Applied Artificial Intelligence for Air Navigation Sociotechnical System Development Tetiana Shmelova1[0000-0002-9737-6906], Yuliya Sikirda2[0000-0002-7303-0441], Mykola Kasatkin3[0000-0002-2501-1756] 1 National Aviation University, Komarova av., 1, 03058, Kiev, Ukraine 2Flight Academy of National Aviation University, Dobrovolskogo Street, 1, 25005, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine 3Kharkiv National University of Air Forces named by I. Kozhedub, Sumska Street, 77/79, 61023, Kharkiv, Ukraine Abstract. Nowadays the evolution of Human Factor's models has included im- plementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in aviation as an innovative technol- ogy for enhancing security and the characteristic ability to learn, improve, and predict. The AI is presented in models of decision making in Air Navigation Sociotechnical system as Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems for pilots of manned and unmanned aircraft, for air traffic controllers in the emergencies. Keywords: Air Traffic Controller, Collaborative Decision Making, Expert Sys- tem, Human-Operator, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. 1 Introduction Nowadays in documents of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) defined new added approaches for achieving the main goal of ICAO enhancing the effective- ness of global aviation security, and improving the practical and sustainable imple- mentation of preventive aviation security measure. The Global Aviation Security Plan (GASP) identifies five key outcomes for improving effectiveness, such as [1]:  enhancing awareness and response of risk;  development of security culture and human capability;  improving technological resources and foster innovation;  improving oversight and quality assurance;  increasing cooperation and support between states. So, the quality of decisions dependences from the development and using of inno- vative technology in aviation nowadays such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) [2]. De- veloping of AI in Air Navigation System (ANS) as Sociotechnical system (STS) such as Expert Systems (ES), Decision Support Systems (DSS), are considering new con- cepts in aviation need with using modern information technologies and modern cours- es: Data Science, Big Data, Data Mining, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Collabo- ration Decision Making (CDM), Blockchain, etc. The purposes of the work are: analysis of the benefits of using AI models in the Air Navigation Sociotechnical System (ANSTS); AI models and methods; problems of CDM by ANS personnel (human-operators (H-O): pilots of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), air traffic controllers (ATC), engineers). 2 Artificial Intelligence Systems in Air Navigation Sociotechnical System Today, AI capabilities are proliferating across the transport sector. The AI systems have high potential in Air Traffic Management (ATM), specifically in areas which involve decision making (DM) under uncertainty (e.g. conflict detection and resolu- tion) and prediction with limited information (e.g. trajectory prediction) [3; 4]. For example, validation based on one month of ADS-B data, the AI system is able to pre- dict ATC actions, for complex traffic scenarios, at an accuracy – AN-Conf/13- WP/232 of above 70%. In addition to developing solutions to support en-route opera- tions, AI can be applied in speech recognition to act as an additional safety net to detect read-back errors; trajectory synchronization of aircraft ground movements that provide optimised taxiing strategies that comprehensively accounts for arrivals and departures as well; and predicting the most optimal runway configuration for a given arrival sequence and departure schedule so as to maximize the runway throughput [2]. It is very important to create highly intelligent joint DM systems for engineers, pilots, air traffic controllers and new airspace users, such as unmanned aircraft systems. As a rule, systems are significant for work and for personal training. Therefore, it is necessary to present ANS as STS and to applicate AI methods for development capacity of ANSTS. Examples of applied AI in education course “In- formatics of Decision Making” for aviation students and future personal of ANS in Table 1. AI is the simulation of human intelligence processes by modeling, computer systems, and machines. These processes include: learning (the acquisition of infor- mation and rules for using the information); reasoning, estimation, and modeling (us- ing rules to reach conclusions (approximate or definite results)); self-correction (esti- mation of obtained models); particular applications of AI include ES; DSS; automated systems; systems of pattern recognition, speech recognition, and machine vision, etc. Many cases of using AI technology are driven by emergence, availability, and acces- sibility. The differentiating factor of an AI system from a standard software system is the