=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2389/04paper |storemode=property |title=Developing the Crowd Simulation Scenario (CSS) ontology supporting building evacuation design |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2389/04paper.pdf |volume=Vol-2389 |authors=Calin Boje |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ldac/Boje19 }} ==Developing the Crowd Simulation Scenario (CSS) ontology supporting building evacuation design== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2389/04paper.pdf
    Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

       Developing the Crowd Simulation Scenario (CSS)
        ontology supporting building evacuation design

                                          Calin Boje

                       Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology,
                            Luxembourg, L-4362 Esch/Alzette,

        Abstract. The recurring interoperability problem within the construction indus-
        try has led to the exploration of linked data technologies. Evacuation design for
        buildings is a very complex domain which is evaluated using strict regulations
        and several models. Crowd Simulation Tools (CSTs) are increasingly used to as-
        sess building performance, but they require many iterations subjected to manual
        user input and assumptions from several sources. This article introduces the
        newly created Crowd Simulation Scenario (CSS) ontology, which is meant to
        represent the domain ontologically, but to also be used in practice for automation
        and feedback. The nature of simulation tools, the complex human behaviour
        which they describe, and the connection to the BIM were considered when de-
        veloping the ontology.

        Keywords: Evacuation, Crowd Simulation, Design, Ontology, IfcOwl

1       Introduction

Fire safety design is a complex multi-disciplinary process spanning across different
knowledge fields, from structural fire resistance to human psychology. Fire design em-
ploys many regulations, which were improved over the years to enforce certain stand-
ards of safety. Regulations are usually set as a minimum requirement on the building
design and they are usually a compromise between optimal safety and economic feasi-
bility. Global population growth and urbanisation put ever increasing pressure on engi-
neers to ensure high standards of safety. The use of Crowd Simulation Models (CSMs)
to assess building performance in various scenarios, especially evacuation design, is
becoming more prevalent when dealing with highly populated buildings such as air-
ports. However, these are niche tools requiring significant amount of time to invest in
scenario construction and analysis, being reliant on many sources of information and
often bringing little added benefit.
   The scope of this research is focused on assessing building performance with regards
to evacuation of building occupants. In practice this is evaluated using Crowd Simula-
tion Tools (CSTs), which are able to simulate in detail how people behave during an

    Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

evacuation event. This in turn allows designers to assess the performance of the build-
ing in multiple scenarios [1]. The entire process relies on expert designers using CSTs
to create, run and analyse scenarios using several iterations, which is time consuming
[2]. Additionally, each building layout is different and so is each scenario in terms of
context [3]. The challenge lies in being able to assess the building performance in an
efficient manner and on a larger scale, thus being able to identify flaws in the building
design in a timely and holistic manner.
   This research continues on the methodology and prototype system introduced in [4],
which is able to create simulation scenarios according to design practice on the fly, and
provide feedback on simulation results with minimum user input. This is achieved using
ontology support, which aims to represent the CS knowledge domain due to several
main benefits:
         Increased interoperability – a myriad of CSMs and CSTs are present in
             academia and industry, with no real consensus on data model schema or
             scope, thus limiting the application of CS on building design;
         Linking heterogeneous data – the creation of CS scenarios is subject to
             various data inputs (building, population, events), which often come from
             different sources. This allows the automation of scenario creation;
         Reasoning support – checking scenario data input and output is often a
             challenge for designers. Reasoning rules allow a means of validation and
             finding new knowledge about the building design.
This article in particular focuses on presenting the Crowd Simulation Scenario (CSS)
ontology. The aims of the CSS ontology are twofold:
   1) provide an ontological representation of the domain, regardless of the CSTs
        used in practice;
   2) Facilitate practical implementation using software systems.

In terms of structure, this article outlines the methodology employed in the develop-
ment of the CSS ontology in section 2. Following this, section 3 presents existing liter-
ature, industry tools and related ontologies. Section 4 outlines the main classes of the
CSS ontology, with a mapping to IfcOwl provided in section 5. To demonstrate its use,
section 6 provides several examples on querying the developed ontology. Finally, a
summary and future work is provided in section 7.

