=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2392/paper10 |storemode=property |title=Social Networks in Developing the Internet Strategy for Libraries in Ukraine |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2392/paper10.pdf |volume=Vol-2392 |authors=Iryna Davydova,Olena Marina,Alla Slianyk,Yuriy Syerov |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/coapsn/DavydovaMSS19 }} ==Social Networks in Developing the Internet Strategy for Libraries in Ukraine== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2392/paper10.pdf
    Social Networks in Developing the Internet Strategy for
                     Libraries in Ukraine

Iryna Davydova1 [0000–0001–6015–2477], Olena Marina1 [0000-0002-7248-2147], Alla Slianyk1[0000-
                                   and Yuriy Syerov [0000-0002-5293-4791]
                           Kharkiv State Academy of Culture,
                      Bursatski Uzviz, 4, Kharkiv, 61057, Ukraine
                          Lviv Polytechnic National University,
                                     Lviv, Ukraine
               IDavydova1@ukr.net, 1helenmaryina@gmail.com,
           allasolyanik164@gmail.com, 2yurii.o.sierov@lpnu.ua

       Abstract. The authors substantiates the growing role of forming the on-line
       strategy for libraries in Ukraine. Its components are identified and the role of
       social networks as one of the leading channels of communication of libraries in
       the digital environment is highlighted. The emphasis is on the need to use social
       networks to form a library brand, to establish a system of communication with
       consumers and marketing activities.

       Keywords: social networks, libraries of Ukraine, on-line strategies for libraries.

1      Introduction

The formation of a modern digital media space defines a strategic path for the devel-
opment of libraries, focusing on a global Internet environment, which puts forward
some significant problems to the library social institute and needs to find the ways to
solve them. The leading role is taken by the issues of the correspondence of the cur-
rent state of libraries and their areas of their strategic development to the requirements
that the global civilization process of the formation of the information society and the
knowledge society raises. The purpose of the article is to define the components of the
Internet strategies for libraries and analyze the role of social networks in their imple-

2       Related Works

This issue has recently become the focus of librarians, among whom are
O. Voskoboinikova-Huzieva, V. Ilhanaieva, I. Davydova, T. Hranchak, K. Lobuzina,
O. Marina, N. Nikolaienko, O. Brui. The attention of researchers focuses mainly on
the issues of strategic management as a leading approach in the sustainable develop-
ment of libraries in the information society.
The researchers focus on a holistic system of strategic library management at the
stage of transformational change [6], the development strategies for the library indus-
try as a socio-communication institution of the society [15], strategic growth priorities
of library management technologies [11], a balanced system of indicators in the stra-
tegic management of the library [2].
Most authors closely associate the development strategies for libraries in the infor-
mation society with the development of strategic management that covers the key
areas of library activities: the development and adaptation of the library to the exter-
nal environment, the implementation of innovative changes, adjusting personnel poli-
cy. The traditional comprehension of strategy is based on the idea as one of the man-
agement processes that consists of many solutions, including the formation of a com-
mon goal and options for its possible implementation.
The strategic development of libraries is based on a high level of technology, so li-
braries enhance the level of information service on the Internet by mastering technol-
ogies 2.0 and 3.0 in the networked information space. K. Lobuzina [9] and O. Marina
[10] carry out research in this area.
In recent years, the works of librarians have been added to the findings on the devel-
opment strategies for libraries, which describe the first experience of libraries in so-
cial services. In particular, T. Hranchak, N. Choi аnd S. Soohyung Joo,
А. Noorhidawati, V. Strunhar, G. Wan and others deal with these issues.
Thus, the analysis of the results of theoretical and practical studies of development
strategies for libraries suggests a wide range of prospects for the functioning of the
library in the information society, mainly related to the strategic planning aimed at the
introduction of new information technologies, an access to information systems and
networks, as well as working with electronic network resources.
 At the same time, it should be emphasized that despite the wide interest of the scien-
tific community in the issues of strategic development of libraries of Ukraine in the
networked Internet space, the role of social networks in online library strategies is
insufficiently researched.

