=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2389/03paper |storemode=property |title=Automated ontology matching in the architecture, engineering and construction domain - a case study |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2389/03paper.pdf |volume=Vol-2389 |authors=Georg Ferdinand Schneider |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ldac/Schneider19 }} ==Automated ontology matching in the architecture, engineering and construction domain - a case study== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2389/03paper.pdf
    Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

        Automated Ontology Matching in the
      Architecture, Engineering and Construction
                Domain - A Case Study

                    Georg Ferdinand Schneider1,2[0000−0002−2033−859X]
      Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP, Fürther Straße 250, 90429
                                Nürnberg, Germany
   Technische Hochschule Nürnberg, Fürther Straße 250, 90429 Nürnberg, Germany

           Abstract. The ontology-based modelling of the built environment is
           deemed promising to successfully integrate disparate knowledge silos and
           has gained significant attraction in industry and academia. This interest
           has led to a proliferating number of ontologies and the manual definition
           of schema level alignments among them is a tedious task. Hence, this
           paper explores the possibilities of automated ontology matching methods
           in this regard. This work compares manually created and automatically
           generated alignments of six domain ontologies to the building topology
           ontology. The initial findings of this case study indicate that current state
           of the art ontology matching tools are in principle capable of detecting
           automatically correct alignments and that their is a strong need to define
           domain specific benchmarks.

           Keywords: Automated Ontology Matching · Architecture · Engineering
           · Construction · Facility Management · Heterogeneity · Building Topol-
           ogy Ontology.

1      Introduction

Ontology-based modelling and associated implementations based on Semantic
Web Technologies (SWT) [10] have gained attention by academia and indus-
try in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Facility Management
(AEC/FM) domain [23]. A main motivation to use the technology is its abil-
ity to successfully address the problem of integrating heterogeneous information
silos distributed across the AEC/FM domain [2].
    The spread of the technology has lead to a proliferating development of do-
main ontologies (cf. reviews in [7,23,25]). This development poses the risk of
putting the benefits of the technology at stake as the defined ontologies over-
lap and found ontological design patterns are reimplemented again and again
making a reuse difficult. ’Thus, merely using ontologies, like using XML, does
not reduce heterogeneity: it raises heterogeneity problems to a higher level.’ [12].
The principle of ontology reuse stipulated in well-known ontology engineering

    Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

methodologies [19,14] is frequently not followed, when designing domain ontolo-
gies in the building domain. This makes it cumbersome for potential developers
to implement applications as again a heterogeneous landscape of domain models
    The Building Topology Ontology (BOT), initially defined in [25,26] and fur-
ther developed by the members of the W3C Linked Building Data Community
Group (W3C LBD CG) [32], has been proposed to define commonly reoccur-
ring design patterns in domain ontologies of the AEC/FM domain. These design
patterns then can be reused by developers in their respective domains through
extending from BOT [29]. Following this approach, intrinsically a domain wide
interoperability can be ensured.
    The successful manual alignment of five domain ontologies (SAREF4Buil-
ding [24], BRICK [3,4], DogOnt [6], ThinkHome [27], ifcOWL [22]) to BOT
is presented in an initial effort in Schneider [29]. The schema level alignment
of ontologies is a tedious task, which potentially is as challenging as ontology
engineering itself [12]. There exists a strong need to use automated ontology
matching methods to automatically find alignments [7]. Also ontologies tend to
evolve over time and alignments need to be updated and checked accordingly.
The analysis of the current state of the art presented in section 2 indicates that
the use of automated ontology matching methods has not been studied in depth
in the AEC/FM domain so far.
    The contributions of this paper are two fold. First, manual alignments orig-
inally defined in an earlier contribution [29] are revised and updated to reflect
the latest version of BOT (v0.3.0). Second, a study is conducted, where an auto-
mated ontology matching method [13] is utilised to align the respective domain
ontologies to BOT. The generated alignments are compared to the manually
found ones.
    The remainder of this paper includes a review of existing work (Section 2)
related to the automated matching of ontologies in the AEC/FM domain. Then
in Section 3 a methodology is presented to compare manually defined and auto-
mated generated alignments of domain ontologies. Finally, in Section 4 revised
manual alignments are presented and the results of the comparison to automat-
ically generated alignments are presented in Section 5.