2       Ontology modelling methodology

The development of the CSS ontology followed several steps (Fig.1):
    1) A review of literature and design guidance on fire safety and evacuation using
        crowd simulation models;
    2) A survey of current state of the art CSTs, specifically targeting their features
        and types of concepts they use to represent the model;
    3) Development of main classes and properties with the aid of competency ques-

  Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

     4) Testing the CSS in line with several other ontologies (such as IfcOwl) using a
          prototype system;
     5) Expert consultation on the validity and completeness during open discussion
An iterative approach was adopted to the ontology design process, with the final steps
(3, 4 and 5) having had significant influence one the structure and scope. The detailed
results from steps 4) and 5) are out of scope for this article, but these are inherently
present as the last version of the CSS ontology is shown. During the testing, other de-
veloped ontology models were connected to the CSS ontology. One of these repre-
sented several performance indicators which rely on CSS for retrieving simulation re-
sults data for feedback, while another graph represented the occupancy factors from
UK fire safety guidance, to help automate scenario construction space by space. Most
importantly however, is the IfcOwl ontology, which had the purpose to represent the
digital building model. Parts of the CSS were therefore mapped to the IfcOwl during
testing. The final linking is also presented in section 5 of this article.

                          Fig 1. CSS ontology development method

    Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

3       Identification of crowd simulation concepts

3.1     Evacuation simulation models
Crowd Simulation Models (CSMs) are intended to mimic realistic behaviour of people
within certain environments by representing each person as an individual agent. Each
agent is able to interact with the environment and other agents. CSMs are practically
applied within software tools, commonly referred to as Crowd Simulation Tools
(CSTs). The term CSM and CST is often used interchangeably. They are used in various
situations: virtual crowds for computer games or films, training purposes for emergency
situations, urban planning and for building evacuation design. Due to the rise in world
population, CS methods will become invaluable to future infrastructure modelling [5]
[2]. When comparing live drills with simulation results, it is hard to argue which is
more representative of the truth, mainly due to the human factors. “Repeated experi-
ments on evacuation will never give the same outcomes because of the human factor,
even when the same people are tested. Thus, one experiment is never enough to prove
a certain factor. Usually a distribution of several simulations is required.” [6]
   The entire process is heavily influenced by user input and follows three well-defined
steps [7]:
   1) Project requirements – client needs to assess the scope and context of the model-
ling process and what is expected to be gained from it;
   2) Model selection – the tool which best meets the requirements should be chosen,
considering its benefits, limitations and costs;
   3) Model scenarios – users need to define all the boundary conditions of each model
by considering:
   a. building configuration – defining the geometry, layout, exits, etc.;
   b. population configuration – defining agent numbers, positions, specified behav-
iours, etc.; level of sophistication may vary greatly;
   c. procedural configuration – defining routes of agents, flows and counter flows of
groups, etc.;
   d. incident information – environmental conditions, such as the place of a fire.
However, not all CSTs consider all types of scenarios. Some model only pedestrian
movement, whilst others consider also the propagation of fire and smoke. Very often,
the fire and crowd are simulated separately and later overlapped. Fire design assumes
that people can evacuate the building safely, un-impeded by fire and smoke, as is done
traditionally during live drills [8]. As such, this research does not take into account the
fire element and instead focuses in more detail on the interaction between the agents
(representing the people) and the digital model (representing the building).

3.2     Survey of Crowd simulation tools
A number of CSTs are available in industry and research, with various features that
they provide to users and various concepts which make out the model. Several CSTs
which are widely used in industry were investigated through testing and surveying of
their documentation. This was used to establish a baseline of common functionalities

  Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

and concepts used in the field of CS which would serve as a basis for construction a
common ontology. All the investigated tools have been in development and improve-
ment for the last decade, each receiving significant feedback from their users. Addi-
tionally, each tool was validated using commonly accepted validation techniques, and
have been used on real-life projects on many occasions. Experts consider the CST val-
idation process ongoing across the software tool’s lifecycle.
   The various concepts were categorized in an initial taxonomy of “things”, which was
later used to develop the CSS ontology. Several main categories stand out in Fig. 2:
    Geometry – concepts which represent the environment using geometry;
    Agent – concepts about people, with their behaviours and characteristics;
    Event – concepts about what and when things happen during a simulation;
    Analysis – concepts that report simulation results using various indicators.

The categories for Visualisation, Interface and Mathematical appear to vary greatly
from one tool to another and are dependent on software design. As such, these were
omitted for the construction of the CSS ontology.

