=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2391/paper4 |storemode=property |title=Interpolation of multidimensional signals using the reduction of the dimension of parametric spaces of decision rules |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2391/paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-2391 |authors=Mikhail Gashnikov }} ==Interpolation of multidimensional signals using the reduction of the dimension of parametric spaces of decision rules == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2391/paper4.pdf
Interpolation of multidimensional signals using the reduction
of the dimension of parametric spaces of decision rules

                M V Gashnikov1,2

                 Samara National Research University, Moskovskoe Shosse 34А, Samara, Russia, 443086
                 Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS - Branch of the FSRC "Crystallography and
                Photonics" RAS, Molodogvardejskaya street 151, Samara, Russia, 443001

                e-mail: mgash@smr.ru

                Abstract. In this paper, we consider the interpolation of multidimensional signals problem. We
                develop adaptive interpolators that select the most appropriate interpolating function at each
                signal point. Parameterized decision rule selects the interpolating function based on local
                features at each signal point. We optimize the adaptive interpolator in the parameter space of
                this decision rule. For solving this optimization problem, we reduce the dimension of the
                parametric space of the decision rule. Dimension reduction is based on the parameterization of
                the ratio between local differences at each signal point. Then we optimize the adaptive
                interpolator in parametric space of reduced dimension. Computational experiments to
                investigate the effectiveness of an adaptive interpolator are conducted using real-world
                multidimensional signals. The proposed adaptive interpolator used as a part of the hierarchical
                compression method showed a gain of up to 51% in the size of the archive file compared to the
                smoothing interpolator.

1. Introduction
Currently, the need to use multidimensional digital signals is becoming more acute [1]. It is primarily
about such areas as remote sensing [2-3], processing of multispectral and hyperspectral signals [4], as
well as video processing.
    Now we know a large number of interpolation and approximation algorithms for such signals [1-
16], and the high-performance requirements often do not allow us to use trivial linear, bilinear or
bicubic interpolators [1]. In other words, there is a tendency to the more and more widespread use of
more complex interpolation methods, such as the support vector method [5], locally optimal well-
adapted basis functions [6], approximation by multidimensional orthogonal polynomials [7],
multidimensional approximation and interpolation [8] etc.
    However, the presence of a large number of well-developed solutions did not stop research in the
development and modification of interpolation and approximation algorithms for multidimensional
signals. The approximation based on Kronecker bases [9], splines [10], and tensors [11] continues to
be improved. Artificial neural networks [7,12] are also increasingly used for interpolating signals.
Even the well-known least squares method (OLS) continues to be modified [13] in recent years. In the
foreign literature, special attention is paid to the sparse approximation method [14], which is the basis
for the “compressed sensing” approach [15–16].

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    All the above algorithms have a sufficiently high accuracy in solving the corresponding applied
problems. However, these algorithms have high computational complexity. In this paper, we propose
fast interpolation algorithms for multidimensional signals that are adaptive due to automatic switching
between interpolating functions at each point of the signal. This adaptability makes it possible to
ensure high interpolation accuracy with low computational complexity, due to the simplicity of the
interpolating functions used.
    The proposed interpolators are parameterized. Therefore, we can optimize them according to
various criteria, the choice of which is determined by the specifics of the applied problem being
solved. Optimization of adaptive interpolators is carried out in the space of their parameters. The
complexity of this optimization is substantial if resources are limited. In this paper, we propose an
algorithm for reducing the complexity of optimization due to the dimension reduction of the
interpolator parametric space.

