=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2392/paper2 |storemode=property |title=Efficiency Evaluation of Using Social Networks Application in the University E-Learning System |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2392/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-2392 |authors=Tarasov Dmytro,Koval Zoriana,Mykhailo Klymash |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/coapsn/DmytroZK19 }} ==Efficiency Evaluation of Using Social Networks Application in the University E-Learning System== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2392/paper2.pdf
      Efficiency Evaluation of Using Social Networks
      Application in the University E-Learning System

          Dmytro Tarasov 1[0000-0002-7143-8558], ZorianaKoval2 [0000-0002-0175-6163],
                       Mykhailo Klymash3 [0000-0002-1166-4182]

                 Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
         Dmytro.o.tarasov@lpnu.ua1, zoriana.o.koval@lpnu.ua2,

       Abstract. The paper studies the possibilities of social networks application
       within the university system of e-learning. The advantages and disadvantages of
       social networks application have been analyzed. Necessity and expediency of
       social networks application in the course of students’ learning process have
       been grounded. The paper studies the efficiency of this process. Measures for
       improving the efficiency of social networks application in the university e-
       learning system have been developed.

       KEYWORDS: Social Networks, University E-Learning System, Distance
       Learning, Facebook, Instagram, Vkontakte.

1      Introduction

Under modern conditions, high use of social networks has penetrated into every area
of modern human life. And a sphere of education is no exception [1-5]. The major
advantage of social networks (SN) use as a universal means of communication is the
extension of the social circle. If in the course of communication users share experi-
ence, spread information that can be useful for learning purposes, discuss learning
topics with their teachers or among themselves, master new techniques and educa-
tional media, then the benefit of SNs is obvious. SNs make it possible to take online
courses at a convenient pace, discuss educational course content and clarify challeng-
ing issues in chats and on forums.
According to the research carried out by the international organization «Wearesocial»,
there are almost 26 million active Internet users in Ukraine (that is 58% of the entire
population), 23 million of which log in to SN at least once a month (2018) [6].
        These are the most popular social networks in Ukraine:
─ Facebook (13 million users);
─ Instagram (7,2 million users);
─ Twitter (1,6 million users);
─ Linkedin (up to 1 million users).
It is also expedient to mention two Russian SNs: VKontakte (VK) and Odnoklassniki
(OK). The popularity of these networks has been decreasing significantly since 2014
especially after their blocking in 2017.
Given the fact that social network is a complex social structure [7, 8] that consists of
social objects (users), interrelated by way of social relations, the process of SN func-
tioning may be considered in two planes: applied (associated with solving specific
applied problems) and theoretic (creation and study of network model of users). The
theoretic plane makes it possible to examine the complexity of interrelations within
SN, which can take various forms: from superficial communication to learning infor-
mation exchange for the purpose of self-development and professional growth. Inves-
tigation of SN practical plane [9-13] makes it possible to analyze their applicability as
an additional motivational and communicative tool within the system of university e-
learning. University e-learning system is free of charge and fully open learning man-
agement system, with a focus on the development of the cooperation between univer-
sity teachers and students; it is based on the use of the ELMS Moodle platform (Mod-
ular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment). Moodle [14-16] system has a
wide selection of functionality commonly found in e-learning platforms, course man-
agement systems (CMS), learning management systems (LMS) or virtual learning
environments (VLE). The basic advantage of Moodle is that this web service affords
an opportunity to create efficient websites for online learning [17-19]. Consistency,
evaluation criteria and indicators of efficiency and reliability of systems and processes
are discussed in [20-22].
The following researchers deal with the issue of electronic learning: Bersin J. Rapid,
D. Bernhard, B.W. Boehm, І. Gurevych, Mark-Christoph Muller, D. Patarakyn, E.
Polat and others [1-7, 14, 15]. The following national and foreign research workers
and experts deal with the issue of SN application in students’ learning activity: N.
Basaraba, I. Gurevych, H. Colley, S. Zhigang, М. Muhlhauser, D.W. Livingstone, Y.
Steimle and others [4-5, 14]. A lot of national researchers are interested in psycholog-
ical and pedagogical aspects of this process, namely H. Dichanz, C. Jones, J. Knight,
Т. Rekkedal, S. Qvist-Eriksen and other. The following researchers are interested in
managerial and technical aspects: B. Boehm, C. Abts, A.W. Brown, S. Chulani, B.K.
Clark, E. Horowitz, R. Madachy, D. Reifer, B. Steece [18-21]. As we can see, the
given issue is complex, topical and calls for study and research.