                        Geometry              Agent                    Event               Analysis
                        Visualisation         Interface                Mathematical

                                                                  3               3
                        50                                                        2
                                                  1                               7

                        40       3
                                 5                7
                        30       6

                                                  3               11
                                                                  4              31
                                 2                                                              4
                        10                       22                                             1
                                13                                14
                             MassMotion      Pedestrian        STEPS           Exodus        Simulex

                                        Fig. 2. Concept types identified in several CSTs

    Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

3.3     Related ontologies
[9] aims to conceptualise the complexity of human behaviour and the types of actions
they may take in real cases. Although these cannot be fully represented by any CSTs to
date, they can be captured in ontology models. [10] present a methodology to incorpo-
rate human behaviour in assessing building performance and usage by capturing this in
an ontology. However, this is beyond the rules and regulations for design compliance
and does not address the requirements for using BIMs in practice.
   [11] is an example of using ontology methods for aiding the evacuation process,
whereby ontology and semantic web technologies are used in the building operation
stage. [12] proposes an ontological representation of the building plans, according to
different functionalities so that evacuation events can be represented more comprehen-
sively. [13] uses ontologies and ambient intelligence to gather knowledge about how
evacuations progress in a building. [14] present a framework using ontology support
for disaster response, with a wider scope, not focused on the details of building evacu-
   [15] represents smoke propagation using an OWL model with reasoning support,
with the purpose of aiding rescuers identify a smoke-free route within a building. How-
ever, its focus is not on crowd simulation, nor does it represent the building inhabitants
as a CSM would.
   While some of the related works above attempt to represent human behaviour in
buildings or fire safety events to various extents, none of the investigated ontologies
above have a scope on crowd simulation evacuation, nor do they consider interopera-
bility with BIM or other CSTs used in practice.
   The CSS ontology on the other hand, was envisaged to represent a BIM-based design
domain, and allow to interface via a professional CST in practice, offering the entire
process increased interoperability and ontology support.

4       CSS main concepts

Following these aims, several competency questions were outlined, which were used
to construct the initial ontology, whilst also considering the common terminology pre-
viously investigated around existing commercial tools and models from literature. The
primary classes of the CSS ontology are shown in Fig. 3.
The core competency question relevant to the CSS ontology is the following:

   ‘What types of ‘things’ does a simulation scenario have?’
Model objects make up the previously mentioned categories which are represented
virtually (and programmatically) within a simulation model, which will find equiva-
lents in most existing CSTs.
Assumptions conceptualise design choices via the main ScenarioAssumption class,
which are part of the required input, thus a subclass of UserInput;
Results conceptualise results about each simulation run, via the SimulationResult class.
This is required for the performance analysis of the scenario in practice.

  Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

                           Fig. 3. Main classes of the CSS ontology

4.1    Model objects
The ModelObject class specifically includes concepts which are present within the
model simulated. In addition to the major categories mentioned above, the Geome-
tryObject class includes several important sub-classes which describe the essential
building environment:
        Barrier – the objects whose geometry impedes agent movement; agents
           will by default avoid barriers in their path.
        Space - the most characteristic object type for all CSTs is the one defining
           the walkable surfaces, which allows agents to effectively exist and act
           within the model. They are represented virtually within a model as surfaces
           without a 3D component. This name was chosen as they effectively refer to
           spaces in real buildings. Additionally, when considering a design scenario,

  Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

            a building environment is split by levels and spaces, so designers can easily
            identify regions within a model. The functionality of a space was required
            in order to refer to spaces in other specific circumstances.
           Link – the connection between Spaces within the model, vertically and hor-
           Portal - the place where populations of agents enter or leave a model; this
            can coincide with Link and Space for some CSTs, but is also a more precise
            object, which can reside within a Link or Space object.

‘What are the types of spaces within a building when evaluating an evacuation plan?’
   For example, an InhabitedSpace refers to a space within the virtual model which has
agents assigned to it at the start of a simulation; this is also considered inhabited in
reality (e.g. an office is inhabited by X people). A RefugeSpace acts as a destination
point for agents in an evacuation scenario. These add context to the model, as well as a
means for automation, allowing ontology reasoning to ‘understand’ the building envi-
ronment, and correctly assign which spaces are inhabited, and which are egress desti-

4.2    Scenario assumptions
These refer to concepts which are supposed to keep track of the assumed scenario con-
text and are usually in relationship with the EventObject and AgentObject classes and
their subclasses. The ScenarioAssumption subclasses therefore answer to questions
such as:
         ‘What population capacity is assumed?’
         ‘What agent profiles are assumed?’
         ‘What length of simulation time is assumed?’
   Each of these assumptions can yield different results and influence the behaviour of
agents and therefore the performance of the design. Within CSTs these are usually user
input assumptions. Each CST has several pre-set values for these inputs, such as differ-
ent types of agent profiles. Knowing the differences in assumptions between several
parallel scenarios is vital in identifying design problems.

   ‘Where is the population data coming from?’
   None of the CSTs to date offer any capability of automatically populating a model
with agents on a realistic premise. This is largely due to each building design being
different and that assumed building occupancy factors changing with region. However,
there are several viable resources where population data can be retrieved, such as the
BIM, occupancy data tables or design guides – depending on the building lifecycle. The
most reliable source of information is preferred. For example, in a building design
stage, it would be preferred to know the intended occupancy of each space. If not, de-
sign guidance can provide initial estimates based on space area. For existing buildings,
real-time occupancy would be the most representative of the truth.

  Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

4.3    Simulation results
Simulation outputs are usually presented to users via several analysis features such as
tables or overlay maps. These have already been defined as AnalysisObject concepts
(subclasses of ModelObject) in their own right. However, the data which these objects
use are usually stored separately, often recorded in memory or databases and later re-
trieved on user demand.
    The SimulationResult class therefore accounts for this and conceptualises the differ-
ent types of results, based on how they are stored. Thus, the class EndResult encom-
passes definitive outputs which are retrieved at the end of the simulation through its
general reporting stage, where a summary of simulation results is presented. For exam-
ple, the TotalEgressTime is the time when all agents have safely evacuated the model,
which is computed at the end of a simulation run. The IntermediateResult, however, is
meant to store data dynamically, according to user objectives, and to provide data at
specific calculated time steps during a simulation. This is a special requirement for
crowd simulation data as events and agent movement relate to SimulationTime. Addi-
tionally, the performance of the design is monitored over time, thus being important for
the analysis stage.

4.4    Agent relationships
Within a simulation, the most dynamic objects are those describing the building inhab-
itants. Therefore, the Agent class is one of the most complex concepts, due to its role to
represent a person with not just its physical properties, but also its behaviour.
   Each Agent created within a simulation tries to represent a distinct individual, mim-
icking reality with higher fidelity. However, in practice this is usually done by grouping
different agents into several well-defined typologies, with common traits, and very of-
ten with common events and paths to follow. Each agent is able to interact with the
environment and other agents, increasing their dynamism and impacting their decisions
and behaviours. Fig. 4 shows an overview of the Agent class and its relationships to its
nearest sibling classes within the CSS ontology.

  ‘How are an agent’s attributes defined?’
  An Agent individual has certain traits which are defined by the AgentProfile class,
where its physical attributes such as movement speed and radius are stored.

   ‘Where does an agent enter the simulation and where does it leave it?’
   Each agent has an entry and exit point within the model which is done through Portal
class objects. Each agent must have at least one portal as and entry point within the
simulation, as described by hasEntry (functional) object property. The Agent can be
allowed to use multiple exit points, described through the hasExit object property. It is
not excluded that an agent may use the same point for both entering and exiting the
model. Therefore, the properties between the Agent relating to Portal are generalised at
the Portal class level, as opposed to its two subtypes.

    Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

                       Fig. 4. CSS ontology Agent class and its relationships

The data properties shown in yellow in Fig. 4 store agent specific data about its identity
and behaviour within a model. Example competency questions on Agent data properties
            ‘Has an agent managed to exit the simulation safely?’
            ‘What distance has an agent travelled until reaching the exit?’

5       Mapping CSS to IfcOwl

As mentioned in section 2, the CSS ontology was tested in practice using a prototype
system [4], where IfcOwl version 2x3_TC1 was considered the BIM source. The initial
alignment was done by looking at the similarities in terms of terminology and structure
between the ontologies. Any additional common concepts which were relevant to the
testing were also added later, with a list of the aligned concepts shown in Table 1.
   All of the identified common concepts deal exclusively with the geometric parts of
the model. No evident concepts which are relevant to the agents, or events are present
within the IFC schema, mainly due to the different scopes of the two models.

    Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

                          Table 1. Alignment between CSS and IfcOwl

            Subject                        Predicate                      Object
 ifc: IfcWall
 ifc: IfcWallStandardCase
 ifc: IfcCurtainWall
                                        rdfs: subClassOf         css: Barrier
 ifc: IfcColumn
 ifc: IfcRailling
 ifc: IfcFurnishingElement
 ifc: IfcSpace                                                   css: Space
 ifc: IfcDoor                         owl: equivalentClass       css: DoorLink
 ifc: IfcStair                                                   css: StairLink
 css: LiftLink
                                        rdfs: subClassOf         ifc: IfcTransportElement
 css: EscalatorLink

