=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2388/paper1 |storemode=property |title=Interoperability Network - The Internet of Actors |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2388/paper1.pdf |volume=Vol-2388 |authors=Felix Gniza,Florian Strecker }} ==Interoperability Network - The Internet of Actors== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2388/paper1.pdf
            Interoperability Network - The Internet of Actors

                      Felix Gniza                                                  Florian Strecker
                     actnconnect                                                      actnconnect
               New York, United States                                           Nuremberg, Germany
            Felix.Gniza@actnconnect.com                                   Florian.Strecker@actnconnect.com

KEYWORDS                                                        (interoperability). This requires a new dimension of
Interoperability, Network, Internet of Actors, platform         agility, speed of change, participation and autonomy in
economy, entrepreneurial diversity, communication               business IT.
infrastructure,    Semantic,     software    applications,
Transformation, Governance, value, Market Potential,            The so-called platform economy, based on geographical,
Community, Tiers, Smart Actors, building blocks,                sector-specific and/or proprietary approaches, leads either
Operating       System,      business     choreographies,       to the formation of monopolies (B2C such as Google,
                                                                Amazon, Facebook) or to a multitude of platforms (B2B).
                                                                However, all existing B2C platforms show that a platform
FORWORD                                                         can only be fully effective if almost all users use the same
                                                                platform. The B2B platforms enable communication for
This document describes our path and the economics of the       their respective sub-communities but are not interoperable
interdisciplinary Interoperability Network, a so called         with each other.
‘Internet of Actors’. We, the authors, have our background
in business mathematics and business informatics. In order              This interoperability, which is so necessary, does
to grasp the manifold tasks and to develop the methodical               not exist today [...]. However, there are also
and technological concept of the Interoperability Network,              market participants who expect benefits from this
it was important for us to expand our circle of consultants             obstacle: »Those providers whose systems
in order to capture and take all requirements and                       determine the market are generally favoured by
development trends into account. Our closest consultants                this deficit. Here interoperability is an important
are therefore recruited from the following areas of                     mechanism for reducing existing economic and
expertise:                                                              technical dependencies, especially for the
                                                                        German, predominantly medium-sized industry«.
  • Computer Science, Communication Technology,                         (1)
      Production Automation
  •   Knowledge Management, Business Administration             The above quote from Bitkom is not only valid for the
      with Organizational Science and Business Process          German economy but also for the European and even
      Management                                                global economy and should be a wake-up call for most
  •   Economics and Socioeconomics                              corporations. For the business sector this means absolute
                                                                dependence on the preferred platform provider. (2) In
In preparing this document, we have not only felt the           addition to this dependency, a second situation
language barrier between the classical languages, but           automatically arises that threatens the existence of any
above all between the different subject areas. There are        enterprise, since a location outside the enterprise is created
numerous cases in which, depending on the discipline,           where all data can be collected and evaluated across all
sometimes even within a discipline, the same subject            enterprises. The platform providers have sovereignty over
matter has different names. These differences have              everything that happens on these platforms. Since platform
repeatedly led to long discussions and an intensive search      customers have no say and no participation, this model is
for the "right" word. We hope that we have always found         developing more and more into a serious challenge for the
it in this document.                                            digital transformation and Industry 4.0.

1 Initial Situation                                             Particularly in the business sector, there is often the
                                                                additional demand and necessity to give more autonomy to
                                                                the acting employees or divisions of the company to
Intra- and inter-company workflows are changing from
                                                                collaborate on the solution of their topics. There is also an
classic, predefined, inflexible business processes to global,
                                                                increasing need to equip machines/devices with more
agile value networks. Man, machine and software modules
                                                                autonomy in accordance with today's technological
work and communicate integrated and coordinated on
application level to achieve their objectives together
Interoperability Network - The Internet of Actors                                                          F.Gniza, F.Strecker

