=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2390/PaperC2 |storemode=property |title=Privacy of Crowdsourcing Educational Platforms in the Light of New EU Regulation |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2390/PaperC2.pdf |volume=Vol-2390 |authors=Katerina Zdravkova }} ==Privacy of Crowdsourcing Educational Platforms in the Light of New EU Regulation== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2390/PaperC2.pdf
               Privacy of Crowdsourcing Educational Platforms in the Light of
                                   New EU Regulations
                                                        Katerina Zdravkova
                      University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
                                       Rudjer Boshkovikj 16, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia

Many crowdsourcing systems enable an anonymous access and opportunity to namelessly contribute self-generated content without
providing any personal data. However, Internet browsers collect metadata on a large scale, including learning management systems
(LMS), which collect and store many identity and contact data. System administrators and the teachers responsible for the courses can
access them at any time. Interactive activities embedded in the LMS can reveal sensitive data, such as religious beliefs, political views,
health, sexual orientation, race, or membership to organizations. They are visible to all the enrolled students. Educational organizations
who are hosting LMS, also collect a lot of data that is usually transferred to third countries, but also transmitted to third parties, including
university researchers or outside companies, often even governments. This paper examines the challenges of a prospective crowdsourcing
platform intended for education, which must be taken into consideration by design. It presents examples of violated privacy in education,
the student protection regulations, and the privacy concerns of learning management systems. The compliance of the most popular LMSs,
MOOCs and crowdsourcing systems with GDPR are examined and compared. The paper concludes with the privacy policy guidelines
of the prospective crowdsourcing educational platform in the light of GDPR.

Keywords: Crowdsourcing, GDPR, LMS, rights of data subject
                                                                          When students equate their performance within the
                     1.     Introduction                                  interactive educational system with their behaviour in the
Many crowdsourcing systems enable an anonymous access                     social media, they can accidentally reveal some sensitive
                                                                          data, like their religious and political views, health status,
and opportunity to namelessly contribute self-generated
                                                                          sexual orientation, race, and membership to organizations,
content without providing any personal data (Halder,
2014). However, Internet browsers, which support the                      or intentionally impose their dogmas, enforced decisions,
                                                                          or beliefs (Zdravkova, 2016). Once posted, this information
functioning of crowdsourcing platforms, collect metadata
                                                                          could remain visible to all the course participants. These
on a large scale (Soltani and Seno, 2014). Digital traces
include: users’ IP address, their exact location, time zone               issues are a further privacy threat that is usually not
                                                                          protected at all so far (Drummond and Fischhoff, 2017).
and language, the type of the used device (PC, laptop,
                                                                          In 2016, EU approved the General Data Protection
tablet, mobile), hardware features (CPU, graphics cards,
RAM specifications), the operating system, the screen                     Regulation (GDPR), which was enforced in May 2018
                                                                          (European Commission, 2018). It enhances the regulation
resolution, the battery level, the moment and the duration
                                                                          responsible for personally identifiable information,
of accessing the browser, as well as the installed browser
plugins. These facts generate a browser fingerprint, which                processing and free movement. GDPR’s main purpose is
                                                                          “to enhance data protection rights of individuals and to
is a very accurate method to identify unique browsers and
                                                                          improve business opportunities by facilitating the free flow
track online activities (Eckersley, 2010). Moreover, servers
send HTTP cookies to user’s browser, such as the                          of personal data in the digital single market”. It harmonized
                                                                          the protection of “fundamental rights and freedoms”, in the
authentication ones, user preferences and settings, which
                                                                          context of technological developments, globalization,
are stored on the user’s computer. Since data collection and
cookie depositing are almost unavoidable, and permitted                   increasing scale of data collection and sharing, regarding
                                                                          the necessity of free flow of personal data, not only within
according to most privacy protection laws, crowdsourcing
                                                                          EU, but also towards third countries.
can be considered privacy safeguarded per se.
