=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2393/paper_274 |storemode=property |title=Application of Geographic Information Systems in the Field of Domestic Waste Management |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2393/paper_274.pdf |volume=Vol-2393 |authors=Olga Popova,Liubov Pankratova,Inesa Mikhno |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icteri/PopovaPM19 }} ==Application of Geographic Information Systems in the Field of Domestic Waste Management== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2393/paper_274.pdf
        Application of Geographic Information Systems in the
               Field of Domestic Waste Management

           Olga Popova1 [0000-0003-2642-9393], Liubov Pankratova2 [0000-0002-1403-9454 ] and
                                   Inesa Mikhno3 [0000-0003-3661-1965]
   SO “Institute for Economics and Forecasting, UNAS”, 26, Panasa Myrnoho, Kyiv, 01011,
                             Ukraine, olgpomail@gmail.com
      National University of Life and Environmental Science, 27 Heroiv Oborony st., Kyiv,
                      03041Ukraine, pankratova2105@gmail.com
  National University of Life and Environmental Science, 27 Heroiv Oborony st., Kyiv, 03022,
                           Ukraine, inessa.mihno@gmail.com

          Abstract. The algorithm of the application of Google Earth software tools for
          the processing of satellite data about storage facilities of domestic waste is de-
          scribed. The authorized areas of domestic waste and spontaneous dumps have
          been identified by number, area and characteristics in the city of Kyiv and in the
          suburban area. It was found that most dumps are located at a dangerously close
          distance from residential development, which in some cases exceeds the norma-
          tive indicators. The authors used the methodical approach in defining the area
          which is unsuitable for housing development and growing of agricultural crops
          as well as the area of environmentally destructive influence around the dumps.

          Keywords: geographic information system, geospatial analysis, tools capabili-
          ties, domestic waste, dumps, ecologically destructive influence.

1         Introduction

The main problem of waste management in Ukraine is that the predominant amount
of domestic waste is utilized by the landfill method, designed to gradually decompose
of waste in the natural environment. At the same time, the mass phenomenon is spon-
taneous garbage dump, which spreads rapidly throughout the area of country.
    It is as necessary to identify the placement of authorized landfills for storage of
municipal solid waste (MSW) on the territory as unauthorized dumps, to identify its
actual characteristics, to define the actual area of its ecologically destructive influence
on the residence of the population and agricultural land. The use of modern geograph-
ic information systems (GIS) allows conducting such identification and evaluation.
    It is important to build an algorithm for the detection of garbage landfills and
dumps with application of GIS tools capabilities and to evaluate the data obtained to
substantiate offers of the waste management in the country.

2      Theoretical and Methodological Backgrounds

    Nowadays GIS are widely used in different fields. There are many definitions for
a geographic information system. The most famous definition of Aronoff, S. (1989):
A GIS is a computer-based system that provides the following four sets of capabilities
to handle geo-referenced data:
          1. input,
          2. data management (data storage and retrieval),
          3. manipulation and analysis, and
          4. output [1].
    Y. Shokin and V. Potapov (2015) compared many definitions of GIS in scientific
literature and described GIS as an information system that provides for the collection,
storage and analysis of spatial information, that is, as a geographic information ser-
vice [2].
    The first developments of the virtual digital platform for Earth monitoring, known
as Google Earth today, appeared in 1998. The methods which are used to develop
algorithms for this platform have become typical in the development of other geo-
graphic information systems.
    Today, separate GIS and based on integrated GIS electronic atlases are used for:
    • monitoring of the state of land use and the assessment of the condition of agricul-
tural lands;
    • cadastral accounting of land, water, resources, as well as resources of forestry and
mineral deposits;
    • assessing the status of garbage landfills and detecting unauthorized dumps;
    • studying and evaluating biodiversity and ecological status of the territories;
    • detection of emergency situations (oil spill, fires, flooding, etc.).
    Modern researchers have expanded the scope of GIS. In particular, N. Sianko and
M. Small (2017), T. VoPham (2018) argue that geospatial data are useful in solving
problems associated with demography, population migration and health. T. Paientko
(2018) in her work shows the possibilities of using GIS in the development of reforms
in the field of public finance [5]. W. Zhou (2018) demonstrates applications of GIS
and remote sensing in landslide hazard assessment.
    The use of geospatial data has a number of undeniable advantages, the main of
which is that these data are available for free general use, as noted by H. Niska and A.
Serkkola [7].
    The constant growths of living standards in the world and the changes in consumer
goods have negative externalities, and H.W. Gottinger (2018) highlights the problem
of waste accumulation as one of them. It is important to respond in a timely manner to
the negative consequences of waste management, to identify areas of unauthorized
dumps. J.F. Salsa and J.L. Gallego (2018) emphasize the need to introduce monitoring
systems for the main places of its accumulation in dynamics. As T. Matsuda and Y.
Hirai (2018) confirm, monitoring the dynamics of waste quantity and its structure are
an effective method in developing scenarios to cover its negative effects. Correct
structuring of waste components can greatly facilitate its processing and reduce ex-
penditures of its utilization.