We want to ensure and sustain the entrepreneurial diversity       2.1 Methodical Technical Characterization
and sovereignty of the participants in the digital economy.       of Interoperability
The growing social sensitivity towards platforms leads to
                                                                  The definition of a network also applies to a (software-
the conclusion that social development lies in a digital
                                                                  based) interoperability network:
Interoperbility Network and will thus lead to a network
                                                                            The term network is generally used to describe
                                                                            structures and systems that consist of a set of
2 Characterization of an Interoperability                                   elements (nodes) that are linked together via
Network                                                                     connections. [...] The simple principle of nodes
                                                                            and connections allows a multitude of different
        Network commerce has consequences that go far                       architectures. Networks form open structures that
        beyond just a business model.                                       are able to expand without boundaries and to
                                                                            integrate new nodes as long as they are able to
                                                                            communicate within the network. (5)
                Markets are based on mistrust,
                Networks on trust.
                Markets are based on the pursuit of self-         Both (software) nodes and connections must be defined in
                interest,                                         the interoperability network.
                Networks on shared interests.
                Markets are arm‘s-length transactions,            The EU has generally defined interoperability as follows:
                Networks are intimate relationships.
                Markets are competitive,                                    Interoperability is the ability of organisations to
                Networks are cooperative. (3)                               interact towards mutually beneficial goals,
                                                                            involving the sharing of information and
The above quote from Jeremy Rifkin shows in an                              knowledge between these organisations, through
exaggerated way the differences between markets and                         the business processes they support, by means of
networks. In the network economy, we are not only talking                   the exchange of data between their ICT systems.
about a single software application, but an infrastructure                  (4)
for many/all applications.
                                                                  In addition to the written definition, we also see in Figure
                                                                  2 the profound meaning of the term interoperability for the
                                                                  digital world. The interdisciplinary             stack   for
                                                                  interoperability is created.

Figure 1 Number of Business Software Applications
per Company (Schematic Diagram)

Figure 1 shows how the number of software applications
in companies has gradually increased over the past                Figure 2 EIF-Layers (4)
decades, partly because automation has increased. Today,
large companies have more than 1000 different software            A distinction is made between four layers of
applications in use to support their employees in their work      interoperability. Although the layers build on each other,
or to manage their workflows. This constant integration           the aim is to develop the layers as independently as
task across all systems and releases consumes a large part        possible.
of the existing IT budget. At the same time, the complexity
of the requirements continues to increase exponentially,               • Technical Interoperability
e.g. due to the IoT, AI and the topics related to Industry
4.0 with their horizontal and vertical integration.                       The layer at which all basic technical agreements
                                                                          are made that enable meeting the requirements of
                                                                          the upper three layers; here the nodes and
Chapter 2.1 describes the methodological and technical                    connections of the interoperability network are
characteristics of an Interoperability Network based on the               defined;
EU Interoperability Framework (EIF) (4) and Chapter 2.2
explains the organisational characteristics.                           • Semantic Interoperability
                                                                          The layer that ensures that the organisational,
                                                                          content, communicative and legal requirements are
                                                                          described in such a way that they can be
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Interoperability Network - The Internet of Actors                                                           F.Gniza, F.Strecker

      implemented with the technology agreed at the                variety of devices and software solutions are developed
      layer of Technical Interoperability;                         that are interchangeable thanks to standardized
                                                                   communication. Standardization prevents the lock-in
 • Organizational Interoperability
                                                                   effect to hard-and software vendors (vendor lock-in) and
      The layer at which all organizational and context-           at the same time guarantees the diversity that is desired and
      relevant facts are described and specified between           necessary in social policy. Examples are the GSM protocol
      the participants resp. those responsible on the basis        for mobile communication as well as the TCP/IP protocol
      of the agreed semantics;                                     for the expansion of the Internet.
 • Legal Interoperability
                                                                   Figure 3 shows in exemplary fashion this development
      The layer at which the legal framework is
                                                                   since the 1970/80s, when the OSI 7-layer model (6) was
      coordinated by the parties involved. For the digital
      world, the legal framework is also described in              developed. Over time, one layer after another was
      semantics. From this follows automatically the               standardized, and thus, on the one hand, the vendor lock-
      requirement on the involved parties to determine             in was pushed back and, on the other hand, the
      these rules so exactly that the guidelines allow a           manufacturers of software applications no longer had to
      technically distinct processing.                             develop the communication layers. This was just one
                                                                   reason why less IT and comomnication expertise was
The technical and semantic interoperability layers and             required for software application development.
their derived scope of services thus represent the software
infrastructure for all layers in the EU Framework. This is         At the same time, however, the scope and complexity of
the prerequisite for global value creation networks.               the requirements increased steadily. Another driver for
                                                                   increased complexity will be the IoT with its trillions of
                                                                   software modules just as the ever faster change of business
2.1.1 Technical interoperability with its
                                                                   models requires a new dimension of software agility.
communication at application level