3      Methodology

The Library Internet Strategy is understood by the author as an internally non-
contradictory system of actions, designed for a perspective that involves shaping a
system of on-line communications of the library, directing its activity to achieve sus-
tainable development, taking into account internal capabilities and the influence of the
external environment. It is a long-term model for developing a library that serves its
goals and takes into account current trends in the electronic communications system.
Shaping the Internet strategy for libraries is aimed at preserving its positions in the
age of the digital era and involves an access to digital arrays, first of all by means of
providing the readers with the possibility of using Internet resources, hosting their
own information resources in an online environment and setting up a communications
system and a service of information consumers.
An important component of the Internet strategy for libraries in Ukraine is the for-
mation of a productive on-line environment; the establishment of an effective system
of Internet communications and the purposeful use of Internet marketing technolo-
gies, which provides the libraries with qualitatively new service capabilities and cre-
ates a base for expanding the range of information products and services [3].
Modern Internet strategies for libraries are aimed at creating an on-line library envi-
ronment that changes the existing communication channels of the institution, “to
show them as they look in the eyes of the consumer – as a flow of information from a
single source” [1].
Thus, communication is a process aimed at achieving an unambiguous perception of
the communication message by the agents that send and receive it. In a socio-
communication context, communication is socially predetermined by the process of
information transfer and information perception under the conditions of interpersonal
and mass communication in nonintegrated network with the help of any communica-
tive devices.
The library activities online cover various channels of interaction between the institu-
tion and the target audience and personify all the communication necessary to pro-
mote the information product or service [7]. It shapes a communications system based
on the need to assess the strategic role of certain areas of activities:

 advertising,
 sales promotion,
 public relations and their optimal balance to ensure the clarity and consistency of
  the impact of communication programs through the content-neutral integration of
  all individual accesses [8].

Thus, the development of an Internet strategy for libraries in Ukraine is not only a
new technology for managing the information environment, but also a powerful
means of promoting information products and services, the philosophy of library ac-
tivities, which brings together all components of the communication process and en-
hances the efficiency of the entire customer service system.
Internet communication involves constant movement, information exchange. It should
become a permanent activity, a universal characteristic feature of the library as the
leading socio-communication institution of the society.

4      Our approach

The 21st century is characterized by significant changes in the development of Internet
strategies for libraries. These changes are associated with the fact that the external and
internal environment of libraries in a certain way differs from that which was a few
years ago: the structure of consumption changes – the main difference of the library
and information service in the digital environment is its personalization.
The whole system of service should be based on the maximum full consideration of
the individual needs of each subscriber [12]. By way of mastering the network tech-
nologies, the customer service, in particular remote one, extends the communication
environment of libraries, which promotes new marketing and advertising trends.
The first is the deep segmentation of consumer groups, the second is the expansion of
the spectrum of marketing communications, the emergence of electronic communica-
tion channels, through which the consumer receives information about information
products and services. In this context, the online strategy is considered not only as a
special management function, but in the broadest sense as a modern orientation of the
functioning of the library in a turbulent and complex external environment, and as a
developed form of market communication.
The transformation of modern libraries into centres of information electronic re-
sources, which operate on a fundamentally new modern technical and technological
basis, is a prerequisite for the consumer to become more accessible at an individual
level. From now on she is perceived as a personality, and not an impersonal unit of a
particular segment of the information market.
Modern online technologies in library and information services should lead to the
withdrawal from the information service aimed at the mass market to the concept of
personal relationship management.
The effective implementation of Internet strategies for libraries occurs when many
tools are used, among which are:

 the leading websites,
 e-mail,
 instant messenger (IM – Instant Messenger), the most famous of which are chats,
  Skype, MSN, etc. blogs; forums;
 photo and video hosts,
 podcasts,
 webcasts,
 personal profiles and interactive discussion groups,
 social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram),
 virtual professional communities on social networks.

All these components can be considered as individual segments of on-line strategies
for libraries, as their complex use, creating a synergetic effect, enables an efficient
communication process with its own audience and the promotion of information
products and services. At the same time, the quality of this effect is to some extent
caused by the efficiency of the use of each of the sectors.
Let us consider this statement as in the case of one of the leading communication
channels of the Internet strategy for libraries – social networks that are actively
evolved and adapted in the minds of social actors as a comfortable communication
media platform, attractive both for the society and for the library community.
By 2019 61.5% of libraries in Ukraine have been represented on social media. The
most popular social networks in Ukraine are Facebook, where 55.5% of libraries have
Personal User accounts, and Instagram – 43,3%. A shade less of libraries use Twitter
– 17%. At the same time, there is a greater focus of research on the social network
Facebook, which can be explained by more relevant target audience for the libraries
that uses it. This indicates not only the growth of the number of libraries on social
networks by 18.1% over the last five years, but also certain stages of the development
of this sector of library activities.
                               61.5% OF LIBRARIES
                                IN UKRAINE HAVE
                                  BEEN REPRESENTED
                                  ON SOCIAL MEDIA