   O. Trofymchuk and V. Trysnyuk (2014) combines the methods of remote sensing
of the Earth and GIS for inventory of waste disposal area with methods of mathemati-
cal modeling and emphasize its importance for the comprehensive study of sources of
influence and ultimately for making well-considered decisions in improving the envi-
ronmental situation in the natural-technological system [11].
   Accumulation of significant volumes of data contributes to the development of the
intellectual analysis of geospatial data, which is provided on the basis of information
about the geospatial locations of objects in local and global systems of coordinates
and have a certain number of regularities and dependencies in large databases. Ana-
lytical capabilities of modern instrumental geographic information systems are quite
diverse. There is the mention by R.N. Clark and G.A. Swayze (2003) that several
dozens of different analytical procedures consist of package of blocks with advanced
analytical capabilities (packages ARC/ INFO, IDRISI, MGE, PCRaster), arise from a
possible simple time analysis and modeling. It should be noted that implemented in
different GIS packages analytical procedures have close components. It allows con-
sidering the method of GIS analysis, which is the main information potential, without
taking into account specifics of GIS packages [13].
   First of all, it is necessary in the study to select certain objects in space, in order to
limit the scope of research, using the functions of data selection. Such allocations can
be made spatially or on the basis of attribute data which are related to spatial objects.
The method of data selection is a request of spatial choice. These requests can be
combined or executed in a certain sequence to obtain the final result.
   Google Earth is a project of Google company that provides satellite imagery (or, in
some cases, aerial photos) over the entire terrestrial surface on the Internet. According
to N. Gorelick and M. Hancher (2017) photos of some regions have an unprecedent-
edly high resolution of images. Virtually the entire surface of the land is covered by
images which are obtained from Digital Globe and have a resolution of 15 m per pix-
el. Separate surface areas (capitals and some large cities) have even more detailed
permission. Data of terrain elevations have a clearance of about 90 m (about 30 m in
the US) horizontally and vertical accuracy – up to one meter.
   Google Earth uses Keyhole Markup Language (KML) markup languages to repre-
sent geospatial data. A KML file can contain (in the URL form) links to other KML
or KMZ files (KML file extensions) which are hosted on the network. It is possible to
specify conditions, the regularity of loading and displaying data from these sources
[15]. Objects inside the KML file can be organized in hierarchical structures of fold-
ers and subfolders in order to easy share or disable images of logically interrelated
groups of objects.
   Google Earth has a large arsenal of layers, there is the ability to manually select da-
ta to display, there are labels (marker and polygon) and various tools for processing
satellite data.
   The authors have developed a methodological approach to define the area of in-
tense pollution that is unsuitable for normal use (housing development and growing of
agricultural crops) due to the significant ecologically destructive influence of dumps.
For this purpose, it was used standards of State Construction Norms (SCN) V.2.4-2-
2005 "Polygons of municipal solid wastes: main provisions of design" (2015), which

states that the distance from residential and public building (sanitary protection zone)
should be 500 m, from agricultural land – 200 m. For calculations, the distance indi-
cator from the MSW landfill is 500 m. Although, in our opinion, this distance is not
sufficient for the comfortable residence of the population, especially with increasing
volumes of the MSW landfill outside.
   To simplify the calculations, it was assumed that the area of the polygon in the
form of a circle. Authors’ formulas were used, which are based on the calculations of
the circle area, where the radius is the sum of the radius of the landfill MSW and the
radius of the zone of its influence.
   The total area of the sanitary protection zone around the MSW landfill (including
the MSW landfill) can be calculated by the formula:

                           spz         (                                            (1)
    spz area of the sanitary protection zone (
     – area of     S landfill (

