=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2387/20190443 |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2387/20190443.pdf |volume=Vol-2387 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/ShamoniaSDL19 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2387/20190443.pdf
      Computer Visualization of Logic Elements of the
        Information System Based on PROTEUS

    Volodymyr Shamonia1[0000-0002-3201-4090], Olena Semenikhina1[0000-0002-3896-8151],
       Marina Drushlyak1[0000-0002-9648-2248], Serhii Lynnyk1[0000-0002-6793-5324 ]
     1 Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Romenska St. 87, Sumy, Ukraine

        shamona@gmail.com, e.semenikhina@fizmatsspu.sumy.ua,
              marydru@fizmatsspu.sumy.ua, sele_n@mail.ru

       Abstract. The article considers the possibility of a computer visualization of
       the code decoder work in Proteus, which is used in a laboratory workshop when
       studying the topic "Digital logic" of the discipline "Architecture of Information
       Systems" (the field of study “12 Information technologies” and “01 Education,
       014 Secondary education. Computer science”). Modelling and simulation dur-
       ing the laboratory work contribute to the awareness of the importance of visual-
       ization as a means of positive impact on the level of future IT-specialists’ edu-
       cational achievements. This was confirmed by the analysis of the obtained re-
       sults at the significance level of 0.05 according to Student’s test.

       Keywords: computer visualization, logical elements of information system, vir-
       tual laboratory, Proteus, modelling of electrical circuits, IT spesialists’ prepara-

1      Introduction

Modern university training necessarily involves mastering information technologies
for the use in educational and future professional activities. A large amount of train-
ing time is devoted to mastering both common software (text and table processors,
multimedia data processing software) and specialized one. Such mastery involves not
only the study of computer tools proposed by developers, but also the use of accom-
panying learning materials, which usually describes the practical aspect of the use of
information technology. The theoretical basis of the processes that occur in this case
is often not only not displayed, but also not mentioned, because it is difficult to per-
ceive and in most cases secondary to the problem that is solved in a particular training
   At the same time, the ability to correctly use information technology is often im-
possible without understanding the theoretical foundations of the functioning of the
hardware or, even, the information system as a whole. Therefore, in the training of
specialists of the field of study “12 Information technologies” and “01 Education (014
Secondary education. Computer science)” we consider it necessary to focus not only
on the side of “consumption” of technical or specialized software, but also on the side
of understanding the logical, physical and mathematical foundations of its function-
ing. We see such accents in the special presentation of educational material through
its visualization in virtual laboratories [1-5].
    The purpose of the paper is to highlight the authors' experience of computer visual-
ization of logic elements of the information system based on ISIS Proteus.

2      Proteus as Means of Visualization of Logical Elements in
       Information Systems

Today there are a large number of virtual laboratories that are used to construct and
analyze complex electronic circuits and simulate their work. Among them are
ORCAD, PICAD, EasyEDA, 123DCircuits, Electronics Workbench, LabVIEW, Mi-
cro-Cap, NI Multisim, Proteus and others. After an analysis of their available comput-
er tools and the need for dynamic visualization of signal processing, we elected Pro-
teus [6], where developers have the ability to simulate the operation of various devic-
es from the diode to microcontrollers and microprocessors. In Proteus, one can create
and edit the parameters of the electrical circuits’ components; use different virtual
devices that are implemented as mathematical models that imitate their structural and
functional principles of operation (generators, meters, etc.) in order to generate sig-
nals and indication of influence. In this software, it is also possible to simulate analog,
digital and analog-digital devices. In our opinion, its computer tools allow to visualize
the ideas contained in the training course: temporal and spectral characteristics of the
signals, transitions and transmitting characteristics of the two-port, logical states of
digital elements inputs and outputs, etc. Note that this software is currently proprie-
   Let us give the example of the computer visualization of the code decoder work,
which is used in a laboratory workshop when studying the topic "Digital logic" of the
discipline "Architecture of Information Systems" (Fig. 1). Launching the simulation
allows the student to verify the correctness of the circuit work, and the teacher to
check the correctness of its composition.

