Workshop 1: Abstract Layers – Extending the Potential of the Subject-Orientated Modeling Paradigm Matthes Elstermann Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Institute for Information Management in Engineering to create and/or integrate executable (business) 1 Scope process models when necessary or allow Classical subject-oriented process modeling with automated execution. the Parallel Activity Specification Schema Furthermore it will be discussed whether such (PASS) is a very usefully and powerful advanced process expression concepts are description approach. It is, however, in itself necessary/viable at all for future information somewhat limited due to its purely systems or design of them. defining/deterministic nature (AS-IS) and lacks certain degrees of freedom necessary for 2 Topics of Interest describing complex aspect in situations where not The topics of interest for papers include, but all details of a process can be determined are not limited to: preemptively.  Description concepts for networks of The principle paradigm of subject-orientation heterogeneous agent types (human, machines though is not limited to that definition approach and software) and can be extended.  Agent behavior specification in a network of The workshop is a practical agents demonstration/introduction to, and open  Modeling networks of enterprises - business discussion of potential abstract extension of and technology view modeling capabilities that are possible with e.g.  Agility in cross-enterprise value networks - the Abstract Layered Extension to the modeling business and technology view language PASS (ALPS).  Specification concepts for networked ALPS envisions the integrated usage of classical production and business processes process description techniques together with  Information modelling incl. semantic concepts such as, abstraction hierarchies, modelling modeling-by-restriction, or case-based-reasoning  Software engineering for distributed system (CBR) that have been discussed in context of the architectures (shared memory, shared S-BPM ONE for several years. nothing, …) Similar approaches are the jCPEX concept with  Industry 4.0 and Edge/Fog/Cloud computing its behavioral interfaces or the Actorsphere  Cyber-physical-production-systems concepts of ActNConnect. especially in combination with a The question to be discussed during the process/business perspective workshop is the potential for the approaches in  Safety and Security in regards to allowing groups of modelers spread distributed/decentralized production systems across geography, (company) cultures, and time - business and technology view