=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2387/20190223 |storemode=property |title=Development of Software for Fuel Combustion Control System Based on Frequency Regulator |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2387/20190223.pdf |volume=Vol-2387 |authors=Artur Zaporozhets |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/Zaporozhets19 }} ==Development of Software for Fuel Combustion Control System Based on Frequency Regulator== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2387/20190223.pdf
    Development of Software for Fuel Combustion Control
           System Based on Frequency Regulator

                            Artur Zaporozhets1[0000-0002-0704-4116]
         1 Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


       Abstract. A system for monitoring and controlling the process of fuel combus-
       tion in boilers based on a stepwise change in the composition of the air-fuel mix-
       ture has been considered. Algorithms for the operation of the frequency control-
       ler in various modes have been developed. A software module has been created
       for monitoring the oxygen concentration in the exhaust gases based on the LM
       Programmer. The interaction of the developed software and hardware is shown.

       Keywords: combustion control system, software, frequency regulator, algo-
       rithm, combustion regulation, оxy-fuel combustion boiler

1      Introduction

The problems of increasing the efficiency of fuel combustion and reducing emissions
of harmful substances are particularly relevant nowadays, and in those industries where
the combustion of large amounts of fuel occurs with insufficient completeness and with
comparatively low efficiency. This group includes municipal boiler-houses and indus-
trial enterprises with boiler power up to 3.5 MW [1, 2].
    Nowadays conventional natural gas-fired boilers exhaust flue gases direct to the at-
mosphere at 150–200 °C. At such temperatures flue gases contain a large amount of
energy and results in relatively low thermal efficiency ranging from 70% to 80%. Alt-
hough condensing boilers for recovering the heat in the flue gases have been developed
over the past 40 years, their present market share is still less than 25% [3]. This fact
indicates the need to search for new methods and tools for optimizing the operation of
    The efficiency of boiler installations depends on the availability of reliable infor-
mation on the course of technological processes. The lack of control and measuring
systems for the composition of the exhaust gases leads to a low efficiency of the boiler,
in particular, due to poor-quality fuel combustion [4, 5, 6]. Therefore, in modern con-
ditions of operation of boiler plants, the development of technological solutions aimed
at finding and minimizing the causes and mechanisms of the formation of harmful sub-
stances in exhaust gases is relevant [7, 8]. One of such solutions is the development of
a modern system of quality control of fuel combustion, which is based on modern com-
puter technologies [9, 10].
2      Algorithm and Software

2.1    Algorithm of Control System
The algorithm of the automatic control system [11, 12] functioning for the fuel com-
bustion in boilers by adjusting the air fuel ratio (AFR) by the signals from the oxygen
sensor is shown in Fig. 1.
   A special feature of the algorithm is the using of frequency control, by which the
amount of air supplied to the combustion zone varies smoothly. The sensor measures
the concentration of oxygen in the flue gases and the system processes the receiving
information [13]. A control signal is generated depending on the received excess air
ratio (EAR) value – the fan speed is reduced or increased by 0.1 Hz (for α> X or α  𝛼0 ,
                        𝑓(𝛼) = { 𝑓0      𝑎𝑡 𝑋 = 𝛼0 ,                                 (1)
                                𝑓0 + ∆𝑓 𝑎𝑡 𝑋 < 𝛼0 ,

where f0 – the operating speed of the fan, Δf – the step of the speed changing, X – the
current EAR value, and α0 – the operating EAR value.
   The system also provides the setting of eight operating ranges for the frequency con-
troller. Within these limits, the fan speed remains constant. The limits of the frequency
ranges for the controller are shown in Table 1.

                         Table 1. Frequency ranges of controller.

      Point number           Symbols on the digital indicator       Frequency range, Hz
            1                             0.f0                         from 0 to 50
            2                             1.f1                         from f0 to 50
            3                             2.f2                         from f1 to 50
            4                             3.f3                         from f2 to 50
            5                             4.f4                         from f3 to 50
            6                             5.f5                         from f4 to 50
            7                             6.f6                         from f5 to 50
            8                             7.f7                         from f6 to 50

2.2    System Software
The software for the formation of the stoichiometric ratio of the AFR of the burner with
feedback from the oxygen sensor is made in the LM Programmer technical program-
ming environment and works with Windows operating systems (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10)
and Bosch oxygen sensors through special controller [15, 16].
   The developed software product is used to update the firmware, change the type of
using fuel, and program the analog outputs (1V and 5 V).

   Fig. 1. The algorithm of functioning of the control system on the basis of the frequency regulation.

