=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2391/paper44 |storemode=property |title=Application of vision systems to improve the effectiveness of monitoring compliance with technical safety requirements at industrial facilities |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2391/paper44.pdf |volume=Vol-2391 |authors=Anton Ekimenko,Ekaterina Ekimenko,Sergei Shavetov }} ==Application of vision systems to improve the effectiveness of monitoring compliance with technical safety requirements at industrial facilities == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2391/paper44.pdf
Application of vision systems to improve the effectiveness of
monitoring compliance with technical safety requirements at
industrial facilities

                A A Ekimenko1, E A Ekimenko1 and S V Shavetov1

                 ITMO, Kronverksky prospect, 49, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 197101

                e-mail: ekimenkoanton@mail.ru, modest3005@yandex.ru

                Abstract. According to the Federal State Statistics Service for 2017, over 25,000 injuries at
                work were registered in Russia, of which 1,138 were fatal. Studies have shown that most of the
                injuries in the workplace due to non-compliance with technical safety rules, namely the lack of
                personal protective equipment or their improper use. To improve the efficiency of monitoring
                compliance with the rules of technical safety at industrial facilities, this paper discusses the use
                of vision systems for automatic control of the availability of personal protective equipment at
                workers in the area of industrial work.

1. Introduction
Construction is a high-risk activity that requires builders to lift heavy construction materials, work in
uncomfortable poses, and perform high-intensity operations that are key factors leading to workplace
injuries [1]. The consequences of head and neck injuries are the most serious, and often fatal [2].
Wearing a helmet is an effective protection measure to minimize the risk of traumatic brain injury.
Helmets protect workers, prevent the penetration of sharp objects, absorb impact from blunt objects
and reduce the risk of electric shock. Despite the vital role of helmets in the protection of life, most of
the workers who received head injuries at the time of the incident did not have head protection [3].
    The method of automated monitoring of personal protective equipment(PPE) on workers can
improve safety at the production site. However, the currently existing methods of detecting the
absence of helmets on workers have significant limitations, and many cannot be used in real-time
monitoring systems. Some existing methods have proven themselves to work in the near field, but they
are not very effective in detecting people at a long distance. This is due to the fact that the resolution
of the workers in the image is too small to extract facial features that are clearly visible in near-field
frames. [4]
    Most surveillance cameras of construction sites are installed at the border of the construction site,
at high altitude. Long-distance video is distinguished by the low resolution of workers (the area not
more than 30 pixels) in the image, a wide background and various poses of people [5,6], which is a
serious problem when detecting people without a hard hat on construction sites.
    This article discusses the method of recognizing people without helmets in the far field on open
production sites.

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Image Processing and Earth Remote Sensing
A A Ekimenko, E A Ekimenko and S V Shavetov

   In order to test the robustness of the method to the changing conditions of the construction site, this
study also analyzes various visual factors that have a negative effect on the detection process.

