-
nies can integrate into international value added networks, increase export and pro-
duction volumes, improve the quality of goods and services, react instantly to market
needs, and become more competitive.
    The discovery of the interconnections of the Industry 3.0 and 4.0, their manifesta-
tions of significance will make it possible to develop a strategy for the transition and
integration of domestic business to the introduction of industry technologies 4.0 (see
Fig. 2). An analysis of the characteristics of the two industries shows that the transi-
tion to Industry 4.0 is impossible without the implementation of the basic principles
and requirements of Industry 3.0.

Fig. 2. Symbiosis of the characteristics and technologies of the Industry 3.0 and 4.0. Source:
adapted by authors on the basis of [4].

For example, the introduction of technologies 4.0 – and especially those related to
large data and artificial intelligence – is based on the fact that the data itself is already
digitized. That is, the automation of business processes has already been set up at
enterprises, accounting and analysis of the collected data (industry technologies 3.0)
are underway.
   Basic drivers development. The use of Big Data, Business Intelligence (BI) and
Artificial Intelligence for SMEs.
   The main barrier to the effective use of Big Data, Business Intelligence (BI) and
Artificial Intelligence for SMEs is the low level, or lack of understanding of the es-
sence of these concepts and the possibilities of using appropriate technologies to op-
timize business processes and business models of the organization.
   The need for Big Data is not determined by individual companies, it is a require-
ment of the era of global computerization. The amount of data accumulated around
the world has approached 300 exabytes and continues to grow by about 50% per year.
Moreover, analysts IDC - an international research and consulting company - predict-
ed an increase in data volumes around the world to 35 thousand exabytes by 2020 [5].
   There are constantly new services based on the use of information and communica-
tion technologies. As a result of the development of social networks, video, audio and
geolocation services, there is a continuous increase in the need for information prod-
ucts and services, as business moves to the online platform. Such a transformation of
business leads to the formation of new relationships with all contractors of business
(consumers, suppliers, partners, etc.), business becomes more personalized. Compa-
nies have to accumulate and analyze large amounts of data from a variety of sources
for making the right business decisions. Thus, companies oriented towards success are
simply obliged to adapt to the new market conditions. Business has entered into a
period of digital transformation.
   Using large data can have a great competitive advantage. To do this, their collec-
tion, processing and analysis should be accompanied by an appropriate smart strategy
and business readiness for change. Nowadays, large data is becoming open and acces-
sible not only to large and informational companies, but also to small and medium-
sized businesses.
   The availability of online and cloud platforms, such as Google Analytics and Tab-
leau, enables small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to take "large data" infor-
mation without significant capital investments. Not burdened with large outdated
systems, these enterprises can begin to transform business directly from the use of
"large data". The business potential of using these technologies for SMEs is huge:
increased profits, a growing base of loyal customers and increased operational effi-
ciency. Introduction of Big Data changes the familiar IT environment of companies,
allows you to automate some of the business processes and increase the efficiency of
the company's employees.
   From the point of view of information security, Big Data technology allows you to
get a more detailed, yet at the same time, integrated security picture, to respond more
quickly and effectively to attacks and threats in cyberspace, using the entire amount
of data on the company's work - from the state of the equipment to the analysis of
network traffic.
   An in-depth understanding of Big Data technologies, namely collection, processing
and analysis, requires the use of Business Intelligence technology.
   The most effective tools are Business Intelligence: Data Mining, OLAP, Dash-
board, Visual Mining, Video Mining, Web Mining, and Text Mining, Opinion Mining
and Sentiment Analysis (Table 2) [6].
                  Table 2. The most effective tools of Business Intelligence.
           Tools of Business
    #                                                          Features
                                  Intelligent data analysis is an automated search for data of non-
    1         Data Mining         obvious relationships and properties, based on the analysis of
                                  large arrays of information through special software products
    2        Visual Mining        Visual data analysis
    3        Video Mining         Intelligent video data analysis
                                  Detecting web documents and services, retrieving information
    4         Web Mining          from web resources, and discovering general patterns on the
                                  Obtaining information from collections of text documents by
                                  methods of machine learning and processing of natural language.
              Text Mining,        It deals not with repositories and databases, but with electronic
           including Opinion      libraries and text boxes.
          Mining and Sentiment    Opinion Mining or Sentiment analysis - analysis of the tone of
                analysis          the text. Intelligent automatic removal of so-called "subjective"
                                  information (thoughts, evaluative judgments, emotions, feelings,
                                  etc.) from text information
                                  Online analytical processing (real-time analytical processing) is
                                  an interactive system that allows you to view different results on
                                  multidimensional data. New results obtained in seconds, without
                                  waiting long for the result of the inquery, allow you to answer a
                                  lot of questions (follow a key performance indicator, get predic-
                                  tions for particular culture or in another field, economy, region,
    6            OLAP
                                  generate reports of any kind no matter what complexity is implied
                                  in different sections, etc.).
                                  The basis of the concept of OLAP is the idea of constructing a
                                  virtual multidimensional OLAP cube that allows for rapid, varied
                                  analysis of data. Demanding management of enterprises, organi-
                                  zations, on the basis of them are built decision support systems.
                                  Data Visualization Tool that displays the status of business intel-
          Business intelligence
    7                             ligence, key performance metrics (KPIs) and important data for
                                  an organization, department, team, or process on one screen.

