Attitude to the Digital Learning Environment in Ukrainian Universities Olena Kuzminska1, Mariia Mazorchuk2, Nataliia Morze 3 and Oleg Kobylin2 1 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2 Kharkiv National University of RadioElectronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine,, 3Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine, Abstract. Needs of digital transformation requires specific flexibility from modern universities to ensure the society demands implementation through in- novative teaching and IC-technologies. Modern universities create a digital learning environment to support studying activities. This research presents an experts’ estimate of the current condition and perspectives of universities digital studying environments in Ukraine. We verified the theoretical model structure of the university digital studying environments by means of the empirical data factor analysis. We studied the components of the existing learning environ- ment and enabling environment and compared them to the results of our previ- ous research. We proved the digital learning environment theoretical model was correct. We proved that visions of students and teachers correspond to the key trends accelerating higher education technology adoption. We assume the digi- tal learning environment development benefits overcoming significant chal- lenges impeding higher education technology adoption. Keywords: Digital Learning Environment, University, Survey, Factor Analysis, Education. 1 Introduction The biggest digital transformation ever occurs right now. Unfortunate countries and enterprises those won’t be able to adapt are done for. The Global Competitiveness Report 2018 claims that the promise of leveraging technology for economic leapfrog- ging remains largely unfulfilled [1, p.9]. A number of organizations require help to envision, structure, and sequence successful digital transformation efforts [2]. Strong institutions are a fundamental driver of both productivity and long-term growth. Their benefits extend well beyond economics, affecting people’s well-being on a daily ba- sis. Thus the question of the educational system improvement and transformation becomes more than urgent, as it’s connected to preparing the competitive profession- als at the observed tendency for digital technologies development [3]. Needs of digital transformation requires the flexibility of modern universities to ensure the implementation of society demands through innovative teaching and IC- technologies. Leveraging these technologies requires not only the creation of the digital learning environment [4], but also changes in the educational process. The tools to assess competitiveness, along with traditional concepts (such as ICT and physical infrastructure, macroeconomic stability, property rights, years of school- ing) become crucially important concepts those go in a row with an entrepreneurial culture, multi-stakeholder collaboration, critical thinking, and social trust [1, p.7]. All these factors together influence the universities’ competitiveness. Under a condition of the education system digital transformation enabling environment is meant to be- come the university digital learning environment (DLEs) with its following integra- tion to the global digital environment. Digitalization of the educational environments will improve the university compet- itiveness, that is important both for the students who decide on what university to choose and for the universities interested in attracting potential students, best teachers and researches, investments and grants. This research aims to prove the theoretical model of the university digital environ- ment structure and evaluate its relevance and perspectives for universities in Ukraine. 2 Theoretical Background Existing research studies in higher education proved that it’s easier to engage students to learn with when ICT [5, 6]. The universities’ key priority is improving their digital environment, that would support new academic policy, practices and technological landscape [7]. Accepting the digital learning environment in many ways depends on the educational trends and the most recent educational requirements. However, the technologies are also important for DLEs development. Digital learning environments include any set of digital tools and technology-based methods that can be applied to support learning and instruction [8]. We can claim that DLE is a next stage for the e- learning environment and the virtual learning environment [9], however, some re- searchers use these terms as synonyms. Universities and non-commerce organizations research on designing and developing digital learning environments and their effectiv- ity. The digital learning environment Manifesto from the Edutainme aims to proclaim the principles of how to create digital learning environments, where the student will be a performer of his own learning, entitled to influence his own growth [10]. DUCAUSE (e.g., generation-digital-learning-environment-ngdle) helps elevate the impact of IT, thus the next generation digital learning environment (NGDLE) concept seeks for a bal- ance between the openness of learning and the need for coherence in the environment and emphasizes personalization, collaboration, and accessibility/universal design – all essential to learning. The university digital learning environment on different levels can be indicated by electronic scientific and educational resources, communication in the scientific and educational environment, management of scientific and educational activities, the formation of new scientific and educational relations, competences. An international Project IRNet studied its participants' evaluation indicators of the digital environment in various universities and IC-competencies [11]. Herewith, the projects on improving the digital learning environments require both the teachers and students to participate in ( As soon as the students order educational service, and the teachers are responsible to provide these services at a great level, they become the categories to ask for an expert estimate of the higher education level and its components [12]. This assumption corresponds to the quality management principles of ISO quality management standards [13], namely QMP 1 – Customer focus and QMP 3 – En- gagement of people. 