2. Existing PPE control methods
Currently, research into the detection of the absence of a hard hat can be divided into two categories:
tag(sensors), based detection methods and computer vision-based detection methods (RFID). In 2013,
A. Kelm [7] proposed a mobile radio frequency identification method to verify the compliance of
personnel equipment with technical safety requirements. In the proposed method, the monitoring
system of personal protective equipment consists of a set of RFID tags associated with the worker’s
respective PPE, such as hard hats, goggles, respirators, etc., and a user interaction module performing
the task of reading RFID tags, which by the presence of the appropriate labels determine what kind of
PPE the worker is equipped with. To determine the state of the user's protective equipment, the set of
reading items are compared with the previously saved list of PPE that worker must have to be able to
enter the facility. Since RFID readers were located at the entrance to the construction site, this system
can only guarantee that some worker entered the construction site with the necessary PPE. This system
does not allow controlling the use of PPE by a worker after passing a checkpoint at the production site.
In addition, marking the PPE with an RFID tag only indicates that distance between the worker and
the PPE is close, but does not guarantee that PPE is used properly by the worker. Later, S. Barro-
Torres proposed a new monitoring system for PPE that allows for monitoring the use of PPE
throughout the production site. Instead of checking PPE at the entrance, it was proposed to equip
workers with devices that collect information about the presence of PPE locally and transmit this
information to the data aggregation server using a wireless data channel such as WI-FI, Bluetooth or
mobile communication. This system also, like the previous one, does not allow determining whether
the worker is wearing a hard hat on the head or it is just next to it [9]. A pressure sensor is installed in
the hard hat to determine if the hard hat was worn, the collected information is transmitted via
Bluetooth wireless communication to the monitoring system server. If the employee goes beyond the
permissible range of data transmission from the receiver device for a long period — the data may be
lost, since the data storage volume locally on the sensor is limited and has a period of overwriting,
which makes it impossible to determine the presence of PPE in some time intervals, information about
which did not have time to be transferred to the server. In addition, these devices must be charged
regularly. The need for a regular charge can limit its use and damage the widespread use of this
    In view of the above, the use of existing methods of detecting and tracking PPE based on tags and
sensors is limited by the need for each builder to use tags or sensors. This can be considered as an
obsessive requirement for workers, besides the use of this technology requires large financial
investments in additional equipment, such as tags, sensors, readers and transmitters. Many workers do
not want to wear such equipment because of possible health problems or privacy issues.
    Methods for monitoring PPE based on image recognition have become more common, thanks to
more extensive monitoring capabilities. RGB-D cameras, such as Kinect and XTION, are one of the
most popular tools for analyzing the deviant behavior of employees [10-12]. However, the range of
operation of these cameras is strongly limited by the distance from 1 to 4 m [13], which does not allow
their use in open areas. Also, sensors of this type are susceptible to interference from sunlight and
ferromagnetic radiation, which makes them unsuitable for detecting the absence of hard hats on
construction sites [14]. In this regard, the use of conventional cameras, especially single camera, has a
competitive advantage for practical use. However, there are still problems with automatic detection
systems for the absence of hard hats using one or more cameras. For example, S. Du offers a method
for detecting the absence of hard hats, based on facial features, information about movement and color
[15]. Color-based face recognition methods have two important assumptions: all workers turn to face
the camera while working, and all hard hats have the same color. In practice, these two assumptions
may not be fulfilled on a real construction site. K. Shresta suggests using edge detection algorithms to
recognize the edges of objects in the upper area of the face, where the hard hat can be recognized [16].
This method also depends on facial recognition and does not produce a positive result if the employee
does not face the camera. A. H. Rubayat proposes a method for detecting the absence of hard hats,

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using histograms of oriented gradients (HOG) and Hough transform to obtain characteristics of
workers and hard hats [17,18]. Like the previous ones, this method is also based on facial features
detection and has similar limitations. To solve the limitations of the above methods, this article
proposes an algorithm for automatic detection of the absence of hard hats, based on the Faster R-CNN.
The R-CNN Faster algorithm takes less time to process an image and has higher precision than
previous methods.

3. The proposed method of control of personal protective equipment
Open production sites are very complex environments. A variety of weather events, changes in light,
changes in the distance to the object, the occurrence of overlaps and changes in people's poses can
have a significant impact on the quality of worker detection in a long-distance observation system.
   Based on the analysis of existing solutions made in Chapter 2, we can conclude that existing
methods of detection based on computer vision are limited in their practical application in real-world
   Thus, the overall goal of this work is to develop a new method for monitoring the use of workers'
PPE on open production sites and assess the possibility of using the proposed method to detect the
absence of hard hats in various conditions.

                                         Figure 1. Faster R-CNN algorithm.

