Katerina Zdravkova, Karёn Fort, Branislav Bédi (eds.) Proceedings of the WG3 & WG5 Meeting of the European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques (enetCollect) 24th – 25th October 2018 Gravensteen, Pieterskerkhof 6, 2311 SR Leiden, Netherlands http://enetcollect.eurac.edu/working-groups/wg3-meetings/10- 18-leiden-1st-wg3-wg5-meeting/ Copyright © 2018 for the individual papers by the papers’ authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors. Editors: Katerina Zdravkova University Ss. Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Skopje, N. Macedonia katerina.zdravkova@finki.ukim.mk Karёn Fort Sorbonne University Faculty of Arts and Humanities Paris, France karen.fort@sorbonne-universite.fr Branislav Bédi University of Iceland School of Humanities Reykjavik, Iceland branislav@hi.is EnetCollect WG3 & WG5 Meeting, 24-25 October 2018, Leiden, Netherlands 2 Copyright © 2018 for the individual papers by the papers’ authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors. Preface This proceedings unites a selection of papers presented during the joint meeting of two working groups WG3 & WG5 of the COST Action European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques (enetCollect). It aims at shedding light on how language learning can be fostered by implementing various crowdsourcing techniques and approaches. The WG 3 is in charge of user-oriented design strategies for a competitive solution, and the WG 5 focuses on theoretical framework making this solution ethical, legal and profitable. The meeting took place at Gravensteen, University of Leiden, Netherlands on 24th and 25th October 2018. During the meeting, thirty plenary talks were held: a welcome talk, an introduction by the leaders and vice-leaders of the two respective WGs, six invited talks, thirteen full papers, nine posters, and a wrap-up and closing talk underlying the necessity of academics, researchers and entrepreneurs to join forces and collaborate on optimal solutions aiming for fostering language learning of all citizens and all languages. The full papers and posters were carefully selected by the Steering Committee members on a basis of proposed extended abstracts. The authors of the presentations were invited to submit their paper for these proceedings. By 10th February 2019, nineteen papers were proposed. They went through an exhaustive review process. By 15th April 2019, each paper had received at least three independent blind reviews. The reviewers accepted ten full and three short papers, which were finalized in the beginning of May 2019. They are divided into four thematic groups: Language Learning, Crowdsourcing, Ethical Issues, and Online Communities and Communication. We cordially thank the committee members for a very well organised meeting, the invited speakers for accepting invitations and delivering very fruitful talks, and finally the authors, who produced very worthy papers. The editors EnetCollect WG3 & WG5 Meeting, 24-25 October 2018, Leiden, Netherlands 3 Organizing Committee: Branislav Bédi, University of Iceland Tanneke Schoonheim, the Dutch Language Institute Frieda Steurs, the Dutch Language Institute Steering Committee: Branislav Bédi, University of Iceland Karën Fort, Sorbonne University Verena Lyding, EURAC Research Lionel Nicolas, Laboratoire I3s - Sophia Antipolis Tanneke Schoonheim, the Dutch Language Institute Frieda Steurs, the Dutch Language Institute Katerina Zdravkova, University Ss Cyril and Methodius Program Committee: Rodrigo Agerri, IXA NLP Group, UPV/EHU Branislav Bédi, University of Iceland Jon Chamberlain, University of Essex Alain Couillault, APOLIADE Corina Forascu, Al.I. Cuza University of Iasi, Faculty of Computer Science; Romanian Academy Institute for Research in Artificial Intelligence Karën Fort, Sorbonne University Thomas Francois, Université catholique de Louvain Jean-Philippe Goldman, Université de Genève - Université catholique de Louvain Verena Lyding, EURAC Research Liam Murray, University of Limerick Lionel Nicolas, Laboratoire I3s - Sophia Antipolis Manny Rayner, Geneva University Tanneke Schoonheim, the Dutch Language Institute Frieda Steurs, the Dutch Language Institute Elena Volodina, Gothenburg University Katerina Zdravkova, University Ss Cyril and Methodius EnetCollect WG3 & WG5 Meeting, 24-25 October 2018, Leiden, Netherlands 4 Table of contents Katerina Zdravkova, Karen Fort and Preface 1 Branislav Bédi Invited talk Frederik Cornillie Design Issues in Language Learning Based on 6 Crowdsourcing: The Critical Role of Gameful Corrective Feedback Section A: Language learning Michal Bodorik and Branislav Bédi In Search of the State of Language Learning 10 Online in Europe Elżbieta Gajek Strategic Learner Training for Language Learning 13 in the Digital Environment Nikos Tsourakis, Manny Rayner, Alexa as a CALL platform for children: Where do 17 Hanieh Habibi, Pierre-Emmanuel we start? Gallais, Cathy Chua and Matt Butterweck Agnieszka Grygo and Elżbieta Gajek Risks of using Duolingo by Polish learners at 21 primary level Section B: Crowdsourcing Christos Rodosthenous and Loizos A Platform for Commonsense Knowledge 25 Michael Acquisition Using Crowdsourcing Catia Cucchiarini and Helmer Strik Crowdsourcing for Research on Automatic Speech 31 Recognition-enabled CALL Peter Dekker and Tanneke Crowdsourcing for Dutch using PYBOSSA: Case 36 Schoonheim studies on Blends, Neologisms and Language Variation Section C: Ethical issues Liam Murray and Marta Giralt Motivational, Ethical and Gamification Issues in 40 Crowdsourcing Katerina Zdravkova Privacy of Crowdsourcing Educational Platforms 44 in the Light of New EU Regulation Cathy Chua, Manny Rayner, Hanieh Decentralising Power: How We are Trying to 49 Habibi and Nikos Tsourakis Keep CALLector Ethical Section D: Online communities and communication Cathy Chua and Manny Rayner What do the Founders of Online Communities 55 Owe to their Users? Maria João Pereira, Pedro Fialho, Chatbots' Greetings to Human-Computer 61 Luísa Coheur and Ricardo Ribeiro Communication EnetCollect WG3 & WG5 Meeting, 24-25 October 2018, Leiden, Netherlands 5