   It should be noted that similar dimensions of sanitary protection zone are installed
in Turkey and Greece – it is also 500 m, in Serbia is 1 km and in UK is 2 km.
   Zone of ecologically destructive influence of dumps on the residence of the
population is zone within which the inhabitants of the surrounding settlements
experience considerable discomfort due to the unfavorable state of the atmospheric air
(evaporation and stink) and water resources (unsuitability for drinking), and so it has
influence on their state of health. In our calculations we used standards of SCN V.2.4-
2-2005 "Polygons of municipal solid wastes: main provisions of design"(2015), which
defined that the distance between the MSW landfill and limits of the resort town, open
water reservoirs, reserves, resting places of migratory birds, sea coast should be 3000
m. In addition, according to the results of surveys which were conducted by us
inhabitants of villages near MSW landfills, outside the distance of 3000 m complaints
about the adverse influence and consequences are reducing (Fig.1).
   The total area of ecologically destructive influence zone of MSW landfill
(including the MSW landfill) is defined by the formula:

                                 edi       (                                        (2)
    edi        of ecologically destructive influence zone (
     – area of      S landfill (

                                                         10 ha, area
                                                         of MSW
                                                         500 m – the radius of
                                                         the sanitary protection

                                                         3000 m – the radius of
                                                         ecologically destruc-
                                                         tive influence

   Fig. 1. Scheme of zone of intense pollution and zone of ecologically destructive pollution
around MSW landfill.

   Authors offer to define efficiency of utilization of domestic waste by its processing
with the help of increase in the function of public welfare.

3      Identification of Dumps and Its Real Parameters with Use of

3.1    Case study of garbage polygons, calculation of sanitary protection zones
       and zones of ecologically destructive influence

The fire at MSW landfill in Lviv city demonstrated that Ukraine is on the edge of an
ecological catastrophe due to improper utilization of domestic waste. According to
official statistics for 2014-2017, there are 296-366 million tons of waste is produced
each year in Ukraine, by the end of 2017 more than 12.4 billion tons of waste has
been accumulated in specially designated places for its disposal [17].
   According to the calculations of zone of intense pollution (sanitary protection
zone) with standard distance of 500 m (according to formula 1), MSW landfill with an
area of 1 hectare (ha) leads to unsuitability of 98 ha of land for the residence of the
population and cultivation of agricultural crops, while landfill with an area of 10 he
transforms to the exclusion zone – 144.5 ha, etc. (Fig. 2).

     Area of MSW landfill, ha                                              317,0
          80                                                      275,8
          60                                             230,6
          40                                    177,8
          30                           144,5
          20                 123,1
    -1 -10 0          1         2        3        4        5          6      7        8   9
                                      Area of intense pollution, ha

            Fig. 2. The dynamics of the expansion of the area of intense pollution,
                          depending on the area of MSW landfill, ha

   According to calculations of zone of ecologically destructive influence with a de-
fined distance of 3000 m (according to formula 2), MSW landfill with an area of 1 ha
leads to unfavorable conditions for residence of population and decrease in the quality
of cultivated agricultural products on 2933.3 ha of land. For the size of a landfill of 10
ha, this area is growing to 3172.2 ha, etc.
   Definition of the area of ecologically destructive influence of MSW landfill and the
need for its legislative regulation, along with the currently established only sanitary
protection zone, is important, including for the compensation (material or otherwise)
for residents of the surrounding settlements. This tool will become more and more
important taking into account organized protests of residents against dumps near their
   It was used the tools capabilities of geospatial analysis with the help of Google
Earth service for the identification of dumps (including unauthorized ones) and its
characteristics on the territory of Kyiv city and in the suburban area.
   The "Placemark" tool is used to select and save data about the user-selected place
on the map. There are several types of marks in Google Earth, which are dot markers
in the form of a marker that has only one coordinate point and polygons with a certain
number of coordinate points on the plane. The polygon mark serves to highlight an
arbitrary shape object. Since the places of domestic waste storage occupy different
size of areas, location of garbage landfills and dumps were highlighted with the help
of the polygon mark (Fig. 3 and 4). The detected garbage landfills in Kyiv city and
the adjacent 20-kilometer area in the amount of 30 units are saved on the local disk as

    Further processing of the data involved the insertion of a shape-file into the QGIS
software environment (QuantumGIS – a free cross-platform geographic information
system) for transforming from a vector layer to a raster (rasterization). The prelimi-
nary steps are required to perform the sample, which involves segmentation (cluster-
ing) and classification (grouping) of satellite imagery.
    According to the Google Earth software, the following characteristics of MSW
landfills and dumps on the territory are investigated: perimeter and area of the landfill
or dump, changes which occur in the dynamics (for a certain period of time), perime-
ter and area of ecological destructive influence, distances to residential buildings and
agricultural land.
    According to data of satellite (a fragment of the satellite map is depicted in Fig. 3),
it is defined that the actual area of MSW landfill № 5 in Pidhirtsi village, Obukhiv
district, Kyiv region is 80 ha, while officially documented only 63.7 ha [18].
    The distance from the landfill to the residential zone is 450 m and to the cultivated
agricultural land is 700 m.

