=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2392/paper19 |storemode=property |title=Problem-Oriented Social Network for the Exchange of International Professional Experience |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2392/paper19.pdf |volume=Vol-2392 |authors=Nataliia Vovk,Mykhailo Klymash |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/coapsn/VovkK19 }} ==Problem-Oriented Social Network for the Exchange of International Professional Experience== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2392/paper19.pdf
    Problem-Oriented Social Network for the Exchange of
           International Professional Experience

      Nataliia Vovk1[0000-0002-2470-7188], and Mykhailo Klymash2 [0000-0002-1166-4182]
                Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
            Nataliia.S.Vovk@lpnu.ua1, klymash@journal.kh.ua

       Abstract. The article analyzes the conceptual model of creating a modern web
       platform for the purpose of accumulation of expert practical experience from
       the leading countries in the field of cultural heritage preservation in libraries
       and archives. Using a web platform, will enable sharing the breadth of their
       knowledge and skills, discuss interesting progressive models of development,
       and present themselves. Authors view the web platform as a means of informa-
       tional education. It is a form of education, which creates additional convenient
       opportunities for counseling, exchange of experience, knowledge and does not
       require additional investment for a specialist. The study of technological oppor-
       tunities may become the purpose of functioning of such a network. These tech-
       nological opportunities may concern the development of an informational and
       communicational environment for collection and processing of. The functional
       part of the web platform will allow participants to quickly and efficiently ex-
       change information in real time. The article deals with the main thematic areas
       of the web platform, presents the algorithm for creating and filling the site plat-
       form and describes categories of participants and their role.

       Keywords: informal education, on-line platform, collaborative access, on-line
       services, MediaWiki, libraries, archives.

1      Introduction

A significant contribution to the development of a conscious society of any state is the
realization of their historical roots and the preservation of cultural heritage. One of the
main social tools for these tasks is the state archival system. However, the effective-
ness of its functioning is critically dependent on the level of the archival staff’s skills
and the arrival of new, trained personnel. At the same time, today there are no special
courses at universities (excluding special training programs), which would result in
the recievement by the archive’s employees of competencies in the direction of not
only digitizing archival materials, but also in the creation of a certain joint project to
preserve the cultural heritage.
Modern information and digital technologies penetrate into various spheres of life and
society. There is no exception for the archival and library industries, where the main
focus of informatization is the fund digitization and the provision of remote access to
them, the creation of electronic catalogs, exhibitions, etc. The mentioned institutions
in the leading countries of the world, where this process has been going on in recent
years, today occupied the significant space of the «Library and Archives Internet».
The Ukrainian "library and archive segment" of the World Wide Web today does not
fully satisfy the needs of users and industry employees. Namely, the latter depends on
the development of archives, libraries and preservation of cultural heritage. Taking
into account the facts of certain gaps in the field of the Ukrainian libraries’ and ar-
chives’ informatization, it is advisable to create a common on-line platform for the
purpose of accumulation of expert practical experience from the leading countries in
the field of cultural heritage preservation in libraries and archives. As historically,
Ukraine has a significant layer of common historical and cultural heritage with other
states (Poland, Austria, Hungary, etc.), which in particular is documentally presented
in libraries, museums, archives and architecture of these countries, it is expedient to
build such an on-line platform on a collaborative basis with the involvement of ex-
perts from the leading Ukrainian and foreign archives.
The creation of on-line resources, in particular those aimed at the preservation of
cultural heritage in archival and library systems, is the subject of the scientific work
of such researchers as: M, Jones [12], M. Rassadina [19], R. Baryshev [5] etc. [2, 3, 4,
11,]. Despite the large number of publications concerning the transformation of ar-
chival and library sources into on-line ones, it should be noted that the majority of
works are already considering the creation of such a resource, while avoiding the
review, analysis, and moreover, the creation of new resources and services informa-
tional support for the process of training archivists and librarians throughout a life,
aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities, the actuality of which will be acti-
vated in the future.
The purpose of the article is to create a conceptual model of an on-line platform for
collaborative exchange of international experience in preserving cultural heritage in
archives and libraries. To achieve the goal you need to solve the following tasks: car-
ry out a general analysis of the project; develop an algorithm for creating a platform
web site; identify the main goals of creating an online platform; identify the target
audience and users of the on-line platform; to analyze the risks of creating and using
such a platform.

