=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2392/paper16 |storemode=property |title=Modern Ontology and Deep Analysis of Global Social Networks Exploitation |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2392/paper16.pdf |volume=Vol-2392 |authors=Zohaib Hassan,Roman Odarchenko,Abnash Zaman,Vladyslav Kovtun |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/coapsn/HassanOZK19 }} ==Modern Ontology and Deep Analysis of Global Social Networks Exploitation== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2392/paper16.pdf
    Modern Ontology and Deep Analysis of Global Social
                 Networks Exploitation

        Zohaib Hassan1 [0000-0002-7130-1375], Roman Odarchenko 2 [0000-0002-7130-1375],
       Abnash Zaman 3 [0000-0002-5967-198X] and Vladyslav Kovtun 2 [0000-0002-1408-5805]
                       Iqra National University, Peshawar, Pakistan
                       National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
               Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar, Pakistan
           dev.zohaibmrt@gmail.com, odarchenko.r.s@ukr.net,
            abnashzaman20@gmail.com, vlad.kovtun@gmail.com

       Abstract. When a computer network connects to a person or organization, it is
       a social network. However, the study of such computer-aided social networks
       has not attracted people’s attention to human-computer interaction, online in-
       terpersonal interaction and computer-aided communication research or small
       group. In the paper the application of secure social networking methods in
       computer-mediated communication research was discussed. Also some of the
       basic concepts of social network analysis were received, these described how to
       collect and analyze social network data, and show where social network data
       used to study computer-mediated communications can and has been used. And
       the what are the basic issues and challenges during these all process. The use-
       fulness of social media methods for computer-mediated communication re-
       search was showed, whether in computer-assisted collaborative work, in virtual
       communities, or with more dispersed interactions with people.

       Keywords: Social Media, Computer Networks, Social Networks, Internet Me-
       dia, Digital Marketing Trend.

1      Introduction

This paper introduces the social network and the overall structure of the Social Media.
Social networks have become very popular during last 10-15 years because of the
increasing and affordable nature of innovative Internet devices like PC, laptops, mo-
bile gadgets [1], and other new popular hardware tools. This is evidenced by the
growing popularity of many online social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and
LinkedIn (networks are different in different states). Such a social network should
lead to a huge network-centric data explosion in various scenarios. Social networks
can be defined in the context of systems (for example, Facebook is designed for social
interaction), or defined for other websites (for example, Flickr) created for different
services such as content sharing, but also allows for extension levels social interaction [2].
2      The Latest Social Media Statistics of Consumer Adoption and

Social networks are now very mature, with the core of a “big five” network that
doesn’t change much every year. However, as we will see in this paper, the most pop-
ular social media sites depend to a large extent on the level of use of different coun-
tries and demographic data. Understanding these differences in the popularity of dif-
ferent social networks is important for a specific audience. When we compare the
most popular and actual social networks, it's best to look at them based on the usage
of your active account, but not the quantity of user accounts [3]. In this summary we
also can see that some social networks are growing faster than other social networks,
while other social networks are declining.

     A. Social Media Stats Update of 2019

Based on the top ten sources of recommended digital marketing statistics, we will
post this news in 2019 based on the latest statistics. We will reveal new data infiltrat-
ed by US social media channels in the Pew Internet and Global Network Index [4].
Since it is still in its early stages, many charts will use the latest data from 2018 until
the new study is published in 2019.

3      Overall Popularity of Social Media Globally

Every year, at the beginning of this year, We Are Social will update its vast collection
of global statistics to provide very good information about the social media world.
This is a good download demo [4]. It is particularly interesting to see how different
countries are using social media, and it is surprising that Western countries are signif-
icantly behind adoption rates.
Highlights of the 2019 Global Digital Report [5] include:
          In 2019, the number of Internet users worldwide was 4.388 billion euros,
             an increase of 9.1% year-on-year.
          In 2019, the total number of global social media users was $3.444 billion,
             an increase of 9% over the previous year.
          In 2019, the number of mobile phone users was 5.112 billion, an increase
             of 2% over the previous year.
          Annual growth continues to grow steadily, especially among active users
             of mobile social networks: 42% penetration rate is 3% higher than 2018.

The web traffic share of each device strongly supports 52% of mobile devices (stable
year-on-year), while Desktop is still ranked second, with only 43% of devices sharing
on all web pages, as shown in Figure 1 [6].
North America, West and South America, and North America have the highest Inter-
net penetration rates, with Internet users accounting for between 88% and 95% of the
total population. Among them, Southern Europe's Internet penetration rate increased
the most, up 11% year-on-year, as shown in Figure 2.

                         Fig. 1. Annual growth continues apace.

                         Fig. 2. The largest internet penetration.

Since January 2018, the overall growth rate of social media usage has been 9%. Saudi
Arabia’s social media penetration rate was the highest in 2019, at 99%, well above the
world average of 45%. Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore are among the most im-
portant countries for social media penetration today. But Kenya, Nigeria and Ghana
have the lowest penetration rates for social media.

