=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2387/20190098 |storemode=property |title=On a Multi-language Computer Support of a Human Mathematical Activity |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2387/20190098.pdf |volume=Vol-2387 |authors=Elena Glazunova,Bella Golub,Alexander Lyaletski |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/GlazunovaGL19 }} ==On a Multi-language Computer Support of a Human Mathematical Activity== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2387/20190098.pdf
    On a Multi-language Computer Support of
        a Human Mathematical Activity

  Elena Glazunova[0000−0002−0136−4936] , Bella Golub[0000−0002−1256−6138] , and
                  Alexander Lyaletski[0000−0003−0370−5041]

    National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
          o-glazunova@nubip.edu.ua bellalg@nubip.edu.ua

      Abstract. The work being carried out on the development of Ukrainian
      and Russian versions of the ForTheL formal natural language, which
      is the input language of the SAD system for automated deduction
      (http://nevidal.org/sad.en.html) and simulates the structure of sen-
      tences of ordinary English, is described. The implementation of these
      versions will permit to do a remote access to the SAD system for solv-
      ing tasks of theorem proving and mathematical text verification for a
      user who speaks only one of the three languages (English, Russian or
      Ukrainian). This confirms a perspectivity of providing human mathe-
      matical activity with a computer support in languages that, on the one
      hand, are formal, but, on the other hand, are as close to the languages
      used by people in their daily practice as possible.

      Keywords: Formal natural language, ForTheL language, SAD system,
      Computer support, Theorem proving, Mathematical text verification

    The emergence of the Internet and cloud technologies has reinforced the ur-
gency of the problem of multi-language support of a remote human interaction
with a particular computer system. This also applies to various automated rea-
soning systems that are either already hosted or, potentially, can be hosted in
the Internet. As a rule, communication with such systems is performed in a sin-
gle language, most often in English. However, it is obvious that along with an
existing input language of a system, it is desired to have an ability to do such
interaction with the system in other languages that are, from a certain point of
view, more user-friendly than the existing one.
    Existing approaches to solving this problem are usually reduced to the prob-
lem of computer understanding of an ordinary human language, which has not
yet found a good enough practical solution. That is why the approach proposed
by V.M. Glushkov [1] and consisting in the creation of formal natural languages
(that is, in the creation of such languages that, on the one hand, are uniquely
understood by a computer, and on the other hand, are as close to the languages
used by people in their daily practice as possible) seems very suitable.
    1. An example of a successful enough actions in this direction is the ForTheL
language [2] of the SAD system (i.e., [3,4,5]) accessible at “http://nevidal.org/
sad.en.html” and intended for theorem proving and verification of self-contained
mathematical texts presented in ForTheL, the structure of sentenses of which
simulates the structure of ordinary English sentences. Here, the description of
actions aimed at creating Ukrainian (uaForTheL) and Russian (ruForTheL) ver-
sions of the ForTheL language that have the same properties as ForTheL is given.
    Suppose that we wanted to write in ForTheL a proof of the proposition
that S is the empty set if and only if S is a subset of any set, and did so in
the form of the ForTheL-text, located at the page “http://nevidal.org/cgi-
bin/sad.cgi?ty=txt&ln=en&link=small/emptyset.ftl”, a part of which is given
below and which, being put in a mathematical environment containing all
necessary notions and propositions, are easily verified by the SAD system.
Leaving aside the verification process itself, we pay attention to the natural
presentation of the verified text having the form of an ordinary English text.

   Definition DefSubset. A subset of S is a set T such that every element of T
      belongs to S.
   Definition DefEmpty. S is empty iff S has no elements.
   Axiom ExEmpty. There exists an empty set.
   Proposition. S is a subset of every set iff S is empty.
      Case S is empty. Obvious.
      Case S is a subset of every set.
         Take an empty set E.
          Let z be an element of S.
          Then z is an element of E.
          We have a contradiction.
                              Fig.1. ForThel-text

    2. Such closeness of a ForTheL-text to an ordinary English text is explained
by the fact that the syntax of a ForTheL sentence follows the rules of the English
grammar. It is based on the notion of a section.
    ForTheL sections are: sentences, sentences with proofs, cases, and top-level
sections: axioms, signature extensions, definitions, lemmas, and theorems. A top-
level section is a sequence of assumptions concluded by an affirmation.
    There exist three kinds of sentences in ForTheL: assumptions, selections,
and affirmations. Assumptions serve to declare variables or to provide some
hypotheses for a subsequent text. For example, “Any subset of any set is a set.”
and “Assume that m is less than n.” are typical assumptions. Selections state the
existence of representatives of notions and also can be used to declare variables.
An example of a selection is: “Take an even prime number N.”. Affirmations are
simply statements, e.g. “If p divides n+p then p divides n”.
    Sentences are constructed from such syntactical units as statements, predi-
cates, notions (that denote classes of objects) and terms (that denote individual
entities). Units are composed of syntactical primitives: nouns which form notions
(e.g., “subgroup of”) or terms (e.g., “closure of”), verbs, and adjectives, which
form predicates (such as “belongs to”, “compact” and others), symbolic primi-
tives using a concise symbolic notation for predicates and functions and allowing
to construct usual first-order formulas in the form of ForTheL-statements. Nat-
urally, just a little fragment of English is formalized in the syntax of ForTheL.
    Like a usual mathematical text, a ForTheL-text consists of definitions, as-
sumptions, affirmations, theorems, proofs, etc. (see details in [6]).
    3. The proposed languages uaForTheL and ruForTheL have a similar
structure and grammars admitting, in particular, the translation of uaForTheL-
and ruForTheL-texts into first-order language formulas. As a result, the
current versions of uaForTheL and ruForTheL allow one to write the above-
given text as follows (giving the ability to set tasks for the SAD system in
different languages with the possibility to translate them from one into an-
other language in the case of the implementation of uaForTheL and ruForTheL).