Internet of Things, Internet of Everything, Industry 4.0,
Networked Economy and Digitalization imply the vision
of a global communication network on application level
(Interoperbility Network). The particular challenge is the
inter-company communication, which requires the
interoperability of all digital network nodes. Global
interoperability can only be achieved through
                                                                   Figure 3 Impact of New Communication Standards on
                                                                   Business IT (Interoperability Network and
Over the past four decades, the telecommunications
                                                                   Communication Orientation)
industry and the IT industry have shown that standardized,
global communication networks generate enormous
wealth effects. The Internet and the global mobile network         In order to overcome this increase in complexity and
are the most prominent examples. Global communication              avoid the lock-in effect of the platforms, an Interoperbility
networks fulfill two mutually dependent requirements,              Network must be created in which the digital nodes
they are supported by a largely democratically organized           connect via a universal and standardized communication
community, and the technologies and architectures used             protocol.
offer members of the community the opportunity to
participate.                                                       In an Interoperbility Network, software applications are
                                                                   created by connecting autonomous software nodes. This
A sustainable digital, global communication infrastructure         means a paradigm shift for the development of software
on application level (Interoperbility Network), which              applications. The focus is no longer on object orientation,
enables its users to participate, can be identified by the         but on the communication of the digital nodes.
following criteria:
                                                                   2.1.2 Semantic Interoperability as a Basis
 •    scientifically proven                                        for the Simplicity of Software Application
 •    unique, modular, standardized, interoperable,                Development
 •    democratic, regulated, non-discriminatory
 •    decentralized, horizontal                                    The creation of software has developed considerably over
                                                                   the past decades and has become simpler in many ways.
Standardization in the field of communication technology           (see also Figure 4) In order to program a fixed scope of
has always led to a great leap in the dissemination of
                                                                   services, only a fraction of the effort and knowledge
technological progress in recent decades. At the same time,
                                                                   required in the 1970s and 1980s is required today.
standardization has always laid the technical foundation
                                                                   Programming languages have become more powerful, and
for a new market. Based on a common standard, a wide
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Interoperability Network - The Internet of Actors                                                              F.Gniza, F.Strecker

object orientation in particular has led to a considerable           also due to the larger performance volume of programming
increase in performance. Today, small and singular tasks             languages and their tools.
can be programmed and solved very quickly.
                                                                     Figure 4 shows that the current software development
                                                                     process will collapse with an exponentially increasing
                                                                     number of software applications unless it is fundamentally
                                                                     simplified and automated. Only then can it meet the user
                                                                     requirements of an Interoperability Network.

                                                                     The following functionalities are required:

                                                                          • Definition of (software) nodes and connections to
Figure 4 Change in the Allocation of Tasks in the                             enable the multi-use (also automatic) of each node.
Software Development Process                                              • Autonomy of the software nodes to replace
                                                                              orchestration by choreography (7) and thus achieve
Figure 4 shows how the software development process                           agility at node level.
has changed over the decades. In order to illustrate the                  •   simple semantics based on nodes and connections
change, especially the manual effort, one can define the                      to describe business requirements
following three areas for the division of work in the                     •   immediate executability of semantics (Turing
software development process:                                                 complete)
                                                                                        o to        eliminate    the   costs    of
                                                                                             transformation,     misunderstandings
     •    Description of Requirements                                                        and translation errors
                                                                                        o to reduce the knowledge required for
          comprises all work from the analysis of the task
                                                                                             programming and execution
          to the optimization of the way of working and
          processing. Various tools are available for this
          implementation, from pure text systems to                  Above functionalities ensure that a software application is
          complex model languages such as BPMN. The                  established in the Interoperbility Network and that the
          required expertise in this area is characterized by        Description of Requirements and the Programming &
          the required business requirements and less by             Execution segments merge into a new segment called
          IT knowledge.                                              Executable Description. The transformation segment is
     •    Transformation                                             simplified and therefore requires much less effort.