2. Adaptive interpolation of multidimensional signals
Let C  x  be a multidimensional digital signal, and x be the vector of arguments. Let an arbitrary
count C ( x) be necessary to interpolate using the nearest reference samples                           Cˆ  x  . Let

P  Cˆ  x  be the set of interpolation functions used. Thus, for the current sample C( x) several

interpolating values can be calculated:
                                                      Pi  x   P  Cˆ k ( x )
                                                                                  .               (1)
   The parameterized decision rule R performs the choice of the interpolating value for each signal
                                   P  x   P   x  , i  R  х  , lim ,
                                                                                                   (2)
Rule R uses a local feature vector   х  , which is calculated based on the nearest reference samples
Ck  x  . Let the decision rule be parameterized, i.e. depends on the parameter lim . The value of this
parameter is determined by optimizing a specific criterion, which depends on the applied task. This
criterion can be, for example, the criterion for minimizing the energy of post-interpolation residues:
                                       
                                     lim   f  x   min
                                                                        , f  x  C  x  P x ,
                                                  x                                                                (3)
where f  x  are post-interpolation residues.
   The criterion for minimizing the energy of post-interpolation residues can be used, in particular,
when solving the problem of matching [17-18] of heterogeneous signals that differ in resolution,
number of components, etc.
   In this paper, we propose to use the criterion for minimizing the entropy [19] of post-interpolation
residues. This criterion is more suitable for the problem of signal compression than the criterion
considered above. When using the criterion for minimizing entropy, one should take into account that
post-interpolation residues are quantized before statistical coding in many compression methods, for
example, in differential [20-21] and hierarchical [22-23] compression methods. In this paper, the
quantizer with a uniform [19] scale is used to calculate quantized post-interpolation residues q  x  :
                                      q  x    f  x   max   2max  1 sign  f  x  
                                                                                 ,                   (4)
where .. means the selection of the integer part of the number,  max is the maximum error [20] when
   Thus, when using the specified "entropy" optimization criterion for the interpolator, it is necessary
to minimize the entropy H of the quantized post-interpolation residues q  x  :

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                                            M 1
                             
                         H lim            N q  lim  ln N q  lim   min
                                                                                        M  max  C  x   ,
                                        q  M 1

               is the number of quantized post-interpolation residues equal to q, and M is the
where N q lim
maximum value of the original signal.

3. Reduction of the parametric space dimension
With significant constraints on computational complexity, interpolation algorithms are often used
[1,4], which use “smoothing” (averaging) over some a set of nearest reference samples:

                                          P x 
                                                   1 N ˆ
                                                      Ck x
                                                   N k 1
                                                                 ,                            (6)
where Cˆ k x are the nearest reference samples, N is the number of these samples.
    The specific of the interpolator application determines the arrangement of these reference samples.
This arrangement can be quite non-trivial (see below) for some tasks related, for example, to the use of
some image compression methods.
    As mentioned above, the use of such simple interpolation algorithms is typical in situations where
it is necessary to minimize the computational complexity. In particular, interpolators of this type are
used in differential [20-21] and hierarchical [22-23] compression methods for multidimensional
    The “smoothing” interpolation algorithm is sufficiently accurate on smoothly varying signal
regions since averaging reduces noise. However, the “smoothing” interpolator is always characterized
by an increase in the interpolation error at the boundaries of the indicated smoothly varying regions
(i.e., at the boundaries). To interpolate such boundaries, we can use algorithms that use the so-called
interpolation "along the border". For a two-dimensional signal, in particular, Graham's nonlinear
interpolation algorithm [20] works in this way.
    When using this algorithm, the Interpolated value is equal to the reference signal sample to which
the local boundary is directed. However, this algorithm, for obvious reasons, has less accuracy on
smoothly varying parts of the signal.
    In this article, we propose an adaptive parameterized interpolation algorithm that combines the
advantages of both the described approaches: "smoothing" approach and "boundary" approach. The
proposed interpolation algorithm is based on the approach described in Section 2. The proposed
algorithm automatically switches between “smoothing” and “boundary” interpolators, depending on
how sharp the boundary is in the local neighborhood of the processed sample.
    Next, we describe the proposed adaptive interpolator. We also specify the interpolating functions
(1) and decision rule (2). Denote by Nc the number of boundary directions taken into account. Let
  x  : 0  i  N  be the set of averaged absolute values of differences between the reference
   i                 c

samples Cˆ k x in each of the directions under consideration:

                                                                  
                                                     i x  Cˆ t x  Cˆ  x                                   (7)
where t and  are the indices of the reference samples.
  The differences i x determine the presence and intensity of the boundary in the local
neighborhood of the current signal sample. We can use several thresholds ilim to decide on the
presence and direction of the boundary. We compare the described differences  i with these threshold
values ilim . If there is no boundary in the neighborhood of the current signal sample, then we use a
“smoothing” interpolating function of the form (6):

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                                                           1 N ˆ
                                  P  x   P   x       Ck  x , if i  ilim , i  0, N c 
                                                           N k 1                                 (8) .
    If there is a boundary in the local neighborhood, then for interpolation we use the average value
C j ( x) of the two nearest reference samples located in the direction of the local boundary:
                                     P  x   P   x   C j  x  , if i  ilim , i  0, N c 
                                                                             .                    (9)
    Thus, we need to solve an optimization problem in a N c -dimensional parametric space to find the
best thresholds ilim .
   The application determines the dimension N c of the parameter space ilim . As we show below, in
the problem of hierarchical compression [22-23] Nc  2 for a two-dimensional signal, Nc  4 for a
three-dimensional signal (in the simplest case), and then N c grows rapidly with increasing signal
dimension. However, the search for parameters can be an overly time-consuming task during
compression even when Nc  2 .
   In this paper, we propose to reduce the dimension of the parameter space ilim to reduce the
computational complexity of finding these parameters. For this, we propose to use not the absolute
values of the differences  i , but their ratio during interpolation. If there is no boundary (or the
boundary is weak) in the neighborhood of the current sample, all differences have close values. If
there is a clear boundary in this neighborhood, then the smallest difference  j corresponds to the
direction of this boundary:
                                                       j x  arg min i x
                                                                                    .
    Moreover, if there is a boundary in the neighborhood, this difference is significantly different from
all other differences, including the nearest difference  r :
                                                      r x  arg min i x
                                                                      i: i  j
                                                                                    .
    Based on this reasoning, in this article the feature of the boundary direction is defined as the
difference between the two smallest differences  i :
                                                          .
                                                       x  r x   j x
    When interpolating each sample, the feature   x  is compared with a threshold  . If the feature   lim

  x  is small enough (less than the threshold  ), then it is considered that there is no boundary in

the neighborhood of the current sample. Therefore, a “smoothing” interpolation of the form (8) is
                                                    1 N
                             P  x   P    x   Cˆ  xk , if  x   lim
                                                    N k 1                        .          (11)
    The difference from (8) is that now this interpolation is one-parameter. If the feature   x  is larger
than the threshold lim , then interpolation of the form (9) “along the boundary” is performed:
                            P  x   P   x   Cˆ  x  , j  arg min  , if  x   lim .
                                                            j                          i
                                                                                   i       (12)
   Thus, by reducing the dimension of the parameter space, we reduce the multiparameter
optimization problem to a one-parameter one, in which the only parameter is lim . An automatic
optimization procedure similar to [23] is used to calculate this parameter.

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4. Multidimensional adaptive interpolator in the problem of hierarchical compression
The proposed multidimensional adaptive interpolator can be used in various signal processing tasks. In
particular, in this paper, we consider the use of this interpolator in the problem of compression. As an
example of the compression method, we consider the hierarchical compression method [22-23].
   This method uses a unique hierarchical non-redundant representation (see Figures 1-2) of the
original multidimensional signal C  C  x  as a set of L scale levels Cl :
                                                 L 1
                                            C          Cl
                                                 l 0
                                                                          
                                                             , Cl  Cl x  C x : x  Il ,                                   (17)
where Il is the set of sample indices of the corresponding scale level Xl :
                                         I L1  2 L1 x      , I   2 x \  2 x, 0  l  L .
                                                                        l      l 1
                                                                                                                   (L – 1)
   Thus, the most resampled scale level CL1 is a “grid” of signal samples with step of 2         , and all
other scale levels with the numbers l = (L-1),(L-2),..,1,0 are grids of signal samples with the step of 2l,
of which samples are removed with the step of 2l+1.
   With hierarchical compression, the scale levels of the signal are compressed sequentially, from the
most resampled level CL1 to the least resampled level C0 . In this case, samples of more resampled
levels are used for interpolation of samples of less resampled levels.
                                                                                      3   1       2   1    3

                                                                                      1   1       1   1    1

                                                                                      2   1       2   1    2

                                                                                      1   1       1   1    1

                                                                                      3   1       2   1    3

      Figure 1. Hierarchical representation of a                       Figure 2. Level numbers in the hierarchical
     two-dimensional signal by four scale levels.                         representation of the signal (the level
                                                                           number is zero in the empty cells).