3 Methodology of Research 3.1 General Design There exist various approaches to define the university digital environment compo- nents [14]. This paper considers the university digital learning environment as a clus- ter of components, which structure was modeled and proved by Ukrainian researcher L. Panchenko [15]. The author distinguishes such components as available equipment and Internet access (space-semantic component), students and teachers information competency (competency component), communication, and organization of the learn- ing process (technological). As far as the received results validity depends on the research reproducibility [16] we conduct the repeated expertise on the mentioned components, taking into account the changes occurred lately. The MC Horizon Report claims there exist consistent educational trends, new trends appear all the time, and some trends and issues reappear over time [3, рр. 4-5]. For example, the need in growing focus on measuring learning and redesigning learning space is still immedi- ate. The requirements to the open educational resources (OER) and their proliferation change the requirements of cross-institution & cross-sector collaboration; rise of new trend. The new forms of interdisciplinary studies step forward. The modern universi- ties react to the changing requirements. The technology development (open source software for scientific communication), wider access to the external resources (scien- tific platforms and databases), rising demands and educational requirements from the students and such objectives as academic mobility and scientific cooperation, includ- ing the international cooperation, lead to specifying the components of the suggested theoretical model. The common tendencies rely on the transformation of the educa- tional and information environments into the digital one, information competency into the digital competency, communication in education, that is not limited to the univer- sity environment. Scientific researches in the field of advancing cultures of innova- tion, advancing digital equity plays an even more important part. To understand the attitude of the Ukrainian teachers and students to the universi- ties’ digital learning environment we put together a set of the theoretical model com- ponents. - Space-semantic: Available Internet access, good traffic, equipped studying rooms, hostings, and educational platforms, particularly LMS, e-library, institutional repository, e-conference system, access to the wiki-portal and corporate accounts, etc. - Technological: educational resources integration (e-library, OJS edition, reposi- tories, etc.), content development and delivery, access to the external educational sources, scientific databases, well- organized consultation and expert estimation sys- tem, creating the educational program according to the educational requests from the students, monitoring and tweaking the processes of using the environments for indi- vidual work, applying e-learning, project-based learning, blended learning, collabora- tive learning, combined formal and informal learning, shared research work, etc. - Communicative: scientific and educational communication through email, cor- porate resources (websites of departments professors, and conferences, corporate clouds, e-libraries, etc.), external resources (social networks and services, forums and communities, e-conferences, etc.), consulting, experts’ evaluations. - Competency-based: the level of digital competencies through self-evaluation, peer-to-peer evaluation, e-portfolio, achievements recognition, motivation and train- ing those who can improve the level of digital competency. The authors of the article claim, that the defined challenges impeding higher edu- cation technology adoption can be solved by building and applying the digital learn- ing environment. Thus, the digital learning environment contributes authentic learning experiences, improving digital literacy, adapting organizational designs to the future of work, advancing digital equity. Research Tasks: 1. Provide a theoretical model of the university digital educational environment ex- pertise and to build a statistical factor model of the university digital environment. 2. Analyze if the digital educational environment of the Ukrainian universities corre- sponds to the digital and educational trends. Assumptions: 1. The digital environment model planned to build using the statistical methods and models corresponds to the suggested theoretical model. 2. The universities digital environments development reacts to modern technologies and educational trends. That is also one of the tools to overcome the challenges impeding higher education technology adoption and to improve on the higher edu- cation quality. 3.2 Instruments and Participants We performed the expert estimate of the university digital environment by means of online inquiry and in-depth interview (in case if we needed elaborateness). We dis- tributed the survey ( ) with mailout and spe- cific-purpose contacts with the educational institutions. To perform the expertise of the university digital environment for our research we invited masters and teachers (professors) from the best universities of Ukraine (where 70% are research universities). Mostly, our respondents’ occupations lie in the field of Mathematics, Computer programming, IT (28%), Education (22%), those are consid- ered to be the top-priorities in Ukraine. The age, gender, and positions of the sampled population represent the real situation in the educational institution: there are more students and teachers, the age of students and teachers corresponds to the age-grade in general, there are more women among the respondents that is natural gender correla- tion for the educational institutions in Ukraine. The research didn’t take into account the connections between the features, fields of occupation and the educational institu- tions, that is why it can’t be considered from that point of view. Mostly, our respond- ents had assessed to the computers and to the international scientific databases. The non-sampling error on the studied features didn’t exceed 9% (123 person). The full list of the estimated features that reflect personal data of respondents is provided in Table 1. Every feature has calculated beforehand descriptive statistics and constructed frequency distributions. Table 1. The main characteristics of the respondents Knowing the level of the respondents’ digital competency is essential to conduct an estimation of the digital educational environment. Mostly, our respondents evaluated heir levels as middle and advanced proficiency [17]. In addition to the questions on the research topic, they had to answer if they had registered profiles in the scientific databases such as Web of Science (WOS) or Scopus, personal profiles in the Re- searchGate social network, publications in the online journals or experience in infor- mal education. We added these questions to understand if our experts are ready to overcome such challenges as advancing digital equity and participating cross- institution & cross-sector collaboration. The answers we received were mostly posi- tive. Those respondents who had no profiles in scientific databases or experience with online conferences and courses claimed they wished to have that experience and be- lieve in its importance. Herewith, we observe an obvious statistical connection be- tween the estimated level of the respondents’ digital competencies and the answers to the mentioned questions. Table 2 contains answers of our respondents. Table 2. Distribution of answers to questions about the level of competencies gained by re- spondents Thus, we can claim that aggregated values on the selection that we received corre- spond to the goals of our research. The level of competencies allows teachers and students (masters) who participated in our survey to be the experts. The questionnaire contained two question pools considering the students and teachers attitude to the educational information environment of the university, the need for the environment development, and the questions considering the respondents' personal data and competency level. The questions consider the university digital learning environment, which our theo- retical model consider as 4 interacting components. The questionnaire has 4 sections that correspond to 4 components: space-semantic, technological, communicative, and competency-based. Each section contains from 6 to 14 assertions. The respondents estimated if the mentioned components are available in their educational environ- ments (1st group of questions) from 1 to 4 points (where 1 stand for the poor level of availability, 2 is for middle level of availability, 3 is the enough level and 4 stands for the expert level). The respondents estimated the importance and availability of im- provement for the mentioned components (2nd group of questions) from 1 to 3 points (where 1 stands for low, 2 for the middle, 3 for high). For example, respondents have a request “Please rate the proposed components of the environment on a scale of 0-4” and several assertions such as: “Your university has access to broadband internet”, “You can access the internet in every lecture hall in your university”, etc. 3.3 The Methods and Models of Data Processing The choice of methods is determined by the purpose of the study. We needed to pro- cess a rather large array of statistical data and identify the main patterns. During the research, we applied the methods of descriptive statistics to find the frequency distri- bution and to define the central tendency rates. To prove the hypothesis we stuck to the statistical inferences methods and models. The method selection based either on the type of the scale used for estimation or on the datatype of the features we had to estimate. To analyze connections between the features we applied the methods of correlation and regression analysis. The calculations were conducted based on the sampled population, and the statistical results were verified at the 95% integrity level. During the study, it was necessary to consider a large number of variables that de- scribe the digital environment of the universities. However, it is difficult to identify patterns in a large array of features without data reduction. With factor analysis, we managed the empirical data received in the survey, performed the data reduction and shortened the number of features, in order to study the received model structure of the educational environment of the university. The factor analysis was performed in ac- cordance with the basic stages: defining the preliminary features to be reduce, build- ing a correlation matrix to find the connection between the elements, defining the methods of data reduction, choice and explanation of the main factors, calculations and interpretation of the results we received. The analysis is not reliable if the basic requirements for the reliability of data and measurement scales are not taken into account. To estimate the reliability of suggest- ed scales we used the intraclass correlation coefficients so that later we could calcu- late the ‘intra respondents’ estimates of reliability. To find out the internal consistency in the survey we found the Cronbach's alpha and Spearman-Brown coefficient. The calculations were done mostly using SPSS software [18, 19]. 