=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2387/20190491 |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2387/20190491.pdf |volume=Vol-2387 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/ZolotukhinSKK19 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2387/20190491.pdf
       Textures Maps Complex for 3D Character Model

    Denys Zolotukhin2, Anatoly Sachenko1,2, Volodymyr Kochan2, Myroslav Komar2
1 Department of Computer Science, Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humani-

                       ties, ul. Malczewskiego 29, 26-600 Radom, Poland
2 Research Institute for Intelligent Computer Systems, Ternopil National Economic University,

                      11, Lvivska, Ternopil, 46020, Ukraine
         grakinoua@gmail.com, as@tneu.edu.ua, vk@tneu.edu.ua,

        Abstract. 3D character texturing - the process is long and requires a high level
        of professional skills, it is also one of the most important stages in the develop-
        ment of 3D model, because the texture is the first thing that the viewer sees, and
        the quality of the object's shader depends on its quality. To simplify and acceler-
        ate this phase, we offer an approach using the textures maps complex. This com-
        plex includes a set of prepared, segmented and sorted textures of different types
        (diffuse, specular, displacement, bump, SSS). Thanks to it, the developer can
        combine and edit the already finished fragment of textures, which turns off the
        need to make a texture from the scratch. The complex enables to skip the stages
        of sculpting and retopology, and get various visual outcomes for same 3D model
        geometry. The texturing result is connected with the quality of the shader and
        visualization. Finally, we described the application of the proposed approach as
        well as experimental results.

        Keywords: texturing, texture map, 3D character, computer graphic.

1       Introduction

3D graphics are an integral part of the industry and the media. The most important stage
in the development of a 3D model is texturing, because the textures reflect the surface
of the object, its relief, reflection, color. Texture is the first thing the viewer sees, and
the quality of the object's shader depends on its quality.
   Today, there are various services and solutions that allow to simplify the texture
stage of a 3D character model. Among the most professional services are: Substance
Source [1], TexturingXYZ [2]. They offer high quality textures, photo references, ma-
terials that can be used for character texturing. Also, for today there are two most com-
mon methods of 3D models texturing [3-4], which are quite long and difficult to imple-
ment. In work [5] the authors describe a joint project using Augmented Reality to enrich
the Konzerthaus printed media. The project contains images, illustrations, audio, video,
simple 2D and 3D animations, interactive media as well as 3D objects.
   The goal of this paper is finding a new way to simplify and speed up the 3D model
texturing, using a set of prepared and segmented textures of different types. Received
results are described below.

2      Structure and Principle of the Textures Maps Complex

Textures maps complex – is a module that contains a set of prepared and fragmented
textures of different types (diffuse [6], bump [7], SSS [8], displacement [7], specular
[6]). This set consists of channels that represent a certain type of map, each channel
consists of directories that classify a certain part of the character's head (nose, eye-
brows, forehead, etc.), each directory stores a set of textures that contain fragments of
images that can be used for the texturing process. Examples of these textures are shown
in Figure 1.

      Fig. 1. Samples of (a) eyebrows. (b) forehead. (c) nose textures of diffuse channel.

As seen in Figure 1, each directory contains various patterns of textures that can be
used for their further processing, for example, the directory "eyebrows" contains dif-
ferent eyebrow textures, the directory "nose" has different textures of noses, etc. This
fact applies to all channels.
   To work with the proposed complex, the user needs connect it to a graphical editor
that supports a system of layers (for example Photoshop, Substance Painter), in this
example we used the Mari 3.0v1 program. Texture should be superimposed on a low-
poly 3D model.
   We got the low-poly character model from Hi-poly within the ZBrush program. As
next step, it is necessary to select the needed textures of each type and category in the
corresponding catalogs. The designer can form and edit any texture segments using the
chosen software (Figure 2).
                 Fig. 2. Three versions of the character's head. Two angles.

To run the experiment, we created the one 3D character model head. Texturing was
made in the common way [3], and we spent the 6 working days for that. We used frag-
ments of the textures that have created for this head to replenish the library of our com-
plex. There the 3D geometry has exploited as the basis for creating the following faces.
   In Figure 2 are shown the three heads of the character, and all the three models have
similar geometry and the same topology. That is, the geometry of one head is the orig-
inal (the extreme right model), and the other two are its copy. Texturing has made using
the proposed complex of texture maps.
    We selected the completed textures, combined them with each other, edited, dupli-
cated, and we spent the 2 days per each head.
   The proposed approach can be implemented in both gaming and film industries.
Also, we can consider some other fields for the application, for example interior, furni-
ture design, automobile makers, clothing, shoe, and jewelry [9-10].

3      Conclusion

The proposed textures maps complex allows to simplify and speed up the 3D character
model texturing. The development speed depends on the developer's abilities, we spent
2 days for texturing one character's head. The proposed complex allows to combine and
edit already prepared, segmented textures, which eliminates the need to make them
from scratch.
   The proposed textures maps complex reduces the entry threshold, it requires fewer
professional skills from the developer to create textures, since he already has basic frag-
ments, which he can use them for his work.
   In future we are going to design own interface for improving the comfortability of
texturing stage. We also plan to create a set of prepared and segmented 3D character
geometry, which can be used to speed up sculpting and receiving the displacement map.

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