=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2392/paper6 |storemode=property |title=Determination and Evaluation of Negative Informational and Psychological Influence on the Military Personnel Based on the Quantitative Measure |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2392/paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-2392 |authors=Igor Korobiichuk,Petro Snitsarenko,Vitaliy Katsalap,Ruslan Hryshchuk |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/coapsn/KorobiichukSKH19 }} ==Determination and Evaluation of Negative Informational and Psychological Influence on the Military Personnel Based on the Quantitative Measure== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2392/paper6.pdf
Determination and Evaluation of Negative Informational
 and Psychological Influence on the Military Personnel
         Based on the Quantitative Measure

          Igor Korobiichuk1*[0000-0002-5865-7668], Petro Snitsarenko2[0000-0003-1380-4959],
            Vitaliy Katsalap                        , Ruslan Hryshchuk3[0000-0001-9985-8477]

      Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Automatic Control and Robotics, Warsaw,
      National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovsky, Kyiv, Ukraine
       Sergey Korolyov Zhytomyr Military Institute, Cybersecurity Department of the Research
                                    Center, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

                        igor@mchtr.pw.edu.pl, cvsdnaou@i.ua,

         Abstract. Hereunder presented an approach of creation of the method of deter-
         mination and evaluation of negative informational and psychological influence
         on the military personnel by using of expert’s procedures as an integral part of
         counteraction system against such influence on the cybernetic principle.

         Keywords: Negative Informational, Psychological Influence, Resistant System,
         Military Personnel, Expert’s Method, Cybernetic Model.

1        Introduction

During military conflicts an important role was always nominated to the informational
and psychological influence on the armed forces (military formations) of adversary.
Nowadays, in conditions of information technologies development and increasing of
communicative abilities this role is significantly raised up. This circumstance reached
particular importance for Ukraine during last few years, when poignantly and sensi-
tively came out the results of negative informational and psychological influence, first
of all external, particularly on the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. That is
why the resistance against such influence is an actual task with high priority.
Effective counteraction to the negative external informational psychological influ-
ence, particularly on the military personnel can be realized on the scientific base only.
Along with that, the selection of effectiveness indicator, which has to be operated by
the respective influence, is the most important. The level of morale and psychological
condition of personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has to be considered as such
indicator of effectiveness. Based on that, there is requirement for the system of social
control, where the main object of control is the level of morale and psychological
condition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
2      Materials and Methods of Research.

It is important to provide the durability of such control, which is achieved when its
model is functioning in accordance with the cybernetic principle [1] with so-called
“direct” and “back” couplings, as it shown on the fig.1.

Fig. 1. Cybernetic model of realization of counteraction to the negative informational and psy-
chological influence on military personnel

This model adoptively provides counteraction to the negative informational and psy-
chological influence on troops with the following necessary fraises:

─ influence recognition;
─ evaluation of the influence level;
─ formulization of conclusions from evaluation of influence level and decision in
  regards of necessity of counteraction;
─ planning of the counterinfluence level in accordance with the plan;
─ control and correction the results of counterinfluence actions.

Model, as per figure 1, acts effectively if its working algorithm is based on clear
quantitative measurements, especially parameters (characteristics) of condition of
target audience, which is the object of control.
On the practice, this model in the Ministry of defence and in the Armed Forces of
Ukraine is partly realized in the frame, outlined by dotted line (fig.1). In this circum-
stances, the evaluation of the negative informational and psychological influence is
carried out up no the consequences, it means “post factum” and indirectly – via evalu-
ation of the level of moral and psychological condition of personnel of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine, which is an indicator of aggregated influence on the military tar-
get audience, that has already happened. This evaluation, in accordance with existed
Army methodologies, is determined in general qualitative format due to principle of
“ability - inability”. At the same time, this is not enough for implementation of ad-
vanced stabilization actions (it should be influence actions as on personnel of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine and on harmful information sources), because this approach
does not need quantitative evaluation and analysis of the dynamic of negative influ-
ence, which appears from the information space. Therefore, this is a disadvantage of
today’s working system, which sets the problem and needs efforts to be solved
through implementation of effective procedures of monitoring of the state information
space. The analysis of famous publications [2-11] shows existence of great number of
high professional works in the context of technical aspects of influence on social ob-
jects with the purpose to stabilize their conditions. But researches on the base of cy-
bernetic principles of such system’s status control, which use the results of the state
information space monitoring in the interests of detection and evaluation of infor-
mation influence in quantitative measure on a certain target audience, particularly on
military, have not developed yet.
In accordance with mentioned above, the article’s purpose is to justify an approach of
detection and evaluation of the negative informational and psychological influence on
personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the quantitative measure in the interest
of realization of cybernetic model of counteraction to such influence and implementa-
tion of advanced stabilizations actions.