4 Results of Research 4.1 The Results of a Survey Reliability Estimate At the first stage of our research, we estimated the reliability if the respondents’ an- swers and analyzed what different kind of analysis we can apply. For the questions on the university digital learning environment, we performed separate analysis considering the availability of required components in their learning environments. Just the same we performed a separate analysis on the components’ level of development and on ways to improve some component. For both these questions the Cronbach's alpha and Spearman-Brown coefficients were quite good: Cronbach's alpha — 0.981 and 0.978; Spearman-Brown — 0.902 and 0.861. According to the correlation matrix we built, the correlation of some points of the survey was equal to 0.78-0.79. That means, that the features used to build the theoretical model shared common agents that can be combined. The received numbers are reliable, that we proved with the Fisher coefficient equal to p<0.05. 4.2 Using Factor Analysis to Model the Informational and Educational Environment of the University At the next stage, we leveraged the factor analysis based on the method of main com- ponents [20, 21]. This method allows reducing the number of features that describe the university digital learning environment in accordance with a theoretical model build before. The factor analysis validity was proved both when evaluating the re- spondent’s answers and based on query obtained from the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin meas- ure of sampling adequacy and Bartlett’s test of sphericity [18]. Besides that, we calculated these criteria for the questions that consider the availa- bility of the required components (group 1) and the importance of components devel- opment and improvement (group 2). The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy for the questions in the 1st group is equal to 0.9. High criteria value (from 0.5 to 1) proves that the factor analysis was viable in this case. Low values (less than 0.5) prove that the factor analysis is not beneficial for the specific situation. Thus, for our case, we can use the factorial analy- sis. The Bartlett’s value of sphericity is equal to 9132.97 at df=2080, that is large for the р<0.001 level, and also proves that factorial analysis is beneficial for this specific case. The value of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin criteria for the questions of the 2nd group is equal to 0.802. The Bartlett’s value of sphericity is equal to 8599.164 at df=2080, that is large for the р<0.001 level. This group is also appropriate to use the factor analysis. At the next stage, we defined a number of factors. There are several methods to do so, such as to calculate the proper values, or to use a scree plot and Kaiser’s criterion [18]. However, for this research, we considered the worked through the information of the problem structure that we received from the previous stages of the research and confirmed that structure with statistics (namely, with the sampling variance percent- age). As a rule, the researchers recommend selecting the number of factors that sam- ples at least 60% of the variance. Based on the environment expertise results and theoretical analysis we received be- fore, we selected the 4 factor model of the university digital learning environment that has such components as special equipment and Internet access, educational websites and portals, teachers’ and students’ digital competencies and communication, and a well-organized process of education. According to the sampling variance percentage criteria, we can claim that 4 factors for the 1st group of questions sample over 60% of the variance (63.51%), and almost 60% for the 2nd group 58.27% (see tables 3 and 4). In these tables, you can also find the sampling variance percentage after we turned the matrix of main components. The numbers in the ‘variance %’ column proves that the components we’ve built are quite informative. We can see that in the 1st group of questions 3 groups of components sample the part of variance (20.85%, 17.07% , 16.2%), while for the 2nd group the distribution is more smooth between 2 first components (16.76%, 16.53%) and 2 following com- ponents (13.82% , 11.16%). Thus, some factors in the information environment corre- late more, and so explain the percentage of the factors variation, while the importance of development is the same for all components. For the factor rotation, we utilized a common rotation method “varimax” that minimizes the number of variables with high values and increases the possibility for factor interpretation. Table 3. The percentage of sampling variance for the 1st group of questions that consider the availability of required components in the learning environments Load sum of squares after rota- Com- Load sum of squares extraction tion po- Whole % Summary Whole % Summary nent Total variance % Total variance % 1 30.156 46.394 46.394 13.554 20.852 20.852 2 5.399 8.306 54.7 11.097 17.072 37.924 3 3.248 4.997 59.697 10.529 16.199 54.122 4 2.48 3.816 63.513 6.104 9.391 63.513 Table 4. The percentage of sampled variance for the 2nd group of questions that consider the importance of the development of components and the ways of how can be improved Load sum of squares after rota- Com- Load sum of squares extraction tion po- Whole % Summary Whole % Summary nent Total variance % Total variance % 1 28.019 43.106 43.106 10.894 16.76 16.76 2 4.35 6.692 49.798 10.741 16.525 33.285 3 3.022 4.649 54.447 8.985 13.824 47.109 4 2.482 3.818 58.265 7.251 11.156 58.265 At the following stage, we received rotated solutions of the factor matrix, that allowed us to combine the features according to the results of the factor values of the 4 sepa- rate components. In tables 5 and 6 you can see the fragments