     Fig. 3. Cartographic image of MSW landfill № 5 in Pidhirtsi village of the Kyiv region

    Our calculations according to the formula (1) show that the total area of unsuitable
for agricultural use and the residence of population is 317 ha. The area of ecologically
destructive influence of landfill on the residence of population and agricultural land is
3857.0 ha.
    Similar researches on the construction waste landfill № 6 showed that it is located
within the city of Kyiv in the Holosiivskyi district not far from residential micro dis-
tricts and has an area of about 20 ha according to the satellite (Fig. 4), while accord-
ing to official documents is 11.6 hectares [18].
    It is established that the waste have significant part of domestic garbage that is not
specified in the operational documents. Domestic waste and scrap metal continues to
deliver to landfill. The active use of the polygon illustrates the dynamics of growth of
garbage and changes in its surface. However, there are no waste utilization and aera-
tion systems. The area near the landfill is an industrial zone and is guarded.

    Fig. 4. Cartographic image of landfill of construction waste № 6 in Kyiv city

   It should be noted that slightly distant of landfill № 6 to residential districts is only
200 m (while this distance for landfills with domestic waste should be at least 500 m
according to state design standards and to the city is 1 km). Taking into account the
significant share of domestic waste at the landfill, the total area of unsuitable for agri-
cultural use and residence of the population is, according to our estimates, is 177.8 ha.
   Taking into account the negative influence of the polygon on the ecosystem, the
conditions in the surrounding areas like the village Korchuvate, the National Museum
of Folk Architecture and the open-air "Pirogovo" and other neighbor districts are un-
favorable for residence and for rest of population. The ecologically destructive influ-
ence of this large storage landfill of construction and other wastes extends to the
whole Holosiivskyi district, which is not only densely populated, but also due to the
location of the Holosiivskyi Park and the wide forest with lakes, the Natural Park of
Feofania, the National Exhibition Center, a number of religious shrines, is an attrac-
tive place for the rest Kyiv citizens and guests of the capital. In addition, this area is
widely positioned as an ecologically clean area. Therefore, the landfill № 6 does not
contribute to the confirmation of the eco-image of this district.
   It is annually formed about 1.7 million tons of waste of І-ІV classes of danger in
Kyiv, from which 258.6 thousand tons are burned, that is, only about 16%, the rest is
accumulated in specially designated places for storage, that is, at the landfills [17].
   According to satellite data, 30 landfills and dumps in Kyiv city and at a distance of
20 km from the city cover an area of over 160 ha. According to our calculations (for-
mula 1), the area of intense pollution around landfills is 462.6 ha, and the area of eco-
logically destructive pollution is 4330.8 ha. It is obvious that low-yielding, unsuitable
for agrarian use land were allocated under the garbage landfills, but the negative in-
fluence of these landfills and spontaneous landfills extends to adjoining cultivated
agricultural lands and areas of population residence.

   3.2. Participation of stakeholders and its functions in the processing of domes-
tic waste

   The prevalence of waste storage/disposal in Ukraine doesn’t accord to European
practice and doesn’t approve by international community according requirements for
proper waste management. In particular, European Union strive to process over 20%
of plastic by 2030, and to make all packaging plastics easily processed (currently 65%
are processed) or reused.
   For a long time, the task of waste management in the country is urgent. According
to this aim, it is necessary to develop and purposefully implement the relevant organi-
zational and economic mechanism, with the involvement of GIS data and a defined
sequence of actions of so subjects as waste producers and other stakeholders.
   A wide range of stakeholders should be involved in setting up the garbage pro-
cessing with their functional responsibilities ( Fig. 5).