    FACEBOOK –                      INSTAGRAM –
                                                                    TWITTER –17%
      55,5%                            43,3%

                    Fig. 1. The most popular social networks in Ukraine libraries
The first stage in the deployment of communication activity on social networks by
libraries in Ukraine (2008-2012) has shown that the vast majority of domestic librar-
ies are passive users of the World Wide Web, including social online platforms.
Libraries began their activities with the creation of less informative projects (sites,
blogs, advertising cards, etc.). Their presence on social networks was characterized by
a poorly timed updating of information, poorly conscientious attitude to the choice of
technological solutions for the building of information and communication interaction
in the media environment, a random choice of online services, and poor interaction of
their own Internet projects with each other.
Libraries have partly used the “quality” of communication that enables the media
environment: the mass of the audience, the commitment and interest of users, the
possibility of dialogue, getting instant feedback [10].
One of the problems highlighted by the researchers is the reluctance of the leadership
of some libraries to accept social networks as a full-fledged marketing and communi-
cation online tool.
As a result, quite often there is only a formal creation of a user account with the pro-
vision of a minimum amount of information that does not correspond to the idea of
social networks as communication channels, marketing tools and data-acquisition
configuration about users. At this stage, the use of powerful communication channels
contributed to the creation of an on-line environment that is closest to the users of the
The next stage (2012-2015) is characterized by significant activation of the library
activities online. The availability of user accounts on the most popular social net-
works is implemented by:

 all national libraries,
 regional universal libraries,
 libraries of higher education institutions,
 a large number of mass libraries.

At the same time, it should be noted that the activity among the audience in library
profiles remains at a rather low level – only 15.5% of the active profiles are observed
on Facebook and 7.7% on Twitter. Furthermore, the profiles with more than 500 sub-
scribers are 25.5% on Facebook and 20% on Twitter. The use of Youtube video host-
ing by libraries has increased significantly – 37.7%, which is 17.5% more than at the
first stage, so it can be concluded that library specialists are aware of the importance
of implementing video presentations of library and information institutions.
Library workers actively study the activities of foreign libraries on social media and
analyze the possibilities of using foreign experience in their own on-line activities.
The most popular social networks abroad are Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
In a study conducted by American librarians, it is noted that 104 of the 115 analyzed
libraries (90.4%) have at least one Facebook page. At the same time, there is a rather
low involvement of users – more than 60% of online communities of the libraries
have fewer than 200 subscribers, and only 4 – more than 1000 [16].
One of the most important factors influencing the popularity of a library profile on a
social network is content. The analysis of the profiles of foreign libraries made it pos-
sible to distinguish the following types of content:

                                                           TYPES OF CONTENT
                                                                                                                               INTERNSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS

                                                                                                                                                                       VIDEO AND IMAGES
                                                                                                            LIBRARY PROJECTS
                                                       COLLECTIONS OR
                            PREMISES AND




            Fig. 2. Types of content based on the analysis of the profiles of foreign libraries

 events:

─ seminars,
─ speeches,
─ lectures,
─ competitions,
─ etc.;
 services:

─ updating library services,
─ such as new reference services,
─ delivery of documents;

 premises and buildings:

─ updates,
─ changes;

 collections or resources:

─ messages related to library collections, such as updating and promoting electronic
  or printed collections,
─ access to databases,
─ other research resources;

 websites:

─ updating sites,
─ blogs,
─ repositories;

 librarians:

─ presentation of new library staff,
─ news about librarians,
─ vacancy announcements;

 library projects:

─ new and existing ones;

 volunteering, internships, scholarships:

─ proposals for internships,
─ fellowship programs;

 promotion:

─ messages related to the presence of libraries on the social network, the attraction of
  new users;

 video and images:

─ posting the video materials and images in the news feed.

