=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2387/20190102 |storemode=property |title=Information-Measuring System for Monitoring Thermal Resistance |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2387/20190102.pdf |volume=Vol-2387 |authors=Vitalii Babak,Oleg Dekusha,Svitlana Kovtun,Serhii Ivanov |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/BabakDKI19 }} ==Information-Measuring System for Monitoring Thermal Resistance== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2387/20190102.pdf
 Information-Measuring System for Monitoring Thermal

             Vitalii Babak[0000-0002-9066-4307], Oleg Dekusha[0000-0003-3836-0485],
                  Svitlana Kovtun[0000-0002-6596-3460] and Serhii Ivanov

 Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of NAS of Ukraine, Zhelyabova Str. 2a, 03057 Kyiv,

       Abstract. Thermal resistance is the main informative characteristic when moni-
       toring the quality of insulating materials and the thermal stability of enclosing
       structures. In particular, the actual values of thermal resistance as a key indicator
       are important in the assessment of the energy efficiency of the building.
       This work describes the information-measuring system for monitoring the ther-
       mal resistance of the building enclosure constructions. A scheme for modular
       construction of the system using various data transmission technologies has been
       proposed. For the registration of monitoring parameters, specially-designed sen-
       sors of heat flux and temperature have been applied. Provided solutions gives
       possibilities for measuring thermal resistance in 2 ... 40 zones simultaneously and
       monitoring of enclosing building constructions of complex shape.
       An experimental prototype of the system was created and a software module for
       registration and processing of measurement information was developed.
       The combined method for the experimental determination of the buildings enclo-
       sure constructions thermal resistance is proposed, and the procedures for carrying
       out measurements necessary for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the
       thermal protection of the building enclosure according to ISO 6781: 2015 and
       ISO 9869: 2014 are described.
       The results of thermal resistance measurements for various types of building con-
       structions are presented.
       The reliability of the obtained results is confirmed by tests carried out in the la-
       boratory whose quality control system is certified according to ISO 17025.

       Keywords: information-measuring system, thermal resistance, monitoring of
       enclosing structures, temperature and heat flux sensors, ISO 9869.

1      Introduction

Thermal resistance is the main informative characteristic when monitoring the quality
of insulating materials and the thermal stability of enclosing structures. In particular,
the actual values of thermal resistance as a key indicator are important in the assessment
of the energy efficiency of the building.
    There are several methods for determining the heat loss of buildings and structures.
One is based on the principle of heat balance [1], and allows you to determine the total
transmission loss through the building enclosure constructions. However, it does not
reveal any specific causes of heat losses, nor defective or poorly insulated areas of en-
closing structures. In this regard, it is difficult to determine the most effective measures
for the thermal modernization of the building.
    Another method - regulated in ISO 6781 [2] and EN 13187 [3], is based on remote
measurement of the surface temperature of walling using thermal imaging technology.
It is the most productive during the examination, allows you to diagnose the building
enclosure constructions and identify local defects in thermal insulation by comparing
the surface temperature of different sections. However, by giving a high-quality picture,
the thermal imaging method itself does not make it possible to determine the numerical
values of the thermal resistance of the enclosing structures and the heat losses of the
    The most accurate results are obtained when heat engineering inspection of build-
ings, based on contact measurements [4…6] of heat flux through the building enclosure
and the temperatures of its both surfaces, as well as air on both sides, with subsequent
calculation of the desired values thermal resistance of the enclosing structure as a
    The main advantage of the contact method based on ISO 9869 [6] is the ability to
determine the numerical thermal resistance values of the enclosing structures. Disad-
vantages of the method are manifested in the inspection of large objects with large heat
exchange surfaces and thermal fields that are non-uniform in space. The disadvantages
should also include large labor costs for fixing primary sensors on surfaces of various
sections, including hard-to-reach (for example, walls of the upper floors of the build-
ing), and reinstalling them to new sections, as well as long (at least 4 days) measure-
ments. When using the contact method, it is difficult to detect local defects.
    The development of systems for measuring the thermal characteristics of buildings
and structural elements is carried out by such well-known firms as Hukseflux
(TRSYS01 High-accuracy building thermal resistance measuring system with two
measurement locations) [7]; Green TEG AG (gO Measurement-System for the assess-
ment of U-value, humidity and further parameters) [8]; FluxTeq (FluxTeq R-value
measurement System) [9]. The disadvantage of measuring systems from Hukseflux and
Green TEG AG is use the heat flux sensors one type and size, which makes it impossi-
ble to conduct studies of various elements of the building, in particular windows and
window frames. The FluxTeq system provides such an opportunity, but a small number
of measuring channels, which limits the number of control zones to 2, does not allow
monitoring of complex form building enclosures.
    The aim of the work is to create a method and system for monitoring the thermal
resistance of the buildings enclosing structures of any configuration.
2      Main Part