To start the software environment, it is necessary to connect the oxygen sensor through
a connecting cable using the COM port to a PC (if the COM port is missing, the con-
necting cable can be used a special COM-to-USB adapter) and plug it into an electrical
network. The shortcut for launching the program after installation will be located in the
“Programs” section of the “Start” panel.
   The working environment of the software product shown in Fig. 1.
   In the main window of the software environment, the user has the opportunity to
change the name of the connected sensor and the type of fuel, according to which he
wants to monitor. Standard settings include the following types of fuel:
 propane;
 methanol;
 ethanol;
 compressed natural gas;
 diesel;
 manual setting.

   Manual tuning involves the independent introduction of the required stoichiometric
value of "air-fuel". Some aspects about this quantity are given in [17].
   The software product can connect up to two analog outputs: 1) 5V (for a wideband
oxygen sensor) 2) 1V (for a typical planar oxygen sensor).

                           Fig. 2. LM Programmer Workbench.

The operating environment of the software for connection via the 5 V analog output
shown in Figure 2.

  Fig. 2. The working environment of the program with connecting to the 5 V analog output
In this window, the user has the ability to calibrate the software product according to
their own needs using the appropriate voltage values (ranging from 0 to 5 V) and coef-
ficient α or the required amount of air (in a volume ratio) per unit of fuel. The depend-
ence of the output voltage from the coefficient α is linear.
   During pressing the Advanced key, it can be set the response speeds of the sensor
according to the set of values: 1/12 sec, 1/6 sec, 1/3 sec. Also, if desired, it can be set
the output voltage for warming up the sensor and generating information about false
operation (in the range from 0 to 5 V) (Fig. 3).

                     Fig. 3. Setting up the program in Advanced mode

The operating environment of the software during connecting via an analogue output of 1 V
shown in Fig. 4.

 Fig. 4. The working environment of the program during connecting to the 1 V analog output

In this window, the user also has the ability to calibrate the software product according
to 2 parameters: the voltage value (ranging from 0 to 1 V) and the coefficient α or the
required value of the amount of air (in volume ratio) per unit of fuel. The type of de-
pendence of the output voltage on the coefficient α is stepwise.
   Pressing the Factory Defaults key resets the operating parameters to the factory set-
   The mode of displaying current information on the content of residual oxygen in the
exhaust gases is possible in 3 display modes: 1) arrow; 2) linear; 3) bar (Fig. 5) with the
display of both the information on the AFR and the coefficient α.
   The user of the software can choose the type of the required indication of the moni-
toring parameter, and he can use from 1 to 3 types at the same time.

                  (a)                                      (b)                         (c)
Fig. 5. The modes of indication of the coefficient α in the exhaust gases (oxygen sensor in the
working environment): (a) arrow; (b) linear; (с) bar

As part of the software product, the user can not only control the amount of residual
oxygen in the exhaust gases, but also record the changes in this parameter using the
internal Real-Time Log environment. The Real-Time Log runtime shown in Fig. 6.

                            Fig. 6. Real-Time Log environment

The program monitors the AFR depending on the duration of the analysis of the com-
position of the exhaust gases. The resulting graph can be obtained during the entire
monitoring time and saved to a file with the .log extension for further analysis and
processing of information.
   This software has a direct connection with the developed digital α-indicator that al-
lows to control the excess air ratio using a frequency controller, that is, to realize the
possibility of correcting the operating modes of the boiler unit by introducing feedback
on the oxygen sensor signals. Fig. 7 shows the interaction of the α-indicator with the
developed software for different values of the AFR.

             (a)                             (b)                           (c)

Fig. 7. The interaction of the α-indicator and the developed software product in vari-
ous modes of operation of the boiler: (a) enriched mixture; (b) a mixture close to stoi-
chiometric; (c) lean mixture

The adaptation of these software tools allows them to be used both directly in the sys-
tem of automatic control of the process of fuel combustion and in the monitoring system
(gas analysis device) of the composition of the exhaust gases of the boiler units.

3      Conclusions

An algorithm for the functioning of the control and monitoring system for the process
of fuel combustion is proposed, which based on the using of a wide-band oxygen sensor
and a variable-frequency electric drive of a blower fan. This system will ensure efficient
combustion of fuel resources in the boiler by maintaining stoichiometric of AFR.
   Based on the oxygen sensor, a portable system for monitoring the process of fuel
combustion in boilers has been created. A feature of the system is a wide range of
measurement of EAR, rapid measurement of oxygen concentration, the absence of a
system for sampling and sample preparation, a relatively low cost.
   For the control system of the fuel combustion process, software modules have been
developed that control the formation of the stoichiometric AFR for various types of
gaseous and liquid fuels.
   The software for the control and management system of the fuel combustion process
has been adapted, it will allow quickly and accurately determine the current operating
modes of the boiler unit.

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