2      Analysis of the On-Line Platform as Part of Informational

In American literature, there is a concept "Aging measurement unit of the specialist
knowledge" – the period of "half-drop" of competence – a decrease in productivity by
50% as a result of the emergence of new information [5]. This means that graduates
of higher educational institutions, in addition to their knowledge in the narrow profes-
sion, should develop their competencies to study throughout their professional life,
their communication skills, adaptability, self-improvement, organizational and group
efficiency, and a number of other qualities. The development of such competences in
the future after graduation is through the alternation of training with other activities
and is called "Adult Education"; "Continuing Education", "Further education", "Re-
current education".
Today, specialists singled out three basic forms of education:

 formal education – primary, general education, general professional education,
  higher education, post-graduate education (post-graduate and doctoral studies), ad-
  vanced training and retraining of specialists and managers with higher and general
  vocational education in institutes, faculties and advanced training courses; profes-
  sional retraining;
 non-formal education - professionally directed and general cultural courses in adult
  education centers, in lectures, on television, in various intensive courses;
 informal education is a general term for education outside the standard educational
  environment – individual cognitive activities that accompany daily life, realized at
  the expense of their own activity of individuals in the surrounding cultural and ed-
  ucational environment [17].

An online platform for the exchange of international experience in the use of IT in the
archival and library industries may become a part of informational education as one of
the forms of education, which creates additional convenient opportunities for counsel-
ing, exchange of experience, knowledge and does not require additional investment
for a specialist.
Taking into account the current world trends in the development of informational
technology, more and more professionals of each segment of scientific and practical
knowledge are united on the Internet in social networks for the purpose of evaluation,
discussion of ideas, development, analysis and creation of new knowledge that form
the new knowledge economy [20]. Using a web platform, the project of which is pre-
sented in the study as a prototype of the social network, experts will be able to share
the breadth of their knowledge and skills, discuss interesting progressive models of
development, and present themselves [14].

3      Overview of the Functional Part of the Web Platform

The purpose of the functioning of such network of professionals may be the techno-
logical opportunities’ study for the development of an informational and communica-
tional environment for the collection and processing of innovative information and the
opportunities for development of a full-featured innovation incubator from social
networks created on the basis of the web platform.
The functional part of the web platform will allow participants to quickly and effi-
ciently exchange information in real time by creating publications covering new ide-
as, describing their own thoughts on solving individual issues and urgent problems of
modern archival and library industries [13, 19].
It is expedient to structure the full information content of the platform by topics and
sections that can be created and moderated by each participant. Such sections should
be divided according to the specifics of library and archival institutions:
1. Features of the organization of modern library activity:

 library professional education and staff training for libraries;
 library management system;
 methodology of modern librarianship;
 facilitation of the electronic involvement of citizens in the use of information infra-
  structure of libraries;
 prospects of e-governance for public libraries in Ukraine;
 modern approaches of public libraries to information provision of their activities;
 Usage of modern information resources in the library business [24].

2. Features of the organization of modern archival affairs:

 professional education and training for archival institutions;
 archive management system;
 system of Ukrainian archival institutions;
 foundations of work with archival documents;
 research and methodological work of archival institutions;
 Reconstruction, preservation and access to archival documents: ways and methods
  of activity [6, 8].
Therefore, the results of the development and implementation of the project to create
a web platform should be:

 the establishment of a professional community interested in archival and library
  activities, having practical experience and / or theoretical knowledge in preserving
  cultural heritage (documents, books, etc.) and participating or willing to participate
  in the development of archival or library industries;
 expanding community through educators and students enrolled in educational di-
  rection "Libraries and archives" (in Ukraine – specialty "Information, Library and
  Information Science");
 design, development and deployment of a dynamic site for the wiki class for free
  Internet access. It is advisable to give users of various categories on the site an op-
  portunity to create, edit and comment materials in accordance with the system of
  rights and authority;
 creation of a system of templates and means of semi-automatic input for materials
  of different types, such as: educational material, frequently used question, video il-
  lustration or video tutorial, equipment instruction, methodical instruction, legal
  help, forms of documents, materials for discussion etc.;
 connection to the site of the pilot group of users from the field of protection of the
  historical heritage for testing the project, and its updating (if necessary);
 creation of a set of educational materials in the form of electronic documentation,
  video collections, user instructions and electronic texts on effective use of the plat-
  form in different modes; testing of this complex in focus groups, in particular in
  the form of a special training course for students majoring in "Libraries and Ar-
  chives" (in Ukraine – "Information, Library and Archival Affairs");
 conducting the initial filling of the platform with separate materials of the specified
  types on the subject of protection;
 a set of measures to popularize the platform among the target audience, in particu-
  lar by using SMM methods, adapting to search engines, holding public lectures and
  participating in topical programs on TV, writing articles in the press [1, 22].