        Local                                                                         and
      authoritie            5
                                              recycling                            executive
          s                                                                          bodies

                                4                  3                         2

   Designation in the scheme:
   1. Introduction of the land market, the abolition of VAT on the import of garbage pro-
cessing technologies, the abolition of the profit tax for garbage processing enterprises
   2. Informing the public about the state of the environment using GIS, introducing penalties
for non-sorting of domestic waste
   3. Garbage sorting
   4. Public control over the activities of local authorities, definition of characteristics of enter-
prises for the processing of garbage
   5. Allocation of areas for storage and garbage processing on the basis of GIS observations
   6. Investing in garbage processing

                   Fig. 5. Participation of stakeholders in the garbage processing

   The following sequence of actions for improvement of domestic waste processing
is offered:
   1) A media advocacy company (television, radio, internet) which explains the ben-
efits of waste sorting and waste management options. At the same time, it is important
to demonstrate clearly the data of satellite observations about the danger of dumps
near the cities and villages for the life of its inhabitants and for the quality of agricul-
tural land;
   2) Implementation of ecological tax for the population;
   3) The combination of both of the above measures (i.e., a part of society will sort
domestic waste in accordance with the established procedure, and the other – will pay
penalties at sufficient quantity for the cost of sorting garbage).
   Since Kyiv, due to the large number of citizens, higher levels of their income and
consumption, produces a large amount of garbage per person, then it is advisable to
start implementation of sorting system and further processing of domestic waste ex-
actly in this city. It is necessary to build a modern complex of waste processing which
will be based on recycling. As experience of European countries shows, the average
level of profitability of MSW utilization plants is at the level of 3%. Other settlements
will support the initiative to organize the sorting and processing of waste if the com-
pany is successful.
   The components of the growth function of the public welfare from the implementa-
tion of the recycling and investment system in the processing of waste can be calcu-
lated by the formula:

                                     ,                                             (3)
         – improvement of the health of the population due to improvement of envi-
        – increase due to the production of qualified agricultural products from terri-
tories without influence of dumps because of taken actions;
        – the cost of raw materials which are produced by waste processing enterpris-
           increase of employment

   Offered components for calculating the growth function of the public welfare are
readily quantified and reflect the bulk of the effect of society on the establishment of
system for processing of domestic waste.
   The efficiency of utilization of waste by processing it from the standpoint of public
welfare is equal to:

                  ,                                                                  (4)

         – growth function of the public welfare;
       – increase of expenses for waste processing.

  Increase of expenses in the case of utilization of waste by proper processing is
equal to the sum of components:

             increase of time expense by population for waste sorting (monetary equiva-
          conducting a company to inform the mass media about advantages to intro-
duce garbage utilization by its processing;
         additional technique expenses;
         investments in garbage processing (the acquisition of equipment and tech-

   According to the current prevailing practice of waste storage, growth function of
public welfare is negative: the state of environment, the health status of inhabitants of
villages and cities in the places of the location of garbage landfills deteriorates; areas
where high-quality agrarian products can be produced are reducing.
   For example, according to calculations, investing of garbage processing is $ 1 mil-
lion that leads to growth function of the public welfare only at the expense of growing
volumes of agricultural production by 4.4 million dollars [19]. Such effect can be
received from one component of the public welfare function due to investing of waste
processing. Calculations of growth function of the public welfare for other mentioned
components are the subject of further research of the authors.

4        Conclusions

Modern tools of geographic information systems, and in particular the Google Earth
software, provide opportunities for identifying official waste landfills and spontane-
ous dumps, identifying its characteristics and defining the territory of ecologically
destructive influence.
   Using the Google Earth tools capabilities, it was formed the information base of
the identified 30 official waste landfills and spontaneous dumps on the territory of
Kyiv and in the 20-kilometer suburban area. Its actual area (total 160 ha), the distance
to residential buildings and the dynamics of changes have been identified. Relying on
its own methodological approach, it is defined that the area of intense pollution
around dumps that is unsuitable for residence development and growing of crops
within the boundaries of Kyiv and the suburbs is in 2.9 times bigger the area of
dumps, and the area of its ecologically destructive influence on the environment and
residence of the population is in 27 times.
   According to cartographic images from the satellite it was exceeded that the actual
area of waste landfills and dumps is above the documented area.
   Geospatial systems and geospatial analysis should be widely used in many spheres
of life. Using it, the authors formed an information base about available official MSW
landfills and spontaneous dumps and its actual characteristics. This research material

demonstrates and proves the importance of changes in the field of waste management
in Ukraine, namely, transition from the storage of domestic waste to its processing.

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