New learning management systems collect and store a lot                   Educational crowdsourcing systems are a symbiosis of
                                                                          both. For educational purposes, most of the previously
of identity and contact data, such as: student ID, name, e-
                                                                          mentioned data and metadata should inevitably be
mail, picture, in addition to a list of server logs, all activities
undertaken, their duration, grades of learning assignments,               collected. Responsible platforms should enable their
                                                                          processing, accessing, sharing and transfer to third parties
and the browser type and language (Flanagan and Ogata,
                                                                          and countries obeying precisely the privacy protection
2017). System administrators and all the teachers
responsible for the course can access them at any time.                   principles. New EU regulations affect the creation of
                                                                          privacy policies of educational crowdsourcing.
Educational organizations who are hosting LMSs collect
                                                                          This paper examines the challenges of a crowdsourcing
additional identifiable data. Student records are sometimes
extensive and completely incompatible to modern laws,                     platform intended for education, which should be taken into
                                                                          consideration prior to its launching. It continues with
which tend to minimize the amount of personally
                                                                          examples of violated privacy in education, privacy
identifiable information. Moreover, the collected data are
usually transmitted to third parties via government                       concerns of learning management systems, and student
                                                                          protection regulations. In section 3, the compliance of the
agencies, mainly to education researchers (Joiner, 2018).
                                                                          most popular LMSs, MOOCs and crowdsourcing systems
Interactive activities embedded in the LMS, such as the
wikis, discussion forums and blogs are always associated                  with GDPR, is examined and compared. Section 4 is
                                                                          dedicated to enetCollect’s affiliated organisations EURAC
with the name and the picture of the content provider,
                                                                          and ILIAS. The paper concludes with the privacy policy
which can be either a teacher or another student enrolled
into the same course (Poore, 2015).                                       guidelines of a prospective crowdsourcing platform.

EnetCollect WG3 & WG5 Meeting, 24-25 October 2018, Leiden, Netherlands                                                                      44
               2.    Privacy in education                            However, the greatest privacy challenge for the learners
One of the major imperatives of European higher education            and their teachers is the opportunity to generate interactive
area (EHEA) is student-centred learning, which promotes              content, where all the uploaded information is visible to all
supportive and inspiring learning environment based on               other participants of the course, and the authorship is
innovative teaching methods, pedagogical innovation and              associated to its creator. Even when the content is erased,
digital technologies (Bergan and Deca, 2018). The                    the traces of its existence remain permanent.
effectiveness of digitally supported education highly                2.3    Student protection regulations
depends on the well-established privacy protection (Zeide
                                                                     Most LMSs, MOOCs and crowdsourcing projects are
and Nissenbaum, 2018). Privacy concerns additionally
                                                                     hosted in the US, and are used massively outside of them,
grow due to the emergence of the MOOCs over the existing             which led to the necessity to establish a reasonable
online learning management systems (Sandeen, 2013).
                                                                     framework, in order to avoid some prospective
They enable universal access, which amplifies their
                                                                     international conflicts. In spite of many regulations, such
disruptive nature (Jones and Regner, 2016). The                      as: FERPA, PPRA, IDEA and COPPA there is not a single
involvement of many non-educational institutions in the
                                                                     comprehensive federal U.S. law regulating the collection
MOOCs additionally aggravates the intention to establish
                                                                     and use of personal data (https://www.usa.gov/privacy)1.
strict privacy policy regulations. The following subsections         To handle the problem, mutual EU-US and Swiss-US
observe three aspects: examples of violated privacy,
                                                                     privacy agreements have been established. They regulate
general privacy concerns of learning management systems,
                                                                     data privacy, safety and security, as well as cross-border
and the privacy protection regulations applied to education.         data transfers. The two frameworks are standardised for all
2.1     Violated privacy in education                                other European National Privacy regulations, so if one
Suzanne Widup’s (2010) exhaustive report revealed that               organization is compliant with GDPR, it is very probable
from 2005 to 2009, more than 2 800 data breach incidents             that it also fulfils the national regulations.
