Workshop 3: Digital Transformation in Practice: BiSL Next and IT4B Amit Sarkar Walter Zondervan Dept of Computing, Ara The Competence Society, Institute of Canterbury, The Netherlands New Zealand researched and adopted lifecycles of business 1 Scope applications development and information/data IT is a maelstrom of mixed methods, best management. practices and competences. Business meanwhile BiSL next and IT4B are used to assist enterprises is focused on the beneficial outcomes of to assess their overall readiness for digitization investment in many areas. The ubiquity of IT (large or small scale) and document the overall makes it clear to investors that more and more program for improvement and what is needed for business processes must be based on IT and success. therefore the buzzword ‘digitization’ is commonly in use to describe any IT activity, 2 Topics of Interest however trivial, that might impact business Learn how to success. The unpleasant reality (or realIT…) is  to translate your business strategy into a that a coherent approach to Governance, Strategy digital ambition and therefore Improvement of business outcomes  to apply new technologies in a meaningful using IT is in the hands of global IT way into your enterprise consultancies that promote specific best practices,  to assess organizational readiness for or methods and IT installations. A good example digital transformation is the ‘Big Data’ phenomenon, a genuine issue  to bridge the gap between digital ambition but one open to any snake oil. and current organizational readiness An independent approach to both business  to improve on the organizational information digitization and organisational competence for digital transformation readiness was a gap in the market which has been  to create detailed skills requirements for addressed by the Dutch government sponsored customized training and rapid recruitment Business information services library (BISL next,  to design an efficient and effective the latest version) and its strategic development, operating model for digital transformation IT4B (IT for business). These independent best practices adhere to the proven Deming/Shewhart PDCA/PDSA cycle and provide a consistent approach to Governance specifically and organizational change/improvement. The myriad IT best practices that exist are not discarded or reinvented; they are contextualized in the well-