    Most often, to reduce computational complexity with hierarchical compression, a smoothing
interpolator of the form (6) is used. In the three-dimensional case, this interpolator can be written as:
                                                      1 1 1 1
                       Pl(1)  2m  1,2n  1,2k  1     Cl 1  m  m, n  n, k  k 
                                                      8 m0 n0 k 0                       .        (19)
    Differences  i (7) in this case take the form:
                            l  2m  1,2n  1,2k  1  Cl 1  m  1, n  1, k  1  Cl 1  m, n, k 
                                                                                                               ,             (20)
                            l      2m  1,2n  1,2k  1  Cl 1  m, n  1, k  1  Cl 1  m  1, n, k  ,               (21)
                            l      2m  1,2n  1,2k  1  Cl 1  m, n, k  1  Cl 1  m  1, n  1, k  ,               (22)
                            l      2m  1,2n  1,2k  1  Cl 1  m  1, n, k  1  Cl 1  m, n  1, k  .
   Thus, the adaptive three-dimensional interpolator allows us to automatically switch between
smoothing interpolation (19) and interpolation along the boundary of one of the four directions shown
in Fig. 3. In other words, at each point of the signal we can use the interpolating value (19) or one of
the following four interpolating values:
                     Vl(0)  2m  1,2n  1,2k  1  Cl 1  m  1, n  1, k  1  Cl 1  m, n, k  
                                                    2                                                    , (24)

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                                                          Cl 1  m, n  1, k  1  Cl 1  m  1, n, k  
                        Vl(1)  2m  1,2n  1,2k  1 
                                                        2                                                     ,       (25)
                      Vl(2)  2m  1,2n  1,2k  1   Cl 1  m, n, k  1  Cl 1  m  1, n  1, k  
                                                        2                                                     ,       (26)
                      Vl(3)  2m  1,2n  1,2k  1  Cl 1  m  1, n, k  1  Cl 1  m, n  1, k  
                                                        2                                                     .       (27)
   The “boundary” interpolating function (12) in this situation takes the form:
Pl(2)  2m  1,2n  1,2k  1  Vl( j )  2m  1,2n  1,2k  1 , j  arg min i  2m  1,2n  1,2k  1
                                                                                   i                              .   (28)

         Figure 3. Three-dimensional interpolating functions (24-27) of the adaptive interpolator.

   Thus, in the introduced notation, the three-dimensional adaptive interpolator is described by the
                                         Pl  2m  1,2n  1,2k  1 , if l  2m  1,2n  1,2k  1  l
                                           (1)                                                         lim

           Pl  2m  1,2n  1,2k  1  
                                         Pl  2m  1,2n  1,2k  1 , if l  2m  1,2n  1,2k  1  l (29)
                                            (2)                                                          lim
where, for each scale level, the feature l  2m  1,2n  1,2k  1 is calculated according to expressions
(8-10), and compared with threshold lim for each level.
   In the two-dimensional case, the smoothing interpolator (6) can be written in the form:
            Pl(1)  2m  1,2n  1  Cl 1  m, n   Cl 1  m  1, n   Cl 1  m, n  1  Cl 1  m  1, n  1 
                                    4                                                                                   (30)
   Differences  i (7) in this case take the form:
                                    l  2m  1,2n  1  Cl 1  m, n   Cl 1  m  1, n  1
                                                                                                    ,                 (31)
                                    l      2m  1,2n  1  Cl 1  m, n  1  Cl 1  m  1, n  .                 (32)
   The corresponding interpolating values are written as follows:
                             Vl(0)  2m  1,2n  1   Cl 1  m  1, n  1  Cl 1  m, n  
                                                       2                                         ,              (33)
                             Vl(1)  2m  1,2n  1   Cl 1  m, n  1  Cl 1  m  1, n  
                                                       2                                         .              (34)
   For the interpolation itself in the two-dimensional case, it is more appropriate to use a two-
parameter adaptive interpolation function:
                                       Vl(0)  2m  1,2n  1 , if l  2m  1,2n  1  llim(  )
                Pl  2m  1,2n  1   Pl(1)  2m  1,2n  1 , if lim(
                                                                              l  2m  1,2n  1  llim(  )
                                         (1)
                                        Vl  2m  1,2n  1 , if l  2m  1,2n  1  l
                                                                                              lim(  )
where l  m, n  is the feature of boundary direction.
                                                l  m, n   l(0)  m, n   l(1)  m, n 
At each signal point, the feature l  m, n            is compared with two thresholds llim( ) ,     llim(  ) , because
optimization by these parameters can be done separately.

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5. Experimental study of the adaptive interpolator for real-world multidimensional signals
The proposed adaptive interpolator (30-36) was implemented programmatically in C++ and built into
the hierarchical compression method. This software implementation was used in this article to study
the effectiveness of the proposed interpolator. To this end, computational experiments were performed
in real-world multidimensional signals (see Figure 4-5) of two signal sets:
    set no. 1 - TokyoTech hyperspectral dataset [24] (signal sizes 500x500x31 samples, 13 bits)
    set no. 2 - AVIRIS hyper-spectrometer [25] (signal sizes 1086x614x224 samples, 16 bits).
    A measure of the effectiveness of the proposed interpolator was the relative gain in the archive
size, which was achieved by replacing the smoothing interpolator with an adaptive interpolator in the
frame of hierarchical compression method:
                                          Kadapt Ksmooth  1  100%
                                                                                                 (37)
where K smooth , Kadapt are the compression ratios of the hierarchical compression method when using a
smoothing and adaptive interpolator, respectively. Typical results of computational experiments are
shown in Fig. 6-7 and Table 1. The adaptive interpolator has a gain of up to 51% in the size of the
archive file compared to the smoothing interpolator.

   Figure 4. Fragments of bands 10, 86 of                        Figure 5. Bands 0, 30 of test multidimensional
  test multidimensional signal «Cuprite-2».                                     signal «Fan2».
                         , %





                  1,00                                                                                 max
                          0             50                100           150             200          250
                                   color                  Character               cd          fan2
     Figure 6. Gain in %) the adaptive interpolator for the averaging interpolator in test signals
                                 «Color», «Character», «CD», «Fan2».

6. Conclusion
We proposed interpolation algorithms for multidimensional signals based on automatic switching
between simple interpolating functions at each point of the signal. We described the parameterized
decision rules that perform this switch. We optimized the parameters of these decision rules on the
criteria for the minimum energy of post-interpolation residues and criteria of the minimum entropy of
quantized post-interpolation residues. We proposed a method for reducing the dimension of the
parametric space of decision rules. We performed computational experiments to study the proposed

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interpolators on real-world multidimensional signals. We experimentally proved that using the
adaptive interpolator instead of a smoothing one can significantly improve the efficiency of
hierarchical signal compression.