Fig.1. Visualization of a seven-segment decoder work (input code 0010 corresponds to the
Arabic number "2" on the decoder)
3      Confirmation of the Use of Proteus in the IT Specialists’

According to our experience, the laboratory works of this type based on Proteus al-
lows to demonstrate the logic of the basic elements work based on the construction of
logical functions of processing binary signals through the visualization of processes
occurring in the information system.
   This is confirmed by the statistics data that we collected during 2016-2018. Stu-
dents, future computer science teachers, were involved in the pedagogical experiment.
The control group (CG, 54 students) studied the course “Architecture of the infor-
mation system” only theoretically. The experimental group (EG, 49 students) held a
laboratory workshop along with the study of the theoretical course. They built a visual
model of the basic elements in Proteus. The course "Architecture of Information Sys-
tems" is studied at the third year of study. There was no bias in the choice of partici-
pants in the experiment.
   The normality of the distribution of students’ educational achievements were tested
and confirmed by Pearson's χ2-test (the distribution of educational achievements was
analyzed) according to the results of the course study in both groups for correct com-
parison of average values. Also it was statistically confirmed the “identicality” of the
total average values of students’ educational achievements on the results of studying
the courses “Computer science”, “Programming”, “Fundamentals of microelectron-
ics” (Table 1) before the beginning of the experiment. At the significance level of
0.05, it was confirmed that at the beginning of the experiment students’ groups were
statistically identical. The results of semester control (exam) were collected after the
course “Architecture of the information system”. Student’s criterion was applied to
assess the average values. The statistical non-identicality between the average values
of both groups was confirmed at the significance level 0.05. This is explained by our
workshop based on Proteus (Table 1, Fig. 2).

Table 1. Comparison of averages in EG and CG at the significance level 0.05 by Student’s test
      Sample      The total   Experimental value of the     Average     Experimental value of
      volume      average      t-criterion at the begin-     values      the t-criterion at the
                   values      ning of the experiment       after the   end of the experiment
                 bofore the                                  course
                                                                           2,29 (>1.98)
ЕG       49        217, 4            1,66 (<1.98)             73,5       Conclusion: groups
                               Conclusion: groups are
                                                                          are statistically
CG       54        215,7        statistically identical       69,0         non-identical
Fig. 2. Diagram of the distribution of grades after the course (the average value in the EG was
statistically above the average value in CG)

Quantitative analysis of the experimental results revealed the following.
    The percentage of persons (EG) who mastered the course "Architecture of the in-
formation system" at the level of 60 points per semester is smaller compared to KG
(12% versus 22%). At the same time, the percentage of persons (EG) who mastered
this course at the level of 90 points and above per semester is larger compared to KG
(14% versus 7%). This is due to the increased motivation to master specialized soft-
ware and the ability to visualize different processes at the micro level, which are per-
ceived as such faster.
    The percentage of students who mastered the course "Architecture of the infor-
mation system" at the level of 75-85 points per semester is approximately the same
for the EG and KG groups. We explain this by the normal distribution and the same
starting level of students' preparation in both groups.
    It should be noted that we did not find the description of such pedagogical experi-
ments with the use of Proteus in the special pedagogical literature.
    According to the results of the experiment, we propose the following didactic rec-
    1. It is useful to give time to study the interface and the main features of Proteus at
the first lesson.
    2. It is important to foresee 4 hours for each laboratory work so that process simu-
lation was systematic and gradual. We offer the following sequence of studying the
topics: calculation of the differential resistance of the diode; nonequilibrium and equi-
librium bridges; measurement of bipolar transistor parameters; amplifier, etc.
    3. It is important to foresee an independent work related to the simulation of the
circuits of work of appliances, and then the implementation of the constructed circuits
under the direction of the teacher. In particular, we propose the development of a
digital clock, which is created by the students themselves.
4      Conclusion

The use of virtual laboratories as a means of computer visualization of hidden
(closed) processes in the information system shifts the emphasis of training from the
theoretical and experimental planes to the intellectual one or detailed understanding of
the results. This does not require additional maintenance and financial costs. The
work is safe in contrast to real physical experiments. The software provides universal-
ity and flexibility in the organization of a virtual experiment with the ability to test the
functioning of the constructed circuits with certain restrictions (time, finance, addi-
tional equipment, etc.).
   To visualize the closed processes, which take place in the information system, we
have chosen Proteus software, because it provides for the construction of electrical
circuits of varying complexity, modelling of analogue, digital and analogue-digital
devices, etc. This allows using it as a basis for the organization of a laboratory work-
shop of the course “Architecture of information systems”. The developers of the soft-
ware provide for experiments on virtual devices, which, as a rule, are absent in the
real laboratory, as well as the opportunity to explore idealized processes that cannot
be investigated in real conditions.
   Visualization of processes in Proteus allows not only to demonstrate the logic of
the basic logical elements of the information system, but also to accelerate the testing
of students’ knowledge and skills, to deepen their competence in the field of infor-
mation technology based on the activity approach.
   Visualization of the logical foundations of information systems in general allows
not only to be acquainted with the ideas of information process, but also to understand
the logical relations, summarize and systematize their own ideas about the infor-
mation world.

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