of the factor loadings, as they were quite a lot of features for every group. We should also mention that the features for the groups 1 and 2 were grouped with different approaches, so the main components were interpreted separately. Table 5. A part of the factor loads matrix of the learning environment model those correspond to the availability of components in their learning environments (Group 1) Components Features 1 2 3 4 Teachers’ usage of Internet social services 0.825 0.066 0.211 0.107 Participation in scientific communities in the uni- versity 0.806 0.024 0.209 0.283 Students’ participation in scientific social networks 0.806 0.143 0.175 0.196 Teachers’ participation in scientific social networks 0.801 0.1 0.26 0.116 Teachers’ participation in the professional Internet- communities 0.778 0.158 0.311 0.162 Students’ participation in the professional Internet- communities 0.738 0.298 0.357 0.075 Searching and inviting the experts (scientific con- sultants, mentors, etc.) 0.734 0.226 0.33 0.264 Consultations and reviewing, in particular at the webinars and in Internet-communication 0.696 0.305 0.369 0.098 Students’ publications in online journals 0.687 0.116 0.377 0.146 Students’ participation in online conferences 0.684 0.223 0.385 -0.108 Students’ usage of Internet social services 0.681 0.069 0.161 0.004 Teachers’ publications in online journals 0.677 0.111 0.381 0.075 Teachers’ participation in online conferences 0.675 0.156 0.421 -0.021 Teachers’ usage of emails, in particular, the corpo- rate accounts 0.602 0.131 0.182 0.25 Students’ usage of emails, in particular, the corpo- rate accounts 0.594 0.174 0.12 0.161 Systematic publications of records about the com- pleted plans, scientific activities, cooperations, etc. 0.537 0.367 0.2 0.366 Table 6. A part of a matrix of the factor loads of the learning environment model those corre- spond to the availability of components in their learning environments (Group 2) Components Features 1 2 3 4 The level of students’ digital competency 0.832 0.267 0.195 0.079 Experience utilizing digital competencies in scien- tific work 0.814 0.26 0.286 0.097 Training courses on boosting digital competencies for teachers 0.8 0.317 0.183 -0.041 Presentation of the teachers’ achievements (e- portfolio) 0.795 0.163 0.18 0.292 Self-estimate of the digital competence 0.793 0.18 0.248 0.196 The level of teachers’ digital competency 0.789 0.074 0.2 0.188 The research results approbation 0.788 0.307 0.196 0.126 Publishing the results of scientific researches 0.781 0.229 0.209 0.249 Training courses on boosting digital competencies for students 0.769 0.31 0.226 0.132 Recognition of results in the scientific community: personal profiles in scientometric databases, certifi- cates, patents, etc. 0.753 0.12 0.157 0.261 Support from the IT-departments 0.728 0.289 0.291 0.115 Presentation of the students’ achievements (e- portfolio) 0.718 0.455 0.207 -0.017 Distant learning 0.676 0.128 0.213 0.278 We defined the variables that have high load values on the same factor. Then, we analyzed this factor considering the mentioned variables. We also interpreted the variables’ graphics, those coordinates the factor loads (Figure 1.). Group 1 Group 2 Fig. 1. The graph of the contribution of characteristic values to the main components: groups 1, 2 (Source: Own work) As a result, we received a confirmation for the university digital learning environment theoretical model we built, as with small deviations we managed to combine and group features into four components. Here we suggest a data interpretation of receive four-factor model for the 1st and 2nd groups. We found a common factor that corresponds to the competency-based component that we defined both rot 1s and 2nd groups. To the 2nd group got an addi- tional element “distant learning” (see Table 6), that we can explain as the readiness of teachers and students for self-education and online study mode. Today, (group 1) the face-to-face courses are used mostly for improving the level of competencies in the universities. The other factors for the 1st and 2nd groups differ. The second factor (group 1) has high factor loads connected by technological and space-semantic component. The respondents in the available environment do not dis- tinguish the space-semantic component, yet consider the technological component as an optimal combination of infrastructure, resources topology and educational technol- ogies. The third factor (group 1) corresponds to the communicative component that has features of scientific communication by means of digital technologies (Table 5). This component also included the variables connected to the returns automation and systematic academic and scientific journals declaration, and students and teachers mobility (technological component). Thus we can make an assumption on the availa- bility of communication management from the university. The fourth factor (group 1) we would explain as collaborative and research component, as it contains the varia- bles of monitoring and correcting the process of environment usage for self-guided work, formatting the messages of education according to the student’s requests, learn- ing in cooperation, applying inquiry-based learning, using e-library, wiki-portal, and availability of internet traffic. Thus, we can argue defining a component that com- bines separate features of space-semantic, technological, and communicative compo- nents and corresponds to trends in education. Among the factors of university digital environment development (group 2) space- semantic component corresponds a lot to the theoretical model. The respondents as- sume that building a modern infrastructure and resources topology is a basis to build the university digital environment. The third factor included the variables connected to the educational and scientific communication (communicative component) and organization of the