Faster R-CNN is a neural network object detection method proposed by S. Ren in 2015 [19]. In Faster
R-CNN, the Region Proposal Network (RPN) is introduced instead of the slow selective search
algorithm, that can generate high-quality candidate regions that are used to detect and classify objects.
Faster R-CNN allows processing up to 5 frames per second, that, in combination with high precision,
allows using this method in real object detection systems.
    Faster R-CNN consists of three main steps, as shown in Figure 1. The first step to obtain a feature
map of the objects, the original image is fed to the input of the CNN network represented by multiple
layers of the convolutions and layers under the samples (MaxPooling). The next step is a fully
convolutional RPN network, in which the obtained features are used to form candidate regions. Since
the whole picture contains many unnecessary objects, and people always appear very small, it is
difficult to draw a conclusion based on the feature map, whether a person wears a helmet or not.
Therefore, only foreground areas will be used to recognize the absence of hard hats. The third step is
represented by the Fast R-CNN classifier, which uses the obtained regions and the corresponding
attributes to determine whether the given region contains a person without hard hats. Compared to
other methods used to detect the absence of helmets, the Faster R-CNN has three advantages:

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     •  Faster R-CNN is more reliable in working with complex scenes of open industrial sites. In
        particular, the previously used methods work only if the person is in a standing position.
        While the Faster R-CNN method is capable of reliably operating in the independence of
        human pose, workplace position, light, visibility range, and partial overlaps.
    • Faster R-CNN has a higher precision that meets the requirements of engineering problems. As
        a result of testing the method on the Pascal VOC 2012[20] dataset, the precision of 89.6% was
        obtained, while for the HOG — 10.2 % [21].
    • Thirdly, this method has a high speed of operation, which allows creating a system of
        monitoring the absence of hard hats, working in real time.
   Thus, on the basis of the above, we conclude that Faster R-CNN method has higher rates of
robustness, precision, and speed compared with the previously used, meeting the practical
requirements for safety monitoring at various industrial facilities.

3.1 Performance metrics
The effectiveness of the method was evaluated based on its precision, speed, and robustness as
follows. To assess the quality of work, we will use the following metrics: precision — the ability of
the method to distinguish this class (workers without hard hats) from other classes, recall – the ability
of the algorithm to detect workers without hard hats, miss rate (probability of skipping) – the opposite
of recall indicates what percentage of workers without helmets was skipped by the method.
                                    preсision =
                                                 TP + FP
                                    recall =                                                          (1)
                                             TP + FN
                                    miss rate =1 − recall =
                                                           TP + FN
where TP — number of correctly accepted hypotheses (workers without hard hats), FP — number of
incorrectly accepted hypotheses (workers in hard hats), FN — number of incorrectly rejected
hypotheses (workers without hard hats are not detected).
    The speed of the method will be estimated as the amount of time required to detect the worker
without a hard hat for one image.
    Robustness represents the degree of stability of the method when working on various images. Open
production sites usually contain many workers, equipment and building materials. Also, on open
production sites, changes in weather, lighting, visibility often occur, there are partial overlaps of the
object of detection. These factors have a significant impact on the visual perception of such scenes
and, accordingly, on the results of detection. A good algorithm should be resistant to such changes.

4. Experiments and results
Training and testing of the method were carried out on a data set of 100,000 objects representing
images from various open production sites. The training set is made up of 80,000 randomly selected
images, testing was conducted on the remaining 20,000 images.
   The effectiveness of the method was evaluated using the above-described metrics of quality, speed,
and robustness. To calculate these metrics, all images in the test data set were divided into several
categories (Table 1) – external factors, impacting the correct detection, such as weather changes,
lighting, people's poses, range, and overlap. The next step was calculating the above-mentioned
metrics for each category.
   The Faster R-CNN model returns a probabilistic value for each detected object. The probability
value here is defined as the probability that an object is a worker without hard hats. For example, a
probability value of 0.9 means that probability that an object is a worker without a hard hat is 90%. An
event is considered positive if the resulting probability exceeds the specified probability threshold.
Therefore, the probability threshold value affects the classification of positive and negative events.

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   As shown in figure 2, a high probability threshold allows excluding ambiguous events from the
results, which leads to high precision, but low recall, while low threshold allows more ambiguous
events, which gives a high level of recall but low precision. For optimal results, both in precision and
recall, a probability threshold of 0.7 was chosen.

                   Table 1. Information about image datasets for different categories.
           Categories           Subcategories        Number of workers         Number of images
                                                      without hard hats
            Weather                  Sunny                  3134                       1000
                                    Cloudy                  2783                       1000
                                     Rainy                  1559                       1000
                                     Foggy                  2217                       1000
             Light               8:00 - 10:00               2831                       1000
                                10:00 - 13:00               3125                       1000
                                13:00 - 16:00               2952                       1000
                                16:00 - 18:00               2127                       1000
             Pose                  Standing                 2542                       1000
                                    Bending                 1762                       1000
                                   Squatting                1275                       1000
                                     Sitting                1128                       1000
            Distance                 Short                  2136                       1000
                                    Medium                  2854                       1000
                                      Long                  2916                       1000
            Overlap           Whole body visible            1924                       1000
                              Upper body visible            1015                       1000
                                 Head visible               1393                       1000
                              Part of head visible          1067                       1000
                                                           0,95            0,9 0,85               0,8
                                               0,9                                                       0,75
                                               0,8                                                         0,65
                                               0,7                                                             0,6
                                               0,6                                                             0,5

                                               0,5                                                              0,4
                                               0,3                                                                0,3
                                                     0   0,1   0,2   0,3     0,4    0,5     0,6   0,7   0,8   0,9       1

                                 Figure 2. The curve of precision depending on the recall.

   Due to the fact that video surveillance cameras are placed in various places on construction sites,
and the trajectory of the workers is random, the images of workers on the frames can be of different
resolution. The shooting distance is inversely proportional to the number of pixels in the image
occupied by the worker's representation in the frame, as well as the number of features that can be
extracted from the given image. From where we can conclude that at a long distance it is difficult to

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recognize the object in the image. To evaluate the method's performance with objects of different
resolutions, the images of the test sample were divided into three categories depending on the distance
to the target object: long, medium and short distance. 1000 images from the test dataset were selected
for each category. The results are presented in table 2.
    Despite the fact that as the distance between the camera and the workers increased, the classifier’s
performance metrics deteriorated, the overall precision of the classifier remained above 90%.
Consequently, the trained model proved to be robust in detecting objects with various resolutions.
Changes in weather conditions have a significant influence on the quality of classification of images
obtained in open production sites. Since, in heavy rain, snow and fog work on construction sites is
usually suspended, it can be excluded from consideration. Then we need to test the method on images
taken under the following weather conditions: sunny, cloudy, rainy and foggy. The test results (Table
3) showed the robustness of the method to weather changes. However, the best results were obtained
in sunny weather (precision — 96%), the worst in rainy (precision — 93%). To test the effect of
light on the results of the method, we divided the frames from the test dataset into four categories:
images taken from 8:00 to 10:00, from 10:00 to 13:00, from 13:00 to 16:00, from 16:00 to 18:00.
    The test results showed that the method works robustly under different lighting conditions. From
table 3 it can be seen that decrease in light, the speed, and precision of the method changed slightly.

         Table 2. Performance metrics of the system depending on the distance to the object.
  Category       Subcategories      Precision (%)     Recall (%)    Miss rate (%)       Time (s)
  Distance           Short               98.4           95.9              4.1             0.204
                    Medium               95.8           95.3              4.7             0.207
                      Long               93.7           92.3              7.7             0.212

               Table 3. Performance metrics of the system depending on weather conditions.
  Category         Subcategories      Precision (%)      Recall (%)    Miss rate (%)      Time (s)
  Weather               Sunny               96.7            95.2            4.8            0.204
                        Cloudy              95.7            95.8            4.2            0.202
                        Rainy               93.7            94.2            5.8            0.209
                        Foggy               94.7            93.0            7.0            0.210

    Table 4. Performance metrics of the system depending on the light at different times of the day.
  Category         Subcategories       Precision (%)     Recall (%)    Miss rate (%)       Time (s)
    Light               08-10               95.6            94.6            5.4             0.209
                        10-13               96.6            95.8            4.2             0.207
                        13-16               97.0            95.5            4.5             0.208
                        16-18               96.9            93.7            6.3             0.210
    Depending on the type, place of work and the tool used, workers have to take different poses. Thus,
to test the quality of the algorithm were selected images containing workers in the positions: standing,
bending, squatting and sitting. Each category was represented by 1000 images. The test result (table 5)
shows high precision at various poses of workers. (more than 90%). The worst results were obtained in
the squat position (93% Precision).