3      The Results of Research

First let us define, that informational and psychological influence is a regulated or
unregulated informational intervention in conscious (or subconscious) of target audi-
ence, which can cause the correction of its behavior and (or) outlook, changes of mo-
rale and psychological conditions. Modern regulated tools of informational and psy-
chological influence could be technical assets (first of all radio, TV, social computer
networks), printed media, public voice agitation, agency activity etc.
Unregulated tools of such influence is verbal communication among people and their
own observations of certain reality. The result of information perception could be an
appearance of positive or negative emotions, feelings and reactions (actions) among
the target audience, which are directed to weakening or strengthening of will, chang-
ing ability for active resistance, creating of the feeling of scare, despair, uncertainty or
courage, bravery, firmness etc., that finally determines the level of morale and psy-
chological condition of the target audience.
Dilution of morale and psychological condition of troops can be caused by the nega-
tive informational and psychological influence on military target audience selectively
(separate special army objects: staffs, command posts, centers of control, editorial
offices of military media and separate officials) and generally (to all personnel of
armed forces or other military formations).
For methodical evaluation of the level of negative informational and psychological
influence on armed forces, it is necessary to have a certain group of indicators and for
determination of its significance until critical (allowable) level – appropriate criteria.
Keeping in mind, that destructive information processes, which occur in the state
information space, influence on the military personnel and leave certain reflection in
their conscious, it is possible to affirm, that for the quantitative evaluation of its inten-
sity as an integral characteristic (measure) of action to the military personnel by ag-
gregation of all information processes during certain period of time ∆T:


Value of the indicator χ during the period ∆T can take certain grades – from the min-
imal and higher. Then, the escalation dynamic of intensity of the general destructive
information process in the state information space during certain period of time ∆T in
relation to the military personnel can be specified by conditional step function of lev-
els, which have to be accepted as partial indicators of influence. Moreover, it is expe-
dient to put transition to each level in relation to a certain criterion due to the scale of
assessments χ: χ1…χ5. Considering this, let us deter necessary definitions that allows
qualitatively understanding of meaning of partial indicators of the level of negative
informational and psychological influence in relation to the military personnel:

─ the level of informational background – is the practical absence of observation of
  information processes (actions, facts) during the time ∆T in the state information
  space, which can cause negative (destructive blasting) character in respect to the
  military personnel;
─ the level of challenge – quantity of information processes (actions, facts) during the
  time ∆T, detected in the state information space as potentially (in a certain condi-
  tions) able to create informational and psychological threat to the military person-
─ the level of informational and psychological threat – quantity of destructive infor-
  mation processes (actions, facts) during the period ∆T, detected in the state infor-
  mation space, which finally can decrease the level of morale and psychological
  condition of the military personnel;
─ the level of informational and psychological influence display - quantity of de-
  structive information processes (actions, facts) during the period ∆T, detected in
  the state information space, which, as the result, have a signs of decreasing of the
  level of morale and psychological condition of the military personnel;
─ the level of loss (recoverable losses) – quantity of destructive information process-
  es (actions, facts) during the period ∆T, detected in the state information space,
  which decrease the level of morale and psychological condition of the military per-
  sonnel, but can be compensated by available abilities during the time, enough for
  effective fulfilling the assignment tasks;
─ the level of collapse of morale and psychological condition of troops - quantity of
  destructive information processes (actions, facts) during the period ∆T, detected in
  the state information space, which cause significant decreasing of the level of mo-
  rale and psychological condition of the military personnel, which cannot be com-
  pensated by available abilities during the time, enough for effective fulfilling the
  assignment tasks.

It is necessary to admit, that the levels of background, challenge and threat are not the
indicators of influence detection, which can be registered starting from the level of
influence display only. Because of mentioned above, there are tasks occurred, which
require solving for detection and evaluation of the level of negative informational and
psychological influence on troops based on the quantitative measure:
─ how to rate intensity on the scale χ?
─ What should be the gap ∆T, enough for observation of information processes (ac-
  tions, facts) in the state information space?
─ How to define criteria χ1…χ5 for quantization of levels of destructiveness of infor-
  mation processes (actions, facts) in the state information space?

