=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2387/20190191 |storemode=property |title=Rule-based Machine Translation into Ukrainian Sign Language Using Concept Dictionary |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2387/20190191.pdf |volume=Vol-2387 |authors=Olga Lozynska,Maksym Davydov,Volodymyr Pasichnyk,Nataliia Veretennikova |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/LozynskaDPV19 }} ==Rule-based Machine Translation into Ukrainian Sign Language Using Concept Dictionary== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2387/20190191.pdf
     Rule-based Machine Translation into Ukrainian Sign
             Language Using Concept Dictionary

    Olga Lozynska 1[0000-0002-5079-0544], Maksym Davydov 2[0000-0001-7479-8690], Volodymyr
        Pasichnyk 3[0000-0002-5231-6395] and Nataliia Veretennikova 4[0000-0001-9564-4084]
1, 2, 3, 4
             Information Systems and Networks Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University,
                                           Lviv, Ukraine
                Olha.V.Lozynska@lpnu.ua, Maksym.V.Davydov@lpnu.ua,
                      vpasichnyk@gmail.com, nataver19@gmail.com

             Abstract. This paper describes rule-based machine translation into Ukrainian
             Sign Language using concept dictionary. Ukrainian Sign Language has its own
             grammar rules that are different from the Ukrainian spoken language. That is
             why, it is necessary to develop a system for recording all the elements of sign
             language, to create appropriate translation dictionaries and grammar rules for
             parsing and translating sign language correctly. The translation from spoken lan-
             guage to sign language is not an easy task. Sometimes a single sign means a
             whole phrase, but more often several signs are used to explain a single word. To
             solve this problem, it is used an approach based on concepts and relationships
             between them. We identified five main cases of relationships between words,
             signs and concepts used for translating Ukrainian Sign Language. It is proposed
             an algorithm for translation from Ukrainian Spoken Language to Ukrainian Sign
             Language based on concepts. The algorithm was tested using database of 360
             sentences, which contained 60 concepts. As a result, 87% of sentences were
             translated correctly, 32% of which contained concepts, 13% were not translated
             due to the lack of word to sign correspondence.

             Keywords: Ukrainian Sign Language, Concept dictionary, Infological model,
             Translation algorihm.

1            Introduction

Nowadays, the most important problem in the world is the creation of various infor-
mation and communication technologies for people with disabilities [1]. Automatic
translation helps people communicate and overcome linguistic and cultural barriers.
Today, one of the most famous translation system is Google Translate, which combines
neural nets, rules and statistical methods to translate into a lot of languages. However,
the problem of translation into sign language (SL) has not been resolved yet and com-
munication with deaf people remains uncovered by machine translation. Sign language
is a visual-spatial language that has its own structure and is ubiquitously used by people
with hearing impairments. Sign language uses hand gestures, lips articulation and facial
expressions for communication. Ukrainian Sign Language (USL), like other well-
known sign languages, has its own grammar and rules, different from the Ukrainian
Spoken Language (USpL).
   There is no universal sign language in the world. Sign Languages from different
countries have evolved independently, and therefore differ from each other. In addition,
each country has a local sign language or a variety of languages that reflect the culture
of people with hearing impairments. For example, in Switzerland there are four local
spoken languages used by deaf French, Italian, German, and Swiss communities [2].
Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) and German Sign Language (DGS) are two different
languages despite the use of a single spoken language in Germany and Austria. A sim-
ilar situation is in the US and UK. The official spoken language of these countries is
English. However, people with hearing impairments in America communicate in Amer-
ican Sign Language – ASL, and in the UK – in British Sign Language (BSL) [3].
   The complexity of developing an automatic translation system for Ukrainian Sign
Language is compounded by the absence of large dictionaries and corpuses of the USL
[4]. Sign Languages use various gestures and facial expressions instead of sounds for
information presentation. To adapt the translation systems for written languages to the
translation for sign language, it is necessary to develop a system for recording all ele-
ments of a sign language, to create appropriate translation dictionaries and grammar
rules for parsing sign language. In addition, a significant linguistic difference between
sign language and spoken language complicates the translation process.
   Well-known machine translation systems of sign languages, based on statistical
models, use direct relations between signs and language words. Such an approach can
provide a high-quality translation only with the use of large training corpus for sign
language and spoken language. The absence of such corpus for the Ukrainian Sign Lan-
guage requires the use of an alternative approach – introduction of concepts and the
study of the relationships between these concepts.
   Concept is a meaning of sign or spoken expressions that denote the same notion
(process, action, sign), and can be reduced only if a word or sign is restored from the
context. For example, the phrase “clock goes” is considered as a concept, as in sign
language the one sign “CLOCK_GOES” is used to display this phrase, and the phrase
“man goes”, we do not consider as a concept (it is used the signs “MAN” and ”GOES”).
   A person who speaks fluently in both languages understands the meaning of sen-
tences and concepts in the sentence quickly and rephrases it using language translation
tools. Such a person is an expert who possesses the knowledge necessary for translation.
A computer program, that can correctly translate concepts, should have the means to
represent the expert knowledge in the form of an appropriate database, containing in-
formation about concepts and their translation.
   This article describes rule-based machine translation into Ukrainian Sign Language
using concept dictionary and the infological model of the concepts that used for Ukrain-
ian sign language translation. In the infological modeling the data is presented in the
form of entities (objects), which are interconnected by certain relationships that express
dependencies between them. Characteristics or properties of entities are attributes.
   The infological model is developed on the basis of analysis of linguistic relations
between concepts in Ukrainian Spoken and Ukrainian Sign Languages. The correctness
of the infological model was investigated using the parallel sentence corpus "USL –
USpL". The assessment of the translation system quality using the infological model of
concepts was carried out.