Method for determining thermal resistance through the enclosing structure of buildings
and structures based on a combination of thermal imaging of the surface temperature
of enclosing structures in accordance with ISO 6781 [2], with quantitative contact
measurements of surface temperature and heat flux values in accordance with ISO 9869
[6] has been proposed.
   At the first stage, a thermal imaging survey of the entire building is carried out. This
makes it possible to identify the features of the internal structure and composition of
the fragments of the enclosing structure being examined (the presence of areas with
unequal technical characteristics, heat-conducting inclusions, assemblies, butt joints,
hidden manufacturing defects, etc.) which lead to thermal heterogeneity. Thus, repre-
sentative areas are defined and areas with anomalous temperature distribution for this
type of design.
   At the second stage, in representative areas, measurements are carried out with the
use of temperature and heat flux sensors. This allows us to obtain a quantitative estimate
of local heat losses, as well as to calculate the thermal resistance of the enclosing struc-
   For monitoring of the thermal resistance of the building enclosure, the complex must
be implemented in the form of an information-measuring system [10], that is, a set of
measuring, control, computing and other auxiliary technical means functionally inte-
grated for the measurement information, its transformation, processing, visualization
and documentation. A characteristic feature of information and measurement systems
is the modular construction principle, which involves the creation of constructively
completed modules and the use of standard devices. This principle ensures technical
and information-functional interoperability of modules, simplifies maintenance, ex-
tends the functionality, as well as improves the accuracy and reliability of the system.
   The main requirements for the thermal resistance information-measuring system, are
as follows:
   theoretical justification: compliance with the requirements of the standards that gov-
ern the conduct of the research;
   functionality: the ability to determine the thermal resistance of the building enclos-
ing structures of different types and under different conditions;
   reliability: ensuring the possibility of conducting measurements during long time in
a standalone mode;
   profitability: minimizing financial and resource costs when carrying out measure-
   The development of the hardware requires the creation of separate measuring units
(modules) to take into account the features of the enclosing structures and ensure the
possibility of conducting research on a large number of representative zones.
   Registration of temperature and heat flux, transmission, processing and archiving of
measurement information is carried out with the help of the hardware-software module
system, the structure of which is presented in Fig. 1
                 Fig. 1. The structure of hardware-software module system

For implementation of information-measuring system for temperature registration and
heat flux sensor signals, modules with the following characteristics are used:
     8-channel ADC with a bit of 16 bits and a conversion rate of 10 Hz;
     dynamic range setting and calibration;
     support for industrial interface RS-485 and addressing, which makes it possible
       to create a measuring network.
    The unit connects to the system via the RS-485 interface or with the help of the
standard radio frequency modules Ys-1100u. Modules Ys-1100u are designed to be
used in various small-range systems with two-way data transmission in the unlicensed
frequency range of 433 MHz and allow the organization of wireless data transmission
at a distance of up to 500 meters (according to the manufacturer) between two devices
with interface Rs-485. Thanks to the built-in, pre-programmed NXP microcontroller,
the Ys-1100u can transmit data in "transparent" mode on one of 16 frequency channels.
    The software package for registration and processing of the measurement infor-
mation of the monitoring system can be divided into three interrelated levels.
    The first level implements the process of analog-to-digital conversion, conversion
of data codes and the management of the interface.
    At the second level, information is received via the interface and primary processed
(conversion to the value of heat flux and temperature), as well as storing information.
    The third level of software is specific it performs general system control through the
first and second level programs and processing the received data on temperature, heat
3      Results

In fig. 2 presented the implementation of the monitoring system for thermal resistance
of the building enclosures. It represents a set of functionally integrated modules, sen-
sors, auxiliary equipment and a personal computer with the corresponding software (not
shown in fig.2).

           Fig. 2. Measuring modules of the thermal resistance monitoring system

The main technical characteristics of the developed system are shown in the table 1.

                             Table 1. Technical characteristics
 Number of channels                   8 … 160
 Measuring zones                      2 … 40
 Type of heat flux sensors            with thermal shunts
                                      with thermal correction
 Range of heat flux values, W/m²      1 … 2000
 Relative error of heat flux          depending on the sensor type
 measuring, %                         up ±1,5 to ± 3 %
 Temperature sensors                  Thermocouples with individual calibration, resistance
                                      thermometers Pt100
 Range of temperature values, °С      -30 … +100
 Absolute error of temperature        ±0,5 … ± 1
 measurement, K
 Method of research                   ISO 9869

During the measurements of heat flux small with low density, dynamic error makes a
significant contribution to the measurement error. This component of the error is caused
by the non-stationary of the controlled thermal process. Thus, the dynamic error is
proportional to the intrinsic heat capacity of the sensor and the rate of temperature
change. To reduce this component of the measurement error in the range of low heat
flux characteristic of building elements with high thermal resistance, sensors with a
corrective module [11] are provided in the set, which have a time constant (5 ... 10) less
than in traditional sensors of the same size and sensitivity.
   For experimental studies of the established monitoring system, its comparative tests
were carried out using equipment of the laboratory, which certified by ISO 17025.
   The experiments were carried out on a construction fragment of three-layer wall
panels with insulation of polyurethane foam with indication of homogeneous zones.
Figure 3 shows the arrangement of homogeneous zones of fragmentation of the struc-