Based on poorly structures settled tasks and difficulties, caused by establishing of
directed analytical connections between different information processes, which take
place in the state information space, for getting the solution it is acceptable to use an
expert method.
An expert method is realized by the independent expert poll (questionnaire) of spe-
cialists, whose practical activity connected with information processes or morale and
psychological support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other stare military for-
mations on the three-staged procedure. Its meaning, particularly in concern of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine is as follows.
Stage1 is for determination (by expert poll) of:

─ the list of information processes (actions, facts), which are possible in the state
  information space, significant for the influence on the personnel of the Armed
  Forces of Ukraine;
─ the period ∆T, enough for getting observation statistic of the information (actions,
  facts) sights, which can have negative effect for morale and psychological condi-
  tion of the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

At the Stage 1, it was relieved the list of possible information processes (actions,
facts), which are causing informational and psychological influence on the military
personnel. This list is shown in the table 1. The weighted-average value of monitoring
period ∆T reached around seven months. In order to get more constant statistic the
monitoring period was increased up to one year.

Table 1. Classification list of possible information processes (actions, facts), which are causing
informational and psychological influence on the military personnel

№                  Types of information processes (actions, facts)
         1              Spreading of mass media* messages about new achievements the sphere of
                   military technologies in remote country**.
         2              Spreading of mass media messages about new achievements the sphere of
                   military technologies in neighboring country.
         3              Messages (comments) of mass media regarding possible aggressive intents on
                   the side of certain subjects:
                        a) states;
                        b) separate organizations;
                        c) separate unofficial persons,
№        Types of information processes (actions, facts)
              which can have negative effects for the information infrastructure of military
         sphere, state defence capability and national security in general.
    4         Mass media messages about statements by officials about possible aggressive
         intents, which can have negative effects for the information infrastructure of
         military sphere, state defence capability and national security in general:
              a) foreign media about aggressive statements by officials of remote states;
              b) foreign media about aggressive statements by officials of neighboring
              c) national media about aggressive statements by officials of remote states;
              d) national media about aggressive statements by officials of neighboring
    5         Receiving (existence) of reliable information about aggressive intents of re-
         mote states, which can have negative effects for the information infrastructure of
         military sphere, state defence capability and national security in general.
    6         Receiving (existence) of reliable information about aggressive intents of
         neighboring states, which can have negative effects for the information infrastruc-
         ture of military sphere, state defence capability and national security in general.
    7         Saturation of the domestic information space with products for influence on
         individual and mass conscious of national military formations personnel (from the
         side of foreign media, provocative national media, own non-patriotic population)
         in order to weaken their readiness for state defence and deteriorating image of the
         armed forces and army service by:
              a) spreading of information (disinformation or distortion of information),
         which discredit historical past of the state, its military and political authorities and
         armed forces, state technological abilities, its ability to resist military threats;
              b) spreading of distorted, false and biased information, which discredit nation-
         al military structure, command authorities, activity of military formations and
         units, military service and military duty;
              c) appealing to the military authorities (military units staffs, command posts,
         control centers, special army objects of information activity) to act in a (malicious)
         way, which is profitable for the opposite side;
              d) incitement to socio-political, interethnic and anticonfessional conflicts
         among the state military formations personnel.
    8         The same like in clause 7 – with the use of adversary of special military power
         and means of informational and psychological influence (subparagraphs a, b, c, d).
    9         Conducting an adversary of information psychological pressure on military
         personnel through individual technical communication assets, and also family
         (friendly) ties.
    10        Activity of foreign special services, particularly:
              - agent actions for compulsion to make decisions (activity), which are profit-
         able for the adversary (threats, infusion, conviction, bribery, etc.);
              - hidden propaganda support of oppositional, ethnic and confessional anti-
         state movements.
    11        Information activity of existed opposition movements, political parties, un-
         ions, blocks in order to involve military personnel to state political processes,
         particularly for support of separatism or changes of constitutional order (block-
№                Types of information processes (actions, facts)
                 ing of military units, horrification, incitement, accented appeals etc.).
      12               Spreading by domestic mass media (public orientation, state, private) of prod-
                 ucts, which provoke aggravation of internal contradictions, society tensions and
                 pacifism, neglect of national cultural and state values, which have negative influ-
                 ence on conscious (subconscious) of military personnel.
      13               The same like in clause 12 – by blogosphere subjects and social networks.
      14               Propaganda of hostile for the state national ideas through spreading scien-
                 tific-popular and art films, journalistic materials, literature, texts of songs and
                 arts, particularly of foreign origin.
      15               Spreading of propaganda materials on a side of the opposite part in locations
                 of the state military compounds.
      16               Public display of inconsistency of views and actions of military-political au-
                 thorities in crises.
      17               Impartial spreading by national mass media, subjects of blogosphere and so-
                 cial networks of information about intents of domestic armed forces.
      18               Intentional interference to the national TV and radio sources (switching off,
                 setting of radio interruptions, networks blocking etc.).
      19               Manifestations of peaceful resistance of civilians against actions of forces
                 (troops) in the areas of fulfilling combat tasks (protest demonstrations or support
                 of adversary side).
      20               Manifestations of aggressive resistance of local civilians against actions of
                 forces (troops) in the areas of fulfilling combat tasks (protest with the use of weap-
      21               Personal observations of military personnel of the results of combat actions:
                       a) adversary losses;
                       b) own losses.
      22               Inconsistency of official information in the national mass media about real
                 picture of combat actions.
* here and after including electronic media in the Internet and social networks
** does not bordering with Ukraine
Stage 2 fulfilled during the period ∆T = 1 year and involves:

 weight determination αі* of information processes (actions, facts), significant in
  relation to the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in accordance to certain
  classification characteristics in Table 1 (totally 22 clauses and 17 subparagraphs);
 collection of statistic of negative information processes (actions, facts) in the state
  information space in relation of the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine dur-
  ing the period ∆T = 1 year and its weight processing.

Different information processes (actions, facts) in the state information processes
have unequal value to the effects of influence on the military target audience. It means
that the quantitative measure χ should have “weight background” of each of the com-
ponents of the list, which display in the state information space during the time ∆T.
Therefore, the level weight of each type of destructive information processes (actions,
facts) from the experts list (Table 1) is determined.
This operation is performed on the base of expert’s poll of specialists by filling in the
calculation matrix correspondingly (Table 2), where each j-expert evaluates threats
(risks) of each i-destructive information process (action, fact) ij on a big scale (from
0 to 100). The rightest column of the matrix defines an average value of experts
statements i *, i=1,n, which is accepted as “weight” of each taken in account
destructive information processes (actions, facts), which can have consequences
for morale and psychological conditions of forces.

 Table 2. Calculation matrix of expert weight evaluation of destructive information processes
                                        (actions, facts)

      j                                                                              1
               1       2       …          j      …       m-1        m
                                                                             i*       ij
                                                                                     m j
      1       11     12      …         1j     …      1,m-1     1m               *1
      2       21     22      …         2j     …      2,m-1     2m               *2
     …         …       …       …         …       …        …         …                …
      I       i1     i2      …         ij     …       i,m-1     im              *i
     …         …       …       …         …       …        …         …                …
     n–1      n-     n-      …        n-1,j   …      n-1,m-1   n-1,m        *n-1
               1,1     1,2

      n       n1     n2      …         nj     …       nm-1     nm               *n
   m – quantity of experts;
   n – quantity of destructive information processes (actions, facts), taken in account.
Because on the functional sights destructive information processes (actions, facts) are
independent and their “weighed” intensity level during the period T can be defined
by additive function as follows

                                αi K i
                                    i            ;
                                                     i  1, n ,                                (2)

where Ki – quantity of display cases of i-destructive process (action, fact) during the
time T in the state information space.
Formula (2) response to the task of definition of intensity level χ.
Using the formula (2) and with taking into account Table 1 on the basis of expert’s
questionnaire was received the calculation matrix with a column of weight estimates
αi* (in terms of negative influence) on the scale from 0 to 100 of classification range
of information processes (actions, facts), which described in the Table 3.
During the statistic getting period  Т = 1 year (April 2014 – March 2015) received,
processed and classified around 15000 information messages from the different
sources the total weighted value approximately 1000000 points (as per formula (2)),
which is the measure of action of the total information process during the period  Т
and corresponds to the basic formula (1).
With receiving of this quantity of points, there is the possibility of quantization of the
criterion levels of intensity 1 ,…, 5 (during the period Т) on the quantitative
“weighted” sign, it means the solution of mentioned above third task.

                    Table 3. Matrix of weight estimates of classification range

№ position in classification        Average                  № position in        Average αі*
range                                                        classification range
                    1                           40                     8c)              65
                    2                           57                     8d)              62
                   3a)                          59                      9               68
                   3b)                          40                    10a)              62
                   3c)                          28                    10b)              52
                   4а)                          28                     11               54
                   4b)                          48                     12               54
                   4c)                          36                     13               57
                   4d)                          61                     14               56
                    5                           48                     15               46
                    6                           66                     16               61
                   7a)                          60                     17               56
                   7b)                          59                     18               54
                   7c)                          58                     19               72
                   7d)                          57                     20               72
                   8a)                          66                    21a)              55
                   8b)                          64                    21b)              78
                                                                       22               77
                                    Table 4. Criterion matrix

                            1        2        …        j        …         m-1           m
           1               11      12       …       1j       …         1,m-1       1m
           2               21      22       …       2j       …         2,m-1       2m
           3               31      32       …       3j       …         3,m-1       3m
           4               41      42       …       4j       …         4,m-1       4m
           5               51      52       …       5j       …         5m-1        5m

Stage 3 – determination of criterion levels of intensity 1,…,5 (during the period Т).
Independent analysis of the consequences of destructive information processes (ac-
tions, facts) during the period T allows to identify individual (expert) values of crite-
ria of quantization of the levels of destructiveness of the general information process
1,…, 5, which are entered in the criterion matrix (table 4).
Statements of m experts, which entered to the criterion matrix, could be averaged for
each of the five criteria (fig.1).

                              s*             sj
                                                    ; s  1, 5 ,
                                      m   j

which are fundamental for determination of intensity level of the general destructive
information process and, therefore, the level of its negative significance in relation to the
object of influence (military personnel).
To get a criterion matrix (table 4) experts are asked to submit a questionnaire with two
questions as follows:
1. What, in your point of view, is the level of influence on the military personnel, ac-
   cording to your personal evaluation of morale and psychological condition of the
   personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the period (∆T = 1 year: April
   2014 – March 2015), which corresponds to received points sum 1000000 (provide
   your own variant of decision)?
2. Up to you, what quantity of evaluation points, that received during the observation
   period ∆T = 1 year, should correspond quantum levels, if you are defined in the 1 st
   question the level, which corresponds to the value of 1000000 points (mark each
   level with a digit)?

The first question of this questionnaire allowed experts to install own reference point on
the intensity scale , in respect to which by expert’s answer on the second question was
obtained data for the criterion matrix (Table 4).
On the basis of received data of criterion matrix (Table 4) by statistical processing (for-
mula (3)) criteria 1,…,5 are obtained, which quantify the ranges of location of partial
indicators of evaluation of the level of negative informational and psychological influ-
ence on the military personnel for a period of one year. This final result is demonstrated
on the fig.2
Fig. 2. Quantified levels of intensity of general destructive information process (during the
period ∆T=1 year)

This result answers the question about determination of quantum levels of evaluation
of partial indicators of the level of influence.
The above-mentioned preliminary actions provide the theoretical basis for implemen-
tation of the methodology of detecting and evaluation of the level of negative infor-
mational and psychological influence on the military personnel, which is now quite
easily can be implemented by procedure of scaling in an observation period, it means
by getting statistic of information processes and their processing nor during the period
∆T = 1 year, but for a much shorter period ∆t (∆t <<∆T), for example during a month
of a week, via implementation of the algorithm:

                               s        ,     i  1,5,
where intensity  is calculated during the period t << T.
For example, if during t = 1 week received points quantity is 3000, then, using formula
(4) we can get:
                         s = 3000  365 / 7  156,5  103 (points).
Such quantity of points demonstrates that the level of negative informational and psy-
chological influence during 1 week is located in the frame of information background
(see fig.2) and actually does not affect the decrease of morale and psychological condi-
tion of military personnel.
However, if during ∆t = 1 week was received 13500 points, then using formula (4) we

                       s = 13500  365 / 7  704  103 (points).

In this case, the level of negative informational and psychological influence is located
in the frame of influence display (see fig.2), where moral and psychological condition
of the military personnel begins to deteriorate. Therefore, only in this range of values
of indicator s and higher, the fact of detection of negative influence is fixed (by sign
of morale and psychological condition of forces).

4      Conclusions
Application of described above theoretical approach allows to implement the method-
ology, which gives an opportunity to evaluate in a quantitative measure the level of
informational and psychological influence on the military personnel during certain
period of time. This allows to respective body of military management relatively ob-
jectively predict possible effects and react (counteract) in advance and adequate
against negative processes. That is why, this methodology has to be in use as an inte-
gral part of the subsystem of situation monitoring in the general frame of the system
of counteraction against negative informational and psychological influence on the
military personnel, particularly of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – the main controlling
mechanism of the process of the level of morale and psychological condition of troops
Proposed methodological approach has a universal character, therefore it can be used
while creation of similar methodological tools not only in the military sphere, but also
in the whole state social system or its separate sectors in the interest of internal politi-
cal stability support.
Further researches are foreseen the process of verification of developed methodology
and also substantiation of proposals on how to implement it to the practice in the
chain of command of the Ministry of defence and of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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