2      Related Work

Sign Languages began to be investigated since 1960 not only in the US [5], but also in
Europe [6], Africa [7] and Asia [8]. Ukrainian Sign Language was studied by
S.V. Kulbida, I. I. Chepchina, N. B. Adamyuk, N. V. Ivanusheva [9].
    Sign language translation systems [3, 4, 10] for experiments use corpus of parallel
texts from a particular subject field. Scientists [11] proposed translation system based
on grammar rules and parallel English-ASL corpus. Translation mistakes arose in those
sentences that were not available in parallel corpus.
    The translation of concepts is available in the works [6, 12]. In the work [13] scien-
tists proposed a semi-automatic method for associating a Japanese lexicon with a se-
mantic concept taxonomy, using a Japanese-English bilingual dictionary for machine
translation. They described three algorithms to associate a Japanese lexicon with the
concepts of the ontology automatically and tested these algorithms for 980 nouns, 860
verbs and 520 adjectives as preliminary experiments. The algorithms are found to be
effective for more than 80% of the words.
    The relationship between the concepts of Spanish Spoken and Sign Languages is
analyzed for Spanish Sign Language translation in studies of Spanish scholars as
R. San-Segundo [6]. The expert described the basic rules of translation, based on these
relationships. A machine translation module is developed based on these rules. The
translation process is carried out in two stages. In the first step, each word is matched
with one or more syntax tags. After that, taking into account the translation rules, the
marked words are transformed into signs according to the relationship between the con-
cepts. The rule-based translation module contains 153 rules. Sign Error Rate (SER) is
used to evaluate the translation result, which is 31.60%.
    S. Baldassari with other researchers [12] have developed a system for translating
Spanish into Spanish Sign Language. The rule-based machine translation module uses
the syntactic and morphological characteristics of the words and their semantic value
to generate the corresponding signs. The system was tested using 92 sentences contain-
ing 561 words. The translation result is 96% of correctly translated words.
    Ukrainian scientists [4] described the algorithmic implementation of information
technology for translation from inflectional languages to sign language. Infological
model of Ukrainian dictionary and sign language, related to generalized grammatical
constructions for automatic translation is built. Scientists have developed information
technology based on generalized grammatical constructions of simple sentences of
Ukrainian and USL. The experiment results showed that 64% of sentences were trans-
lated automatically. However, the researches [4] do not take into account the fact that
each statement has a certain semantic sense. For example, in the grammatical construc-
tions “I go” and “time goes“, the sign “GO” is shown in different ways. Therefore, we
cannot translate this sign unambiguously without taking into account the context. To
solve this problem, it is necessary to create a concept dictionary and their correspond-
ences in USL and USpL.

3        Main Part

3.1      Relationships Between Concepts in the Dictionary “Ukrainian Spoken
         Language – Ukrainian Sign Language”
The main task of Ukrainian Sign Language translation, as for all other cases of transla-
tion from one language to another, is a correct content transfer of the translated text. It
is a difficult task, because you need to understand fully the source text. During the
construction of machine translation systems for sign languages, it is important to deter-
mine the relationship between the concepts of spoken and sign languages that express
the message content. It should be noted that one sign can denominate the phrase, and
some words can be explained using several signs. In addition, most of the statements in
the sign language have several meanings that need to be clarified in spoken language.
   Considering the peculiarities of relations between words, signs and concepts (see
Fig. 1), there are five main cases used for translating Ukrainian Sign Language.
   1. Concept is presented by one word of USpL and one sign of USL (Table 1).
   In this case, the word is translated directly into one sign. The translation is simple,
as one sign of USL has one meaning.