occurred, 549 of them in educational organizations. The
amount of breached records exceeded 10 million (Widup,                          3.    Compliance with GDPR
2010). According to this report, one of the crucial reasons          The new EU privacy protecting regulations contain 99
for such a high occurrence of data violations in education           articles divided into 11 chapters (EC, 2018). For the
was the absence of monitoring systems that might prevent             prospective crowd-oriented learning system, it is essential
the malicious use of student data. Another report has                to study the “rights of data subject”, where “data subject”
recently proved that larger universities, universities with          is any “identified or identifiable natural person” (chapter
more financial resources, and universities with weak                 3), and the “transfers of personal data to third countries or
privacy policies were more susceptible to data breaches              international organisations” (chapter 5). Article 85, which
(Mello, 2018).                                                       deals with the “processing and freedom of expression and
DLA Piper study reports almost 60 000 data breaches in               information”, might also be decisive for enetCollect. If the
Europe after the introduction of GDPR, more than one sixth           rights of data subject, and the cross border data transfers
in UK (DLA Piper, 2019). Most notifications were spotted             are not carefully established, all the “remedies, liability and
among private and public organisations from the                      penalties” from chapter 8 will be implemented. They can
Netherlands, Germany and UK. Even though the report                  be gigantic, like the fine of 50 million EUR, which was
doesn’t highlight the type of the organisation, it is very           imposed on Google by French data protection watchdog
realistic that at least 10 000 belong to educational                 (DLA Paper, 2019).
establishments.                                                      The basic rights of data subject of the most popular LMSs,
2.2     Privacy concerns of learning environments                    MOOCs and crowdsourcing systems are presented in Table
                                                                     1, which appear at the end of the paper. GDPR rights are
Academic analytics became an inevitable and a very                   clustered into five sections: transparency and modalities,
reliable tool for assessment and auditing of education               information and access to personal data, rectification and
(Campbell, DeBlois and Oblinger, 2007). It is usually                erasure, right to object and automated individual decision-
combined with educational data mining “providing useful              making, and restrictions (EC, 2018). The compliance of the
insights into student behavior online” (Baepler and                  educational systems with them is judged according to their
Murdoch, 2010). The process of gathering, analysing, and             privacy notes and terms of use. The defined criteria for each
presenting student data is usually performed within                  are presented in the following five paragraphs.
learning management systems. Student data have                       The compliance with the transparency and modalities legal
nowadays expanded to big data (Chen, Mao and Liu, 2014;              items among other, means that the existence of an
Godwin-Jones, 2017). Their huge volume makes them a                  appointed controller; provided written or oral information
fruitful arena for rich data analysis, which increases the           related to data processing; provided information related to
possibility of uncontrolled data mining and significantly            data transfers to a third country or to an international
reduces privacy (Johnson, 2014).                                     organisation; controller’s duty to protect data processing;
An additional problem is the redirection of the traditional          protection of data subject from any legal effects based
eLearning methods towards cloud services, where privacy              solely on automated processing; and implementation of
and security issues are a real challenge (Sen, 2015).                suitable measures to safeguard the data subject's rights and
                                                                     freedom, and legitimate interests.

  All the online resources, privacy policies and terms of use were
last retrieved on 10th April 2019.

EnetCollect WG3 & WG5 Meeting, 24-25 October 2018, Leiden, Netherlands                                                          45
Information and access to personal data refer to: the               Khan Academy is a global multilingual classroom for
purpose of data collection; contact details of the controller;      millions of users. Their privacy policy is carefully
the recipients of collected data; the period of storing the         prepared, and it includes special clauses for European users
data; the right to access the data; the right to demand an          only (khanacademy.org/about/privacy-policy).
