=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2388/short1 |storemode=property |title=What's going to happen to Business Process Management? |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2388/short1.pdf |volume=Vol-2388 |authors=Matthias Lederer }} ==What's going to happen to Business Process Management?== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2388/short1.pdf
         What's going to happen to Business Process
                     Current Status and Future of a Discipline
                                          Matthias Lederer
                                      ISM International School of
                                         Management Munich

ABSTRACT                                             approaches. In the S-BPM community as well as
                                                     on many other process management platforms
In recent years, business process management         (e.g., panels, workshops) discussions about the
(BPM) has developed many concepts and                current and future significance of BPM take
methods for IT-supported cross-functional            place.
optimization within enterprises. The megatrend
of digitization, however, raises the question of     Thanks to new technologies, smarter IT systems,
what significance the discipline currently and in    the digitization of many processes, fully
the future still has. This article analyzes the      automated business models and many other
general importance of BPM in science and             trends, the BPM discipline, which has formerly
research. From this, four theses on the future of    been described, becomes more diverse. Many
the discipline are derived (including decreasing     opportunities can arise from this, because process
relevance of classical terms and commoditization     orientation is a main paradigm in many
of concepts), which can be used as an orientation    digitization initiatives. The built-up BPM
for further BPM initiatives.                         knowledge base can make many contributions –
                                                     this might only be the modeling, execution,
CCS Concepts                                         optimization or monitoring. At the same time, a
Applied computing ➝ Enterprise computing ➝           sense of loss of identity can be observed – for
Business process management.                         example, when ideas from other disciplines
                                                     cannot be easily combined with the classical
Keywords                                             teachings of BPM, when new digitization experts
Business Process Management, Digitization,           are appearing on the field or when the term
Research community.                                  "process management" is no longer used.
                                                     This contribution serves as a reflection paper to
1 Motivation                                         encourage discussion at the conference on the
The conference series of the S-BPM ONE exists        future of BPM, and probably of S-BPM in
since 10 years. Conceptually, it can be              particular.
understood as a further development or
supplement to the original and traditional BPM
S-BPM ONE ‘29, June, 2019, Sevilla, Spain                                                        M. Lederer

First, selected developments of BPM in science        integrate data, functions and tasks in a company.
and practice are outlined. They do not claim to be    Nonetheless, these topics are nowadays
complete in their entirety, but provide insights      subsumed or specifically referred to as digital
into the developments that can be observed in         business. For example data analytics, predictive
BPM research and entrepreneurial practice. Since      maintenance, data mining, industry 4.0, design
this text is about general observations,              thinking, big data integration, AI for agents,
hypotheses, and interpretations, it explicitly does   smart production or dynamic orchestration are
not use any sources as evidences. The article         typical keywords for currently trendy concepts.
concludes with four theses, which are to be           However, the BPM and S-BPM community is
understood as an assessment of the author. They       providing contributions in these fields for years,
should serve as an introduction to an open            but under classic terms such as workflow, ERP,
discussion at the conference.                         activity-based analysis, formal languages,
                                                      business IT alignment, BPM software, automated
                                                      execution, process semantics and process
2 Collection of ongoing                               training. In summary, the classic BPM topics are
  developments                                        still under discussion and application - but under
First, some observations from business practice       different, modern or specific terminology.
and science are collected.
                                                      On a second level, digitization means a holistic
                                                      transformation of companies (e.g., with their
BPM in companies                                      business models, transactions and resources) and
Despite all the talk about the exact meaning,         also of the entire society (e.g., work 4.0,
GoogleTrends can certainly be used to derive the      generation Y). Many of the ideas are build on
general interest in topics. Figure 1 shows that       digital processes (and the underlying available
global interest in BPM (search requests) has been     data, tools, and competencies organized in
falling slightly since 2009 and has remained at a     process models). In line with new technology,
constant level for several years.                     more (especially structured) business processes
                                                      have been optimized (e.g., automated). This is
                                                      still happening today at the first level of
                                                      digitization. The focus of companies shifts
                                                      towards the second level with the available data
                                                      and IT services in flexible and strategic topics. IT
                                                      is used to (i) implement digital leadership, (ii)
                                                      digital products and services (innovations), (iii)
                                                      digital partnerships, and (iv) digital business
Figure 1: Relative Google searches for BPM and
digital business
                                                      models. Often, however, a classic BPM basis is
                                                      needed for (i) roles, (ii) process data, (iii)
Digitization is usually addressed at two levels in    collaboration workflows, and (iv) reliable
companies. First, it is about transferring analog     transactions (= business processes).
data or manual steps into digital information or
automated workflows. At this stage, classical
BPM has its beginnings, because processes
What's going to happen to Business Process Management?                      S-BPM ONE ‘29, June, 2019, Sevilla, Spain

BPM in science                                           BPM publications only grow significantly in the
                                                         management world. Perhaps this can be
This trend can also be seen in science and
                                                         explained by the fact that IT, data and technology
research, where there are still contributions,
                                                         related issues have always been relevant to
findings and new results on classic BPM topics.
                                                         engineers, but have now arrived in management
Figure 2 shows 8.914 BPM-related publications
                                                         as well (e.g. functions such as online marketing,
of three databases over the last years (see Figure
                                                         digital HR, automated finance, automated
                                                         administration, transactions such as e-
Although some methodological approaches have             procurement and e-commerce). In the mainstream
been used in the sample and analysis, they are not       (SpringerLink), however, other keywords seem to
described here – this article focuses on reflection      become more relevant, even if BPM publications
rather than the exact measurement methodology.           continue to have equal shares.