          contains the work that is necessary to develop an
                                                                     Based on the specifications made in the areas of technical
          IT concept from requirements. This also
          includes tasks such as integration into the                and semantic interoperability, the organisational and legal
          existing IT landscape and synchronization of the           requirements are identified, defined and implemented.
          various IT teams. Working methods such as
          SCRUM are used in this segment to resolve                  2.2 Organizational Characterization of
          misunderstandings and translation errors as
          quickly as possible. In this area, expertise in            Interoperability
          business, organization and IT, including
          programming, is required.                                  The technical and methodological approach of an
                                                                     Interoperbility Network is supplemented by economic and
                                                                     social considerations. Standardization is an important
     •    Programming and Execution                                  prerequisite for global interoperability.
          contains the programming in the respective
          programming language with the corresponding                An Interoperbility Network is like a digital economic
          tools and the execution on the target system               space with a single type of product - software.
          including all necessary testing and operating
                                                                     It needs democratic structures for standardization,
                                                                     participation of users and ongoing technical and economic
Due to the increasing complexity of business                         development. This must be ensured by an ordoliberal
requirements, the description of requirements segment is             framework.
increasing in relation to total effort. (see also Figure 4) The
same effect can be seen in the segment of transformation,
which has expanded considerably over the decades due to              2.2.1 Governance
more complex tasks, larger project teams, the dissolution
of software monoliths into smaller service units and the             Governance also plays an essential role in a digital
need for integration into existing IT landscapes. In the             economy and must be future proof. Governance structures
segment of pure programming, on the other hand, the                  of successful digital communities can serve as guidelines,
relative effort has decreased considerably in recent years,          such as those of the IHE community in the healthcare
                                                                     industry. (8)

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2.2.2 Guidelines for the governance of an                         it. This value creation network with its users and rules can
Interoperability Network                                          be completely digitally modeled. It ensures that all
                                                                  agreements are executed as negotiated between the users.
 • Participaton: Membership should be open to all                 The digitization of the management of an Interoperability
     interested parties. Private sub-communities (e.g.            Network will affect all areas:
     companies, countries, etc.) could adopt their own
     rules and structures within the framework.
                                                                           •   Project management, controlling and partner
 •   Transparency: Fundamental information on                                  and human resources management
     governance, activities and decisions should be                        •   Knowledge management, quality assurance and
     accessible to all users.                                                  user training
 •   Representation of users: The Governance and all                       •   Legal management, the accounting of all
     administrative activities are representing the will                       services and the coordination of users along the
     and the needs of a wide range of users                                    governance.
 •   Scientific support: Consulting accompaniment and
     partnership by scientific organizations are of crucial       An Interoperability Network can provide a global digital
     importance to ensure the further development to the
                                                                  marketplace to enable users to trade software applications
     benefit of the users.
                                                                  and business choreographies. All functions and processes
 •   Representation of the industry: The commitment of
                                                                  on such a marketplace can be executed digitally.
     providers in the IT industry (hardware, software,
     system integration, IT operations) is substantial for        Standardization and interoperability ensure that by design
     the marketability of an Interoperability Network.            interoperable software applications are provided (technical
 •   Non-partisanship and balance of interests: No                matching). All users can join the marketplace.
     special interest should dominate the decision-
     making processes.                                            Such a marketplace should essentially meet the following
 •   Efficient decision-making structures: Decisions              criteria:
     should be taken through procedures that ensure that
     all opinions are taken into account. There should
     also be a dispute settlement process.
                                                                       • High scalability and reach
 •   Consensus: In all decisions, the greatest possible
                                                                       • Exclusively quality-assured software applications
                                                                           and business choreographies from certified
     consent by users should be sought.
 •   Competition: Users of an interoperability network
     include business organisations that compete directly
                                                                       •   Individual pricing and remuneration of the
                                                                           providers/users in accordance with agreed
     with each other. The governance of an
     interoperability network must therefore ensure
     compliance with the relevant legal requirements,                  •   Closed sub-marketplaces or multihoming for users,
     including antitrust law.                                              user groups or industries
 •   Relevance: The governance of an interoperability
     network should pay particular attention to the
     applicability of the technologies and structures
                                                                  3 Economic Aspects in an Interoparability
 •   Effectiveness: Decisions should be designed in
     such a way that they can be implemented as quickly           Network
     as possible.
 •   Interoperability orientation: Sustainable                    In a software infrastructure as represented by an
     Interoperability should be given the highest priority        Interoperability Network, software shows specific
     in the further development of an Interoperability            characteristics such as:
                                                                       • high production costs in relation to lowest marginal
2.2.3 The Value of an Interoperability                                     costs
Network for the User                                                   • complex protectability
                                                                       • costly proof of use
The value of any infrastructure increases with the number
of users. For an Interoperability Network, mechanisms             The associated difficulties of valuation and remuneration
should be developed to reward early adopters. For                 mechanisms deserve special attention.
example, usage certificates could be issued which, similar
to tokens in Blockchains, grow in value with increasing
                                                                  In order to address the problem of the valuation of
usage.                                                            software, the valuation for the use of the Interoperability
                                                                  Network could consist of two components, a base
2.2.4 Digital Management of an                                    component and a market component.
Interoperability Network
                                                                  A base component can be automatically calculated using a
An Interoperability Network becomes a value creation              predefined algorithm and distributed to the users involved
network through the economic activities that take place on        in development or operations. Each software application