erasure of personal data; the right to restrict processing;         Mechanical Turk’s privacy notice redirects towards
detailed information of accessing data; and direct access to        Amazon, whose privacy has not been recently updated,
collected data.                                                     (mturk.com/privacy-notice), thus it is hardly compliant
Rectification and erasure clauses imply that the data subject       with GDPR. It might be crucial for their unethical acting
has the right to: demand a rectification of inaccurate              while harvesting Facebook profiles and manipulating
personal data; right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’); right    people (EFF, 2018).
to restriction of processing; notification that any of the          Moodle is the most popular open source LMS with almost
three later actions have been performed; and the right to           150 million registered users (moodle.net/stats/) who are
receive the personal data.                                          striving for the highest ethical standards. MoodleDocs
The right to object and the automated individual decision-          privacy rights are compatible with GDPR at all points. But,
making, are comprised of the rights to object data                  this January, Moodle experienced an outage (Greidanos,
processing at any time; and the rights to object data               2019). Unlike Edmodo, it suffered from lack of reliability.
processing for direct marketing purposes.                           SAP SuccessFactors is a cloud provider with 120 million
Restriction refers to a limited scope of obligations in             users, whose cloud security and data privacy are carefully
special circumstances related to the fundamental rights and         designed and maintained, providing complete compliance
freedoms; and safeguarding of democratic society.                   with privacy and security standards worldwide (www.suc
Blackboard is one of the leading LMSs, and as said by               cessfactors.com/content/ssf-site/en/about/privacy.html).
them, #1 Global Education Software Provider. With more              In parallel with the rights of data subjects, the compliance
than 100 million users, Blackboard must guarantee the best          with the Article 85 of all the studied platforms was also
conditions, including privacy. Blackboard has a very strict         examined. After a very exhaustive examinations of their
and detailed privacy, which is EU-U.S. Privacy Shield               corresponding policies, it was noticed that none mentions
                                                                    the freedom of expression and information. An exception
certified. The compliance with GDPR is presented in the
                                                                    is Moodle, which contains a word censorship filter,
21 pages long GDPR White Paper.                                     intended to disable the submission of “obscene or other
Canvas is Instructure’s LMS with more than 18 million               unwanted words in the text” within forums and wikis
users (instructure.com), intended for K-12 and university           (https://docs.moodle.org/36/en/Word_censorship_filter). It
students. In parallel with the privacy policy, Canvas has           can be misused to restrict the free expression, because the
extensions for the residents of the EU and Switzerland.             censor.php file can be tailored to disable some word strings.
Canvas is also dedicated to adapting their own privacy              Most observed educational and crowdsourcing systems
policy to GDPR. They are self-certified under the EU-U.S.           have shown a very high social responsibility and a serious
Privacy Shield. Recently, there were complaints about data          concern about privacy rights of their users. Unfortunately,
treatment and third parties (privacy.commonsense.org/               the abuse of users’ confidence has occurred in both
evaluation/canvas).                                                 observed crowdsourcing systems.
With more than 300 million users and “world's largest
collection of language-learning data”, Duolingo is the
biggest educational community dedicated to language
                                                                       4.    EnetCollect and new EU regulations
learning, which presents completely crowdsourced                    The major motivation of this study was to discover the
language courses ai.duolingo.com/). It has the most                 deficiencies of the related educational platforms in order to
comprehensive privacy policy, which carefully covers all            avoid them carefully while creating the enetCollect’s
the privacy, safety and security rights of data subject,            crowd-oriented language learning system. It was concluded
(duolingo.com/privacy). In spite of the declared readiness          that declaratively, all of them respect the rights of data
to protect users’ data, the application is criticized for “third-   subject and pay attention to information security. Well
party advertising or tracking services” (privacy.common             established policies and terms of use converge to some
sense.org/evaluation/duolingo).                                     general rules and recommendations, which should be taken
Intended for K-12, Edmodo is another example of a                   into consideration for the prospective platform.
learning management system with detailed privacy policy             It is very probable that the selection of the platform
(go.edmodo.com/privacy-policy/) and terms of service.               provider will be done among the two technically most
These regulations are not fully compatible with GDPR, but           engaged partners of the action: EURAC or ILIAS. Namely,
still offer significant rights to data subjects. In May 2017,       the official presentation of enetCollect is hosted by
Edmodo suffered a severe data breach, which affected 77             EURAC (http://enetcollect.eurac.edu/), while the intranet
million users (EHL, 2017).                                          website is available from ILIAS (https://enetcollect.net/).