2      Related Work

The field of ontology matching has been around for a number of years and the
fundamentals of the technology are presented in Euzenat & Shvaiko [12,30]. Spe-
cific matching algorithms are developed actively and their performance is evalu-
ated yearly in benchmark tests under the supervision of the Ontology Alignment
Evaluation Initiative (OAEI), where the results of the most recent event are pre-
sented in Algergawy et al. [1].
    A, yet limited, number of contributions, which investigate the topic of ontol-
ogy matching in the context of the AEC/FM domain exist.

    Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

    In their demand for interoperability in the smart cities domain, Costin &
Eastman [7] conduct a thorough review of existing contributions in this regard.
They conclude the ontology-based modelling of the domain based on SWT pro-
vide means to address the prevalent heterogeneity. However, as the manual align-
ment of domain ontologies is a tedious task, the demand for automated ontology
matching methods is made.
    Otero-Cerdeira et al. [20] investigate the use of automated ontology match-
ing methods in the context of smart cities. The present OntoPhil a ontology
matching technique specifically designed for the matching of disparate knowl-
edge sources in the context of smart cities. Beside the cited works no further
documentation or download possibility of the OntoPhil tool has been found.
    Bellini et al. [5] present a system for the integration of disparate data sources
in the context of smart cities. The system is designed to handle large data
volumes and integrates them by mapping the data to the Knowledge Model
for City (KM4City) ontology. The actual mapping is undertaken manually using
the Karma Data Integration tool [15].
    Gyrard et al. [16] present an approach to enrich ontology catalogues with do-
main ontologies of smart cities. Their approach aims for interoperability among
applications by providing an interface, the catalogue, to developers to easily find
and reuse existing domain ontologies. An automated update is discussed ’but a
manual checking is preferred to handle synonyms’ [16].
    Espinoza-Arias et al. [11] review existing ontological representations of smart
city data. No explicit mappings are defined among the ontologies but after a
characterisation a number of reoccurring ontology design patterns are defined.
    The presented contributions indicate that automated ontology matching meth-
ods seem to be promising to address heterogeneity of formats and formal models.
Most work reviewed focuses on ontology matching and alignment in the domain
of smart cities. The AEC/FM domain can be seen as a sub-domain of smart cities
but it has not been discussed in detail to the best of the authors knowledge.

3      Methodology
A methodology is established to evaluate and compare the manual and auto-
mated matching of ontologies in the AEC/FM domain. In the study the defi-
nition of alignments between BOT [25,26] and six domain ontologies is studied
(SAREF4Building [24], BRICK [3,4], DogOnt [6], ThinkHome [27], ifcOWL [22],
DERI Room [8]). The namespaces used in the work are reported in Table 1. In
particular the following steps are conducted:

 1. Manual definition of alignments on class and object property level;
 2. Use of the AgreementMakerLight [13] tool to automatically generate align-
 3. Comparison of the obtained manual and automatically created alignments.

   The manual definition of alignments is an extension and revision of the work
documented in an earlier contribution [29]. The step involves the retrieval and

    Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

local storage of the most recent version of all involved ontologies. The definition
of an alignment ontology which performs a full import (owl:import) of BOT and
the respective domain ontology. Finally, alignments are defined manually through
the use of the Protégé ontology editor [18]. The defined alignments mainly use
subsumption for alignment. This has been found beneficial in discussion within
the W3C LBD CG as the semantic implied by subsumption are less rigid as
compared the definition of equivalences. Equivalence (e.g. owl:equivalence-
Class) implies that all statements on one class also are true for the other, which
might not always be the case. An OWL DL reasoner is invoked on the resulting
alignment ontology (Pellet [31]) to ensure the consistency. The defined ontologies
are published in an online repository3 .
    A large number of tools and associated algorithms exist to perform auto-
mated ontology matching [12,21,1]. An an initial attempt here the Agreement-
MakerLight tool [13] is chosen from an extensive list of available tools4 . The
usage of the AgreementMakerLight tool has been found intuitive and the tool is
available open-source in as a compiled java library from a web repository. The
tool is used with default settings and BOT is always used as the source ontology.