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Interoperability Network - The Internet of Actors                                                           F.Gniza, F.Strecker

should have a base component to ensure a fair minimum              Besides the governance and the economic view on the
remuneration of the users.                                         Internet of Actors, we will focus in particular on the
                                                                   following for the remainder of this document:
A market component that can be freely negotiated among
all participating users of the Interoperability Network can             • the technological developments leading to the
be added. This process can also be implemented largely                     decentral and interoperable Internet of Actors, and
digitally.                                                              • the possible framework to ensure fair remuneration
                                                                           for the services provided by each member.
All rules and processes for valuation should be
continuously adapted by the members and committees of              The scientific technological core of the Internet of Actors
the Interoperability Network.                                      is described in the white paper "Internet of Actors, a Peer-
                                                                   to-Peer Value Creation Network" (9) by actnconnect.

                                                                   The Internet of Actors covers the following main topics,
                                                                   which must be further elaborated by the community of the
4 Market Potential of an Interoperability                          Internet of Actors:
                                                                        • Governance of the Community
An Interoperability Network should provide an attractive,               • Smart Actor Economy
fair and performance-oriented framework for all users.
                                                                        • Community Management

By establishing global, interoperable B2B value creation           5.1 The Software Building Blocks of the
networks, the size of the expected economic area can far
exceed that of the existing Internet. It can be assumed that
                                                                   Internet of Actors
an increasing migration of proprietary IT systems and
platforms into a global Interoperability Network will take         The Smart Actors (software nodes) are the smallest self-
place. This can create a global Network comparable to the          sufficient value creation building blocks of the Internet of
Internet or mobile networks.                                       Actors. To simplify the requirements gathering these
                                                                   Smart Actors are available in three basic variations:
In the long term, the available global market potential of         Business Actor, Service Actor and Physical Actor (see also
an Interoperability Network can reach the aggregated               Figure 5).
global market volume forecasts for the IoT, Industry 4.0
and digitalization in general. The level of welfare gain for
the international community can only be imagined and
should be many times higher.

