=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2391/paper36 |storemode=property |title=Automatic detection of constructions using binary image segmentation algorithms |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2391/paper36.pdf |volume=Vol-2391 |authors=Egor Dmitriev,Alexander Borodinov,Aleksey Maksimov,Sergey Rychazhkov }} ==Automatic detection of constructions using binary image segmentation algorithms == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2391/paper36.pdf
Automatic detection of constructions using binary image
segmentation algorithms

                E A Dmitriev1, A A Borodinov1, A I Maksimov1 and S A Rychazhkov1

                 Samara National Research University, Moskovskoye shosse, 34, Samara, Russia, 443086

                e-mail: dmitrievEgor94@yandex.ru, aaborodinov@yandex.ru

                Abstract. This article presents binary segmentation algorithms for buildings automatic
                detection on aerial images. There were conducted experiments among deep neural networks to
                find the most effective model in sense of segmentation accuracy and training time. All
                experiments were conducted on Moscow region images that were got from open database. As
                the result the optimal model was found for buildings automatic detection.

1. Introduction
The automatically detecting objects in Earth remote sensing (RS) images task is one of the most
difficult tasks. An example of a solution to the problem under consideration is [1]. Currently, one of
the most effective approaches is semantic segmentation algorithms usage. In other words, for each
image pixel, the object class to which it belongs is determined.
    The segmentation of remote sensing images is used in many industries: geoinformatics, the creation
of maps, analysis of land use, etc. At the moment, many segmentation process stages are solved
manually with the help of operators, which leads to high economic costs in temporary resources, as
well as some inaccuracies in the markup due to the human factor.
    Currently, there are many algorithms for image segmentation [2, 3, 4], but the most effective are
approaches using convolutional neural networks (CNN) [5]. For almost all computer vision tasks,
convolutional networks provide more efficient results than other algorithms.
    In recent years, various approaches have been proposed for the CNN models formation, which at
the output give an original image segmentation map. One of the most effective methods is based on
the use of fully connected neural networks [5]. Unlike the convolutional networks that are used for
classification, there is no subnet of the multilayer perceptron for classification in fully connected
    The CNN architecture for semantic segmentation can be divided into two parts: the encoder and the
decoder. The output coder produces feature maps with a smaller size than the input image. A decoder
is used to restore the size of the feature maps. In the original versions of models of fully convolutional
networks, the decoder was a geometric transformation to increase the size of images with various
interpolation methods [5]. Currently, an approach is used where the decoder subnetwork is constructed
symmetrically to the encoder’s subnetwork with the exception of pooling layers. Instead of pooling
layers, transposed layers [6] or unpooling layers [7] can be used.

                    V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019)
Image Processing and Earth Remote Sensing
E A Dmitriev, A A Borodinov, A I Maksimov and S A Rychazhkov

    The paper discusses 4 convolutional networks for detecting buildings with different encoder and
decoder architectures. As the criteria for the algorithms effectiveness, network learning time and
segmentation accuracy are used.
    The work is organized in the following order. The second section describes the considered neural
network architectures. The third section presents the experimental studies results on real images of the
Moscow region. The final section summarizes the results and tells about the future research direction
in the field of semantic segmentation algorithms.

2. Methods
As algorithms for binary semantic segmentation, we used SegNet neural networks [7], a model with an
encoder from the ResNet-50 network [8] and a decoder in the form of a geometric transformation with
bilinear interpolation, U-Net [9], LinkNet [6].
    The SegNet network model is a classic encoder-decoder architecture. The SegNet encoder network
consists of 13 convolutional layers which correspond to the first 13 convolutional layers in the VGG-
16 network. The decoder architecture is almost symmetrical to the encoder's subnetwork, with the
exception of pooling layers. In this paper, unpooling layers are used. The SegNet network model is
shown in Figure 1.

                                                     Figure 1. SegNet model.
   The paper also considered a convolutional neural network for segmentation with an encoder based
on ResNet-50. A feature of the ResNet-50 network is the use of residual connections, which make it
possible to effectively solve the problem of a damped gradient arising with an increase in the number
of neural network layers. The network model is shown in Figure 2.
    The next neural network architecture under consideration is U-Net. The U-Net model feature is the
feature maps concatenation on the lower and upper neural network levels. This approach is very
similar to the residual connections in the ResNet-50 network, but in the case of U-Net, deeper
connections are used. The network model is shown in Figure 3.

                        Figure 2. Fully convolutional network model based on ResNet-50.

    LinkNet is an evolution of the U-Net model. The encoder and decoder are divided into several sub-
blocks. LinkNet requires less computational resources in comparison with the considered models due
to the rapid decrease in the size of attribute maps. At the network input, a decrease in feature maps
occurs at the expense of pooling and convolution with a step equal to 2, and in the encoder block, at

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Image Processing and Earth Remote Sensing
E A Dmitriev, A A Borodinov, A I Maksimov and S A Rychazhkov

the expense of convolution instead of pooling. In the decoder, transposed convolutional layers are used
to restore the size of the images. The network model is shown in Figure 4.

                                                   Figure 3. U-Net model.

                                                  Figure 4. LinkNet model.
   Cross-entropy was used as a loss function. According to [11], in the classification problem, the
cross-entropy usage as a loss function allows achieving a better local minimum from the classification
accuracy viewpoint with random algorithm parameters initialization compared to the standard
   Let I (n1 , n2 , n3 ) – digital image applied to the input of the neural network, wherein (n1 , n2 , n3 )  D,
D  {(n1 , n2 , n3 ) : n1  0, N1  1, n2  0, N2  1, n3  0, N3  1} , N1 , N 2 – the size of images, and N 3 – the
number of channels in the input image. Let Y (n1 , n2 , n3 ) – mask the true segmentation, the dimensions
of which coincide with the input image, and the number channels equal to the classes number. Each
channel corresponded to a specific class. The classes were the buildings and the background. The
values Y (n1 , n2 , n3 ) in the channels were 0 or 1, depending on the pixel class in the input image. Let

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Image Processing and Earth Remote Sensing
E A Dmitriev, A A Borodinov, A I Maksimov and S A Rychazhkov

O(n1 , n2 , n3 ) – the image obtained at the neural network output whose size and the channels number
coincide with the image markup. Let y  n3  , o  n3  – pixels with the same positions on the spaced and
output images. Then the loss function as follows:
                                                               N3 1
                                               H  y, o     y  i  log o(i ) .                    (1)
                                                               i 0

    The target function performed functional mean error of the neural network training set. Let X G –
set with training images, where G – amount of elements, and w – neural network weights. Then the
mean error is as follows:
                                           1 G 1 N1 1 N2 1
                              Q( w, X G )     H  O  i, j  , Y  i, j                        (2)
                                           G i 0 j 0 k 0
    All models were trained using an adaptive stochastic gradient algorithm [12]. During the network
training, the reducing technique the training coefficient was used in the event that the network quality
value on the validation sample did not increase.

3. Experiments
The work considered photographs of settlements of the Moscow region [13]. RGB images of 512 ×
512 size were fed to the network input. The number of shots was 3323. The ratio of the number of
elements in the training sample to the number of elements of the test sample was 80:20. In the role of
classes were the buildings and the background. An example of the image and mask is shown in Figure

             Figure 5. An example image and the mask part of the Moscow region settlement.
   As can be seen from Figure 5, there were cases when the mask did not fully match the input image.
Despite this, the inclusion of such images in the training sample made it possible to increase the metric
value used in test images with an ideal mask even without a preprocessing stage.
   The segmentation accuracy was used as a metric. The segmentation accuracy corresponds to the
percentage of correctly classified pixels from the total number of pixels. The models were trained
using the Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti graphics card. The experiments results are presented in table 1.
                                         Table 1. The considered NN results.
                         Model                                 Training time, h         Segmentation
                                                                                         accuracy, %
                         SegNet                                         4                  96.7
                         Network based on ResNet 50                    1.3                 96.2
                         U-Net                                          2                  96.9
                         LinkNet                                       0.5                 97.2

   According to the results of the experiments, it can be concluded that the approaches using
transposed layers in the decoder used in LinkNet and the concatenation of the upper and lower feature
maps used in the LinkNet and U-Net network allow to obtain higher generalizing abilities compared to
other considered architectures. An example of the output image of the LinkNet network is shown in
Figure 6.

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E A Dmitriev, A A Borodinov, A I Maksimov and S A Rychazhkov

                Figure 6. A test image example, markup and mask, obtained using LinkNet.
4. Conclusion
In this article, various convolutional neural networks architectures were investigated for the detection
of structures in remote sensing images.
    An experiments series was conducted, during which the optimal neural network architecture was
identified in terms of training time and segmentation accuracy. Further research is planned on the use
of conditional random fields to improve the segmentation quality.

5. References
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This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) № 18-01-00748-а.

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