=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2391/paper3 |storemode=property |title=Parameter space dimension reduction of an adaptive interpolator during multidimensional signal differential compression |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2391/paper3.pdf |volume=Vol-2391 |authors=Aleksey Maksimov,Mikhail Gashnikov }} ==Parameter space dimension reduction of an adaptive interpolator during multidimensional signal differential compression == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2391/paper3.pdf
Parameter space dimension reduction of an adaptive
interpolator during multidimensional signal differential

                 A I Maksimov1, M V Gashnikov1,2

                  Samara National Research University, Moskovskoe Shosse 34А, Samara, Russia, 443086
                  Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS - Branch of the FSRC "Crystallography and
                 Photonics" RAS, Molodogvardejskaya street 151, Samara, Russia, 443001

                 e-mail: aleksei.maksimov.ssau@gmail.com

                 Abstract. We propose a new adaptive multidimensional signal interpolator for differential
                 compression tasks. To increase the efficiency of interpolation, we optimize its parameters
                 space by the minimum absolute interpolation error criterion. To reduce the complexity of
                 interpolation optimization, we reduce the dimension of its parameter range. The
                 correspondence between signal samples in a local neighbourhood is parameterized. Besides,
                 we compare several methods for such parameterization. The developed adaptive interpolator is
                 embedded in the differential compression method. Computational experiments on real
                 multidimensional signals confirm that the use of the proposed interpolator can increase the
                 compression ratio

1. Introduction
There are many interpolation [1, 2] methods have been already developed, and they continue to
evolve. It is worth mentioning techniques based on context modeling [3], least mean squares [4],
Kronecker bases [5], matrix pencil method [6], compressed sensing [7], etc. However, these methods
are recourse consuming and computationally complex, therefore are not suitable for differential
compression algorithms.
    Differential compression of multidimensional signals, also called DPCM (differential pulse-code
modulation [8 - 11] ), is based on interpolation (prediction) of signal samples based on already
processed samples and further interpolation error encoding (post-interpolation residues encoding). A
high correlation usually characterizes real digital signals, so a transition to a differential representation
entails a significant non-uniformity of the probability distribution of post-interpolation residues,
which, in turn, leads to a decrease [12 - 14] of compressed data entropy, and a compression ratio
    In his paper, we propose a new adaptive DPCM interpolator of multidimensional signals [2, 15 –
16], for which three different ways of parameterization of already processed samples correspondence
are proposed. The complexity of optimizing the parameters of the proposed interpolator is decreased
by reducing the dimension of its parameters space. An experimental study of the proposed adaptive
interpolator on a test set of multidimensional signals of the SpecTIR spectrometer was made; its
results demonstrate that the proposed interpolation method outperforms the most common one.

                     V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019)
Image Processing and Earth Remote Sensing
A I Maksimov, M V Gashnikov

   The article is structured as follows: first, a general method of DPCM is given. After which the
proposed interpolator is described: the general scheme for constructing adaptive interpolators, the
procedure for reducing the parameter space and the interpolation procedure. After that, the results of
an experimental study are presented.

2. Multidimensional signals differential compression
During differential compression of a multidimensional signal, the samples are processed in the order
of some scan, which generalizes the line-by-line scan of the two-dimensional case. Let C  x  be the
multidimensional signal and x be the vector of its arguments. Every sample of C  x  id processed in
the following way:
   1. Interpolation.
   The interpolated value P  x  of the current sample is calculated using the already processed
(compressed and decompressed) samples Ck  x  :

                                                                            
                                                        P( x )  P Сˆ k  x  ,                       (1)
via interpolation function P.
   2. Calculation of the differential signal f (the difference between the interpolated and the real
                                            f  x   C x   P  x  .                         (2)
where f  x  - is the differential signal.
  3. Quantization of differential signal:
                                                         fq  x   Q  f  x  ,                    (3)
where f q ( x ) - quantized difference, Q - quantization function.
In this work, we used a uniform quantization scale:
                                                                       f ( x ) max 
                                         f q ( x )  sign  f ( x )                ,          (4)
                                                                       2max  1 
where  max – preset maximum error (compression algorithm parameter), [..] means an integral part of
the number. This quantization scale controls the maximum error between the initial C  x  and
decompressed Ĉ  x  signals:

                                                                        .
                                                    max  max C x  Сˆ x
    4. Reconstruction of current value:
                                               Cˆ  x   P  x   f q  x  2max  1 .           (6)
i.e. calculation of decompressed value Ĉ  x  . This value will be used in the compression stage during
the interpolation (3) of the next samples. This feedback is necessary to ensure that the interpolators
work identically during compression and decompression.
    5. Encoding of the quantized differential signal. In this work, Huffman encoder was used [8 - 10].

3. Multidimensional signals adaptive interpolation

3.1. Approach to adaptive interpolator construction
We have developed proposed interpolator according to the following general structure of adaptive
interpolation of multidimensional signals. It generalizes two-dimensional interpolation algorithms
described in [2, 8].

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A I Maksimov, M V Gashnikov

       Let us consider a current sample C ( x ) which is to be interpolated on the basis of neighbor ones
C  x  . Let P C  x  – be the set of simple and fast interpolation functions. Therefore, for every
   k                 i       k

sample a set of interpolated values can be calculated:
                                            Pi  x   Pi Ck ( x ) .                                 (7)
       Resulting interpolated value is chosen via the parameterized decision rule R:
                                         P  x   Ci  x  , i  R   х  , lim ,                    (8)
which uses the vector of local features   х  calculated on the basis of neighbor samples Ck  x  . The
decision rule is also dependent on the parameter lim , which is calculated during the optimization of
some criterion (for example, interpolation error). The certain form of the criterion is determined by the
method application area.
   Averaging over the nearest processed samples interpolators are usually used [2] to reduce the
computational complexity in differential compression:

                                            P x         
                                                       1 N ˆ
                                                          Ck x ,
                                                      N i 1
                                                                                                    (9)

where Cˆ k  x  – are the neighbor samples, N – is the number of neighbor samples.
    The interpolator of this type work quite accurately on relatively smooth signal parts due to
averaging over noised samples, but it has a large error on the contours (extended brightness
differences). When interpolating contour readings, interpolators based on interpolation “along” the
contour work more accurately. An example of these interpolators for the two-dimensional case is, for
example, Graham interpolator [2, 8].
    During Graham interpolation, the interpolated value is equal to the neighbor sample value which
lies in the direction of the contour. However, this interpolation is less accurate on smooth parts of the
    In this paper, we propose an adaptive interpolator that combines the advantages of both described
approaches. Proposed interpolator automatically switches between averaging interpolation and
interpolation “along the contour” depending on the presence and intensity of the contour in the local
neighborhood of each signal sample.
    Let us describe in more detail interpolation function (7) and decision rule (8). Let L be the number
of possible contour directions (usually, it is greater than or equal to signal dimension). Let
  x  : 0  i  L be the set of averaged difference moduli Cˆ  x   Cˆ  x  between already processed
   i                                                                               t    

samples Cˆ k  x  in every direction possible (this set is computed in every signal sample). Difference

values  i x    determine the presence and intensity of the contour in the current signal sample local
neighbourhood. The least of these differences might be used to determine the direction of the contour
if one passes through the processed sample. To decide whether there is a contour in a signal and what
direction it goes in, several threshold values ilim are used. Thresholds are compared with local
features values   х  . If there are no contours detected, averaging interpolation (9) is used:
                         1  1 N ˆ
           P  x   P   x  
                               Ck  x , if i  arg min
                            N k 1                        
                                                                    
                                                               i x &   х   ilim , i  0, Nc  .  (10)

    Otherwise, the neighbouring sample, located in the differences minimum direction is used as an
interpolating value (interpolation “along the contour” is performed):
                                                                           
                  P  x   P   x   Cˆ  x  , if i  arg min  x &   х   lim , i  0, N  .
                                                                               i                i   c   (11)

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Image Processing and Earth Remote Sensing
A I Maksimov, M V Gashnikov

    Therefore, to calculate the best ilim values, we have to perform the optimization in N c -
dimensional parameter space.
    The application task determines the number of dimensions N c of parameter space  ilim . For
differential compression, the complexity of the task is determined not only by the signal dimension but
also by the number of contour directions taken into account. For example, for differential compression
of two-dimensional signals (images), N c  2 if we consider horizontal and vertical contours Nc  4 if
we consider horizontal, vertical and diagonal contours. Given the limitations on computational
complexity, even for N c  2 searching the ilim parameters can be an overly time-consuming task.