                   Table 1. Namespaces and prefixes used in this work.

           Prefix Value
             rdf http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#
            rdfs http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#
             owl http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#
             bot https://w3id.org/bot#
           s4bldg https://w3id.org/def/saref4bldg#
             dog http://elite.polito.it/ontologies/dogont.owl#
              th https://www.auto.tuwien.ac.at/downloads/thinkhome/
            thvs https://www.auto.tuwien.ac.at/downloads/thinkhome/
             ifc http://www.buildingsmart-tech.org/ifcOWL/IFC4_ADD2#
            brick https://brickschema.org/schema/1.0.2/Brick#
           rooms http://vocab.deri.ie/rooms#

4      Manually Defined Alignments
In this section the results of the extended, revised and manually defined align-
ments between BOT ontology and other domain ontologies are reported.
  https://github.com/w3c-lbd-cg/bot/tree/AlignmentRevision, Last accessed:
  20 May 2019
  http://www.mkbergman.com/2129/30-active-ontology-alignment-tools/, Last
  accessed: 20 May 2019

 Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

4.1   SAREF Extension for Building Devices
The SAREF Extension for Building Devices (SAREF4Building) [24] ontology
is an ontology to extend the SAREF ontology [9] into the buildings domain.
A description of the ontology can be found in its documentation and reviews
    The defined alignments are reported in Table 2 and the rationale behind is
described in the following paragraph.
    SAREF4Building describes the concepts of s4bldg:Buildings and s4bldg:-
Spaces, which can be defined as specialisations of bot:Building and bot:Space.
As the focus of SAREF and its extension to the buildings domain focus on the
description of tangible devices, s4bldg:PhysicalObjects, s4bldg:Sensors and
s4bldg:Actuators qualify as bot:Elements, which again has been formalised
through subsumption.
    The, compared to the last iteration of alignments [29], newly introduced
high level relationships bot:containsZone and bot:containsElement reflect
on a high level the semantics of s4bldg:hasSpace and s4bldg:contains ob-
ject properties of SAREF4Building and are aligned through defining them as
subproperties of the respective BOT object properties (see Table 2).

       Table 2. Proposed alignment of BOT [25] and SAREF4Building [24].

          Subject                  Predicate            Object
          Class level:
          s4bldg:Building        rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Building
          s4bldg:PhysicalObject rdfs:subClassOf     bot:Element
          s4bldg:Sensor          rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Element
          s4bldg:Actuator        rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Element
          s4bldg:BuildingSpace rdfs:subClassOf      bot:Space
          Object property level:
          s4bldg:hasSpace        rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsZone
          s4bldg:contains        rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsElement

4.2   BRICK Uniform Schema for Representing Metadata in
The BRICK ontology [3,4] is an ontology, which focuses on the description of
building management systems and their domain concepts such as data points,
HVAC equipment and the topology of the building. The defined and revised
alignments are reported in Table 3 and explained in the following.
    The alignments are defined by using subsumption on class and object prop-
erty level. A brick:Location is considered as a specialisation of bot:Zone as
it is used as a super-concept from other concepts describing topological as-
pects of a building. Hence, the alignment of brick:Building, brick:Floor,

 Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

brick:Basement, brick:Outside, brick:Room, brick:Space and brick:Wing
is straightforward. A brick:Zone is considered to be a specialisation of a bot:-
Space as BRICK uses this concepts to refer to HVAC zones often used in the
context of the control of a building. The brick:Equipment of a building and
brick:Points are considered as specialisations of bot:Element. In particular
this holds for the concept brick:Point as BRICK describes for instance sensors
or meters as tangible objects, which are located in some zone or space.

    The semantics of brick:contains can be directly mapped to bot:contains-
Element and, hence, a specialisation is defined. Interesting is the brick:has-
Part object property defined in BRICK. The property can be used to relate
brick:Equipment to brick:Sensors, brick:Equipment to brick:Equipment or
brick:Locations to brick:Locations [3], hence, it qualifies for an extension of
bot:containsElement, bot:containsZone and bot:hasSubElement as defined.
Similar semantics apply for the brick:hasPoint object property, which can be
specialised from bot:containsZone and bot:containsElement as it allows to
relate brick:Equipment to brick:Sensors and brick:Locations to brick:-

            Table 3. Proposed alignment of BOT [25] and BRICK [3,4].