                                                         Table 1: Growth rates and relation (n=8914)

                                                         Database \ Rates   Avg. annual         Avg. annual growth
                                                                            growth rate of      rate of all publications
                                                                            BPM publications    in database
                                                         EbscoHOST          15%                 7%
                                                         IEEE Xplore        -1%                 3%
                                                         SpringerLink       7%                  7%

                                                         If one looks at classical conferences in the field
                                                         of information systems (see Table 2), BPM is
                                                         now completely seen as interdisciplinary field
                                                         between business and IT. Shown are the track
                                                         names in which researchers were/are invited to
                                                         submit BPM-related papers. The track names
                                                         from previous years and the ones form the current
Figure 2: BPM publications in (i) EbscoHOST, (ii)        year are shown in the rows.
IEEE Xplore and (iii) SpringerLink (top-down)
                                                         It is noticeable that in the past either BPM-
At first glance, the number of general textbooks         relevant topics were explicitly mentioned in the
and general publications (here SpringerLink) has         track name or BPM was discussed in the context
increased slightly since 2009. On the one hand, in       of organizational questions. At current
more management-oriented databases (here                 conferences, only one track has actually BPM in
EbscoHOST), a strong increase in peer-reviewed           the title. As with business practice, BPM topics
journal contributions can be observed. Technical         are mentioned in many different tracks (under
contributions to BPM (here IEEE) decline on the          new categories) in Call for Papers but not in the
other hand.                                              title anymore (no longer an own category).
However, looking at the relative proportions of
these samples (see Table 1), it becomes clear that
S-BPM ONE ‘29, June, 2019, Sevilla, Spain                                                              M. Lederer

Table 1: Relevant tracks for BPM-related contributions       (ii) The special or modern names are more
Conference Former track            Current track             popular than BPM. (iii) Knowledge from the
WI           Business process Enterprise Modeling            BPM discipline is welcome in many tracks (e.g.,
(2014 vs. and              service &        Information
                                                             modeling, IT alignment), but more as a useful
2019)        management            Systems Design
                                   Digital                   foundation and not as key driver (e.g. digital
                                   Transformation and        transformation).
MKWI         Business process The Customer in the
(2014 vs. management and Digital
                                                             3 Theses for discussion
2018)        flexibility        in Transformation      -     Based on the – not scientifically complete
             workflow              Creating Customer         objective – findings on the state of BPM in
             management            Values                    business practice and research, this paper
             systems               Social Computing,         presents four theses on the development of
                                                             process management, which should be used in the
                                   Information Systems
                                   Design           and      (S-)BPM community as a conference discussion.
                                   Development               Thesis 1: The importance of BPM as a concept is
                                   Cyber-physical            decreasing.
                                   systems and digital       The (sometimes only felt) status of homelessness
                                   value networks            of classical BPM scientists is certainly there
ICIS         IS          Strategy, Business      Models      because of a shift in the naming of classical
(2014 vs. Structure, and           and           Digital
                                                             process and information systems terms. Instead
2019)        Organizational        Transformation
             Impacts                                         of known terms (e.g., IT, process), (i) other
                                                             generic concepts (e.g., digital transformation that
ECIS           IT     and     new     Modelling       and    often includes BPM), (ii) concrete techniques
(2010    vs.   organisational         Managig the Digital    (e.g., cyber-physical systems) or (iii) trendy
2019)          forms          and     Enterprise and its     terms (e.g., predictive maintenance) are in vogue.
               innovations            Business Processes     In practice and science, the value of data (e.g.,
                                                             Business Intelligence, Data Science, Data
AMCIS          n.a.                   AI and Smenatic
(only                                 Technologies     for
                                                             Analytics) is heavily highlighted, but its use in
2019)                                 Intelligent            processes/workflows is called different (e.g.
                                      Information Systems    Process Mining).
                                      Data Science and       This opens up the opportunity for BPM to
                                      Analytcis        for   transfer existing knowledge into many other
                                      Decision Support       domains, functions, and divisions – even though
                                                             the term process may not be needed in the end.
                                      Transformation &
                                      Information Systems
                                                             The big risk is that new fields (e.g., business
                                                             functions, scientific tracks) cannot build on the
                                                             abundant knowledge. Many digital panels discuss
This allows three initial conclusions: (i) Process           conceptual topics that have been worked on (or
management concepts are the content of various               even solved!) in the BPM community for years.
cross-cutting issues and topics of the future (such          By the way, a similar development is to be
as, digital transformation, artificial intelligence).        observed in the classical knowledge management
What's going to happen to Business Process Management?                    S-BPM ONE ‘29, June, 2019, Sevilla, Spain