A global Interoperability Network offers attractive
strategic investments in a sustainable ordoliberal digital
space. Users maintain their independence, and investors
make targeted long-term commitments.
                                                                   Figure 5 The Smart Actor as the Incremental
                                                                   Software Building Block

                                                                   The Smart Actors communicate with each other (network
5 The Internet of Actors as an                                     connections) utilizing a to be standardized universal
Interoperability Network                                           protocol which we call Role Behavior Interface (RBI). (9)

In order to achieve the characteristics of the                     The definition of the Smart Actor with its three basic
Interoperability Network, actnconnect has developed a              variations and the RBI result in a universal modular
modular software network architecture based on scientific          software system. From these basic options, an infinite
methodologies. The core of this network are the nodes we           number of individual task-specific Smart Actors can now
call Smart Actor (9). We therefore call the Interoperability       be modeled. With this software toolkit, all domain-specific
Network 'Internet of Actors' (IoA).                                functions of the value creation networks can be
                                                                   implemented. The domain-independent Smart Actor
Software applications on the Internet of Actors consist of         Operating System (SmAOS) is added to this toolkit. (see
any number of independent and interoperable Smart                  also Figure 6)
Actors. Software applications are created agilely and
dynamically using the ability to connect Smart Actors in a         This separation of individual functionalities and the
standardized way. This results in cross-company value              operating system for value creation networks in
creation networks. (see also (9))                                  connection with the communication of the Smart Actors
                                                                   ensures that each Smart Actor has its own independent
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Interoperability Network - The Internet of Actors                                                            F.Gniza, F.Strecker

versioning on application level. This allows to run the           Autonomous systems such as Smart Actors therefore no
release cycles of the SmAOS and the Smart Actors                  longer require an orchestrating body. This characteristic
separately.                                                       leads to the name Business Choreography. Each Smart
                                                                  Actor can be used in 1 to n business choreographies, and
                                                                  the SmAOS identifies potential communication partners
                                                                  automatically. This will lead to a very high re-usage
                                                                  probability and thus to a high number of uses.

                                                                  The IoAN's scope of services is synchronized with that of
                                                                  the Smart Actors and SmAOS building block system, so
                                                                  that any complex and interoperable business
                                                                  choreographies can be created as value-added networks.
Figure 6 Actorsphere
                                                                  5.3 Interoperability in the Internet of Actors
To ensure the technical interoperability according to             in all Layers
chapter 2.1.1 we offer this modular software toolkit. It
consists of:
                                                                  Summarising the previous chapters, we see that the issue
                                                                  of interoperability, as elaborated by the EU, has not only
 • Smart Actors, and                                              been met, but in some respects further completed. From
 • the Smart Actor Operating System, as well as                   the perspective of the Internet of Actors, the definition of
      contained therein                                           interoperability is then as follows:
 • the cross-domain Role Behavior Interface (RBI)
      connecting all building blocks.                                      Interoperability means that software building blocks
                                                                           can communicate with each other according to the
5.2 The Requirements Gathering in the                                      agreements of the partners and work together towards
Interoperability Network                                                   common goals. This is independent of the producers of
                                                                           software building blocks involved. It includes
According to Figure 4, column "Communication", the
segment of transformation is minimized despite the
increasing complexity of the requirements because, with                              •    communicating peer-to-peer with
the help of the modular software design and the semantics                                 each other,
of this modular software design, the structure and                                   •    working together as intended, even in
communication of each software node is unified and                                        complex, global value creation
                                                                                          networks and business processes, and
standardized. We call this semantics "Internet of Actors
Notation" (IoAN). As a result, the IT knowledge required                             •    supporting and enabling
                                                                                          collaboration between man, machine
is considerably reduced, because the IoAN is a
                                                                                          and software.
straightforward semantic for describing business
requirements which enables immediate execution in the
SmAOS. (Turing complete (9).

Many communicating Smart Actors result in a software
application or what we call a business choreography. (see
also Figure 7)

                                                                  Figure 8 Positioning of the Interoperability Network
                                                                  in the EIF (4)

