=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2393/paper_241 |storemode=property |title=The Comparative Analysis of the Cloud-based Learning Components Delivering Access to Mathematical Software |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2393/paper_241.pdf |volume=Vol-2393 |authors=Mariya Shyshkina,Uliana Kohut,Maiia Popel |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/ShyshkinaKP19 }} ==The Comparative Analysis of the Cloud-based Learning Components Delivering Access to Mathematical Software== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2393/paper_241.pdf
The Comparative Analysis of the Cloud-based Learning
Components Delivering Access to Mathematical Software

         Mariya Shyshkina1[0000-0001-5569-2700], Uliana Kohut2[0000-0002-2861-2274] ,
                          Maiia Popel1[0000-0002-8087-962X]
       1Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine,

                          9 M. Berlynskoho St., Kyiv, Ukraine
                     {shyshkina, popel}@iitlt.gov.ua
2Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 24 I. Franko Str., Drogobych, Ukraine


       Abstract. In the article, the problems of the systems of computer mathematics
       use as a tool for the students learning and research activities support are investi-
       gated. The promising ways of providing access to the mathematical software in
       the university learning and research environment are considered. The special
       aspects of pedagogical applications of these systems to support mathematics
       and computer science disciplines study in a pedagogical university are consid-
       ered. The design and evaluation of the cloud-based learning components with
       the use of the systems of computer mathematics (on the example of the Maxima
       system and CoCalc) as enchasing the investigative approach to and increasing
       pedagogical outcomes is justified. The set of psychological and pedagogical and
       also technological criteria of evaluation is used to compare different approaches
       to the environment design. The results of pedagogical experiment are provided.
       The analysis and evaluation of existing experience of mathematical software
       use both in SaaS and IaaS cloud-based settings is proposed.

       Keywords: Cloud computing, systems of computer mathematics, learning
       tools, mathematical disciplines, learning environment, pedagogical university.

1      Introduction

1.1    Research objectives
In the modern information-educational environment there are new models of learning
and research activity organization that are based on innovative technological solu-
tions. The question of this environment facilities and services organization to enhance
the pedagogical effect of modern ICT use comes to the fore. To attain the increase of
learning outcomes and also the improvement of the students’ research activity the
innovative educational approaches are in demand.
   A separate set of problems concerns to the application of software packages for the
implementation of various mathematical operations, actions and calculations, these
are the so-called Systems of Computer Mathematics (SCM), including Maple Net,
MATLAB web-server, WebMathematica, Calculation Laboratory, CoCalc and others
[12, 14]. These systems are the most common types of mathematical software, being a
part of the modern learning environment of educational institutions [4, 5, 7, 8]. The
problems emerge when searching for promising methods and models of these systems
use to enhance the pedagogical outcomes and provide the investigative approach to
learning of engineering and mathematics disciplines.
   The aim of the article is the justification of the cloud-based learning components
design with the use of the systems of computer mathematics (on the example of the
Maxima system and CoCalc) as enchasing the investigative approach to learning and
pedagogical outcomes.

1.2    The Problem Statement
Nowadays, SCM make a significant impact on the content and forms of learning
mathematics and informatics disciplines in higher educational institutions.
   A separate set of problems relates to the use of mathematical software tools to en-
hance the investigative approach to learning. There are two factors in this respect that
may significantly influence the investigative activity of students. Firstly SCM bring
the possibility to address the basic notions of mathematics on the research level. Due
to this the concepts of soft computation, discrete mathematics and others that are
mainly computer oriented are included in the learning content. Secondly, SCM being
the tool for computer modelling as the general method of investigation that is the
fundamental base of all mathematics and computer science disciplines become the
instrument of research.
   There is a significant demand in the expansion of access to research activities tools
while learning informatics and mathematics disciplines in educational universities as
well as modernization of the learning environment with the use of current ICT tools,
especially the cloud-based ones.
   The progress in the area has provided new insights into the problems of education-
al learning environment development, bringing new models and approaches. These
tools make a great impact on the learning data processing changing the content, meth-
ods and organizational forms of learning, lifting the restrictions or significantly im-
proving access for all participants [10].
   So, the modeling and analysis of the learning components design and deployment
and available learning experience of its use in view of the current tendencies of the
modern advance of the cloud-based mathematical software has come to the fore.

