=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2388/abstract2 |storemode=property |title=Building Blocks & Economical Implications of The Internet of Actors |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2388/abstract2.pdf |volume=Vol-2388 |authors=Florian Strecker,Felix Gniza }} ==Building Blocks & Economical Implications of The Internet of Actors== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2388/abstract2.pdf
    Workshop 2: Building Blocks & Economical Implications of The
                         Internet of Actors
          Florian Strecker                                                       Felix Gniza
            actnconnect                                                          actnconnect
       Nuremberg, Germany                                                  New York, United States
Florian.Strecker@actnconnect.com                                        Felix.Gniza@actnconnect.com

1    Scope
The intra- and inter-company work models              2    Topics of Interest
change from classic, pre-defined, inflexible
                                                      This is a discussion-based workshop. We gladly
business processes to agile value creation
                                                      invite participants to discuss the concept oft he
networks. Human, machines and software
                                                      Internet of Actors and it’s technical &
components collaborate in an integrated and
                                                      economical implications.
coordinated way to fullfill their objectives. This
                                                      First we’ll present the topics using the
necessitates a new dimension of agility, speed of
                                                      whitepapers „The Internet of Actors - A Peer-to-
transformation and individuality. We strongly
                                                      Peer Agile Value Creation Network“ & „The
believe that we need an open network of self-
                                                      economics of the Internet of Actors“ and then
coordinating, modular components that offer full-
                                                      facilitate the discussion and the exchange of
fledged interoperability to tackle these challenges
                                                      opinions & views using Open Discussion
on the way to autonomous software systems.
                                                      techniques and a World Café.
These components can be called Smart Actors
and are the basic building blocks of a Peer-to-
Peer Agile Value Creation Network.
At the same time such a network will offer an
economic alternative compared to the classic,
centralized platform models of the current IT-
In this workshop, we present & discuss the
methodology, the modular concept, the
economical implications and the foundation of
the Internet of Actors (IoA). The IoA will reduce
complexity, programming efforts and unclear
interfaces. It is going to be an enabler for agile,
decentralized, self-coordinating value networks,
acting as catalyst for the Internet of Things,
Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0.