Figure 1 shows the algorithm for creating and filling the site platform.
An important aspect of such platform existence is the formation of a list of partici-
pants and their registration. The categories of such participants should meet a number
of requirements, in particular:

 availability of special professional education;
 availability of work experience (training) in archival and / or library activities;
 representation in state authorities or local self-government bodies;
 sphere of interests;
 place of residence [15, 16, 23].

4      Registration and Validation of Participants

According to the proposed criteria for selecting the participants, the potential audi-
ence of the platform site is:

 employees of Ukrainian and foreign archives at different levels and subordination;
 universities lectures of Ukrainian and foreign higher education institutions special-
  izing in the field ("Information, Library and Archival Affairs", "Information Tech-
  nologies", etc.);
 students of Ukrainian and foreign higher education institutions specializing in the
  field ("Libraries and archives", "Information, Library and Archival Affairs", "In-
  formation Technologies", etc.);
 representatives of state authorities, whose sphere of competence includes the pro-
  tection of cultural heritage;
 scholars conducting research on the development of culture, historical and cultural
  monuments, methods of preserving archival and library foundations as sources of
  memory of cultural heritage;
 journalists, reporters, bloggers, who inform society about news in the field of inter-
  state cultural life and the protection of historical and cultural monuments;
 managers and agents in the field of historical and cultural tourism;
 specialists on the use of modern IT in the areas of libraries, archives, digital tech-
  nologies for the preservation of cultural heritage [7].
                                                                              DEVELOPMENT OF
                                                                              SYMBOLISM, COLOR
        START                                                 1               SCHEME, SLOGANS

  PRE-FORMED LIST OF                                  GRAPHIC DESIGN OF
     PARTICIPANTS                                          THE SITE

                                                     SETTING UP A HOSTING
    DETERMINE THE                                           SERVER
                                                       PLACEMENT OF THE
                                                     PLATFORM SITE ON THE
                                                        HOSTING ON THE
      THE ROLE
      CRITERIA ?
                                                        WORKABILITY          NO
          YES                                           IS ENSURED ?

       PROJECT                                               YES
                                                                                  CONFIGURATION OF
                                                       REGISTRATION OF
                                                     USERS ACCORDING TO
      IS THERE A
                                                      THE FORMED LISTS
     SPECIALISTS?                                     ORGANIZATION OF
                                                      PILOT DISCUSSIONS


 INVOLVING ADDITIONAL                                CREATING THE SECOND
                                                         STAGE OF THE
                                                     INFORMATION CONTENT
                                                          OF THE SITE

                                                         IS THERE A
    SELECTION OF                                      NEED FOR FURTHER       NO

   WEBSITE FILLING                                   FILLING THE SITE WITH
                                                       NEW MATERIALS

     DOCUMENT           NO



Fig. 1. Algorithm for creating and filling a platform website.
The registration and validation algorithm of the member profile in the web communi-
ty consists of two main stages:
1. Check the correct email address. If the e-mail address is incorrect, the registration
   process stops because the password can not be sent.
2. Verify your Internet name in accordance with the rules of the web community. If
   the e-mail address is correct, then the participant's Internet name is checked:

 for compliance with the naming rules in the web community (for example, the web
  platform administration may require platform users to use the template "Name
  Surname" or meaningful aliases during the registration process for the Internet
 in the absence of already registered participants with such system names [9, 10,

5      Creating Document Templates

The development of document templates is an algorithm stage which operation is
based on the close collaboration of librarians / archivists and platform administrators.
As the proposed platform will be developed as a dynamic Wikisource site [21], in the
process of creating templates it is necessary to categorize them using the addition of
certain codes, as required by the Wikipedia in Ukrainian. Template namespace names
should be called with prefixes of an artificial subspace of names, through a colon. It is
advisable to give examples of naming categories of templates:

 Themed templates: Category: Patterns: ;
 Templates-cards: Category: Templates: Cards: