=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2391/paper17 |storemode=property |title=Comparative analysis of segmentation algorithms for the allocation of microcalcifications on mammograms |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2391/paper17.pdf |volume=Vol-2391 |authors=Yuliya Podgornova,Sultan Sadykov }} ==Comparative analysis of segmentation algorithms for the allocation of microcalcifications on mammograms == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2391/paper17.pdf
Comparative analysis of segmentation algorithms for the
allocation of microcalcifications on mammograms

                Yu A Podgornova1, S S Sadykov1

                 Murom Institute (branch) Federal state budgetary Educational Institution of Higher
                Education" Vladimir State University named after Alexader Grigoryevich and Nickolay
                Grigoryevich Stoletovs", Orlovskaya street, 23, Murom, Russia, 602264

                e-mail: yuliyabulanova@yandex.ru

                Abstract. Breast cancer is the most common disease of the current century in the female
                population of the world. The main task of the research of most scientists is the detection of this
                pathology at an early stage (the tumor size is less than 7 mm) when a woman can still be
                helped. An indicator of this disease is the presence of small-point microcalcifications, located
                in groups within or in the immediate circle of the tumor. Microcalcification is a small-point
                character at cancer, reminding grains of sand of irregular shape which sizes are from 100 to
                600 microns. The probability of breast cancer increases with the increase in the number of
                microcalcifications per unit area. So, the probability of cancer is 80% if more than 15
                microcalcifications on 1 sq. cm. The microcalcifications are often the only sign of breast
                cancer, therefore, their detection even in the absence of a tumor node could be a harbinger to
                cancer. Image segmentation is one way to identify microcalcifications. The conducted research
                allowed us to choose the optimal segmentation algorithms of mammograms to highlight areas
                of microcalcifications for further analysis of their groups, sizes, and so on.

1. Introduction
The mammary gland is a complex, sensitive organ that requires constant monitoring due to the annual
increase in the incidence of breast cancer and its "rejuvenation" [1]. Often a symptom of serious
diseases is small-point calcification, called microcalcifications (deposits of calcium) [1]. Usually,
isolated microcalcifications or clusters are small in size, so they do not self-identify. For detection of
this pathology is required to carry out hardware diagnostics such as ultrasound and mammography.
    Mammography is a noninvasive method for the detection of pathologies of mammary glands [2].
    Microcalcinates differ in localization, size, shape, concentration, quantity. Examples of
microcalcifications are presented in figure 1. To assess all of these parameters will need to find and
select the picture mammography. To evaluate all the specified parameters, it is necessary to find and
highlight them in the mammography image. The process of finding homogeneous areas in an image is
called segmentation. It is the first step in image analysis. Thus, segmentation [3] plays an important
role in the processing of medical images. The main idea of the segmentation process is as follows:
each pixel of the image can be associated with some visual properties, such as brightness, color, and
texture. Within one object or one part of an object, these attributes change relatively little, whereas
when crossing the border from one object to another, there is usually a significant change in the above

                    V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019)
Image Processing and Earth Remote Sensing
Yu A Podgornova, S S Sadykov

    At the moment many image segmentation algorithms are developed [4], therefore the main task of
this paper is the analysis of existing methods of segmentation and selection of an optimal algorithm for
detection of microcalcifications in mammographic images.
    There is the following classification of image segmentation algorithms [5]: threshold methods,
region-based methods, edge detection methods, and clustering-based algorithms. Edge detection
methods are not used in this work, as most are used to highlight the contours of the image. This article
explores the following segmentation algorithms: algorithm FloodFill, the watersheds, MeanShift, and
    Figure 1 shows examples of mammograms with different microcalcifications, in Figure 1(c), in
addition to microcalcifications, there is also a malignant neoplasm that has fuzzy spiciform contours,
i.e. a star-shaped knot with thin strands extending from it, which are called spicules.



 Figure 1. Examples of forms, localization, and the number of microcalcifications on mammograms.

2. Overview of segmentation algorithms

2.1. Watershed method
The concept of watershed [7, 8, 9, 10] is based on the representation of the image as a three-
dimensional surface defined by two spatial coordinates and the level of brightness as the height of the
surface (relief). In this "topographical" interpretation, three types of points are considered: (a) points
of the local minimum; (b) points located on the slope, i.e. from which water rolls down to the same
local minimum; and (C) points located on the crest or peak, i.e. from which water is equally likely to
roll down more than one such minimum. When applied to a specific local minimum, a set of points

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Yu A Podgornova, S S Sadykov

that satisfy condition (b) is called a basin (or catchment area) of this minimum. The sets of points that
satisfy condition (c) form the ridge lines on the surface of the relief and are called the watershed lines.
    One of the most important applications of segmentation by watersheds is the selection of objects of
uniform brightness in the background (in the form of spots). Areas characterized by small changes in
brightness have small gradient values. Therefore, in practice, there is often a situation when the
method of segmentation by watershed is applied not to the image itself, but to the gradient of this
image. Under such conditions, the local minima of the basins agree well with the small gradient
values, which usually corresponds to the objects of interest.

2.2. MeanShift segmentation
The main idea of this method [11, 12] is that the input image can be used to construct a nuclear
estimate for the probability density of data distribution in the RGBXY feature space. Next, a natural
assumption is made that the local maxima of the probability density corresponding to the cluster
centers. From the necessary condition of a local extremum, an expression is determined for the shift
vector m(p) of the feature space p ∈ RGBXY, applying which iteratively to the point p we get a
sequence of points converging to the local maximum of the probability density estimate (i.e. to the
center of the nearest cluster):

                                                           ∑p ⋅g       i       i
                                                 m( p ) = i =1 n                   − p,
                                                                i =1

               ( p − pi ) 2 
where g i = g                , g (v) = −k ′(v) , h is smoothing parameter, K(v)=ck(v) is kernel
                   h        
                            
estimates of a density.

2.3. FloodFill algorithm
Using the FloodFill method [11, 13, 14] it is possible to select areas of uniform color. To do this,
select the starting pixel and set the interval for changing the color of neighboring pixels relative to the
original. The interval can be asymmetric. The algorithm will combine pixels into one segment (filling
them with one color) if they fall within the specified range. The output is a segment filled with a
certain color and its area in pixels.
    Such an algorithm can be useful for filling an area with weak color swings with a homogeneous
background. One of the ways to use FloodFill is to detect damaged edges of the object. For example, if
the algorithm fills neighboring regions by filling homogeneous areas with a certain color, then the
integrity of the border between these areas is violated.

2.4. k-means algorithm
k-means segmentation [15, 16, 17, 18] is the most popular clustering method. The algorithm is aimed
at minimizing the total quadratic deviation of cluster points from the centers of these clusters. Thus,
this is an iterative algorithm that divides a given set of pixels into k clusters of points, which are as
close as possible to their centers, and the clustering itself occurs due to the displacement of these same
centers. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the k-means method is very sensitive to noise,
which can significantly distort the results of clustering.

3 Experimental results
As criteria for evaluation of work of algorithms of segmentation, it is possible to use quality of
background suppression and selection of objects in the form of connected areas.
   Because microcalcifications are a complex object, it is impossible to demand accurate
determination of the object consisting of several parts of different brightness as a single connected

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Yu A Podgornova, S S Sadykov

    For the analysis methods were taken real pictures of microcalcifications on mammograms. Images
differ in the number and type of microcalcifications, brightness of the background and objects, and the
presence of repetitive textures.
    Figures 2-4 show the results of the algorithms on the original images. Only the FloodFill algorithm
coped with the allocation of microcalcifications, all other algorithms have identified too many
connected regions. Such experimental results suggest the need for using pre-processing methods
before using segmentation.
    Next to the images were applied contrasting methods, described in detail in [2].
    Figures 5-7 show examples of studies of segmentation algorithms on contrasted mammograms.
    The results of the experiments are as follows:
    1) the watershed algorithm is not suitable for the solution of a task at all;
    2) the MeanShift algorithm is able to allocate the required objects only in images without tumors
on the background of fatty involution;
    3) the k-means algorithm showed results similar to the previous method.

                  a)                  b)                      c)                      d)
      Figure 2. Examples of image segmentation shown in Figure 1(a): (a) watershed method, (b)
               MeanShift algorithm, (c) FloodFill algorithm, (d) k-means segmentation.

                  a)                  b)                      c)                      d)
      Figure 3. Examples of image segmentation shown in Figure 1(b): (a) watershed method, (b)
               MeanShift algorithm, (c) FloodFill algorithm, (d) k-means segmentation.

                  a)                  b)                      c)                      d)
      Figure 4. Examples of image segmentation shown in Figure 1(c): (a) watershed method, (b)
               MeanShift algorithm, (c) FloodFill algorithm, (d) k-means segmentation.

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Yu A Podgornova, S S Sadykov

                a)                   b)                     c)                         d)
Figure 5. Examples of image segmentation shown in Figure 1(a): (a) changing the brightness/contrast
     of the image, (b) the watershed algorithm, (c) – the MeanShift algorithm, (d) the k-means

                  a)                   b)                    c)                        d)
Figure 6. Examples of image segmentation shown in Figure 1(b): (a) changing the brightness/contrast
of the image, (b) the watershed algorithm, (c) the MeanShift algorithm, (d) the k-means segmentation.

                   a)                  b)                    c)                        d)
Figure 7. Examples of image segmentation shown in Figure 1(c): (a) changing the brightness/contrast
of the image, (b) the watershed algorithm, (c) the MeanShift algorithm, (d) the k-means segmentation.

   The study of the work of the algorithms was carried out on 250 mammograms from the MIAS [2]
database. Empirically managed to achieve the results presented in Table 1 and 2.

          Table 1. The results of the segmentation algorithms on the original mammograms.
          Algorithm                 Number of correct detections    Number of false detections (%
                                         (% of total images)                of total images)
      Watershed algorithm                     15 (6%)                          235 (94%)
      MeanShift algorithm                   213 (85,2%)                        37 (14,8%)
      FloodFill algorithm                   178 (71,2%)                        72 (28,8%)
     k-means segmentation                    89 (35,6%)                       161 (64,4%)

        Table 2. The results of the segmentation algorithms on the processed mammograms.
          Algorithm                Number of correct detections     Number of false detections (%
                                       (% of total images)                 of total images)
      Watershed algorithm                   45 (18%)                          205 (82%)
      MeanShift algorithm                  98 (39,2%)                       152 (60,8%)
     k-means segmentation                 107 (42,8%)                       143 (57,2%)

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Yu A Podgornova, S S Sadykov

4. Conclusion
Comparative analysis of different methods of image segmentation applied to the problem of allocation
of microcalcifications in mammographic images. To compare segmentation methods, criteria were
used based on the expert's assessment (based on visual analysis) of the quality of background
suppression and the selection of objects as connected areas. Through experimental studies, it was
found that the method of watersheds incorrectly finds the boundaries of objects and is not acceptable
in solving the problem.
    The best segmentation result was obtained using the FloodFill algorithm, which consists of the
selection of areas of uniform color. During the experiments, it was found that to improve the quality of
mammogram segmentation, it is advisable to pre-process the images. It provides a reduction in the
number of analyzed areas by combining segments and removing irrelevant fragments from the point of
view of the problem. Using the same segmentation algorithms after processing the images showed that
the MeanShift algorithms and k-means are able to highlight microcalcifications only on the images
without tumors on the background of fatty involution.
    It should be noted that further research is needed to improve the methods of thematic segmentation,
taking into account the spatial properties of areas and providing the best compromise between
insufficient and excessive segmentation.
    The obtained results allow us to outline the prospects of using segmentation algorithms in the
construction of automatic cancer detection systems on mammograms at an early stage.

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Podgornova Yu A expresses her sincere gratitude to her academic advisor, Dr. of Tech. Sci., Professor
Sadykov S S for his help at the research conduct, valuable recommendations in relation to their
planning and article preparation as well as for his moral support.

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