EdX is an open-source platform and MOOC provider with               How much are they compliant to new EU regulations?
more than 130 partners and 18 million users. They claim:            EURAC research has a privacy policy which has been
“edX is making a good faith effort to comply, given our             recently adjusted according to EU Regulation 2016/679
global reach with learners and partners.” The privacy               (eurac.edu/en/aboutus/Pages/Privacy.aspx). However, it
policy proves it (edx.org/edx-privacy-policy).                      warns the users about the use of Google Analytics, without
FutureLearn is a digital educational platform “wholly               an immediate possibility to “decline the use of cookies”.
owned by The Open University” (future learn.com/about-              Furthermore, the website “may use the third-party cookies”
futurelearn). Highly experienced OU prepared a very                 including some social plugins. With these official
concise and fully GDPR compliant privacy policy                     announcements, EURAC research disclaims responsibility
(about.futurelearn.com/terms/privacy-policy).                       for any privacy violation.
EnetCollect WG3 & WG5 Meeting, 24-25 October 2018, Leiden, Netherlands                                                       46
Although ILIAS is a multi-language open-source LMS,                polarized beliefs on controversial science topics.
their privacy policy, or more precisely, the terms of service      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
are presented in German only (docu.ilias.de/ilias.php?cmd          114(36): 9587-9592.
=showTermsOfService&cmdClass=ilstartupgui&cmdNod                 Eckersley, P. (2010). How unique is your web browser?
e=k8&baseClass=ilStartUpGUI). The policy starts with the           International Symposium on Privacy Enhancing
intellectual property rights under GPL, carries on with the        Technologies Symposium, Springer: 1-18.
limitations of inappropriate content, and continues with         EFF (2018). Yet another lesson from the Cambridge
data protection. The compliance with GDPR is not                   Analytica fiasco: Remove the barriers to user privacy
explicitly highlighted, but all the rights of data subject are     control,     https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/03/why-
carefully examined. The possibility of using the LMS by            we-didnt-make-fix-my-facebook-privacy-settings-tool
people with blindness or visual impairments, which is            EHL, Edmodo Help Center (2017). Important notice about
guaranteed by the Marrakesh Treaty in not enabled                  your Edmodo account: https://support.edmodo.com/hc
(www.wipo.int/marrakesh_treaty/en/). This is the only              /en-us/articles/115007376848-Important-Notice-About-
system, which reveals the responsible authority for all the        Your-Edmodo-Account
data protection issues (http://www.ldi.nrw.de).                  EC, European Commission (2018). Data protection: 2018
                                                                   reform of EU data protection rules, https://eur-
                    5.    Conclusion                               lex.europa.eu/eli/reg/2016/679/oj
EnetCollect’s crowdsourcing framework for language               Flanagan, B., & Ogata, H. (2017). Integration of learning
                                                                   analytics research and production systems while
learning can initially adopt EURAC’s prudent privacy
                                                                   protecting privacy. The 25th International Conference
policy. Privacy notes should be accompanied with terms of
use, and with a rational acceptable use policy. Furthermore,       on Computers in Education, New Zealand: 333-338.
                                                                 Godwin-Jones, R. (2017). Scaling up and zooming in: Big
Marrakesh Treaty should also be taken into consideration,
                                                                   data and personalization in language learning. Language
to enable access to learning resources to all the learners and
teachers, without any disability discrimination. The               Learning & Technology, 21(1), 4-15.