                                                                  This results in the following implementation and extension
                                                                  of EIF's interoperability when using the modular software
                                                                  system: (see also Figure 8)
Figure 7 The Business Choreography of Value
                                                                       • Technical Interoperability is ensured in the IoA by
                                                                            the modular system with the structure and
A core feature of business choreographies is that all Smart                 definition of the Smart Actors, together with the
Actors are autonomously acting units. This also implies                     RBI as communication protocol and the SmAOS.
that each Smart Actor has access to all information about              •    Semantic Interoperability is ensured by the IoAN
its communication behavior and all required rules.                          semantics with complete synchronicity to the
                                                                            technical structure in combination with immediate
                                                                            executability (Turing complete).
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  • Organizational Interoperability is achieved when a             5.5 The Community Members of the
      business choreography is agreed between all                  Internet of Actors and their Tasks
      participants and used in the IoA.
  •   Legal Interoperability is achieved when legal
      requirements are translated into clear rules in a            From a business point of view, the first thing we notice in
      business choreography and these become part of the           Figure 10 is all Tier-C participants. At this level,
      relevant Smart Actors.                                       domain-specific business knowledge is necessary. This is
                                                                   where the contextual structure of the to be created domain-
5.4 Tiers of the Internet of Actors                                specific value creation network is designed and defined.
                                                                   The required Smart Actors are selected with a matching
The IoA in its structure and the used methods results in the       process or produced in Tier-B. A lively exchange and
development of four Tiers for business concepts. (see also         communication between the aadjacent levels is
Figure 9)

                                                                   Figure 10 Interaction between Tiers
Figure 9 Community Tiers of the IoA
                                                                   Tier-B and -C use the Smart Actors and business
Base                                                               choreographies of Tier-A as tools for their work. From
The base is the foundation of the Tiers A to C. This level         Base to Tier-C, this distribution of tasks will result in a
is a cross domain infrastructure level. Here the central           decreasing need for expertise in the methodologies of the
components of the basic types of Smart Actors, RBI,                Interoperability Network. However, an in-depth exchange
SmAOS and IoAN are developed and made available to all             on the business requirements will be necessary to ensure
other Tiers as a basis.                                            the further development of the Base and the Tier-A.

Tier-A                                                             Each member of the IoA Community can take on any role
At this level you will find all Smart Actors and Business          depending on their competencies. There are the roles of
Choreographies that aim to create tools for the                    customer/user and, as shown in Figure 10, developer,
Interoperability   Network,       e.g.   for    modeling,
                                                                   producer and business choreographer.
choreography, management, quality assurance, selection,
accounting, etc. The Smart Actors and business
choreographies of this Tier are mainly used across                 6 Conclusion
domains. However, domain-specific tools can also be
created.                                                                  However, a universal plug-and-play in Industry
                                                                          4.0 is an illusion. There will be no Industry 4.0
Tier-B                                                                    standard in the near or distant future to ensure
At this level, the Smart Actors are developed for each                    universal interoperability for machines and
individual domain. A domain can be an industry as well as                 equipment of all kinds. Even the meanwhile
a defined subject area. However, a Smart Actor created for                intensified cross-industry standardization efforts
one domain can also be used in all other domains.                         cannot and will not achieve this. (1)

Tier-C                                                             This document shows that the technological development
Based on the Tier-B domains, in Tier-C the business                has overtaken the above statement.
choreographies of the respective domain are compiled
tested and executed.                                               The next evolutionary step in the standardization of
                                                                   communication is the interoperability of software
For better orientation, we have assigned the roles                 applications. With this, the development of a global
commonly used today in the process from management                 Interoperability Network can now be initiated.
consulting to programming to the above Tiers in the IoA.
See Figure 9.                                                      We believe that for the global community the digital
                                                                   economic space of this Interoperability Network will be
                                                                   the democratic alternative to the platform economy, Open
                                                                   Source or Open API initiatives.

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Interoperability Network - The Internet of Actors                                                                               F.Gniza, F.Strecker

We call such global Interoperability Network the 'Internet         8 List of Figures
of Actors'.
                                                                   Figure 1 Number of Business Software Applications per
                                                                   Company (Schematic Diagram) .......................................2
In order to ensure technical and economic sovereignty for          Figure 2 EIF-Layers (4) ...................................................2
the users of the Internet of Actors, a scientific foundation       Figure 3 Impact of New Communication Standards on
of the used technologies and the rigorous decentralization         Business IT (Interoperability Network and
of all activities are required. This is supported by the           Communication Orientation) ...........................................3
inherent interoperability of software applications and the         Figure 4 Change in the Allocation of Tasks in the
transformation from programming to modelling. The                  Software Development Process ........................................4
Internet of Actors software architecture ensures maximum           Figure 5 The Smart Actor as the Incremental Software
automation and scalability. The result is software                 Building Block .................................................................6
interoperability by design.                                        Figure 6 Actorsphere ........................................................7
                                                                   Figure 7 The Business Choreography of Value Networks
An ordoliberal framework ensures sustainable governance             .........................................................................................7
and fair remuneration for the services provided and used           Figure 8 Positioning of the Interoperability Network in
by the users of the Internet of Actors.                            the EIF (4) ........................................................................7
                                                                   Figure 9 Community Tiers of the IoA ..............................8
Communication itself represents a large part of economic           Figure 10 Interaction between Tiers .................................8
activities. With the Internet of Actors, a global trillion
USD eco-system is emerging which offers previously
impossible efficiency gains for the benefit of common
welfare. The avoidance of monopolies and dependencies
alone justifies the efforts to build it.                           9 References
                                                                   1. Interoperabilität, Bitkom-Gremium Industrie 4.0.
We invite all players in scientific, economic and political        Industrie 4.0 – Die Bedeutung von Interoperabilität im
life worldwide to play an active role in shaping the Internet      Referenzarchitekturmodell Industrie 4.0. Berlin : Bitkom;
of Actors.                                                         Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft,
                                                                   Telekommunikation und neue Medien e. V., 2017. S. 6;
                                                                   11-14;, Leitfaden.

                                                                   2. Parsons, Clark, et al. Fair Play in der digitalen Welt.
                                                                   Berlin : Internet Economy Foundation (IE.F);Roland
                                                                   Berger GmbH, 2016. S. 29-59.

                                                                   3. Rifkin, Jeremy. The European Dream. [Hrsg.] Penguin
                                                                   Group. USA : P.Tarcher/ Penguin, 2004. S. 192-193.
                                                                   ISBN 1-58542-345-9.

7 Acknowledgements and Copyright                                   4. European Union. New European Interoperability
We would like to especially thank Christian Stary, Herbert         Framework (EIF). [Hrsg.] Publications Office of the
Fischer, Albert Fleischmann, Anton Friedel, Florian                European Union. Luxembourg : s.n., 2017. S. 15;22.
Höpfl, Stefan Heidenreich, Reinhard Gniza and the                  ISBN 978-92-79-63756-8.
members of the i2PM community for the detailed
                                                                   5. Benger, Alf. Gestaltung von
discussions, advice and hands-on support in preparing this
                                                                   Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken. [Hrsg.] Norbert Gronau.
                                                                   Berlin : GITO-Verlag, 2007. S. 13 ; 93 ff ;109 . ISBN 3-
CopyrightCopyright actnconnect as a division of R. Gniza           936771-96-1.
PRAXIS SOLUTIONS GmbH & Co KG, Frankenstraße
                                                                   6. OSI. OSI Modell. Wikipedia. [Online] 17. 05 2019.
152 90461 Nuremberg. All rights reserved. The content of
this document is subject to copyright. Changes, reductions,
extensions and additions require the prior written consent         7. Kolo, Katrin. Ode to Choreography. Organizational
of actnconnect, Nuremberg. Any reproduction is only                Aesthetics. 5 2016, S. 37-46.
permitted on condition that this copyright notice is retained
on the document itself when it is reproduced. Any                  8. IHE. Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise. [Online]
publication or translation requires the prior written consent      17. 05 2019. www.IHE.net.
of actnconnect, Nuremberg. "actnconnect", "actorsphere“,
”IoAN” and all Smart Actor images are trademarks or                9. Internet of Actors a Peer- to- Peer Agile Value
registered trademarks of actnconnect in Germany and in             Creation Network. Strecker, Florian und Gniza, Reinhard.
many other countries.                                              [Hrsg.] actnconnect. Sevilla : s.n., 2019. S-BPM ONE.

S-BPM-ONE 19, June, 2019, Seville, Spain                  Page 9 of 9