The purpose of using BI technology is to interpret a large amount of data with an
emphasis on key performance factors, modeling the result of different action options,
monitoring the decision-making results. BI supports many business decisions – from
operational to strategic. Basic operating decisions include product positioning or pric-
ing. Strategic business solutions contain priorities, goals, and directions in the broad-
est sense.
   Big Data Analytics (BDA) is one of the most popular and needed services in to-
day's business. According to Frost & Sullivan, in 2021 the global data analytics mar-
ket will grow more than 2.5 times over the 2016 figure and will be $ 67.2 billion, with
an annual growth rate of CAGR of 35.9 % At the same time, the largest segments of
the market will be the manufacturing sector, finance, healthcare, environmental pro-
tection and retail trade (according to TAdviser (Frost & Sullivan, January 28, 2019).
   Trends in the development of the market for analytics of large data will depend
heavily on the trends of the "Industry 4.0" and the integration of business into the
relevant processes. There is a business challenge associated with this: the need for
skilled personnel and digital literacy of the business leadership itself. Obviously, for
work with a large analyst, an employee needs integrated knowledge from two areas,
i.e. information technology and business domains. That is why Gartner recommends
training specialists in data analysis within the organization [7], since engaging in large
data without an in-depth understanding of a particular business and the specifics of a
particular company is simply impossible.
    On the other hand, in order to understand the functioning of the great analytics, it is
necessary to have knowledge of the tools of business analytics and skills of working
with them, as well as understanding of the possibilities and advantages of different
tools for managing one or another business process (see Fig. 3).

           Data warehouse management platform                        Business Intelligence

            ERP-system                      СRM-system                 Advanced analytical in-
        (structured with dif-         (sales, services for users,    struments: technologies
    ferent modules, depending     contact-centers, price optimi-      Data Mining, statistics
        on business needs)                    zation)

        Financial efficiency            Analysis of marketing          Content-analysis in-
     and strategic manage-        indicators (digital market-            struments:
    ment applications (budg-          ing), website analytics         Text Mining (Opinion
    eting and planning, con-       (Google Analytics, Google        Mining, Sentiment Min-
    solidation, profitability,      AdWords), SEO (search                    ing)
     cross-functional GRC)        engine optimization), SMM
                                     (social communication

        Analytical applica-            Analytical applications          Inquiries, reports, ana-
    tions for managing sup-        for personnel management         lytical tools: OLAP, Dash-
     ply chains and service                                           boards, production re-
    operations (SCM-system                                                    ports, etc.
    and PDM (Product Data                  BPM-system
    Management) (procure-         (business process modeling)
    ment, logistics, inventory,

          Analytical applica-         Analytical applications         Geospatial Information
       tions for production        for service operations (fi-        Analysis Tools (GIS)
     planning (demand, sup-       nancial services, education,
         ply, production)         state, health care, commu-
                                     nication services, etc.)

                              Data warehouse management platform

Fig. 3. IDC’s Business Analytics Software Market Taxonomy 2013-2018. Source: adapted on
the basis of International Data Corporation (IDC), Gartner, Forrester [7].