           Subject                 Predicate            Object
           Class level:
           brick:Location         rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Zone
           brick:Building         rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Building
           brick:Floor            rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Storey
           brick:Basement         rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Space
           brick:Outside          rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Space
           brick:Room             rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Space
           brick:Space            rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Space
           brick:Wing             rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Space
           brick:Zone             rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Space
           brick:Equipment        rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Element
           brick:Point            rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Element
           Object property level:
           brick:contains         rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsElement
           brick:hasPart          rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsZone
           brick:hasPart          rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsElement
           brick:hasPart          rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:hasSubElement
           brick:hasPoint         rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsZone
           brick:hasPoint         rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsElement

    Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

4.3     DogOnt - Ontology Modeling for Intelligent Domotic

DogOnt ontology is an ontology to formally describe the domain of domotic
devices in home appliances. It is initially described in Bonino & Corno [6] but
has since undergone many revision and extensions. The most recent version as
of writing (4.0.1) can be obtained from a remote repository5 .
    A number of concepts of the ontology can be specialised from BOT. The
defined alignments are reported in Table 4. In particular the ontology describes
the concepts dogont:Building, dogont:Storey, dogont:Room, which can be
mapped to respective BOT concepts. The general concept of dogont:Environ-
ment can be seen of a generalisation of the bot:Zone concept as defined. Inter-
esting is the definition of the concepts dogont:Ceiling and dogont:Floor as
areas bounding a room. This complies to the definition of bot:Interface and
can be aligned by specialisation. To reflect the different semantics the different
sub-concepts of dogont:UnControllable need to be separately specialised (e.g.
    In terms of aligning object properties a number of specialisation can be
found. The object property dogont:contains is used in DogOnt to describe
that some tangible object is fully contained in a dogont:BuildingEnviroment.
Essentially this is the semantics of bot:containsElement. The object properties
dogont:belongsTo and dogont:hasWallOpening allow to describe composition
of classes which specialised from bot:Element. Hence, they are specialised from
bot:hasSubElement, potentially its inverse where needed. Interesting are also
the dogont:floorOf and dogont:ceilingOf object properties, which qualify as
specialisation of bot:interfaceOf together with the specialisation of dogont:-
Ceiling and dogont:Floor as bot:Interface as defined above.

4.4     ThinkHome Ontology

The ThinkHome ontologies [27] are a family of ontologies to describe smart home
systems formally and link this with adjacent domains. A detailed description of
the ontologies can be found in its documentation and reviews [27,22,28]. Align-
ments are defined to the BuildingOntology of the family of ontologies, which has
been derived from the gbXML format6 .
   The common concepts of th:Campus, th:Building, th:BuildingStorey,
th:Opening, th:Space, th:Zone and th:Equipment can be specialised directly
from BOT. Interesting are the concepts th:Construction, th:Layer, th:-
Material, which refer to different layers of a wall needed for instance in building
performance simulation. The semantics comply to bot:Interface and hence a
specialisation is defined.
   A number of object properties are defined in ThinkHome, which describe
the containment of an element in a zone, a zone in a zone or composition of
    https://github.com/iot-ontologies/dogont, Last accessed: 20 May 2019
    http://www.gbxml.org/, Last accessed: 20 May 2019

Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

           Table 4. Proposed alignment of BOT [25] and DogOnt [6].

 Subject                     Predicate            Object
 Class level:
 dog:Building            rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Building
 dog:Storey              rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Storey
 dog:Room                rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Space
 bot:Zone                rdfs:subClassOf    dog:Environment
 dog:BuildingEnvironment rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Zone
 dog:Room                rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Space
 dog:Balcony             rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Zone
 dog:Terrace             rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Zone
 dog:Controllable        rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Element
 dog:Device              rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Element
 dog:TechnicalSystem     rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Element
 dog:Vertical            rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Element
 dog:Furniture           rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Element
 dog:Ceiling             rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Interface
 dog:Floor               rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Interface
 Object property level:
 dog:contains            rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsElement
 dog:belongsTo           rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:inverseOf bot:hasSubElement
 dog:floorOf             rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:interfaceOf
 dog:ceilingOf           rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:interfaceOf
 dog:hasWall             rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:adjacentElement
 dog:hasWallOpening      rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:hasSubElement

 Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

elements. Hence, the object properties are specialised from the respective object
properties in BOT as reported in Table 5.

          Table 5. Proposed alignment of BOT [25] and ThinkHome [27].

Subject                               Predicate             Object
Class level:
th:Campus                        rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Site
th:Building                      rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Building
th:BuildingStorey                rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Storey
th:Opening                       rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Element
th:Space                         rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Space
th:Zone                          rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Zone
th:Construction                  rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Interface
th:Layer                         rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Interface
th:Material                      rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Interface
th:SpaceBoundary                 rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Interface
th:Surface                       rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Interface
th:Equipment                     rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Element
Object property level:
th:containsBuilding              rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:hasBuilding
th:containsBuildingStorey        rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:hasStorey
th:containsSpace                 rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:hasSpace
th:containsSpaceBoundary         rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:interfaceOf
th:containsLighting              rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsElement
th:containsHydronicLoopEquipment rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:hasSubElement
th:containsAirLoopEquipment      rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:hasSubElement
th:hasDefinedAdjacentSpace       rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:inverseOf bot:adjacentZone
th:isDefinedAdjacentSurfaceOf    rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:interfaceOf
thsv:isEquipmentOf               rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:inverseOf bot:hasElement

4.5   Industry Foundation Classes 4 Addendum 2

No new or revised alignments to the OWL version of the Industry Foundation
Classes (IFC) [17,22] from BOT are found in this work in comparison to the
initial mapping [29]. However, the alignments are changed to subsumption as
mentioned above.

4.6   DERI Room Ontology

The DERI Room ontology [8] has been added to this study as is represents
a light weight vocabulary, compared to the other ontologies, dedicated to the
description of buildings. The found alignments are documented in Table 7 and
almost all classes and object properties could be specialised from BOT.

    Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

           Table 6. Proposed alignment of BOT [25] and ifcOWL4 Add2 [22].

                     Subject               Predicate         Object
                     ifc:IfcSite           rdfs:subClassOf bot:Site
                     ifc:IfcBuilding       rdfs:subClassOf bot:Building
                     ifc:IfcBuildingStorey rdfs:subClassOf bot:Storey
                     ifc:IfcSpace          rdfs:subClassOf bot:Space
                     ifc:IfcElement        rdfs:subClassOf bot:Element

             Table 7. Proposed alignment of BOT [25] and DERI Room [8].

               Subject                  Predicate            Object
               Class level:
               rooms:Site             rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Site
               rooms:Building         rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Building
               rooms:Floor            rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Storey
               rooms:FloorSection     rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Storey
               rooms:Desk             rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Element
               rooms:Room             rdfs:subClassOf    bot:Space
               Object property level:
               rooms:contains         rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsZone

4.7     Summary
The results of the manually defined and revised alignments are summarised in
Table 8. The respective domain ontologies are denoted and the considered version
of the ontology, if applicable. All defined mappings are defined in a separated
ontology file and the respective ontology is checked for consistency by invoking a
OWL DL reasoner (Pellet [31]) and looking for inconsistencies. The total number
of alignments between concepts and object properties are reported. It should be
noted that the total number does not qualify as a metric to determine if BOT
can be extended very well to the respective domain. In comparison to the last
study [29] it is interesting that the number of ontologies, where a mapping on
the object property level is possible has been significantly increased.

5      Automated Alignment
As described in Section 3 a study is conducted in this work using the tool
AgreementMakerLight [13] to automatically derive ontology alignments. Figure 1
shows as an example the result reported by the tool for matching BOT and the
ThinkHome ontology.
    The tool reports the found alignments in the graphical user interface as well
as exports them in RDF format. All automatically found alignments are reported
in Table 9. The automated ontology matching tool has found from zero up to
three alignments between concepts of the respective ontologies. No alignments

  Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

Table 8. Evaluation of manually defined alignments to BOT version v0.3.0. Consis-
tency - Invoking Pellet [31] reasoner on the respective alignment ontology including
owl:imports did not return any faults.

 Domain            Version Consistency No. of Alignments No. of Alignments
 Ontology                                  owl:Class     owl:objectProperty
 S4BLDG [24]       1              OK                  5                        2
 BRICK [3,4]     1.0.2            OK                  11                       6
 DogOnt [6]      4.0.1            OK                  15                       6
 ThinkHome [27] 1.12              OK                  12                      10
 ifcOWL [22]    4Add2             OK                   5                       0
 DERIRoom [8]      -              OK                  6                       1

Fig. 1. Results reported for automatically matching BOT and ThinkHome ontologies
by the AgreementMakerLight tool [13].

    Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

between object properties are found. The reported suggested alignment is always
equivalence. One false alignment is reported mapping a bot:Space to ifc:-
    AgreementMakerLight implements three types of primary matching algo-
rithms: a lexical matcher, mediating matcher and word matcher and one sec-
ondary type matching algorithm: a parametric string matcher [13]. An in depth
treatment of the matching methods is beyond the scope of this paper. All algo-
rithms take as an input the two to-be-aligned ontologies. The primary matching
algorithms compare obtained terms and assert alignments if a similarity measure
exceeds a threshold with different complexities. Hence, it should be noted that
the chosen parameterisation of the thresholds, etc. has an impact on the results
and should be studied in more detail on a elaborated benchmark defined for the
AEC/FM domain. In the initial experiments conducted in this study the default
suggested values are utilised.

Table 9. Results reported for automatically matching BOT to the respective listed
domain ontology. (1) - Domain Ontology, (2) - Number of found alignments, X - Falsely
reported alignment.

     (1)                  (2) BOT Concept            Target concept             Type
     S4BLDG [24]      1         bot:Building    s4bldg:Building     Equivalence
     BRICKFrame [3,4] -                -                -                -
     DogOnt [6]       2           bot:Storey       dog:Storey       Equivalence
                                bot:Building      dog:Building      Equivalence
     ThinkHome [27]        3      bot:Space         th:Space        Equivalence
                                bot:Building      th:Building       Equivalence
                                bot:Building     thsv:Building      Equivalence
     ifcOWL [22]           2     bot:Element ifc:IfcBuildingElement Equivalence
                           X      bot:Space     ifc:IfcSpaceType    Equivalence
     DERIRoom [8]          2       bot:Site        rooms:Site       Equivalence
                                bot:Building     rooms:Building     Equivalence

6      Discussion
Automated ontology matching is a well-known discipline and the topic is re-
searched since decades. A plethora of tools is available, see e.g. [1]. In this study
only one tool has been used. A detailed study of methods and tools should be
conducted to further clarify the abilities of automated ontology matching meth-
ods for their application in the AEC/FM domain.
    The ontologies considered in this study mainly reside from the building au-
tomation domain. This is mainly motivated by the authors expertise and research
interest. However, other AEC/FM domains should be included in future studies
on automated ontology matching.

    Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

7      Conclusion
Within this paper manually defined and automatically obtained alignments be-
tween domain ontologies from the Architecture, Engineering, Construction/ Fa-
cility Management (AEC/FM) domain to the Building Topology Ontology (BOT)
[25] are compared. The manual definition of alignments between ontologies is a
tedious task and almost as difficult as developing ontologies from scratch. Ini-
tial experiments show that automated matching methods can support finding
alignments. The results are promising to also support not only the alignment of
domain ontologies but the revision of alignments, e.g. because of schema level
     The presented study can only be seen as a starting point and the following
open questions for future research remain:
 – There is a strong need for the definition of a well-defined benchmark from
   AEC/FM domain, potentially including building product data, to establish
   the attention of ontology matching experts;
 – Addittional sub-domains of the AEC/FM domain should be added in future
 – As ontologies evolve over time a future question is, if existing alignments can
   be reused as a starting point (”hot-start”) for matching methods.

This paper documents work conducted in a collaborative effort by the W3C LBD
CG. The author gratefully acknowledges financial support from MOEEBIUS
project, a Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement
No. 680517 and the initiative Mittelstand 4.0 by the German Federal Ministry
for Economic Affairs and Energy.

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