3.2. Interpolator parameter space dimension reduction
In this paper, we propose to reduce the parameter space dimension to lower the computational
complexity of finding these parameters. To do that we propose to use decision rules based on the
relationships between  i x instead of their absolute values. If there are no contours in a sample’s
neighborhood, differences  i will have close values. If there is a distinct contour, the desired  j will
be not only the least but also distant from the other ones. Figure 1 shows described situations
             j                 ... Nc-2                                       j          ...
                                                                                                                             
                             (а)                                                                   (b )
     Figure 1. Differences distribution during the interpolation: (a) – a contour passes through the
             processed sample, (b) – there are no contours in the sample’s neigbourhood.

    We propose three new contour features based on described statements:
                                                                  
                       I x   r x   j x , j x  arg min i x , r x  arg min i x ,
                                                                        i                          i: i  j
                                                                                                                         (12)

                                                        x                         NC 1
                                               x         ,   x         x ,
                                                         j               1
                                                        x
                                                   II                                        k
                                                                        N          C k 0

                                                              x    x
                                                               V               V
                                              x 
                                                              NC  2
                                                                 x    x
                                                       1                V              V
                                                                        i 1                                                 (14)
                                                     N 1
                                                        C        i 0

                               where Vi x  is the element of the difference ordered series.
   During the interpolation procedure, proposed contour features are compared with a single threshold
value  . Thus, by reducing the parameter space dimension, it is possible to reduce the multi-

parameter optimization problem to a single-parameter one, where the only parameter is  . To

calculate this parameter, an automatic optimization procedure is used, similar to one described in [16].

3.3. Adaptive interpolation algorithm for differential compression
We considered a three-dimensional signal during experimental research C  x   C  x, y, z  , which is
processed “layer-wise” with line-by-line scan in each layer. We have considered the following set of
differences, each difference in accordance with a contour direction:

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A I Maksimov, M V Gashnikov

                                    1     Cˆ  x, y  1, z   Cˆ  x  1, y  1, z   Cˆ  x  1, y  1, z   Cˆ  x  2, y  1, z  
                                                                  Cˆ  x  1, y  1, z   Cˆ  x  2, y  1, z       3

                                    2   |  Cˆ  x  1, y  1, z   Cˆ  x  1, y  2, z   Cˆ  x  1, y, z   Cˆ  x  1, y  1, z  
                                                                   Cˆ  x  1, y  1, z   Cˆ  x  1, y, z  3
                                                                                                                                                          
                3   /  Cˆ  x, y  1, z   Cˆ  x  1, y, z   Cˆ  x  1, y, z   Cˆ  x  2, y  1, z   Cˆ  x  1, y  1, z   Cˆ  x  2, y, z  3,   (22)

                                                                                                                                                              
               4   \  Cˆ  x, y  1, z   Cˆ  x  1, y  2, z   Cˆ  x  1, y, z   Cˆ  x  2, y  1, z   Cˆ  x  1, y  1, z   Cˆ  x, y  2, z  3, (23)

                                           5     Cˆ  x  1, y,z   Cˆ  x  1, y,z 1  Cˆ  x, y 1,z   Cˆ  x, y 1,z 1 
                                            Cˆ  x  1, y 1,z   Cˆ  x  1, y 1,z 1  Cˆ  x  1, y 1,z   Cˆ  x  1, y 1,z 1 4
    Figure 2 demonstrates the discussed differences.

Figure 2. Discrete differences for five contour directions (bold lines) during sample «○» interpolation
                              with the use of «×» samples as reference.