2      Research Goals

The purpose of the article is to study the possibilities of SN application in the univer-
sity system of e-learning. In order to achieve this objective, it is necessary to work out
the following tasks:

─ an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of SN application;
─ grounding the necessity and expediency of SN application in the students’ learning
─ defining SN popularity for storing links, exchanging links to educational materials
  among students and university teachers;
─ the study of the efficiency of SN application in the university e-learning system;
─ the development of measures for improving the efficiency of SN application in the
  e-learning system.

3      Efficiency Evaluation of Using Social Networks Application
       in the University E-Learning System

3.1    Advantages of SN Application within the University E-Learning System

As it was mentioned previously, the basic SN feature, advantage and purpose are that
they are universal means of communication. The opportunity of networking and es-
tablishing contacts among users (in synchronous and asynchronous modes, in com-
fortable conditions and in accordance with user needs), the possibility of applying a
wide range of technical and methodic tools as well as other substantial advantages
particularly make SN an efficient instrument for enhancing the learning process effi-
As far as social learning is concerned, it is expedient to shift emphasis from the aca-
demic discipline content to the interaction between students and teachers, because the
content is intended for them.
An analysis of SN opportunities allows identifying advantages of their application in
the university electronic learning environment:

─ availability of tools for storing useful bookmarks and tools for storing useful links
  to websites by applying the system of tags;
─ possibility of storing, grouping and exchanging digital photos, audio and video
  recordings, text files, presentations;
─ possibility to organize a discussion of resources (individual, group or public);
─ possibility to choose one’s own time frame for studying the learning material as
  well as learning pace;
─ blogging or website promotion;
─ free use of Internet services;
─ interaction during the learning process;
─ possibility to form user groups and communities in order to solve certain problems
  or tasks;
─ fast information retrieval.

3.2    Component Parts of SN Application Efficiency in the University E-
       Learning System
Following the analysis of SN advantages, let us single out five component parts of the
integral efficiency indicator of social network tool application in the learning process
in particular:

─ managerial – characterizes the level of user interconnection organization in the
  social network during the e-learning process, access to relevant information, self-
  development and network openness;
─ social and psychological – highlights the level of emotional perception of infor-
  mation, user motivation, tolerance towards opposing opinions, self-expression pos-
  sibility, etc.;
─ learning – characterizes the level of learning efficiency of the system, mastering
  learning material, use of multi-media and visual aids, achieving pedagogic objec-
  tives, developing creative and professional skills, etc.;
─ technologic – highlights application level of hardware in the course of e-learning,
  methods and techniques for learning and familiarization with the learning material,
  mastering and discussion of learning material, consultations on their application in
  professional activity;
─ economic – characterizes ratio of achieved economic results, impact, and benefits
  to costs associated with achieving this effect and attracted resources.

3.3    Evaluation Criteria of SN Application Efficiency in The University E-
       Learning System

Accordingly, we consider it expedient to select the following principal criteria that
allow us to evaluate the managerial efficiency of SN application in the university e-
learning system:

─ network dynamism;
─ information visualization level;
─ interactivity (as the level of communication between users);
─ accessibility;
─ openness;
─ choice of convenient interaction mode (synchronous or asynchronous );
─ network self-development;
─ the autonomy of network nodes;
─ system of tags;
─ ease of networking technology use;
─ horizontal links;
─ decentralization.

Criteria for investigation of the social and psychological component part of SN appli-
cation efficiency in the university e-learning system include:

─ level of information perception;
─ solidarity and critical thinking;
─ emotiveness of communication and information representation;
─ various nature of communication;
─ motivational constituent;
─ intellectuality, creative potential;
─ the autonomy of users as Internet activity;
─ self-identification and instant view of information grouping;
─ tolerance towards opposing opinions;
─ self-expression possibility;
─ anonymity;
─ voluntariness.

Criteria of learning component part of SN application efficiency in the university e-
learning system may include:
─ use of multi-media visual aids;
─ communicativeness;
─ efficiency;
─ individuality;
─ activation of cognitive, reflexive and independent activity;
─ variability of learning tasks and extracurricular work;
─ pedagogic effect (patriotism, development of attention, mental flexibility, work
  planning skills, tidiness, etc);
─ development of professional skills;
─ promotion of creative and professional activity;
─ the opportunity to choose and combine forms of interaction.

It is expedient to select the following criteria of the technologic component part of SN
application efficiency in the university e-learning system:

─ level of technical implementation of interaction;
─ virtual nature;
─ adaptability;
─ level of hardware application;
─ range of methods and techniques for learning and familiarization with the learning
─ level of organization of the process of learning material discussion in order to clari-
  fy areas of concern and get consultations.