                     Fig. 3. Social Media Usage Since January 2018.
4      Benchmarks for Social Networks (Facebook)

On social networks, there are active users every day. But we're only going to look at
Facebook's most active daily users compared to other social networks, and it's im-
portant to understand how your content works and what features are used to optimize
the content. Compared with the page, the average diffusion rate after diffusion is 8%
(a decrease of 2.7% in one year) and 27.1% after the diffusion. Although recent algo-
rithm updates have seen a reduction in organic opportunities, Facebook today is an
influent social platform for organic and paid opportunities with huge potential impact.
More important than ever is to target Facebook content to corporate characters to get
high quality leads.

                            Fig. 4. Page Reach Benchmarks.

Full analyzed report is a large amount of data that socializes with more than 200
slides. It provides country-specific data for most countries in the world. As a result,
you can view national slides in key markets to better understand the company's cur-
rent situation in the region where you operate.

                            Fig. 5. Engagement Benchmarks.
5      Most Popular and Actual Social Networks

The latest comScore panel analysis in the 2018 edition of "Global Digital Future Fo-
cus" compares the popularity of social networks over time. These data are based on
their original panels in the US, Canada and France, Spain, Italy, Germany, the U.K.
and Argentina, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Malaysia. We have more details
about the UK and also the US – it will be presented later in this paper.
We can see it is Facebook's blue ocean. This shows that despite Facebook's negative
hype, Facebook will still be the main audience channel for a period of time.
In the UK, we can see that Instagram accounts for about 10% of social media minutes.
If you are not using the latest technology and Instagram, we recommend that you
consult them. For more details, check out our list of digital media.
Active users prepared by Statista (October 2018) through the Global Network Index
panel data, this compilation of the world's most popular social networks provides
active users (millions) with the number of clear images of Facebook. This will not be
shocking to anyone! It has more than 2 billion active users and accounts for most of
the market. Google’s YouTube ranks second, followed by Facebook, Messenger and
WhatsApp. Facebook's Instagram platform accounts for less than half of Facebook's
traffic [4].

             Fig. 6. Most Actual Social Networks Based on Share of Minutes.

Subsequently, we focused on the APAC, WeChat, QQ and Qzone platforms, with
more than 600 million active users, highlighting APAC's extensive social networking
products. Then, we can see a group of mainly Western social media networks in
Tumblr, Instagram and Twitter.
Besides, Social Networks and Services can be used as channel for destructive manipu-
lation information and psychological influence and this issue was detail researched by
groups of scientists [9-12].
                     Fig. 7. Number of Active Users in millions.

6      Different ages Interests of Social Networks

The new 2019 report on children and parents: the use and attitude of the media pub-
lished by Ofcom (UK), if your company is involved in the marketing of the children's
or teen market or you want to understand its purpose; this is very interesting for the
future of adult social media. It highlights the continued decline in Facebook usage
among young people aged 12-15. His Facebook profile has grown from 40% in 2017
to 31% in 2018. During the same period, Instagram's growth rate increased from 14%
to 23%, and the deadline for Snapchat was set 31% [13-16].
The following is an overview of two of the four age groups shown in Figure 8.

                           Fig. 8. Social Network Popularity.
7      Different Interaction Rates in Social Media

Track Maven analyzes 51 million publications from 40,000 different companies in
more than 130 industries to determine which social networks have the highest partici-
pation for each fan. The results show that Instagram absolutely dominates the interac-
tion of 1,000 subscribers. In fact, it is much higher than the other channels we have to
include in the second image to show the difference between social networks LinkedIn,
Facebook and Twitter [17-19].
As we can see, Instagram is dominant but for other networks, Facebook has a signifi-
cant lead in comparison with Twitter and LinkedIn. This is mainly because Internet
users tend to post more on Twitter because it does not have an algorithm that only
provides publications to a small audience. This turns Twitter into a piece of content
that encourages companies to increasingly share what they hear through noise. This
has the effect of reducing the shift commitment, as shown in Figures 9 and 10 [20].

                               Fig. 9. Per Post Followers.

                               Fig. 10. Per Post Followers.
    A. Popularity of Social Network in Different Countries

This is an excellent visualization of the social networks popularity based on inter-
views in the GWI report. If you choose your own country, you may be far behind the
most popular countries in the four major social networks. Indonesia, the Philippines,
Mexico, India and Brazil rank among the top 10, and their utilization rate is much
higher than that of the U.S., the U.K. and EU.

                Fig. 11. Visitors to The Top Social Platforms Per Country.

In this paper deep analysis of social networks and services exploitation was carried
out. The Internet is a global public network where different intruders can access for
example cloud services without any permission. In practice cloud computing users
rely on third parties, which another major security issue (it’s one of biggest today’s
security challenge) [7,12] in the cloud is computing [8]. This issue and generalized
ontology show that social networks are now mature and can cover all ages and gender
groups. The exceptions to this rule are Instagram and Tumblr, which are clearly popu-
lar among young people. Also it was highlighted about possibility of using social
networks for destructive manipulative influence realization directed on person or
social groups in cyberspace.
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