process of education (technological component). In the improved environment (group 2), the respondents consider communication resources and peda- gogic strategies to be a part of the technological process. For example, preparation, organization, and participation in the conferences must be conducted in terms of learning (self-conducted work), researching, and leveraging training projects. The fourth factor, that we can call communicative and dissemination, has such features are participating scientific societies, using the social services, wiki portals, creating and supporting websites of departments, participating research projects, etc. Thus, we can assume this component to mostly correspond to the communicative component. Though, at the same time, it includes some features of the competency-based compo- nent, connected to the presentation of the achievements and reports automatization. 4.3 Development Analysis of the Ukrainian Universities Digital Learning Environment Comparing to the environmental expertise of 2013 [15] we can claim the results re- peatability. The model of the university digital learning environment that we received by leveraging the factor analysis corresponds to the theoretical model of the infor- mation and educational environment both for 1st and 2nd-factor groups. However, we observe the development that corresponds to modern requirements [3]. 3. The research of 2013 didn’t highlight the competency-based component. Though in the available environment (group 1) and in the improved environment (group 2) this component corresponds to the theoretical model. Therefore, it is possible to express assumptions regarding the strengthening of the competence potential of the digital learning environment. This doesn’t only support improving digital literacy but also advancing digital equity. 4. In 2013, 2 factors corresponded to the space-semantic component of the theoretical model. The respondents told off the topology of resources and It infrastructure, that can tell us about a probable lack of resources in the universities. Today, students and teachers do not tell off the space-semantic component, and its features are gen- erally considered together with the technological component. This can mean that the infrastructure, communication, and information support are sufficient, but the students are not involved enough. The teaching practices in the digital environment are generally created by teachers and oriented for the traditional process of educa- tion. In the improved environment (group 2) the space-semantic component corre- sponds to the theoretical model, and the respondents have clear requirements to the equipment and resources. This fact can be a basis to implement a course of indi- vidual studying and to start changes in the field of teaching considering the request and authentic learning experiences. 5. The technological component was defined in all groups, though its interpretation differs. In 2013 organization of the educational process depended on the teachers’ digital competencies. In the 1st group environment it’s the optimal combination of the infrastructure, resources topology and educational technologies. The improved 2nd group environment considers a scientific and educational communication as an educational technology. We can explain it with readiness to use digital environ- ment in cooperation, in network communities, to develop it with personal experi- ence to be up-to-date and correspond with trends in education, such as interdisci- plinary studies і cross-institution and cross-sector collaboration. 6. The communicative component is also defined in all groups. In 2013, in the 1st group, these components corresponded to the theoretical model, while in the im- proved environment (2nd group) it’s more about the outer communication that al- lows to making new connections, finding partners, experts, etc. The latest corre- sponds to the needs of cross-institution & cross-sector collaboration and adapting organizational designs to the future of work in the condition of digitalization. We should mention that distinguishing a component of collaboration and research in the 1st group environment can be a transition to the development of the communi- cative and dissemination component of the 2nd group. 5 Conclusions We used factor analysis to confirm the theoretical model. We used it to find 4 main components that group all the factors of the digital educational environment into such areas of focus as IT infrastructure and resources' provision, students’ and teachers’ digital competencies, scientific and educational communication between the students, teachers, and stakeholders, and educational process organization. Comparing to the results of similar researches, even if we take into consideration the global development of the distance learning, online courses, open electronic re- sources, and redesigning learning spaces, we observed no significant changes on the main factors during the 2013-2018. However, messages, contents, and scopes change. Both students and teachers claim that enabling digital learning environment as an improvement of the existing learning environment correlates to the mid- and long- term key trends accelerating higher education technology adoption: proliferation of open educational resources, the rise of new forms of interdisciplinary studies; advanc- ing cultures of innovation, cross-institution & cross-sector collaboration. Effective implementation of the digital learning environment, both at the stage of designing and applying its methods, helps to overcome significant challenges impeding higher edu- cation technology adoption. Thus it empowers implementation of authentic learning experiences and improving digital literacy (solvable); adapting organizational designs to the future of work, advancing digital equity (difficult). 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