                  Table 5. Performance metrics of the system depending on poses.
  Category       Subcategories       Precision (%)     Recall (%)    Miss rate (%)     Time (s)
   Poses            Standing              96.8            96.9            3.1           0.209
                    Bending               95.6            94.0            6.0           0.208
                    Squatting             93.7            93.5            6.5           0.205
                     Sitting              94.6            98.4            1.6           0.207
   Construction sites are usually occupied by many workers, equipment and building materials. On
the frames obtained from CCTV, the images of the workers were often overlapped by various
obstacles: equipment, building materials, etc. Therefore, on many frames, workers are only partially

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visible. To test the effect of partial overlaps, we classify the degree of overlap into four categories:
“whole body visible”, “upper body visible”, “head visible”, and “part of head visible” (Table 6). The
test results showed that precision for the first three categories was more than 95%. For part of the
heads, the detection precision was 90%, but the recall is only 64%.

        Table 6. Performance metrics of the system depending on the presence of overlaps.
 Category      Subcategories      Precision (%)     Recall (%)     Miss rate (%)      Time (s)
 Overlap    Whole body visible         95.5            95.3              4.8           0.205
            Upper body visible         96.2            97.8              2.2           0.206
                Head visible           96.0            95.2              4.8           0.204
            Part of head visible       90.1            61.3             38.8           0.209

5. The discussion of the results
The article proposes a new method for detecting workers without hardhats on construction sites. The
proposed method can monitor in real time with high accuracy and robustness to various scene changes.
Thus, this method can provide early information about the absence of PPE on the worker while on the
production site. This article discusses various methods for detecting hard hats and object detection
technologies in general. Previous studies have used methods to solve this problem with limitations on
robustness and practical applicability in the conditions of the open production site. We looked at the
limitations of each of these methods and discussed the development of vision-based methods in the
history of computer vision. Existing sensor-based detection methods, including RFID-based methods,
are limited by the need for a physical tag or sensor that each builder must wear. Sensors that transmit
data via Bluetooth require regular charging, which affects the practicality of its use in an open
production site. In addition, these systems are more dependent on the actions of employees, and their
implementation requires large investments. Given the limitations of HOG in practical use and the high
efficiency of methods using deep learning, the proposed method can significantly improve the quality
of automatic detection of the absence of hard hats on workers. When choosing a method for use on
construction sites, we analyzed the characteristics of images, open production sites, and a number of
factors that affect the detection of the absence of hard hats. The Faster R-CNN algorithm was chosen
as this method. To test the robustness of the method, we tested the work of the Faster R-CNN on
various images of the construction site. As a test data set, 20,000 images were collected. The test data
set covers a variety of visual changes that can occur on outdoor production sites, including weather,
lighting, worker poses, and overlaps. The results obtained in the course of experimental testing prove
the robustly of the Faster R-CNN method for revealing the absence of hard hats in various visual
conditions. Recognition precision and recall in all cases exceeded 90%, except low recall for the case
of visibility of the upper part of the head — which is the expected result, because even none of the
previously known algorithms does give an accurate result in this case. However, given the ability of
the Faster R-CNN operate in real time and frequent changes in the poses of workers, we can assume
that with a high probability the image of the worker will get completely into the frame at the next
moment of time, where the head will be visible.

6. Conclusion
Construction remains one of the most dangerous employment sectors in the world. Despite the fact
that hard hats provide significant protection from falling objects and from blows to the head, they do
not always prevent accidents on the spot, resulting to head injury. For effective safety management at
production sites, it is essential to improve the monitoring of workers without hard hats. This paper
proposes a method for detecting the absence of hard hats, capable of operating in real time in changing
conditions of open production sites, based on the neural network method of classification of objects
Faster R-CNN. The results of testing the method showed that the proposed method was able to
successfully detect workers without hard hats under different conditions with an average precision and
recall of 95.7% and 94.9%, respectively. High metrics of precision and recall show that the proposed

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method can be effectively used in video surveillance systems to detect workers without hard hats in
real time.

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