characteristic ability to learn, improve, and predict. Through training, an AI sys- tem is able to generate knowledge and apply it to novel situations not encountered before. In AI, an ES is a computer system that simulates the decision making ability of a human. The ESs are designed to solve complex problems by reasoning through bodies of knowledge, represented mainly as if-then rules rather than through conven- tional procedural code. The first ESs were created in the 1970s and then proliferated in the 1980s. Expert systems were among the first truly successful forms of AI soft- ware. The ICAO documents recommend developing Intelligent Expert Systems in aviation to support DM of operators [1; 2]. For the education of aviation personals in AI developed training, such as:  Expert Judgment Method (EJM) / Multi-criteria decision problems.  Deterministic models. Network planning. Decision making in an emergency.  Stochastic models. Decision making in Risk. Decision making in an emer- gency.  Game Theory. DM in uncertainty. Optimal aerodrome of landing.  Dynamic programming (DP) and GRID analyzes of the problem. The DP method to solve the problem of minimal cost, climbing an aircraft. Table 1. Applied AI in education course “Informatics of DM”. Content Pilot ATC Engineer UAV operator Aviation man- Analysis and synthesis of aviation using the theory of automatic control machine system MMS “pilot – MMS MMS MMS “Operator of (MMS) aircraft” Analysis “ATC- UAV” and synthesis of aircraft” aviation using theory of automat- ic control Aviation expert sys- Expert Judgment Method / Multi-criteria decision problems tem of quantitative Significance (com- Controller’s Significance of the Significance of the estimation plexity) of the workload for Landing System UAVs, phases of phases of flight of aircraft (GNSS, ILS, VOR, flight of the UAVs the aircraft service VOR/DME) Decision Support Models of DSS: deterministic and stochastic models of DM System of H-O in DM of a pilot in DM of ATC DM of an engineer DM of unmanned ANS the emergency in emergen- in service / emer- pilot cy gency Decision making in Network planning of action of H-O in service/ emergency certainty Graph of proce- Graph of Graph of proce- Graph of proce- dures of the pilot procedures dures in the service dures of an un- in the emergency of ATC in of equipment manned pilot in an emergency emergency Design making in risk Design tree of forecasting of action of H-O in emergency DM in emergency DM in DM in service of DM in emergency emergency equipment Decision making in Criteria Wald. Laplace, Hurwitz, Savage optimal DM in uncertainty uncertainty Optimal landing Optimal Optimal action in Optimal landing aerodrome in landing emergency aerodrome/place in emergency aerodrome emergency in emergen- cy Neural Networks Forecasting of outcomes in emergencies Markov Networks Neural network admission student to simulator training GERT-models Development and forecasting the emergency situation / Preventing cata- strophic situation Fuzzy logic Quantitative estimation of the outcomes /risk in emergencies ANSTS Analysis of ANS as STS and diagnostics, monitoring of the factors (profes- sional and non-professional) that influence on DM by the H-O in STS (indi- vidual-psychological, socio-psychological and psychophysiological factors) For example, training 1 “Expert Judgment Method (EJM) / Multi-criteria decision problems” [5; 6]: Theory. Basic of EJM for ANS (Classification of methods of DM. The algorithm of EJM. The matrix of individual and group preferences. Coordination of experts’ opinion. Multi-criteria decision problems). Practice. Tasks: Quantitative estimation of the complexity of the aircraft flight. Definition of significance (complexity) of the phases of flight of the aircraft (Fig. 1). Fig. 1. The process of applying solutions to many similar tasks in the quantitative estimation of the complexity of the aircraft’s flight stages. To show the DSSs we use tasks of alternate aerodrome/place in the case of an emer- gency landing (difficult meteorological conditions, etc.) by the method of DM in un- certainty is means of the criteria of DM in uncertainty: Wald, Laplace, Savage, Hur- wicz [7]. For example, the results matrix of DM for choosing of landing aero- drome/place of UAV for route of UAV flight from Bila Tserkva aerodrome to Konotop with possible alternate destinations at Vasylkiv, Berezan’ Nizhyn and Pryluky (Table 2). Input data are: λ1 – is an availability of fuel/energy onboard of UAV; λ2 – is a distance from UAV to ADest, ADep, AAP; λ3 – are the tactical and tech- nical characteristics of the runways of ADep, ADest, AAP; λ4 – are the meteorological conditions at ADep, ADest, AAP; λ5 – is a reliability of C2 lines for connection with UAV; λ6 – is a possibility of communication with ATC units; λ7 – are the navigational aids at ADep, ADest, AAP; λ8 – is a possibility of communication with ATC units; λ7 – are the lighting systems at ADep, ADest, AAP; etc. Formation of possible