1.3    The Research Methods
The research method involved analyzing the current research (including the domestic,
Ukrainian and foreign experience of the cloud-based learning services and mathemat-
ical software use in educational institutions in Ukraine and abroad), evaluation of
existing approaches to software delivery, their advantages and disadvantages; com-
parison of promising ways of popular mathematical software implementation "in the
cloud", examining the models and approaches, technological solutions and psycholog-
ical and pedagogical assumptions about better ways of introducing innovative tech-
nologies into the learning process. The cloud-based component with the use of the
Maxima system was designed and elaborated within the study undertaken in 2012-
2014 in the Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of
Ukraine devoted to the use of the SCM for the informatics bachelors training
(U. Kohut). The learning component for math disciplines study was elaborated within
the research undertaken in 2013-2016 (M. Popel). The special indicators to reveal ICT
competence of educational personnel trained within the cloud-based learning envi-
ronment and also the learning components quality evaluation indicators were elabo-
rated within the research work devoted to the university cloud-based learning and
research environment formation and development held in 2012-2014 in the Institute
of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine
(M. Shyshkina). To measure the efficiency of the proposed approach the pedagogical
experiment was undertaken in Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University.
The expert quality evaluation of the cloud-based components elaborated in the study
was implemented. The approach and methodology were grounded within the research
work “Methodology of the cloud-based learning environment of educational institu-
tion formation” that was held in the Institute of Information Technologies and Learn-
ing Tools of NAES of Ukraine in 2015-2017, Registration number 0115U002231
(coordinated by M. Shyshkina).

2      The State of the Art

The analysis of the domestic (Ukrainian) and international experience of ІCТ use of in
the process of informatics disciplines learning testifies that such class of ICT-based
learning tools as the systems of computer mathematics (SCМ) constantly attracts an
attention of researchers [4, 5, 8]. These systems, that are complex, multifunctional,
powerful enough and at the same time simple in the use, become irreplaceable in
maintenance of various processes of numerical accounts, patterns visualization, reali-
zation of symbol operations, algorithms and procedures [7, 8]. SCМ is the environ-
ment for design and use of learning tools and components for informatics and mathe-
matics disciplines, forming innovative pedagogical technologies.
   In the recent years, the mathematics and informatics disciplines learning tools and
technologies have been actively developed with the use of the cloud computing ap-
proach [4, 8]. This conception significantly changes the existing views on the organi-
zation of access and integration of applications, so there is a possibility to manage
larger ICT infrastructures that allow to create and use both individual and collective
"clouds" in a cloud-oriented educational space [1, 7].
   Localization of such tools as SCM "in the cloud" is the perspective trend of their
development when there are more possibilities for adapting the learning environment
to educational demands, individual needs and goals of the learners. There is expan-
sion of a "spectrum" of research activities due to both fundamentalization of informat-
ics disciplines teaching content and expansion of access to research activities tools. In
this regard, there is a need to consider the issues of theoretical and methodical
grounding of the SCM-based learning components design, revealing advantages and
disadvantages of different approaches to their deployment and implementation.
   The use of CoCalc cloud service in the learning process is possible by SaaS model,
as this software is provided in such mode. The method of its use for several math
disciplines study is considered in [3].
   The Maxima system is provided in the local version. The cloud-based learning
component with the use of this system was elaborated specially for the needs of learn-
ing several informatics disciplines, in particular, operations research study [8, 9].
   The use of SCM Maxima in the process of operations research study aims at the
forming of students’ ICT-competences due to: the acquaintance with functional char-
acteristics of SCM Maxima; developing skills of mathematical research of the applied
tasks, in particular, the construction of mathematical models; mastering programming
in the SCM Maxima environment; obtaining the necessary knowledge base for study-
ing other math and informatics disciplines; increasing the level of informatics ac-
quirement by means of the extensive use of SCM and cloud-based systems in the
educational process and research work.
   Methodical peculiarities of teaching optimization methods and operations research
using WEB-SCM are analyzed in the work of Trius Y. V. [6]. The graphical interface
of SCM Maxima for modelling animations is described in detail in the work of
Bugaets N. O. and examples of creating the animation evident models and their use
for development of educational-research abilities are given [2]. The problems of the
right choice of SCM to support learning and research activity and elaboration of the
most advisable methods of its use for math and computer science discipline so as to
enhance the investigative activity of the students remain crucial in the area.
   The Maxima system is provided in the local version still there is a way to install
this system for the virtual desktop of the students using the IaaS cloud service model.
Another way for the learning environment design may be realized with the CoCalc
system which is provided by SaaS model [3]. The comparison and justification of two
different approaches to learning components design need special attention.