According to the APICS dictionary, the term ERP-system is used in two meanings: 1)
an information system for identifying and planning all enterprise resources necessary
for the sale, production, procurement and accounting in the process of performing
client orders; 2) the methodology of effective planning and management of all the
resources of the enterprise which are necessary for the sale, production, procurement
and accounting in the execution of customers’ orders in the areas of production, dis-
tribution and provision of services.
    The ERP system other than the core implementing the MRP II standard should in-
clude the following modules: a logistics system (for example, an SCM system); Sales
Management and Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Internet components
for access to databases and information resources, service services; business process
modeling systems; Corporate Workflow Automation System and Workflow Man-
agement System (WorkFlow); systems of analytical processing of information (expert
systems, decision support systems, etc.) based on data warehouses, OLAP technolo-
gies, data mining, etc.; Management ICs for submission to the management (MIS);
software and hardware security systems; service communication applications (e-mail,
software for providing remote access, etc.); corporate portals and e-commerce sys-
tems (e-commerce); office software – text editor, spreadsheets, database desktops,
etc.; special purpose systems: CAD – CAD / CAM systems, automated control sys-
tems (SCADA); project management systems; specialized products or systems for the
implementation of specific tasks (for example, GIS – geographic information sys-
tems); etc.
    With regard to statistics on the use of ERP-systems, the largest share belongs to big
business (80%), because the first systems were targeted specifically for this type of
business. However, there are already ERP-systems that can be implemented by small
and medium-sized businesses. The main barriers to the implementation of these sys-
tems by domestic SMEs are the cost of these software solutions, as well as the lack of
qualified specialists who would effectively integrate data systems into existing busi-
ness models of organizations.
    SMEs basically independently adapt their existing ERP systems to their own needs
(use separate modules (systems) or use stand-alone business analytical solutions (Fig.
3) .The four most commonly used:
    1) financial management systems and strategic management (budgeting and plan-
ning, consolidation, profitability, cross-functional GRC) for SMEs, for example, 1C
and Medoc systems.
    2) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Customer Relationship Manage-
ment) is a concept that embraces concepts used by companies to manage customer
relationships, including collecting, storing and analyzing consumer information, sup-
pliers, partners and information about relationships with them. Using CRM-system at
the enterprise allows you not only to automate the processes of working with clients,
but also analyze and segment the client base, carry out sales analysis at each stage,
evaluate the effectiveness of marketing activities [8]. CRM solutions today are needed
to form a client-oriented company.
    3) Marketing indicators analysis (digital marketing). Systems of analysis of mar-
keting indicators allow conducting an analysis of behavior of consumers on the site,
social networks, etc. For real-time website analytics, data used by Google Analytics
and Google AdWords is used. With the help of Google Analytics tools you can find
out everything about your visitors. Google Analytics Key Indicators: Visitors; average
length of stay on the site; bounce rates; conversions; traffic source top pages; visitor
location; devices that visitors use for the access to the Internet.
   Google Ads (earlier known as AdWords) is an online advertising service that al-
lows advertisers to compete for displaying short ad texts for web users, partly based
on the keywords given by advertisers who may link, copy the content of web pages
that is displayed to users. Google AdWords account statistics are displayed in reports
on ad group, keyword, or site level. The following analytical data can be obtained
from the relevant resource: the number of clicks (clicks); displays (impressions);
click-through rate (CTR); Average CPC or CPM (average CPC or CPM) cost; aver-
age position; conversion rate; as well as cost-per-conversion.
   These business analytical tools provide businesses with the ability to collect, pro-
cess and analyze a large number of data that were not known in the past and thus have
not been used to build business capacity. Working with large data as an information
category has one feature that differs from working with material resources: their ap-
plication requires a truly high level of organization of business processes of the com-
   4) BPM-systems (business process management) is the concept of process man-
agement of an organization that considers business processes as a special enterprise
resource that continuously adapts to constant changes [9]. The basic principles of this
concept are the clarity and transparency of business processes. This is achieved
through their simulation using formal notations, the use of software for simulation,
monitoring, modeling and analysis of business processes, the dynamic rebuilding of
business process models by personnel and software systems tools.
   After reengineering business processes, namely modeling of the business process
model "AS IS" which allows to see "bottlenecks" in business and modify the current
model into the "TO BE" model (“as it should be”) The use of BPM systems allows
you to structure and automate the organization’s business processes.
   Only after a high level of organization of all business processes there is a clear un-
derstanding of the functioning of the business model of the relevant business and a
decision is taken on the application of certain technologies Industry 3.0 and 4.0.

B. The second prerequisite for the external level, which caused significant challenges
for the digital transformation of domestic business structures "Digital Agenda for
Europe 2020" Digital Agenda 2020.

   The next macro prerequisite for the external level of digital transformation for
Ukrainian business structures is the EU's 2010 Digital Agenda for Europe 2020
(Table 1). The document reflects one of Europe's strategic development benchmarks
under the Europe 2020 strategy and contains a list of 100 specific actions and defines
a European strategy for the digital economy to flourish in 2020 [10].
   The document has been partially modified since in 2015 some countries began to
review and update the main goals of digital transformation. Technological changes
simultaneously provided new opportunities for effective business development and
overall economic system of the country. During this period, citizens and enterprises of
the EU felt all the disadvantages of the separate development of digital economies and
digital markets of the EU countries, as they often encountered barriers when using
online tools and services. These barriers prevented consumers from accessing goods
and services, businesses could not take full advantage of digitization, and govern-
ments and citizens could not fully benefit from a separate digital transformation.
   That is why on May 6, 2015, in the framework of the Digital Order of the EU, the
Digital Single Market strategy was developed, which meant the integration of 28 na-
tional digital markets of the EU countries into a single digital space.
   The single digital market opens up new opportunities as it eliminates the key dif-
ferences between online and offline worlds, eliminating barriers to cross-border
online activities. Due to the unification of all the important moments and the common
objective, the following is ensured:
   1) improving access to digital goods and services. A single digital market strategy
aims to ensure better access for consumers and businesses to online products and
services in Europe, for example by removing barriers to cross-border e-commerce and
access to online content while enhancing consumer protection;
   2) a prevailing environment where digital networks and services can develop effec-
tively. High-speed, secure and reliable infrastructures and services supported on
transparent online platforms;
   3) digitalization as a driver for growth. The digital single market strategy aims to
maximize the growth potential of the European digital economy, so that every Euro-
pean citizen can fully benefit from their benefits, particularly through the expansion
of digital skills that are important for an inclusive digital society.
   Today, DSM (Digital Single Market) is considered to be the main asset of Europe,
aimed at adapting European society and business environment to new conditions for
doing business on the international arena. Europeans are keen to ensure the efficient
development of various sectors of the economy that use digital technologies for inno-
vation so that they remain competitive globally.
   What is happening now (2015-2018) with Ukrainian business and the economy in

C. The first prerequisite of the internal level that caused significant challenges for the
digital transformation of domestic business structures "Digital development of indi-
vidual business structures".

   The most active players, namely IT companies and agricultural holding companies
working with foreign capital, began to independently transform their own business
models, taking as their basis the world experience and trends of technological devel-
opment of the countries of the world. However, with positive shifts, the business
faced many obstacles caused by the unreadiness of our economy for digital transfor-
mations, the lack of legislative, technical, etc. infrastructure.

D. The second prerequisite of the internal level which caused significant challenges
for digital transformation - "Digital Agenda of Ukraine - 2020".

   By choosing the direction of the European Union, Ukraine has to fulfill many tasks
to become a full member of the European digital market. So, in 2016, the global lead-
ers of the digital market - Cisco, IBM, Intel, Oracle, Deloitte, SAP, Ericsson, Master-
Card, Vodafone, Kyivstar, Lifecell, International Data Corporation, domestic consult-
ants and experts supported by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and
The Hi-Tech Office has developed the Digital Agenda for Ukraine 2020, a document
that identifies key areas, priority areas, initiatives and projects for the "digitization" of
Ukraine over the next three years [11]. This document became the internal driver of
the digital transformation of business and economy of Ukraine.
    However, the long-awaited "Concept of the digital economy and society for 2018-
2020" was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers only in January 2018. According to
this document there are three strategic directions of harmonization of Digital Agenda
of Ukraine with the Digital Single Market of the European Union.
    The direction of cooperation #1. Interoperability and eServices. Accession of
Ukraine to the EU Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations 2
(ISA2), e-CODEX projects, e-Invoicing, and the Single Digital Gateway Initiative. In
fact, every state institution (reform or project) faces the need for access to a particular
state register or database. For example, Prozorro's electronic purchases, electronic
declaration systems, a single customs window, etc., for their full functioning, need to
be integrated with external government registers and databases. Accession to these
EU programs will contribute to the European integration of Ukraine, as it will enable
the development of interoperability and electronic services in accordance with the
requirements and modern EU trends (formats, standards, regulations, technical deci-
sions, etc.).
    The direction of cooperation #2. EID eID. Implementation of eIDAS regulations in
Ukraine, including the introduction of cross-border e-identification and authentica-
tion, as well as accession to the EU Stork 2.0 project. The development of convenient,
secure and affordable electronic identification is a prerequisite for the introduction of
e-services, e-commerce, and will contribute to the development of the "digital" econ-
omy. Joining these projects will promote the development of e-identification in ac-
cordance with the requirements of the EU and European integration of Ukraine.
    The direction of cooperation #3. Open Data (Open Data). Integration of the state
web portal of open data of Ukraine data.gov.ua into the central European open source
portal europeandataportal.eu and data.europa.eu. The development of open govern-
ment data in Ukraine is to increase the openness, transparency and efficiency of pub-
lic institutions and the way to the development of a new "digital" industry for Ukraine
– an open source industry [12].
    In order to develop its own digital market and to harmonize it with the Digital Sin-
gle Market, in the same year 2018, the CMU approved a plan for implementation of
the "Concept of the Digital Economy and Society for 2018-2020" [13]. The plan con-
tains 34 tasks for execution. Most of them should have been achieved in 2018.
    The official reports of the State Agency for Electronic Government of Ukraine de-
clare such successes in the direction of digital transformation (the information is re-
ceived October 10, 2018:
- implementation of about 70 e-services in the following areas: social protection;
  construction and real estate; land and ecology; registration and doing business; cit-
  izenship and migration; fire safety;
-   the launch of the digital service of transportation for carriers on August, 30;
-   creation of a network of service centers;
-   e-government,
-   digital services in education, medicine, public sector,
-   Public ProZorro Procurement System;
-   allocation of about UAH 1 billion in the budget of 2019 for the digitalization of
    schools in Ukraine.

    But many of the planned tasks could not be realized, which is why their implemen-
tation was postponed until 2019-2020.
    In order to effectively carry out the tasks of the Concept and, in general, the digital
transformation of our country's economy, it is necessary to solve certain problems (to
remove barriers) and to implement a number of measures:
    1) There is no understanding of the essence of the generally accepted terms in the
EU. It is necessary to introduce the use of modern terminology in accordance with
European practices: digital transformation, digital economy, digital industry, digital
infrastructure, digital society, digital identity, digital skills, digital competences, digi-
tal divide, digital dividends, digital leap, digital added value, digital trends, digital
critical technologies, digital currency, etc.
    2) There are no clear developments regarding the introduction of statistical meth-
odology and methodology for calculating the digital index of the economy and all its
components. It is necessary to create a national system of digital statistics and to set
up national models for calculating digital economy indicators, etc.
    It is important to go in accordance with global digital indices, such as Digital
Economy and Society Index (DESI).
    3) There is no public understanding of their digital rights. Thus, there is a need to
define digital human rights (equal access to digital infrastructure, digital technologies
(EU, UN Recommendations); develop packets of universal (standard) digital services,
i.e. standard digital services packages in education, medicine, ecology, security, social
and other areas that have to be available in digital mode for each citizen.
    4) Lack of legislative infrastructure. It is worth developing and approving bills on
eliminating legislative, institutional and other barriers to the development of the digi-
tal economy, creating the appropriate conditions, incentives, motivations, demands
and needs for the use of digital technologies by business and citizens, for example, the
Bill "On the Digital Economy". A good idea is to develop road maps of digital trans-
formations and models of digital development of basic and prospective industries of
    5) Businesses are not aware of business opportunities of the Industry 4.0. It is im-
portant to develop models for introducing the technology concept of Industry 4.0 in
the sectors of the economy. In 2018, the strategy of Industry 4.0 was developed where
specific projects were declared for execution in 2019. There a good point in develop-
ing a system for stimulating Industry 4.0, including the adaptation of international
standards in this area, mechanisms for the creation of branch technology transfer cen-
ters, engineering clusters, the creation of road maps for the digital transformation of
individual industries and so-called digital industrial platforms.
   6) The existence of barriers to doing business with EU countries and the rational
functioning of e-commerce, etc. It is worth developing proposals for the development
of the digital industry, simplification of foreign economic activity, improvement of
the tax sphere, going in accordance with the norms of European legislation in the field
of cashless payments and settlements, etc.
   7) Low digital literacy of the population. In this direction it is the only way to work
towards increasing digital literacy and develop a comprehensive educational program
for acquiring digital competences and skills. Digital skills in pre-school, general sec-
ondary, extra-curricular, vocational (vocational), higher education and adult education
systems are to be developed.
   8) Challenges of the market and the emergence of new professions. Making chang-
es in the register of professions and developing programs for the implementation of
digital specialties in relevant curricula of specialized educational institutions are the
steps to be taken in order to bridge the digital divide.

3      Conclusion

In this paper we have structured the main external and internal prerequisites for the
digital transformation of domestic business structures. An attempt was also made to
highlight the barriers to digitalisation and the drivers of digital transformation (mainly
for small and medium-sized businesses). The article analyzes the state of implementa-
tion of the measures envisaged by the "Concept of the Digital Economy and Society
for 2018-2020". The main tasks to be performed in order to eliminate the factors (rea-
sons) that restrain the effective shift in the issue of digital transformation of both
business and the economy as a whole are determined.
   In a future version of this article, we consider it is necessary to carry out research
on the basis of collection and analysis of real statistics of digital transformation of
business structures for a separate region and to develop a methodology for determin-
ing the index of digital business transformation. The results of this scientific study
will help understand the issues more profoundly and develop specific recommenda-
tions for implementation that will contribute to the growth of the digital transfor-
mation index on the micro and macro levels.

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