results in ma- trix determined with the EJM by rating scales according to the regulations. Table 2. The results matrix of DM for choosing of landing aerodrome/place of UAV. Alternative decisions Factors that influence DM Solutions Аi ААAs λ1 λ2 λ3 λ4 λ5 λ6 λ7 W L H S А1 Bila Tserkva 9 2 5 8 0 3 9 0 5,14 4,5 9 А2 Konotop 3 5 7 9 2 4 9 2 5,57 4,5 7 А3 Vasylkiv 2 8 8 9 2 4 10 2 6,14 6 8 А4 Berezan’ 7 1 8 7 1 7 7 1 5,43 5 7 А5 Nizhyn 6 4 8 6 6 5 8 4 6,14 4,5 4 А6 Pryluky 4 8 9 8 4 6 6 4 6,43 6,5 5 For the last years, the authors have developed computer programs for DSS of the aircraft pilot, air traffic controllers, flight dispatcher, UAV’s operator, etc. In Masters Diploma “Remote expert air traffic management system“ decision making in a com- mon environment FF-ICE presented decentralized-distributed UAVs control system using blockchain technology (Fig. 2). There are many advantages of this approach such as enhanced security, security, big data analysis, and record keeping, real-time constant data exchange, etc. Fig. 2. Decentralized-distributed UAV’s control system For today, the key to ensuring the safety of flights is the problem of the organization of Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) by all the operational partners – airports, air traffic control services, airlines and ground operators – on the basis of general information on the flight process and ground handling of the aircraft in the airport [8]. Blockchain technology is ideal as a new infrastructure to secure, share, and verify learning achievements and CDM too. The problem of optimizing the interaction between pilot and ATC can be solved by the way of development and synchronization (maximal alignment over time) of de- terministic models of H-O CDM, which will minimize the critical time needed to solve EC, by definition the optimal sequence of execution of technological proce- dures. The parallel process of simultaneous execution of pilot and ATC technological operations in the emergency case can be represented as a consolidated dual-channel network. For a consistent optimization of such a network in order to achieve the cross-cutting efficacy of joint decisions, it is advisable to use a multi-criteria ap- proach: achieving a minimum time for parity of emergency case with maximum safe- ty / maximum harmonization over the time of H-O actions. In this context, the use of flight simulators during ATC professional training is rel- evant. They will help ATC’s to get acquainted with the situation in the flight crew cabin and the parameters of the aircraft's devices during the emergency case. At the same time the ATC: will receive the experience of the crew members during the emergency case; will pay attention to how the intervention of the dispatcher can dis- rupt crew members; will complete exercises on the use of radio during the emergency case; will complete the checklist in the emergency case; will participate in captain decision making during the emergency case; will observe the features of the go- around procedure. In the emergency case, ATC is advised to use a checklist that will help to handle incidents in order to establish optimal actions to achieve better cooper- ation between pilot and ATC. A supervisor who works with ATC, using a checklist, can provide better support as it will more clearly understand the traffic control in emergencies. 3 Conclusion The AI technologies in aviation were clustered in the following seven capabilities: Machine Learning (ML); Natural Language Processing (NLP); Expert Systems; Vision and Speech; Planning; Robotics. Further research should be directed to the solution of the problem in prerequisites of emergency situations and preventing catastrophic situations too. Models of flight emergency development and of DM by an operator in-flight emergency will allow predicting the operator’s actions with the aid of the informational-analytic and diag- nostics complex for research of operator behavior in extreme situations. It is neces- sary to develop modern DSSs of Air Navigation System’s operator (pilots, air traffic controllers, flight dispatchers, UAV’s operators) in-flight emergencies and in other situations, to investigate applied tasks of the DM in Sociotechnical System by an operator of aviation system, chemical production, energy, military industry, etc. Developing of Intelligent ES, DSSs considering new concepts in aviation (FF-ICE, PBA, SMART, CDM, SWIM, etc.) for different operators and each stage, process, which are problems, with using modern information technologies Data Science, Big Data, Data Mining, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, etc. It is necessary to analyze all factors influencing the DM of operators in these systems in order to predict the devel- opment of the technogenic catastrophe and prevent it with AI. References 1. Global Aviation Security Plan (GASP). International Civil Aviation Organization, Canada, Montreal (2017) 2. 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