A meaningful analysis of the presence of Ukrainian libraries on social networks has
shown that, unlike the first stage, most libraries are constantly updating content on
social networking pages, but predominantly announcements of upcoming events are
being made, photo and video reports are posted on the events held, new acquisitions
are shown, etc.
An important indicator of the effectiveness of the library online is the characterization
of the activity of the library site readers on social networks. During this period, re-
searchers point out that only a quarter of analyzed user accounts of libraries in
Ukraine can be considered highly active [14].
At the same time, experts in the document and information sphere are constantly
searching for ways to improve the functioning of libraries on social networks.
The activities of Ukrainian libraries on social networks at the third stage of develop-
ment (2016-2019), which is now being continued, is characterized by a systematic
approach and active work on the development of its own on-line strategy:

 the orientation of media activity in creating the content for the study of user infor-
  mation needs is changing;
 libraries present themselves as reliable and secure channels of information, using
  for this purpose all information products and services that can offer audiences a
  deeper and more interesting concept of self-realization;
 an image is created and constantly supported that distinguishes libraries from other
  online community members;
 the input of users (comments, constructive criticism) into the activities of library
  web-projects is encouraged;
 the technologies of social media marketing, integrate forms of cooperation, ex-
  change and self-organization are used [10].

5       Conclusions and Future Works

The libraries of Ukraine are expanding their presence on the Internet space, consider-
ing not only the number of applied and complementary communication channels, but
also the quality of interaction with users in them.
Modern users are already accustomed to high-quality Internet products and services;
therefore, the task of libraries is not only to provide a wide range of services online,
but also to create conditions for a comfortable service and effective presentation of
their information resources. Social networks are both an individual promotion channel
and a component of search engine optimization.
The marketing activities of libraries in social networks are expanding. Although li-
braries are more likely to use the opportunities of advertising and the formation of
their own image in the networked environment rather spontaneously than systemati-
cally, one might as well say about the revision of approaches to the creation of mar-
keting tools, the application of the system of integrated marketing communications in
SMM (Social Media Marketing) is one of the methods for promoting the library prod-
ucts and services through social networks. The main purpose of SMM-promotion is to
increase the recognition of the brand, increasing interest in the provided products and
services, constant communication with potential and existing users.
Social networks provide an opportunity to be involved with the library brand, and
working with the target audience can improve the library service, while increasing the
level of trust of users. At the same time, working with an audience on social media,
librarians can track feedback or complaints from visitors and react swiftly to them. It
is possible to measure the effectiveness of actions conducted by a library and track the
users’ responses to events.
Further use of social networks should take place in accordance with the general strat-
egy of online library activities, and the viability of using one or another channel of
promotion should be confirmed by the results of segmentation and identification of
the target audience on social networks. Librarians should work on the availability of
useful and interesting information that can be offered to users on social networks,
considering that SMM-promotion is based on three main components:

 high-quality content;
 permanent presence in an online environment;
 working with a negative.

During this period the technology of marketing activities of libraries on social net-
works is being formed. It involves a number of stages. Before starting to work with
social networking websites, it is important to find out how the library will be present-
ed through them. For example, a representative of a library can communicate on his/er
own behalf, representing the interests of the library and evoking certain associations
from the users. Another option might be to create a library page that is supported by
one of the employees to enhance the recognition of a particular brand.
It is advisable to create both a library page and a profile of its employee who will
officially represent the institution. This option of representing the library on social
networks will create a more trusting relationship with the target audience. At the same
time, it is necessary to monitor the online activities of employees who noted in their
user accounts the library as a place of work, as they are a direct reflection of the or-
ganization and create a certain reputation.
Promotion through social networking websites refers to all activities that may be of
interest to users. These include, firstly, various competitions (engagement, call to
action), drawings (expanding audience coverage).
Secondly, there are unique specialized projects with high interest and good returns.
Thirdly, there are useful articles, interesting essays, videos, tips, master classes, etc.
When selecting social networks for promotion, it is advisable to focus on those that
are preferred by the target audience of the library. Usually the most popular social
portals are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube.
However, it should be understood that there are plenty of sites that also have a high
percentage of target audience one can work with.
The results of the study suggest that social networks are involved at different levels of
development of Internet strategy for libraries in Ukraine: from the presence of librar-
ies on social media to the realization of PR-tasks and the building up of an advanced
strategy of brand representations.
The development of on-line strategies in libraries in Ukraine should contribute to the
systematic application of the whole range of possibilities of network communication
tools and channels, the potential of which is highly appreciated by the foreign library
community that provides libraries of Ukraine with a powerful strategic vector of de-
velopment in the digital media space.

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