   Table 1. The gain in %) of the adaptive interpolator for the averaging interpolator depending
    on maximum error max in test signals «Butterfly2», « Butterfly3», ... ,«Low Altitude», «Moffett
max            Signal set         0       10        50       100       150      200      250 max()
Butterfly2             set no.1         1.17       4.84        8.00         9.17         9.57    9.19    8.62    9.57
Butterfly3             set no.1         1.87       7.24       13.81        17.07        17.74   16.74   14.98   17.74
Butterfly4             set no.1         1.87       6.37       11.45        13.17        13.81   13.51   12.98   13.81
Butterfly5             set no.1         1.30       6.36       11.35        12.63        12.47   11.00    9.41   12.63
Butterfly6             set no.1         1.23       5.20        9.01        10.90        11.58   11.28   11.10   11.58
Butterfly7             set no.1         1.48       5.24        9.81        11.55        12.16   11.55   10.39   12.16
Butterfly              set no.1         1.68       5.49        9.02         9.89         9.49    8.64    7.64    9.89
Butterfly8             set no.1         1.88       7.03       11.46        12.37        12.36   12.14   10.72   12.37
cd                     set no.1         2.66      11.18       19.79        20.74        20.64   19.25   17.69   20.74
Character              set no.1         6.21      16.26       24.34        27.73        28.19   27.02   24.64   28.19
Chart24                set no.1         5.57      18.18       36.27        40.18        36.60   30.42   25.57   40.18
ChartRes               set no.1         7.80      18.76       28.57        36.31        39.30   39.49   38.91   39.49
Cloth2                 set no.1         0.64       1.62        2.28         2.13         1.92    1.48    1.14    2.28
Cloth3                 set no.1         1.16       2.88        4.11         4.28         4.18    2.98    1.88    4.28
Cloth4                 set no.1         0.58       1.32        2.11         2.18         1.51    0.66    0.06    2.18
Cloth5                 set no.1         2.10       4.60        6.42         5.91         5.66    5.11    4.07    6.42
Cloth                  set no.1         0.84       1.94        2.92         2.74         2.40    1.81    1.27    2.92
colorchart             set no.1         4.10      15.40       37.31        44.07        39.92   34.67   30.61   44.07
color                  set no.1         5.24      15.63       30.38        43.53        50.40   51.00   47.56   51.00
doll                   set no.1         0.44       1.34        1.72         1.82         1.83    1.87    1.78    1.87
fan2                   set no.1         3.15       8.50       12.19        12.49        11.51   10.68   10.11   12.49
fan3                   set no.1         2.50       6.54        9.77         9.92         9.41    8.82    8.23    9.92
fan                    set no.1         1.76       4.12        6.29         6.25         5.51    4.70    3.99    6.29
flower2                set no.1         1.60       4.35        5.63         4.59         2.75    1.24   -0.71    5.63
flower3                set no.1         2.28       6.74        9.43         8.57         6.85    4.97    3.07    9.43
flower                 set no.1         2.79       8.42       11.50         9.18         6.54    4.00    2.34   11.50
party                  set no.1         3.18       9.51       15.22        16.70        17.03   16.46   16.45   17.03
tape2                  set no.1         4.60       9.87       14.46        14.54        13.07   11.37    9.95   14.54
tape                   set no.1         1.61       3.99        5.63         5.61         5.22    4.64    4.11    5.63
Tshirts2               set no.1         0.76       2.32        3.96         4.77         4.65    4.48    4.52    4.77
Tshirts                set no.1         0.75       2.26        3.82         4.59         4.88    5.11    5.28    5.28
Cuprite-1              set no.2         0.73       1.89        2.96         3.40         3.44    3.41    2.47    3.44
Cuprite-2              set no.2         1.26       3.45        5.63         6.84         7.11    6.92    5.95    7.11
Low Altitude           set no.2         1.15       2.91        3.47         2.29         0.79   -0.69   -2.16    3.47
Moffett Field          set no.2         0.71       1.74        1.87         1.64         1.34    1.06    0.76    1.64

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                         , %




                  0,00                                                                             max
                         0              50           100              150           200      250
                                              Cuprite-2                          Cuprite-1
     Figure 7. Gain in %) the adaptive interpolator for the averaging interpolator in test signals
                     «Cuprite-1», «Cuprite-2», «Low Altitude», «Moffett Field».

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The work was partly funded by RFBR according to the research project 18-01-00667 in parts of «2
Adaptive interpolation of multidimensional signals» – «5 Experimental study of the adaptive
interpolator for real-world multidimensional signals» and by the Russian Federation Ministry of
Science and Higher Education within a state contract with the "Crystallography and Photonics"
Research Center of the RAS under agreement 007-ГЗ/Ч3363/26 in part of «1 Introduction».

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