=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2391/paper6 |storemode=property |title=Human action recognition using dimensionality reduction and support vector machine |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2391/paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-2391 |authors=Lubov Shiripova,Evgeny Myasnikov }} ==Human action recognition using dimensionality reduction and support vector machine == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2391/paper6.pdf
Human action recognition using dimensionality reduction and
support vector machine

                L V Shiripova1, E V Myasnikov1,2

                 Samara National Research University, Moskovskoe Shosse 34А, Samara, Russia, 443086
                 Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS - Branch of the FSRC "Crystallography and
                Photonics" RAS, Molodogvardejskaya street 151, Samara, Russia, 443001

                e-mail: shiripova.lubov@yandex.ru

                Abstract. The paper is devoted to the problem of recognizing human actions in videos
                recorded in the optical range of wavelengths. An approach proposed in this paper consists in
                the detection of a moving person on a video sequence with the subsequent size normalization,
                generation of subsequences and dimensionality reduction using the principal component
                analysis technique. The classification of human actions is carried out using a support vector
                machine classifier. Experimental studies performed on the Weizmann dataset allowed us to
                determine the best values of the method parameters. The results showed that with a small
                number of action classes, high classification accuracy can be achieved.

1. Introduction
Human action recognition is actively used in various fields: in creating human-machine interfaces, in
entertainment, in ensuring public safety, etc.
   Human actions recognition involves solving two problems [1]:
   1. The extraction of some feature information, i.e., converting a video stream or image sequence
into a form suitable for subsequent classification.
   2. Actually classification of the feature information obtained at the first stage.
   To solve these problems, many approaches have been proposed, described in detail in [1]. Let us
consider some of them.
   To obtain the feature information, the authors of the paper [6] proposed to extract a silhouette from
each frame, calculate images of the difference between adjacent frames and build the final image,
superimposing the obtained images on each other. The resulting image was called Motion Energy
Image (MEI). In addition, the authors introduce the concept of Motion History Image (MHI), i.e., the
image, in which the intensity of each pixel depends on the time of action occurrence at a given point.
The proposed approach has shown good results, but it has drawbacks when the angle of observation
changes [6].
   To eliminate this problem, a generalizing approach related to the use of 3D motion history volume
(MHV) was proposed in [7]. MHV is based on 3D voxels obtained for various viewing angles.
Further, the Fourier transform is used to acquire features that are invariant to position and rotation.
   Another approach to obtaining features is associated with the extraction of space-time interest
points (STIPs). Thus, the authors of [2,8] extended the Harris angle detector to the space-time domain.

                    V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2018)
Image Processing and Earth Remote Sensing
L V Shiripova, E V Myasnikov

The Gaussian function is then used to determine changes in movement in the spatial and temporal
domains. In papers [9, 10, 11], a histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) and a histogram of optical
flow (HOF) are used to obtain features. However, points of interest help to get information only for a
short period of time. The authors of paper [12] proposed to use the Kanade – Lucas – Tomasi (KLT)
feature tracker to track changes in points of interest.
   In [13], simple parameters of convex figures are used as features.
   For classification of the obtained features, various approaches are used, namely, the support vector
machine (SVM) [14, 15, 9], k-nearest neighbors algorithm (k-NN) [16, 17, 18], as well as Hidden
Markov Models (HMM) [19, 20, 21], etc.
   In this paper, an approach based on the dimensionality reduction using the principal component
analysis and subsequent classification using the support vector machine is used to solve the problem of
human action recognition. A similar approach was successfully used by us earlier [22, 23] in solving
the problem of person recognition by gait.
   The paper has the following structure. Section 2 describes the developed method for human action
recognition. Section 3 describes the results of experimental studies performed on the Weizmann
dataset. The conclusions and the list of literature is given at the end of the paper.

2. Methods
The method proposed previously [22, 23] consists of the following steps:
   - detection of a moving person in the video sequence,
   - normalization of the frame size of the selected video sequence fragment,
   - generation of subsequences,
   - dimensionality reduction of the generated subsequences,
   - classification of video sequences.

2.1. Detection of a moving person on a video sequence
At the first stage of the developed method, the moving person is detected in the video sequence. When
the video sequence source is a video surveillance camera, background subtraction methods are used
most frequently. The main idea of the methods of this class is to use a certain background model and
to decide whether the particular pixel belongs to the background or a moving object, based on its
correspondence to the background model. The background model is gradually refined over time.
Although the time-averaged observation image can be used as a background model in the simplest
applications, better results to this problem are given by more complex models, for example, [24-26].
   In this paper, we use the background subtraction algorithm based on the mixture of Gaussian
distributions (Gaussian mixture model, GMM) [25] to extract a moving person in a video sequence.
According to this method, each background pixel is modeled by a weighted sum (mixture) of
Gaussians. The weights of Gaussians correspond to the periods of time during which the
corresponding Gaussian color is present on the video sequence.
   We note that when choosing a method based on a mixture of Gaussian distributions, both our
preliminary experiments and the experience by other researchers in solving the problem under
consideration, were taken into account [27, 28].
   As a result of the first stage, the set of masks corresponding to individual frames of the video
sequence is formed. Each mask reflects the result of the segmentation of a frame into the foreground
area corresponding to a moving person and the background.

2.2. Normalization of the size of detected fragments
At the second stage of the method, obtained masks are processed as follows. First, the center of mass
for each foreground region is calculated, then the linear sizes of the region are determined, and a
framing (a truncation of the mask image) is performed. After that, the cropped image is resized
(compressed) to the specified size.
   Taking into account the time coordinate, the dimensionality of the sequence of masks, which
describes the movement of a person, remains high even after the size normalization (framing and

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L V Shiripova, E V Myasnikov

compression). In this regard, the fourth stage reduces the dimensionality of data describing the
movement of a person.

2.3. Generation of subsequences
For each sequence of frames containing motion, a set of subsequences of a given length is allocated.
Generation of subsequences is carried out with some specified step, starting from the beginning of the
original sequence. A detailed description of the allocation of subsequences is given in previous papers
[22, 23].
   For each selected subsequence, the vector of features is formed as follows: each normalized frame
of the subsequence is expanded into a row, and the rows obtained for individual frames are
concatenated to each other.
   The feature vectors of the subsequences of all sequences form the input matrix for the
dimensionality reduction stage.

2.4. Dimensionality reduction using the principal component analysis technique
Both linear and nonlinear methods are used to reduce the dimensionality of multidimensional data.
Linear methods such as principal component analysis (PCA) [29] and independent component analysis
(ICA) are most commonly used. Nonlinear dimensionality reduction methods (for example, nonlinear
mapping, ISOMAP, LLE) are used less often due to the high computational complexity of such
methods. It should be noted that recent attempts have been made to accelerate such methods [30].
   In this paper, we use the principal component analysis technique, as the most often used in similar
cases and in other tasks (for example, see our previous papers [22, 23, 31]). This technique searches
for a linear projection into the subspace of a smaller dimension that maximizes the variance of data.
The PCA is often considered as a linear dimensionality reduction technique, minimizing the loss of
   When principal components are found, the projection of feature vectors onto the first N principal
components is taken as a feature description.

2.5. Classification of video sequences
The features obtained as a result of the principal component analysis are used to train the classifier
Support Vector Machine (SVM) [33]. In the considered case, the classes correspond to individual
actions, and feature vectors obtained for all subsequences correspond to individual observations
   Note that the description given above is valid for the training mode in which the parameters of the
dimensionality reduction and classifier are configured. In the testing mode, the data is processed in the
same way, except that the parameters of the linear transformation are fixed to the values obtained in
the training mode, and the trained SVM classifier performs the classification.

3. Experiments
The proposed method was implemented in C ++ using the OpenCV library. A PC based on the Intel
Core i5-3470 CPU 3.2 GHz was used to perform experimental studies.
    For the experimental study of the proposed method, the video sequences from the open Weizmann
dataset (Figure 1) were used. This dataset contains sequences of binary images corresponding to
individual frames of the video sequence, on which moving objects have already been extracted
(foreground and background segmentation). The dataset contains video sequences for 9 people
performing 10 different actions. The total dataset contains 90 sequences. Thus, there were 9 sequences
in each class. The minimum sequence length was 28 frames.
    The sequences were divided into the training and test sets containing four and five sequences
correspondingly for each class. The sequences were pre-processed using the algorithm described in
Section 2.2. Further, subsequences were generated according to Section 2.3. Then, the dimensionality
reduction using the method described in Section 2.4 and classification using the algorithm described in
section 2.5 were performed. To estimate the quality of the method, we used the classification
accuracy, defined as the proportion of correctly classified objects.

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L V Shiripova, E V Myasnikov

        Figure 1. Examples of sequences from the Weizmann database: running and long jumps.

   In the first experiment, we studied the dependence of the classification accuracy on the step size
used in the generation of subsequences. The length of the subsequence was 28 frames. The output
dimension of the feature vectors formed in step 2.4 of the considered method was equal to 8.
   The experimental results are shown in figure 2. It was experimentally determined that the best
classification accuracy is achieved with small step values. In further experiments, a step equal to 2 was
                     Classification accuracy, %





                                                            1       2       3        4        5    6     8    16   28

                                         Figure 2. Dependence of the classification accuracy on step size.
                      Classification accuracy, %





                                                                4       8       16       32       64   128   256   512
                                                                                 Output dimensionality

             Figure 3. Dependence of the classification accuracy on the dimensionality.

   In the second experiment, we investigated the dependence of the classification accuracy on the
output dimensionality of the feature vectors, formed in step 2.4 of the proposed method. The output
dimensionality varied from 4 to 512, while other parameters remained fixed. In particular, the step
used in the allocation of subsequences was 2 frames.

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L V Shiripova, E V Myasnikov

   The results of the experiment are shown in figure 3. As can be seen from the above results, the best
values of the classification accuracy are achieved for dimensionality 8, 16 and 64.
   In the third experiment, we investigated the dependence of classification accuracy on the length of
subsequences. The length of the subsequence varied from 4 to 28 frames, while other parameters
remained fixed. Thus, the step used in the allocation of subsequences was 2 frames; the output
dimension was 64. The results of the experiment are shown in figure 4. As it can be seen from the
results, the best values of the classification accuracy are achieved with a subsequence of 28 frames.
                         Classification accuracy, %




                                                               4   8     12     16      20      24   28
                                                                       Length of subsequences

              Figure 4. Dependence of classification accuracy on the length of subsequences.

   As can be seen from the results of these experiments, with a relatively small number of classes (10
classes), a high (not less than 95%) classification accuracy can be achieved.

4. Conclusion
The proposed method for human actions recognition consists in the detection of a moving person in a
video sequence, normalization of the size, generation of subsequences, dimensionality reduction using
the principal component analysis and classification using the support vector machine.
    The experiments performed on the Weizmann dataset allowed us to determine the best values of
the parameters of the developed method. It was shown that with a small number of classes (10
classes), the proposed method provides on this dataset a high (with a wide range of parameters - at
least 95%, and using the best values - up to 98%) accuracy of classification.
    In the future, it is planned to expand the list of algorithms used to form a feature description and the
list of classification methods. Another possible direction of further research is the detection of
abnormal behavior (see, for example, [32]).

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The work was partly funded by RFBR according to the research project 17-29-03190 in parts of «1.
Introduction» – «2. Methods» and by the Russian Federation Ministry of Science and Higher
Education within a state contract with the "Crystallography and Photonics" Research Center of the
RAS under agreement 007-ГЗ/Ч3363/26 in part of «3. Experiments».

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