                                                                 Greidanos, P. (2019). Moodle.org outage and data loss:
corresponding regulation for US, which is not a member of
the World Intellectual Property Organization is the
Equality Act (equalityhumanrights.com/en/equality-act).          Halder, B. (2014). Evolution of crowdsourcing: potential
                                                                   data protection, privacy and security concerns under the
All the pointed issues are primarily recommended for
                                                                   new media age. Revista Democracia Digital e Governo
enetCollect’s framework, but they are also applicable to all
the existing or new educational platforms worldwide,               Eletrônico, 1(10): 377-393.
                                                                 Johnson, J. A. (2014). The ethics of big data in higher
including the crowd-oriented ones.
                                                                   education. International Review of Information Ethics,
After alerting the prospective users about all these
documents, a written consent about data privacy and                21(21), 3-10.
                                                                 Johnson, L., Becker, S. A., Cummins, M., Estrada, V.,
intellectual property should be obtained from all of them.
                                                                   Freeman, A., & Hall, C. (2016). NMC horizon report:
But first, the users should be properly introduced to the
documents and advised to read them carefully. To do so,            2016 higher education edition (pp. 1-50). The New
                                                                   Media Consortium.
they should be as clear as possible, very concise and easily
                                                                 Joiner, M. C. (2018). To see or not to see: the constant
To guarantee that all the sensitive student information are        conflict between promoting public access to information
                                                                   whilst maintaining confidentiality, Student Records.
safeguarded, the regulations defined should be obeyed with
                                                                 Jones, M. L., & Regner, L. (2016). Users or students?
no exclusions. Accountability measures should be strict.
Otherwise, enetCollect’s system will be one of those               Privacy in university MOOCS. Science and engineering
                                                                   ethics, 22(5): 1473-1496.
experiments, which impose “privacy concerns and the
                                                                 Mello, S. (2018). Data Breaches in Higher Education
safety of student data as obstacles” (Johnson et al, 2016).
                                                                   Institutions, University of New Hampshire
                                                                 Poore, M. (2015). Using social media in the classroom: A
         6.    Bibliographical References                          best practice guide. Sage.
Baepler, P., & Murdoch, C. J. (2010). Academic analytics         Sandeen, C. (2013). Assessment's place in the new MOOC
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Bergan, S., & Deca, L. (2018). Twenty years of Bologna             computing. Cloud technology: concepts, methodologies,
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EnetCollect WG3 & WG5 Meeting, 24-25 October 2018, Leiden, Netherlands                                                 47
 Rights of data       Transparency and     Access to personal   Rectification and   Right to object      Restrictions
 subject              modalities           data                 erasure
 Blackboard                                Complete             Complete            Complete             Complete
 blackboard.com       Partial compliance   compliance           compliance          compliance           compliance
 Canvas                                    Complete             Complete
 canvaslms.com        Partial compliance   compliance           compliance          Partial compliance   Partial compliance
 Duolingo             Complete             Complete             Complete            Complete             Complete
 duolingo.com         compliance           compliance           compliance          compliance           compliance
 Edmodo                                    Complete                                                      Complete
 edmodo.com           Partial compliance   compliance           Not designated      Not designated       compliance
 EdX                  Complete             Complete             Complete            Complete
 www.edx.org          compliance           compliance           compliance          compliance           Not designated
 FutureLearn          Complete             Complete             Complete            Complete             Complete
 futurelearn.com      compliance           compliance           compliance          compliance           compliance
 Khan Academy         Complete             Complete             Complete            Complete             Complete
 khanacademy.org      compliance           compliance           compliance          compliance           compliance
 Mechanical Turk
 mturk.com            Partial compliance   Not designated       Not designated      Not designated       Not designated
 Moodle:              Complete             Complete             Complete            Complete             Complete
 Moodle.org           compliance           compliance           compliance          compliance           compliance
 SAPSuccessFactors    Complete             Complete             Complete            Complete             Complete
 successfactors.com   compliance           compliance           compliance          compliance           compliance
             Table 1: Rights of data subjects in learning management systems and crowdsourcing platform

EnetCollect WG3 & WG5 Meeting, 24-25 October 2018, Leiden, Netherlands                                                    48