          Fig. 3. Arrangement of homogeneous zones of the structure fragmentation

A fragment of the construction was placed in the climatic chamber. The tests were car-
ried out at a distance of 0.15 m from the surface of the sample at air temperature in the
cold section of the chamber minus 22.79 ° C ... minus 21.75 ° C, in the warm section
of the chamber 22.42 ° C ... 24.21 ° C , the average value of the temperature of the
internal air was 23.60 ° С.
    Calculations of thermal resistance are carried out according to [12…15]. The ob-
tained results are presented in tables 2 and 3.
    According to the data obtained, the difference between the results of the temperature
measurement did not exceed ± 0.5 K, the heat flux density ± 0.5 W/m². This indicates
the correctness of the determination of the thermal resistance of the enclosing structure
with the application of the developed monitoring system.
    Testing of the system in natural conditions conducted by monitoring a residential
house. The house has six sections of five floors each. The total number of apartments
in the house is 120. The total height of the building is 14.6 m, the height of the basement
is 2.38 m. The house has one staircase per section.
           Table 2. The results obtained on the equipment of a certified laboratory

Name of homogeneous zones                    F1       F2       F3          F4      F5      F6
Total area of the sample, F, m2                                     4,84
Area of measuring homogeneous zones,
                                           1,056    1,056    0,088     0,088      1,276   1,276
F, m2
The average temperature of the internal
                                            21,34   21,68    20,06     19,28      21,37   21,17
surface of homogeneous zones, tвн ,°С
The average temperature of the outer
                                           -21,96 -21,09 -21,88 -21,74 -21,40 -21,36
surface of homogeneous zones, tз ,°С
The average heat flux of homogeneous
                                            8,82     9,28    20,13     20,09      10,49    9,53
zones, q, W/m²
Thermal resistance of homogeneous
                                            4,91     4,61     2,08         2,04    4,08    4,46
zones, Rко.з. , m2·K /W

               Table 3. Results obtained on the developed monitoring system

Name of homogeneous zones                      F1       F2      F3           F4      F5      F6
Total area of the sample, F, m2                                      4,84
Area of measuring homogeneous zones,
                                           1,056    1,056    0,088    0,088       1,276   1,276
F, m2
The average temperature of the internal
                                           21,01    21,26    20,34    19,43       20,95   21,01
surface of homogeneous zones, tвн ,°С
The average temperature of the outer
                                          -22,01 -21,30 -21,65 -21,62 -21,65 -21,20
surface of homogeneous zones, tз ,°С
The average heat flux of homogeneous
                                            8,60    9,10     19,65    19,71       10,21   9,63
zones, q, W/m²
Thermal resistance of homogeneous
                                            5,00    4,68     2,14      2,08       4,17    4,38
zones, Rко.з. , m2·K /W

The structural design of the building is a precast reinforced concrete frame with precast
ceilings and a precast base plate. The external walls of the house are made of reinforced
concrete 40 mm thick, expanded clay concrete 200 mm thick, and a layer of plaster 50
mm thick. The attic is cold. The technical floor is warm with a dilution of heating and
hot water pipelines. The light-transmitting structures (windows, balcony doors) are
made of double glazed windows in separate wooden frames.
   Figures 4 and 5 show photos and characteristic thermograms of the enclosure of the
building, in which the markers with lines and points indicate zones with a higher tem-
perature than the entire wall. These zones are heat loss areas requiring special attention.
In addition, a dot marker indicates an area with a normal surface temperature.
   On the thermogram shown in Fig. 4, the area indicates the depressurization of the
junction of the panels, as well as markers marked areas of high heat loss overlap the
last floor of the house.
   In fig. 5 dotted markers indicate zones with a higher temperature, which may be
caused by a violation of the integrity of the building enclosure.
Fig. 4 Photo and thermogram of the depressurization of the joint of the panels of the enclosure

      Fig. 5 Photo and thermogram of characteristic zones of the enclosure constructions

The values of thermal resistance of different types of building enclosures are deter-
mined during monitoring. The results are shown in table 4.

                 Table 4. Survey results of structural elements of the building

    Construction element         The elements area (F), m2     Thermal resistance (R), m2·K/W
Outside walls                               2717                             0,81
Windows and balcony doors                   806,5                             0,3
Docking ceiling                             1164                              0,8
Basement:                                    202                             0,81
– outside walls                             1164                             0,35
– ground floor                              1680                              4,7

Based on the performed monitoring, it was established that the enclosing constructions
of buildings have insufficient values of thermal resistance according to the current
standards. In addition, a number of characteristic defects, namely:
    - partial destruction of the joints of the wall panels and significant infiltration
       through them;
    - significant thermal heterogeneity of wall panels;
    - the presence of poorly isolated construction bridges of the cold;
    - insufficient insulation of the attic floor.
4      Conclusions

A system for monitoring the thermal resistance of building envelopes and a software
package for registration and processing of measurement information that meets the re-
quirements of ISO 9869: 2014 has been developed.
   The results of thermal resistance measurements for various types of building con-
structions are presented.
   The reliability of the obtained results is confirmed by tests carried out in the labora-
tory whose quality control system is certified according to ISO 17025.

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