    As one may notice   , | ,  / ,  \ are the averaged differences of vertical, horizontal and diagonal
directions inside the current layer C  x, y, z  , and   is the “cross-layer” averaged difference, i.e., the
difference between samples from layer C  x, y, z  and layer C  x  1, y, z  .
    In this case, contour features (12- 14) can be described in the following way:
                                     I  x, y, z    r  x, y, z    j  x, y, z  ,
                       j  x, y, z   arg min i  x, y, z , r  x, y, z   arg min i  x, y, z , i, j  1,5
                                                         i                                                       i: i  j
                                                                       j  x, y, z                                 1 5
                                           II  x, y, z  
                                                                         x, y, z 
                                                                                         ,   x, y, z                k  x, y, z ,
                                                                                                                     5 k 1

                                                                                    V1  x, y, z   V0  x, y, z 
                                                        III  x, y, z              ,          (27)
                                              1 4 V
                                                  i 1  x, y, z   i  x, y, z 
                                               4 i 1

   In this work, we have compared the adaptive interpolator with proposed contour features (25 - 27)
with an averaging one (9). The averaging interpolator for this case can be described in the following
                                                       1 8
                                      P  x, y, z    Cˆ k  x, y, z  .                       (28)
                                                       8 i 1

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4. Experimental study of the proposed adaptive interpolator
A set of 6 hyper-spectral Earth remote sensing signals were used during the experimental research.
The set was obtained via SpecTIR hyper-spectrometer. Signals are 160×200×356 with 16-bit color
depth. Figure 3 demonstrates several channels of test signals.

                            Figure 3. Several contrasted signal channels of the test set.
                                     Averaging interpolator
                                     Adaptive interpolator,
                  0,003              feature I



                    4               4,5              5              5,5              6
  Figure 4. Dependence of decompressed signal RMS on compression coefficient with the use of the
               adaptive (with different contour features) and averaging interpolators.



                                                                             Averaging interpolator
                                                                             Adaptive interpolator,
                                                                             feature I
                0           10            20             30           40             50
    Figure 5. Dependence of the averaged over the test set compression ratio on the absolute error.

   Experimental research was held in the following way - each test signal was compressed and then
decompressed with a different maximum error value after that root mean square error (RMS) was

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Image Processing and Earth Remote Sensing
A I Maksimov, M V Gashnikov

calculated for the decompressed signal. Results were averaged over all test set. Figure 4-7
demonstrates the results of the experimental study.





       0,05               Feature I
                          Feature II
            0             10                20               30              40               50
    Figure 6. Dependence of the relative gain in archive size from the averaging interpolator on the
                                            absolute error.
                            Averaging                                  532.07           535.93
               500          Feature I
                            Feature II


                  Figure 7. Averaged over the test set time of processing of one test image.

    As one may notice, proposed adaptive interpolator significantly reduces decompressed signal RMS.
for example, it gives 11 times less RMS then averaging interpolator for compression coefficient 5. The
least RMS is obtained with the use of the contour feature that uses the difference between two
minimum values (see 25 and its general form 12). One may notice, that the use of feature I (12, 25)
results in faster image processing with the same performance (in terms of RMS and compression ratio)
as features II (13, 26) and III (14, 27).

5. Conclusions
In this paper, new adaptive interpolator for differential compression tasks was proposed. It uses the
contour features to switch between interpolation methods in every processed signal sample. The
parameter space dimension reduction procedure was performed to lower the computational complexity
of the proposed interpolator. Three methods for the contour feature calculation were proposed.
    During the experimental research, every setup of the proposed interpolator outperformed the
averaging one. The least RMS is obtained with the use of contour feature that uses the difference
between two minimum values.

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Image Processing and Earth Remote Sensing
A I Maksimov, M V Gashnikov

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The reported study was funded by:
- RFBR according to the research projects 18-01-00667, 18-07-01312;
- the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the state project of FSRC “Crystallography
and Photonics” RAS under agreement 007-GZ/Ch3363/26.

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