Given the fact that economic component part of SN application efficiency in the uni-
versity e-learning system is a summarizing indicator characterizing the ratio of eco-
nomic benefit from a certain type of activity to costs or resources, attracted in order to
achieve this effect, there are the following evaluation criteria for it:

─ the efficiency of mastering the learning material, gaining professional skills and
─ amount of costs associated with the process of e-learning;
─ reliability of SN application in e-learning;
─ quality of learning material and educational services as far as e-learning with the
  aid of SNs is concerned;
─ competitive ability of e-learning with the application of SN tools;
─ optimality of such learning;
─ level of flexibility of requirements and main indicators;
─ economic benefit and expediency;
─ cost-effectiveness of learning.
3.4    Investigation of Generalized Evaluation of SN Application Efficiency in
       the University E-Learning System
Having applied an integrated approach, it is possible to obtain a generalized evalua-
tion of SN application efficiency in the university e-learning system in a whole by
means of generalization of indicators that encompass all the most important compo-
nent parts of this efficiency. Thus, the general indicator if efficiency (Еgen), according
to the integral approach, is determined using the following formula:

                           Еgen= f (Е1, Е2, … Еi, … Еn )                              (1)

where Е1, Е2, Е3, Е4, Е5 are the component parts of efficiency indicator of SN applica-
tion in the university e-learning system, namely: managerial, social and psychologi-
cal, learning, technologic and economic component parts [22-24].
The primary objectives of e-learning application by the national higher education
institutions are the following: simplification of access procedure to all the necessary
learning materials for students, organization of individual work with electronic re-
sources, receiving consultations, discussing areas of concern, another possibility to
get grades, development of distant cooperation, etc.
3.5     Peculiar Features of the University E-Learning System and Conditions of
        its Investigation
In the course of the investigation of SN application by students and university teach-
ers, we carried out an analysis of going from SN and other websites to the website of
active ELMS on the basis of Moodle open source software.
Moodle software is available on the university web-server at http://vns.lpnu.ua.
In order to perform the analysis, we selected the time period before the session with
maximum daily traffic. In 2018 the period of 91 days was selected (dates from Sep
23, 2018 to Dec 22, 2018).
Data collection and analysis tools regarding user activity – built-in statistics analysis
tools Moodle and GoogleAnalytics service.
Investigated ELMS has more than 30000 registered users (university students and
teachers). There are up to 28000 students out of the total number of users.
University ELMS is not accessible to unauthorized users [20, 21]. Authentication is
required in order to get access to any internal pages, including academic discipline
content. Anonymous users have access only to the Login page. The consequence of
ELMS privacy is a complete absence of SN to ELMS links from those who do not
have access to relevant Moodle pages.
There was no advertising activity in SNs in order to promote vns.lpnu.ua website
pages, attract new users and so on. Absence of vns.lpnu.ua website promotion as well
as no ELMS access to unauthorized users allows us to determine the interest of ELMS
users in spreading web links to learning discipline pages within Moodle environment,
tests, and other learning resources.
There are no special advertising campaigns in SNs aimed at the promotion of a web-
site or certain website content, pages with learning resources or user profiles in Moo-
Fig. 1. Comparison of general ELMS website traffic and sessions of users started via SN refer-

Figure 1 presents the comparison of the number of sessions (traffic) of the ELMS
website (lower graph) and the number of sessions of ELMS users that continued to
ELMS website from SN (upper graph).
Weekly activity cycles of users are visible in both graphs. Within a week minimum
number of sessions generated via SN referral falls on Saturday and Sunday. The high-
est weekly activity of users is observed in the middle of the week (Tuesday, Wednes-
Over a period of investigation, we observe an increase in the website traffic before the
examination period for students. In the last days of the investigation period most ex-
ams are over, so the number of website user sessions and SN referral decreases.

3.6    The Activity of SN Users in the E-Learning System
According to the findings of vns.lpnu.ua website traffic investigation over a period of
Sep 23, 2018 – Dec 22, 2018, the following numbers have been obtained: a general
number of sessions – 673944; viewed pages – 8049065.

                        Table 1. Traffic sources to the ELMS website

Source type                                           Number of sessions        Pageviews
Search engines                                        416462                    5261242
Undefined                                             245575                    2635762
SNs and messengers                                    3815                      50365
University websites                                   2953                      42435
VNS and university internal resources                 2611                      28500
Other websites                                        2582                      30761
                      Table 2. The activity of ELMS users via SN referral

Source type                       Number of         New          Viewed      the Pageviews
                                  sessions          users        learning course
Facebook                          3035              521          1532            39044
University websites               2953              251          1740           42435
VNS and university internal       2611              37           1572           28500
Vkontakte                         481               43           320            7294
Instagram (including Instagram    205               162          67             2477
Messenger                         94                5            53             1550
Instagram Stories                 8                                             47
Other websites                    2582              99           1560           30761

Analysis of the geographic location of ELMS and SN users is presented in Table 3.