discipline. This community had already on the            Along with thesis 2, BPM topics are often
WI2019 an open panel about their loss of identity        discussed even more by managers (e.g. Chief
(freely interpreted under the thesis "Is the             Digital Officers) today. IT and technology in
classical knowledge management still alive?").           general has arrived in almost all processes (first
Thesis 2: The importance of process management           stage of digitization, see above). Thus, in the
as          a        discipline         decreases.       executive floors, the (perceived) competence to
Today, many self-appointed experts are                   participate in IT-supported processes grows.
discussing IT topics under the umbrella of               Efficient processes are required to talk about
digitization. "Data Scientist" or "Digital               business models and digital strategies. The
Transformation Consultant" are currently popular         figures from the analysis show that digital
titles on business cards (or at the end of an e-         business topics become a top priority. Industry
mail).                                                   4.0 is, for example, actually a topic of data- and
Classical BPM knowledge, is needed on a lower            IT-supported process optimization, but is heavily
level - one could say that processes take a              discussed by managers under the business term of
development as described by Carr (“IT                    value networks. Engineers focus on technical
[Processes?] doesn’t matter”). Traditional               terms such as smart devices.
questions of the community (process strategy,            This would have to be a great opportunity for
modeling, execution, controlling) are standard           BPM, because formal (or “nerdy”) BPM ideas are
today. However, BPM experts should not share             actually hip and modern in the top management.
the same fate as the quality experts in the 90s:         However, benefits of this liberal and visionary
Although they developed an immense body of               trend are other communities that are frolicking
knowledge, they are often no longer welcome as           around under the large umbrella of digitization or
experts in many companies, because their ideas           are building up data and business models. A pity
seem to be old, formal and not trendy.                   for BPM, but true!
If we want to continue to be modern and in               Thesis 4: Subject orientation is a paradigm of
demand as a BPM community, we need to open               many trends, but is called different.
ourselves with bridges to new technologies (e.g.,        Subject orientation is understood by people
blockchain, virtual leadership). This is necessary       outside of the community as a human-centered
in the discussion of contents and consequently           (business experts) or agent-based (engineering
also in the naming. Actually, BPM is ready,              experts) idea of BPM. As we know in the
because the concepts have been around for a long         community, S-BPM is very powerful and can
time. Now we are in the lucky position to have           cover many fields. Individualization is a big
the data and IT systems we often asked for to            driver in digitization – if we just think of ways to
tackle great ideas like integration, media breaks        use personalized information efficiently and
and data-based optimization. Or do we just have          effectively (e.g., Google, Facebook, Netflix). The
concepts and as soon as we should become                 concept of the subject might not, like BPM as a
operational, we let others take precedence? BPM          whole, fit the hip and trendy themes of the time.
knowledge must not be lost, but live as a cross-         Design thinking, user-generated content, social
sectional     function      in    other     fields.      media, intelligent agents, autonomous cars, smart
Thesis 3: BPM is becoming more management-               devices, machine learning, artificial intelligence,
oriented and less technical.                             language assistants do not talk about subjects.
S-BPM ONE ‘29, June, 2019, Sevilla, Spain              M. Lederer

Nevertheless, all of the topics described above
can certainly be modeled/supported using S-
BPM. It is probably similar to thesis 2 and 3.
In the first digital wave, especially B2C
transaction processes (in the broader sense
marketing processes) were discussed. Here are
U.S. company pioneer. In a next wave, B2B and
internal manufacturing processes are to be
digitally transformed. This is an opportunity for
S-BPM, as engineers and IT experts will
appreciate the formal and accurate scientific
contributions of S-BPM. However, this can only
happen if S-BPM profiles itself with real topics in
manufacturing processes and inter-organizational

4 Summary
Like other traditional disciplines from
information systems, BPM is changing. This is
due to digitization, which holistically covers
many areas.
This reflection paper has no final result or
solution on how the BPM community should
react to these developments. Convert? Support?
Rename? Keep it up? The thoughts of the paper
should serve the discussion at the conference.
The author concludes that a significant
contribution from S-BPM must be in the
production of relevant results. Scientifically
founded findings with a practical relevance are
essential even if the three theses are taken into
account. Where other information systems
conferences today increasingly show meta-
studies, gather only existing literature (systematic
literature review) and merely reproduce known
opinions, S-BPM should develop pragmatic
approaches. Descriptive examinations may be
simpler to “investigate” digitization. However,
design science and case study research may be
the commandment of the hour in order to
strengthen a BPM community.