                           Table 1. One word express one sign.

     №     Ukrainian Sign Language                   Ukrainian Spoken Language
    1.     Я ЛЮБИТИ СВОЯ РОБОТА                      Я люблю свою роботу
           (I LOVE MY JOB)                           (I love my job)
    2.     МОЯ МАМА ГОТУВАТИ ВЕЧЕРЯ                  Моя мама готує вечерю
           (MY MOTHER COOK THE DINNER)               (My mother cook the dinner)

2. The concept, which is given in a few words, corresponds to one sign (Table 2). For
example, the USpL phrase “The heart beats” is translated using one sign

                       Table 2. A few words correspond to one sign.

    №      Ukrainian Sign Language                   Ukrainian Spoken Language
    1.     Я НЕСТИ_СУМКУ                             Я несу сумку
           (I CARRY_THE_BAG)                         (I carry the bag)
    2.     СЕРЦЕБИТТЯ                                Серце б’ється
           (PALPITATION)                             (The heart beats)
Fig. 1. Infological model of concept dictionary.
3. The concept, which is presented in one word, is presented by several signs (Table 3).
It is in the following cases:
    1) translation of verbs, when a concept that corresponds to one verb, generates sev-
eral signs. In order to express the verb of the present time in Ukrainian Sign Language,
the infinitive is used; for the expression of the verbs of the past or future time, the
infinitive and auxiliary verbs “був” (“was”) and “буду” (“will”) are used respectively
(Table 3). For example, the USpL concept “писав” (“wrote”) corresponds to sign
“писати + був” (“write + was”), and the concept “писатиму” (“will write”) – sign
“писати + буду” (“write + will”);
    2) translation of general and specific nouns. In sign language there is not always a
corresponding sign for a certain concept that can be expressed in one word of Ukrainian
Spoken Language. For example, in Ukrainian sign language, there are corresponding
sign for the words “gold”, “silver”, “copper”, etc., but there is no sign for the word
“metal”. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, the sign language uses several signs
to express the general concept (Table 3);
    3) translation of a noun in plural. There are several ways to translate a sign in plural:
repeating the sign, using additional signs such as: “many”, “different”, “few” or ges-
turing with both hands. For example, the word “apples” can be shown in the following
ways: a two-handed sign “APPLE”, a repetition of the sign “APPLE APPLE” or
“APPLE + MANY” (see Fig. 2.).

                        Table 3. One word is presented by several signs.

  №        Ukrainian Sign Language                            Ukrainian Spoken Language
 1.        Я ЗНАЙТИ БУВ ЦЕЙ КНИГА                             Я знайшла цю книгу
           (I FIND WAS THIS BOOK)                             (I found this book)
 2.        ВІН НЕ ЛЮБИТИ ІСТИ ЯБЛУКО БАГАТО                   Він не любить яблука
           (HE DO NOT LOVE TO EAT APPLE MANY)                 (He does not like apples)
 3.        Я МАТИ СОБАКА ТРИ ШТУКИ                            Я маю три собаки
           (I HAVE A DOG THREE THING)                         (I have three dogs)
 4.        ЗОЛОТО, СРІБЛО, МІДЬ                               Метал
           (GOLD, SILVER, COPPE,)                             (золото, срібло, мідь)

                   a)                                            b)
               Fig. 2. Reproduction of the signs: a – “MANY”; b – “APPLE”.
4) translation of a noun by gender. To express the gender of an object or a subject in
USL to the main sign added supplementary signs “man” or “woman”. In most cases,
there is no need for such gender clarifications, because it will complicate translation.
However, in some cases gender clarification is necessary for the correct transfer of con-
   4. Several concepts (several words) correspond to several signs.
   This case is the most complicated in terms of translation, since it is necessary to
generate signs of USL which would correspond to the content of several words of the
spoken language. For example, the verb “go”, depending on the subject of action (“Go
to school” and “Time goes fast”), shows various signs: “SCHOOL_GO” AND
“TIME_FLY” respectively. In this case, the sign verb depends on the subject of action.
   5. Concept expresses one sign of USL and few words of Ukrainian. For example,
one and the same sign “SKI” (Fig. 3a) can mean: ski, skiing, walking (skiing) on the
ski, skier, etc. (of course, in different contexts). Analogical, sign “LIST” (Fig. 3b) is
used to define the following concepts: menu, timetable, schedule, program, repertoire,
etc. [14]. Therefore, in order to understand the content of the sentence, we need to make
a parsing analysis and identify all the members of the sentence (noun, pronoun, verb,
adjective, etc.).

                          a)                                 b)
                  Fig. 3. Reproduction of the signs: a – “SKI”; b – “LIST”.

3.2    Experiments
To test the machine translation system we used parser [15], the grammar rules of trans-
lation [16], corpus of parallel sentences “USpL – USL” and dictionary of concepts. The
parser builds the parsing tree of a sentence. After parsing sentences, searching and re-
placing each word (phrase) in the Ukrainian Spoken Language with an appropriate sign
using the infological model of concepts are performed. Then, the translation rules and
the strict word order in the sentence, described in [16], are used for translating into the
Ukrainian Sign Language. The algorithm of translation from Ukrainian Spoken Lan-
guage to Ukrainian Sign Language is depicted in Fig. 4. The architecture of the rule-
based machine translation system is shown in Fig. 5.
    Let's consider the translation with the use of concepts for the sentence “Моя мама
несе сумку з магазину” (“My mother carries the bag from the store”) (Table 4). The
words “моя” (“my”) and “мама” (“mother”) correspond to the signs “МОЯ” (“MY”)
and “МАМА” (“MOTHER”) respectively, and the phrase from two words “несе
сумку” (“carries the bag”) is a concept, which is translated in one sign
“НЕСТИ_СУМКА” (“CARRY_BAG”). Because, the prepositions in sign languages
do not designate (they are used only in calk sign language), then we do not translate it.
Distinguishing the phrase “з магазину” (“from the store”) and “до магазину” (“to the
store”) in the sign language indicates a direction of movement. The word “магазин”
(“store”) in the sign language corresponds to the sign “МАГАЗИН” (“STORE”).

                     Fig. 4. Translation algorithm from USpL to USL
Fig. 5. The architecture of the rule-based machine translation system into Ukrainian Sign Lan-

For convenience, the phrases, that have the same structure, can be separated in one
group. For example, the phrases are “from the cinema”, “from the store”, “from the
country”, etc., “to the cinema”, “to the store”, “to the country”, etc., can be separated
as “from (to) the cinema (store, country, etc.)”. Selection of such groups can be used to
develop ontology with a grammatical component for Ukrainian Sign and Spoken Lan-

                        Table 4. Translation using concept dictionary

   №        Ukrainian Sign Language                     Ukrainian Spoken Language
  1.        “МОЯ” (“MY”)                                “моя” (“my”)
  2.         “МАМА” (“MOTHER”)                          “мама” (“mother”)
  3.        “НЕСТИ_СУМКА” (“CARRY_BAG”).                “несе сумку” (“carries the bag”)
  4.        “МАГАЗИН” (“STORE”)                         “з магазину” (“from the store”)

To test the machine translation system using grammar rules and concept dictionary, 360
sentences were taken from the corpus of parallel texts “Ukrainian Spoken Language –
Ukrainian Sign Language”. The corpus consists of 1056 words of USpL and 984 words
of USL. The dictionary of concepts is developed in accordance with the described re-
lationships between concepts and contains 60 sign concepts and their corresponding
translations in the Ukrainian Spoken Language.
    The algorithm was tested using database of 360 sentences, which contained 60 con-
cepts. As a result, 87% of sentences were translated automatically, 32% of which con-
tained concepts, 13% were not translated due to lack of word – sign corresponding.
4      Conclusions

The rule-based machine translation into Ukrainian Sign Language using concept dic-
tionary are described. The infological model of the concepts for the construction of
Ukrainian Sign Language translation based on the analysis of linguistic relations be-
tween concepts in the Ukrainian and Ukrainian Sign Language was developed. The
translation algorithm from Ukrainian Spoken Language to Ukrainian Sign Language
based on concepts proposed. This algorithm was tested using database of 360 sentences
from the corpus “USpL– USL”, which contained 60 concepts. The evaluation of the
quality of the rule-based machine translation using the concepts has shown an improve-
ment in the translation result on those sentences, which contain concepts. As a result,
87% of sentences were translated accurately, 32% of which contained concepts, 13%
were not translated due to the lack of word to sign correspondence. The disadvantage
of the system is a small amount of testing data (360 sentences).
   It was investigated on the basis of the conducted experiments that it is necessary to
group the concepts into grammatically correct constructions reproducing the expression
content for high-quality translation into Ukrainian sign language.

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