                                 Table 3. Geolocation of users

         Social networks           Country                   Sessions Pageviews
         Facebook                  Ukraine                   2871       37705
         VKontakte                 Ukraine                   454        8099
         Instagram                 Ukraine                   201        1887
         Facebook                  United States             53         53
         Facebook                  Poland                    50         313
         VKontakte                 United Kingdom            22         213
         VKontakte                 United States             13         36
         VKontakte                 Russia                    9          11
         Facebook                  India                     8          8
         Facebook                  Turkey                    8          80
         VKontakte                 Germany                   8          46
         Facebook                  United Kingdom            7          13
         Instagram                 Poland                    7          88
         Facebook                  Netherlands               4          18
         Instagram                 Germany                   4          19
         Instagram Stories         Ukraine                   4          8
         Facebook                  Germany                   3          20
         Facebook                  (not set)                 3          12
         VKontakte                 Hong Kong                 3          30
         Facebook                  Canada                    1          4
         Social networks           Country                   Sessions Pageviews
         Facebook                  Italy                     1         1
         Facebook                  Russia                    1         7
         Instagram                 Azerbaijan                1         1
         Instagram                 Canada                    1         3
         Instagram                 France                    1         1
         Instagram Stories         United Kingdom            1         1
         VKontakte                 Netherlands               1         1
         YouTube                   Ukraine                   1         1

Omitting unsuccessful ELMS login attempts, we receive the characteristic of users
presented in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Geographic distribution of SN and ELMS user sessions

It also should be noted that VKontakte users may use the IP address change tech-
nique, VPN and various types of proxy. The indicated number of VKontakte users in
table 2 and figure 2 corresponds not to the users from Ukraine but to the users from
the other countries.
3.7     Analysis of Landing Pages of SN Users
Analysis of ELMS pages to which SN users go allows defining certain page types and
their popularity as a target of SN users.

          Table 4. Number of SN user sessions for landing pages of different types

                      Page type                        Session count
                      site main page, login            2835
                      course/view                      282
                      content (folder, ...)            158
                      test, quiz                       128
                      user report (Grade)              81
                      Page type                       Session count
                      user homepage                   75
                      course/category                 61
                      user profile, password          41
                      enrolment options               27
                      forum, message etc              24
                      other pages                     10
                      Total number of sessions        3722

              Table 5. Number of landing pages of various types for SN users

                      Page type                       Page count
                      site main page, login           35667
                      test, quiz                      4511
                      course/view                     2830
                      content (folder, ...)           1473
                      user homepage                   1448
                      user profile, password          947
                      course/category                 706
                      user report (grade)             412
                      forum, message etc              368
                      enrolment options               250
                      other pages                     204
                      Total number of pages           48816

Analysis of switching from SNs to the ELMS Moodle page demonstrates that 27% of
switches are associated with interior website pages, 73% are switches to the homep-
age or login page etc. As far as internal pages are concerned, tests and pages with
discipline resources are the most popular (18% in total).

4      Conclusions

The paper presents the analysis of ELMS educational website utilization by SN users.
Popular SNs among ELMS users of Lviv Polytechnic National University have been
defined. The analysis of the popularity of ELMS resources among SN users has been
performed. It is significant that students are receptive to all the innovations associated
with the use of a well-known SN sphere for learning purposes. They spend a large
part of their lives in SNs. For many of them, SNs combine rest, communication and
possibility to show themselves and events from their life. Therefore, this sphere is
associated with positive emotions and experience. That is why a combination of SN
with learning (a sphere that involves making efforts and time consumption) ensures
the educational effect and improves learning process efficiency.
SN application within e-learning system will allow the students to:
─ choose a convenient way of communication with a teacher;
─ choose place and time for learning;
─ choose a method of high-quality knowledge acquisition;
─ have a chance to maintain constant contact with a teacher;
─ benefit from personalized learning schedule;
─ save time;
─ reduce education costs.

Combination of SN and university e-learning system has the biggest number of ad-
vantages when distance education of students is concerned. It has been a long time
since distance education gained approval abroad owing to its peculiar features. How-
ever, a lack of direct communication between the student and the teacher is a consid-
erable disadvantage of such a form of education. Nevertheless, this drawback may be
easily eliminated with the help of technologies that make such communication both
real and constant. The student may ask a question any time and receive an answer.
The undertaken studies define SN popularity for storing links, exchanging links to
educational materials among students and university teachers. Facebook turned out to
be the main social network while using ELMS website resources. Other networks and
popular resources are scarcely used for the distribution of links to university electron-
ic learning resources.
The research has shown that networking social services do not have a significant im-
pact on user access learning resources in the university ELMS. The majority of visi-
tors use other search engines and network resources to access ELMS and specific
pages with learning material. The issue of advertising ELMS materials in SNs, aimed
at improving the quality of learning, is expedient for further study.

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