   Âèçíà÷åííÿ DefSubset. Ïiäìíîæèíà S ¹ ìíîæèíîþ T òàêîþ ùî êîæåí
      åëåìåíò T íàëåæèòü S.
   Âèçíà÷åííÿ DefEmpty. S ¹ ïóñòîþ ìíîæèíîþ i S íå ì๠åëåìåíòiâ.
   Àêñiîìà ExEmpty. Iñíó¹ ïóñòà ìíîæèíà.
   Òâåðäæåííÿ. S ¹ ïiäìíîæèíà áóäü-ÿêî¨ ìíîæèíè i S ¹ ïóñòà ìíîæèíà.
      Âèïàäîê êîëè S ¹ ïóñòà ìíîæèíà. Î÷åâèäíî.
      Âèïàäîê êîëè S åñòü ¹ ïiäìíîæèíà áóäü-ÿêî¨ ìíîæèíè.
         Âiçüìåìî E ó ÿêîñòi ïóñòî¨ ìíîæèíè.
         Íåõàé z ¹ åëåìåíò S.
         Òîäi z ¹ åëåìåíò E.
      Êiíåöü âèïàäêó.
   Êiíåöü äîâåäåííÿ.
                           Fig.2. uaForTheL-text

   Îïðåäåëåíèå DefSubset. Ïîäìíîæåñòâî S åñòü ìíîæåñòâî T òàêîå ÷òî
     êàæäûé ýëåìåíò T ïðèíàäëåæèò S.
   Îïðåäåëåíèå DefEmpty. S åñòü ïóñòîå ìíîæåñòâî i S íå èìååò ýëåìåíòîâ.
   Àêñèîìà ExEmpty. Ñóùåñòâóåò ïóñòîå ìíîæåñòâî.
   Ïðåäëîæåíèå. S åñòü ïîäìíîæåñòâî ëþáîãî ìíîæåñòâà i S åñòü ïóñòîå
     Ñëó÷àé êîãäà S åñòü ïóñòîå ìíîæåñòâî. Î÷åâèäíî.
     Ñëó÷àé êîãäà S åñòü ïîäìíîæåñòâî ëþáîãî ìíîæåñòâà.
        Âîçüìåì E â êà÷åñòâå ïóñòîãî ìíîæåñòâà.
        Ïóñòü z åñòü ýëåìåíò S.
        Òîãäà z åñòü ýëåìåíò E.
     Êîíåö ñëó÷àÿ.
   Êîíåö äîêàçàòåëüñòâà.
                            Fig.3. ruForTheL-text
    We see that the uaForTheL- and ruForTheL-texts being formal can be
considered as texts written in ordinary Ukrainian and Russian. Therefore, we
can say that we have at least partially achieved our aim. Besides, there appears
the possibility to construct the next bidirectional translators from one formal
natural language to another: ForTheL-texts ↔ uaForTheL-texts, ForTheL-texts
↔ ruForTheL-texts, and uaForTheL-texts ↔ ruForTheL-texts, which leads to
the multi-language interface both with the SAD system and with a computer
service requiring a user-friendly interaction in different languages.
    The above-said shows that on the basis of the proposed approach, it is pos-
sible to achieve a sufficiently good solution of the problem under consideration.
Additionally, it can be noted that the outlined approach can be used not only
in the case of solving tasks of automated theorem proving and verification of
mathematical texts, presented in different languages, but also in the case of
a multi-language support of (e-)learning and testing a knowledge gained by a
person in the process of studying mathematical disciplines.
    Finally, the authors hope that this research will give an impulse to the devel-
opment of ForTheL-like languages and lead to the creation of an info-structure
for the remote multilingual presentation and complex processing of mathemati-
cal knowledge and it will be useful in both academic and teaching daily activities
of a person.

1. Glushkov, V. M.: Some problems in automata theory and artificial intelligence.
   Cybernetics and System Analysis, 6(2), Springer, 17-27 (1970).
2. Vershinin, K., Paskevich, A.: ForTheL — the language of formal theories. Interna-
   tional Journal of Information Theories and Applications, 7(3), 120-126 (2000).
3. Lyaletski, A., Verchinine, K., Degtyarev, A., Paskevich, A.: System for Automated
   Deduction (SAD): linguistic and deductive peculiarities. Advances in Soft Comput-
   ing: Intelligent Information Systems 2002 — Proceedings of the IIS’2002 Sympo-
   sium, Sopot, Poland, Physica-Verlag, 413-422 (2002).
4. Lyaletski, A., Paskevich, A., Verchinine, K.: SAD as a mathematical assistant —
   how should we go from here to there? Journal of Applied Logic, 4(4), 560–591
5. Verchinine, K., Lyaletski A., Paskevich A.: System for Automated Deduction (SAD):
   a tool for proof verification. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4603, 398-403
6. ForTheL Reference: http://www.nevidal.org/dload.en.html