3      The Research Results

The choice of SCM to support the investigative approach to learning depends on the
input data and results to be obtained. For example, the analytical model of the investi-
gated phenomenon or object is more interesting for a physicist-theorist, so it is better
to use the packages such as Mathematica, Maple and Maxima. Physicists-
experimenters would rather use the MATLAB system for large data sets processing
[8, p. 138].
   Special attention should be paid to Maxima system, as it is easy in learning, in
solving the problems does not yield to such systems as Maple and Mathematiсa and is
freely distributable. It is equipped with a menu system that allows perform symbol
conversions, solve equations, compute limits, derivatives, integrals and the like, with-
out mastering the language for the description of the commands to perform these ac-
tions. Therefore, Maxima system can be used for informatics and mathematics disci-
plines learning even in the first course of the educational university [8]. Maxima sys-
tem introduction will not cause any difficulties for students in solving tasks of math-
ematical analysis and linear algebra – the students are required only to select a menu
item and enter the expression. However, for programming in Maxima system, one
needs knowledge of language and syntax, as well as certain commands [8, p.138].
    The use of the cloud-based tools of SCМ design is a significant factor in the ex-
pansion of access to them in the process of teaching and research activities in the field
of informatics and mathematics. If research activity was provided only in specially
created situations in the case of application of a local version of the tool, in case of the
cloud-based version more attention can be paid to the independent work, and research
activity is extended outside the classroom time [8].
    For this purpose the technology of "virtual desktop" was applied, where the data
storage and processing were maintained in the data center. Also, for a user, the work
with cloud applications, appealed via the Internet browser, does not differ from the
work with software installed on a desktop of the user’s personal computer [8].
    The use of software that is installed on the student’s virtual desktop (I) does not re-
quire spending learning time on installing and updating, (II) the conditions for more
differentiated approach to learning are created, and (III) provides the opportunity to
focus on the basics of the teaching material [8].
    The necessity to use SCM in the educational process is also caused by the fact that
working with them provides students with the real opportunity to acquire skills to
solve practical problems using the conventional scheme: setting of the problem
→defining modeling goals → mathematical model development → election of math-
ematical method and algorithm of problem solution → implementation of mathemati-
cal model using SCM → calculations → analysis of the results obtained and their
interpretation → making the decision.
    A large number of practical problems are studied within the discipline "Operations
research", which are easy to interpret as optimization problems on graphs. The exam-
ples of such tasks are (I) searching for the shortest route between two settlements, (II)
determination of the maximal admission characteristics of the oil pipeline, and (III)
scheduling the execution of the project works etc.
    When solving optimization problems on graphs the interdisciplinary relationships
of informatics, mathematics, economics and other disciplines are realized that con-
tributes to the intellectual development of students on the basis of forming ideas about
the integrity of vision of the world, ensures the formation of skills and not only de-
clarative but also procedural knowledge. The graph theory problems solution devel-
ops the students ability to represent the problem in the graph theory language, and
then to interpret the solution in terms of the original problem.
    Summarizing the consideration of the course "Operations research", it should be
noted that a wide set of tools for computer support of analytical, computing and
graphical operations make the system of computer mathematics to be one of the main
tools in the professional activities of mathematicians and programmers. The studies
using Maxima system combine algebraic and computing methods. In this sense, SCM
is the combining link between mathematics and computer science, where the research
focus both on the development of algorithms for symbolic computation and data pro-
cessing using computer and the creation of the programs to implement these algo-

3.1    The Results of the Pedagogical Experiment of Using Maxima for
       Learning Mathematics and Informatics Disciplines in Pedagogical
During 2010-2014 the experimental research was being conducted. During the exper-
iment, SСМ MAXIMA was implemented in the process of operations research teach-
ing concerning the students of the Institute of Physics, Mathematics, Economics and
Information Technology of the Drohobych Ivan Franco State Pedagogical University
(education and qualification level "Bachelor", area of knowledge – 0403 "System
sciences and cybernetics", areas of training – 6.040302 " Informatics"). In the experi-
ment, the specially developed learning method of operations research teaching using
Maxima system was tested. At the formative stage of the experiment, there was 240
students participated. The experiment confirmed the research hypothesis concerning
the increase of the level of professional competences development in the process of
study due to the use of the proposed learning technique [8, 10]. It was also showed
that by means of the cloud technology the students can get better access to the re-
search activity tools and facilities.
   The special aspect of the study was the learning method application using the cloud
version of the Maxima system that was posted on a virtual desktop. In the first case
study (with the local version), this tool was applied only in special training situations.
In the second case study (the cloud version) the students’ research activity with the
system extended beyond the classroom time.
   The cloud-based learning component used in the experiment has undergone a qual-
ity estimation. The method of learning resources quality estimation developed in the
joint laboratory of educational quality management with the use of ICT [7] was used
and adapted for this study. The 20 experts were specially selected as having experi-
ence in teaching professional disciplines focused on the use of ICT and being in-
volved in the evaluation process. The experts evaluated the electronic resource by two
groups of parameters. The first group contained 7 technological parameters: ease of
access; clarity of the interface; sustainability; support of collaborative work, ease of
integration; mobility; and usefulness. The second group contained 9 psychological
and pedagogical parameters: the scientific clarity; accessibility; fostering the intellec-
tual development; problem orientation; personalization; adaptability; methodical use-
fulness; professional orientation; and feedback connection. The results of the quality
parameters valorisation and the experts’ concordance research are described in [9].
   The problem was: is it reasonable and feasible to arrange the environment in a pro-
posed way? For this purpose, there were two questionnaires proposed to an expert
concerning two groups of parameters. The 20 experts estimated 16 parameters (there
were 7 technological and 9 psychological and pedagogical among them). A four-point
scale (0 (no), 1 (low), 2 (good), 3 (excellent)) was used for the questions.
   The resulting average value was calculated for every parameter among the techno-
logical ones : “Ease of access” = 2.1, “Interface clarity” = 2.4, “Responsiveness” =
2.1, “Sustainability” = 2.56, “Support of Collaborative work” = 2.0, “Ease of Integra-
tion” = 2.0, “Usefulness” = 2.8, the total value was 2.3 [9].
   The resulting average values for every psychological and pedagogical parameter
was calculated as: “Scientific clarity” = 2.6, “Accessibility” = 2.7, “Fostering the
intellectual development” = 2.5, “Problem orientation” = 2.8, “Personalization” = 2.8,
“Adaptability” = 2.6, “Methodical usefulness” = 2.81, “Professional orientation” =
2,75, “Feedback connection” = 2,75. The total value was 2.71 [9].
   The resulted average criterion of EER quality K=2,59. This characterises the re-
source quality as sufficient for further implementation and use [8, 9].
   We can see that the results of the cloud-based component evaluation by the set of
technological and also psychological and pedagogical indicators reveal the usefulness
of this component to support the investigative approach to learning. The highest
scores of the parameters’ values are “Scientific clarity” = 2.6, “Accessibility” = 2.7,
“Fostering the intellectual development” = 2.5, “Problem orientation” = 2.8, “Person-
alization” = 2.8, “Adaptability” = 2.6, “Methodical usefulness” = 2.81, “Professional
orientation” = 2,75, “Feedback connection” = 2,75. Just these kinds of indicators are
the most important and “responsible” for the investigative activity of the learner. This
fact also supports the hypothesis that the introduction of SCM into the learning pro-
cess in particular within the cloud-based settings really extends the boundaries of the
students research activities expanding it into the broader context.

3.2    The experimental Results of Using CoCalc for Learning Mathematics
       Disciplines in Pedagogical University
The application of cloud services leads to the emergence and development of forms of
training organization focused on joint educational activities on the Internet. It is
shown that cloud services in the training of pre-service mathematics teachers are ex-
pediently used as tools for:

─ communication (synchronous – chats, voice and video; asynchronous – mail, fo-
─ collaboration (data access, sharing and collaboration with other users),
─ storage and processing of data.

The trends for using CoCalc in the training of mathematics teachers-to-be are as fol-

─ organization of educational communication;
─ support of individual and group forms of organization of educational activities
  (classroom and extracurricular);
─ support of training management;
─ providing visibility by constructing different interpretations of mathematical mod-
  els, visualizing mathematical abstractions, etc.;
─ providing accessibility and knowledge using the shared interface for access to en-
  vironmental objects and reliable open source software;
─ increase in time and spatial mobility; the formation of a single learning environ-
  ment, the content of which develops in the learning process.

The control and experimental groups were formed as follows: the control groups (CG)
included the students trained according to the traditional method of mathematics
teachers’ professional competencies formation; the experimental groups (EG) includ-
ed students trained according to the author's technique for using CoCalc as a training
tool for mathematics teachers’ pre-service training.
   Summarizing the obtained results of the confirmatory stage of the pedagogical ex-
periment, it can be argued that:

─ the vast majority of students and teachers have the opportunity to work with the
  cloud-based CoCalc service both at universities and at home;
─ students in most cases do not use cloud services in the learning process, except for
  their use as cloud storage;
─ students are interested in implementing the CoCalc cloud service in the learning
  process, but students are not ready for this;
─ students at the beginning of the experiment showed a low level of information and
  technological and subject-pedagogical competencies formation, sufficient mathe-
  matical competencies;
─ students and teachers use only free software tools (mostly local computer mathe-
  matics systems).

The following components of the subject, technological and professional-practical
competencies were examined: subject-pedagogical, informational-technological and
mathematical competencies. Each component was considered separately, and the
values were calculated according to the levels: high, sufficient, average and low. For
data analysis, matches (at the initial stage of the experiment) and differences (after the
forming stage of the experiment) of the experimental and control group characteristics
were determined according to Fisher's criterion. For this purpose, statistical hypothe-
ses were formulated: the absence of differences between the levels of formation of the
individual components of the system of professional competencies and the signifi-
cance of differences between the levels of formation of selected components.
   Analyzing the obtained results at the summarising stage of the experiment, it can
be concluded that the levels of formation of professional competences of mathematics
pre-service teachers in control and experimental groups coincide with the level of
significance α=0,05.
   Comparing the levels of the formation of professional competencies in the control
and experimental groups at the beginning of the formative stage and at the end of the
experiment, one can observe an increase in the proportion of students with high and
average levels of professional competence.
   The cloud-based learning component with the use of CoCalc has undergone a qual-
ity estimation by the same method and the same set of indicators as the Maxima sys-
tem learning component.
   The resulting average value was calculated for every parameter among the techno-
logical ones (Fig. 2): “Ease of access” = 2.3, “Interface clarity” = 2.0, “Responsive-
ness” = 2.1, “Sustainability” = 2.3, “Support of Collaborative work” = 2.6, “Ease of
Integration” = 2.0, “Usefulness” = 2.6, the total value was 2.27.

Fig. 1. The average value was calculated for every parameter among the technological indica-
                                       tors for CoCalc

   The resulting average values for every psychological and pedagogical parameter
was calculated as (Fig. 3): “Scientific clarity” = 2.5, “Accessibility” = 2.4, “Fostering
the intellectual development” = 2.4, “Problem orientation” = 2.3, “Personalization” =
2.6, “Adaptability” = 2.4, “Methodical usefulness” = 2.6, “Professional orientation” =
2,5, “Feedback connection” = 2,7. The total value was 2.49 [9].
    Fig. 2. The average values for every psychological and pedagogical parameter indicators for

   The resulted average criterion of EER quality K=2,38. This characterizes the re-
source quality as sufficient for further implementation and use. It shows that these
components don’t seem to have quite different differ scores by approach even being
implemented for different tasks and disciplines. The CoCalc component still has ra-
ther high scores by “Support of Collaborative work” and by “Feedback connection”
and “Personalization”. This ensures an individual approach to learning with the use of
this tool.

4        Conclusions and Discussion

The results of the study indicate certain movement in the development of new ways to
create and use the software for educational purposes.
   The use of mathematical packages to support the investigative approach to learning
involves (I) understanding of the problems of the learning domain for proper use of
SCM; (II) understanding the methodology of developing the algorithm from the
mathematical statements and formation of the ability to apply this methodology; and
(III) the ability to carry out the estimation of the algorithm `at run-time and memory
requirements. In this case, SCM is to provide the tools for modelling and research of
the domain objects in the learning process, to make experiments and approve the re-
   The introduction and design of the cloud-based learning components into the pro-
cess of training contributes to the growth of access to the best examples of electronic
resources and services to support the research activities and person-oriented approach
within the learning process. The use of these technologies adds and provides an op-
portunity to explore and develop an investigative approach to learning, which in turn
leads to the development of new strategies and methodology of teaching of mathemat-
ics and computer science disciplines in educational universities. It brings the possibil-
ity to expand the investigative activity of students beyond the classroom, to provide
the tools for modelling and research of the domain objects in the learning process,
widening the spectrum of research activity due to the content fundamentality and
interdisciplinary links establishment.
   There are the tendencies of more active use of the cloud-based platforms for the
software delivery, wider use of services virtualization, as well as their delivery as a

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