No object or data properties were identified, mainly due to the object-oriented structure
of the IFC schema. The mapping of the geometry itself was not envisaged as part of the
CSS ontology in relation to IfcOwl, mainly due to the nature in which IFC stores ge-
ometry, which can be cumbersome to deal with on the ontology level. Instead, the CSS
ontology attempts to identify the objects within the BIM and attempt to understand their
roles within a simulation. The importing of geometry should be taken care of separately,
depending on the CST which is chosen for the evacuation simulation.
    The majority of aligned concepts which represent and IfcProduct have been classi-
fied as a sub-class of Barrier. For the scope of CSS, the specific nature of the static
environment is not vital. The important aspect is to identify the building elements which
create a ‘barrier’ for agents to avoid when walking on surfaces. This includes elements
such as walls, columns, furniture, railings, etc. Other IFC products which are not di-
rectly in the path of inhabitants were not included in the alignment, so as to simplify
the geometry to its essential components.
    The specific role of the CSS is to describe a scenario’s context, and therefore by
using reasoning via rules it was possible to extract extra information from an IfcOwl
model. However, this did not result in a clear alignment. The most used object for iden-
tifying the context relied on the IfcProperty class from IfcOwl, which was used to dif-
ferentiate between different spaces. However, this is highly dependent on the data being
present explicitly within the IFC instance model in the first place.

6       Use case – querying the CSS ontology

To demonstrate the use of the CSS ontology for creating simulation scenarios, two ex-
ample queries representing two workflow steps are outlined below.
   The first step involves identifying the necessary model objects which are provided
for the simulation tool. A large part of these objects, are those representing the building
environment, which are rooted in the BIM model, in this case within the IfcOwl model,
which was translated in order to be processed in a graph database environment. Fig. 5
shows an example query on selecting all the ifcOwl ontology individuals, which are

  Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

now implicitly css:ModelObject individuals due to the mapping between the two on-
tologies, as presented in section 5. This is the first step in filtering the necessary objects
to be exchanged from the BIM to the CST, thus enabling knowledge already expressed
in the ontologies to be applied in a similar way to a Model View Definition (MVD)
protocol. The secondary effect of this is that it implicitly leaves out all the objects which
are out of scope for a crowd simulation scenario (roofs, curtain walls, foundations, etc).

   Fig. 5. Example SPARQL query selecting IfcOwl individuals which are needed to construct
crowd simulation models

Once these objects are identified, they are stored, and further information is retrieved
using various other SELECT queries, which are always matched in memory using the
IfcIdentifier. The structure the IFC schema and the long nature of SPARQL queries
prevents the efficient retrieval of all the data in one go.
    The second step involves understanding the context of the model. The example given
below involves identifying the spaces within the building which are known to be in-
habited by people, referred to in the CSS ontology as InhabitedSpace individuals, as
mentioned in section 4.1. This is done using the SWRL rule presented in Fig. 6, which
is triggered when the SPARQL query in Fig. 7 is made to the ontology server.

    Fig. 6. A SWRL rule within the CSS ontology which identified spaces inhabited by agents

Based on the available information from the BIM, external design data or user input, a
Space is considered inhabited if it has occupants. In a building design context, occu-
pancy information is not always explicit within the BIM for each space. To account for
this limitation, external design guidance data linked to the CSS ontology multiplies the

    Proceedings of the 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop - LDAC2019

Space area by occupancy factors, thus suggesting initial populations for each Space. In
the case of existing buildings, this capability could be replaced by the use of IoT sensors
which are able to capture the locations of the inhabitants, thus creating scenarios which
are highly representative of a real case evacuation.

             Fig. 7. Example SPARQL query selecting the InhabitedSpace individuals

7       Summary and future work

The ontology for representing a crowd simulation domain within the context of building
evacuation was outlined based on the described methodology. Its structure was de-
signed to generically represent the domain, as well as to be used in conjunction with
several CSTs, and includes concepts for referring to the build environment, the inhab-
itants, the events which describe the evacuation as well as the results for analysis. The
connection to the BIM was described based on the IFC schema, using the IfcOwl on-
tology, shown in section 5. Although this proved to be a reliable source of information,
the common objects identified are exclusively related to geometry. Additional context
can be inferred from the ontology using rules, as shown in section 6.
   Future work will look at new ways to connect to the building environment, possibly
through the use of newer more efficient ontologies, such as BOT, but most importantly
to consider ways to connect to other potential sources of information available on the
web, such as sensors or other IoT devices which can better describe the inhabitants of
existing buildings.


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